口译如何做笔记- -分类:正在关注笔记是高级口译的关键。
要点是:1. 少写多划。
? 表示因果或前后关系的词句。
2. 少字多意。
"politics" 最多写"poli","government"最多写"gov",等等。
例如,把“六十三万七千一百五十三”记成637,153,然后译成637 thousand 153。
英语中表达数字时基本以三个单位为一组,如“个、十、百”、“千、万、十万”、“百万、千万、亿”、“十亿、百亿、千亿”等,即以thousand 来表达“万、十万”,以million来表达“千万、亿”,以“trillion”来表达“百亿、千亿”,即10 thousand、100 thousand、10 million、100 million等以此类推。
例如,听到汉语的“三十二亿五千一百一十三万七千”,按照英文数字单位换算再读成:3 billion 251 million 137 thousand。
In Chinese we often hear or talk about ordinal numbers. If we interpret in English, we have to change the ways of asking/inquiry.
– 这是你第几次来中国? Is this your first visit to China? This isn’t your first visit to China, is it? How many times have you been in China? 你们队得了第几名? Did your team win the championship? Did you get/win the first place in the competition? 这孩子是(你的)老几呀? Is this your oldest/youngest child/son/daughter?
• 表示下降趋势:a fall下降, a drop跌落, a decline下跌, a decrease减少; to fall下降, to drop跌落, to decline下跌, a decrease减少, to go down下降, to bottom out降至最低点, to slow down减速, to decelerate减速。 • 表示稳定:to remain (stable)保持,不变,稳定,维持; to stand at不变,稳定,维持; to level out (off)平衡,稳定。
英语表示“增加几倍”,常用具有增加意 义的动词加倍数,或只用具有倍数意义的动 词。句中的倍数是指所增加的倍数与原有数 之和。因此若译出净增加的倍数,就将原文 减一,译成“增加了(X-1)倍“,或”增 加(X-1)倍”。若要译出增加部分与原有 部分之和,则照译不减,译成“增加到X 倍”。五、趋 势语的 表达法
1.数字口译的技巧6.1 基本原则:先求准确,再求快速6.2 数字口译的基础技巧(“视译”练习见梅德明p437-441;王斌华p124)熟读英汉单位数字的读音英语以“三位数”(three-digit)为单位; 汉语以“四位数”(four-digit)为单位。
英语中从小到大单位为thousand, million; billion; trillion; 汉语是“万”“亿”。
如:5,678,120,000; 56’7812’0000注意听准和读准-teen和-ty-teen音节要重读,且其中元音为长元音,发音长而清晰;-ty音节不重读,且其中元音为短元音,发音短而急促。
口译时需注意英美数字读法的差异部分有一个逗点的数字(四位数),如:3,600,英国人读three thousand and six hundred; 美国人多读thirty-six hundred。
有三个逗点的数字(十位数),如:4,000,000,000,英four thousand million; 美four billion (因为英国billion指“万亿”)英国英语在百位和十位之间加读and,而美国英语往往不用and。
时间的表达上英美读法也有差异:美国英语中常用before/ till代替to; 用after代替past。
分数、小数、百分数的读法规律分数:2/3—two thirds; 如果遇到较复杂的分数,读法用over代表分数线,如20/87—twenty over eighty-seven。
小数:小数点读作point,小数点后的数字逐个分别读,小数点前的数若为0读作zero或not,也可略去不读; 小数点后的0读作英文字母o的读音。
百分数:用per cent表示。
6. 3数字口译的提高技巧如何记录是关键:用阿拉伯数字,而不是汉语或单词。
最难记录也是最容易犯错误的是中间包含有0的长列数字,如:*** 英译汉:4,021,907,650,301原语读作:four trillion / twenty-one billion / nine hundred and seven million / six hundred and fifty thousand / three hundred and one记录中,听到trillion; billion; million; thousand时,用下标逗点表示:4,21,907,650,301,然后,关键一步—逗点之间不足三位的在左边加0,即还原成:4,021,907,650,301然后,按四位标注,用汉语读出:4’0219’0765’0301 四万零二百一十九亿七百六十五万三百零一*** 汉译英:4,021,907,650,301原语读作:4’0219’0765’0301 四万零二百一十九亿七百六十五万三百零一记录中,听到万亿; 亿; 万时用上标逗点表示:4’219’ 765’ 301然后,关键一步—逗点之间不足四位的在左边加0,即还原成:4’0219’ 0765’ 0301按三位数标注,用英语读出:4,021,907,650,301熟记英汉语之间基本单位的转换(梅德明p435-436)数字口译中倍数的表达*** 倍数翻译最根本的问题在于要搞清楚是否包括基数。
Unit Nine Interpreting Academic SpeechesEnglish to ChineseMethods and Skills-----Interpreting NumbersTen thousand 万hundred thousand 十万Ten million 千万hundred million 亿三位以内数字的口译:Three hundred and seventyEight hundred and thirty-nine2. 四位以上数字的口译:第一个逗号前一位译成千, 前两位译成万,前三位译成十万;第二个逗号前一位译成百万,前两位译成千万,前三位译成亿; 第三个逗号前一位译成十亿,前两位译成百亿,前三位译成千亿.1,369----one thousand three hundred and sixty nine6,003----six thousand and three15,600----fifteen thousand six hundred75,426,391---seventy five million, four hundred and twenty six thousand,three hundred and ninety one 564,000,000---five hundred and sixty four million1,250,000,000---one billion two hundred and fifty million3. 模糊数字的口译:几个: some,a few, several 两,三个: two or three十几个: more than ten;over a dozen 三十来个:about thirty几十个: dozens of 几十年: decades 十几岁: in one’s teens 四十出头:a little over forty五十岁左右: about fifty 近八十岁了: almost eighty九十好几了: well over ninety 五点左右:around five o’clock三天左右: three days or so 大约150米处: somewhere about 150 meters 好几百: hundreds of 成千上万: thousands of几十万: hundreds of thousands of 几百万: millions of亿万: hundreds of millions of4. 百分数,小数,分数的口译:8%: eight percent 15%: fifteen percent4.35%: four point three five percent0.5%: zero point five percent4.032: four point naught three two71.006: seventy one point naught naught six½: one half 1/3: one third 3/5: three fifths7/8: seven eighths 1/100: one hundredth1/1000: one thousandth 14/1000: fourteen thousandths1/10000: one ten thousandths 2-1/2: two and a half4-2/3: four and two thirds5. 增减倍数的口译:A is N times larger (longer, heavier…) than BA is larger (longer, heavier…) thanB by N timesA is N times as large (long, heavy…) as BThe earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球的大小是月球的49倍.Since mid-century, the global economy has nearly quintupled, while the population has doubled, demand for grain has nearly tripled, and the burning of fossil fuels has increased nearly fourfold.自本世纪中叶以来,全球经济增长了将近四倍,人口翻了一番.结果,粮食的需求增加了近两倍,石油燃料增加了近三倍.Within 30 years there will be twice as many urban people as countryside people in the world.30 年内,全世界的城市居民将是农村人口的两倍.4. Although London covers less than 400,000 acres, it needs nearly 50 million acre---125 times its area---to provide it with food, timber, and other resources, and to absorb its pollution.虽然伦敦占地不到40万英亩,却需要近5000万英亩的土地125倍于它本身的面积---来供给它食品,原木和其他资源,并吸收它生产的污染物.汉语倍数表示法分两类: 一类是原数的几倍,几倍于原数或增加到几倍;另一类是比原数大几倍或增加了几倍, 可用(N 加1)times来表示.过去20年中,中国的国内生产总值增长了近五倍.In the past 20 years,China’s gross domestic product increased nearly six times.2. 1978年至1997年,中国人均生产总值增长了3.4倍.China’s per capita GDP went up by 4.4 times between 1978 and 1997.3. 中国城镇居民人均居住面积由1978年的3.6平方米提高到1997年的8.8平方米,增加了1.4倍.The per capita living space for urban residents in China expanded from 3.6 square meters in 1978 to 8.8 square meters in 1997, a rise of 2.4 times.4. 1949年至1998年,中国的粮食总产量由1.1 亿吨增加到5.1亿吨,增长3.5 倍,年平均增长3.1%,是人口增长率的2.5倍.China’s total grain output increased from 110 million tons in 1949 to 510 million tons in 1998, or an increase of over 4.5 times, with an average annual growth rate of 3.1 percent, 2.5times that of the population growth.汉语很少用减少了若干倍的说法,而用减少了百分之几的说法,所以减少多用百分比和分数表示.由于水灾,去年的收成减少了三成.Owing to flood, the crop last year was declined by 30 percent.2. 该公司的员工裁减了近三分之一,开支减少了四分之一.The personnel of the company have been reduced nearly by one third and the expenses by one fourth.6. 增减百分比的口译:Between 1986 and 1987, Nike’s sales dropped 18 percent and profits sank by more than 40 percent as a result of competition with Reebok.与“锐步” 鞋业竞争的结果,从1986 年到1987年,耐克的销售额下降了18%, 利润下降了40%多.2. By putting out more than one new shoe style every day on average, in 1995 and 1996, Nike’s sales and profits grew 71percent and 80 percent respectively’ meanwhile, Nike’s closest rival Reebok grew just nine percent in the same period.靠平均每天推出一个以上新款式,1995年到1996年耐克的销售额和利润分别上涨了71% 和81%. 而同期最接近耐克的竞争对手锐步只上涨了9%.3. Procter& Gamble just raised prices on its paper products by as much as 8%.宝洁公司刚刚把他们的纸制品价格提高了8%.4. 1999年,普通高校招生规模比上年阔大了47.4%.University and college enrollment in 1999 increased by 47.4 percent over the previous year.5. 因受亚洲金融危机的冲击,1998 年中国进出口总额比上年下降0.4%,其中进口总额下降1.5%; 出口总额增长0.5%.As a result of Asian financial crises, China’s total volume of import and export in 1998 dropped by 0.4 percent over the previous year, of which the volume of import went down by 1.5 percent, and the value of export went up by 0.5 percent.6. 1999年,中国外贸出口达1949亿美元,比上年增长6.1%.China’s total exports reached UA$194,9billion in 1999, a rise of 6.1 percent over the precious year.7. 1998年,中国全年海外旅客入境人数6348万人次,比上年增长10.2%,国际旅游收入达126亿美元,增长4.4%.In 1998, China received 63.48 million tourists from overseas, up 10.2 percent over the previous year. Income of foreign exchange from tourism reached 12.6 billion US dollars, up 4.4 percent.8. 我国水土流失面积每年以10,000平方公里的速度在扩大.目前,水土流失面积已达367万平方公里,占总土地面积将近38%.The area of soil erosion in China has been increasing by 10,000 square km. Annually to 3.67 million square km. At present, accounting for nearly 38 percent of the total land area.9. 由于低温多雨的影响,我国夏粮减产1460万吨.China’s output of summer grain declines by 14.6 million tons due to low temperature and rainy days during the growing period.Exercises:With its two giants, China and India, Asia is the home of the majority of the wo rld’s 6 billion human inhabitants, and Africa the second most popular continent. The UN population fund said in its 1998 report on population growth, Asia counts 3.5 billion people. Its most populous countries are China, with 1.2 billion plus another 6.3 million in Hong Kong and India with 975.8 million, followed far behind by Indonesia with 125.9 million and Bangladesh with 124 million.Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with 121.8 million residents. Egypt is next with 65.7 million, followed by Ethiopia with 62.1 million, the Democratic Republic of Congo with 49.2 million, and South Africa with 44.3 million.Exercises:With its two giants, China and India, Asia is the home of the majority of the world’s 6 billion human inhabitants, and Africa the second most popular continent. The UN population fund said in its 1998 report on population growth, Asia counts 3.5 billion people. Its most populous countries are China, with 1.2 billion plus another 6.3 million in Hong Kong and India with 975.8 million, followed far behind by Indonesia with 125.9 million and Bangladesh with 124 million.Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with 121.8 million residents. Egypt is next with 65.7 million, followed by Ethiopia with 62.1 million, the Democratic Republic of Congo with 49.2 million, and South Africa with 44.3 million.3. The European continent counts 729.4 million residents, with Russia still the most populous country at 147.2 million, though its population growth is declining. Germany is next with 82.4 million.4. 祖国大陆31个省,自治区,直辖市和现役军人的人口中,0-14岁的人口为28979万人.占总人口的22.89%;15-64岁的人口为88793万人,占总人口的70.15%;65岁及以上的人口为8811万人,占总人口的6.96%.同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,0-14岁人口的比重下降了4.80个百分点,65岁及以上人口的比重上升了1.39个百分点.5. 同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,每10万人中拥有各种受教育程度的人数有如下变化: 具有大学程度的由1422人上升为3611人;具有高中程度的由8039人上升为11146人;具有初中程度的由23344人上升为33961人;具有小学程度的37057人下降为55701人.。
one trillion
two hundred and thirty-four billion
five hundred and sixty-seven million
eight hundred and ninety-one thousand
two hundred and thirty-four
这是因为中英文数字的表达,在5个digit以上就不对应了,简单的一个例子:1万,英文的表达是10 thousand。
一.英译中如果你听到下面一群复杂的数字,你该怎么记录呢?例:It covers a total of five hundred forty-nine million nine hundred forty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight square meters.可能会有这样的几种记录方法:第一种:5 h 49 m 9 h 46 th 7 h 68 sqm第二种:549 m 946 th 768 sqm如果在英译中时这么记录的话,恐怕等到规定翻译的时间过了你还没搞清究竟这堆数字是多少,翻成中文该怎么说。
记住:英文表达数字时可以从右往左,三位一逗号,例如前面记录的数字就是:549, 946,768英文:三位一逗号,逗号从右往左,每个逗号的位置分别对应的是:thousand, million, billion。
如“five thousand two hundred”可记录 为 “5,2”, “seven million”,可记录为 “7,, ”
“one billion three hundred and twenty million 可记录为 “1⋯ 320,,”。 ⋯ 此法的缺点是需要译员牢记规则.否则容易 出错
六是“点三杠四”法,也称。点线法”,即 英文三位一组记录,汉语四位一竖记录,这 也是目前普遍认可并推广的方法。中译英如 “十二亿七百二十一万四百七十二”可先记 录为 “12/0721/0472”, 再打逗号记录为。1,2/07,21/0, 472”译出。
英译中如“Five hundred forty—nine million nine hundred forty—six thousand seven hundred and sixty— eight square meters 则可先记录为 “549,946,768”, 再划线记录为“5/49,94/6,768”译出。 此法将数字化繁为简,分割记录。一目了然。
Hale Waihona Puke 此法的前提是译员已经非常熟悉数级的转换, 基本功硬,缺陷在于读成汉语时依然要进行 再次转换。
四是小数点法。该法主要用小数点将较大或 较复杂的数字转化成单位较少、相对简单的 数字。
如“八百三十四万两千”可记录成 “8.342 M”;
又如“九亿七千万”可记录成“0.97 B”。 “三十二亿六千五百万”记录为 3.265 B”。 此法适合于多位整数的口译。
在交传中,对付数字口译目前最有效的方法 仍然是记笔记。释义派理论主要代表人物 D.塞莱斯科维奇也认为数字、专有名词、 技术术语、题目等必须用笔记才能有效地保 存下去,因为人的脑力是有限的(塞莱斯科 维奇:2007:56)。因此,如何迅速、准确 地记录原语数字,是数字口译的成败所在。 总结数字口译的笔记法。主要有以下类型:
这是因为中英文数字的表达,在5个digit以上就不对应了,简单的一个例子:1万,英文的表达是10 thousand。
一、英译中如果你听到下面一群复杂的数字,你该怎么记录呢?例:It covers a total of five hundred forty-nine million nine hundred forty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight square meters.可能会有这样的几种记录方法:第一种:5 h 49 m 9 h 46 th 7 h 68 sqm第二种:549 m 946 th 768 sqm如果在英译中时这么记录的话,恐怕等到规定翻译的时间过了你还没搞清究竟这堆数字是多少,翻成中文该怎么说。
记住:英文表达数字时可以从右往左,三位一逗号,例如前面记录的数字就是:549, 946,768英文:三位一逗号,逗号从右往左,每个逗号的位置分别对应的是:thousand, million, billion。
1,580,036 13,624,187 4,568,824,919
6,281,767 504,547,856 9,617,323 65,202,073
用英语朗读下列数字 15—fifteen
35—thirty-five 63—sixty-three 101—one hundred and one
207—two hundred and seven 370—three hundred and seventy 414—four hundred and fourteen 839—eight hundred and thirty-nine 948—nine hundred and forty-eight
数字口译数字笔记英译汉:紧跟源语,记录阿拉伯数字听到数位(trillion, billion, million, thousand)下标注逗点逗点之间不足三位,在左边加零汉译英:紧跟源语,记录阿拉伯数字听到数位(万亿/兆、亿、万)上标注逗点逗点之间不足四位,在左边加零数字口译英语每三位下标逗点汉语每四位上标逗点/划斜线12345678912341,234,567,891,234t b m k1 / 2345 / 6789 / 1234兆亿万9.6m960万(平方公里)1.3b13亿(人)数字、单位、中心词数字+ 单位+ 中心词= 完整口译数字表述= CATTI全部分数实际工作中常适当四舍五入分数分子用基数词,分母用序数词当分子大于一时,分母要复数one fourth 四分之一three fourths 四分之三倍数A + 谓语+倍数+the +n.(size/ height/ length……)+of BA + 谓语+倍数+as + abj. + as BA + 谓语+倍数+adj. 比较级+than BA + 谓语+adj. 比较级+than B+by+倍数翻番= double翻两番= 四倍= quadruple百分比% = percent‰= per mill百分点percentage point成= 10 %同比Year-on-year环比Quarter-on-quarter趋势表达Rise, increase, go up, grow, step up, upgrade, climb, jump, hike, boost,Fall, slow, lessen, minify, drop, decline, recede, reduce, decrease, dive, shrink,Level off/out, remain stable, fluctuate, stand, remainPeak, bottomDramatically, sharp, substantially, considerably, far, much, a little, slightly, somewhat, marginallyOf, to, by, at排名RankAustralia is one of the most cost competitive countries in the developed word, ranking ahead of UK, Italy, France, the US, Germany.Australia is ranked 4th in the world for the adequacy of its communication infrastructure.1.数字听记8666801806200900536360540145060130945063505127886500012.5 million15.28 billion1.03 trillion203.7亿1.306万123.45公顷42.192公里60.25公斤600.53亿美元5.8万元166.68万吨866.9万人次436.75万名新生2.数字口译世界100家银行中我国7家银行实力排行榜英国杂志《银行家》数字以千美元为单位3.数字、单位、中心词4.综合练习汉译英欧盟的总面积是4 325 675平方千米。
n (2) 过去20年中,中国的国内生产总值增长了近五倍。
n In the past 20 years, China’s gross domestic product increased nearly six times.
n (3) 1978年至1997年,中国人均生产总值增长了3.4倍。 n China’s per capita GDP went up by 4.4 times between 1978
and 1997.
n (3) 中国城镇居民人均居住面积由1978年的3.6平方米提高到1997 年的8.8平方米,增加1.4倍。
as countryside people in the world. n 30年内,全世界的城市居民将是农村人口的两倍。
Examples (E-C)
n (3) Since mid-century, the global economy has nearly quintupled, While the population has doubled, demand for grain has nearly tripled, and the burning of fossil fuels has increased nearly fourfold.
(triple,quadraple,quintuple,sextuple,septuple, octuple,nonuple,decuple)
其他:3. 倍数的口译
英语:无论在何种句型中都表示乘的关系,即包括基数在内 的倍数。请注意以下表示倍数的英语句型及其含义:
1. 阿拉伯数字:用来表示数量或者时间。
2. 英文字母:用来表示人名、地名、机构名等专有名词。
3. 汉字简化:用来表示中文词汇,简化后的字更容易书写和记忆。
4. 符号:用来表示某种含义或者概念。
5. 图形:用来表示某种形状或者结构。
Unit Nine Interpreting Academic SpeechesEnglish to ChineseMethods and Skills-----Interpreting NumbersTen thousand 万hundred thousand 十万Ten million 千万hundred million 亿三位以内数字的口译:Three hundred and seventyEight hundred and thirty-nine2. 四位以上数字的口译:第一个逗号前一位译成千, 前两位译成万,前三位译成十万;第二个逗号前一位译成百万,前两位译成千万,前三位译成亿; 第三个逗号前一位译成十亿,前两位译成百亿,前三位译成千亿.1,369----one thousand three hundred and sixty nine6,003----six thousand and three15,600----fifteen thousand six hundred75,426,391---seventy five million, four hundred and twenty six thousand,three hundred and ninety one 564,000,000---five hundred and sixty four million1,250,000,000---one billion two hundred and fifty million3. 模糊数字的口译:几个: some,a few, several 两,三个: two or three十几个: more than ten;over a dozen 三十来个:about thirty几十个: dozens of 几十年: decades 十几岁: in one’s teens 四十出头:a little over forty五十岁左右: about fifty 近八十岁了: almost eighty九十好几了: well over ninety 五点左右:around five o’clock三天左右: three days or so 大约150米处: somewhere about 150 meters 好几百: hundreds of 成千上万: thousands of几十万: hundreds of thousands of 几百万: millions of亿万: hundreds of millions of4. 百分数,小数,分数的口译:8%: eight percent 15%: fifteen percent4.35%: four point three five percent0.5%: zero point five percent4.032: four point naught three two71.006: seventy one point naught naught six½: one half 1/3: one third 3/5: three fifths7/8: seven eighths 1/100: one hundredth1/1000: one thousandth 14/1000: fourteen thousandths1/10000: one ten thousandths 2-1/2: two and a half4-2/3: four and two thirds5. 增减倍数的口译:A is N times larger (longer, heavier…) than BA is larger (longer, heavier…) thanB by N timesA is N times as large (long, heavy…) as BThe earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球的大小是月球的49倍.Since mid-century, the global economy has nearly quintupled, while the population has doubled, demand for grain has nearly tripled, and the burning of fossil fuels has increased nearly fourfold.自本世纪中叶以来,全球经济增长了将近四倍,人口翻了一番.结果,粮食的需求增加了近两倍,石油燃料增加了近三倍.Within 30 years there will be twice as many urban people as countryside people in the world.30 年内,全世界的城市居民将是农村人口的两倍.4. Although London covers less than 400,000 acres, it needs nearly 50 million acre---125 times its area---to provide it with food, timber, and other resources, and to absorb its pollution.虽然伦敦占地不到40万英亩,却需要近5000万英亩的土地125倍于它本身的面积---来供给它食品,原木和其他资源,并吸收它生产的污染物.汉语倍数表示法分两类: 一类是原数的几倍,几倍于原数或增加到几倍;另一类是比原数大几倍或增加了几倍, 可用(N 加1)times来表示.过去20年中,中国的国内生产总值增长了近五倍.In the past 20 years,China’s gross domestic product increased nearly six times.2. 1978年至1997年,中国人均生产总值增长了3.4倍.China’s per capita GDP went up by 4.4 times between 1978 and 1997.3. 中国城镇居民人均居住面积由1978年的3.6平方米提高到1997年的8.8平方米,增加了1.4倍.The per capita living space for urban residents in China expanded from 3.6 square meters in 1978 to 8.8 square meters in 1997, a rise of 2.4 times.4. 1949年至1998年,中国的粮食总产量由1.1 亿吨增加到5.1亿吨,增长3.5 倍,年平均增长3.1%,是人口增长率的2.5倍.China’s total grain output increased from 110 million tons in 1949 to 510 million tons in 1998, or an increase of over 4.5 times, with an average annual growth rate of 3.1 percent, 2.5times that of the population growth.汉语很少用减少了若干倍的说法,而用减少了百分之几的说法,所以减少多用百分比和分数表示.由于水灾,去年的收成减少了三成.Owing to flood, the crop last year was declined by 30 percent.2. 该公司的员工裁减了近三分之一,开支减少了四分之一.The personnel of the company have been reduced nearly by one third and the expenses by one fourth.6. 增减百分比的口译:Between 1986 and 1987, Nike’s sales dropped 18 percent and profits sank by more than 40 percent as a result of competition with Reebok.与“锐步” 鞋业竞争的结果,从1986 年到1987年,耐克的销售额下降了18%, 利润下降了40%多.2. By putting out more than one new shoe style every day on average, in 1995 and 1996, Nike’s sales and profits grew 71percent and 80 percent respectively’ meanwhile, Nike’s closest rival Reebok grew just nine percent in the same period.靠平均每天推出一个以上新款式,1995年到1996年耐克的销售额和利润分别上涨了71% 和81%. 而同期最接近耐克的竞争对手锐步只上涨了9%.3. Procter& Gamble just raised prices on its paper products by as much as 8%.宝洁公司刚刚把他们的纸制品价格提高了8%.4. 1999年,普通高校招生规模比上年阔大了47.4%.University and college enrollment in 1999 increased by 47.4 percent over the previous year.5. 因受亚洲金融危机的冲击,1998 年中国进出口总额比上年下降0.4%,其中进口总额下降1.5%; 出口总额增长0.5%.As a result of Asian financial crises, China’s total volume of import and export in 1998 dropped by 0.4 percent over the previous year, of which the volume of import went down by 1.5 percent, and the value of export went up by 0.5 percent.6. 1999年,中国外贸出口达1949亿美元,比上年增长6.1%.China’s total exports reached UA$194,9billion in 1999, a rise of 6.1 percent over the precious year.7. 1998年,中国全年海外旅客入境人数6348万人次,比上年增长10.2%,国际旅游收入达126亿美元,增长4.4%.In 1998, China received 63.48 million tourists from overseas, up 10.2 percent over the previous year. Income of foreign exchange from tourism reached 12.6 billion US dollars, up 4.4 percent.8. 我国水土流失面积每年以10,000平方公里的速度在扩大.目前,水土流失面积已达367万平方公里,占总土地面积将近38%.The area of soil erosion in China has been increasing by 10,000 square km. Annually to 3.67 million square km. At present, accounting for nearly 38 percent of the total land area.9. 由于低温多雨的影响,我国夏粮减产1460万吨.China’s output of summer grain declines by 14.6 million tons due to low temperature and rainy days during the growing period.Exercises:With its two giants, China and India, Asia is the home of the majority of the wo rld’s 6 billion human inhabitants, and Africa the second most popular continent. The UN population fund said in its 1998 report on population growth, Asia counts 3.5 billion people. Its most populous countries are China, with 1.2 billion plus another 6.3 million in Hong Kong and India with 975.8 million, followed far behind by Indonesia with 125.9 million and Bangladesh with 124 million.Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with 121.8 million residents. Egypt is next with 65.7 million, followed by Ethiopia with 62.1 million, the Democratic Republic of Congo with 49.2 million, and South Africa with 44.3 million.Exercises:With its two giants, China and India, Asia is the home of the majority of the world’s 6 billion human inhabitants, and Africa the second most popular continent. The UN population fund said in its 1998 report on population growth, Asia counts 3.5 billion people. Its most populous countries are China, with 1.2 billion plus another 6.3 million in Hong Kong and India with 975.8 million, followed far behind by Indonesia with 125.9 million and Bangladesh with 124 million.Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with 121.8 million residents. Egypt is next with 65.7 million, followed by Ethiopia with 62.1 million, the Democratic Republic of Congo with 49.2 million, and South Africa with 44.3 million.3. The European continent counts 729.4 million residents, with Russia still the most populous country at 147.2 million, though its population growth is declining. Germany is next with 82.4 million.4. 祖国大陆31个省,自治区,直辖市和现役军人的人口中,0-14岁的人口为28979万人.占总人口的22.89%;15-64岁的人口为88793万人,占总人口的70.15%;65岁及以上的人口为8811万人,占总人口的6.96%.同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,0-14岁人口的比重下降了4.80个百分点,65岁及以上人口的比重上升了1.39个百分点.5. 同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,每10万人中拥有各种受教育程度的人数有如下变化: 具有大学程度的由1422人上升为3611人;具有高中程度的由8039人上升为11146人;具有初中程度的由23344人上升为33961人;具有小学程度的37057人下降为55701人.。
• 增加:increase, rise, grow, go up • 增长到:expand to, increase to, go up to, be up to, rise to • 增长了:go up by x%, increase by x% • 爬升:climb, pick up • The number of applicants will pick up during the autumn. • 飙升:surge up, hike sth up, jump up, shoot up, soar, skyrocket • 下降:decrease, decline, drop, fall, go down, reduce • 猛跌:slump, plunge, be slashed, tumble 稍降:be trimmed, dip • 超过: surpass, exceed, be more than, be over
• some; a few; several; a number of • more than 10; no more 十几个 than twenty • dozens of 几十个 • Decades 几十年 • well over seventy 七十好几了 • hundreds of 几百个 成千上万 /千千万万 • thousands of • hundreds of thousands 几十万 of 几百万 • millions of
例如: • (1) 1999年,普通高校招生规模比上年扩大了47.4%。 University and college enrollment in 1999 increased by 47.4 percent over the previous year.
从以上对比中可以看出,英语数词中没有与汉语“万”、“十万”、“千万”、“亿”等相对 应的词,这就给汉英数字互译带来很大不便。汉译英时遇到以上数字时,译员必须很 快推算出与其相对应的英语数位和表达方式。用“ten thousand”表示“万”,用“hundred thousand”表示“十万”,用“ten million”表示“千万”,用“hundred million”表示“亿”等。英 译汉时则要做相反的推算和转换。这样,译员在进行语言转换的同时,要不停地进行 数位的推导和换算,脑子活动异常紧张,稍不注意便会出错。
• 口译笔记要简明扼要,要记录说话人讲的时间、数字 等重点、要点和关键词,切不可也没有必要求“全”、 求“细”,那样会分散译员的精力,反而影响口译效果。 译员要学会边听边记,手脑并用,把主要精力集中在 理解上。笔记的字迹要清楚,易于辨认,空间、行距 要适当留宽。这样一目了然,译员看一眼笔记能想起 刚刚讲过的内容,真正起到帮助记忆的作用。作笔记 时要在说话人停顿的地方划一道明显的斜线,表示下 一段口译从此开始,以免重复和漏译。 • 口译笔记使用原语还是译入语可以因人而异。口译笔 记是给译员自己看的,应以快速、方便、简明易懂为 原则,不必拘泥某种语言或形式。译员可根据自己的 习惯,选用原语或者译入语,也可以两种语言同时并 用。事实上,有经验的译员都有一套自己惯用的两种 语言混合使用的简便、快捷的记笔记的方法。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
CPC NPC CPPCC CAAC CCTV PLA HKSAR GDP Ch. govt. re. op. 4 Ms tot. imp tot. exp NASA FBI GM ITT
中国共产党 全国人民代表大会 中国人民政治协商会议 中国民航 中央电视台 中国人民解放军 香港特别行政区 国民生产总值 中国政府 改革开放 四个现代化 进口总额 出口总额 美国宇航局 美国联邦调查局 美国通用汽车公司 美国电话电报公司
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6.1 基本原则:先求准确,再求快速
6.2 数字口译的基础技巧(“视译”练习见梅德明p437-441;王斌华p124)熟读英汉单位数字的读音
英语以“三位数”(three-digit)为单位; 汉语以“四位数”(four-digit)为单位。
英语中从小到大单位为thousand, million; billion; trillion; 汉语是“万”“亿”。
如:5,678,120,000; 56’7812’0000
部分有一个逗点的数字(四位数),如:3,600,英国人读three thousand and six hundred; 美国人多读thirty-six hundred。
有三个逗点的数字(十位数),如:4,000,000,000,英four thousand million; 美four billion (因为英国billion指“万亿”)
时间的表达上英美读法也有差异:美国英语中常用before/ till代替to; 用after代替past。
分数:2/3—two thirds; 如果遇到较复杂的分数,读法用over代表分数线,如20/87—twenty over eighty-seven。
小数:小数点读作point,小数点后的数字逐个分别读,小数点前的数若为0读作zero或not,也可略去不读; 小数点后的0读作英文字母o的读音。
百分数:用per cent表示。
6. 3数字口译的提高技巧
*** 英译汉:4,021,907,650,301
原语读作:four trillion / twenty-one billion / nine hundred and seven million / six hundred and fifty thousand / three hundred and one
记录中,听到trillion; billion; million; thousand时,用下标逗点表示:4,21,907,650,301,
4’0219’0765’0301 四万零二百一十九亿七百六十五万三百零一
*** 汉译英:4,021,907,650,301
原语读作:4’0219’0765’0301 四万零二百一十九亿七百六十五万三百零一
记录中,听到万亿; 亿; 万时用上标逗点表示:
4’219’ 765’ 301
4’0219’ 0765’ 0301
*** 倍数翻译最根本的问题在于要搞清楚是否包括基数。
The output this year is twice as much as that of last year.
The output this year is twice more than that of last year.
*** “两倍”—twice as…as, twice the number/ size/ length of, to increase by 100%, double。
其他以此类推:三倍triple/ treble; 四倍quadruple; four times/fourfold…
*** 对序数词的特殊处理
Is this your first visit to China?
Did your team win the championship?
Is this your oldest/ youngest child/ son/ daughter?
*** 笼统数字的英语表达
几个: some; a few; several; a number of
十几个: more than ten; no more than twenty
几十个: dozens of
几十年: decades
六十好几了: well over sixty
好几百个的: hundreds of
成千上万的: thousands of
几十万的: hundreds of thousands of
*** 英汉口译中某些数词的特殊处理(习语或固定表达方法)
a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟
within a stone’s throw 一箭之遥
Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智
at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
on second thoughts 再三考虑
by ones and twos 三三两两,零零星星地
Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮。
Can you come down a little? —Sorry, it’s one price for all. 你能便宜一点吗?对不起,不二价。
He had one over the eight after drinking only half bottle of the wine. 他才喝了半瓶酒就醉的七歪八倒了。
One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 人各有所好。
I’ll love you three score and ten. 我会一辈子爱你的。
Ten to one he has forgotten it. 很可能他已经忘了。
His mark in math is second to none in the class.他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的。
She is a second Lei Feng. 她是雷锋式的人物。
I always believe my sixth sense. 我总相信我的直觉。
He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have chit-chat. 每次我们闲聊他几乎都谈到你。
The parson officially pronounced that they became one. 牧师正式宣告他们成婚。
I used to study in France in the year one. 我早年曾在法国学习。