分子生物学(双语)1 Genes Are DNA

acetyl CoA / 乙酰辅酶A 一种小分子的水溶性代谢产物,由与辅酶A 相连的乙酰基组成,产生于丙酮酸、脂肪酸及氨基酸的氧化过程;其乙酰基在柠檬酸循环中被转移到柠檬酸。
actin / 肌动蛋白,肌纤蛋白富含于真核细胞中的结构蛋白,与许多其他蛋白相互作用。
其球形单体( G2肌动蛋白) 聚合形成肌动蛋白纤丝( F2肌动蛋白) 。
activation energy / 活化能(克服障碍以) 启动化学反应所需的能量投入。
active site / 活性中心,活性部位酶分子上与底物结合及进行催化反应的区域。
active transport / 主动转运离子或小分子逆浓度梯度或电化学梯度的耗能跨膜运动。
由ATP 耦联水解或另一分子顺其电化学梯度的转运提供能量。
adenylyl cyclase / 酰苷酸环化酶催化由ATP 生成环化腺苷酸(cAMP) 的膜附着酶。
特定配体与细胞表面的相应受体结合引发该酶的激活并使胞内的cAMP 升高。
allele / 等位基因位于同源染色体上对应部位的基因的两种或多种可能形式之一。
allosteric transition / 变构转换小分子与蛋白质上特定调节部位相结合所引起的蛋白质之三级及(或) 四级结构的改变,其活性随之发生变化。
alpha(α) helix /α螺旋常见的蛋白质二级结构,其氨基酸线性序列叠为右旋螺旋,借助主链上的羧基与酰胺基间的氢键维持稳定。
aminoacyl2tRNA / 氨酰转移核糖核酸用于蛋白合成的氨基酸的激活形式,含有借高能酯键与tRNA 分子上3’2羟基相结合的氨基酸。
amphipathic / 两亲的,兼性的指既有亲水性部分又有疏水性部分的分子或结构。
anaphase / ( 细胞分裂) 后期姐妹染色体(或有丝分裂期的成对同源物) 裂开并分别(分离) 朝纺锤体两极移动的有丝分裂期。

proteomicsProteome: 细胞或组织或机体在特定时间和空间上表达的所有蛋白质。
Proteomics: 分析细胞内动态变化的蛋白质组成成分,表达水平于修饰状态,了解蛋白质之间的相互作用于联系,在整体水平上研究蛋白的组成与调控的活动规律。
研究蛋白组学希望达到的目标:By studying global patterns of protein content and activity and how these change during development or in response to disease, proteomics research is poised to boost our understanding of systems-level cellular behaviors. Clinical research also hopes to benefit from proteomics by both the identification of new drug targets and the development of new diagnostic markers.蛋白质组学研究内容:蛋白鉴定,蛋白定量,蛋白相互作用,蛋白修饰。
Why proteomics(为什么研究蛋白组学)•Proteins distinguish various types of cells, since all cells have essentially the same “Genome” their differences are dictated by which genes are active and the corresponding proteins that are made.•Similarly, diseased cells may produce dissimilar proteins to healthy cells.•Post-translational modifications can dramatically alter protein function - the task of studying proteins is often more difficult than genes.What’s MS(mass spectrometry),即质谱的工作原理1.The basic principle of MS is to generate ions from either inorganic or organiccompounds by suitable method, to separate these ions by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and to detect them qualitatively and quantitatively by their respective m/z and abundance.即质谱能够实现不同质量离子的分离和相对定量,m/z(谱图中的x轴)值可以区分出不同的离子,intensity(谱图中的y轴)表示离子的相对丰度。
分子生物学题库 (3)

生 命 科 学 学院 2xxx —2xxx 学年第1学期考试 A 卷答案考生 信 息 栏 ______学院______系______ 专业 ______年级姓名______学号___ 装订线2.What’s alternative mRNA processing? List the four types of alternative mRNAprocessing.同一个mRNA前体,由于加工方式不同,能形成不同的成熟mRNA。
可变mRNA 剪切的方式主要有:利用不同的polyA位点,部分内含子的保留,部分外显子的去除,以及RNA编辑等。
3.How did Meselson and Stahl prove that DNA replication is semi-conservative?用15N 标记DNA(即让细菌在15N的液体中生长到所有的DNA均含15N),然后移到14N的培养基中生长,每一代提取DNA,用氯化铯密度梯度离心,检测样品中DNA的浮力密度,发现得出的结果只能用半保留复制机制才能解释。
4.What’s DNA cloning? What are the major steps of DNA cloning?DNA克隆是将一特定的DNA片段插入具有自我复制能力的载体中,然后转化入可以大量繁殖的宿主中的过程或技术5.How to screen a cDNA expression library to find target genes? List all the possiblemethods.免疫筛选、DNA筛选、菌落PCR筛选,EST测序等6.How does transcription in prokaryotes initiate?RNA聚合全酶-正确识别DNA模板上的启动子--由酶、DNA和核苷三磷酸(NTP)构成的闭合三元起始复合物—开放起始复合物—数次合成流产—RNA合成成功,转录即自此开始。

分子生物学Molecular Biology:它是研究核酸、蛋白质等生物大分子的结构与功能,并从分子水平上阐述蛋白质与核酸、蛋白质与蛋白质之间相互作用的关系及其基因表达调控机制的学科,是人类从分子水平上真正揭开生物世界的奥秘,由被动地适应自然界转向主动地改造和重组自然界的基础学科。
Is a subject to understand the five basic cell behavior patterns (growth, division, specialization, movement, and interaction) in terms of the various molecules that are responsible for them.That is, molecular biology wants to generate a complete description of the structure, function, and interrelationships of the cell’s macromolecules, and thereby to understand why living cells behave the way they do.分子生物学的研究内容Research Contents of Molecular Biology :生物大分子的结构功能研究(结构部分,又称结构分子生物学):包括基因、基因组的结构;DNA 复制、转录、翻译(功能部分);基因表达调控研究(调控部分);DNA重组技术(又称基因工程)Structure and Function of Macromolecules (Structural Part, Also Known as Structural & Molecular Biology);DNA Replication, Transcription, Translation (Functional Part);Regulation of Gene Expression (Control Section);Recombinant DNA Technology (Genetics)F.Miescher就发现了核素(nuclein);Boyer 和Berg等发展了重组DNA技术,完成了第一个细菌基因的克隆;Sanger 等发明了DNA测序技术;Sanger、Maxam和Gilbert先后发明了三种DNA序列的快速测定法;Mullis等发明的聚合酶链式反应(PCR);90年代全自动核酸序列测定仪问世;生物芯片技术是生命科学研究中继基因克隆技术、PCR技术、基因自动测序技术后的又一次革命性技术突破;分子遗传学基本理论建立者Jacob和Monod最早提出的操纵元学说分子生物学的3条基本原理:构成生物体各类有机大分子的单体在不同生物中都是相同的;生物体内一切有机大分子的建成都遵循共同的规则;某一特定生物体所拥有的核酸及蛋白质分子决定了它的属性。

如载体蛋白,血红蛋白等 ,在生物体内运输各种物 质。
如抗体蛋白,参与生物体 的免疫应答。
如激素,生长因子等,调节生物 体的生长发育和代谢过程。
如植物种子中的贮藏蛋白,动物体 内的肌红蛋白等,储存能量和营养 物质。
根据患者的基因信息,制定个 性化的治疗方案。
预测患者对药物的反应和副作 用,指导合理用药。
通过导入正常基因或修复缺陷基因, 从而治疗由基因突变引起的疾病。
如视网膜色素变性、腺苷脱氨酶缺乏 症等。
利用基因编辑技术,修复或敲除癌症 相关基因,抑制肿瘤生长。
基因表达调控可分为转录前调控、转录水平调控、转录后调控和翻 译水平调控等多个层次。
基因表达调控对于生物体的生长发育、代谢、免疫应答等生理过程具 有重要意义,同时也是疾病发生发展的重要因素。
1 2 3
针对某些简单的DNA损伤,如碱 基错配,可通过特定的酶直接进行 修复。
通过识别并切除受损碱基,再合成 新的DNA片段进行修复。
针对较严重的DNA损伤,如嘧啶 二聚体,通过切除一段包含受损部

Multiple Choice(1) The attachment site for RNA polymerase in bacteria is called the:a. Initiatorb. Operatorc. Promoterd. Start codon(2) The specificity of bacterial RNA polymerase for their promoters is due to which subunit?a. αb. βc. γd. σ(3) The first protein complex to bind to the core promoter for a protein-coding gene in eukaryotes is;a. RNA polymerase IIb. General transcription factor TFIIBc. General transcription factor TFIIDd. General transcription factor TFIIE(4) Which modification must be made to RNA polymerase II in order to activate the preinitiation complex?a. Acetylationb. Methylationc. Phosphorylationd. Ubiquitination(5) What is the name of the DNA sequence that is located near the promoter of the lactose operon, and which regulates expression of the operon in E. coli?a. Activatorb. Inducerc. Operatord. Repressor(6) Which of the following types of sequence module enables transcription to respond to general signals from outside of the cell?a. Cell-specific modulesb. Developmental modulesc. Repression modulesd. Response modules(7) Which of the following is NOT a type of activation domain?a. Acidic domainsb. Glutamine-rich domainsc. Leucine-zipper domainsd. Proline-rich domains(8) Which of the following is NOT a experiment used to define the site on a DNA molecule to which a protein binds?a. Gel retardation assayb. DNA footprinting assayc. Modification interference assayd. Y east two hybrid assay(9) Which of the following DNA sequences can increase the rate of transcription initiation of more than one gene/promoter?a. Activatorsb. Enhancersc. Silencersd. T erminators(10) Approximately how many base pairs form the attachment between the DNA template and RNA transcript during transcription?a. 8b. 12-14c. 30d. The entire RNA molecule remains base-paired to the template until transcription is finished.(11) Which factor is thought to be most important in determining whether a bacterial RNA polymerase continues or terminates transcription?a. Nucleotide concentrationb. Structure of the polymerasec. Methylation of termination sequencesd. Thermodynamic events(12) What is the role of the Rho protein in termination of transcription?a. It is a helicase that actively breaks base pairs between the template and transcript.b. It id s DNA-binding protein that blocks the movement of RNA polymerase along the template.c. It is a subunit of RNA polymerase that binds to RNA hairpins and stalls transcription.d. It is a nuclease that degrades the 3’ ends of RNA transcripts.(13) Antitermination is involved in regulation of which of the following?a. Operons encoding enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of amino acids with regulation dependent on the concentration of the amino acids.b. Operons encoding enzymes involved in the degradation of metabolites, regulation dependent on the presence of the metabolitec. Genes present in the upstream region of the operond. Genes present in the downstream region of the operon.(14) What is the major transcriptional change that occurs during the Stringent Response in E. coli?a. Transcription rates are increased for most genes.b. Transcription rates are increased only for the amino acid biosynthesis operons.c. Transcription rates are decreased for most genes.d. Transcription rates are decreased only for the amino acid biosynthesis operons.(15) Which of the following is necessary for the RNA endonuclease activity of RNA polymerase that occurs when RNA polymerase is stalled during transcription?a. Rhob. RelAc. GreAd. RNAse H(16) How is the lariat structure formed during splicing of a GU-AG intron?a. After cleavage of the 5’ splice site, a new phosphodiester bond is formed between the 5’ nucleotide and the 2’ carbon of the nucleotide at the 3’ splice site.b. After cleavage of the 5’ splice site, a new phosphodiester bond is formed between the 5’ nucleotide and the 2’ carbon of an internal adenosine.c. After cleavage of the 5’ splice site, a new phosphodiester bond is formed between the 5’ nucleotide and the 2’ carbon of the nucleotide at the 5’ splice site.d. After cleavage of the 3’ splice site, a new phosphodiester bond is formed between the 5’ nucleotide and the 2’ carbon of an internal adenosine.(17) What are cryptic splice sites?a. These are splice sites that are used in some cells, but not in others.b. These are splice sites that are always used.c. These are splice sites that are involved in alternative splicing, resulting in the removal of exons from some mRNA molecules.d. These are sequences within exons or introns that resemble consensus splicing signals, but are not true splice sites.(18) What statement correctly describes trans-splicing?a. The order of exons within an mRNA transcript is rearranged to yield a different mRNA sequence.b. Exons are deleted from some mRNA transcripts but not others.c. Intron sequences are not removed from RNA transcripts and are translated into proteins.d. Exons from different RNA transcripts are joined together.(19) The chemical modification of eukaryotic rRNA molecules takes place in the:a. Cytoplasm.b. Endoplasmic reticulum.c. Nuclear envelope.d. Nucleolus.(20) Which of the following is an example of RNA editing?a. Removal of introns from an RNA transcript.b. Degradation of an RNA molecule by nucleases.c. Alteration of the nucleotide sequence of an RNA molecule.d. Capping of the 5’ end of an RNA transcript.(21) Nonsense-mediated RNA decay (NMD) is a system for the degradation of eukaryotic mRNA molecules with what features?a. NMD degrades mRNA molecules with stop codons at incorrect positions.b. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that encode nonfunctional proteins.c. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that lack a start codon.d. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that lack a stop codon.(22) Which of the following describes RNA interference?a. Antisense RNA molecules block translation of mRNA molecules.b. Double-stranded RNA molecules are bound by proteins that block their translation.c. Double-stranded RNA molecules are cleaved by a nuclease into short interfering RNA molecules.d. Short interfering RNA molecules bind to the ribosome to prevent the translation of viral mRNAs.(23) How are RNA molecules transported out of the nucleus?a. Passive diffusion through the membrane.b. Through the membrane pores in an energy-dependent process.c. Through membrane pores in an energy independent process.d. Through a channel in the membrane that leads to the endoplasmic reticulum.(24) Match protein/RNA with its function (answers can be used more than once or not at all)Spliceosome a. small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNP)microRNAs b. guanylyl transferasemRNA capping c. ribozymeautocatalytic RNA splicing d. dicere. poly-A polymerase(25) Match protein with its function (answers can be used more than once or not at all)JAK a. G-proteinGlucocorticoid receptor b. EndonucleaseRAS c. DNA-binding proteinIF-2 d. RNA binding proteine. Kinase(26) Match lambda gene with its function (answers can be used more than once or not at all)cI a. Anti-terminationN b. Transcriptional repressorCRO c. Transcriptional activatorcII d. Transcriptional terminatore. Translation factorAnswers to practice exam #3How is it possible for microRNAs to regulate eukaryotic gene expression by binding to the 3’ untranslated end of an mRNA ?Binding to the 3’-UTR initiates an RNA cleavage event that removes the polyA tail and begins the mRNA degradation processWhy is attenuation absent in eukaryotic organisms ?Attenuation is the mechanism whereby amino acid biosynthesis operons are regulated by the cellular concentration of the amino acid that is the product of the genes in the operon by transcription termination. The attenuation mechanism requires that translation by ribosomes and transcription occur in the same subcellular compartment. In eukaryotes transcription and translation are carried out in different compartments, so attenuation would not be possible in eukaryo tes.What are the differences between activator and coactivator proteins ?An activator is a DNA binding protein that stabilizes construction of the RNA polymerase II transcription initiation complex. A coactivator is a protein that stimulates transcription initiation by binding nonspecifically to DNA or via protein-protein interactions.Explain what a “modification protection assay” is intended to discover and how it is carried out .Modification protection is a technique used to identify nucleotides i nvolved in interactions with a DNA-binding proteinHow are Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster good model organisms for development in higher eukaryotes ?Developmental pathways in animals utilize similar regulators, therefore discovery of regulators in lower animals can reveal how development is controlled in higher animals.How does the anchor cell of C. elegans induce the vulva progenitor cells to differentiate into vulva cells? Why do the vulva progenitor cells follow different pathways upon receiving the signal from the anchor cell ?The anchor cell produces a diffusible signal that stimulates differentiation of vulva cells. Different vulva cells undergo different differentiation pathways because they are exposed to differing concentr ations of the signal molecule, and the vulva cells themselves produce secondary signaling molecules that control differentiation in nearby vulva cells.The process of excision of a GU-AG intron and splicing of exons is defined as requiring two transesterification reactions. What does this mean ?A transesterification reaction is the simultaneous cleavage and reformation of a phosphodiester bond. During intron splicing the donor site phosphodiester bond is cleaved and then reformed with the branchpoint nucleotide within the intron, forming a lariat structure. In the second transesterification, the branch point phospodiester bond I cleaved and simultaneously formed between the donor and acceptor sites. The net effect is that there is no change in the number of phosphodiester bonds. During sporulation in Bacillus σE and σF are present in both the prespore and mother cells. How is σF activated in the prespore?Sigma F is activated in the prespore by when it is released from protein-protein interaction with AB. Sigma F is inactive when it is bound to AB.Explain how the iron response protein (IRP) functions to activate expression of Ferritin and at the same time inhibit expression of Transferrin.The iron response protein can bind to iron response elements in RNA only when it is not bound to iron. In the case of ferritin, binding of IRP to the 5’-IRE blocks translation of the ferritin mRNA, so when it is not bound ferritin protein is produced. In the case of transferrin, binding to the 3’-IRE blocks degradation of the transferrin mRNA thereby increasing half life of the mRNA and stimulating transferrin protein production.。

(A) always expressed ; (B) usually expressed unless a signal turns them "off";(C) usually not expressed unless a signal turns them "on"; (D) never expressed12、The X-ray diffraction data obtained by Rosalind Franklin suggested (choose the correct answer):(A) DNA is a helix with a pattern that repeats every 3.4 nanometers ;(B) Purines are hydrogen bonded to pyrimidines ; (C) DNA is a left-handed helix.;(D) DNA is organized into nucleosomes.13、To begin DNA replication, a short ___ primer must first be produced.(A) DNA ;(B) RNA ;(C) polypeptide ;(D) histone14、Through their experiments with DNA from the bacterium Escherichia coli , Meselson and Stahl showed that DNA replication is(A) conservative.; (B) dispersive ;(C) duplicative.;(D) semi-conservative15、A mutation changes a CG base pair to an AT base pair. This is a ___ mutation.(A ) transversion ;(B )transition ;(C )transpositional ;(D )translocation16、Which of the following is an example of a nonsense mutation?(A )ACG to ACC ;(B )AUG to UUG ;(C )UAC to UAG ;(D )AAA to UUU17. The genetic code is(A) triplet.;(B) noncontinuous.;(C) overlapping.;(D) all of the above18、Mutations are(choose the correct answer)(A )caused by genetic recombination ; (B )heritably changes in genetic information(C )caused by faulty transcription of the genetic code ; (D ) usually but not always benefical to the development of the individuals in which they occur19、Which of the following is not a class of mutation?(A )frameshift ; (B )missense ; (C )transition ; (D )transversion ;(E )none of the above (meaning all are classes of mutation )20、Utraviolet light usually causes mutations by by a mechanism involving(choose the correct answer)(A )one-strand breakage in DNA ;(B )light-induced change of thymine to alkylated guanine ;(C )inversion of DNA segments ;(D )induction of thymine dimmers ; (E )deletion of DNA segments21、亚硝酸能够诱导DNA 分子中碱基的 反应(A )嘧啶二聚体;(B )脱氨基;(C )烷基化;(D )羟基化作用22、在真核基因表达的调控中, ______调控元件能促进转录的速率。

老阚班双语分子生物学题型:填空、名解、选择、判断改错、简答、论述一、绪论1.molecular biology(分子生物学):分子生物学是研究核酸、蛋白质等所有生物大分子的形态、结构特征及其重要性、规律性和相互关系的科学。
2.DNA发现者:James Watson and Francis CrickDNA发现的实验:图1-1(P7)、图1-2(P8)3.DNA全称——Deoxyribonucleic AcidRNA全称——Ribonucleic Acid4.分子生物学主要研究内容:◆DNA重组技术◆基因表达调控研究◆生物大分子的结构功能研究—结构分子生物学◆基因组、功能基因组与生物信息学研究5.DNA recombinant technique(DNA重组技术):是20世纪70年代初兴起的技术科学,目的是将不同DNA片段按照人们的设计定向连接起来,在特定的受体细胞中与载体同时复制并得到表达,产生影响受体细胞的新的遗传性状二、染色体与DNA1.Nucleosome(核小体):核小体是染色体结构的基本单位、由H2A、H2B、H3、H4各两个分子生成的八聚体和由大约200bp的DNA组成的。
2.C值反常现象(C-value paradox):C值往往与种系进化的复杂程度不一致,某些低等生物却具有较大的C值。
3.关于DNA结构的词汇:double–helix(双螺旋)、base(碱基)sugar-phosphate backbonts(糖-磷酸骨架)、base pairs(碱基对)right/left-handed double-helix(右/左手双螺旋)4.DNA类型:右手螺旋:A-DNA,B-DNA左手螺旋:Z-DNA5.组蛋白:Octameric core (H2A、H2B、H3、H4)+外围(H1)6.真核生物重复序列类型:单拷贝、轻度(或低度)重复、中度重复、高度重复(四个空)不重复序列、中度重复序列、高度重复序列(三个空)7.真核生物基因组的特征:1)真核基因组庞大2)存在大量的重复序列3)大部分为非编码序列4)转录产物为单顺反子5)断裂基因,有内含子结构6)存在大量的顺式作用原件7)具有端粒结构8)细胞器基因, 转录和翻译在时间和空间上是不偶联的;9)有假基因化现象8.Z-DNA的特点:1)left-handed double helix with a zig-zag conformation of thebackbone (less smooth than B-DNA)2)Narrower, more elongated helix than A or B.3)Only one groove is observed, resembling the minor groove4) A high G-C content favours Z conformation.5)Z-DNA formation occurs during transcription of genes, attranscription start sites near promoters of actively transcribed.6)Base pairs nearly perpendicular to helix axis9.DNA复制所需要的元素(Requirements for DNA replication):1.原料(Precursor):四种脱氧核苷三磷酸(dATP、dGTP、dCTP、dTTP)2.模板(Template):以DNA的两条链为模板链,合成子代DNA3.引物(Primer):DNA的合成需要一段RNA链作为引物4.酶:a)引物合成酶(引发酶)(Primases)、b)DNA聚合酶(DNA polymerase)c)DNA连接酶(Ligases)d)DNA 拓扑异构酶(DNA Topisomerase)e)DNA 解螺旋酶/解链酶(DNA helicase)10.复制的几种方式(Modes of DNA replication):a)线性DNA双链的复制b)环状DNA双链的复制:1)Theta replication2)Rolling Circle Replication3) D loop11.The steps of BERa)Damaged baseb)DNA glycosylase recognize the damaged basec)Remove the base by hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bondd)The AP endonuclease removes the AP site and neighboringnucleotidese)The gap is filled by DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase12.转座子(transposon, Tn):是存在于染色体DNA上可自主复制和位移的基因单位13.转坐(transposition):DNA转座是由可移位因子介导的遗传物质重排现象, 又称移位。

结构基因structure genes:基因中编码RNA或蛋白质的DNA序列称为结构基因。
端粒DNA由重复序列组成,人类端粒一端是TTAGGG 另一端是AATCCC.操纵子:是指数个功能上相关的结构基因串联在一起,构成信息区,连同其上游的调控区(包括启动子和操纵基因)以及下游的转录终止信号所构成的基因表达单位。

Site on an enzyme that is directly responsible for catalyzing reactions. Affinity chromatography A kind of column chromatography technique. The column is packed with molecules that bind to a specific subset of proteins. Affinity = attraction. Alkyl group A class of chemical groups composed of carbon and hydrogen. Examples: methyl group (─CH3) and ethyl group (─CH2CH3). Alleles Versions of the same gene that differ slightly in function and sequence. Allosteric regulation Form of regulation in which a small molecule binds to a regulatory site on a protein, causing a structural and functional change at the active site. ‘Steric’ is related to the word ‘structure’. Alternative polyadenylation The ability to make mRNAs of varying sizes from one coding region, by altering the site of pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation. Can alter protein size and properties of the mRNA, such as stability. Alternative splicing The ability to make various proteins from one coding region by choosing between the inclusion/exclusion of certain introns and exons. Ames test Technique to assess the mutagenic potential of a chemical. Amino acids Small molecules that can be polymerized to form proteins. Name derives from the presence of an amino group as well as an acidic carboxyl group. Amino group A chemical group comprising nitrogen bound to

Section C - properties of nucleic acids1.The sequence 5'-AGTCTGACT-3' in DNA is equivalent to which sequence in RNA?A 5'-AGUCUGUGACU -3'B 5' -UGTCTGUTC -3'C 5' -UCAGUCUGA-3'D 5'- AGUCAGACU-3'2. Which of the following correctly describes A-DNA?A a right-handed antiparallel double helix with 10 bp/turn and bases lying perpendicularto the helix axis.B a left-handed antiparallel double-helix with 12 bp/turn formed from alternatingpyrimidine-purine sequences.C a right-handed antiparallel double helix with 11 bp/turn and bases tilted with respectto the helix axis.D a globular structure formed by short intramolecular helices formed in a single-strandnucleic acid.3. Denaturation of double stranded DNA involves.A breakage into short double-stranded fragments.B separation into single strands.C hydrolysis of the DNA backbone.D cleavage of the bases from the sugar-phosphate backbone.4. Which has the highest absorption per unit mass at a wavelength of 260 nm?A double-stranded DNA.B mononucleotides.C RNA.D protein.5. Type I DNA topoisomeraes ...A change linking number by士2B require ATP.C break one strand of a DNA double helix.D are the target of antibacterial drugs.Section D - Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromatin structure1.Which of the following is common to both E. coli and eukaryotic chromosomes?A the DNA is circular.B the DNA is packaged into nucleosomes.C the DNA is contained in the nucleus.D the DNA is negatively supercoiled.2.A complex of 166 bp of DNA with the histone octamer plus histone HI is known as a . . .A nucleosome core.B solenoid.C 30 nm fiber.D chromatosome.3.In what region of the interphase chromosome does transcription take place?A the telomere.B the centromere.C euchromatin.D heterochromatin.4.Which statement about CpG islands and methylation is not true?A CpG islands are particularly resistant to DNase I.B CpG methylation is responsible for the mutation of CpG to TpG in eukaryotes.C CpG islands occur around the promoters of active genes.D CpG methylation is associated with inactive chromatin.5.Which of the following is an example of highly-repetitive DNA?A Alu element.B histone gene cluster.C DNA minisatellites.D dispersed repetitive DNA.Section E - DNA replication1.The number of replicons in a typical mammalian cell is . . .A 40-200.B 400.C 1000-2000.D 50000-100000.2. In prokaryotes,the lagging strand primers are removed by . . .A 3' to 5' exonuclease.B DNA ligase.C DNA polymerase I.D DNA polymerase III.3. The essential initiator protein at the E. coli origin of replication is . . .A DnaA.B DnaB.C DnaC.D DnaE.4. Prokaryotic plasmids can replicate in yeast cells if they contain a cloned yeast. . .A ORC.B CDK.C ARS.D RNA.Section F - DNA damage, repair and recombination(此章不考)1. Per nucleotide incorporated, the spontaneous mutation frequency in E. coli is . . .A 1 in 106.B 1 in 108.C 1 in 109.D 1 in 1010.2. The action of hydroxyl radicals on DNA generates a significant amount of . . .A pyrimidine dimmers.B 8-oxoguanine.C O6- methylguanine.D 7-hydroxymethylguanine.3. In methyl-directed mismatch repair in E. coli, the daughter strand containing themismatched base is nicked by . . .A MutH endonuclease.B UvrABC endonuclease.C AP endonuclease.D3' to 5' exonuclease.4. The excision repair of UV-induced DNA damage is defective in individualssuffering from ...A hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer.B Crohn's disease.C classical xeroderma pigmentosum.D xeroderma pigmentosum variant.Section K - Transcription in prokaryotes1. Which two of the following statements about transcription are correct?A RNA synthesis occurs in the 3' to 5' direction.B the RNA polymerase enzyme moves along the sense strand of the DNA in a 5' to 3' direction.C the RNA polymerase enzyme moves along the template strand of the DNA in a 5' to 3'direction.D the transcribed RNA is complementary to the template strand.E the RNA polymerase adds ribonucleotides to the 5' end of the growing RNA chain.F the RNA polymerase adds deoxyribonucleotides to the 3' end of the growing RNA chain.2. Which one of the following statements about E. coli RNA polymerase is false?A the holoenzyme includes the sigma factor.B the core enzyme includes the sigma factor.C it requires Mg2+ for its activity.D it requires Zn2+ for its activity.3. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?A there are two α subunits in the E. coli RNA polymerase.B there is one β subunit in the E. coli RNA polymerase.C E. coli has one sigma factor.D the β subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase is inhibited by rifampicin.E the streptolydigins inhibit transcription elongation.F heparin is a polyanion, which binds to the β’ subunit.4. Which one of the following statements about transcription in E. coli is true?A the -10 sequence is always exactly 10 bp upstream from the transcription start site.B the initiating nucleotide is always a G.C the intervening sequence between the -35 and -10 sequences is conserved.D the sequence of the DNA after the site of transcription initiation is not important fortranscription efficiency.E the distance between the -35 and -10 sequences is critical for transcription efficiency.5. Which one of the following statements about transcription in E. coli is true?A loose binding of the RNA polymerase core enzyme to DNA is non-specific and unstable.B sigma factor dramatically increases the relative affinity of the enzyme for correctpromoter sites.C almost all RNA start sites consist of a purine residue, with A being more common than G.D all promoters are inhibited by negative supercoiling.E terminators are often A-U hairpin structures.Section L - Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes1. Which two of the following statements are correct?A the double stranded DNA sequence that has the upper strand sequence5'-GGATCGATCC-3' is a palindrome.B the double stranded DNA sequence that has the upper strand sequence5'-GGATCCTAGG-3' is apalindrome.C the Lac repressor inhibits binding of the polymerase to the lac promoter.D the lac operon is directly induced by lactose.E binding of Lac repressor to allolactose reduces its affinity for the lac operator.F IPTG is a natural inducer of the lac promoter.2. Which one of the following statements about catabolite-regulated operons is false?A cAMP receptor protein (CRP) and catabolite activator protein (CAP) are differentnames for the same protein.B when glucose is present in the cell cAMP levels fall.C CRP binds to cAMP and as a result activates transcription.D CRP binds to DNA in the absence of cAMP.E CRP can bend DNA, resulting in activation of transcription.3. Which one of the following statements about the trp operon is true?A the RNA product of the trp operon is very stable.B the Trp repressor is a product of the trp operon.C the Trp repressor,like the Lac repressor, is a tetramer of identical subunits.D the Trp repressor binds to tryptophan.E tryptophan activates expression from the trp operon.F the trp operon is only regulated by the Trp represso4. Which two of the following statements about attenuation at the trp operon are true?A attenuation is rho-dependent.B deletion of the attenuator sequence results in an increase in both basal and activatedlevels of tran- scription from th~ trp promoter.C the attenuator lies upstream of the trp operator sequence.D attenuation does not require tight coupling between transcription and translation.E pausing of a ribosome at two tryptophan codons in the leader peptide whentryptophan is in short supply causes attenuation.F a hairpin structure called the pnti-terminator stops formation of the terminator hairpin,resulting in transcriptional read-through into the trpE gene, when tryptophan is scarce. Section M - Transcription in eukaryotes1. Which one of the following statements about eukaryotic RNA polymerases I, IIand III is false?A RNA Pol II is very sensitive to α-amanitin.B RNA Pol II is located in th~ nucleoplasm.C RNA Pol III transcribes th~ genes for tRNA.D eukaryotic cells contain other RNA polymerases in addition to RNA Pol I, RNA PolII and RNA Pol III.E each RNA polymerase contains subunits with homology to subunits of the E. coliRNA polymerase as well as additional subunits,which are unique to each polymerase.F the carboxyl end of RNA Pol II contains a short sequence of only seven amino acidswhich is called the carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) and which may be phosphorylated.2. Which two of the following statements about RNA Pol I genes are true?A RNA Pol I transcribes the genes for ribosomal RNAs.B human cells contain 40 clusters of five copies of the rRNA gene.C the 185, 5.85 and 285 rRNAs are synthesized as separate transcripts.D RNA Pol I transcription occurs in the nucleoplasm.E RNA Pol I transcription occurs in the cytoplasm.F rRNA gene clusters are known as nucleolar organizer regions.3. Which one of the following statements about RNA Pol I transcription is false?A in RNA Pol I promoters the core element is 1000 bases downstream from theupstream control element (UCE).B upstream binding factor (UBF) binds to both the UCE and the upstream part of thecore element of the RNA Pol I promoter.C selectivity factor SLl stabilizes the UBF-DNA complex.D SL1 contains several subunits including the TATA-binding protein TBP.E in Acanthamoeba there is a single control element in rRNA gene promoters.4. Which two of the following statements about RNA Pol III genes are true?A the transcriptional control regions of tRNA genes lie upstream of the start of transcription.B highly conserved sequences in tRNA gene coding regions are also promoter sequences.C TFIIIC contains TBP as one of its subunits.D TFIIIB is a sequence specific transcription factor on its own.E in humans 5S rRNA genes are arranged in a single cluster of 2000 copies.Section 0 - RNA processing and RNPs1. Which ribonucleases are involved in producing mature tRNA in E. coli?A RNases A, D, E and F.B RNases D, E, F and H.C RNases D, E, F and P.D RNases A, D, H and P.2. Most eukaryotic pre-mRNAs are matured by which of the followingmodifications to their ends?A capping at the 3’-end cleavage and polyadenylation at the 5'-end.B addition of a GMP to the 5'-end,cleavage and polyadenylation to create the 3'-end.C addition of a guanine residue to the 5'-end cleavage and polyadenylation to create the3'-end.D addition of a GMP to the 5'-end,polyadenylation,then cleavage to create the 3'-end.3. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the splicing processundergone by most eukaryotic pre-mRNAs?A in a two-step reaction, the spliceosome removes the exon as a lariat and joins the twointrons together.B splicing requires conserved sequences which are the 5ιsplice site,the 3' -splice site thebranch-point and the polypurine tract.C the U1 snRNP initially binds to the 5'-splice site,U2 to the branchpoint sequence andthen the tri-snRNP, U4, US and U6 can bind.D in the first step of splicing the G at the 3'-end of the intron is joined to the2’-hydroxyl group of the A residue of the branchpoint sequence to create a lariat. Section P - The genetic code and tRNA1. Which of the following list of features correctly apply to the genetic code?A triplet degenerate nearly universal, comma-less, nonoverlapping.B triplet universal, comma-less, degenerate, nonoverlapping.C overlapping, triplet, comma-less, degenerate nearly universal.D overlapping, comma-less nondegenerate nearly universal triplet.2. Which of the following statements about tRNAs is false?A most tRNAs are about 76 residues long and have CCA as residues 74, 75 and 76.B many tRNAs contain the modified nucleosides pseudouridine dihydrouridineribothymidine and mosme.C tRNAs have a common L-shaped tertiary structure with three nucleotides at one endable to base pair with an anticodon on a messenger RNA molecule.D tRNAs have a common cloverleaf secondary structure containing three singlestranded loops called the D-, T- and anticodon loops.3.Which three statements are true? The aminoacyl tRNA synthetase reaction...A joins AMP to the 3’-end of the tRNA.B is a two step reaction.C joins any amino acid to the 2'- or 3' -hydroxyl of the ribose of residue A76.D is highly specific because the synthetases use identity elements in the tRNAs todistinguish between them.E joins AMP to the amino acid to produce an intermediate.F releases PPi in the second step.Section Q - Protein synthesis1. Which statement about the codon-anticodon interaction is false?A it is antiparallel and can include nonstandard base pairs.B inosine in the 5' -anticodon position can pair with A,C or U in the 3'-codon positionC inosine in the 3’-anticodon position can pair with A, C or U in the 5’-codon position.D A is never found in the 5'-anticodon position as it is modified by anticodon deaminase.2.Which one of the following statements correctly describes initiation of protein synthesis in E. coli?A the initiator tRNA binds to the Shine-Dalgarno sequence.B three initiation factors are involved and IF2 binds to GTP.C the intermediate containing IF1, IF2, IF3, initiator tRNA and mRNA is called the 30Sinitiation complex.D binding of the 50S subunit releases IF1, IF2, GMP and PPi.E the initiation process is complete when the 70S initiation complex is formed whichcontains the initiator tRNA in the A site of the ribosome and an empty P site. 3.Which statement about elongation of protein synthesis in prokaryotes is false?A elongation can be divided into three steps: peptidyl-tRNA delivery peptide bondformation and translocation.B the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosomal subunit is responsible forpeptide bond formation.C in the EF-Tu-Ts exchange cycle EF-Tu-GTP is regenerated by EF-Ts displacing GDP.D EF-G is also known as translocase and uses GTP in its reaction.4.Which two of the following statements about initiation of eukaryotic protein synthesis are true?A eukaryotes use a mRNA scanning method to locate the correct start codon.B there are at least nine eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs).C eukaryotic initiation uses N-formylmethionine.D the 80S initiation complex completes the initiation process and contains the initiatortRNA basepaired to the start codon in the A site.E ATP is hydrolysed to AMP and PPi during the scanning process.F the initiator tRNA binds after the mRNA has bound to the small subunit.。

?Acceptor splicing site (受体剪切位点):内含子右末端与相邻外显子左末端得边界。
?A centric fragment(无着丝粒片段):(由打断产生得)染色体无着丝粒片段缺少中心粒,从而?在细胞分化中被丢失. ?Activesite(活性位点):蛋白质上一个底物结合得有限区域。
Allele(等位基因):在染色体上占据给定位点基因得不同形式. ?Allelic exclusion(等位基因排斥):形容在特殊淋巴细胞中只有一个等位基因来表达编码得免疫球蛋白质。
?Allosteric control(别构调控):指蛋白质一个位点上得反应能够影响另一个位点活性得能力。
Alu—equivalentfamily(Alu 相当序列基因):哺乳动物基因组上一组序列,它们与人类Alu家族相关.Alufamily (Alu家族):人类基因组中一系列分散得相关序列,每个约300bp长。
每个成员?其两端有Alu切割位点(名字得由来). ?α-Amanitin(鹅膏覃碱):就是来自毒蘑菇Amanitaphal loides二环八肽,能抑制真核RNA聚合酶,特别就是聚合酶II 转录.Amber codon (琥珀密码子):核苷酸三联体UAG,引起蛋白质合成终止得三个密码子之一.?Am ber mutation(琥珀突变):指代表蛋白质中氨基酸密码子占据得位点上突变成琥珀密码子得任何DNA 改变。
?Amber suppressors (琥珀抑制子):编码tRNA得基因突变使其反密码子被改变,从而能识别UAG密码子与之前得密码子。
Aminoacyl—tRNA (氨酰—tRNA):就是携带氨基酸得转运RNA,共价连接位在氨基酸得NH2基团与tRNA终止碱基得3¢或者2¢—OH 基团上。

分子生物学(第3版中译版)知识点Molecular biology is a fascinating and rapidly advancing field that has revolutionized our understanding of life at the most fundamental level. The third edition of the translated version of the textbook on molecular biology provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts, principles, and techniques in this exciting discipline. From the structure and function of DNA, RNA, and proteins to the mechanisms of gene expression, regulation, and genetic engineering, the book covers a wide range of topics that are essential for understanding the molecular basis of life.One of the most important knowledge points in molecular biology is the structure and function of DNA, the molecule that carries the genetic information of an organism. The book delves into the double helix structure of DNA, the complementary base pairing that allows for faithful replication, and the central dogma of molecular biology, which describes the flow of genetic information from DNA toRNA to protein. Understanding the intricate molecular machinery involved in DNA replication, transcription, and translation is crucial for grasping the fundamental processes that drive the development, growth, andfunctioning of living organisms.Another key area of focus in molecular biology is the regulation of gene expression, which determines when and where specific genes are turned on or off in response to internal and external signals. The book explores the mechanisms of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, including the role of transcription factors, enhancers, and silencers in controlling gene expression. It also discusses the epigenetic modifications that can alter the accessibility of genes to the transcriptional machinery, leading to heritable changes in gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence.In addition to the fundamental principles of molecular biology, the book also covers the latest advances in the field, including the applications of recombinant DNA technology and gene editing tools such as CRISPR-Cas9.These revolutionary techniques have opened up new possibilities for manipulating the genetic material of organisms, leading to the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), gene therapy for genetic diseases, and the editing of the human germline. Theethical and societal implications of these technologies are also discussed, highlighting the need for careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits of manipulating the genetic makeup of living organisms.Overall, the translated edition of the molecular biology textbook provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the key concepts and techniques in the field. It is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the molecular basis of life. The book not only covers the foundational knowledge of molecular biology but also explores the cutting-edge developments and ethical considerations that are shaping the future of the field. By delving into the intricate molecular mechanisms that underlie life processes, the book inspires a sense ofwonder and appreciation for the complexity and beauty of the biological world.。

1.DNA Denaturation(变性) When duplex DNA molecules are subjected to conditions of pH ,temperature,or ionic strength that disrupt base-paring interactions, the DNA molecule has lost its’native conformation, and double helix DNA is separated to single strand DNA as individual randome coils.That is, the DNA is denatured.2.Renaturation(复性)Removing the denaturation factors slowly or in proper conditions, the denaturedDNA (ssDNA) restore native structure (dsDNA) and functions. This process is dependent on both DNA concentration and time.3.Hybridization (核酸分子杂交)when heterogeneous DNA or RNA are put together, they will become toheteroduplex via the base-pairing rules during renaturation if they are complementary in parts (not completely). This is called molecular hybridization.4.Hyperchromic effect (增色效应)The absorbance at 260 nm of a DNA solution increases when thedouble helix is separated into single strands because of the bases unstack.5.Ribozyme (核酶)are the RNA molecules with catalytic activity. The activity of these ribozymes ofteninvolves the cleavage of a nucleic acid.6.De novo synthesis (从头合成)De novo synthesis of nucleotides begins with their metabolic precursors:amino acids, ribose-5-phosphate, one carbon units, CO2. mostly in liver.7.Salvage pathways (补救合成)Salvage pathways recycle the free bases and nucleosides released fromnucleic acid breakdown. Mostly in brain and marrow.8.Semi-conservative replication (半保留复制)DNA is synthesized by separation of the strands of aparental duplex, each then acting as a template for synthesis of a complementary strand based on the base-paring rule. Each daughter molecule has one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand. 9.Telomere(端粒):Specialized structure at the end of a linear eukaryotic chromosome, which consists ofproteins and DNA, tandem repeats of a short G-rich sequence on the 3 ' ending strand and its complementary sequence on the 5' ending strand, allows replication of the extreme 5' ends of the DNAwithout loss of genetic information and maintains the stability of eukaryote chromosome.10.Telomerase(端粒酶)An RNA-containing reverse transcriptase that using the RNA as a template, addsnucleotides to the 3 ' ending strand and thus prevents progressive shortening of eukaryotic linear DNA molecules during replication.11.Reverse transcription (逆转录)Synthesis of a double-strand DNA from an RNA template.12.Reverse transcriptase (逆转录酶)A DNA polymerase that uses RNA as its template.activity: RNA-dependent DNA polymerase; RNAse H;DNA-dependent DNA polymerase13.The central dogma (中心法则)It described that the flow of genetic information is from DNA to RNA andthen to protein. According to the central dogma, DNA directs the synthesis of RNA, and RNA then directs the synthesis of proteins.14.asymmetric transcription(不对称转录)1..Transcription generally involves only short segments of aDNA molecule, and within those segments only one of the two DNA strands serves as a template.2.The template strand of different genes is not always on the same strand of DNA. That is, in anychromosome, different genes may use different strands as template.15.template strand (模板链)The DNA strand that serves as a template for transcription. (The relationshipbetween template and transcript is base paring and anti-parallel)16.non-template strand (or coding strand)(编码连)The DNA strand that opposites to the templatestrand.(Note that it has the same sequence as the synthesized RNA, except for the replacement of U with T )17.promoter i s the DNA sequence at which RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription. It is alwayslocated on the upstream of a gene.18.Split genes (断裂基因)Split genes are those in which regions that are represented in mature mRNAs orstructural RNAs (exons) are separated by regions that are transcribed along with exons in the primary RNA products of genes, but are removed from within the primary RNA molecule during RNA processingsteps (introns).19.Exon(外显子) can be expressed in primary transcript and are the sequences that are represented inmature RNA molecules, it encompasses not only protein-coding genes but also the genes for various RNA (such as tRNAs or rRNAs)20.Intron(内含子)can be expressed and be the intervening nucleotide sequences that are removed fromthe primary transcript when it is processed into a mature RNA.21.Spliceosome(剪切体)A multicomponent complex contains proteins and snRNAs that are involved inmRNA splicing.22.Translation(翻译)The process of protein synthesis in which the genetic information present in anmRNA molecule (transcribed from DNA) determines the sequence of amino acids by the genetic codons.Translation occurs on ribosomes.23.genetic codon(密码子)The genetic code is a triplet code read continuously from a fixed starting pointin each mRNA, also called triplet. Genetic code defines the relationship between the base sequence of mRNA and the amino acid sequence of polypeptide.24.Degeneracy of code(密码子简并性)One codon encodes only one amino acid;More than 2 codons can encode the same amino acid;Most codons that encode the same amino acid have the difference in the third base of the codon.25.ORF(开放阅读框架)The nucleotideacids sequences in mRNA molecule from 5’AUG to 3’stop codon(UAA UAG UGA). It consists of a group of contiguous nonoverlapping genetic codons encoding a whole protein. Usually, it includes more than 500 genetic codons.26.Shine-Dalgarno sequence(SD)is a sequence upstream the start codon in prokaryotic mRNA that canbase pairs to a •UCCU•sequence at or very near the 3' end of 16S rRNA, thereby binding the mRNA and small ribosomal subunit by each other.27.Polyribosome(多聚核糖体)Ribosomes(10~100) are tandemly arranged on one mRNA and move in thedirection of 5’to 3’.Such a complex of one mRNA and a number ofribosomes is called polyribosome.28.signal peptide(信号肽)It is a short conservative amino terminal sequence (13~36AA) that exists ona newly synthesized secretory protein. It can direct this protein to a specific locationwithin the cell. It is subsequently cleaved away by signal peptidase; also called signal sequence and targeting sequence.29.Operon(操纵子): Bacteria have a simple general mechanism for coordinating the regulation of geneswhose products are involved in related processes: the genes are clustered on the chromosome and transcribed together. Most prokaryotic mRNAs are polycistronic. The single promoter requi red to initiate transcription of the cluster is the point where expression of all of the genes is regulated. The gene cluster, the promoter, and additional sequences that function in regulation are together called an operon. Operons that include 2 to 6 genes transcribed as a unit are common; some operons contain 20 or more genes.30.Housekeeping gene(管家基因)Genes that are expressed at a fairly consistent level throughout the cellcycle and from tissue to tissue. Usually involved in routine cellular metabolism. Often used for comparison when studying expression of other genes of interest.31.Trans-acting factors(反式作用因子):Usually considered to be proteins, that bind to the cis-actingsequences to control gene expression. The properties of different trans-acting factors:subunits of RNA polymerasebind to RNA Polymerase to stabilize the initiation complexbind to all promoters at specific sequences but not to RNA Polymerase (TFIID factor which binds to the TATA box)bind to a few promoters and are required for transcription initiation32.Cis-acting elements(顺式作用元件):DNA sequences in the vicinity of the structural portion of a genethat are required for gene expression. The properties of different cis-acting elements:contain short consensus sequencesmodules are related but not identicalnot fixed in location but usually within 200 bp upstream of the transcription start sitea single element is usually sufficient to confer a regulatory responsecan be located in a promoter or an enhancerassumed that a specific protein binds to the element and the presence of that protein is developmentally regulated33.Southern blotting:Genomic DNA (from tissues or cells) are cut by RE, separated by gelelectrophoresis and denatured in solution, then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane for detecting specific DNA sequence by hybridization to a labeled probe. It can be used to quantitative and qualitative analyze genomic DNA, or analyze the recombinant plasmid and bacteriophage (screening DNA library).34.Northern blotting: RNA samples (from tissues or cells) are separated by gel electrophoresis anddenatured in solution, then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane for detecting specific sequence by hybridization to a labeled probe. It can be used to detect the level of specific mRNA in some tissues (cells) and to compare the level of same gene expression in different tissues (cells) or at different development period.35.Western blotting:rotein samples are separated by PAGE electrophoresis, then electro-transferred to NCmembrane. The proteins on NC membrane hybridize with a specific antibody (1st antibody ), then the target protein binding with antibody is detected with a labeled secondary antibody (2nd antibody).Also called immunoblotting. It can be used to detect the specific protein, semi-quantify specific protein, etc.36.PBlotting technique(印迹):Transfer (blot) biological macromolecules separated in the gel and fix themto nitrocellulose/nylon membrane by diffusion, electro-transferring or vacuum absorption, then detectit.37.Nucleic acid probe(探针):DNA or RNA fragment labeled with radioisotope, biotin orfluorescent, is used to detect specific nucleic acid sequences by hybridization38.PCR: PCR is a technique for amplifying a specific DNA segment in vitro. The reaction system includeDNA template, T aq DNA pol, dNTP,short oligonucleotide primers, buffer containing Mg2+. The process including 3 steps: denature, annealing, extension39.DNA coloning(克隆):T o clone a piece of DNA, DNA is cut into fragments using restriction enzymes. Thefragments are pasted into vectors that have been cut by the same restriction enzyme to form recombinant DNA. The recombinant DNA are needed to transfer and maintain DNA in a host cell. This serial process and related technique are called DNA coloning or genetic engineering.40.Genomic DNA library(基因组DNA文库) A genomic library is a set of clones that together representsthe entire genome of a given organism. The number of clones that constitute a genomic library depends on (1) the size of the genome in question and (2) the insert size tolerated by the particular cloning vector system. For most practical purposes, the tissue source of the genomic DNA is unimportant because each cell of the body contains virtually identical DNA (with some exceptions).41.cDNA library(cDNA文库):A cDNA library represents a sample of the mRNA purified from a particularsource (either a collection of cells, a particular tissue, or an entire organism), which has been converted back to a DNA template by the use of the enzyme reverse transcriptase. It thus represents the genes that were being actively transcribed in that particular source under the physiological, developmental, or environmental conditions that existed when the mRNA was purified.42.α-complementation(α互补):Some plasmid vectors such as pUC19 carry the alpha fragment of the lacZ gene. The alpha fragment is the amino-terminus of the beta-galactosidase. Typically, the mutant E. coli host strain only carry the omega fragment, which is the carboxy-terminus of the protein. Either omegaor alpha fragment alone is nonfunctional. When the vector containing lac Z introduced into mutant E.coli, both the alpha and omega fragments are present there is an interaction and a functionally intact beta-galactosidase protein can be produced. This interaction is called alpha complementation.43.Secondary messenger(第二信使) are some small signal molecules that are generated in the cell inresponse to extracellular signals. They can activate many other downstream components. The most important second messengers are: Ca2+, cAMP, cGMP, DAG, IP3, Cer, AA and its derivatives, etc.44.Adaptor protein(衔接蛋白)A specialized protein that links protein components of the signalingpathway, These proteins tend to lack any intrinsic enzymatic activity themselves but instead mediate specific protein-protein interaction that drive the formation of protein complexes.45.Scaffolding protein(支架蛋白)A protein that assembles interacting signaling proteins intomultimolecular, it recruits downstream effectors in a pathway and enhances specificity of the signal. 46.Oncogene(癌基因)A gene whose product is involved either in transforming cells in culture or ininducing cancer in animals including virus oncogene(v-onc)and cellular-oncogene(c-onc )。
分子生物学(双语)6 Genome Sequences and Gene Numbers

Photo of intracellular bacterium courtesy of Gregory P. Henderson and Grant J. Jensen, California Institute of Technology
Photo of free-living bacterium courtesy of Karl O. Stetter, Universität Regensburg
Photo of mammal © Photodisc
6.2 Prokaryotic Gene Numbers Range Over an Order of Magnitude
• The minimum number of genes for a parasitic prokaryote is about 500; for a free-living nonparasitic prokaryote it is about 1500.
6.3 Total Gene Number Is Known for Several Eukaryotes
FIGURE 06: Functions are known for only half the fly genes
Adapted from Drosophila 12 Genomes Consortium, Nature 450 (2007): 203-218.
6.1 Introduction
FIGURE 01: The minimum gene number required for any type of organism increases with its complexity
Photo of higher plant courtesy of Keith Weller/USDA

最喜欢的学科分子生物学英语作文Molecular biology is the branch of biology that deals with the molecular basis of biological activity. It is the study of the structure and function of biological macromolecules, including nucleic acids and proteins. This field explores the fundamental processes of life at the molecular level, providing insights into the workings of the human body and all living organisms.One of the most fascinating aspects of molecular biology is the study of DNA, the molecule that carries genetic information. The discovery of DNA's double helix structure by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 revolutionized our understanding of genetics and paved the way for modern molecular biology. Since then, scientists have been studying the intricate mechanisms by which DNA encodes theinstructions for building and maintaining living organisms.In recent years, advances in molecular biology have led to the development of powerful techniques for manipulating DNA, such as CRISPR-Cas9. This revolutionary gene-editingtool has the potential to cure genetic diseases, create genetically modified organisms, and even generate new therapeutic interventions. The ability to precisely edit DNA sequences has opened up new possibilities for treating and preventing a wide range of diseases, from cancer to inherited genetic disorders.Another exciting area of research in molecular biology is the study of gene expression and regulation. Scientists are unlocking the secrets of how genes are turned on or off in response to environmental cues, and how these processes contribute to the development and function of living organisms. By understanding the molecular mechanisms that control gene expression, researchers can gain insights into diseases such as cancer, where misregulation of genes plays a critical role in the disease process.Molecular biology also plays a crucial role in the field of biotechnology, where it is used to produce genetically modified crops, develop new pharmaceutical drugs, and create novel biotechnological products. The ability to engineer biological systems at the molecular level has transformed the way we produce food, treat diseases, and manufacture valuable products.In addition to its practical applications, molecular biology also provides a deeper understanding of the fundamental processes of life. By studying the molecular basis of biological activity, scientists can unravel the mysteries of how living organisms function and evolve. This knowledge not only has practical implications for medicine and biotechnology but also enriches our appreciation of the complexity and beauty of life.In conclusion, molecular biology is a captivating field that offers new insights into the microscopic world of livingorganisms. By studying the molecular basis of biological activity, scientists are gaining a deeper understanding of life's fundamental processes and developing new tools and technologies with the potential to transform medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. The journey into the world of molecular biology is an exciting and rewarding venture that continues to unlock the secrets of life at the molecular level.。
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FIGURE 07: Eukaryotic cells can acquire a new phenotype as the result of transfection
Basic DNA Structure
• Nucleotide – phosphate, sugar, base • Bases – pyrimidines and purines • Phosphodiester bonds – phosphate/sugar
FIGURE 20: Nucleic acids all replicate by synthesis of complementary strands
FIGURE 21: The amount of nucleic acid in the genome varies over an enormous range
– proofreading – mutations
FIGURE 15: Replication of DNA is semiconservative
FIGURE 16: The replication fork
FIGURE 17: An endonuclease cleaves a bond within a nucleic acid
FIGURE 13: The two strands of DNA form a double helix
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DNA Replication Basics
• Origins of replication • Semi-conservative • Denaturation, annealing, extension • DNA Polymerases
FIGURE 03: Griffith experiment
FIGURE 04: The DNA of S-type bacteria can transform R-type bacteria into the same S-type
FIGURE 06: The genetic material of phage T2 is DNA
backbone • 5’ to 3’ direction, antiparallel double helix • Base pairing • Minor versus major groove in B-DNA • 3.4 nm and 10.4 base pairs per turn • Alternative DNA structures
– Depends on complementarity
• Intermolecular or intramolecular • Hybridization is the key to many methods
FIGURE 23: Denatured single strands of DNA renature to give the duplex form
FIGURE 22: Base pairing
• Nucleic acids hybridize by base pairing • Denaturation is ds to ss
– Tm depends on sequence
• Renaturation is ds to ss
分子生物学(双语)1 Genes Are DNA
Figure CO: X chromosome in blue
© Science VU/DOE/Visuals Unlimited
FIGURE SO: Part I: Genes and Chromosomes
Photo courtesy of S. V. Flores, A. Mena, and B. F. McAllister. Used with permission of Bryant McAllister, Department of Biology, University of Iowa.
DNA as the Genetic Material
• Pneumococcus pathogenicity tranferred to normal strain by transformation
• T2 bacteriophage genetic material is DNA • Transfection of eukaryotic cells with TK+
FIGURE 19: The central dogma
Control of Gene Expression
• Processes affected by control • Complexity from control • Regulatory elements
cis-acting trans-acting
FIGURE 08: A polynucleotide chain
FIGURE 12: Flat base pairs lie perpendicular to the sugar-phosphate backbone
FIGURE 14: Base pairing provides the mechanism for replicating DNA
FIGURE 18: An exonuclease removes bases one at a time
Gene Expression
• Transcription
– Reverse transcription
• RNA processing • Translation • Post-translational modifications
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FIGURE CO: Genes are DNA
FIGURE 01: A brief history of genetics
FIGURE 02: A gene codes for an RNA, which may code for protein