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●Do youlike animals?


●Do peoplein your country likeanimals?


●What animalsdo people like tokeepas pets in yourcountry? (Why)


●Is there any change rightnowparedwith the past?


●Do peopleof different age keep different animals as pets?



--Yes I do, but notallanimals、I prefer animals that aresmart,cut eand um,hairy多毛得,forexample dogs、Idislike those hairlessanimals, likesnakesand lizards、蜥蜴Theylook soscary, you know、I get goose bumps毛骨悚然wheneverIsee them、

--Well, generally yes、I thinkmostpeopleare fond of animals、And this can beseen from thefact that so manypeople keep animals as pets、But Ihave toad mit承认that somepeopleare cruel残忍得杀害to a nimals、I often read newsreports aboutsomeonemaltreating 虐待or even killing stray流浪dogs and cats、It’s really abhorrent【əb'hɔrət】可恶得behavior、

--As I know,themost monpetsare obviously dogs,all kinds of dogs, like pugs(哈巴狗), Peke(京巴),poodles(贵妇,贵宾),pit bulls(比特犬), huskies(哈士奇), chows(松狮), Pome/ranians(松鼠狗,博美犬),Samoyeds(萨摩耶),bulldogs, Chihuahuas, and cocker spaniels(可卡犬)、Inmyneighborhoods, 9o ut of10pets aredogs、And I think the mainreason why dogs are so well-likedis because they are great fun and smart,youknow, youca nteachthem todo some simple tricks技巧,andthey make great pany when youare lonely, and for children, they arewonderful playmat es,and one more thing,dogs areloyal to their master、So they’re in deed确实mankind’s bestfriend、

--Mum, well, Idon’t knowmuch about the past,butIsuppose one big changeis that morepeople keep exotic异国pets now days than before,li keGerman shepherd牧羊犬andPersiancat波斯猫、Idon’tthink people inthe pastcouldbuy suchpets、

--I’m not sure, but I guess so、For example, Ioften seeelderly people havep et birds, butI’ve neverseen any youngpeople keepthem、Anditseems to methatdogs arewell-likedamongall age-groups, yeah、2、Your hometown (Version1)

●What’syourhometown famous for?


●What do you like mostaboutyourhometown?


●Whatdo youthink needs improving(needstobe improved)inyo

ur hometown?


●Do you know anything aboutthe historyofyour hometown?

●Or: Do/did you learn about thehistory ofyour hometownat schoo




--My hometownis famous for its cuisine烹饪,especiallynoodles、Peoplein my hometownare justcrazy about noodles,andwe’ve got abo ut100differentkinds ofnoodles、And you canfindrestaurantsselling ournoodles all over thecountry、Myfavorite is a kindofhand-made noodles, which are very freshand chewy耐嚼得, andalso verytasty and nutritious, with friedpork mince炸猪排肉, a special sauce 酱油andshredded切丝vegetableslike cucumber黄瓜, and carrot胡萝卜、I like to add vinegar醋and fried chili辣椒powder粉末in it,giving it a very good sour酸得and spicy辛辣得taste, reallyappetizing!开胃得

--Thething I lovemost about my hometown is definitelythelandscape风景、Unlike Beijing, which isvery flat平坦, my hometown ishilly丘陵, with lotsofhillsandmountains、Theyaregreenall year round, very goodplaces forcamping, picnicking and hiking、Another thingIlove is the lifestyle, which is relaxed and not so stressful, pared withbigcit ies like Beijing andShanghai、

--Ithinkonething that really needs improvingis theurban environment、It’s notveryclean andtidy、Rubbish canbe seen everywhereinthe street and on the pavemen人行道t、Manypeople arelitterbugs乱认垃圾得人、Ithink the government should punishthosepeople who d roplitter乱丢废物,andput morelitter bins垃圾箱around the city、--Tobehonest, no、Local history isnot taught at school in mycountry、We only learnthenationalhistoryand a bitof world history at school、ButIthink it’s necessaryfor local schools to introduce local his toryinto their curriculum课程, becauseIthink it wouldbe a shame羞愧ifyoudidn’tknow anything about the historyof your home city、

3、Your major

●What’s your major?=What subject do/did you studyatuniversity?

●Is it popularin yourcountry?Or: Howpopularis itin yourc



●Whydidyou choose thesubject/major?


●Do youlike it?(Why?)


●Do you think it’s important to choose a major you like?
