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Wind Power Generation Technology

Wind is very important and reserves of energy, it is safe, clean, and can provide abundant energy, stabilityof the stream. Now, use wind power has become the main form of wind, the world's attention, and the fastest. Wind energy technology is a high-tech; it relates more than a dozen of subjects, including meteorology,aerodynamics, structural mechanics, computer technology, electronic control technology, material science,chemistry, electrical engineering, electrical engineering, so the difficulty of a system technology may beyondthe difficulty of space technology.

First, The division of wind energy technologies:

Wind energy technology is divided into large-scale wind power technology and small and medium sizedwind power technology, although both are wind energy technology, working principles are the same, the twoindustries are completely different: specific performance of the "policy orientation is different in differentmarkets, different applications, applied technology is different, totally belong to the same kinds of industries inthe two sectors. Therefore, in China machinery industry meeting on the wind to large wind power and windpower to distinguish between small and medium treated separately. In addition, to meet different market needs,extending from the wind and solar technology has not only promoted the development of small wind powertechnology, but also for the small wind power opens up new markets.

1. Large-scale wind power technology:

The technology of large-scale wind power in China still has a certain gap between international.

The technology of large-scale wind power technology originated in Denmark and some other Europeancountries, the wind power industry propelled by the government, because of the local wind resource-rich,large-scale wind power technology and equipment ahead of the international development. Our governmenthas also started to boost the development of large-scale wind power technology, and a range of policies toguide industry development. Large-scale wind power technology are for the large-scale wind turbine design,

wind turbine applications for large area on the very strict environmental requirements are applied to limitedresources, wind energy resource-rich wind field, to accept a variety of perennial bad environment thatsomething was the complex nature of the environment, high demands on the technology up on the line.Currently large-scale wind power technology in general is not yet ripe, the core technology of large-scale windpower still rely on foreign, national policy guidance to the domestic wind power project launched in variousplaces, like crazy, all over look forward to slice.
