



及时采撷你的花 蕾/旧时光一去 不回/今天尚在微 笑的花朵/明天 变得风中枯萎 (丁尼生) Gather ye rosebuds while ye may/Old time is still a-flying/And this same flowers that smiles today/Tomorrow will be dying
学会自己思考,学会欣赏文学和 语言。不管别人怎么说,文学和 语言的确能改变世界。 Learn to think for yourselves again. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. 抓紧时间,孩子们,让你的生命 不同寻常。 Carpe diem.Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
Keating called on all ripped out of textbooks and appreciation of poetry provides that a judge and try to tell them the passion of youth and sweet poem. Precocious Neil crisp torn the page, cowardly, Todd torn off the page, carefully tear off the page Cameron neat. Under the leadership of the Court in the base, they overcome the obstacles in mind, bravely took the first step.


新学期开始。沉闷的氛围、陈腐的说教,让威尔顿的大男孩们倍感压抑,同学们私下 里咒骂威尔顿是地狱学校,篡改威尔顿四大信条以示嘲弄。然而,同学们想不到的是,新 来的基廷老师和他们心中原始的渴望一样,与众不同离经叛道的上课方式,立刻在同学们 中掀起波澜。基廷哼着的《扬基进行曲》、及时行乐的信条、撕去教科书上伊凡所·普利查 矫作的诗歌分析,在威尔顿学生长期被窒息的心灵中引发了一场地震。
获 奖 情 况

父子重要人 Nhomakorabea物
同舍 学友
约翰·基 廷
威尔顿贵族学校1959年度开学典礼暨建校100周年华诞正隆重举行。校长诺伦博士骄 傲地回顾着学校的辉煌,为学校一百年来始终坚持传统、荣誉、纪律和卓越四大信条并因 此成为美国最好大学预备学校而骄傲。同一天,威尔顿的荣誉毕业生、从伦敦回来执教的 新教师约翰·基廷回校出任英文教师。
冲击事件:演出结束的晚上,尼尔被父亲带回家。 深夜,尼尔平静的在房间开枪自杀。
这样的设计把冲突矛盾放大,展现教育状况 的可悲。除却让我们去思考罪责在何、感慨传统 应试教育现实存在的悲剧,它更是直观地给我们 带来了一种无力感。
关于电影: 《死亡诗社》的前三分之二,都可以称得上是最具浪漫主义色彩的
中文名:死亡诗社 外文名:Dead Poets Society 其它译名:暴雨骄阳(港)、春风化雨(台) 出品公司:博伟影视公司、试金石电影公司 制片地区:美国 类 型:剧情 上映时间:1989年6月2日(多伦多首映)1989年6月9日(美国)



I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.
Dead Poets Society
1.brief introduction
2.teaching method 3.The end of the film 4.Will you be there
The teaching method
Becuase believe or not, each one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die. I'd like you to step forward of you and peruse some of the faces from the past. They're not that different from you , are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones. Just like you. Invincible just like you fell. The world is their oyster. They belive they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives evenone iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentelman, these boys are now fertilising daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it ? Carpe...hear it?...Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day, boys, make your lives extrordinary.


Motivation :.
He wanted the boys to be free thinkers, which the school thought was misguiding the students.
Analysis :
Mr.Keating is a quite special teacher in Welton. He uses his own way to teach, and challenges the tradition way of teaching in Welton. Driving students to listen the voice of death so as to inspire them to seize the day in the first class. Telling them to find their own steps to trust their own beliefs are unique Encouraging them to stand on the desk to constantly look at things in different ways. All in all, he does his best to encourage everyone to love life and realise what their hearts are. He was their inspiration. He made their lives extraordinary.
well , however ,luckily enough, he met some
friendly classmates and a impressed teacher.

dead poets society 死亡诗社ppt

dead poets society  死亡诗社ppt
f Neil's parents, the headmaster launches an investigation. Cameron meets the school governors and board of regents. Later, confronted by Charlie, Cameron admits that he squealed on them and made Keating the scapegoat, and urges the rest of them to let Keating take the fall. Charlie punches Cameron and is later expelled. Todd is called to Nolan's office, where his parents are waiting. Nolan forces Todd to admit to being a member of the Dead Poets Society, and makes him sign a document blaming Keating for abusing his authority, inciting the boys to restart the club, and encouraging Neil to flout his father's wishes. Todd sees the other boys' signatures already on the document, and is threatened by his father to sign it. Keating is subsequently fired. The boys return to English class, now being taught by Nolan, who instructs the boys to read the introductory essay only to find that they had all ripped it out. Keating enters the room to retrieve a few belongings. Todd reveals that the boys were intimidated into signing the denunciation. Nolan orders Todd to be quiet and demands that Keating leave. As Keating is about to exit, Todd for the first time breaks his reserve, calls out "O Captain! My Captain!" and stands on his desk. Nolan warns Todd to sit down or face expulsion. Much of the class, including Knox, Meeks, and Pitts, climb onto their desks and look to Keating, ignoring Nolan's orders until he gives up. Keating, visibly touched, thanks the boys and leaves.



Carpe diem!
Of all the characters, which are you more like? Why?
Which of the characters are you most unlike? Why?
How does “Dead Poets’ Society” illustrate the importance of attitudes?
stretch beyond your crippling fears
Choose to live a life of EROS Carpe diem!
Let’s look at what the wise poets have to say…
O to struggle against great odds, To meet enemies undaunted.
Which controls you the more? In what way?
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear, nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck all the marrow of life,

死亡诗社(Dead Poets Society)PPT

死亡诗社(Dead Poets Society)PPT

The story in this movie happened in 1959, it’s the time of cold war. Mccarthyism had just been eliminated. But the conservation still prevail in the U.S.A. At that time, the traditionist and the Libertarian had a fierce battle. The traditionist thought that there should not have the radical revolution. They emphasize on the importance of experiences and historical tradition. In their mind, only the old tradition which have been tested so many years can be accepted. But in the libertarian’s mind, the real freedom means you can pursue what you want. They didn’t want become the slave of tradition. They prefer the social Darwinism, the survival of the fittest, old can not always be the right.
死亡诗社(dead-poets-society)ppt moviecomes from james hilton novel good bye mr`chips. reallystory thomasschuman, scriptwriter movie,when he studied preparatoryschool montgomery bell. his english teacher samuel moviehappened coldwar. mccarthyism had just been eliminated. conservationstill prevail libertarianhad fiercebattle. traditionistthought radicalrevolution. historicaltradition. mind,only oldtradition which have been tested so many years can libertarian'smind, realfreedom means you can pursue what you want. didn'twant become socialdarwinism, fittest,old can bestgeneration still existed newschools literature.during timemost writers intentionally avoided socialproblems. justboost politicalsystem blindly. newgeneration can oldtradition. namewalt whiteman mentionedseveral times. mustfamous words movie—ohcaptain, my captain"—was his poem. uncle walt, whatmr`keating call greatwalt whiteman. yearsafter stockmarket crash happened u.s.a.people during timeprefer carpediem time. reasonwhy mr`keating said seizing hardtim


探讨导演在电影中使用的各种技 巧,如镜头语言、剪辑和布景设 计。
讨论电影可能对观众产 生的长期影响,以及它 如何促进人们对生命和
分析电影在当代文化中 的地位,以及它如何继 续激发人们的思考和讨
分享电影给观众带来的 个人启示,以及如何将 这些启示应用到日常生
电影中的学生们通过诗歌表达对 生活的热爱和珍惜,启示我们要 活在当下,珍惜眼前的每一个时 刻。
学生们勇敢地追求自己的梦想, 启示我们要有追求,并勇敢地去 实现自己的梦想。
电影中的原声音乐也非常 出色,通过音乐表现出人 物内心的情感变化和情节 的转折。
电影中的台词非常精炼,通过简短的 对话表现出人物的性格和情感。
电影中的语言风格非常独特,既有口 语化表达也有书面化表达,表现出人 物的不同性格和情感。
电影中的对白非常自然,符合人物身 份和性格特点,同时也传达出深刻的 思想和主题。
电影《死亡诗社》以美国威斯康 星州的一所高中为背景,通过讲 述学生们在文学老师基丁的引导 下,重新认识生命、追求自由和
《死亡诗社》由彼得·威尔执导, 罗宾·威廉姆斯、伊桑·霍克等演
该电影获得了广泛的赞誉和多个 奖项,包括奥斯卡最佳原创剧本 奖提名,被誉为一部经典的教育


Exult O shores, and ring O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
我的船长没有回答,他的嘴唇惨白,”一动不动, 我的父亲没有感觉到我的手臂,他已经没有脉搏,也没有意志, 我们的船已安全地下锚了,它的航程已经终了, 从可怕的航程归来,这胜利的船,目的已经达到; 啊,海岸欢呼,钟声长鸣! 可我却以悲痛的步履, 漫步在甲板上,那里躺着我的船长 他已浑身冰冷,心脏停止了跳动。
But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
啊,船长!我的船长!我们可怕的航程已经终了, 我们的船已安然渡过所有的难关,我们所追求的锦标也已经得到, 港口就在前面,我已听见钟声,听到了人们的欢呼, 千万只眼睛都在望着我们的船安稳前进,它是那样威严和勇敢; 可是,啊,心哟!心哟!心哟! 啊,鲜红的血滴, 就在那甲板上,我的船长躺下了, 他已浑身冰冷,心脏停止了跳动。
Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
• American poet, essayist • Family poverty, variety of jobs • Leaves of Grass, romanticism
O Captain! My Captain! • Simple and natural, without orthodox
in the Greek War of Independence
One of the greatest European poets & a national hero



学生们站上课桌不正是基廷老师鼓励他们换个角度看待事物所采用的方式吗? 学生们没有忘记基廷老师的教诲。
在惠特曼的诗里,在胜利前夕遇刺的林肯总统被比作率领众人冲破骇浪却最 终倒在甲板上的船长。林肯总统刚废除奴隶制不久便被刺杀身亡,而基廷老师带领 学生追求心灵的自由,挑战守旧的教育制度的尝试刚刚取得一些成果便被勒令下岗, 他的境遇与林肯总统有着某些相似的地方:一样乘风破浪,而最终付出代价。
政治寓意 Political implications
在结局我们看到了学生们对校长代表的传统压制性教育 的隐忍抗议,也看到了他们对基廷老师的尊敬和留恋。
结尾非常巧妙并且令人深思。尽管基廷老师的离开是一 种遗憾,但学生们不再因循守旧,开始有自己的思想,他们 对刻板、僵化的教育制度进行了反抗,他们的未来有了更多、 更美好的可能,这也代表着一个好的开始。
此时此刻的基丁老师,被校长呵斥快点离开,沮丧中夹杂无奈, 但孩子们带着独立态度展现他们对他的支持时,他所看到的,是孩子们 的成长以及站在课桌上的勇敢,他所感受到的,是自己所一贯坚持的教 学理念总算在部分孩子身上得到了体现,那种对自己的信任,是一个坚 持自我的人最大的欣慰!所以,他可以带着微笑离开教室,带着欣慰感 谢孩子们,而留下的,是注定要影响孩子们一生的人生态度和生活理念。
In Whitman's poetry, President Lincoln, who was assassinated on the eve of victory, is compared to the captain who led everyone through the waves but ultimately collapsed on the deck. President Lincoln was assassinated shortly after the abolition of slavery, while Teacher Keating led his students to pursue spiritual freedom and challenge the conservative education system. As soon as he achieved some results, he was ordered to be laid off. His situation was similar to that of President Lincoln: he rode the wind and waves, but ultimately paid the price.



场景四: 鼓励学生坚守自 己的信仰
基汀把学生带到室外, 让学生们在他面前排队 行走,从走路的姿势分 析学生的个性和心态, 指出“顺从是危险的”, 鼓励学生“坚守自己的 信仰”
学会从不同的角度思考问题, 要找寻自己的声音, 而非一味 地服从与遵照传统。 这是西方价值观中的“崇尚个 性的张扬、打破传统思维”的 精神体现。
反观之,中国人强调“为人师表”,要求老师要严于律己, 安守本分,若老师这么做,恐怕会被指责为其身不正、误 人子弟。
场景六: 尼尔和父亲争吵
尼尔的父亲也和一个普通中国家长一样,望子成龙,希望 他以后上哈佛医学院。但是尼尔l热爱表演。与父亲争吵之 后他妥协了。最终尼尔却选择了自杀。
场景七: 基汀老师被辞 退,学生站上桌子声援
反观中国, 恐怕没有哪个老 师敢在课堂上鼓励学生将 书本撕掉, 因此在一定程度 上导致学生一味地迷信书 本, 认为课本上的知识、老 师说的就是权威。
一次课上,基汀公然站 到了课桌上。“知道我 为什么站到台子上吗? 我是提醒自己,要用不 同的角度看待事物。读 诗的时候,不要只想到 作者的见解,还要有自 己的见解,要寻找自己 的声音,要突破! ” 随 后,学生们一个接着一 个站上讲台。
飞逝,必须在这三年里分秒必争,否则就会遗憾终生。在讲授美 国现代文学中的意识流(stream of consciousness )诗歌学派 时,John Keating老师打破陈规,让学生在操场上自由发挥,随 意走动、跑步、静止,感受内心深处潜意识的活动,进而对意识 流学派有深刻直观印象。这些突破陈规的授课方式当然招惹了传 统守旧势力的反感和非议,他们不断给John Keating老师施加压 力。而与此同时,John Keating老师也赢得了学生的好感和热爱。



诗歌本身所企望的自由,却被各种格律、音韵 所牵制,如同关押于牢笼的囚鸟,支不开羽翼。 流浪诗人基廷终究做不了救世主,他唯能尽力 寻求改变。尼尔死去时,他沉默得让人害怕, 他长久地盯着自己的影子,恍若整个身躯要陷 落到影子里。他是船长,但终究也是海盗。 所幸的是,终有东西被传承下来,关于自由和 希望的信仰,关于诗歌的真谛
彼得·威尔 Tom C h u l man
罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 128 分钟 1989年6月2日 USA:PG英语彩色.
故事发生在50年代末美国佛蒙特州的威尔顿学院,这是一所 著名的男生大学预科学校,以校风严谨著称,崇尚 “Tradition传统、Honor荣誉、Discipline纪律、Excellence卓越” 的校训。开学典礼气氛肃穆,美丽的威尔顿学院又迎来了一 批新的学员为了能考上著名大学,孩子们开始了学院里古板
给林肯的那首诗《Oh Captain, My Captain》,然后他让孩子们称他为船
基廷,这个彻头彻尾的诗人,这位 不朽的船长,是你,潜移默化、 不遗余力地启发我们,唤醒我们 沉睡的心灵。你的教育里无时无 刻不在渗透着这样一种气质:生 命的激情、独立的思想、坚持梦 想及勇气。

死亡诗社人物分析 ppt课件

死亡诗社人物分析 ppt课件
releasing the deep emotion of him.As for the braveness,at the last scene of his moive ,he was the first student to stand on the desk to show his respect to Mr.Keating.Which was impossible to happen if he was that former himself.
inspirations to him.He owned his real dream ,meanwhile ,he was yield to the reality and at last committing a suicide as his final fight and become a real free puck.
Johnn Keating
Key words: captian poet skillful
experienced open-minded kind
As a teacher who taught poet,he used his special way to teach the students,and told them if they wanted to make a progress ,they should to be a free thinker and strive to find their own voice.During his first class ,he let the students to rip out the paper.When they played the football,he asked everybody to read a verse to encourage themselves.He was not so much a teacher as a friend.He played football with his students ,and was willing to listen to Neil's deep heart thinking.He encouraged his students to challenge themselves.He was the leader of that boys and also a successful teacher.
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Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,

Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
• Henry David Thoreau:Walden,or Life in the Woods
• 写在诗社”宝书”的扉页上的那段话来自美国作家 THOREAU(1818-1862)的《瓦尔登湖》.
• 1845年,28岁的THOREAU在好友EMERSON的林地里的 WALDEN湖畔盖了座木屋住下,此后两年多里他过着清心寡 欲,自给自足的生活,并时常记下自己的所思所想所悟,于是就 有了这样一本书.

• 中文版里徐迟的本子算是最最有名的了(上海译文和吉林人民 出版社都出过,包装不同,内容是一样的).个人以为这样的书非 徐迟这样有底气又有定力的老一辈学者(我见过他的照片,一 个清澄平和的老人)不能译.毕竟是150多年前的文章了,而且 讲的又是”人如何通过纯感官与具有神性的大自然交流沟通” 的超验主义问题,不实际得一塌糊涂,不和时宜得一塌糊涂.现 在的译者心都比较活泼,对待此类作品的态度怕只会是句简单 的”理你都傻”.
死 亡 诗 社
• He was their inspiration. He made their lives extraordinary.
• I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer's lease hath all too short a date:

Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

And often is his gold complexion dimmed,

And every fair from fair sometime declines,

By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed:

But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
• I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God, and have somewhat hastily concluded that it is the chief end of man here to "glorify God and enjoy him forever."
• ROBIN WILLIAMS念的《哦,船长!我的船长!》是 纪念大胡子林肯的,WHITMAN(1819-1892)原作,出 自《草叶集:纪念林肯总统》LEAVES OF
GRASS:Memories of President Lincoln.
• WHITMAN的诗还是挺好懂的.他活在一个人们可以 自由自在地理直气壮地粗俗的时代,粗俗得纯粹,粗 俗得磅礴,粗俗得欣欣向荣,粗俗得可爱之极.之后美 国文学便由浪漫主义转入现实主义, 从 W.D.HOWELLS到MARK TWAIN到HENRY JAMES到JACK LONDON主题渐渐深沉,情节渐渐 复杂,作家那支笔也渐渐拖泥带水起来.随后的自然 主义作品行文虽稍稍松了口气,主题却达到了凝重 的极至.WHITMAN的时代一去不返.
• 最后还要提到的是莎士比亚的第18号十四 行诗和拜伦的”她在美中步履姗姗”.当死 亡诗社山洞里来了两个女生时,两个男生为 恭维她们甩出的漂亮句子实际上来自于这 两首不朽佳作.无论如何,MM们听到好诗的 那一瞬散发出的光彩绝对是眩目而令人难 忘的!
• Sonnet 18

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?