



正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)控制2010-09-18 ylw527+关注献花(4)为了使变压变频器输出交流电压得波形近似为正弦波,使电动机得输出转矩平稳,从而获得优秀得工作性能,现代通用变压变频器中得逆变器都就是由全控型电力电子开关器件构成,采用脉宽调制(pulse width modulation, 简称pwm ) 控制得,只有在全控器件尚未能及得特大容量时才采用晶闸管变频器。

应用最早而且作为pwm控制基础得就是正弦脉宽调制(sinusoidal pulse width modulation, 简称spwm)。








这种正弦波正、负半周分别用正、负脉冲等效得spwm 波形称作单极式spwm。



24.437 电力电子正弦脉宽调制如图1所示,电压源逆变器的开关可以按要求打开和关闭。



图1 简单的电压源逆变器 如图2所示,用最直接的执行方式,所期望的输出电压是通过比较预期的参考波形与高频率的三角载波(调制信号) 生成的,无论直流电压是正还是负,信号电压的输出只根据信号电压是否大于或小于载波波形,要注意的是,在此期间一个三角载波周期的平均电压即信号的振幅加到负载形成正比(假定不变)。


需要注意的是,由于PWM 使得总谐波不失真,均方根的平均交流电压波形幅值仍与直流电压相等。


当正弦波调制信号的振幅为Am ,三角载波的振幅为Ac 时,它们的调制指数就是m=Am/ Ac 。


如图3所示,fc/fm=21 ,t=L/R=T/3,T 为基本周期,由于感性元件的存在,高频成分不能明显的传播到交流网络(或负载),所以具有足够高的载波频率。


所以,在电力系统的应用中,通常认为使用2-15kHz 的开关频率最为合适。

此外,在三相系统中,建议使用)(,3N k k f f mc ∈=,使得三个波形对称。

图2 主要的脉宽调制图3 SPWM的fc/fm=48,L/R=T/3如图4所示,该过程是比较合适的,因为在该图中有三角载波,其中没有交集的载体作为信号周期。



脉宽调节 pwm spwm 英文翻译(1-3)

脉宽调节 pwm spwm 英文翻译(1-3)

毕业设计外文资料翻译学院:专业:姓名:学号:外文出处: Home Power #75·February/March2000 (用外文写)24.437 Power Electronics附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。























正弦脉宽调制(Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation,SPWM)是一种常用的调制技术,用于控制电力电子器件的输出波形。






















51单片机脉宽调制控制器外文文献及翻译51单片机脉宽调制控制器外文文献及翻译Design of PWM Controller in a MCS-51 Compatible MCU Yue-Li Hu, Wei Wang Microelectronic Research & Development Center,Key Laboratory of Advanced Display and System Applications (Shanghai University), Ministry of Education Campus P.O.B.221, 149 Yanchang Rd, Shanghai 200072, ChinaE-mail: ****************AbstractThis paper presents a design of Pulse-Width Modulated(PWM) controller module in a MCU based on MCS-51structure. The design can generate 2-channel programmable periodic PWM signals. These output PWM signals from MCU can be used for a variety of applications including motor control. The function of the design allows users to select independent or complementary inversion timing relationships between 2 PWM wave forms. The latter mode selection also includes optional dead time function to support driving H-bridges and inverters. Therefore, users can controlthe output PWM signals through setting the duty-cycle registers. After the successful simulation at the front end, practical experiments made on a NIOS development board verify the design.1. IntroductionPWM technology is a kind of voltage regulation method by controlling the switch frequency of DC power with fixed voltage to modify the two-end voltage of load.This technology can be used for a variety of applications including motor control, temperature control and pressure control and so on. In the motor control system shown as Fig. 1, through adjusting the duty cycle of power switch, the speed of motor can be controlled. As shown in Fig. 2, under the control of PWM signal, the average of voltage that controls the speed of motor changes with Duty-cycle ( D = t1/T in this Figure ),thus the motor speed can be increased when motor power turn on, decreased when power turn off.Fig.1 PWM control block diagramFig.2: The Relationship between Voltage of Armature and Duty-cycle Therefore, the motor speed can be controlled with regularly adjusting the time of turn-on and turn-off. There are three methods could achieve the adjustment of duty cycle: (1)Adjust frequency with fixed pulse-width. (2) Adjust both frequency and pulse-width. (3) Adjust pulse-width with fixed frequency.Generally, there are four methods to generate the PWM signals as the following: (1) Generated by the device composed of separate logic components. This method is the original method which now has been discarded. (2) Generated by software. This method need CPU to continuously operate instructions to control I/O pins for generating PWM output signals, so that CPU can not do anything other. Therefore, the method also has been discarded gradually. (3) Generated by ASIC. The ASIC makes a decrease of CPU burden and steady work generally has several functions such as over-current protection, dead-time adjustment and so on. Then the method has been widely used in many kinds of occasion now. (4) Generated byPWM function module of MCU. Through embedding PWM function module in MCU and initializing the function六-维^论'文.网 , PWM pins of MCU can also automatically generate PWM out signals without CPU controlling only when need to change duty-cycle. It is the method that will be implemented in this paper.In this paper, we propose a PWM module embedded in a 8051 microcontroller. The PWM module can support PWM pulse signals by initializing the control register and duty-cycle register with three methods just mentioned above to adjust the duty cycle and several operation modes to add flexibility for user.The following section explains the architecture of the PWM module and the architectures of basic functional blocks.Section3 describes two operation modes. Experimental and simulation results verifying proper system operation are also shown in that section. Depending on mode of operation, the PWM module creates one or more pulse-width modulated signals, whose duty ratios can be independently adjusted.2. Implementation of PWM module in MCU2.1 Overview of the PWM module六-维^论'文.网A block diagram of PWM module is shown in Fig.3. It is clearly from the diagram that the whole module is composed of two sections: PWM signal generator and dead-time generator with channel select logic. The PWM function can be started by the user through implementing some instructions for initializing the PWM module. In particular, the following power and motion control applications are supported:• DC Motor• Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)Fig.3 Architecture of PWM ModuleThe PWM module also has the following features:• Two PWM signal outputs with complementary or independent operation• Hardware dead-time generators for complementary mode•Duty cycle updates are configurable to be immediated or synchronized to the PWM2. 2 Details of the architecture2.2.1 PMW generatorThe architecture of the 2-output PWM generator shown in Fig.3 is based on a 16-bit resolution counter which creates a pulse-width modulated signal. The system is synthesized by a system clock signal whose frequency can be divided by 4 times or 12 times through setting the value of T3M for PWM0 or T4M for PWM1 in the special register PWMCON as shown in Fig.4. To PWM0 generator, the clock to 16-bit counter will be pre-divided by 4 times by default when T3M is set to zero. And the clock will be divided by 12 times when T3M is set to 1. This is also true for PWM1. The other bits in PWMCON are explained in detail in T able 1.161551单片机脉宽调制控制器外文文献及翻译第2页Fig .4 Bit Mapping of PWMCONTable 1: The Bit Definition in PWMCONBIT DescriptionTF4 Interrupt Request for PWM0TR4 RUN bit for PWM0TF3 Interrupt Request for PWM1TR3 RUN bit for PWM1PSEL Channel Select inComplementary ModeCPWM Mode SelectT4M Clock Prescaler for PWM1T3M Clock Prescaler for PWM02.2.2 Channel-select logicThe follow Fig. 5 shows the channel-select logic which is useful in Complementary Mode. From this diagram, it is clear to know that signal CP and CPWM control the source of PWMH and PWML. And the details about the two control signals will be discussed in the section 3, and the architecture of dead-time generator will also be discussed in section 3.1 for the continuity of Complementary Mode.Fig. 5 Diagram of Channel-select Logic3. Operation Mode and Simulation ResultsThe design has two operation modes: Independent Mode and Complimentary Mode. By setting the corresponding bit CPWM in register PWMCON shown in Fig. 4, user can select one of the two operation modes. When CPWM is set to zero,PWMmodule will work in Independent Mode, whereas,PWM module will work in Complimentary Mode. In the following of this section, the two operation mode will be explained respectively in detail and the simulation results of the PWM module from the Synoposys VCS EDA platform which verify the design will also be shown.3.1 Independent PWM Output ModeAn Independent PWM Output mode is useful for driving loads such as the one shown in Figure 1. A particular PWM output is in the Independent Output mode when the corresponding CP bit in the PWMCON register is set to zero.In this case, two-channel PWM outputs are independent of each other. The signal on pin PWM0/PWMH is from PWM0 generator, and the signal on pin PWM1/PWML is from PWM0 generator. The separate case is achieved by the channel-select logic shown in Fig. 6. The PWM I/O pins are set to independent mode by default upon advice reset. The dead-time generator is disabled in the Independent mode. The simulation result is shown in Figure 4 as the following Fig.5.Tr4 and tr3 are run bits to PWM0 and PWM1, respectively.Actually, from this diagram, Pin P1[5]/ P1[4] of MCU is used for PWMH/ PWML or normal I/O ,alternatively.Fig.6 the Waveform of PWM Outputs in Independent Mode3.2 Complementary PWM Output ModeThe Complementary Output mode is used to drive inverter loads similar to the one shown in Figure 7. This inverter topology is typical for DC applications. InComplementary Output Mode, the pair of PWM outputs cannot be active simultaneously. The PWM channel and output pin pair are internally configured through channel-select logic as shown in Figure 5. A dead-time may be optionally inserted duringdevice switching where both outputs are inactive for a short period.Authorized licensed use limited to: East China Normal University. Downloaded on January 11, 2009 at 00:36 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.Proceedings of HDP’07 六-维^论'文.网The Complementary mode is selected for PWM I/O pin pair by setting the appropriate CPWM bit in PWMCON. In this case, PSEL is in effect. PWMH and PWML will come from PWM0 generator when PSEL is set to zero, when the signals from PWM1 generator is useless, whereas PWMH and PWML will come from PWM1 generator when PSEL is set to 1, when the signals from PWM0 generator is useless. In the process of producing the PWM outputs in Complementary Mode, the dead-time will be inserted to be discussed in the following section.Fig 7: Typical Load for Complementary PWM Outputs3.3 Dead-time ControlDead-time generation is automatically enabled when PWM I/O pin pair is operating in the Complementary Output mode. Because the power output devices cannot switchinstantaneously, some amount of time must be provided between the turn-offevent of one PWM output in a complementary pair and the turn-on event of the othertransistor. The 2-output PWM module has one programmable dead-time with 8-bit register.The complementary output pair for the PWM module has an 8-bit down counter that is used to produce the dead-time insertion. As shown in Figure 8, the dead time unit has a rising and falling edge detector connected to PWM signal from one of PWM generator. The dead times is loaded into the timer on the detected PWM edge event. Depending on whether the edge is rising or falling, one of the transitions on the complementary outputs is delayed until the timer counts down to zero. A timing diagram indicating the dead time insertion for the pair of PWM outputs is shown in Figure 8.Fig.8 Dead-time Unit Block DiagramConclusionsIn this paper, we have designed PWM module based on an 8-bit MCU compatible with 8051 family. The design can generate 2-channel programmable periodic PWM signals with two operation mode, Independent Mode and Complementary Mode in which dead-time will be inserted. The simulation results on the EDA platform have proven its correctness andusefulness.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (Project Number: T0103) for the financial support.51单片机脉宽调制控制器外文文献及翻译第3页Fig. 9 the Waveforms of PWM Outputs in ComplementaryModeReferences1. Xiang hui-fang and Hu yue-li, Computer measurement and control, 14(7) p. 942(2006)2. Hu yue-li and Ding qian, Conference on High Density Microsystem Design and Packaging and Component Failure Analysis, p.267 (2006)3. Yue-Li Hu and Bing Xiong, Proceedings of 2006 Conf. on High Density Microsystem Design and Packaging and Component Failure Analysis (HDP’06), China, p.278(2006).六-维^论'文.网4. Yue-Li Hu, Jia-Lin Cao, Feng Ran and Zhi-Jian Liang,Proceedings of 2004 Conf. on High Density Microsystem Design and Packaging and Component Failure Analysis(HDP'04),China, p.25(2004)5. JING Wei-liang, HU Yue-li, CAO Jia-lin. “Design of 16MB Addr essing Spaces in an MCU Based on the MCS-51 Structure,”The 7th IEEE CPMT Conference on HighDensity Microsystem Design and Packaging and Component Failure Analysis (HDP’05),Shanghai,China,June30-July 3,(2005), pp.509-512.6. Peterchev, A.V, Jinwen Xiao; S anders, S.R, “Architecture and IC implementation of a digital VRM controller,”Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Volume 18, Issue 1, Part 2, Jan. 2003 Page(s):356 –364.7. Smith, K.M., Jr.; Lai, Z.; Smedley, K.M.; “A new PWM controller with one-cycle response,” Power Electronics,IEEE Transactions on Volume 14, Issue 1, Jan. 1999Page(s):142 - 150Authorized licensed use limited to: East China Normal University. Downloaded on January 11, 2009 at 00:36 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.中文译文:基于51单片机兼容的脉宽调制控制器的设计胡越黎王伟微电子研发中心,重点实验室显示器及系统应用(上海大学),教育部校园POB221,149延长路,上海200072,中国摘要:这篇论文描述了脉宽调制控制器模块在微控制器中基于51单片机构造的设计。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:脉冲宽度调制(PWM)文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14外文原文Pulse-width modulationPulse-width modulation (PWM)is a modulation technique that conforms the width of the pulse, formally the pulse duration, based on modulator signal information. Although this modulation technique can be used to encode information for transmission, its main use is to allow the control of the power supplied to electrical devices, especially to inertial loads such as motors. In addition, PWM is one of the two principal algorithms used in photovoltaic solar battery chargers,[1]The average value of voltage (and current) fed to the load is controlled by turning the switch between supply and load on and off at a fast pace. The longer the switch is on compared to the off periods, the higher the power supplied to the load is.The PWM switching frequency has to be much faster than what would affect the load, which is to say the device that uses the power. Typically switchings have to be done several times a minute in an electric stove, 120 Hz in a lamp dimmer, from few kilohertz (kHz) to tens of kHz for a motor drive and well into the tens or hundreds of kHz in audio amplifiers and computer power supplies.The term duty cycle describes the proportion of 'on' time to the regular interval or 'period' of time; a low duty cycle corresponds to low power, because the power is off for most of the time. Duty cycle is expressed in percent, 100% being fully on.The main advantage of PWM is that power loss in the switching devices is very low. When a switch is off there is practically no current, and when it is on, there is almost no voltage drop across the switch. Power loss, being the product of voltage and current, is thus in both cases close to zero. PWM also works well with digital controls, which, because of their on/off nature, can easily set the needed duty cycle.PWM has also been used in certain communication systems where its duty cycle has been used to convey information over a communications channel.HistoryIn the past, when only partial power was needed (such as for a sewing machine motor), a rheostat (located in the sewing machine's foot pedal) connected in series with the motor adjusted the amount of current flowing through the motor, but also wasted power as heat in the resistor element. It was an inefficient scheme, but tolerable because the total power was low. This was one of several methods of controlling power. There were others—some still in use—such as variable autotransformers, including thetrademarked 'Autrastat' for theatrical lighting; and the Variac, for general AC power adjustment. These were quite efficient, but also relatively costly.For about a century, some variable-speed electric motors have had decent efficiency, but they were somewhat more complex than constant-speed motors, and sometimes required bulky external electrical apparatus, such as a bank of variable power resistors or rotating converter such as Ward Leonard drive.However, in addition to motor drives for fans, pumps and robotic servos, there was a great need for compact and low cost means for applying adjustable power for many devices, such as electric stoves and lamp dimmers.One early application of PWM was in the Sinclair X10, a 10 W audio amplifier available in kit form in the 1960s. At around the same time PWM started to be used in AC motor control.Fig. 1: a pulse wave, showing the definitions of , and D.Pulse-width modulation uses a rectangular pulse wave whose pulse width is modulated resulting in thevariation of the average value of the waveform. If we consider a pulse waveform , with period ,low value , a high value and a duty cycle D (see figure 1), the average value of thewaveform is given by:As is a pulse wave, its value is for and for. The above expression then becomes:This latter expression can be fairly simplified in many cases where as. From this, it is obvious that the average value of the signal () is directly dependent on the duty cycle DFig. 2: A simple method to generate the PWM pulse train corresponding to a given signal is the intersective PWM: the signal (here the red sinewave) is compared with a sawtooth waveform (blue). When the latter is less than the former, the PWM signal (magenta) is in high state (1). Otherwise it is in the low state (0).The simplest way to generate a PWM signal is the intersective method, which requires only a sawtooth or atriangle waveform (easily generated using a simple oscillator) and a comparator. When the value of the reference signal (the red sine wave in figure 2) is more than the modulation waveform (blue), the PWM signal (magenta) is in the high state, otherwise it is in the low state.Time proportioningMany digital circuits can generate PWM signals (e.g., many microcontrollers have PWM outputs). They normally use a counter that increments periodically (it is connected directly or indirectly to the clock of the circuit) and is reset at the end of every period of the PWM. When the counter value is more than the reference value, the PWM output changes state from high to low (or low to high).[3]This technique is referred to as time proportioning, particularly as time-proportioning control[4]– which proportion of a fixed cycle time is spent in the high state.The incremented and periodically reset counter is the discrete version of the intersecting method's sawtooth. The analog comparator of the intersecting method becomes a simple integer comparison between the current counter value and the digital (possibly digitized) reference value. The duty cycle can only be varied in discrete steps, as a function of the counter resolution. However, a high-resolution counter can provide quite satisfactory performance.PWM sampling theoremThe process of PWM conversion is non-linear and it is generally supposed that low pass filter signal recovery is imperfect for PWM. The PWM sampling theorem[6] shows that PWM conversion can be perfect. The theorem states that "Any bandlimited baseband signal within ±0.637 can be represented by a pulsewidth modulation (PWM) waveform with unit amplitude. The number of pulses in the waveform is equal to the number of Nyquist samples and the peak constraint is independent of whether the waveform is two-level or three-level."Power deliveryPWM can be used to control the amount of power delivered to a load without incurring the losses thatwould result from linear power delivery by resistive means. Potential drawbacks to this technique are the pulsations defined by the duty cycle, switching frequency and properties of the load. With a sufficiently high switching frequency and, when necessary, using additional passive electronic filters, the pulse train can be smoothed and average analog waveform recovered.High frequency PWM power control systems are easily realisable with semiconductor switches. As explained above, almost no power is dissipated by the switch in either on or off state. However, during the transitions between on and off states, both voltage and current are nonzero and thus power is dissipated in the switches. By quickly changing the state between fully on and fully off (typically less than 100 nanoseconds), the power dissipation in the switches can be quite low compared to the power being delivered to the load.Modern semiconductor switches such as MOSFETs or Insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are well suited components for high efficiency controllers. Frequency converters used to control AC motors may have efficiencies exceeding 98%. Switching power supplies have lower efficiency due to low output voltage levels (often even less than 2 V for microprocessors are needed) but still more than 70–80% efficiency can be achieved.Variable-speed fan controllers for computers usually use PWM, as it is far more efficient when compared to a potentiometer or rheostat. (Neither of the latter is practical to operate electronically; they would require a small drive motor.)Light dimmers for home use employ a specific type of PWM control. Home-use light dimmers typically include electronic circuitry which suppresses current flow during defined portions of each cycle of the AC line voltage. Adjusting the brightness of light emitted by a light source is then merely a matter of setting at what voltage (or phase) in the AC halfcycle the dimmer begins to provide electrical current to the light source (e.g. by using an electronic switch such as a triac). In this case the PWM duty cycle is the ratio of the conduction time to the duration of the half AC cycle defined by the frequency of the AC line voltage (50 Hz or 60 Hz depending on the country).V oltage regulationMain article: Switched-mode power supplyPWM is also used in efficient voltage regulators. By switching voltage to the load with the appropriate duty cycle, the output will approximate a voltage at the desired level. The switching noise is usually filtered with an inductor and a capacitor.One method measures the output voltage. When it is lower than the desired voltage, it turns on the switch. When the output voltage is above the desired voltage, it turns off the switch.Audio effects and amplificationPWM is sometimes used in sound (music) synthesis, in particular subtractive synthesis, as it gives a sound effect similar to chorus or slightly detuned oscillators played together. (In fact, PWM is equivalent to the difference of two sawtooth waves with one of them inverted.[1]) The ratio between the high and low level is typically modulated with a low frequency oscillator. In addition, varying the duty cycle of a pulse waveform in a subtractive-synthesis instrument creates useful timbral variations. Some synthesizers have a duty-cycle trimmer for their square-wave outputs, and that trimmer can be set by ear; the 50% point (true square wave) was distinctive, because even-numbered harmonics essentially disappear at 50%. Pulse waves, usually 50%, 25%, and 12.5%, make up the soundtracks of classic video games.A new class of audio amplifiers based on the PWM principle is becoming popular. Called "Class-D amplifiers", they produce a PWM equivalent of the analog input signal which is fed to the loudspeaker via a suitable filter network to block the carrier and recover the original audio. These amplifiers arecharacterize d by very good efficiency figures (≥ 90%) and compact size/light weight for large power outputs. For a few decades, industrial and military PWM amplifiers have been in common use, often for drivingservo motors. Field-gradient coils in MRI machines are driven by relatively high-power PWM amplifiers.Historically, a crude form of PWM has been used to play back PCM digital sound on the PC speaker, which is driven by only two voltage levels, typically 0 V and 5 V. By carefully timing the duration of the pulses, and by relying on the speaker's physical filtering properties (limited frequency response, self-inductance, etc.) it was possible to obtain an approximate playback of mono PCM samples, although at a very low quality, and with greatly varying results between implementations.In more recent times, the Direct Stream Digital sound encoding method was introduced, which uses a generalized form of pulse-width modulation called pulse density modulation, at a high enough sampling rate (typically in the order of MHz) to cover the whole acoustic frequencies range with sufficient fidelity. This method is used in the SACD format, and reproduction of the encoded audio signal is essentially similar to the method used in class-D amplifiers.中文翻译一、脉冲宽度调制脉冲宽度调制(PWM),是一种在一定的脉冲持续时间内,基于调制信号来追踪所希望达到的脉冲宽度的调制方式。



附录A 译文脉宽调制技术前面讨论的三相6阶梯逆变器既有其优点也有其局限性。




脉宽调制(PWM )工作原理由于逆变器中电子开关的存在,在恒定的直流输入电压d V 作用下,逆变器可以通过自身的多次开关控制输出电压并优化输出谐波。

图5-18解释了通过PWM 控制输出电压的工作原理。

基波电压1v 在方波工作模式下具有最大的幅值(4d v / )。

如图示,通过产生俩个凹口,1v 的幅值可以被减小,随着凹口宽度的增加,基波电压将随之减小。

图5-18 PWM 控制输出电压的工作原理PWM 分类在过去的文献中已提出了很多的PWM 技术,下面是对这些PWM 技术的分类。

1)正弦PWM (SPWM );2)特定谐波消除PWM (SHEPWM );3)最小纹波电流PWM ;4)空间矢量PWM (SVW );5)随机PWM ;6)滞环电流控制PWM ;7) 瞬时电流控制正弦PWM ;8)Delta 调制PWM ;9)Sigma Delta 调制PWM通常PWM 技术可以按电压控制或电流控制来分类,或按前馈方式或反馈方式来分类,也可以按基于斩波或不基于斩波来分类。

注意,前面讨论的移相控制PWM 也是一种PWM 技术。

在这一节中,将对主要的PWM 技术做一简单的回顾。

5.5.1正弦PWM正弦PWM 技术在实际的工业变流器的应用中非常普及。


图5-19解释了SPWM 的基本工作原理。

图中频率为c f 的等腰三角载波与频率f 的正弦调制波相比较,两者的焦点确定了电力电子器件的开关时刻。

例如,图中给出了开关半桥逆变器中的14Q Q 构成的a0v 波形,为防止14Q Q 的同时导通而设计的14Q Q 之间的死区时间在图中被忽略了。



本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目:变频电机设计及调速系统研究外文题目:Performance Analysis of Z-source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive 译文题目:Z源逆变器的驱动性能分析学生姓名:专业:电气工程及其自动化指导教师姓名:评阅日期:Z源逆变器的驱动性能分析摘要:本篇论文提出了三次谐波输入逆变器时最大恒定升压控制的仿真及其性能分析,该方法可在固定的调制指数下获得最大的电压升压。



并且所有传统PWM 调制法都可以应用于Z源逆变器的控制。


最大升压法仅适用于相对较高的输出频率,然而最大恒定升压控制法中的Z 源网络的设计仅取决于开关频率,而与输出频率无关。











这些PWM 波形可以通过使用带无源和有源元件的模拟电路产生,也可以由微处理器和微控制器产生[4]。



对于任意的调制波频率 f r ,载波频率 f c 恒定的脉宽调 制成为异步调制。
在异步调制方式中,由于载波频率 f c 保持一定,因而当调制波频率 变化时,调制波信号不能保持同步,即载波比N与调制频率 f r 成反 比。
在异步调制方式中,由于 f c 保持一定,因而当 f r 变化时,调制波 信号与载波信号不能保持同步,即载波比N与调制波频率 f r 成反比, 因此,异步调制具有以下特点:
t2 T c
1 (Tc t2 ) 2
由于 t e 、 t c M均为已知量,因此,规则采样法 SPWM脉宽 t 2 的计算较为简单,适合基于微处理器 的数字SPWM控制。
图4-33 SPWM脉冲信号规则采 样法生成原理
看到这里,其实我有一种感觉,自然采样法的文字很好理 解,但是公式很蛋疼;而规则采样法,文字不好理解,但 是公式似乎很容易看懂哦,哎,差不多明白一下原理就好 了。 除了上述的几种方法外,常见的方法还有“特定谐波消除法” 和“跟踪型两态调制法。”但是太复杂了,我就不介绍了, 我自己也不想再看下去了,差不多懂了原理算了至于以后要 用,在此基础上再好好看也行。
r r
不同调制波频率 时的异步调制 SPWM波形
由于异步调制时的开关频率固定,所以对于需要设置输出滤波 器的正弦波逆变器(如UPS逆变电源)而言,输出滤波器参数的 优化设计较为容易。 由于一个调制波周期中脉冲波形的不对称性,将导致基波相位的 跳动。对于三相正弦波逆变器,这种基波相位的跳动会使三相输出 不对称。 当 f r 较低时,由于一个调制波周期中的脉冲数较多,脉冲波形 的不对称性所造成的基波相位跳动的相角相对较小;而当 f r 较高 时,由于一个调制波周期中的脉冲数较少,脉冲波形的不对称性所 造成的基波相位跳动的相角相对变大。



正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)控制2010-09-18 ylw527 + 关注献花 (4)为了使变压变频器输出交流电压的波形近似为正弦波,使电动机的输出转矩平稳,从而获得优秀的工作性能,现代通用变压变频器中的逆变器都是由全控型电力电子开关器件构成,采用脉宽调制(pulse width modulation, 简称pwm ) 控制的,只有在全控器件尚未能及的特大容量时才采用晶闸管变频器。

应用最早而且作为pwm 控制基础的是正弦脉宽调制(sinusoidal pulse width modulation, 简称 spwm)。

图3-1 与正弦波等效的等宽不等幅矩形脉冲波序列3.1正弦脉宽调制原理一个连续函数是可以用无限多个离散函数逼近或替代的,因而可以设想用多个不同幅值的矩形脉冲波来替代正弦波,如图3-1 所示。





例如,把正弦半波分作n 等分(在图 3-2 中,n=9),把每一等分的正弦曲线与横轴所包围的面积都用一个与此面积相等的矩形脉冲来代替,矩形脉冲的幅值不变,各脉冲的中点与正弦波每一等分的中点相重合,这样就形成spwm 波形。


这种正弦波正、负半周分别用正、负脉冲等效的spwm 波形称作单极式 spwm。



正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)控制为了使变压变频器输出交流电压的波形近似为正弦波,使电动机的输出转矩平稳,从而取得优秀的工作性能,现代通用变压变频器中的逆变器都是由全控型电力电子开关器件组成,采用脉宽调制(pulse width modulation, 简称pwm ) 控制的,只有在全控器件尚未能及的特大容量时才采用晶闸管变频器。

应用最先而且作为pwm 控制基础的是正弦脉宽调制(sinusoidal pulse width modulation, 简称spwm)。

图3-1 与正弦波等效的等宽不等幅矩形脉冲波序列正弦脉宽调制原理一个连续函数是可以用无限多个离散函数逼近或替代的,因而可以设想用多个不同幅值的矩形脉冲波来替代正弦波,如图3-1所示。








图3-2 spwm波形图3-3是spwm变压变频器主电路的原理图,图中vt1~vt6是逆变器的六个全控型功率开关器件,它们各有一个续流二极管(vd1~vd6)和它反并联接。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:PWM整流器在自反馈串级调速系统的应用文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题目:PWM整流器中的应用自反馈串级调速系统PWM整流器在自反馈串级调速系统的应用摘要:本文分析了自反馈串级调速系统功率因数较低的原因,并提出了一种新的基于PWM 技术的串级调速系统方案。





索引词- 串级控制,功率因数,脉宽调制一导言在我们的日常生活和工业生产中,电力系统占相当大的比重,特别是这些载荷鼓风机和泵,使用多能量,因此节能的风机和水泵正在成为工业生产的主要问题之一。




功率因数高负荷,高速低转速负荷0.4 0.6。





二 CHOP 内馈调速的原理在电机中内反馈串级调速控制系统是异步电动机转子系列woundrotor 抵抗速度的基础。



采用晶闸管逆变器,附加电动势serriedwound 与转子绕组,其速度可以通过改变其规定。




Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation(SPWM)正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)The switches in the voltage source inverter(See Fig.1)can be turned on and off as required.In the simplest approach,the top switch is turned on If turned on and off only once in each cycle,a square wave waveform results.However,if turned on several times in a cycle an improved harmonic profile may be achieved.Fig 1:Simple Voltage SourcedIn the most straightforward implementation,generation of the desired output voltage is achieved by comparing the desired reference waveform(modulating signal)with a high-frequency triangular…carrier‟wave as depicted schematically in Fig.2.Depending on whether the signal voltage islarger or smaller than the carrier waveform,either the positive or negative dc bus voltage is applied at the output.Note that over the period of one triangle wave,the average voltage appliedto the load is proportional to the amplitude of the signal(assumed constant)during this period.The resulting chopped square waveform contains a replica of the desired waveform in its low frequency components,with the higher frequency components being at frequencies of a close to thecarrier frequency.Notice that the root mean square value of the ac voltage waveform is still equalto the dc bus voltage,and hence the total harmonic distortion is not affected by the PWM process.The harmonic components are merely shifted into the higher frequency range and are automatically filtered due to inductances in the ac system.When the modulating signal is a sinusoid of amplitude Am,and the amplitude of the triangularcarrier is Ac,the ratio m=Am/Ac is known as the modulation index.Note that controlling themodulation index therefor controls the amplitude of the applied output voltage.With a sufficientlyhigh carrier frequency(see Fig.3 drawn for fc/fm=21 and t=L/R=T/3;T=period of fundamental),the high frequency components do not propagate significantly in the ac network(or load)due the presence of the inductive elements.However,a higher carrier frequency does result in alarger number of switchings per cycle and hence in an increased power loss.Typically switchingfrequencies in the 2-15 kHz range are considered adequate for power systems applications.Alsoin three-phase systems it is advisable touse s so that all three waveforms aresymmetric.Fig 2:Principal of Pulse Width ModulationFig.3:SPWM with fc/fm=48,L/R=T/3Note that the process works well form ≤1.For m >1,there are periods of the triangle wave in which there is no intersection of the carrier and the signal as in Fig.4.However,a certain amountof this“overmodulation”is often allowed in the interest of obtaining a larger ac voltage magnitude even though the spectral content of the voltage is rendered somewhat poorer.Note that with an odd ratio for fc/fm,the waveform is anti-symmetric over a 360 degree cycle. With an even number,there are harmonics of even order,but in particular also a small dc component.Hence an even number is not recommended for single phase inverters,particularly for smalratios of fc/fm.SPWM Spectra:Although the SPWM waveform has harmonics of several orders in the phase voltage waveform, the dominant ones other than the fundamental are of order n and n±2 where n=fc/fm.This is evident for the spectrum for n=15 and m=0.8 shown in Fig.5.Note that if the other two phases are identically generated but 120o apart in phase,the line-line voltage will not have any triplenharmonics.Hence it is advisable to choose,as then the dominant harmonic will be eliminated.It is evident from Fig 5b,that the dominant 15th harmonic in Fig.5a is effectively eliminated in the line voltage.Choosing a multiple of 3 is also convenient as then the same triangular waveform can be used as the carrier in all three phases,leading to some simplification inhardware.It is readily seen that as the where E is the dc bus voltage,that the rms valueof the output voltage signal is unaffected by the PWM process.This is strictly true for the phase voltage as triplen harmonic orders are cancelled in the line voltage.However,the problematic harmonics are shifted to higher orders,thereby making filtering much easier.Often,the filtering is carried out via the natural high-impedance characteristic of the load.Fig.5:SPWM Harmonic Spectra:n=15,m=0.Selective Harmonic Elimination(also called Optimal PWM)Notice that in the SPWM strategy developed above,a large number of switchingsare required, with the consequent associated switching losses.With the method of Selective Harmonic Elimination,only selected harmonics are eliminated with the smallest number of switchings.This methodhowever can be difficult to implement on-line due to computation and memory requirements.For a two level PWM waveform with odd and halfwave symmetries and n chops per quarter cycle as shown in Fig 4,the peak magnitude of the harmonic components including the fundamental, are given byEqn.1:Here is the magnitude of the harmonic and is the primary switching angle.Even harmonics do not show up because of the half-wave symmetry.The n chops in the waveform afford n degrees of freedom.Several control options are thus possible.For example n selected harmonics can be eliminated.Another option which is used here is toeliminate n-1 selected harmonics and use the remaining degree of freedom to control the fundamental frequency ac voltage.To find theα‟s required to achieve this objective,it is sufficient toset the corresponding h‟s in the above equations to the desired values(0 for the n-1 harmonics tobe eliminated and the desired per-unit ac magnitude for the fundamental)and solve for theα‟s.Fig 4:A two-level PWM waveform with odd and halfwavesymmEquation 1 can be readily proved by finding the fourier coefficients of the waveform showninFig.4.In general,for a periodic waveform with period,the Fourier Cosine and Sine Coefficients are given by:Because of the half-cycle symmetry of the waveform of Fig.4,only odd order harmonics exist. Also,it is easy to see that the Fourier Cosine coefficients disappear with the choice of coordinate axes used.Utilizing the quarter cycle symmetry,the Fourier Sine coefficients become:Substituting the two-valued PWM waveform for,one obtains(see Fig.4):The following example illustrates the use of three chops per quarter cycle which allow for three degrees of freedom.We may use these to eliminate two harmonics and control the magnitude of the fundamental to any desired value:Example:Selective Harmonic Elimination is applied with a view to controlling the fundamental component of voltage to 50V(rms)and eliminating the 3rd and 5th harmonics.The source voltage is 100 V. Calculate the required chopping angles.As three objectives are to be achieved,we need 3 chops.The fundamental,3rd and 5th harmonic magnitudes are given by:We require:正弦脉宽调制电压源逆变器的开关(见图1)可以按要求打开和关闭。

电气工程及其自动化专业毕业论文--光伏单相逆变器并网控制技术研究 开题报告 文献综述 外文翻译

电气工程及其自动化专业毕业论文--光伏单相逆变器并网控制技术研究 开题报告 文献综述 外文翻译


滤波器通常由电阻、电容和电感等元件组成,通过适 当的电路设计,使得滤波器对高频成分具有较大的阻
滤波器的性能直接影响输出信号的质量,因此需要选 择合适的元件和电路设计,以确保输出信号的准确性
负载是正弦波脉冲宽度调制系统的最终输出部分,它负责将滤波器输出的 正弦波信号转换为实际需要的功率或能量。
正弦波脉冲宽度调制产生的谐波成分较少 ,对电网的污染较小。
正弦波脉冲宽度调制可以通过数字信号处理 器(DSP)等数字控制器实现,提高了系统 的可编程性和灵活性。
正弦波脉冲宽度调制能够实现高精度的输 出电压和电流控制,有利于提高系统的稳 定性和精度。
正弦波脉冲宽度调制需要高质 量的输入电源,否则可能会影
人工智能和机器学习等智能化技术的应用,将有 助于实现正弦波脉冲宽度调制系统的自适应和自 主学习。
未来正弦波脉冲宽度调制系统将更加集成化和模 块化,方便安装和维护,同时也有助于提高系统 的可靠性和稳定性。
正弦波脉冲宽度调制会产生电压和电流谐波,对电网造成污染。解决方案包括优化调制算法、采用滤波器等措施来降 低谐波影响。
脉冲宽度与输入信号的幅度值成正比,幅度越大,脉 冲宽度越宽。
通过改变脉冲的宽度来控制输出信号的平均功率,实 现高效、灵活的功率控制。








关键词:ac-dc-ac 正弦脉宽调制纯正弦波 igbt一、研究的目的和意义现代电力电子技术的飞速发展使交流电机变频调速产生了极大的飞跃,快速功率开关器件igbt 的出现使pwm 方式控制的交流变频装置的性能得到了很大提高[1]。

spwm 波生成技术从控制手段而言, 过去多采用模拟控制电路来实现,这种控制电路既复杂, 又难以保证控制精度。

而用单片机生成spwm 波,可以方便地对变频器进行直接数字控制,从而获得调节灵活,稳定可靠,性能优异的效果。

综上所述,采用igbt 作为逆变开关元件,由8 位at89c2051 单片机组成spwm变频器,符合目前国际上“开关技术高频化, 变频器高性能化, 控制技术智能化”的发展趋势。







正弦脉宽调制的控制方法正弦脉宽调制(SPWM,Sine Pulse Width Modulation)是一种常用的电力电子调制技术,广泛应用于交流电力变换、逆变等领域。





二、正弦脉宽调制控制方法1. 基于比较器的控制方法基于比较器的控制方法是正弦脉宽调制最常用的一种方法。





2. 基于微处理器的控制方法随着微处理器技术的发展,基于微处理器的正弦脉宽调制控制方法也得到了广泛应用。



三、正弦脉宽调制的优势1. 输出波形质量高正弦脉宽调制可以实现对输出波形的精确控制,可以得到质量较高的正弦波输出。


2. 系统效率高正弦脉宽调制在输出功率不变的情况下,可以通过调整脉冲宽度来实现输出电压的调节。


3. 抗干扰能力强正弦脉宽调制在实际应用中,具有较强的抗干扰能力。




中英文资料外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)ARM Cortex-M3脉宽调制器(PWM)与通用定时器1.PWM脉宽调制(PWM)是一项功能强大的技术,它是一种对模拟信号电平进行数字化编码的方法。


PWM通常使用在开关电源(switching power)和电机控制中。


每个PWM 发生器模块包含1个定时器(16位递减或先递增后递减计数器),2个PWM比较器,PWM信号发生器,死区发生器和中断/ADC-触发选择器。

而控制模块决定了PWM 信号的极性,以及将哪个信号传递到管脚。




它可以产生简单的PWM信号,如简易充电泵需要的信号;也可以产生带死区延迟的成对PWM信号,如供半-H桥(half-H bridge)驱动电路使用的信号。







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24.437 Power ElectronicsSinusoidal Pulse width modulationThe switches in the voltage source inverter(See Fig.1)can be turned on and off as required.In the simplest approach,the top switch is turned on If turned on and off only once in each cycle,a square wave waveform results.However,if turned on several times in a cycle an improved har- monic profile may be achieved.Fig 1:Simple V oltage SourcedIn the most straightforward implementation,generation of the desired output voltage is achievedby comparing the desired reference waveform(modulating signal)with a high-frequency triangu- lar…carrier‟wave as depicted schematically in Fig.2.Depending on whether the signal voltage is larger or smaller than the carrier waveform,either the positive or negative dc bus voltage is applied at the output.Note that over the period of one triangle wave,the average voltage appliedto the load is proportional to the amplitude of the signal(assumed constant)during this period.The resulting chopped square waveform contains a replica of the desired waveform in its low fre- quency components,with the higher frequency components being at frequencies of an close to the carrier frequency.Notice that the root mean square value of the ac voltage waveform is still equal to the dc bus voltage,and hence the total harmonic distortion is not affected by the PWM process. The harmonic components are merely shifted into the higher frequency range and are automati- cally filtered due to inductances in the ac system.When the modulating signal is a sinusoid of amplitude Am,and the amplitude of the triangular carrier is Ac,the ratio m=Am/Ac is known as the modulation index.Note that controlling the modulation index therefor controls the amplitude of the applied output voltage.With a sufficiently high carrier frequency(see Fig.3 drawn for fc/fm=21 and t=L/R=T/3;T=period of funda- mental),the high frequency components do not propagate significantly in the ac network(or load) due the presence of the inductive elements.However,a higher carrier frequency does result in a larger number of switchings per cycle and hence in an increased power loss.Typically switching frequencies in the 2-15 kHz range are considered adequate for power systems applications.Alsoin three-phase systems it is advisable to use s so that all three waveforms are symmetric.Fig 2:Princ ipal of Pulse Width ModulationFig.3:SPWM with fc/fm=48,L/R=T/3Note that the process works well for m ≤1.For m >1,there are periods of the triangle wave in which there is no intersection of the carrier and the signal as in Fig.4.However,a certain amountof this“overmodulation”is often allowed in the interest of obtaining a larger ac voltage magni- tude even though the spectral content of the voltage is rendered somewhat poorer.Note that with an odd ratio for fc/fm,the waveform is anti-symmetric over a 360 degree cycle. With an even number,there are harmonics of even order,but in particular also a small dc compo- nent.Hence an even number is not recommended for single phase inverters,particularly for smal ratios of fc/fm.SPWM Spectra:Although the SPWM waveform has harmonics of several orders in the phase voltage waveform, the dominant ones other than the fundamental are of order n and n±2 where n=fc/fm.This is evi- dent for the spectrum for n=15 and m=0.8 shown in Fig.5.Note that if the other two phases are identically generated but 120o apart in phase,the line-line voltage will not have any triplenhar-monics.Hence it is advisable to choose,as then the dominant harmonic willbe eliminated.It is evident from Fig 5b,that the dominant 15th harmonic in Fig.5a is effectively eliminated in the line voltage.Choosing a multiple of 3 is also convenient as then the same trian- gular waveform can be used as the carrier in all three phases,leading to some simplification in hardware.It is readily seen that as the where E is the dc bus voltage,that the rms valueof the output voltage signal is unaffected by the PWM process.This is strictly true for the phase voltage as triplen harmonic orders are cancelled in the line voltage.However,the problematic har- monics are shifted to higher orders,thereby making filtering much easier.Often,the filtering is carried out via the natural high-impedance characteristic of the load.Fig.5:SPWM Harmonic Spectra:n=15,m=0.Selective Harmonic Elimination(also called Optimal PWM)Notice that in the SPWM strategy developed above,a large number of switchings are required, with the consequent associated switching losses.With the method of Selective Harmonic Elimina- tion,only selected harmonics are eliminated with the smallest number of switchings.This method however can be difficult to implement on-line due to computation and memory requirements. For a two level PWM waveform with odd and halfwave symmetries and n chops per quarter cycleas shown in Fig 4,the peak magnitude of the harmonic components including the fundamental,are given byEqn.1:Here is the magnitude of the harmonic and is the primary switching angle.Even har- monics do not show up because of the half-wave symmetry.The n chops in the waveform afford n degrees of freedom.Several control options are thus possi- ble.For example n selected harmonics can be eliminated.Another option which is used here is to eliminate n-1 selected harmonics and use the remaining degree of freedom to control the funda- mental frequency ac voltage.To find theα‟s required to achieve this objective,it is sufficient to set the corresponding h‟s in the above equations to the desired values(0 for the n-1 harmonics to be eliminated and the desired per-unit ac magnitude for the fundamental)and solve for theα‟s.Fig 4:A two-level PWM waveform with odd and halfwave symmEquation 1 can be readily proved by finding the fourier coefficients of the waveform shown inFig.4.In general,for a periodic waveform with period,the Fourier Cosine and Sine Coeffi- cients are given by:Because of the half-cycle symmetry of the waveform of Fig.4,only odd order harmonics exist. Also,it is easy to see that the Fourier Cosine coefficients disappear with the choice of coordinateaxes used.Utilizing the quarter cycle symmetry,the Fourier Sine coefficients become:Substituting the two-valued pwm waveform for,one obtains(see Fig.4):The following example illustrates the use of three chops per quarter cycle which allow for three degrees of freedom.We may use these to eliminate two harmonics and control the magnitude of the fundamental to any desired value:Example:Selective Harmonic Elimination is applied with a view to controlling the fundamental component of voltage to 50V(rms)and eliminating the 3rd and 5th harmonics.The source voltage is 100 V. Calculate the required chopping angles.As three objectives are to be achieved,we need 3 chops.The fundamental,3rd and 5th harmonic magnitudes are given by:We require:翻译24.437电力电子正弦脉宽调制电压源逆变器的开关(见图1)可以按要求打开和关闭。
