



e. 电池组 i) 只允许使用一个TETRIX 可充电电池组,供电给HiTechnic 直流电机控 制器、HiTechnic伺服控制器、Samantha无线模块和可 视LED灯。 或 ii) 不超过2个的MATRIX电池组,供电给MATRIX 电机和伺服控制器。每 个电机和伺服控制器使用一个电池组。电池组必须供 电给独立的电路; 多个电池组不能并联或串联。
<G9> 单纯为了破坏、撞翻或缠住机器人和比赛场地元件的 策略和机械装置,违背了FTC的精神,所以不被允许。但是 ,FTC比赛互动性强,机器人面对面接触多,可预期到比赛 的激烈程度。一些机器人出现翻了、被缠住和损坏,在比赛 中难免会发生。如果裁定撞翻、纠缠或损坏行为是有意或习 惯性的,违规队伍将被重罚,并被禁用,和/或取消本回合的 比赛资格。重复违规的,取消该队伍参加剩下比赛的资格。 见<G19>。
检查时,机器人会被放进一个“机器人大小标准盒”中, 机器人必须能够放进盒子。
关于对机器人的限制,请阅读Part1中的6.2.2 机器人组件和材料的规则。
队伍可把机器人放在比赛场 有如下限制: 机器人开始比赛时,可以 完全在他们的联盟平台上 或完全在他们联盟驻停区 里。 每个联盟平台和驻停区可 能只有一个机器人。
f.使用MATRIX电子零件的机器人,只允许使用一个MATRIX电池箱,供 电给Samantha 无线模块。
关于其它机器人的限制,请阅读Part1中的 6.2.2机器人组件和材料的规则。
<R09>机器人马达和伺服必须受如下限制: a. 或者用TETRIX,或者用MATRIX电机和伺服控制器,搭建机器人,不能两者 都用。允许使用任何数量的TETRIX(HiTechnic)或 MATRIX电机和伺服控 制器,只要不超出对本身、NXT 以及软件的技术规格。电机控制器输出仅用 于直接控制直流电机。伺服控制 器输出仅用于直接控制伺服。

FTC 标准 2012

FTC 标准 2012


TDFTC自调温相变蓄能材料1 范围本标准规定了TDFTC自调温相变蓄能材料的标记、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、标签、使用说明书、包装、运输、贮存。



2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。



GB/T191 包装储运图示标志GB/T5486 无机硬质绝热制品试验方法GB 6566 建筑材料放射性核素限量GB 8624 建筑材料及制品燃烧性能分级GB 50325 《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》GB/T 9969 工业产品使用说明书总则GB/Tl4436 工业产品保证文件总则GB 18582 室里装饰装修材料、内墙涂料中有害物质限量JG158 《胶粉聚苯颗粒外墙外保温系统》国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第75号《定量包装商品计量监督管理办法》JGJ51 轻骨料混凝土技术规程JJFl070 《定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则》3 术语和分类3.1 术语下列属于适用于本标准3.1.1 TDFTC自调温相变蓄能建筑材料TDFTC自调温相变蓄能建筑材料是以硅质材料等作为骨架材料,合理选用并添加相变材料及其它辅助材料,经科学配比及特殊工艺复合而成的,具有隔声、防火、保温、隔热功能,并通过相变介质的相态变化,可在一定范同内调节室内温度等的新型建筑节能材料。



FIRST Tech Challenge2012‐2013竞赛手册Part 1:比赛介绍,奖项及机器人规则重要提示:所有参赛队必须遵守该文件、9月启动会中发布的竞赛手册、FTC论坛问答环节中提出的更新以及/FTC上所有规则和需求。


历史更新更新版本 更新日期 描述1 2012年5月 首次发布2 2012年6月 章节2.14‐“冠军联盟”改为“胜利联盟”章节3.3‐解答试点裁判章节4.2.2 <R7>参考”<R2>N”改成了<R2>P<RS06>‐NXT休眠计时器设置成“从不”。

之前的表达为“关闭”章节5.1‐“processes”改成“process”3 2012年6月 页脚修改,显示为合适版本章节4.2.2中<R07>参考<R2>改成<R03>p页边距修改,避免打印时页脚被删去附录A:标题位置调整适当附录B从内容中删除章节5.5:将高级标准的参考从2.18改成2.8章节2.6的小节重新编号4 2012年9月8日 轻微的排印错误的更正目录目录简介 (4)1.FIRST科技挑战赛是什么? (5)2.锦标赛 (6)3. 工程笔记本 (14)4. 机器人 (16)5. 评判&奖项标准 (23)6. 团队资源 (28)附录A (31)附录B ............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。


”FIRST创始人 迪恩﹒卡门(Dean Kamen)FIRST代表“崇尚发扬科学与技术”(For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology)由发明家迪恩﹒卡门创办,旨在激发人们对科学与技术的兴趣并能够参与其中。





2012年美国(国际)大学生数学建模竞赛官方网站:/undergraduate/contests比赛时间:美国东部时间:2012年2月9日(星期四)下午8点-2月13日下午8点(共4天)北京时间:2012年2月10日(星期五)上午9点-2月14日上午9点农历:正月十九-正月二十三比赛之前注册报名1. 注意所有时间都是美国东部时间。

2. 参赛机构(institute)派出的参赛队伍没有数量限制。

3. 每支参赛队伍都必须有一位来自参赛机构(institute)的导师(faculty advisor),并由指导老师负责为其指导队伍注册报名,每位指导老师的账号最多可以注册两支队伍。

报名费用1. 每支队伍$100。


2.报名费用将在网上报名期间被扣除,缴费方式为Mastercard 或 VISA card。

请确认报名处有打印机,确认缴费后,组委会将在数秒内收到费用,为参赛队伍分配一个control number,请务必将此显示control number的网页打印出来,这将是参赛队唯一的注册证明,因为你将不会收到Email形式的注册认证。


3. 报名后,导师仍然可以登入系统,在比赛前可以修改参赛人员、报名地址、联系方式等信息。



ftc方案FTC方案---1. 简介本文档介绍了FTC(First Tech Challenge)方案的概念、目标以及相关信息。


2. 比赛规则FTC比赛分为自动模式和远程控制模式两个部分。


2.1 自动模式在自动模式中,机器人需根据预先设定的程序完成任务。




2.2 远程控制模式在远程控制模式中,机器人将由参赛队员操控完成任务。




3. 比赛要求3.1 机器人组装和编程参赛队伍需要自行设计和组装机器人,并编写相应的控制程序。



3.2 团队合作和创新能力参赛队伍需具备良好的团队合作能力,包括分工合作、沟通和协调能力等。


3.3 安全意识和道德规范参赛队伍需要具备安全意识,确保机器人的操作和竞赛过程安全可靠。


4. 比赛流程FTC比赛分为初赛、半决赛和决赛三个阶段。




5. 学习效益FTC方案不仅仅是一项比赛,更是一种学习机会。



FIRST 科技挑战赛简介FIRST 科技挑战赛(FTC)于2007年FTC正式成为FIRST项目中的一员。


FTC(FIRST Tech Challenge)机器人科技挑战赛是由美国FIRST非盈利性机构主办的针对14-18岁高中生的国际性机器人比赛。





















此处为比赛logo 2011-2012官方比赛手册2011.8.22 修订目录第一章—简介 (5)1.1-概述 (5)1.2-关于FIRST (5)1.3-FIRST科技挑战赛是什么 (6)1.4-高尚的专业精神—FIRST理念 (6)1.5-FIRST科技挑战赛—2011-2012赛季 (7)第二章—比赛 (7)2.1-概述 (7)2.2-比赛介绍 (7)2.3-比赛定义 (8)2.4-比赛规则 (11)2.4.1-自动运行阶段得分规则 (11)2.4.2-手动操纵阶段得分规则 (11)2.4.3-比赛结束阶段计分 (12)2.4.4-安全规责 (12)2.4.5-比赛规则 (13)2.4.6-Bowled Over具体规则 (14)2.4.7-Bowled Over判罚概述 (15)2.4.8-小球及正置箱示意 (17)2.4.9-堆叠附加分图示 (19)第三章—锦标赛 (21)3.1-概述 (21)3.2-锦标赛定义 (21)3.3-锦标赛时间表 (21)3.4-礼节及规则 (22)3.5-眼睛保护及安全 (23)3.6-比赛当天 (23)3.6.1-团队登记 (23)3.6.2-机器人硬件、软件检查 (24)3.6.3-评委面谈 (24)3.6.4-练习赛 (24)3.6.5-开幕式 (24)3.6.6-资格赛 (24)3.6.7-联盟选择环节 (25)3.6.8-淘汰赛 (26)3.6.9-颁奖仪式及闭幕式 (26)3.7-锦标赛类型 (27)3.7.1-当地比赛 (27)3.7.2-资格赛 (27)3.7.3-冠军赛 (27)3.8-晋级标准 (27)3.9-锦标赛规则 (28)3.10-团队精神 (29)3.10.1团队风格 (29)3.10.2-队旗 (29)3.10.3-观众与礼节 (29)3.10.4-前期侦查 (29)第四章—机器人 (30)4.1-概述 (30)4.2-机器人规则 (30)第五章—工程笔记本 (37)5.1-概述 (37)5.2-什么是工程笔记本 (37)5.3-笔记本 (37)5.4-格式与指导 (38)5.5-裁判提示 (39)5.6-工程笔记本范例 (39)第六章—评判&颁奖标准 (39)6.1-概述 (39)6.2-FIRST科技挑战赛获奖资格 (39)6.3-FIRST科技挑战赛奖项类别 (40)6.3.1-FIRST科技挑战赛启迪奖 (40)6.3.2-洛克韦尔柯林斯(Rockwell Collins)创新奖 (40)6.3.3-FIRST科技挑战赛PTC设计奖 (41)6.3.4-FIRST科技挑战赛联络奖 (41)6.3.5-FIRST科技挑战赛激励奖 (42)6.3.6-FIRST科技挑战赛思索奖 (42)6.3.7-FIRST科技挑战赛推动奖(可选) (42)6.3.8-FIRST科技挑战赛指南针奖(可选) (43)6.3.9-FIRST科技挑战赛评委奖(可选) (43)6.3.10-FIRST科技挑战赛联盟冠军 (44)6.3.11-FIRST科技挑战赛联盟亚军 (44)6.4-评审过程、时间安排及团队准备 (44)6.4.1-评审过程 (44)6.4.2-时间安排 (44)6.4.3-团队准备 (45)第七章—团队资源 (45)7.1-概述 (45)7.2-FIRST联系信息 (46)7.3-提问与回答 (46)7.4-团队发展支持 (46)7.5-使用FIRST及FTC logo (46)第八章—机器人检查 (47)8.1-概述 (47)8.2-介绍 (47)8.3-名词定义 (47)8.4-检查规则 (48)硬件检查列表 (50)软件检查列表 (52)软件检查如何使用Samantha (52)场地检查列表 (53)物料清单样本 (54)修订历史修订日期介绍1 2011.9.10 初版发布第一章-简介1.1-概述这一章将对FIRST以及FIRST科技挑战赛项目进行简要介绍。

2013FTC比赛规则PartII 校对版.

2013FTC比赛规则PartII 校对版.

2013-2014 比赛手册Part II比赛规则重要通知:队伍必须遵守该文件中和Part I的所有的规则和要求。



目录1.0比赛 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2比赛描述 (1)1.3比赛定义 (2)1.4比赛 (5)1.4.1 赛前 (5)1.4.2 自动阶段 (5)1.4.3 操纵员控制阶段 (6)1.4.4 比赛结束 (6)1.4.5 赛后 (7)1.4.6 罚分 (7)1.5 比赛规则 (7)1.5.1 安全规则 (7)1.5.2 通则 (7)1.5.3 比赛详细规则 (10)1.6 判罚总结 (11)1.0比赛1.1概述本部分描述2013-2014赛季FTC Block Party。



















简介FTC (First Tech Challenge) 是由美国FIRST(For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology)基金会组织的一项国际性的机器人比赛。























2012 赛扶区域赛分组

2012 赛扶区域赛分组

4.17 华北赛区
League 2 League 3 League 4 League 5 League 6 League 7 League 8 League 9
Team 1
天津商业大学 北京外国语大学 河北巟业大学 北京林业大学 河南大学 北京航空航天大学 河南巟业大学 中国人民大学 天津大学
Team 2
华南师范大学 广州大学 广东巟业大学
Team 4
北京理巟大学珠海学院 广东金融学院 中山大学 厦门大学
Team 5
4.13 香港赛区
League 1 League 2
Team 1
香港科技大學 香港理巟大學
Team 2
香港中文大學 香港浸會大學 香港大學
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5
2012 赛扶世界杯中国站 创新公益大赛 区域赛分组抽签结果
4.10 华南赛区
League 1 League 2 League 3 League 4 暨南大学 厦门理巟学院 深圳大学 广东商学院
Team 1
Team 2
广东药学院 北京师范大学珠海分校 华南农业大学 广东外语外贸大学 汕头大学
Team 3
上海建桥学院 合肥巟业大学 上海理巟大学中英国际学院 南京财经大学 上海理巟大学 浙江巟业大学 上海金融学院
Team 2
南京农业大学 南京巟业大学 南京航空航天大学 上海体育学院 浙江巟商大学 南京大学金陵学院 复旦大学 南京师范大学 南京大学
Team 3
上海财经大学 上海政法学院 上海对外贸易学院 上海大学 上海外国语大学 西交利物浦大学 中国计量学院 同济大学 东华大学
中原巟学院 天津外国语学院 南开大学 中国民航大学 北京语言大学 天津理巟大学 天津财经大学 天津巟业大学

FTC_Intro to LabVIEW

FTC_Intro to LabVIEW

Gen. Prog.
LV Tetrix
Welcome to FTC 2012
FIRST Program Continuum
FIRST Robotics Competition
Range of Programs K-12
“Pop Warner”
“Junior High”

Indicators or Outputs
• Speedometer, Tachometer, Fuel Gauge, etc.

Connects to the engine compartment
Front Panel-Controls Palette
• • This is available in the Front Panel This palette allows you to place knobs, graphs, indicators, etc… on the Front Panel.
Front Panel
Block Diagram
VI / Car Analogy – Front Panel
• The Front Panel is like the driver’s cockpit

Controls or Inputs to the car
• Ignition Key, Shifter, Gas Pedal, Brake, etc.

GHTF - adverse event reporting

GHTF - adverse event reporting

GHTF/SG2/N54R8:2006FINAL DOCUMENTGlobal Harmonization Task ForceTitle: Medical Devices Post Market Surveillance: Global Guidance for Adverse Event Reporting for Medical DevicesAuthoring Group: Study Group 2Date: 30 November 2006Georgette Lalis, GHTF Chair The document herein was produced by the Global Harmonization Task Force, which is comprised of representatives from medical device regulatory agencies and the regulated industry. The document is intended to provide non-binding guidance for use in the regulation of medical devices, and has been subject to consultation throughout its development.There are no restrictions on the reproduction, distribution or use of this document; however, incorporation of this document, in part or in whole, into any other document, or its translation into languages other than English, does not convey or represent an endorsement of any kind by the Global Harmonization Task Force.Copyright © 2000 by the Global Harmonization Task ForceTable of Contents1.0 Scope (4)2.0 Definitions (5)3.0 Decision Process (5)3.1 An Event has Occurred (6)3.2 The Manufacturer’s Device is Associated with the Event (7)3.3 The Event Led to One of the Following Outcomes: (7)3.3.1 Death of a Patient, User or Other Person (7)3.3.2 Serious Injury of a Patient, User or Other Person (7)3.3.3 No Death or Serious Injury Occurred but the Event Might Lead to Death orSerious Injury of a Patient, User or Other Person if the Event Recurs (7)4.0 Exemption Rules (9)4.1 Deficiency of a New Device Found by the User Prior to its Use (10)4.2 Adverse Event Caused by Patient Conditions (10)4.3 Service Life of the Medical Device (10)4.4 Protection Against a Fault Functioned Correctly (11)4.5 Remote Likelihood of Occurrence of Death or Serious Injury (11)4.6 Expected and Foreseeable Side Effects (12)4.7 Adverse Events Described in an Advisory Notice (13)4.8 Reporting Exemptions Granted by NCA (13)5.0 Use Error (13)5.1.1 Use Error Resulting in Death or Serious Injury/Serious Public Health Threat (13)5.1.2 Use Error not Resulting in Death or Serious Injury/Serious Public Health Threat..145.1.3 Use Errors Becoming Reportable (14)5.2 Consideration for handling abnormal use (14)6.0 To Whom to Report (14)7.0 Timing for Reporting (14)8.0 Universal Dataset for Adverse Event Reporting (15)Appendix A: Universal Data Set for Manufacturer Adverse Event Reports (17)Appendix B: Timing of Adverse Event Reports (22)Appendix C: Trend (24)Appendix D: Use error (30)PrefaceThe document herein was produced by the Global Harmonization Task Force, a voluntary group of representatives from medical device regulatory agencies and the regulated industry. The document is intended to provide non-binding guidance to regulatory authorities for use in the regulation of medical devices, and has been subject to consultation throughout its development.There are no restrictions on the reproduction, distribution or use of this document; however, incorporation of this document, in part or in whole, into any other document, or its translation into languages other than English, does not convey or represent an endorsement of any kind by the Global Harmonization Task Force.IntroductionThe objective of the adverse event reporting and subsequent evaluations is to improve protection of the health and safety of patients, users and others by disseminating information which may reduce the likelihood of, or prevent repetition of adverse events, or alleviate consequences of such repetition.This document has been created by the Global Harmonization Task Force Study Group 2: Medical Device Vigilance/Post Market Surveillance. Study Group 2 is made up of representatives of the regulatory authorities and industry representatives of the USA, Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia.This document is a consolidation of final GHTF guidance on Adverse Event Reporting. It was produced by combining GHTF/SG2/N21Adverse Event Reporting Guidance for the Medical Device Manufacturer or its Authorized Representative with the requirements from the following documents:•GHTF/SG2/N31 Proposal for Reporting of Use Errors with Medical Devices by their Manufacturer or Authorized Representative,•GHTF/SG2/N32 Universal Manufacturer Report Form,•GHTF/SG2/N33Timing of Adverse Event Reports,•GHTF/SG2/N36Manufacturers Trend Reporting of Adverse Events.For reference purposes the complete and unaltered copies of these documents have been included in the appendices.1.0ScopeThe existing regulatory requirements of the participating countries involved in SG2 require medical device manufacturers to notify National Competent Authority (NCA) of certain adverse events.This document represents a global model, which provides guidance on the type of adverse events associated with medical devices that should be reported by manufacturers to a NCA. It has been elaborated on the basis of the regulatory requirements existing in the participating member countries.The information and guidance contained herein represents a model, which may not reflect current regulatory requirements. Even if the present reporting criteria of the participating countries are very similar, they are not identical. This document provides a future model towards which those existing systems should converge. The principles laid down in this document should be considered in the development or amendment of regulatory systems in the participating countries or other countries.This document does not deal with reporting by users of medical devices. However, in order to improve the monitoring of the performance of medical devices placed on their market, NCAs should encourage the reporting of adverse events by the users. Such reports may be addressed either directly to the NCA, or to the manufacturer, or to both depending on national practices. Where the user informs the NCA directly about an event, the NCA should adoptadministrative measures to ensure that the pertinent manufacturer is informed without delay of such a notification.2.0DefinitionsAbnormal use: Act or omission of an act by the operator or user of a medical device as a result of conduct that is beyond any reasonable means of risk control by the manufacturer. Note: Foreseeable misuse that is warned against in the instructions for use is considered abnormal use if all other reasonable means of risk control have been exhausted.Definition taken from IEC 60601-1-6:2004. See also Annex A for examples of potential abnormal use.Immediate adverse event report: For purposes of adverse event reporting, immediately means as soon as possible, but not later than 10 elapsed calendar days following the date of awareness of the event.Intended purpose: the use for which the device is intended according to the data supplied by the manufacturer on the labeling, in the instructions and/or in promotional materials.Malfunction or deterioration: a failure of a device to perform in accordance with its intended purpose when used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.Manufacturer: For the purpose of this document, the term "manufacturer" must be understood to include the manufacturer, its authorized representative or any other person who is responsible for placing the device on the market.Serious public health threat: Any event type, which results in imminent risk of death, serious injury, or serious illness that requires prompt remedial action.Unanticipated death or unanticipated serious injury: A death or serious injury is considered unanticipated if the condition leading to the event was not considered in a risk analysis performed during the design and development phase of the device. There must be documented evidence in the design file that such analysis was used to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.Use error: Act, or omission of an act, that has a different result to that intended by the manufacturer or expected by the operator. Use error includes slips, lapses, mistakes and reasonably foreseeable misuse. Definition taken from AAMI HE 74:20012 and IEC/CD2 60601-1-6:20023. See also Appendix D for examples of potential use errors.3.0Decision ProcessAny event which meets all of the three basic reporting criteria listed in sections 3.1 through 3.3 below is considered as an adverse event and should be reported to the relevant NCA.It is possible that the manufacturer will not have enough information to decide definitely on the reportability of an event. In such a case, the manufacturer should make reasonable efforts to obtain additional information to decide upon reportability. Where appropriate, the manufacturer should consult with the medical practitioner or the health-care professional involved, and do his utmost to retrieve the concerned device.As a general principle, there should be a pre-disposition to report rather than not to report in case of doubt on the reportability of an event.Reporting may be exempted if any one of the exclusion rules listed in section 4, 5.1.2 and 5.2 below are applicable.However those adverse events involving particular issues of public health concern as determined by the relevant NCA should be reported regardless of exemption criteria (see 3.1.d).Similarly those adverse events which are subject to an exemption become reportable to the NCA if a change in trend (usually an increase in frequency) or pattern is identified. See Appendix C for information.3.1An Event has OccurredThe manufacturer becomes aware of information regarding an event which has occurred with its device.This may include information from device testing performed by the manufacturer, user or other party.Typical events are:a) A malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics or performance.b) An incorrect or out of specification test resultc) The discovery of a design flaw during design reviewd) An inaccuracy in the labeling, instructions for use and/or promotional materials. Inaccuracies include omissions and deficiencies.Omissions do not include the absence of information that should generally be known by the intended users.e) The discovery of a serious public health threat.This can include an event that is of significant and unexpected nature such that it becomes alarming as a potential public health hazard, e.g. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD).f) Use Error (for details see section 5)g) Any other information that becomes available.This can include information from the literature, other scientific documentation or increase in trend (see appendix C).3.2The Manufacturer’s Device is Associated with the Event.In assessing the link between the device and the event, the manufacturer should take into account:- The opinion, based on available information, from a healthcare professional;- Information concerning previous, similar events;- Complaint trends- Other information held by the manufacturer.This judgment may be difficult when there are multiple devices and drugs involved. In complex situations, it should be assumed that the device was associated with the event.3.3The Event Led to One of the Following Outcomes:3.3.1Death of a Patient, User or Other Person.3.3.2Serious Injury of a Patient, User or Other Person.Serious injury (also known as serious deterioration in state of health) is either:-Life threatening illness or injury.-Permanent impairment of a body function or permanent damage to a body structure.-A condition necessitating medical or surgical intervention to prevent permanent impairment of a body function or permanent damage to a body structure.The interpretation of the term "serious” is not easy, and should be made in consultation with a medical practitioner when appropriate.The term “permanent” means irreversible impairment or damage to a body structure or function, excluding minor impairment or damage.Medical intervention is not in itself a serious injury. It is the reason that motivated the medical intervention that should be used to assess the reportability of an event.3.3.3No Death or Serious Injury Occurred but the Event Might Lead to Death orSerious Injury of a Patient, User or Other Person if the Event Recurs.Some jurisdictions refer to these events as near incidents.All events do not lead to a death or serious injury. The non-occurrence of such a result might have been due to circumstances or to the timely intervention of health care personnel.The event is considered “adverse” if in the case of reoccurrence, it could lead to death or serious injury.This applies also if the examination of the device or a deficiency in the information supplied with the device, or any information associated with the device, indicates some factor which could lead to an event involving death or serious injury.Include relevant information that might impact the understanding or evaluation of the adverse event AND that is not included elsewhere in this report. For example- “the patient was confused prior to becoming trapped in the bedsides”; “the patient was a very low birth weight premature delivery and had a central line placed three days before onset of cardiac tamponade”; “the X-ray machine was over 20 years old and had been poorly maintained at the time of the adverse event”, etc3.4Examples of Reportable Adverse Events* Loss of sensing after a pacemaker has reached end of life. Elective replacement indicator did not show up in due time, although it should have according to device specification.* On an X-ray vascular system during patient examination, the C arm had uncontrolled motion. The patient was hit by the image intensifier and his nose was broken. The system was installed, maintained, and used according to manufacturer’s instructions.* It was reported that a monitor suspension system fell from the ceiling when the bolts holding the swivel joint broke off. Nobody was injured in the surgical theater at that timebut a report is necessary (near incident). The system was installed, maintained, and used according to manufacturer’s instructions.* Sterile single use device packaging is labelled with the caution ‘do not use if package is opened or damaged’. The label is placed by incorrect design on inner packaging.Outer package is removed but device is not used during procedure. Device is stored with inner packaging only which does not offer a sufficient sterile barrier.* A batch of out-of-specification blood glucose test strips is released by manufacturer. Patient uses strips according to instructions, but readings provide incorrect values leadingto incorrect insulin dosage, resulting in hypoglycemic shock and hospitalization.* Premature revision of an orthopedic implant due to loosening. No cause yet determined.* An infusion pump stops, due to a malfunction, but fails to give an alarm. Patient receives under-infusion of needed fluids and requires extra days in hospital to correct.* Manufacturer of a pacemaker released on the market identified a software bug. Initialrisk assessment determined risk of serious injury as remote. Subsequent failure results in new risk assessment by manufacturer and the determination that the likelihood of occurrence of a serious injury is not remote.* Patients undergoing endometrial ablation of the uterus suffered burns to adjacent organs. Burns of adjacent organs due to thin uterine walls were an unanticipated side effect of ablation.* Manufacturer does not change ablation device label and fails to warn of this side effect which may be produced when the device is working within specification.* Healthcare professional reported that during implant of a heart valve, the sewing cuff is discovered to be defective. The valve was abandoned and a new valve was implanted and pumping time during surgery was extended.* During the use of an external defibrillator on a patient, the defibrillator failed to deliver the programmed level of energy due to malfunction. Patient died.* An intravenous set separates, the comatose patient’s blood leaks onto the floor, the patient bleeds to death.* Unprotected ECG cable plugged into the main electricity supply – patient died.* Fatigue testing performed on a commercialized heart valve bioprosthesis demonstrates premature failure, which resulted in risk to public health.* After delivery of an orthopedic implant, errors were discovered in heat treatment records leading to non-conforming material properties, which resulted in risk to public health.* Testing of retained samples identified inadequate manufacturing process, which may lead to detachment of tip electrode of a pacemaker lead, which resulted in risk to public health. * Manufacturer provides insufficient details on cleaning methods for reusable surgical instruments used in brain surgery, despite obvious risk of transmission of CJD.4.0Exemption RulesWhenever exemption rules 4.1-4.6 and 4.8(a) are met, the adverse event does not need to be reported to the NCA by the manufacturer. Whenever exemption rules 4.7 or 4.8 (b) are met, the manufacturer will need to submit periodic or summary reports in lieu of individual adverse event reports.Note: See Section 5, which also includes an exemption on use error and a consideration for handling abnormal use.Those adverse events which are subject to an exemption become reportable to the NCA if a change in trend (usually an increase in frequency) or pattern is identified. See Appendix C for information.4.1Deficiency of a Device Found by the User prior to patient use.Deficiencies of devices that would always be detected by the user and where no serious injury has occurred do not need to be reported.Based on the information stated, these are examples of non-reportable adverse events:* User performs an inflation test prior to inserting the balloon catheter in the patient as required in the instructions for use accompanying the device. A malfunction on inflation is detected. Another balloon is used. Patient is not injured.* Packaging of a sterile single use device is labeled with the caution ‘do not use if package is opened or damaged’ but damage to the packaging was obvious and discovered, and the device was not used.”*Intravenous administration set tip protector has fallen off the set during distribution resulting in a non-sterile fluid pathway. Since the fault was detected the intravenous administration set was not used.4.2Adverse Event Caused by Patient Conditions.When the manufacturer has information that the root cause of the adverse event is due to a patient’s condition, the event does not need to be reported. These conditions could be preexisting or occurring during device use.To justify no report, the manufacturer should have information available to conclude that the device performed as intended and did not cause or contribute to death or serious injury. A person qualified to make a medical judgment would accept the same conclusion.Examples of non-reportable adverse events:* Revision of an orthopedic implant due to loosening caused by the patient developing osteoporosis.* A patient died after dialysis treatment. The patient had end-stage-renal disease and died of renal failure.* The death of a patient that is unrelated to any implanted device or device used to treat the patient.4.3Service Life or Shelf Life of the Medical Device.When the only cause for the adverse event was that the device exceeded its service life or shelf life as specified by the manufacturer and the failure mode is not unusual, the adverse event does not need to be reported.The service life or shelf life must be specified by the device manufacturer in the product labeling or instructions for use. Service life or shelf life is defined as: the time or usage that adevice is intended to remain functional after it is manufactured, placed into use, and maintained as specified.NOTE: Reporting of adverse events related to the reuse of devices labeled for single use (or labeled “for single use only”) is handled under Section 5: Use Error.Examples of non-reportable adverse events:*Loss of sensing after a pacemaker has reached its expected end of life as indicated in the instructions for use. Elective replacement indicator has shown up in due time according to device specification. Surgical explantation of pacemaker required.* Surgical glove was used after expiry date. User was exposed to infected blood due to glove failure.4.4Malfunction1 Protection Operated Correctly.Adverse events which did not lead to serious injury or death, because a design feature protected against a malfunction becoming a hazard do not need to be reported. The protection against malfunction used needs to comply with relevant standards or documented design inputs for that type of device and take due account of technology and practice in existence. The risk has to be reduced to an acceptable level.Examples of non-reportable adverse events:*After a malfunction of an infusion pump it gives an appropriate alarm and stops (e.g. in compliance with relevant standards). There was no injury to the patient.*Microprocessor-controlled radiant warmer malfunctions, reverts to an appropriate default condition and provides an audible appropriate alarm (e.g., in compliance with relevant standards). There was no injury to the patient.* During radiation treatment, the automatic exposure control is engaged. Treatment stops. In accordance with the relevant standards the actual dose is displayed. Although patient receives less than optimal dose, patient is not exposed to excess radiation.4.5Negligible Likelihood of Occurrence of Death or Serious Injury.Adverse events which could lead, but have not yet led, to death or serious injury, but have a negligible likelihood of causing death or serious injury, and which have been established and documented as acceptable after risk assessment do not need to be reported.If an adverse event resulting in death or serious injury occurs, it is reportable as an adverse event and a reassessment of the risk is necessary. If reassessment determines risk remains remote, previous reports of near incidents of the same type do not need to be reported retrospectively. Decisions not to report subsequent failures of the same type must be documented.1 “malfunction” is synonymous with “fault”.Note: Change in trend of these non-serious outcomes must be reported as specified in Appendix C.Examples of non-reportable adverse events:* Manufacturer of pacemaker released on the market identified a software bug and determined that the likelihood of occurrence of a serious injury with a particular setting is negligible. No patients experienced adverse health effects.* Particulates were found in a contact lens package. The likelihood of occurrence of serious injury is determined to be negligible. No patients experienced adverse health effects.4.6Expected and Foreseeable Side Effects.Expected and foreseeable side effects which meet all the following criteria: • clearly identified in the manufacturer's labelling;• clinically well known 2 as being foreseeable and having a certainqualitative 3 and quantitative predictability when the device is used andperforms as intended;• documented in the device master record, with an appropriate risk assessment, prior to the occurrence of the adverse event; and• clinically acceptable in terms of the patient benefitare ordinarily not reportable.It should also be noted that side effects are not associated with device malfunction, but rather they are associated with an adverse reaction by the patient to a device that is working properlyConversely, side effects which were not documented and foreseeable, or whichwere not acceptable in terms of individual patient benefit should continue to be reported. Examples of non-reportable adverse events*A patient who is known to have claustrophobia experiences severe anxiety in the confined space of a MRI machine which subsequently led to the patient being injured.* A patient receives a second-degree burn during the use in an emergency of an external defibrillator. Risk assessment documents that such a burn has been accepted in view of potential patient benefit and is warned in the instructions for use. The frequency of burns is occurring within range specified in the device master record.2Some of these events are well known in the medical, scientific, or technology field; others may have been clearly identified during clinical investigation or clinical practice and labeled by the manufacturer.3 The conditions that lead to the side effect can be described but they are difficult to predict numerically – for example some patients will experience severe anxiety before they receive an injection.* A patient has an undesirable tissue reaction (e.g. nickel allergy) previously known and documented in the device product information.* Patient who has a mechanical heart valve developed endocarditis ten years after implantation and then died.* Placement of central line catheter results in anxiety reaction and shortness of breath. Both reactions are known and labeled side effects.4.7Adverse Events Described in an Advisory Notice.Adverse events that occur after the manufacturer has issued an advisory notice need not be reported individually if they are specified in the notice and if they have the same root cause for the products identified in that notice. Advisory notices include removals from the market, corrective actions, and product recalls. The manufacturer should provide a summary report, the content and frequency of which should be agreed with the relevant NCA.Example of non-reportable adverse events* Manufacturer issued an advisory notice and recall of a coronary stent that migrated due to inadequate inflation of an attached balloon mechanism. Subsequent examples of stent migration were summarized in quarterly reports concerning the recall action and individual adverse events did not have to be reported.4.8Reporting Exemptions Granted by a NCA.Upon request by the manufacturer, and agreement by an NCA, common and well-documented events may be:(a) Exempted from reporting or(b) changed to periodic or summary reporting.5.0Use Error5.1Reporting of Use ErrorAs with all reported device complaints, all potential use error events and potential abnormal use events should be evaluated by the manufacturer (see Appendix D for examples). The evaluation is governed by risk management, usability engineering, design validation, and corrective and preventive action processes. Results should be available, upon request, to regulatory authorities and conformity assessment bodies.5.1.1Use Error Resulting in Death or Serious Injury/ Serious Public Health Threat Use error related to medical devices, which did result in death or serious injury or serious public health threat, should be reported by the manufacturer to the national competent authority.5.1.2Use Error not Resulting in Death or Serious Injury / Serious Public HealthThreatUse error related to medical devices, which did not result in death or serious injury or serious public health threat, need not be reported by the manufacturer to the national competent authority. Such events should be handled within the manufacturer’s quality and risk management system, as described in Appendix D Section 6.0. A decision to not report must be justified and documented.5.1.3Use Errors Becoming ReportableUse errors become reportable by the manufacturer to the national competent authority when a manufacturer:-notes a change in trend (usually an increase in frequency), or a change in pattern of an issue that can potentially lead to death or serious injury or public health concern.); or -initiates corrective action to prevent death or serious injury or serious public health threat.5.2Consideration for handling abnormal useAbnormal use need not be reported by the manufacturer to the national competent authority under adverse event reporting procedures. Abnormal use should be handled by the health care facility and appropriate regulatory authorities under specific appropriate schemes not covered by this document (see Appendix D: Annex B).If manufacturers become aware of instances of abnormal use, they may bring this to the attention of other appropriate organizations and healthcare facility personnel.6.0To Whom to ReportAdverse Events must be reported to a National Competent Authority (NCA) according to applicable requirements in each jurisdiction. National Competent Authorities should providea contact point to manufacturers for reporting.7.0Timing for ReportingUpon becoming aware that an event has occurred and is associated with one of its devices, the medical device manufacturer must determine whether it is an adverse event.Adverse events that result in unanticipated death or unanticipated serious injury or represent a serious public health threat must be reported immediately by the manufacturer. All other reportable events must be reported as soon as possible by the manufacturer, butnot later than 30-elapsed calendar days following the date of awareness of the event.If after becoming aware of a potentially reportable adverse event, there is still uncertainty about whether the event is reportable, the manufacturer must submit a report within the timeframe required for that type of event.。



2012年全国初中学生化学素质和实验能力竞赛(天津赛区)试卷考生须知:1. 请将全部答案写在试题上。

2. 考试时间90分钟。

可能用到的相对原子质量: H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 S 32 Cl 35.5 Ca 401.应为4NH 3 + 302匚—X + 6H 2O 。

下列说法中不正确的是 A .氨气在常压下液化是物理变化 B . X 的化学式为N 2 C .液氨具有可燃性属于化学性质 2•铁钉在下列情况中,最容易生锈的是D •液氨属于混合物A .在干燥的空气中B .在潮湿的空气中C .浸没在自来水中D .浸没在植物油中4•下列实验操作中,能达到实验目的的是A •检验氢气纯度时,没有听到任何响声,表明氢气已纯净B •用适量的水能区分硫酸钡固体和氯化钡固体C •粗盐提纯实验中,蒸发结晶直到滤液蒸干时停止加热D •用PH 试纸测定溶液酸碱度时,先将PH 试纸用水润湿,然后再测定5•将适量的下列物质,分别投入等质量、等溶质质量分数的稀盐酸中,恰好完全反应后,产生的气 体全部逸出,所得溶液中的 MgCI 2的质量分数最小的是A. MgB . MgOC . Mg (OH ) 2D . MgCO 3入下二、选择题(本题共 20分,每题2分)每题有1〜2个正确答案,将其标号填 入下表中。

正确答案只有一个选项的, 多选不给分;正确答案包括两个选项的,只选一个且正确给 1分,一对一错不给分。


下列有关水分子的叙述正确的是 A •受热时水分子的体积逐渐变大 B •降温时水分子的化学性质发生改变 C .反应时构成水分子的原子种类发生改变 D .电解水生成氢气和氧气说明水分子是可分的7. 下列有关质量守恒定律的认识,不正确的是A .质量守恒定律揭示了化学变化中宏观物质之间的质量关系,与微观过程无关B .通过化学变化,只能改变世界上物质的种类,不能改变物质的总质量C .质量守恒定律为定量揭示化学变化的规律,提供了理论依据D .随着科技的发展,精密仪器为我们定量研究化学变化创造了条件8下列有关溶液的说法符合实际的是A .将澄清的饱和石灰水加热,无白色浑浊出现C .二氧化碳溶于水产生碳酸,溶液中存在的阳离子都是 H +D .溶液一定是无色透明的液体9. 固体物质 W 在水、乙醇两种溶剂中的溶解度随温度变化的曲线如右图 所示。



2012 国际企业管理挑战赛决策单样本
中国国内0000000000000000北美自由贸易区0000000000000000国际互联网0000000000000000 E产品组装时间(分钟)
G产品研发费用(RMB’0000)000000000000 H原材料的采购('000)现货下季度三个月后六个月后
L欲售机器网站建设费用(RMB'0000)0000 M每台机器维修小时数
N组装工人每小时工资(RMB’0).轮班次数 (1 - 3)
的雇佣 (+) 和解雇 (-)培训组装工人人数
(+/- RMB’0000)0000中期贷款 (RMB'0000)0000 R管理预算 (RMB'0000)0000股息( % )
公司活动信息 (要=1; 不要=0)市场占有率信息 (要=1; 不要=0)
T保险方案代码 (0 - 4)。

中文版 FTC-2013-2014_Game_One_Page

中文版 FTC-2013-2014_Game_One_Page

本文档由FTC 3001队The Bolts 翻译(非官方翻译,仅供参考)比赛FTC BLOCK PARTY 是在一个12英尺乘以12英尺的正方形场地上进行。






在场地的中央是有一个许多结构的集合,包含有一个中央桥,一根能够支持机器人向上拉升的杆子,和两个摇摆 — 每一个摇摆有四个“摇摆得分框”。


一个红外(IR )信号源将在机器人被摆放在场地后和自动阶段开始前的一段时间内被随机的摆放每个摇摆的在四个得分框中的一个下面。














驾驶员控制阶段: 在驾驶员控制阶段中,参赛队从两个塑料块区域中的一个取出塑料块放置在摇摆或者地面得分区域。

















承诺书我们仔细阅读了中国大学生数学建模竞赛的竞赛规则.我们完全明白,在竞赛开始后参赛队员不能以任何方式(包括电话、电子邮件、网上咨询等)与队外的任何人(包括指导教师)研究、讨论与赛题有关的问题.我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出.我们郑重承诺,严格遵守竞赛规则,以保证竞赛的公正、公平性.如有违反竞赛规则的行为,我们将受到严肃处理.我们授权全国大学生数学建模竞赛组委会,可将我们的论文以任何形式进行公开展示(包括进行网上公示,在书籍、期刊和其他媒体进行正式或非正式发表等).我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写): B我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话): J2913 所属学校(请填写完整的全名):渭南师范学院参赛队员 (打印并签名) :1. 吕通2. 石法燕3. 王蓉指导教师或指导教师组负责人 (打印并签名):刘龙飞日期: 2012 年 9 月 10 日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):太阳能小屋的设计摘 要讨论了太阳能小屋设计的优化问题,太阳能小屋就是利用在其房子的外围及其屋顶铺设光伏电池以接受太阳能从而获得太阳能量,用来供暖、供能以达到服务人们的目的.因为不同种类的光伏电池每峰瓦的价钱差别很大,且每峰瓦的实际发电效率还与太阳辐射强度,光线入射角,环境,建筑物所处的地理纬度,气候气象条件,安装部位及方式(贴附与架空)等因素有关,所以光伏电池的优化铺设是问题的核心.问题一:首先,对题目所给数据运用MATLAB 软件进行数据预处理,建立了小屋的全年太阳能光伏发电总量尽可能大的最优化模型:875924max 11*i j j j i j p m x A η===∑∑;然后,利用LINGO 编程求解该优化模型,从而得到电池组件的分组数量和容量;在此基础上进一步建立单位发电量的费用尽可能小的最优化模型:875924'111112n mi j j j l f i j l f S m x A s s η=====--∑∑∑∑从而选配出相应的逆变器的容量和数量;最后,根据电池不同使用年限的效率计算35年寿命期内的发电总量,根据不同型号光伏电池的价钱和逆变器的数量计算器经济效益和投资的回收年限.问题二:首先,在问题一所得到的铺设电池的数量、型号及其连接方式都不发生改变的条件下,仅仅考虑各个面上所对应的电池组件的架空角度,根据附件6中所给出来的有关概念,分别计算出各个时间所对应的太阳高度角α;然后,利用公式()s i n /s i n R S D θαθα=++⎡⎤⎣⎦,计算出各个面上的电池架空的最优角度θ;最后,计算出倾斜光伏阵面接受的太阳辐射强度.最终可以建立同问题一类似的最优化模型,利用LINGO 编程求解,最终达到题目所要求的最优结果.问题三:根据附件7中所给的限定条件,建立了小屋在所给范围内的最大有效面积的最优化模型:max log 22log log S wid wid hig hig w wwid =⨯+⨯⨯+⨯-⨯;然后利用LINGO 编程求解该优化模型得出小屋的有效面积.让房子与正南方向有一定夹角,运用Hay 模型求出最佳角度为045,这样该问题又回归到了问题二,运用问题二的计算方法进行进一步求解.得出,北向面经济效益为负值,所以我们在对小屋各面进行铺设时,只考虑其东南、西三面及顶面,这样才能达到经济效益最大. 且架空式铺设的经济效益大于贴附式铺设.关键词:太阳能小屋;光伏电池;Matlab 软件;Lingo 编程;太阳高度角.近年来,随着环境污染和能源的高消耗问题日益严峻,节能减排已势在必行.为此,国家积极倡导节能减排政策,维护我们赖以生存的家园.为响应政府的号召,某地需要设计太阳能小屋,即在建筑物的表面(屋顶及外墙)铺设光伏电池,光伏电池组件所产生的直流电需要经过逆变器转换成220V交流电才能供家庭使用,并将剩余电量输入电网.因为不同种类的光伏电池每峰瓦的价格差别很大,且每峰瓦的实际发电效率或发电量还受诸多因素的影响,如太阳辐射强度、光线入射角、环境、建筑物所处的地理纬度、地区的气候与气象条件、安装部位及方式(贴附或架空)等.因此,在太阳能小屋的设计中,研究光伏电池在小屋外表面的优化铺设是很重要的问题.附件1—7提供了相关的信息,根据所给的数据,对于下面的三个问题,分别给出它的铺设方案,使得小屋全年太阳能光伏发电量尽可能的大,而单位发电量的尽可能的小,并计算出小屋光伏电池35年寿命期内发电总量,经济效益(当前民用电价按0.5元/kWh 计算)及投资的回收年限.在求解每个问题时,都要求配有图示,给出小屋各外表面电池组件铺设分组阵列图形及组件连接方式(串、并联)示意图,也要给出电池组件分组阵列容量及选配逆变器规格列表.在同一表面采用两种或两种以上类型的光伏电池组件时,同一型号的电池板可串联,而不同型号的电池板不可串联.在不同表面上,即使是相同型号的电池也不能进行串、并联连接.应注意分组连接方式及逆变器的选配.问题一:请根据山西省大同市的气象数据,仅考虑贴附安装方式,选定光伏电池组件,对小屋(见附件2)的部分外表面进行铺设,并根据电池组件分组数量和容量,选配相应的逆变器的容量和数量.问题二:电池板的朝向与倾角均会影响到光伏电池的工作效率,请选择架空方式安装光伏电池,重新考虑问题1.问题三:根据附件7给出的小屋建筑要求,请为大同市重新设计一个小屋,要求画出小屋的外形图,并对所设计小屋的外表面优化铺设光伏电池,给出铺设及分组连接方式,选配逆变器,计算相应结果.二、问题分析问题一:第一小问要求我们根据山西省大同市的气象数据,仅考虑贴附安装方式,选定光伏电池组件,对小屋的部分外表面进行铺设.此问题属于优化问题,要想使小屋的全年太阳能光伏发电总量尽可能大,必须首先计算出小屋各个面的太阳辐射强度.首先对所给数据用MATLAB软件进行数据预处理,然后以铺设面积和块数为限定条件建立目标函数,用LINGO编程求解.最后用CAD制图.第二小问要求我们根据电池组件分组数量和容量,选配相应的逆变器的容量和数量.根据同型号电池可以串联,不同型号光伏电池组件在端电压相差不应超过10%的情况下可以并联的条件,对电池组间进行分组并选配相应的逆变器的容量和数量.问题二:同问题一一样是优化问题,只不过采用架空模式.架空铺设,电池板与墙面之间就有了一定的角度从而使得电池板接受的太阳辐射强度达到最大,可设此角度为θ建立一元函数,求出最适角度θ.再根据倾斜光伏阵面太阳辐射量计算公式,计算出倾斜光伏阵面接受的太阳辐射强度,建立同2.1的目标函数并用MATLAB编程求解.问题三:要求我们根据附件7给出的小屋建筑要求,重新设计一个小屋.充分利用题目所给条件,建立最优模型并根据所给限定条件用LINGO编程求解,得出小屋的最大有效面积,于是该题又变成了问题一,利用问题一的方法进行求解.1、假设题目所给数据都是正确的;2、假设每天都是晴天,不考虑阴雨天情况;3、假设附近没有高大建筑物;4、忽略光电池的内部消耗和分布效应;5、假设气候没有太大变化;6、假设温度对光伏电池的转换率没有影响.5.1问题一5.1.1模型一通过前面问题分析可以看出该问题属于优化问题,要想使小屋的全年太阳能光伏发电总量尽可能大,必须首先计算出小屋各个面的太阳辐射强度.首先对所给数据运用MATLAB编程进行数据预处理;根据年发电量公式:年发电量=年平均太阳辐射总量*电池总面积*光电转换效率,建立最优化模型:目标函数:875924max11i j j ji jP m x Aη===∑∑约束条件:241,1,2,......,24 j jjj jjx A Sx k jx Z=⎧≤⎪⎪⎪≤=⎨⎪∈⎪⎪⎩∑有效根据附件2计算出屋顶及东、西、南、北各面的有效面积如下表:屋顶东向面南向面西向面北向面有效面积/2m60.827792 24.230 19.235310 26.98 36.183东向面西向面南向面北向面最大发电量(W)3762775 5737500 6710314 1633202所选用型号及个数(个)东向面A1(6) A2(2) A3(18) A4(1)西向面A1(3) A2(2) A3(21) A4(1)南向面A1(9) A2(2) A3(15) A4(1)北向面A3(27) A4(1)经过优化后各面选用的光伏电池板型号、块数:所选用型号及个数(个)东向面A3(14) A1(2) C8(4)西向面A3(17) C3(9)南向面A1(2) A3(3) C7(12) C8(21) C9 (1) C10(2)北向面A3(24) C8(3) C9(5)图1 小屋北向面电池组件铺设分组阵列图图2 小屋东向面电池组件铺设分组阵列图图4 小屋南向面电池组件铺设分组阵列图由于题目没有给出屋顶的太阳辐射强度(屋顶为斜面),我们根据倾斜光伏阵面太阳辐射量计算公式:()sin /sin R S D βαβα=⋅++⎡⎤⎣⎦(屋顶倾斜角度为β)可计算出屋顶的辐射总强度.其中,sin sin sin cos cos cos αφδφδω=⋅+⋅⋅,由于α为正午时分太阳高度角,所以时角ω=0,cos ω=1.当地纬度φ=040.1,()228423.45sin 365n πδ+⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭(度).经过一系列的数据处理及计算得出屋顶的太阳总辐射强度为:116674797.42/W m .图5 各面太阳辐射强度比例如下饼形图建立如上最优模型:目标函数:875924max 11i j j j i j P m x A η===∑∑约束条件:241,1,2,......,24 j jjj jjx A Sx k jx Z=⎧≤⎪⎪⎪≤=⎨⎪∈⎪⎪⎩∑有效运用 LINGO编程得出屋顶最大发电量为:5684159.6W表1-6 屋顶铺设光伏电池板的优化结果铺设光伏电池型号A3 B7 C5 C6 C9铺设数量(个)28 6 4 28 14由此优化结果作出小屋顶面电池组件铺设分组阵列图如下:图6 小屋顶面电池组件铺设分组阵列图5.1.2 模型二通过以上求解及模型优化,得出了小屋各外表面电池组件铺设分组阵列图形.根据以上结果及附件1、3、5对各电池组件进行了最优链接并在经济投入最低的情况下为其安装了最优逆变器.建立了费用尽可能小的最优化模型:目标函数:875924'111112n mi j j j l fi j l fS m x A s sη=====--∑∑∑∑(S为经济效益,l s为电池板价格,f s为逆变器价格)约束条件:241,1,2,......,24j j j j j j x A S x k j x Z =⎧≤⎪⎪⎪≤=⎨⎪∈⎪⎪⎩∑有效电池组件连接方式图如下:图7 北向面所铺电池组件连接方式图8 南向面所铺电池组件连接方式图9东向面所铺电池组件连接方式图10 西向面所铺电池组件连接方式图11顶面所铺电池组件连接方式根据5.1.2中给出的小屋外表面光伏电池的铺设方案,参照附件3及5.1.2对小屋表面光伏电池板的年发电量计算的结果,计算出小屋光伏电池35年寿命期内的发电总量、经济效益(当前民用电价按0.5元/kWh计算)及投入如下表:表2-6东面西面南面北面顶面总和年发电量(千瓦)3762.775 5737.5 6710.314 1633.202 5684.159635年后总发电量118527.4125 180731.25 211374.891 51445.863 179051.0274 741130.4439 投入(元)21603.2 24295.5 34147.3 35696 42810 158552 经济效益37660.50625 66070.125 71540.1455 -9973.0685 46715.5137 212013.222有上表可知,北向面经济效益为负值,所以我们进一步优化不对小屋的背面进行铺设,只对其东、南、西面及顶面进行铺设.那么根据:投资回收年限=总投入/每年的经济效益,经过数据处理我们可得出投资的回收年限为:19年.5.2 问题二5.2.1 模型一:问题二与问题一的唯一区别是铺设方式不同,对于架空式安装,我们假设所有电池板的安装的角度相同(设为 ),我们需要计算出倾斜光伏电池面的光照强度才能建立同问题一一样的模型.倾斜光伏阵面太阳辐射量计算公式:()sin /sin R S D θαθα=++⎡⎤⎣⎦,其中α同5.1.2一样可以根据公式计算得出.因此次工时仅有θ一个自变量,为一一元函数.对此函数求导得:()'cos /sin R S θαθα=+⎡⎤⎣⎦ 令'0R θ= 得θ=036 ,则此θ值即为光伏电池板的最佳铺设角度.将θ代入公式()sin /sin R S D βαθα=++⎡⎤⎣⎦则可计算出各倾斜光伏阵面上的太阳辐射强度分别为:建立类似于5.1.1的目标函数:max 11i j j j i j P m x Aη===∑∑ 找出约束条件,并用LINGO编程计算出小屋各个面上的最大发电量如下表:5.2.2 模型二电池组件连接方式及逆变器的选择同5.1.2相同(见附录) 5.2.3 模型三架空安装情况下,小屋光伏电池35年寿命期内的发电总量、经济效益(当前民用电价按0.5元/kWh 计算)及投入如下表:表2—9由上表我们可得出架空是铺设投资的回收年限为:15 年,很显然,架空式铺设的经济效益大于贴附式铺设. 5.3 问题三 5.3.1 模型一:该问题要求我们根据附件7给出的小屋建筑要求,重新设计一个小屋。

2012年 香港robocon 大学生机器人大赛 规则文档 英文版

2012年 香港robocon 大学生机器人大赛 规则文档 英文版

19 August 2012ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2012 Hong Kong Host Organizing Committee1.One Manual Robot,one Automatic Robot and one Collector Robot are requiredfor each team.2.Manual Robot’s operator navigates Manual Robot to the T oken Stand.3.Manual Robot picks up the T oken and carries it to the Tunnel.4.Manual Robot inserts the T oken into the T oken Box of the Tunnel.5.Automatic Robot picks up the Basket in the Common Zone and puts it in anyplace of Manual Robot Zone.6.Manual Robot goes through the T unnel and picks up Collector Robot.7.Manual Robot unloads Collector Robot when the Manual Robot is in L1.A utomaticRobot carries Collector Robot across the Bridge and unloads Collector Robot inside L2 or L3.8.Manual Robot picks up the Basket and puts the Basket in the Basket Area on theIsland.9.Collector Robot can either leave Automatic Robot and climbs the stairs onto theIsland from L2,or it can be lifted up to the Island by Manual Robot from L3. 10.Collector Robot picks up the Buns in the Middle and the Lowest Layer and putthe Buns into the Basket.11.After at least one Bun from each of the two lower layers were already put intothe Basket,Collector Robot can touch Buns from the T op Layer of the Bun T ower while itself is being lifted up by Manual Robot.12.During the last one minute of the game,Manual Robot may extend its own armsto pick up Buns directly from the Lowest Layer of the Bun T ower and put them into the Basket.13.Once Collector Robot put the T op Bun into the Basket after successfully put atleast one Bun from each of the two lower layers into the Basket,the match will immediately end.This type of achievement will be called “Peng On Dai Gat”. 14.If neither team achieves the “Peng On Dai Gat” within 3 minutes,the winner shallbe decided by the total scores of the team in this match.15. A match lasts 3 minutes.History of Bun Festival 4Game Rules and Robot Design 101.Robot Set Up 112.Game Field and Objects 113.Game Procedure & Competition T asks 154.Restarting Points 185.Game Duration 206.General Restrictions 207.Deciding the Winner 228.Violations 239.Disqualification 2410.Robot Specification 2411.Importance of Safety 2612.Safety for the Robots 2613.Safety for Manual Robot Operators 2714.Domestic Contests in Each Country and Region 2715.T eams 2816.Others 28 Appendix 29-34 Figure 35-48The Tsing Ma Bridge of Hong Kong *Hong Kong is hilly with a rich landscape that includes over 200 islands,leading to a particularly strong need of bridges and tunnels.Among these we have the Cross Harbour Tunnel linking up Kowloon and Hong Kong Island across Victoria Harbour,while the Tsing Ma Bridge is the world’s longest road-and-rail suspension bridge that brings Lantau Island closer to us.T hanks to these bridges and tunnels,Hong Kong now boasts a well-developed traffic network.Peng On Bun *Banner in parade, with the Chinese words meanstimely wind and rain.Bun TowerOn Cheung Chau, one of those little islandsof Hong Kong, the Jiao-festival has beencelebrated for more than 100 years. CheungChau was once devastated by a plague in thelate Qing dynasty; accordingly local residentsset up a sacrificial altar in front of Pak T aiT emple to pray for peacefulness. Eventually,the plague ended after performing such rituals.Since then, residents on Cheung Chau haveorganised a Bun Festival every year to expresstheir thankfulness. The residents’ annualparticipation allows the ritual to pass alonggenerations.Lion dance *Meanwhile,the festival is also a platform for residents to perform their folk crafts,such as making paper-mache effigies,setting up the bamboo scaffolding of the Bun Mountain,and making handmade buns in preparation for the Bun Festival.T his is accompanied by folk performing arts like music,a parade,lion dances,qilin dances and drumming.Y ear after year,elderly residents participate in such festive activities with theiroffspring,allowing the experience to pass fromone generation to the next.And for tourists allover the world,the festival is also a carnival for thefamily,attracting tens of thousands of tourists.Asan additional note,the Cheung Chau Jiao-festivalis also listed as a State-level Intangible CulturalHeritage of China.Peng On BunThe contestants, who had already passed a priorclimbing test, secured by safety ropes, climbed ahigh tower for buns.*Float Procession in the parade * The children are acting the well-known love storyin Chinese history, the Emperor Xuanzong of TangDynasty and his concubineYang Guifei.The weeklong festival climaxes with a large,carnival-like street procession featuringcostumed children on stilts held aloft abovethe crowd, lion dances and so on. The paradewinds its way through the narrow streets,which are highlighted by the enormousbamboo towers, studded with sweet whitebuns, and where the main festivities take place.At midnight, athletes scramble up one of thetowers in a tough contest of both intellect andphysique, to grab the top-most ‘luckiest’ bunsas told in traditions so as to achieve “Peng OnDai Gat”, that means peace and prosperity. Itis from this bun-grabbing contest, an attractionfor local and foreign tourists in itself, that comesthe festival’s other name – the “Bun MountainFestival”.Traditional Chinese opera showed at the day of Bun Festival.Hong Kong will be the host city of the 11th ABU Robot Contest in 2012.By then,students from the Asia-Pacific region will gather in Hong Kong,directing robots to cross bridges and tunnels,land the island,climb the bun tower,snatch the lucky buns and achieve “Peng On Dai Gat”.Who will be the winner of the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2012 after a great “journey” in Hong Kong? Let’s see!The night view of Victoria Harbour *1. Robot Set Up1.1 One Manual Robot,one Automatic Robot and one Collector Robot are required for eachteam.1.2 One minute is given for setting of robots before the game starts.1.3 Only the three registered members of each team,including the Manual Robot Operator,can engage in the setting up of robots.Any team that fails to complete setting of the robots within one minute can resume the setting process once the game starts.2. Game Field and Objects2.1 The field consists of an area having the dimension of 13,000mm x 13,000mm and surroundedby a wooden fence with a height of 100mm and a thickness of 50mm.The wooden fence is fixed to the field with screws.The game field is divided equally for two teams by a wooden fence with a height of 100mm and a thickness of 50mm.The competing teams are Red and Blue T eams.(Figures 1-4)2.2 The game field consists of Manual Robot Zone,Automatic Robot Zone,Starting Points,Restarting Points,Loading Areas,Common Zone and an Island.The symbols of points and areas such as A,C,M,L1,L2,L3,S1 and S2 are not necessary to be painted on the floor of the real game field.2.3 Manual Robot Zone & Automatic Robot Zone2.3.1 White lines with a width of 30mm made of matt sticker are drawn on the floor ofAutomatic Robot Zone.Each side of the square inside the white lines is 470mm.The wooden fence with a height of 100mm and a thickness of 50mm is presentedas a par tition between Manual Robot Zone and Automatic Robot Zone.(Figures 2, 3)2.4 Starting Points2.4.1 Manual Robot must start in Manual Robot Starting Point (M).2.4.2 Collector Robot is placed in Collector Robot Starting Point (C) and will be pickedup by Manual Robot.2.4.3 Automatic Robot must start in Automatic Robot Starting Point (A).(Figures 1) 2.5 Common Zone2.5.1 Common Zone has a rectangular shape with a height of 100mm,a width of 500mmand a length of 1985mm painted in yellow color.T wo notches with a depth of12mm and a diameter of 452mm are located at the surface of the Common Zone.T wo Baskets are placed in these two notches separately before the game starts.Each team can collect one Basket from the Common Zone only.(Figures 2,13) 2.6 The Basket2.6.1 The two Baskets are placed at two notches separately in the Common Zone.ABasket consists of three parts;a Basket with a diameter of 450mm and a height of400mm made of HIPS (475) sheet and plastic net or nylon net (joined by mild steelmale thread rod),a bottom base with a diameter of 450mm made of HIPS (475)sheet,a cylinder with a diameter of 80mm and a height of 388mm made of PVCTube.The weight of a Basket is 2.85kg.(Figures 8 & 11)2.7 Bun T ower2.7.1 The Bun T ower is placed on a square stage,the Island.It consists of three layers.The details of each part are explained as follows: Number of Buns in different layers: T op Layer:2 T op Buns (One for Blue T eam,One for Red T eam) Middle Layer:6 Buns (Three for Blue T eam,Three for RedT eam) Lowest Layer:8 Buns (Four for Blue T eam,Four for Red T eam) The weight of the Buns2. The T op Bun for the T op Layer:105gm2. The Buns for the Middle and the Lowest Layers:47gm2.7.1.3 The size of the Buns2. The T op Bun:200mm in diameter,150mm in height2. The Buns for the Middle and the Lowest Layers:150mm indiameter,100mm in height2.7.1.4 The diameter of the three layers2. T op Layer:500mm2. Middle Layer:850mm2. Lowest Layer:1200mm2.7.1.5 The height of the Bun T ower2. The T ower is 1850mm high in total (measured from the topsurface of the Island). The height of the three layers surface from the Island are:T op Layer:1500mmMiddle Layer:1000mmLowest Layer:500mm2. The base of the Bun T ower is 497mm high (measured from thetop surface of the Island to the bottom of the Lowest Layer).2.7.2 Positioning of the cylindrical donut shaped is fixed by centering-studs laid out in acircular fashion on each level of the conical T ower.2.7.3 The angular placement of the Buns in one layer is different with the Buns in otherlayers.(Figures 9,10)2.8 Island2.8.1 Island is a lifted up platform with a height of 400mm,a width of 3,030mm and alength of 3,050mm.It is divided equally for Red and Blue T eams.Each part consistsof a half side of Bun T ower and a notch at the corner,which presents as the BasketArea,with a depth of 12mm and a diameter of 500 mm.A Basket will be placed atthe Basket Area of the Island by Manual Robot.(Figures 2,13)2.9 Loading Areas2.9.1 Loading Area 1 (L1) is located at the floor surface of Manual Robot Zone and islocated nearby the Automatic Robot Starting Point with a length of 1,965mm anda width of 1520mm.(Figures 2)2.9.2 Loading Area 2 (L2),which is presented as the stair up to the Island,is a squareplatform with a height of 200mm and a length of 1,500mm.It is located at the sideof the Island.(Figures 13)2.9.3 Loading Area 3 (L3) is located near by the T unnel.It is a rectangular platform with aheight of 200mm,a length of 1,550mm and a width of 1000mm.(Figures 2,3,13)2.10 Tunnel & T oken Box2.10.1 A Tunnel is located at the Manual Robot Zone.The inner size of the Tunnel is2040mm in length,1200mm in width,and 1600mm at the highest point.The ceilingof the T unnel is arched.(Figures 7)2.10.2 A T oken Box is placed at the side of the T unnel.The slot of the T oken Box is 100mmin width and 400mm in length.(Figures 6)2.11 T oken2.11.1 The T oken is placed at the T oken Stand.The size of the T oken is 300mm in diameter,20mm in thickness.The weight of a T oken is 170gm.(Figure 5)2.11.2 The T oken is made of low density polystyrene with two sides of stickers covered.The graphic on two sides of the T oken surface is subject to the design of each team.In the international contest,the host organization of ABU Robocon 2012 willproduce the T oken sticker for each team.The individual contestant has to send theirsoftcopies of the T oken sticker to the host organization after the representativeteam is confirmed.Details will be provided later.2.12 T oken Stand2.12.1 The T oken Stand is fixed on the ground of Manual Robot Zone.It consists of threesections:a frame,a pole and the bottom.T he arc-shaped frame is made of mild steelwith an indent inside.2.12.2 The thickness of the frame is 40mm and the width of space inside the indent is22mm.The pole is made of mild steel with a diameter of 40mm and a height of742mm.The bottom of the T oken Stand is a round mild steel plate with a diameterof 350mm and a thickness of 3mm.(Figures 5)2.13 Bridge2.13.1 The Bridge is located in Automatic Robot Zone.It has a three-dimensionaltrapezoidal shape with a length of 3500mm and a width of 1970mm.The top of theBridge is 300mm high.(Figures 13)2.14 Obstructions2.14.1 Wooden Obstructions with a height of 100mm and a thickness of 50 mm areplaced at both Manual Robot Zone and Automatic Robot Zone.Robots have tonavigate through the zigzag path in which obstacles are presented.3. Game Procedure & Competition Tasks3.1 Manual Robot’s operator rides on Manual Robot before the game starts.3.2 Manual Robot’s operator navigates Manual Robot from Manual Robot Starting Point to theT oken Stand.3.3 Manual Robot picks up the T oken at the T oken Stand and carries it.3.4 Manual Robot’s operator navigates Manual Robot to the Tunnel.3.5 Arriving at the T unnel,Manual Robot inserts the T oken into the T oken Box.No part ofManual Robot is allowed to touch the T oken Box.Manual Robot is not allowed to start going through the T unnel before inserting a T oken into the T oken Box for the first time to cross the Tunnel.3.6 When the T oken is totally put inside the T oken Box,motion of Automatic Robot can be selfstarted or started by “one push button” by a team member after the signal from referees.Automatic Robot may start picking up the Basket in the Common Zone and puts it in any place of Manual Robot Zone.Or,Automatic Robot may start later as the strategy of the team.The task of putting the Basket in Manual Robot Zone will be considered as “Completed” when the Basket is put in Manual Robot Zone and is standing on its own on its bottom base;it means there is no contact between the Basket and neither Automatic Robot nor Manual Robot.3.7 Automatic Robot of each team is allowed to touch only one of the two Baskets in theCommon Zone and a team can only pick up the same Basket which they have touched before and if it is available.3.8 Manual Robot goes through the T unnel and proceeds to Collector Robot Starting Point. 3.9 Manual Robot picks up Collector Robot at Collector Robot Starting Point.3.10 Manual Robot carries Collector Robot and navigates through the zigzag path in whichobstacles are present.3.11 When all the contact surface of Manual Robot is totally inside the Loading Area 1,ManualRobot can unload Collector Robot.Manual Robot is allowed to extend over the space above the Automatic Robot Starting Point only during the unloading of Collector Robot.Collector Robot is not allowed to touch any part of the game field during the unloading process in L1.3.12 When Collector Robot is completely separated from Manual Robot and transferred toAutomatic Robot,motion of Automatic Robot can be self started or be started by a team member by “one push button”.There is no rule to guide the sequence for Automatic Robot to pick up the Basket and the Collector Robot.The team can pick up both items simultaneously.3.13 Automatic Robot carries Collector Robot across the Bridge towards Collector RobotLoading Area 2 or Loading Area 3.3.14 After transferring Collector Robot to Automatic Robot,Manual Robot is allowed to pick upthe Basket when it is placed in Manual Robot Zone and puts the Basket in the Basket Area on the Island.When the Basket was placed at the Basket Area,no robot is allowed to touch the Basket.3.15 Automatic Robot must unload Collector Robot inside Loading Area 2 or LoadingArea 3.Collector Robot is not allowed to touch the game field before being unloaded inside Loading Area 2 or Loading Area 3.3.16 Collector Robot can either leave Automatic Robot and climbs the stairs onto the Islandfrom Collector Robot Loading Area 2,or it can be lifted up to the Island by Manual Robot from Collector Robot Loading Area 3.3.17 The actions of Collector Robot must start-up by push-button to be pushed by AutomaticRobot / Manual Robot,or,a non-radio signal emitted by Automatic Robot or Collector Robot can automatically start itself.3.18 Collector Robot can accept the command from Manual Robot when Manual Robot picks upCollector Robot and is in physical contact with Collector Robot.While in physical contact, Manual Robot is allowed to communicate with Collector Robot by non-RF communication methods.3.19 Buns in the Middle and the Lowest Layer can be picked up and put into the Basket byCollector Robot itself while it is not in touch with Manual Robot and stands on the Island by itself.Buns will be considered as “Collected” only when they were picked up and clearly put into the Basket.Buns dropped on the game field can not be used again.3.20 A team’s Collector Robot can only pick up Buns placed on its side of the T ower.Invadingonto the opponent’s side of the T ower and the space above is not allowed,which will be a Violation.3.21 Manual Robot can directly pick up Buns from the Lowest Layer of the T ower during the lastone minute of the game,therefore 2 minutes from the start.It is not allowed to pick up Buns from the upper two layers.3.22 After at least one Bun from each of the Middle and Lowest Layers were picked up and putinto the Basket,the Bun at the T op Layer can be touched and picked up by Collector Robot while Collector Robot is being lifted up from the surface of the Island by Manual Robot. 3.23 Buns will only be counted when they are put into the Basket of the team.3.24 Once Collector Robot puts the T op Bun into the Basket after successfully put at least oneBun from each of the two lower layers into the Basket,the match will immediately end.This is called “Peng On Dai Gat”.If neither team achieves the “Peng On Dai Gat” within 3 minutes,the winner will be decided by the total scores of the team in this match.4. Restarting Points4.1 In the case of mechanical problem,or failing of a task,the robot can be brought back to itsRestarting Point to restart with the consent of referees.Restarting Points will be set up as follows:4.2 Manual Robot Starting Point (M)(after Manual Robot has left Manual Robot Starting Point (M)) -4.2.1 If the T oken was not successfully put inside the T oken Box,Manual Robot has torestart from Manual Robot Starting Point M and the T oken will be put back to thestand.4.2.2 Robot has to use Point M until it has completely entered S1.4.3 Manual Robot Restarting Point S1(after Manual Robot has gone through the T unnel successfully) -4.3.1 If Manual Robot failed to transfer Collector Robot to Automatic Robot,ManualRobot must restart at the Restarting Point S1,and Collector Robot must be putback in Collector Robot Starting Point (C).4.3.2 If Manual Robot failed to pick up the Basket or failed to put it in the Basket Area onthe Island,Manual Robot must restart from Restarting Point S1.The Basket will beput back in the place where Automatic Robot has put it in Manual Robot Zone. 4.4 Automatic Robot Starting Point (A)(after Automatic Robot has left Automatic Robot Starting Point) -4.4.1 If Automatic Robot failed to pick up the Basket in the Common Zone or failedto put the Basket in Manual Robot Zone,Automatic Robot must restart fromAutomatic Robot Starting Point (A) and the Basket will be put back to where it wasin the Common Zone.4.4.2 If the Basket is indeterminate to be grabbed by any team and the two robotsare standing still (such as the case when both team’s Automatic Robot trying tograb the same Basket at the same time),a “Compulsory Retry” for two AutomaticRobots of two teams is needed.The two Automatic Robots have to restart atAutomatic Robot Starting Point (A) after the signal from referees.“CompulsoryRetry” is commanded by a referee and both teams should follow the instruction.4.4.3 If Automatic Robot successfully completed the task of putting the Basket in ManualRobot Zone but it failed to go back to Automatic Robot Starting Point (A) toreceive the Collector Robot,Automatic Robot can be brought back to AutomaticRobot Starting Point (A) to restart after the consent of referees.4.4.4 Once Automatic Robot carried Collector Robot which was successfully detachedfrom Manual Robot and if a retry is needed,Automatic Robot can restart fromAutomatic Robot Starting Point (A) with the Collector Robot.4.5 Restarting Point S2(after Automatic Robot has crossed the Bridge successfully) -4.5.1 If Collector Robot failed to climb up the stairs onto the Island by itself at LoadingArea 2,or Automatic Robot failed to carry Collector Robot to Loading Area 3,orManual Robot is unable to pick up Collector Robot in Loading Area 3,AutomaticRobot and Collector Robot must restart together at S2.4.6 Collector Robot Loading Area 24.6.1 If Collector Robot is unloaded in Loading Area 2 and it successfully stands on theIsland and if a retry is needed,it can restart from Loading Area 2.4.7 Collector Robot Loading Area 34.7.1 If Collector Robot has been unloaded in Loading Area 3 and a retry is neededafterwards,Collector Robot will be placed in Loading Area 3 and Manual Robot hasto restart from Manual Robot Starting Point (M).5. Game Duration5.1 Each match lasts three minutes at most.5.2 In any of the following cases,the match ends immediately (even before three minutes).5.2.1 When “Peng On Dai Gat” is achieved.5.2.2 Disqualification is announced in the knockout.5.2.3 When the referee judges that the game can not continue.6. General Restrictions6.1 Substitution of Manual Robot’s Operator is not allowed in a single match.6.2 Manual Robot’s Operator can not touch the T oken,Collector Robot,Automatic Robot,Basket or any other parts of the game field after the game has started.The feet of the operator can not touch any surface of the game field as well.6.3 Manual Robot is not allowed to move beyond the fence and to touch the floor of AutomaticRobot Zone.However,part of Manual Robot can extend over the space above Automatic Robot Starting Point (A),the Loading Area 3 and the space above the Island.6.4 None of the robot is allowed to touch any parts of the T oken Box.6.5 Automatic Robot of each team is only allowed to touch one of the two Baskets and it canonly pick up the same Basket which it has touched and if this Basket is available.6.6 After being picked up by Manual Robot at Collector Robot Starting Point (C),CollectorRobot cannot touch any part of the game field until it is unloaded in Collector Robot Loading Area 2 or Loading Area 3.6.7 After starting the Automatic Robot,the team members who perform the starting actionmust leave the game field immediately.6.8 Automatic Robot can not extend over the space above all the area of opponent team.6.9 Automatic Robot is not allowed to touch the game field in Loading Area 1, LoadingArea 2,Loading Area 3,Manual Robot Zone,Common Zone and the Island.6.10 Automatic Robot is not allowed to extend itself into the space above Loading Area 1,Loading Area 2,Loading Area 3,the Island,Common Zone and Manual Robot Zone.Automatic Robot is allowed to extend over the space above Common Zone and Manual Robot Zone only when picking the Basket from Common Zone and placing the Basket in Manual Robot Zone.6.11 Manual Robot should not use any part of the T ower as mechanical support.Manual Robotmay momentarily touch the Lowest Layer of the Bun T ower during picking up the Buns,but not the T op Layer and the Middle Layer.6.12 When Manual Robot is lifting up Collector Robot,all parts of Collector Robot must nottouch the Island.6.13 The Buns at the T op Layer cannot be touched unless at least one Bun from the Middle andthe Lowest layers have already picked up and put into the Basket.6.14 Manual Robot Operator cannot directly drive any mechanical motions.All the actions of therobots must be driven by robotic means.6.15 A team’s robots can only pick up Buns placed on its side of the T ower.It is not allowed toinvade onto the opponent’s side of the T ower and the space above.6.16 Robots are not allowed to reach or to enter their respective restricted areas.6.17 Manual Robot can communicate with Collector Robot when they are in physical contact.6.18 Automatic Robot can communicate with Collector Robot by non-radio signal.ManualRobot is allowed to switch on the Collector Robot while they are in physical contact.6.19 Communication between Manual Robot and Automatic Robot is not allowed.ManualRobot cannot communicate with Automatic Robot via Collector Robot.6.20 Communications with any robot in the game field is not allowed except mentioned in 6.17and 6.18.7. Deciding the Winner7.1 “Peng On Dai Gat”7.1.1 First,the team picks up at least one Bun from each of the Middle Layer and theLowest Layer and put them into the Basket.Secondly,the team picks up the Bunin the T op Layer and put it in the Basket.It will achieve ‘Peng On Dai Gat’and thematch ends immediately.7.1.2 The achievement of “Peng On Dai Gat” will lead to victory directly.7.1.3 If the two teams achieve “Peng On Dai Gat” at the same time,the winner shall bedecided by the total scores after deduction of Violations points in that match.7.1.4 If the two teams achieve “Peng On Dai Gat” at the same time with the same earningscores,the winner shall be decided by time record of the first Bun being put into theBasket.7.2 If neither team achieves the “Peng On Dai Gat” within 3 minutes,the winner shall bedecided by the total score after deduction of Violation points in that match.The team that earns higher score is the winner.The score of each task is described as follows:7.2.1 Manual Robot slots the T oken in the T oken Box.[10 scores]7.2.2 Automatic Robot puts the Basket in Manual Robot Zone.[20 scores]7.2.3 Manual Robot puts Collector Robot on Automatic Robot.[10 scores]7.2.4 Automatic Robot unloads Collector Robot either in Loading Area 2 or LoadingArea 3.[30 scores]7.2.5 Manual Robot puts the Basket in the Basket Area on the Island.[10 scores]7.2.6 Buns in the Lowest Layer are collected.[10 scores per Bun]7.2.7 Buns in the Middle Layer are collected.[25 scores per Bun]7.2.8 The Bun in the T op Layer is collected.[Peng On Dai Gat,game ends]7.3 If the two teams have the same final scores,the winner is determined by the time record ofthe first Bun being put into the Basket.7.4 If both teams could not put any Bun in the Baskets and finished with the same scores,theteam with the best time record of inserting the T oken into the T oken Box will be the winner.7.5 If both teams can not insert the T oken into the T oken Box,the winner will be decided by theJudges.7.6 If teams in the same group during group match have the same number of “Peng On DaiGat”,the team with the best time record of “Peng On Dai Gat” (with the fastest completion time of the whole game) will be the winner.In the knockout,it will be regulated by 7.1-7.5.8. Violations8.1 The team with five Violations in a match will be disqualified.Negative scores may appear insome cases.8.2 When the Violation occurs,the team will be deducted 10 points and the team has to bringthe violating robot back to the point which the referee indicates.The Violations are categorized as follows:8.2.1 Any parts of any robot or objects held by a robot enter the opposing teamAutomatic Robot Zone or the space above it.8.2.2 Any part of any robot or the object held by a robot cause obstruction or difficultyto the opposing team.8.2.3 Any Basket is pushed down onto the opposing team area.8.2.4 Any parts of any robots enter their respective restricted areas.8.2.5 The Bun at the T op Layer is picked up before at least one Bun from the Middle andthe Lowest Layers were picked up and put them into the Basket.8.2.6 Any parts of robots enter the opposing team Automatic Robot Zone and physicallytouch the robots or Buns of the opposing team,except in the Common Zone.8.2.7 Other actions that infringe on the rules without mentioning in the Disqualificationare considered as Violations.。

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FIRST Tech Challenge2012‐2013比赛手册 part 2Ring It Up!比赛规则重要提示:所有参赛队必须遵守比赛手册Part1和Part2中、FTC论坛问答环节中提出的更新以及/FTC上所有规则和需求。


历史更新更新版本 更新日期 描述1 2012年9月8日 首次发布目录第一章:比赛 (4)1.1 概述 (4)1.2 比赛介绍 (4)1.3 比赛方法 (6)1.3.1 比赛前 (6)1.3.2 自动运行阶段 (6)1.3.3 手动控制阶段 (7)1.3.4 比赛结束阶段 (7)1.3.5 比赛限制 (8)1.4 比赛规则 (9)1.4.1 安全规则 (9)1.4.2 常规比赛规则 (9)1.5 比赛定义 (11)1.6 Ring It Up!比赛的处罚总结 (14)1.7 Ring It Up!计分范例 (16)第二章:机器人检查 (18)2.1 概述 (18)2.2 描述 (18)2.3 定义 (18)2.4 检查规则 (18)硬件检查列表 (20)软件检查列表 (22)场地检查列表 (23)第一章:比赛1.1 概述本章将介绍FIRST Tech Challenge 2012‐2013赛季的比赛,即Ring It Up!另外还将介绍比赛规则和比赛定义。

1.2 比赛介绍比赛在比赛场地上进行,场地最初设置如下图所示。




















1.3 比赛方法联盟代表色的圆环一共有三种。







1.3.1 比赛前队伍按照以下条件限制将机器人任意朝向,放置在比赛场地上:a.机器人需要与一面且仅有一面围墙接触。












1.3.2 自动运行阶段比赛开始时,先是进行30秒的自动运行阶段,机器人只能通过预先编写好的程序自动运行。









1.3.3 手动控制阶段自动运行阶段结束时,机器人操纵员将拿起他们的遥控手柄,并开始2分钟的手动控制阶段。








手动控制阶段分数统计:1.圆环得分——在中心支架上或中心得分板上得分位置的圆环可获得:a. 中心得分板:每个1分b. 第一层——每个5分——从地板算起的第一层c. 第二层——每个10分d. 第三层——每个15分2.直线得分——在中心支架同一面上,持所有权的横杆每排成一条线(不论水平、垂直还是斜线)都可为该联盟获得30分的直线得分。


















1.3.5 比赛限制比赛的进行要遵守<GR>的规则。


<GR1> 放置在中心得分板内的花色圆环不能得分。


<GR2> 任何时候中,机器人一次最多只能控制2个圆环。






<GR4> 机器人不得将对方联盟的圆环放置在自己的圆环分配器上。



<GR5> 机器人不得故意将比赛场地上的圆环移除。




<GR6> 机器人不能减少角落横杆以及中心支架上的圆环,但是可以减少中心得分板上的圆环。



<GR7> 在自动运行阶段结束时,与任意机器人接触的花色圆环将不再所有权争夺,也不会计入横杆得分,裁判会将花色圆环移除。


<GR8> 在比赛结束阶段,当机器人正在抬举另一机器人或者被抬举时,机器人不得妨碍正在敌对联盟区域内进行抬举或被抬举的机器人。


<GR9> 机器人在比赛阶段开始前将其联盟搭档的机器人举起,则不能获得抬举得分。

<GR10> 红外信号灯放置在中心支架上的指定位置上之后,队员不得再触碰他们的机器人。

