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Module 6 Unit 2 Happy Halloween!


( 1)知识与能力

①词汇—全体学生能认读:Halloween, give, come in, of course, trick or treat

②全体学生能说: Can I have some sweets? Yes,you can./ Yes, of course或. Sorry, you can’ t.No, you can’t.

③全体学生能听懂: Happy Halloween!

( 2)过程与方法

通过 chant 导入,用游戏来操练、巩固词汇并尝试通过归纳,进一步完善食






①词汇—全体学生能认读: Halloween, give, come in, of course, trick or treat.

②全体学生能说: Can I have some sweets? Yes,you can./ Yes, of course或. Sorry,you can’ t.No, you can’t.

③全体学生能听懂: Happy Halloween!


全体学生能说: Can I have some sweets? Yes,you can./ Yes, of course或. Sorry, you can’ t.No, you can’t.

教法学法:TPR, Group work, Games, Practice,

Writing 教学媒体

PPT 课件,单词卡,简笔画,电脑,CD-ROM


( 1)热身,课前准备

T:Good afternoon!Boys and girls.

Ss:Good afternoon!Miss...

T:OK!Now look at the screen. Let ’s sing a chant and do the actions.Are

youready? Ss:Yes.

T:Let ’s begin.

(一边唱 chant 一边做动作)

T:Well done. This is a magic box. Look!Here, I prepare some food for you. Who can use this sentence “ CanI have some ...? ”to ask for the food. Who can try? Ss:Can I have some...?

( 学生说中就给他食物,并说 : “ Yes,you can.”魔法盒里没有的话,就说:

“ Sorry,you can’t.”)

T:Let’s play a guessing game. There is a western festival here. Western festival, what is it? Who know? Hands up(.电脑可以就换成播 1.Listen and chant)

Ss: 万圣节

T:How can we say it in English?


T:Yes,it’ s Halloween.(板书, point the blackboard.)

(跟读, Halloween,Halloween,Halloween)

T:Do you know something about Halloween?(Hands up)



T:Today let’s learn Module6 Unit2 Happy Halloween! I have lots of Halloween presents for you, so try your best to get more Halloween presents, OK?(肢体语

言) In the end, Let’s see who will be the winner?

T:Our friend Tom is coming. Let ’s see the CD-ROM and answer my two questions, OK?

What are these questions? Look at the screen! Question one: What can we say on Halloween? Question two: What can Tom get on Halloween?(PPT图片展示)

T:Now let ’s watch the CD-ROM(播放 35 页的内容)(播完之后)

T:Number 1: So question is here. What we can say on Halloween? On New Year,

we can say Happy New Year! Ss: Happy Halloween!

T:Once again.Happy Halloween!

Ss:Happy Halloween!

T:You did the good job. So, now Let ’s listen to the English song. Happy, Happy, Halloween ...(PPT 展示图片,唱两遍)

T:Now,there’ s another question for you.What can Tom get on Halloween?


Ss: Some sweets.

T:Good job.How can Tom get some sweets?He ask...what(.他问了什么问题才能得


(教师悄悄拿着卡片: Can I have some sweets?)

Ss:Can I have some sweets?

T:Yes,you can./Yes,of course做.(两个卡片自然过渡)

Once again.You can ask me“Can I have

some...?OK?” Ss:Can I have some sweets?

T:Yes,you can.贴(板书)

Ss:Can I have some sweets?


T:If I haven’t got any sweets, how can we answer?

Ss:No,you can’ t./Sorry,youcan’ t.

T: Excellent. Boys and girls, now listen and I prepare a dialog.

I prepare a picture talking for you. Lots of food. Sad face and happy face. Let’s look

at this picture, ask and answer. You ask. Look at this picture卡.(片双面展示,正面是


T:Can I have some toys?

Ss:(学生看背面说 )Sorry,you can’t.

T:Go ahead. So this one.

Ss:Can I have some vegetables?

Ss:Yes,you can.

Ss:Can I have some ...?

(bread,milk,tomato,egg,potato,juice,dumpling ...)

