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Marketing with integrity: ethics and the service-dominant

logic for marketing

Andrew V. Abela & Patrick E. Murphy

Received: 28 June 2007 / Accepted: 2 July 2007 / Published online: 21 August 2007 # Academy of Marketing Science 2007


This paper examines a tendency within existingmarketing scholarship to compartmentalize ethical issues. Italso shows how this tendency can cause ethical tensionsand conflicts in marketing practice. The emerging servicedominant(S-D) logic for marketing, as proposed by Vargoand Lusch, is explored as an example of an approach tomarketing that overcomes this tendency. The S-D logic isfound to be a positive development for marketing ethicsbecause it facilitates the seamless integration of ethicalaccountability into marketing decision-making. Specificrecommendations are made for improving the ethicalclimate in marketing using marketing performance measurementtheory and practice.

Keywords Ethical violations . Ethics . Integrity.Marketing ethics . Marketing performance measurement .

Service-dominant logic


Despite extensive and thoughtful effort devoted to marketingethics scholarship over the past several decades, theincidence of ethical violations in marketing practiceremains high. The effectiveness of current approaches tomarketing scholarship may be limited by the prevailingapproach to marketing ethics, which tends to separateethical analysis from marketing by overlaying such analysison top of existing marketing theory, rather than integratingit. Such an approach, in the context of the fragmentednature of contemporary marketing theory, can causenormative tensions for marketing managers that in turnresult in ethical violations. The service-dominant (S-D)logic, as proposed by Vargo and Lusch (2004a, b, 2006;hereafter VL), provides a more integrated approach tomarketing theory that reduces these tensions, enabling amore ethical foundation for marketing.Marketing ethics to dateMarketing ethics is ―the systematic study of how moralstandards are applied to marketing decisi ons, behaviors andinstitutions‖ (Murphy et al. 2005, p. xvii). According to amajor review article examining the marketing ethicsliterature during the 1960‘s and 70‘s, the main topicscovered included marketing research and managerial issues(e.g., purchasing; the four P‘s) and to a lesser extenttheoretical and consumer concerns (Murphy and Laczniak1981). These earlier approaches tended to take a normativeperspective, ―developing guidelines or rules to assistmarketers in their efforts to behave in an ethical f ashion‖(Hunt and Vitell 1986, p. 6). Subsequently, development oftheoretical models of marketers‘ ethical decision-makinginaugurated a
