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温朝阳 王金锐 刘吉斌 姜玉新 华扬 詹维伟 童一砂 唐杰

摘要! 目的 探索和实施中国血管超声规范化及其继续教育的方法。方法中国医师协会超声医师分会(CUDA)对我国二级及三级医院超声从业人员受教育现状与应达到的基本程度进行调研,了解国际血管超声规范化及其继续教育情况,起草∀血管超声检查指南#,成立血管超声规范化培训指导委员会,成立血管超声规范化培训中心。结果 共收到57家二级和125家三级医院超声科的函调资料。三级医院超声科本科以上学历人员所占比例明显高于二级医院;二级医院超声科∃工人培训后上岗%比例明显高于三级医院;二、三级医院超声科主任都认为超声专业人员至少要具备大专以上学历,希望更多本科学历者从事超声影像诊断工作;CU DA与美国超声医学认证委员会(ARD M S)合作举办了2次血管超声规范化培训研讨会,并在北京共同举行了首届美国血管超声医生认证考试(RP V I),翻译出版了∀血管超声经典教程#;组织了12名国内外血管超声专家,分组起草、集体讨论、修改形成∀血管超声检查指南#初稿,经CUDA常委会审议通过,发表在∀中华超声影像学杂志#和CUDA网站,并即将出版;成立了由24名超声专家组成的CUDA血管超声规范化培训指导委员会;经单位自由申报(35家医院超声科)、分会遴选、集中学习和考核等程序,12家医院超声科获CUDA∃血管超声规范化培训中心%证书,每中心每年承办1~2次CUDA血管超声规范化培训学习班。结论 CUDA探索我国血管超声规范化及其继续教育,将带动超声其他各亚专业的规范化进程,为提高超声医学的整体水平奠定基础,使超声影像成为规范化、高标准、可信赖的重要临床检查技术之一。

关键词! 超声检查;血管;规范;继续教育

Expl oration of standardized vascul ar ultrasound trai ni ng i n Chi na WEN Chao yang*,WA NG J i n rui,LIU J i bin,JI ANG Yu x in,H UA Yang,Z HAN W ei w ei,TONG Yi sha,TANG J ie.D epart m ent of Ultrasound,Chi neseP eople&s L iberati on A r my GeneralH os p ital,Beiji ng100853,China

Corres ponding aut hor:TANG J ie,Em ail:t x ine@r vi m

Abstract! Objecti ve To expl ore standardized conti n u i n g vascular u ltrasound

DO I:10.3877/c m a..j i ss n.1672 6448.2010.12.006

作者单位:解放军总医院超声科(温朝阳、唐杰),北京大学第三医院超声科(王金锐),美国T ho m as Jefferson大学医院超声研究所(刘吉斌),北京协和医院超声科(姜玉新),首都医科大学宣武医院血管超声科(华扬),上海交通大学附属瑞金医院超声科(詹维伟),澳大利亚墨尔本大学A usti n医院血管实验室(童一砂)

通讯作者:唐杰,E m a i:l t x i m

trai n i n g i n Ch i na.M ethods D ata of current ultrasound practiti oner educati on l eve l s i n t he secondary and terti ary hospitals w ere co llected.U nder the directi on of t he Chi nese U ltrasound D oct or A ssociati on(CUDA),V ascu l ar U ltrasound Gu i deli nes were i ntro duced.The CUDA Steeri ng Co mm ittee f or Standard i zed V ascular U ltrasound T rai ni ng and V ascul ar U ltrasound T ra i n i ng Centers were establi shed.Results The questi on na i res were recei ved fro m182u ltrasound depart m ents of57secondary hosp itals and125 terti ary hosp itals.The proporti on of ultrasound practiti oners who obta i n ed a un i versity degree was si gnificantl y h i gher i n the u ltrasound depart m ents of terti ary hosp ital s t han t hat i n t he secondary hospitals(75.18%vs52.63%).The proporti on o f u ltrasound practiti oners who on l y rece i ved short ter m u ltrasound trai n i n g and di d not have terti ary educati on was si gn ificantl y hi gher i n the u ltrasound depart m ents of secondary hosp ital s t han t hat i n t he terti ary hospita l s(8.31%vs1.03%).The directors of u ltrasound de part m ents i n both secondary and tertiary hospitals believed t hat ultrasound practiti oners should at least have a uni versit y di plo m a and preferab l y have a uni versity degree.The CUDA and t he Am eri can R egistry for D i agnosticM edical Sonography(ARD M S)co hos ted t w o standard i zed vascular ultrasound tra i n i ng se m i nars and t he firstR egistered Physi ci an i n V ascular Interpretati on(RP V I)credential exa m i nati on i n Beiji n g.A well kno wn vascul ar u ltrasound reference book,Introducti on to V ascul ar U ltrasound was transl ated fro m English i nto Chi nese and pub li shed i n Septe mber2008.The CUDA V ascularU ltra sound Gu i deli n es were drafted by12vascu l ar ultrasound experts fro m Ch i n a,U.S.and Australi a,wh i ch were w i del y discussed and passed by t he CUDA Standi ng Co mm ittee. The gui de li nes have been pub li shed i n t he Ch i n ese Journal ofU ltrasonography and on t he website of CUDA().The CUDA has si gned a publish i n g contract w ith a m ed i cal press to pub li sh t he gu i deli n e bookle.t The CUDA Steeri ng Co mm ittee for t he Standard i zed V ascul arU ltrasound T rai n i ng was established which i ncl udes24do m es ti c and f orei gn experts.The CUDA Standardized V ascular U ltrasound T rai n i n g Centers were a warded to12hosp itals,wh i ch w ere sel ected,tra i ned and assessed by t he CUDA fro m35candi dates.Each center is expected to undertake one to t w o standardized vascu l ar ultrasound tra i n i ng courses each year.Concl usi on Conti nu i n g educati on of vascular u ltrasound i n troduced by CUDA has been accepted positi vel y by a porti on of Chi nese doctors w ith u ltrasound m aj or.

Key words! U ltrasonography;Blood vessel s;Bench mark i ng;Conti nu i n g edu cati on

