



英语速记口译符号1.常用速记符号:大于>小于<小于或等于≤大于或等于≥等于、意味着=不等于≠约等于≈遗憾、悲哀;高兴、荣兴(错误、否、不、否定×正确、对、好、肯定√不同意N同意Y上升、增加↑下降、减少↓+ 表示“多”: many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc.++(+2) 表示“多”的比较级:more+3 表示“多”的最高级:most强、好+更强、更好++弱、差-更弱、更差――因为∵所以∴优秀★属于∈胜利V问题、疑问?和、与&导致、结果→结论是→:促进、发展↗国家□国与国□/□对立、冲突C×波折<<会议、会面⊙进入∩接触、交往∞双向交流↓↑分歧><非常、十分重要☆坚持≡关键!奇观!有关@压力—↓—替换为∽但是∧空洞○代表△将来,上一个台阶以前,下一个台阶( ) 表示“在......之间”:among, within, etc.Q表示“通货膨胀”:inflationA 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。


C×表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation: 表示各种各样“说”的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc.“.d”表示yesterday, “y”表示this year, “.y”表示last year,“y2.” two years later“.2m”表示two month ago。

Wk表示week“next week”, 可以表示为“wk.”∥表示“结束”:end,stop,halt,bring sth to a standstill/stop, etc.借助“|-”来表示东、西、南、北、中等方位。

例如:the Republic of Korea(ROK,南朝鲜),表示为“-K”; 相应的the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK,北朝鲜), 就可以表示为“K-”, Central London,表示为LD。




以下是一份口译记忆力训练材料的例子:材料一:原文:Hello, my name is John. I am from the United States. I am here to attend the conference on climate change and sustainability.目标语言:你好,我叫约翰。



材料二:原文:The meeting will take place in the main conference hall on the second floor. Please make sure to bring your conference badge with you for entry.目标语言:会议将在二楼的主会议厅举行。


材料三:原文:During the conference, there will be various panel discussions and keynote speeches by experts in the field. We hope to foster meaningful discussions and exchange of ideas.目标语言:在会议期间,将会有各种小组讨论和专家的主题演讲。










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20世纪以来,欧美又出现了一种以拉丁字母的简化[speed writing]写法和简单笔画混合使用的速记体系。



Taking quick notes <口译笔记>常用速记符号:大于>小于<小于或等于≤大于或等于≥等于、意味着=不等于≠约等于≈L遗憾、悲哀:(高兴、荣兴:)错误、否、不、否定×正确、对、好、肯定√不同意N同意Y上升、增加↑下降、减少↓强、好+更强、更好++弱、差-更弱、更差――因为∵所以∴优秀★属于∈胜利V问题、疑问?和、与&结论是=>将来「过去」越来越强等↑↓越来越弱等↓↓双向交流↓↓促进、发展↗一方面./另一方面/.关系%国家□国与国□/□原因←导致、结果→对立、冲突><波折<<会议、会面⊙压力,影响↓进入∩接触、交往∞分歧⊥非常、十分重要**坚持≡关键!奇观!有关@替换为∽但是‖与……比较而言‖空洞○代表△口译成功与否在很大程度上取决于译员在口译表达前对感知的信息进行记录的能力。



口译笔记速记符号归总2下面举例说明听力笔记的一些技巧:1、不要大量记录文字(汉字、单词)——而要使用符号来表示意思(缩写、图形)Eg:“powerful country”记作“强口”,“我同意”记作“I√ ”;“观点,看法一致”记作“⊙ same”,“economic development”记作“经↑”↑表示“上升、快速上升、快速发展、快速上涨等”↓表示“下降、减少、急剧下降、急速下跌等”;↗表示“缓慢上升,缓慢发展、缓慢上涨等”;←表示“返回,倒退等”;→表示“达到,至,导致,前进等”;+表示“加,增加,此外,另外,又加之”;—表示“减少,减”;>表示“多于,大于,强于”;<表示“少于,小于,不如”;∵表示“因为,由于”;∴表示“所以,因此”;=表示“等于,相同,与……相同”。

t表示thousand;m表示million;b表示 billion;1st表示first。









总体上来说,速记符号主要有以下几类 :A。

保留大写字母或第一音节经济: E 教育: Edu 文化: C 政治: P 科技: ST 卫生: H旅游: T 环境: En 工业: I 农业: AB.简写缩略AFAC : as far as … is concerned( 就 …… 而言 )LFT : look forward to ( 期待 )ASAP : as soon as possible( 尽快 )C.图象⊕ 高兴,同意,满意等,如: happy , pleased , satisfied , agree…◎ 悲伤,生气,不满,不同意等,如:sad , angry , irritated , unsatisfied , sorrowful , discomfort , disagree… ⊙ 会议,如 conference , meeting , seminar , symposium…□ 国家,地区,如:中国:□ C ,俄国:□ RD.符号﹢高兴,男性,同意,增加等,如happy , male , agree , many , +2=more , +3=most , beneficial , good , beautiful , great , gorgeous…-悲伤,女性,不同意,减少等,如sad , female , disagree , little , few , -2=less , -3=least , lack of ,short of…√同意,正确等,如: agree , correct , right…×不同意,错误等,如: disagree , incorrect…↑增长,进步等,如: increase , soar , mushroom , rocket , make progress… ↓下降,退步,恶化等,如 decrease , sink , slide , subside , plump , plunge ,drop , degrade ,deteriorate…>多于,超过,比 …… 低一级等,如: more than , greater than , begger than ,better than , superior to , surpass , transcend , overtake…<少于,比 …… 低级等,如: less than , lower than , smaller than , inferior to…~大约,如: approximately , about , around , some , nearly , almost , similar to…/否定,清除,如: clear , settle , solve , tackle , conquer , eliminate ,extinct…≠与 …… 不同,如: differ from , different from , distinct , unique…$ 金钱,利益,如: interest , benefit , money , fund , capital…E.标点? 问题,麻烦,障碍,如: question , issue , difficult , hardship , barrier ,obstacle…: 主观想法和说辞,如: think , consider , speak , say , talk , mark , announce ,declare , hope ,例: repeat 或 reaffirm 可以用 :2 来替代,声明支持可以用 + :来替代,谴责用 - :。




Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great pleasure to be here today to talk about the future of sustainable development. As we all know, in recent years, the global environment has faced numerous challenges. Climate change, for example, has led to rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, and threats to biodiversity.
Gm, l&g. //pleasure// here //talk //sust dev.
//global env// challgs.
e.g. climate chg -> sea↑, extreme weather, bio threat.








ta @
detutitsbus eb nac slaitini ,gnitee m ro klat eht gnirud lluf ni tuo nettirw yllaitini si e man ro ,esarhp ,mret a fI
:selpmaxE .selcitra yrassecennu tuo evaeL erew saw si
sre motsuc stsuc
elbasingocer a edivorp ot stnanosnoc hguone ylno gniniater ,sdrow fo elddim eht morf slewov timO tne meveihca hca noitamrofni ofni
:selp maxE .drow eht fo noteleks
:selp maxE .sbrev tnatropminu tuo evaeL
5 tnetxE TXE
egnahcxE HCXE erutrapeD TPD tnuocsiD CSID ynapmoC .OC
nialpxE NLPXE
tne mtrapeD TPED noitidnoC DNOC
denrecnoc/gninrecnoc/nrecnoC CNOC evititepmoc/etep moC EPMC noissimmoC IMC ecnerefnoC FNC mrofnoC MFC lecnaC LCNC etelp moC PMC noitacinummoC UMC
.dnahtrohs htiw esned oot seton eht ekam lliw sdrow trohs rof slobmys ro snoitaiverbbA .yek dna ,rof ,tub ,ot ,ta ,ni sa hcus sdrow trohs tuo llepS gnitne mirepxe gnisaerced gnihsilbatse = = gtpxe gtse gkc



非常感谢谁与争锋还保留着咱们的笔记讨论的帖子,无疑是对我们最大的鼓励相信我们一定可以做得更好!!ricotetaking 1去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。


将非典列为法定传染病管理,如实公布疫情,在全国范围内防治非典指挥部,统一调度人力物力财力,充分发挥城乡基层组织的作用,确保预.China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Ce ave top priority to protecting people's health and lives and promptly inves nd treat it. We enforced the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Pre iseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response, isease. We reported the facts of the SARS situation exactly as they we hroughout the country to control the outbreak. The State Council and loc eadquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and rganizations in both urban and rural areas, so as to ensure that preventio nd orderly.分析:要说明的一点是这个版本完全是我自己的版本,最终出来的结果也绝对和英文版的不一样。




1. 单词/词组的缩写:
- 例如:govt(government),UN(United Nations),intro (introduction)
2. 数字:
- 例如:2(two),15(fifteen),3.2%(three point two percent)
3. 符号表示特定含义:
- 例如:∴(therefore),≠(not equal to),±(plus or minus)
4. 词语/词组的简化形式:
- 例如:info(information),conf(conference),rep (report)
5. 声音的表示:
- 例如:/kæt/(cat),/əˈsaɪst/(assist)
6. 常用的速记符号:
- 例如:箭头(表示方向或变化),圆圈(表示重要或突出),斜线(表示取消或过时)
7. 符号的组合和结构:
- 例如:↑(上升),↓(下降),→(发展),←(反对)
8. 表示固定短语或俚语的符号:
- 例如:BFF(best friends forever),TGIF(Thank God it's Friday)




口译的速记法来源:口译-学院精品课程作者:杨杰发表日期:2008-4-21 14:00:50 阅读次数:1964 查看权限:普通文章口译按其活动性质大致可以分为三种:联络口译(Liaison Interpreting)、随从传译(Personal Interpreting)、和会议传译(Conference Interpreting)。

会议传译多用于正式谈判和大型的国际会议、讲座等场合,按其工作方式又分为同声传译(Simultaneous Interpreting)和交替传译(Consecutive Interpreting)。








图表一:口译笔记速记法的结构:|| |符号可分为狭义的和广义的两种。

狭义符号多数是一些图象符号,如□= “国家”;◎= “会议”等;广义符号大都是数学符号、标点符号,以及一些特殊符号。

这些符号直观地意示一个概念,不是特指词义,如X = “错误的、不对的、否定的、被拒绝的”等广义的概念。



例如:PRODUCTION,可以记录为“Prod n”。

举一例说明英汉口译速记的特点:Last year a Sino-American symposium on agricultural production was held in HongKong. There were 20 Agricultural scientists from Britain, Canada, the United states, France,Italy, Japan and Singapore. Besides, over 100 participants came from China.这段英文可以速记成:从以上例子可以看到,英汉口译的速记有两大特点:其一,突出中心、提示要点。




-ism 简写为m 如:socialism Sm -tion 简写为n 如:standardization stdn -cian 简写为o 如:technician techo -ing 简写为g 如:marketing MKTg -ed 简写为d 如:accepted acptd -able/ible/ble 简写为bl 如:available avbl -ment 简写为mt 如:amendment amdmt -ize 简写为z 如:recognize regz -ful 简写为fl 如:meaningful mnfl

° 中° u I h/sh □ □/□ γ π U Λ Λ
人 中国人民 你 我 他/她 国家/区域 国家之间 政府 政治/政策/决策人 协议/合同/祝酒 上面 /高高在上/优越 领导人

下面 ° 下属 v > 优于/期待 < 次于/回顾 >< 冲突/针锋相对 << 波折/波浪 ⊥ 分歧/不同点 ㄣ 椅子/主持 ㄣ° 主席 ⊙ 会议/讨论 ○ 国际/全球/世界 ⊕ 红十字会/护士 /医院 ∞ 渔业/鱼/渔夫

If you answered “NO” to any of these questions, you may need to develop some new note-taking skills!
Guidelines for Taking Notes

1.Concentrate on the lecture or on the reading material. 2.Take notes consistently. 3.Take notes selectively. Do NOT try to write down every word. Remember the average note-taker writes at a rate of about 25 words per minute. 4.Translate ideas into your own words. anize notes into some sort of logical form. 6.Be brief. Write down only the major points and important information. 7.Write legibly. Notes are useless if you cannot read them later! 8.Don't be concerned with spelling and grammar.



W • W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。它是work的第
一个字母。所以W 就可以用来表示worker, (而Z在字母上方表示employer, 在字母下方表示 employee)。 • i 表示工业: industry, industrial 字母i 像只烟囱,所以 用来可以用来表示工业。
sb., certain/affirmative
• //
表示“结束”:end, stop, halt, bring sth. to a
• + :表示“多”,many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of , a host of 2 • ++/+ : 表示“多”的比较级,more 3 • + : 表示“多”的最高级,most • -: 表示“少”,little, few, lack, short of/have a shortage
• 1.拿掉所有元音 , STD--- standard
• 2.保留前几个字母, INF---information • 3.保留开头和结尾个发音字母 WK---week
• 4.根据发音, R--- are
• 拿掉所有元音
MKT: market
MGR: manager
MSG: message STD: standard
R are THO though THRU through
• -ism 简写为 m 例如:socialism Sm -tion 简 简写为 n 例如:standardization (标准 化) stdn -cian 简 简写为 o 例如:technician techo -ing 简写为 g 例如:marketing (市场营 销) MKTg -ed 简写为 d 例如:accepted acptd -able/ible/ble 简写为 bl 例如:available avbl -ment 简写为 mt 例如:amendment amdmt -ize 简写为 z 例如:recognize regz -ful 简写为 fl 例如:meaningful mnfl



口译笔记训练——笔记法实例解析(配图片)Notetaking 1去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。




China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Central Com mittee and the State Council gave top priority to protecting people's health and live s and promptly investigated SARS and took steps to prevent and treat it. We enforc ed the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Res ponse, and classified SARS as a communicable disease. We reported the facts of th e SARS situation exactly as they were and mobilized the general public throughout t he country to control the outbreak. The State Council and local governments establi shed anti-SARS headquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and to make full use of primary-level organizations in both urban and rural areas, s o as to ensure that prevention and treatment work was done quickly and orderly.分析:要说明的一点是这个版本完全是我自己的版本,最终出来的结果也绝对和英文版的不一样。









例如:“from 2000—to date”表示从2000年到现在。













口译笔记范例100篇口译笔记范例1. Event: Conference on Climate ChangeSpeakers:- Dr. John Smith, expert on climate modeling- Ms. Sarah Johnson, representative from environmental NGO Key Points:- Dr. John Smith discussed the latest findings on the impact of climate change on weather patterns.- He emphasized the urgent need for global cooperation in addressing climate change.- Ms. Sarah Johnson highlighted the role of NGOs in advocating for climate action.- She urged governments and businesses to take immediate steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Vocabulary:- Climate modeling: 气候模拟- Global cooperation: 全球合作- Greenhouse gas emissions: 温室气体排放2. Interview: Economist on Global TradeInterviewee: Professor James Thompson, renowned economist Main Points:- Professor Thompson discussed the potential impact of trade tensions between major economies.- He emphasized the need for multilateral trade agreements to promote economic growth.- He highlighted the benefits of globalization, such as increased productivity and consumer choice.- However, he also warned about the challenges of income inequality and job displacement.Vocabulary:- Trade tensions: 贸易紧张局势- Multilateral trade agreements: 多边贸易协议- Globalization: 全球化- Income inequality: 收入不平等- Job displacement: 就业流动3. Press Conference: Company Announcement Spokesperson: Mr. David Williams, CEO of XYZ Corporation Announcement:- Mr. Williams announced the company's acquisition of a competitor.- He explained that this acquisition would strengthen the company's market position and expand its customer base.- He assured employees and stakeholders that the acquisition would not lead to any layoffs or major changes in the company's operations.- He expressed optimism about the future growth prospects of the company.Vocabulary:- Acquistion: 收购- Market position: 市场地位- Customer base: 客户群- Layoffs: 裁员- Operations: 运营4. Panel Discussion: Education ReformPanelists:- Dr. Susan Lee, education policy expert- Mr. John Davis, school principal- Ms. Lisa Chen, parent and education advocateKey Points:- Dr. Susan Lee discussed the need for education reform to better prepare students for the digital age.- Mr. John Davis shared his experiences in implementing innovative teaching methods at his school.- Ms. Lisa Chen emphasized the importance of parental involvement in shaping education policies.- The panelists agreed on the need for more funding and resources for schools.Vocabulary:- Education reform: 教育改革- Digital age: 数字时代- Teaching methods: 教学方法- Parental involvement: 家长参与- Funding: 资金5. Lecture: Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceLecturer: Professor Emily Adams, AI researcherKey Points:- Professor Adams provided an overview of the major applications of artificial intelligence.- She explained the concepts of machine learning and neural networks.- She discussed the ethical considerations surrounding AI, such as privacy and job displacement.- She emphasized the need for responsible AI development and regulation.Vocabulary:- Artificial intelligence: 人工智能- Machine learning: 机器学习- Neural networks: 神经网络- Ethical considerations: 伦理考虑- Job displacement: 就业流动以上是一些口译笔记范例,希望对你有所帮助。



口译笔记速记符号归总2007-10-14 12:58二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。


C 表示政府,统治:government,govern 希腊字母C读/ga:ma/,近似government, 所以就用C来表示govern, government。

governmental official 可以表示为 CZ P 表示政治:politics, political希腊字母P读/pai/,近似politics, political。

那么politician就可以表示为 PZE 表示总数:total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, ect. E 数学符号表示总值。

G 表示效率:efficient, effective。


Q 表示"通货膨胀":inflation因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。

A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。

B 表示商业:business。

C× 表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation "C×"中的"×"表示反对,字母"C"将反对的概念缩小为conflict 和 confrontation。

W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。


所以WZ就可以用来表示worker, 而W(Z在字母上方表示employer, 在字母下方表示employee)。

i 表示工业: industry, industrial 字母i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。




另一方面是不知道这份东西会不会引起大家的兴趣,如果有支持的话,我过两天再把另一半发上来~来源:昂立教育,作者:顾微顾微昂立博客:/?uid-6872-3BanquetService1.满足客人的不同需求:cater to the different needs of our guests2.敬业的专家:dedicated experts3.没有她的最后努力,还不知道现在会怎么样呢:Without her last-minute effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere.4.contribute my share: 尽自己的责任5.we all maneuvered successfully to get our job done, so to speak.可以说我们每个人都成功地使我们的使命得以完成。



谨慎而熟练的动作6 尽情享用大自然赐予我们的食物:we will delight ourselves completely in the foods that Mother Nature grants us.7.调味料,作料:seasoning8.南翔小笼:Nanxiang steamed meat dumplings 皮薄汁醇:thin and translucent wrappers, filled with ground pork and rich tasty soup9.皮脆柔嫩, 酸甜适口:a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour source10. 好戏还在后头:this is just the beginning11.别客气,请随便:please help yourself to the dishes.附笔记草图2-4GettingAround1.高科技园区:High-Tech Park2.业务经理:Operation Manager3.鸟瞰:take a bird’s-eye view of sth.4.走马观花:cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horseback5.言归正传:come back to our story6.背靠首都北京,面向辽阔的渤海,东依京津塘高速公路:with the Capital Beijing as the backdrop, facing the vast expense of Bo Sea, bordered by the Jingjintang Expressway to the east.7. 火车货运站:Railway Cargo Station8. 园区是经国务院批准的国家级开发区:the park is a national development project approved by the State Council9.享有项目审批权和优惠政策:be authorized to approve projects with preferential policies10.与国际管理体制接轨:operate under the management system of international standards11.全面运营:go into its full operation12.工业区:industries cluster; 生活区:a place where residents consentrate13.培育新的优势:foster new competitive advantages14.使其成为华北地区吸纳高新技术产业、跨国公司以及大型骨干企业的乐园:to make the park an investment paradise in North China for High-Tech and New-Tech companies, multinationals and large enterprises of pill industries15.辅助产业:supporting industry16.在园区内落户:to settle down in the park17.为引入企业提供一条龙服务:provide a stream-lined one-stop service for incoming enterprises18.绿草成茵,绿树成林,流水潺潺,鸟儿啁啾,空气清新,四季花香——环境处处素雅幽静:it really boasts stretches of green grass, forests of green trees, streams murmuring, birdschirping, air refreshing, fragrant flowers blossoming all year round. The whole environment is enveloped in a peaceful, elegant and relaxing atmosphere19.24 小时的安保服务:24-h security service附笔记草图3-4CulturalDifference1. settle down in China for good: 在中国永久定居2. win the Oscar for the best picture of the year: 当年的奥斯卡最佳影片奖3. altruistic:利他的4. respond instantaneously: 即时的,瞬间的反映5. bring up identical and standardized talents: 培养整齐划一的高材生。



英语口译速记--用符号代替单词提速一.缩写词:Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time.1.Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references.S = sumf = frequencyLeave out periods in standard abbreviations.cf = comparee.g. = exampledept = departmentUse only the first syllable of a word.pol = politicsdem = democracylib = liberalcap = capitalismUse entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable.pres = presentationsubj = subjectind = individualcons = conservativeEliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizable abbreviation.assoc = associatebiol = biologyinfo = informationach = achievementchem = chemistrymax = maximumintro = introductionconc = concentrationmin = minimumrep = repetitionOmit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word.ppd = preparedprblm = problemestmt = estimatebkgd = backgroundgvt = governmentUse an apostrophe in place of letters.am't = amountcont'd = continuedgov't = governmenteducat'l = educationalForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s.chpts = chaptersegs = examplesfs = frequenciesintros = introductionsUse g to represent ing endings.ckg = checkingestg = establishingdecrg = decreasingexptg = experimentingSpell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key.Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand.Leave out unimportant words.Leave out the words a and the.If a term, phrase, or name is written out in full during the lecture, substitute initials whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. For example, Center for Aerospace Sciences becomes CAS thereafter.Use symbols for commonly recurring connective or transitional words.& = andw/ = withw/o = withoutvs = against\ = therefore= = is or equal2. Use technical symbols where applicable.zb = German, for exampleibid = Latin, the same worko = degreesH2O = waterMore reference:Use standard maths, accounting, and science symbols. Examples:+ plus// parallelUse standard abbreviations and leave out full stops. Examples:eg exampleIT dept Information Technology departmentUK United KingdomUse only the first syllable of a word. Examples:mar marketingcus customercli clientUse the entire first syllable and the first letter of the second syllable. Examples:subj subjectbudg budgetind individualTo distinguish among various forms of the same word, use the first syllable of the word, an apostrophe, and the ending of the word. Examples:tech'gy technologygen'ion generalisationdel'y deliveryUse just enough of the beginning of a word to form a recognisable abbreviation. Examples:assoc associatedach achievementinfo informationOmit vowels from the middle of words, retaining only enough consonants to provide a recognisable skeleton of the word. Examples:bkgd backgroundmvmt movementprblm problemForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding 's.' Examples:custs customersfs frequencies/s ratiosUse 'g' to represent 'ing' endings. Examples:decrg decreasingckg checkingestblg establishingSpell out, rather than abbreviate short words. Examples:inbutaskeyLeave out unimportant verbs. Examples:iswaswereLeave out unnecessary articles. Examples:aantheIf a term, phrase, or name is initially written out in full during the talk or meeting, initials can be substituted whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. Example: January Advertising Campaign Budget JACBUse symbols for common connective or transition words. Examples:@ at2 to4 for& andw/ withw/o withoutvs againstCreate your own set of abbreviations and symbols. You may wish to develop separate sets of symbols and abbreviations for different courses or subjects.Other Symbols and Abbreviationsas a result of / consequences of <--->resulting in --->and / also +equal to / same as =following ffmost importantly *less than <greater than >especially esp二.缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possib le。


















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口译速记实例做口译时真的不能做完美主义者来源:黄晨炜的日志I’m very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company, and I am particularly pleased to be able to work with a group of brillian t people in China’s automobile industry.:)机 W co.&Esp. :) W ☆°/ autoI had been looking forward to this job for many years and you h ave made my dream come true.> W ys」U → dream VI’m deeply greeted to you and appreciate all you have done for me.TKS u doneEsp. 住 nr beach chosenIf you don’t mind, I wish to tour around your company properties and meet my Chinese colleagues and lab assistant tomorrow.if 介>tour Co.Meet 中°﹠ lab ass°d.We are looking forward to a long-term relationship with our client s and strategic partners which will help further strengthen our position we enjoy as the leader in the world’s computer market.> long ·/·with 客°Strat part↑ posit a s/comp mktSince we arrived, the gracious hospitality with which we have bee n received has been truly heartwarming.→ arrHosp→we: ! 暖A Chinese proverb best describes my feeling: When the visitor, it is as if returning home.中:= feeling“客 home”One of the purposes of my visit was to make new friends, but I’m very pleased to find that, instead of making friends, I’m among fri ends.visit purp.: 友M akingI[友]Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose you’ve all read the read the rep ort about the restructuring of the group’s organization, which has give n rise to the problem of relocating the new group.LG:I: u read」rpt/ reorg group/→? @ newOne possibility is to move all the head offices to Shanghai, and t hat is basically what the report recommends.·/ H. Q. S. H= rpt recomAlternatively, we could continue to run the two companies quite s eparately in their present locations with the smaller company in Shang hai./·cont. 2 Co. 现@小(SH)I’m not sure how efficient the second option would be, but I’d lik e to hear your ideas on the subject.sure eff 2ndI>u ideasPermit me to say again this evening: Let us act according to the principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit, to the principle of bot h dignity and fairness.permit : : nAct acdg∧prin.∽ rsp & bnfdig & fairIt is certainly in the fundamental interest of our people to trade a nd be friends with the Chinese people.+ fund int. □°Trade友→中°We are very impressed by your modernization program, an ambitio us undertaking which makes our future cooperative relationship promis ing.imprsd by 现//Amb W →∟○ + +China today, I understand, is taking a practical and effective approach and we wish you success and offer you our cooperation in t his great endeavor.中d : 实、eff app>u V&→○in WWe know that the human brain is divided into two roughly symm etrical hemispheres, which are comparable in size and form, but not i n function.脑○symm/~ size 、 formFuneThe left hemisphere is primarily responsible for linguistic communi cation, i.e. , the language center is located in the left side of the brai n in most people.左语comi.e. 语中 @ 左 mostºThe right hemisphere, on the other hand, control one’s visual and spatial activities, including also musical perception.右/. Contr & 空[音 perc]The most important differences between humans other animals are creative aspect of human language and man’s sophisticated cognitive abilities.IMPT 人≠aniCrea 语∧ cogI am delighted to extend this personal welcome to Chinese visitors to the Sydney Agriculture Technology Exhibition.^^ 个wel 中vis SATE→Here are present to our Chinese friends a comprehensive display o f Australian agriculture achievements and advanced technology in farm ing that we have to offer.→中友:compre AA *☆tech﹨we offI greatly value the friendship and confidence that we enjoy as you r trading partner.I value 友信△partI am certain that this Exhibition will strengthen our economic coo peration and contribute directly to our further trade expansion.I√: exb. ↑eco →﹂tr expAs an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for t wo years,I have to say that there are differences in business managem ent between Chinese and Americans that we American Businessmen in China should try to understand and respect.△US经°/中-US JV 2ysI:⊥ biz mng 中/US\US biz°理& rspc tWe are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleag ues due to our different cultural traditions;often times they consider o ur way of business practice is rather aggressive and we consider their process of decision-making timeconsuming.we 直接>中°∵≠文化Oftn :US biz aggrs.中决策timeI can’t say our way of doing business is absolutely superior but,a fter all, there are merits and demerits inherent in both types of manag ement.say our way ∧∥毕√ & X(2 mng)It must be pointed out that, in recent years, more and more Ameri can bueiness executives have recognized the merits of the more huma ne Oriental way of Chinese management, which seems to offer somet hing that we are lacking in.须:近y>>US ez°rcg:√人/东中mng/lackMuch has changed in the US-China economic and trade relationshi p since China began negotiations to join the predecessor to the WTO, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs 17 years ago. In 1986, total US-China trade was only 7.9 billions US $, and import from chi na outpaced US exports to china by $1.7 billion. In contrast, in 2003,total US-China trade is projected to top $170 billion, with imports fr om China exceeding US exports to China by more that $125 billionMuch 变 US-中 eco. Trd.自中 negt. → WTO pre. : GATT .17’86 US-中 trd.: 7.9b$中>US 1.7 b $2003170b125bI’m very glad to have the opportunity to wo rk in your company, and I am particularly pleased to be able to work with a group of brillian t people in China’s automobile industry. I had been looking forward t o this job for many years and you have made my dream come true.:)机 W co.&Esp. ^^ W ☆°/ auto> W ys」U → dream VI’m deeply greeted to you and appreciate all you have done for me. If you don’t mind, I wish to tour around your company properties an d meet my Chinese colleagues and lab assistant tomorrow.TKS u doneEsp. 住 nr beach chosenif 介>tour Co.Meet 中°﹠ lab ass°d.Ladies and Gentlemen, I regard it as a great honor and a sign of go od business that you come to this official launch of IBM of Shanghai and show so much interest in IBM products. As the world leader in personal computers, IBM would like to share with Chinese customers our successes. Among other things, IBM products enjoy an excellent performance and high quality, which I believe, are very important to our Chinese customers.LG:I :)﹠√bizU→开IBM/SH& int. in IBM proP CIBM share 中客°Vesp. IBM pro ☆perf ﹠ qua:impt→中客°We are looking forward to a long-term relationship with our clients a nd strategic partners which will help further strengthen our position w e enjoy as the leader in the world’s computer market.> long ·/· with 客°Strat part↑ posit a s /comp mktSince we arrived, the gracious hospitality with which we have bee n received has been truly heartwarming. A Chinese proverb best descr ibes my feeling: When the visitor, it is as if returning home. One of the purposes of my visit was to make new friends, but I’m very plea sed to find that, instead of making friends, I’m among friends.→ arrHosp→we: ! 暖中:=feeling“客 home”visit purp.: 友M akingI[友]Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose you’ve all read the read the report about the res tructuring of the group’s organization, which has given ri se to the problem of relocating the new group. One possibility is to move all the head offices to Shanghai, and that is basically what the report recommends. Alternatively, we could continue to run the two c ompanies quite separately in their present locations with the smaller c ompany in Shanghai. I’m not sure how efficient the second option wo uld be, but I’d like to hear your ideas on the subject.LG:I: u read」rpt/ reorg group/→? @ new·/ H. Q. S. H= rpt recom/· cont. 2 Co. 现@小(SH)sure eff 2ndI>u ideasPermit me to say again this evening: Let us act according to the principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit, to the principle of bot h dignity and fairness. It is certainly in the fundamental interest of ou r people to trade and be friends with the Chinese people. We are ver y impressed by your modernization program, an ambitious undertaking which makes our future cooperative relationship promising. China tod ay, I understand, is taking a practical and effective approach and we wish you success and offer you our cooperation in this great endeavor.permit : : nAct acdg∧prin.∽rsp & bnfdig & fair+ fund int. □°Trade友→中°imprsd by 现//Amb W →∟○ + +中 d : 实、eff app>u V&→○in WWe know that the human brain is divided into two roughly sym metrical hemispheres, which are comparable in size and form, but not in function. The left hemisphere is primarily responsible for linguistic communication, i.e. the language center is located in the left side of the brain in most people. The right hemisphere, on the other hand, c ontrols one’s visual and spatial activities, including also musical perce ption. The most important differences between humans other animals a re creative asp ect of human language and man’s sophisticated cognitiv e abilities.脑○ symm/~ size 、 formFune左语 comi.e. 语中 @ 左 mostº右/. Contr & 空[音 perc]IMPT 人≠aniCrea 语∧ cogI am delighted to extend this personal welcome to Chinese visitor s to the Sydney Agriculture Technology Exhibition. Here are present t o our Chinese friends a comprehensive display of Australian agricultur e achievements and advanced technology in farming that we have to offer. I greatly value the friendship and confidence that we enjoy as your trading partner. I am certain that this Exhibition will strengthen our economic cooperation and contribute directly to our further trade expansion.^^ 个 wel 中vis SATE→→中友:compre AA *☆tech﹨we offI value 友信△partI√: exb. ↑eco→﹂tr exp As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for t wo years, I have to say that there are differences in business manage ment between Chinese and Americans that we American Businessmen in China should try to understand and respect. We are more direct an d straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cu ltural traditions; often times they consider our way of business practice is rather aggressive and we consider their process of decision-making time consuming. I can’t say our way of doing business is absolutel y superior but, after all, there are merits and demerits inherent in both types of management. It must be pointed out that, in recent years, more and more American business executives have recognized the mer its of the more humane Oriental way of Chinese management, which seems to offer something that we are lacking in.△ US经°/中-US JV 2ysI:⊥ biz mng 中/US\US biz°理& rspctwe 直接>中°∵≠文化Oftn :US biz aggrs.中决策timesay our way ∧∥毕√ & X(2 mng)须:近y>>US ez°rcg:√人/东中 mng/lack。
