
外贸单证英语常用词汇缩写收集F/P fire policy火灾保险单E.P. floating policy总括保险单F.P.A. free from particular average平安险F.;Fr. franc法郎frt.;frit.;fgt. freight运费frt.ppd freight prepaid运费已预付ft. foot英尺ft.-lb. foot-pound英尺磅(功的单位)f.w.d. fresh water damage淡水损失fwd. forward前面;接下页F.X. foreign excharge外汇跟单常用语中英文对照1.What’s the size?多大尺寸?90X90 (Ninety by ninety)九十乘九十。
2.What’s the CMB?体积多大?0.07M3 (zero point zero seven cube meter) 0.07立方米。
what’s the dimension?3.What’s the best/last price?最低价是多少?¥2.5 (Two point five)两块五。
4.How many designs?有几个款式?3 designs .三个款式。
5.How many colors?有几种颜色?3 colors. Red, yellow and blue. 3种颜色,红、黄、蓝。
6.How many pcs one CTN?一箱装多少件?12 dozen, 144pcs. 12 12打,144件一箱。
7.When shall we deliver?什么时候交货?8.Where shall we deliver?货送到什么地方?Where is your warehouse?仓库在哪儿?When will the foods be in our warehouse?外贸单证英语常用词汇缩写收集(B)E.O.S. end of season季末eq. equivalent等值的,等量的e.q.m. equal quantity monthly每月相等的数量Et.seq. Et sequentia(and other things)及以下所棕述的Et.al. Et.alibi(and elsewhere)等等e.t.a.;eta;ETA estimated(expected)time of arrival预计到时间etc. et cetera(L.)=and others等等ETCL;etcl expected time of commencement of loading预计开装时间etd;ETD estimated(expected)time of departure预计离港时间ETDEL expected time of delivery预计交货时间ETFD expected time of finishing discharging预计卸完时间ETFL expected time of finishing loading预计装完时间ex per or out of搭乘ex. excluding除外;example例子;样本Exch. exchange,兑换;汇兑Excl. exclusive or excluding除外ex.int. ex interest无利息exp. export出口Exs. expenses费用Ext. extra特别的;额外的F degree Fahrenheit华氏度数F.A. free alongside(ship) (船)边交货f/a/a;F.A.A. free from all average分损不赔(保险用语)f.a.c. fast as can尽快f.a.q.;E.A.Q. fair average quality大路货;中等品质f.a.s.;F.A.S. free alongside ship船边交货价F.B. freight bill运费单fc franc法郎Fch. frachise免赔率(一般指相对的)FCL Full Container Load整箱货F.C..S. free of capture and seizure clause战争险不保条款f.e. for example例如Feb. February二月f.f.a. free from alongside船边交货价f.g.a.;F.G.A. free from general average共同海损不赔f.i. for instance例如;free in船方不负担装船费f.ig. figure数字f.i.o. free in and out船方不负担装卸费fi.o.s. free in,out and stowed船方不负担装卸费及理舱费f.i.o.s.t. free in.lut,stowed and trimmed船方不负担装卸费、理舱费及平舱费f.i.w. free in wagon承运人不负担装入货车费F/O in favor of交付给......,以......为受益人f.o. free out船方不负担卸货费F.O.A. free on aircraft飞机上交货价fo.vo. filio verso=turn the page转下页f.o.r.;F.O.R. free on rail火车上交货价FOS.;f.o.s. free on steamer船上交货价f.o.b.;F.O.B. free on board船上交货价F.O.B.S. free on board stowed包括理舱费在内的船上交货价f.o.c. free of charges免费f.ot.;fot free on truck卡车上交货价信用证操作中的常见英文详解(一)信用证金额Amount of the L/C1.amount RMB¥…金额:人民币2.up to an aggregate amount of Hongkong Dollars…累计金额最高为港币……3.for a sum (or :sums) not exceeding a total of GBP…总金额不得超过英镑……4.to the extent of HKD…总金额为港币……5.for the amount of USD…金额为美元……6.for an amount not exceeding total of JPY…金额的总数不得超过……日元的限度跟单文句The Stipulations for the shipping Documentsavailable against surrender of the following documents bearing our credit number凭提交下列注明本证号码的单据付款1. drafts to be accompanied by the documents marked(×)below汇票须随附下列注有(×)的单据2. accompanied against to documents hereinafter随附下列单据4.accompanied by following documents随附下列单据5.documents required单据要求6.accompanied by the following documents marked(×)in duplicate随附下列注有(×)的单据一式两份7.drafts are to be accompanied by…汇票要随附(指单据)……国际贸易单证词汇(中英)1分析证书certificate of analysis一致性证书cettificate of conformity质量证书certificate of quality测试报告test report产品性能报告product performance report产品规格型号报告product specification report工艺数据报告process data report首样测试报告first sample test report价格/销售目录price/sales catalogue参与方信息party information农产品加工厂证书mill certificate家产品加工厂证书--暂时空缺,请各位网友帮忙提供邮政收据post receipt重量证书weight certificate重量单weight list证书cerificate价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value adn origin移动声明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1数量证书certificate of quantity质量数据报文quality data message查询query查询回复response to query订购单purchase order制造说明manufacturing instructions领料单stores requisition产品售价单invoicing data sheet包装说明packing instruction内部运输单internal transport order统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments 直接支付估价申请direct payment valuation request国际贸易单证词汇(中英)1保兑发票delcredere invoice代理发票factored invoice租赁发票lease invoice寄售发票consignment invoice代理贷记单factored credit note银行转帐指示instructions for bank transfer银行汇票申请书application for banker’s draft托收支付通知书collection payment advice跟单信用证支付通知书document.ry credit payment advice跟单信用证承兑通知书document.ry credit acceptance advice跟单信用证议付通知书document.ry credit negotiation advice银行担保申请书application for banker’s guarantee银行担保banker’s guarantee跟单信用证赔偿单document.ry credit letter of indemnity信用证预先通知书preadvice of a credit托收单collection order单证提交单document.presentation form付款单payment order扩展付款单extended payment order多重付款单multiple payment order贷记通知书credit advice扩展贷记通知书extended credit advice借记通知书debit advice借记撤消reversal of debit贷记撤消reversal of credit跟单信用证申请书document.ry credit application跟单信用证document.ry credit跟单信用证通知书document.ry credit notification发货通知delivery release交货通知delivery note装箱单packing list发盘/报价offer/quotation报价申请request for quote合同contract订单确认acknowledgement of order形式发票proforma invoice部分发票partial invoice操作说明operating instructions铭牌name/product plate交货说明请求request for delivery instructions订舱申请booking request装运说明shipping instructions托运人说明书(空运) shipper’s letter of instructions(air)短途货运单cartage order(local transport)待运通知ready for despatch advice发运单despatch order发运通知despatch advice单证分发通知advice of distrbution of document.商业发票commercial invoice贷记单credit note佣金单commission note借记单debit note更正发票corrected invoice合并发票consolidated invoice预付发票prepayment invoice租用发票hire invoice税务发票tax invoice自用发票self-billed invoice直接支付估价单direct payment valuation临时支付估价单rpovisional payment valuation支付估价单payment valuation数量估价单quantity valuation request数量估价申请quantity valuation request合同数量单contract bill of quantities-BOQ不祭价投标数量单unpriced tender BOQ标价投标数量单priced tender BOQ询价单enquiry临时支付申请interim application for payment支付协议agreement to pay意向书letter of intent订单order总订单blanket order现货订单sport order租赁单lease order紧急订单rush order修理单repair order分订单call off order寄售单consignment order样品订单sample order换货单swap order订购单变更请求purchase order change request订购单回复purchase order response租用单hire order备件订单spare parts order交货说明delivery instructions交货计划表delivery schedule按时交货delivery just-in-time信用证操作中的常见英文详解(一)2.beneficiary受益人(1)beneficiary受益人(2)in favour of。

常见贸易单证提单(Bill of Lading)出口商通过运输公司或承运人(船公司、航空公司等)开具的货物运输凭证。
运输保险单(Transportation Insurance)由出口商或进口商为货物运输中的风险购买的保险单证。
发票(Commercial Invoice)出口商向进口商开具的货物销售的明细账单。
装箱单(Packing List)记录了每个货物包装箱的详细内容。
证书 of Origin(Certificate of Origin)由出口商或授权第三方机构出具的货物原产地证明。
运输文件(Transport Documents)包括提单、装箱单、运输保险单等一系列与货物运输相关的文件。
贸易术语CIF:成本、保险费、运费 (Cost, Insurance, Freight)。

外贸单据词汇中的中英文对照船舶登记证书 certificate of registry船用物品申报单 ship's stores declaration出口许可证申请表 export licence, application出口许可证 export licence出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprotT出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder TT1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document.nbspT5铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment noteT2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L分析证书 certificate of analysis一致性证书 cettificate of conformity质量证书 certificate of quality测试报告 test report产品性能报告 product performance report产品规格型号报告 product specification report工艺数据报告 process data report首样测试报告 first sample test report价格/销售目录 price /sales catalogue参与方信息 party information农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate家产品加工厂证书 post receipt邮政收据 post receipt重量证书 weight certificate重量单 weight list证书 cerificate价值与原产地综合证书 combined certificate of value adn origin移动声明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1数量证书 certificate of quantity质量数据报文 quality data message查询 query查询回复 response to query订购单 purchase order制造说明 manufacturing instructions领料单 stores requisition产品售价单 invoicing data sheet 包装说明 packing instruction内部运输单 internal transport order统计及其他管理用内部单证 statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments直接支付估价申请 direct payment valuation request直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation支付估价单 payment valuation数量估价单 quantity valuation request数量估价申请 quantity valuation request合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ不祭价投标数量单 unpriced tender BOQ标价投标数量单 priced tender BOQ询价单 enquiry临时支付申请 interim application for payment支付协议 agreement to pay意向书 letter of intent订单 order总订单 blanket order现货订单 sport order租赁单 lease order紧急订单 rush order修理单 repair order分订单 call off order寄售单 consignment order样品订单 sample order换货单 swap order订购单变更请求 purchase order change request订购单回复 purchase order response租用单 hire order备件订单 spare parts order交货说明 delivery instructions交货计划表 delivery schedule按时交货 delivery just-in-time发货通知 delivery release交货通知 delivery note装箱单 packing list发盘/报价 offer/quotation报价申请 request for quote合同 contract订单确认 acknowledgement of order形式发票 proforma invoice部分发票 partial invoice操作说明 operating instructions铭牌 name/product plate交货说明请求 request for delivery instructions订舱申请 booking request装运说明 shipping instructions托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air)短途货运单 cartage order(local transport)待运通知 ready for despatch advice发运单 despatch order发运通知 despatch advice单证分发通知 advice of distrbution of document.商业发票 commercial invoice贷记单 credit note佣金单 commission note借记单 debit note更正发票 corrected invoice合并发票 consolidated invoice预付发票 prepayment invoice租用发票 hire invoice税务发票 tax invoice自用发票 self-billed invoice保兑发票 delcredere invoice代理发票 factored invoice租赁发票 lease invoice寄售发票 consignment invoice代理贷记单 factored credit note银行转帐指示 instructions for bank transfer银行汇票申请书 application for banker's draft托收支付通知书 collection payment advice跟单信用证支付通知书 document.ry credit payment advice跟单信用证承兑通知书 document.ry credit acceptance advice 跟单信用证议付通知书 document.ry credit negotiation advice 银行担保申请书 application for banker's guarantee银行担保 banker's guarantee跟单信用证赔偿单 document.ry credit letter of indemnity信用证预先通知书 preadvice of a credit托收单 collection order单证提交单 document. presentation form付款单 payment order扩展付款单 extended payment order多重付款单 multiple payment order贷记通知书 credit advice扩展贷记通知书 extended credit advice借记通知书 debit advice借记撤消 reversal of debit贷记撤消 reversal of credit跟单信用证申请书 document.ry credit application跟单信用证 document.ry credit跟单信用证通知书 document.ry credit notification跟单信用证转让通知 document.ry credit transfer advice跟单信用证更改通知书 document.ry credit amendment notification跟单信用证更改单 document.ry credit amendment汇款通知 remittance advice银行汇票 banker's draft汇票 bill of exchange本票 promissory note帐户财务报表 financial statement of account帐户报表报文 statement of account message保险赁证 insurance certificate保险单 insurance policy保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau)保险人发票 insurer's invoice承保单 cover note货运说明 forwarding instructions货运代理给进口代理的通知 forwarder's advice to import agent货运代理给出口商的通知 forwarder's advice to exporter货运代理发票 forwarder's invoice货运代理收据证明 forwarder's certificate of receipt托运单 shipping note货运代理人仓库收据 forwarder's warehouse receipt货物收据 goods receipt港口费用单 port charges document.入库单 warehouse warrant提货单 delivery order装卸单 handling order通行证 gate pass运单 waybill通用(多用)运输单证 universal (multipurpose) transport document.承运人货物收据 goods receipt, carriage全程运单 house waybill主提单 master bill of lading提单 bill of lading正本提单 bill of lading original副本提单 bill of lading copy空集装箱提单 empty container bill油轮提单 tanker bill of lading海运单 sea waybill内河提单 inland waterway bill of lading不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document.nbsp(generic)大副据 mate's receipt全程提单 house bill of lading无提单提货保函 letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading 货运代理人提单 forwarder's bill of lading铁路托运单(通用条款) rail consignment note (generic term)陆运单 road list-SMGS押运正式确认 escort official recognition分段计费单证 recharging document.公路托运单 road cosignment note空运单 air waybill主空运单 master air waybill分空运单 substitute air waybill国人员物品申报 crew's effects declaration乘客名单 passenger list铁路运输交货通知 delivery notice(rail transport)邮递包裹投递单 despatch note (post parcels)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal/combined transport document.nbsp(generic)直达提单 through bill of lading货运代理人运输证书 forwarder's certificate of transport联运单证(通用) combined transport document.nbsp(generic)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document.nbsp(generic)多式联运提单 combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading订舱确认 booking confirmation要求交货通知 calling foward notice运费发票 freight invoice货物到达通知 arrival notice(goods)无法交货的通知 notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)无法运货通知 notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)交货通知 delivery notice (goods)载货清单 cargo manifest载货运费清单 freight manifest公路运输货物清单 bordereau集装箱载货清单 container manifes (unit packing list)铁路费用单 charges note托收通知 advice of collection船舶安全证书 safety of ship certificate无线电台安全证书 safety of radio certificate设备安全证书 safety of equipment certificate油污民事责任书 civil liability for oil certificate载重线证书 loadline document.免于除鼠证书 derat document.航海健康证书 maritime declaration of health船舶登记证书 certificate of registry船用物品申报单 ship's stores declaration出口许可证申请表 export licence, application出口许可证 export licence出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprotT出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder TT1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document.nbspT5 铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment noteT2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L 出口货物报关单 goods declaration for exportation离港货物报关单 cargo declaration(departure)货物监管证书申请表 application for goods control certificate 货物监管证书申请表 goods control certificate植物检疫申请表 application for phytosanitary certificate植物检疫证书 phytosanilary certificate卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate动物检疫证书 veterinary certifieate商品检验申请表 application for inspection certificate商品检验证书 inspection certificate原产地证书申请表 certificate of origin, application for原产地证书 certificate of origin原产地申明 declaration of origin地区名称证书 regional appellation certificate优惠原产地证书 preference certificate of origin普惠制原产地证书 certificate of origin form GSP领事发票 cosular invoice危险货物申报单 dangerous goods declaration出口统计报表 statistical doucument, export国际贸易统计申报单 intrastat declaration交货核对证明 delivery verification certificate进口许可证申请表 import licence, application for进口许可证 import licence无商业细节的报关单 customs declaration without commercial detail有商业和项目细节的报关单 customs declaration with commercial and item detail无项目细节的报关单 customs declaration without item detail有关单证 related document.海关收据 receipt (Customs)调汇申请 application for exchange allocation调汇许可 foreign exchange permit进口外汇管理申报 exchange control declaration (import)进口货物报关单 goods declaration for implortation内销货物报关单 goods declaration for home use海关即刻放行报关单 customs immediate release declaration海关放行通知 customs delivery note到港货物报关单 cargo declaration (arrival)货物价值申报清单 value declaration海关发票 customs invoice邮包报关单 customs deciaration (post parcels)增值税申报单 tax declaration (value added tax)普通税申报单 tax declaration (general)催税单 tax demand禁运货物许可证 embargo permit海关转运货物报关单 goods declaration for customs transitTIF国际铁路运输报关单 TIF formTIR国际公路运输报关单 TIR carnet欧共体海关转运报关单 EC carnetEUR1欧共体原产地证书 EUR 1 certificate of origin暂准进口海关文件 ATA carnt欧共体统一单证 single administrative document.海关一般回复 general response (Customs)海关公文回复 document.nbspresponse (Customs)海关误差回复 error response (Customs)海关一揽子回复 packae response (Customs)海关计税/确认回复 tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs)配额预分配证书 quota prior allocation certificate最终使用授权书 end use authorization政府合同 government contract进口统计报表 statistical document. import跟单信用证开证申请书 application for document.ry credit先前海关文件/报文 previous Customs document.message。

1.revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远期信用证4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证6.revolving L/C 循环信用证7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C延付信用证/预支信用证11.back to back L/Creciprocal L/C对背信用证/对开信用证12.traveller's L/C(or:circular L/C)旅行信用证跟单文据1.available against surrender of the following documents bearing our credit number and the full name and address of the opener 凭交出下列注名本证号码和开证人的全称及地址的单据付款2.drafts to be accompanied by the documents marked(×)below 汇票须随附下列注有(×)的单据3.accompanied against to documents hereinafter随附下列单据4.accompanied by following documents随附下列单据5.documents required单据要求6.accompanied by the following documents marked(×)in duplicate 随附下列注有(×)的单据一式两份7.drafts are to be accompanied by…汇票要随附(指单据)……汇票种类1.the kinds of drafts汇票种类(1)available by drafts at sight凭即期汇票付款(2)draft(s) to be drawn at 30 days sight开立30天的期票(3)sight drafs 即期汇票(4)time drafts 原期汇票2.drawn clauses 出票条款(注:即出具汇票的法律依据)(1)all darfts drawn under this credit must contain the clause “Drafts drawn Under Bankof…credit No.…dated…” 本证项下开具的汇票须注明“本汇票系凭……银行……年……月……日第…号信用证下开具”的条款(2)dr afts are to be drawn in duplicate to our order bearing the clause “Drawn under United Malayan Banking Corp.Bhd.Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.…dated July 12, 1978” 汇票一式两份,以我行为抬头,并注明“根据马来西亚联合银行1978年7月12日第……号不可撤销信用证项下开立”(3)draft(s) drawn under this credit to be marked:“Drawn under…Bank L/C No.……Dated (issuing date of credit)” 根据本证开出得汇票须注明“凭……银行……年……月……日(按开证日期)第……号不可撤销信用证项下开立”(4)drafts in duplicate at sight bearing the clauses“Drawn under…L/C No.…dated…” 即期汇票一式两份,注明“根据……银行信用证……号,日期……开具”(5)draft(s) so drawn must be in scribed with the number and date of this L/C 开具的汇票须注上本证的号码和日期(6)draft(s) bearing the clause:“Drawn under documentary credit No.…(shown above) of…Bank” 汇票注明“根据……银行跟单信用证……号(如上所示)项下开立”发票1.signed commercial invoice已签署的商业发票in duplicate 一式两份in triplicate 一式三份in quadruplicate 一式四份in quintuplicate 一式五份in sextuplicate 一式六份in septuplicate 一式七份in octuplicate一式八份in nonuplicate 一式九份in decuplicate 一式十份2.beneficiary's original signed commercial invoices at least in 8 copies issued in the name of the buyer indicating (showing/evidencing/specifying/declaration of) the merchandise, country of origin and any other relevant information. 以买方的名义开具、注明商品名称、原产国及其他有关资料,并经签署的受益人的商业发票正本至少一式八份3.Signed attested invoice combined with certificate of origin and value in 6 copies as reuired for imports into Nigeria. 以签署的,连同产地证明和货物价值的,输入尼日利亚的联合发票一式六份4.beneficiary must certify on the invoice…have been sent to the accountee 受益人须在发票上证明,已将……寄交开证人5.4% discount should be deducted from total amount of the commercial invoice 商业发票的总金额须扣除4%折扣6.invoice must be showed: under A/P No.… date of expiry 19th Jan. 1981 发票须表明:根据第……号购买证,满期日为1981年1月19日7.documents in combined form are not acceptable不接受联合单据bined invoice is not acceptable 不接受联合发票提单1.full set shipping (company's) clean on board bill(s) of lading marked "Freight Prepaid" to order of shipper endorsed to … Bank, notifying buyers 全套装船(公司的)洁净已装船提单应注明“运费付讫”,作为以装船人指示为抬头、背书给……银行,通知买方2.bills of lading made out in negotiable form 作成可议付形式的提单3.clean shipped on board ocean bills of lading to order and endorsed in blank marked "Freight Prepaid" notify: importer(openers,accountee) 洁净已装船的提单空白抬头并空白背书,注明“运费付讫”,通知进口人(开证人)4.full set of clean "on board" bills of lading/cargo receipt made out to our order/to order and endorsed in blank notify buyers M/S … Co. calling for shipment from China to Hamburg marked "Freight prepaid" / "Freight Payable at Destination" 全套洁净“已装船”提单/货运收据作成以我(行)为抬头/空白抬头,空白背书,通知买方……公司,要求货物字中国运往汉堡,注明“运费付讫”/“运费在目的港付”5.bills of lading issued in the name of…提单以……为抬头6.bills of lading must be dated not before the date of this credit and not later than Aug. 15, 1977 提单日期不得早于本证的日期,也不得迟于1977年8月15日7.bill of lading marked notify: buyer,“Freight Prepaid”“Liner terms”“received for shipment”B/L not acceptable提单注明通知买方,“运费预付”按“班轮条件”,“备运提单”不接受 8.non-negotiable copy of bills of lading 不可议付的提单副本保险单/凭证1.Risks & Coverage险别(1)free from particular average (F.P.A.)平安险(2)with particular average (W.A.)水渍险(基本险)(3)all risk 一切险(综合险)(4)total loss only (T.L.O.) 全损险(5)war risk 战争险(6)cargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款(7)additional risk 附加险(8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款(9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery (T.P.N.D.)盗窃提货不着险(10)rain fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险(11)risk of shortage 短量险(12)risk of contamination 沾污险(13)risk of leakage 渗漏险(14)risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险(15)risk of odour 串味险(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险(17)hook damage 钩损险(18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险(19)risk of rusting 锈损险(20)risk of mould 发霉险(21)strike, riots and civel commotion (S.R.C.C.) 罢工、暴动、民变险(22)risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险(23)deterioration risk 腐烂变质险(24)inherent vice risk 内在缺陷险(25)risk of natural loss or normal loss途耗或自然损耗险(26)special additional risk 特别附加险(27)failure to delivery 交货不到险(28)import duty 进口关税险(29)on deck 仓面险(30)rejection 拒收险(31)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险(32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong, including Kowloon, or Macao 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款(33)survey in customs risk 海关检验险(34)survey at jetty risk 码头检验险(35)institute war risk 学会战争险(36)overland transportation risks陆运险(37)overland transportation all risks陆运综合险(38)air transportation risk 航空运输险(39)air transportation all risk 航空运输综合险(40)air transportation war risk 航空运输战争险(41)parcel post risk 邮包险(42)parcel post all risk 邮包综合险(43)parcel post war risk 邮包战争险(44)investment insurance(political risks) 投资保险(政治风险)(45)property insurance 财产保险(46)erection all risks 安装工程一切险(47)contractors all risks 建筑工程一切险。

国际贸易单证术语英汉对照.docx范本一:国际贸易单证术语英汉对照1. 以下是国际贸易单证术语的英汉对照表:- Bill of Lading(提单):一种用于证明货物已经装船并承载货物规格、数量和目的地的文件。
- Commercial Invoice(商业发票):出口商向进口商出具的一份已装填货物详细描述、价格等的账单。
- Packing List(装箱单):列出一批货物的名称、数量、重量、体积等信息的文件。
- Certificate of Origin(原产地证明):用于证明货物的原产国或地区的文件。
- Insurance Certificate(保险证明):证明货物在运输过程中得到了适当保险的文件。
- Inspection Certificate(检验证明):用于证明货物经过了检验并符合质量和标准要求的文件。
- Letter of Credit(信用证):一种银行文件,证明买方在一定时间内向卖方支付货款的承诺。
2. 提单(Bill of Lading)包括以下内容:- 货物托运人和收货人的信息- 货物的种类、数量和重量- 货物装运的起始地和目的地- 货物的装运日期和预计到达日期- 签发该提单的船运公司的信息3. 商业发票(Commercial Invoice)包含以下信息: - 出口商和进口商的名称和地址- 货物的描述、数量和单价- 货物的总价值和付款方式- 发票的日期和编号4. 装箱单(Packing List)列出了以下信息:- 每批货物的编号、描述和数量- 每批货物的重量和体积- 货物的包装方式和标识5. 原产地证明(Certificate of Origin)包括:- 货物的出口国或地区- 货物的原产国或地区- 货物的生产过程和原料来源证明6. 保险证明(Insurance Certificate)包含以下内容: - 被保险货物的详细描述和价值- 保险公司的名称和保险金额- 保险单的有效期和保险费7. 检验证明(Inspection Certificate)验证以下内容: - 货物的质量和特性- 货物是否符合国际标准和规范- 检验机构的名称和签发日期8. 信用证(Letter of Credit)包括以下要素:- 买方和卖方的信息- 信用证的金额和有效期- 要求提交的单据和文件清单本文档涉及附件:无本文所涉及的法律名词及注释:- Bill of Lading(提单)- Commercial Invoice(商业发票)- Packing List(装箱单)- Certificate of Origin(原产地证明)- Insurance Certificate(保险证明)- Inspection Certificate(检验证明)- Letter of Credit(信用证)范本二:国际贸易单证术语英汉对照以下是国际贸易单证术语的英汉对照表:1. Bill of Lading(提单):一种用于证明货物已经装船并承载货物规格、数量和目的地的文件。

很全的外贸单证中英文互译mercial invoice 商业发票2.Proforma invoice形式发票3.Received invoice收讫发票4.Certificate invoice证实发票5.Detailed invoice详细发票6.Neutral invoice 中性发票7.Manufacture invoice 厂家发票8.Bank’s invoice 银行发票9.Preliminary /provisional invoice 临时发票10.Customs invoice 海关发票11.Consular invoice 领事发票12.Packing list 装箱单13.Weight list 重量单14.Measurement list 尺码单15.Insurance poliy 保险单16.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证bined Insurance Certificate 联合保险凭证18.Open policy 预约保险单19.Cover note暂保单20.Endorsement批单21.Certificate oforigin of the Pepoles’ Republic of China中华人民共和国原产地证22.Generalized system of preferences certificate of orgin from A 普惠制产地证23.Ispection certificate商检证书24.Qulity certificate品质检验证书25.Quanty certificate数量检验证书26.Weight certificate重量检验证书27.Phytosanitary certificate植物检疫证书28.Veterinary certificate兽医检验证书29.Sanitary/Health certificate卫生/健康检验证书30.Disinfection certificate 消毒检验证书31.Fumigation certificate熏蒸证书32.Certificate of analysis 分析证34.Export /import license进出口许可证35.Special customs invoice 美国海关发票36.Canada customs invoice 加拿大海关发票bined certificate of value and origin 澳大利亚海关发票38.From59A certificate of origin for export to Newzealand新西兰海关发票39.FromC 西非海关发票40.L/C=letter of credit 信用证41.Bill of exchange / draft 汇票42.Beneficiary’s certificate/statement 受益人证明/寄单证明43.Booking note 托运单/下货纸44.B/L提单45.Direct B/L直达提单46.Transhipment B/L转运提单bined transport B/L联合提单48.Container B/L集装箱提单49. Charter Party B/L)租船提单50.Airway bill 空运单51.Shipper’s letter of instruction 货物托运书52.Railway bill 铁路运单53.Shipping advice/ Declaration of shipment 装运通知54.Captain receipt 船长收据55.Itinerary certificate航程证明56.Certificate of sample寄样证明57.Shipping order (s/o) 装货单58.Mate’s receipt大副收据59.Dock receipt 集装箱场站数据60.Delivery order 提货单61.Equipment intechange receipt 设备交接单62.Manifest载货清单/舱单63.Cargo receipt 承载货物收据64.Sea way bill海运单65.Master air way bill航空主运单66.House air way bill航空分运单67.Numerical container list集装箱装载清单68.Export freight manifest出口载货运费清单69.Entry inwards进口报关单70. Authoriztion letter for customs declaration/ Power of attorney(POA)报关委托书72. Telex release /Surrendered B/L 电放提单73. Instrument for the collecting/verifying and writing-off of export proceeds in foreign exchange/verifying and writing-off instrument 外汇核销单74. Export drawback出口退税单75.Bank statement/note/receipt 银行水单76.Electronic bill of lading电子提单77.Letter of indemnity保函78.Original bill of lading正本提单79.Customs clearance结关证书80.Entry outwards出口报关单81.Export manifest 出口载货清单/出口舱单82.Inward permit 进口许可证83.Outwards Export permit 出口许可证84.Shipping bill 出口货物明细单/装船通知单85.Export declaration 出口申报单86.Stores list 物料单87.Railway consignment note 铁路托运单88.Cargo declaration 货物申请表89.Railway advice铁路货运通知单90.consignment note 运单91.Bill of health 健康证书92.Straight B/L 记名提单93.Order B/L 指示提单94.On-board B/L 已装船提单95.Received-for-shipping B/L备运提单96.Clean B/L 清洁提单97.Foul B/L不清洁提单98.Black B/L 不记名提单99.Through B/L 联运提单100.Long form B/L 全式提单101.Short B/L略式提单102.Valued policy 定值保险单103.Voyage policy 航次保险单104.Loading list or cargo list 装货清单105.Damgerous cargo list 危险品清单106.Damage cargo list 货物残损单107.Cargo tracer货物查单108.Notice of readiness 准备就结通知书nding permit card登陆卡110.On deck B/L 舱面提单111.Minimun freight B/L 最底运费提单112.Standby L/C 备用信用证113. Irrevocable L/C 不可撤消的信用证114. Revocable L/C 可撤消的信用证115. Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证116. Documentary L/C跟单信用证117. Sight L/C既期信用证118. Usance L/C远期信用证119. Transferable Credit 可转让信用证120. Revolving Credit 循环信用证121. Reciprocal Credit 对开信用证122. Rack to Back Credit 背对背信用证123. MultimodaL Transport B/L or Intermodal Transport B/L多式联运提单124. Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单125. Advanced B/L 预借提单126. Stale B/L 过期提单127. Freight Prepaid B/L运费预付提单128. Freihgt to Collect B/L 运费到付提单129. Minimum B/L 最低运费提单130. Omnibus B/L 合并提单131. Combined B/L并装提单132. Separte B/L 分提单133. Switch B/L 交换提单134. Parcel Receipt B/L包裹提单135.货运代理给进口代理的通知forwarder's advice to import agent136. 货运代理给出口商的通知forwarder's advice to exporter137.货运代理发票forwarder's invoice138.货运代理收据证明forwarder's certificate of receipt139. 货运代理人仓库收据forwarder's warehouse receipt140.货物收据goods receipt141.港口费用单port charges documents142.入库单warehouse warrant143. 装卸单handling order144.通行证gate pass145.运单waybill146.通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document147.承运人货物收据goods receipt, carriage148.全程运单house waybill149.副本提单bill of lading copy150.空集装箱提单empty container bill151.油轮提单tanker bill of lading152.内河提单inland waterway bill of lading153.不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document (generic) 154.无提单提货保函letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading155.货运代理人提单forwarder's bill of lading156.陆运单road list-SMGS157.押运正式确认escort official recognition158.分段计费单证recharging document159.公路托运单road cosignment note160.分空运单substitute air waybill161.国人员物品申报crew's effects declaration162.乘客名单passenger list163.铁路运输交货通知delivery notice(rail transport)164.邮递包裹投递单despatch note (post parcels)165.货运代理人运输证书forwarder's certificate of transport166.联运单证(通用) combined transport document (generic)167.多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document (generic) 168.订舱确认booking confirmation169.要求交货通知calling foward notice170.运费发票freight invoice171.货物到达通知arrival notice(goods)172.无法交货的通知notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods) 173.无法运货通知notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods) 174.交货通知delivery notice (goods)175.载货清单cargo manifest176.公路运输货物清单bordereau177.集装箱载货清单container manifes (unit packing list)178.铁路费用单charges note179.托收通知advice of collection180.船舶安全证书safety of ship certificate181. 无线电台安全证书safety of radio certificate182.设备安全证书safety of equipment certificate183.油污民事责任书civil liability for oil certificate184. 载重线证书loadline document185. 免于除鼠证书derat document186.航海健康证书maritime declaration of health187. 船舶登记证书certificate of registry189. 船用物品申报单ship's stores declaration190.出口许可证申请表export licence, application191. 出口结汇核销单exchange control declaration, exprot192.T出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder T193.T1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1194.T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2195.T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document T5196.铁路运输退运单re-sending consigment note197.T2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L198.出口货物报关单goods declaration for exportation199. 离港货物报关单cargo declaration(departure)[提醒] 外贸翻译通最新版于2014年3月15日正式上线啦!标准版永久免费,一键搜索,轻松翻译,外贸翻译有问题,就用外贸翻译通!苜蓿mm 注册会员#2使用道具发表于2011-8-19 09:08 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者200.货物监管证书申请表application for goods control certificateUID 1729322 积分313帖子21阅读权限25 注册2011-8-9 来自广州状态离线201.货物监管证书申请表goods control certificate202.商品检验申请表application for inspection certificate203. 原产地证书申请表application for certificate of origin,204. 原产地申明declaration of origin205. 地区名称证书regional appellation certificate206. 优惠原产地证书preference certificate of origin207.危险货物申报单dangerous goods declaration208.出口统计报表statistical doucument, export209.国际贸易统计申报单intrastat declaration210. 交货核对证明delivery verification certificate211. 进口许可证申请表application for import licence,212.无商业细节的报关单customs declaration without commercial detail213.有商业和项目细节的报关单customs declaration with commercial and item detail 214.无项目细节的报关单customs declaration without item detail215. 有关单证related document216.调汇申请application for exchange allocation217.调汇许可foreign exchange permit218.进口外汇管理申报exchange control declaration (import)219.内销货物报关单goods declaration for home use220.海关即刻放行报关单customs immediate release declaration221. 海关放行通知customs delivery note222.到港货物报关单cargo declaration (arrival)223.邮包报关单customs deciaration (post parcels)224. 增值税申报单tax declaration (value added tax)225. 普通税申报单tax declaration (general)226. 催税单tax demand227. 禁运货物许可证embargo permit228. 海关转运货物报关单goods declaration for customs transit229. TIF国际铁路运输报关单TIF form230. TIR国际公路运输报关单TIR carnet231. 欧共体海关转运报关单EC carnet232. EUR1欧共体原产地证书EUR 1 certificate of origin233.ATA 暂准进口海关文件ATA carnt234. 欧共体统一单证single administrative document235. 海关一般回复general response (Customs)236. 海关公文回复document response (Customs)237. 海关误差回复error response (Customs)238. 海关一揽子回复packae response (Customs)239. 海关计税/确认回复tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs) 240. 配额预分配证书quota prior allocation certificate241. 最终使用授权书end use authorization242. 政府合同government contract243. 进口统计报表statistical document, import245. 跟单信用证开证申请书application for documentary credit246. 先前海关文件/报文previous Customs document/message247. 一致性证书cettificate of conformity248. 测试报告test report249. 产品性能报告product performance report250. 产品规格型号报告product specification report251. 工艺数据报告process data report252. 首样测试报告first sample test report253. 价格/销售目录price /sales catalogue254. 参与方信息party information255. 农产品加工厂证书mill certificate256. 家产品加工厂证书post receipt257. 邮政收据post receipt258. 价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value adn origin259. 移动声明A.TR.1movement certificate A.TR.1260 质量数据报文quality data message261. 查询query262. 查询回复response to query263. 订购单purchase order264. 制造说明manufacturing instructions265. 领料单stores requisition266. 产品售价单invoicing data sheet267. 包装说明packing instruction268. 内部运输单internal transport order269. 统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments270. 直接支付估价申请direct payment valuation request 271. 直接支付估价单direct payment valuation272. 临时支付估价单rpovisional payment valuation 273. 支付估价单payment valuation274. 数量估价单quantity valuation request275. 数量估价申请quantity valuation request276. 合同数量单contract bill of quantities-BOQ277. 不祭价投标数量单unpriced tender BOQ278. 标价投标数量单priced tender BOQ279. 询价单enquiry280. 临时支付申请interim application for payment 281. 支付协议agreement to pay282. 意向书letter of intent283. 订单order284. 总订单blanket order285. 现货订单sport order286. 租赁单lease order287. 紧急订单rush order288. 修理单repair order289. 分订单call off order290. 寄售单consignment order291. 样品订单sample order292. 换货单swap order293. 订购单变更请求purchase order change request 294. 订购单回复purchase order response295. 租用单hire order296. 备件订单spare parts order297. 交货说明delivery instructions298. 交货计划表delivery schedule299. 按时交货delivery just-in-time300. 发货通知delivery release301. 交货通知delivery note302. 发盘/报价offer/quotation303. 报价申请request for quote304. 合同contract305. 订单确认acknowledgement of order306. 形式发票proforma invoice307. 部分发票partial invoice308. 操作说明operating instructions309. 铭牌name/product plate310. 交货说明请求request for delivery instructions311. 订舱申请booking request312. 装运说明shipping instructions313. 托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air) 314. 短途货运单cartage order(local transport)315. 待运通知ready for despatch advice316. 发运单despatch order317. 发运通知despatch advice318. 单证分发通知advice of distrbution of documents 319. 贷记单credit note320. 佣金单commission note321. 借记单debit note322. 更正发票corrected invoice323. 合并发票consolidated invoice324. 预付发票prepayment invoice325. 租用发票hire invoice326. 税务发票tax invoice327. 自用发票self-billed invoice328. 保兑发票delcredere invoice329. 代理发票factored invoice330. 租赁发票lease invoice331. 寄售发票consignment invoice332. 代理贷记单factored credit note333. 银行转帐指示instructions for bank transfer334. 银行汇票申请书application for banker's draft335. 托收支付通知书collection payment advice336. 跟单信用证支付通知书documentary credit payment advice 337. 跟单信用证承兑通知书documentary credit acceptance advice 338. 跟单信用证议付通知书documentary credit negotiation advice 339. 银行担保申请书application for banker's guarantee340. 银行担保banker's guarantee341. 跟单信用证赔偿单documentary credit letter of indemnity 342. 信用证预先通知书preadvice of a credit343. 托收单collection order344. 单证提交单documents presentation form345. 付款单payment order346. 扩展付款单extended payment order347. 多重付款单multiple payment order348. 贷记通知书credit advice349. 扩展贷记通知书extended credit advice350. 借记通知书debit advice351. 借记撤消reversal of debit352. 贷记撤消reversal of credit353. 跟单信用证申请书documentary credit application354. 跟单信用证通知书documentary credit notification355. 跟单信用证转让通知documentary credit transfer advice356. 跟单信用证更改通知书documentary credit amendment notification 357. 跟单信用证更改单documentary credit amendment358. 汇款通知remittance advice359. 银行汇票banker's draft360. 汇票bill of exchange361. 本票promissory note362. 帐户财务报表financial statement of account363. 帐户报表报文statement of account message364. 保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 365. 保险人发票insurer's invoice366. 货运说明forwarding instructions367. 货运代理给进口代理的通知forwarder's advice to import agent 368. 货运代理给出口商的通知forwarder's advice to exporter369. 货运代理收据证明forwarder's certificate of receipt370. 港口费用单port charges documents371. 入库单warehouse warrant372. 装卸单handling order373. 通行证gate pass374. 运单waybill375. 通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document 376. 空集装箱提单empty container bill377. 油轮提单tanker bill of lading378. 全程提单house bill of lading379. 押运正式确认escort official recognition 380. 分段计费单证recharging document381. 国人员物品申报crew's effects declaration 382. 要求交货通知calling foward notice383. 托收通知advice of collection384. 油污民事责任书civil liability for oil certificate 385. 载重线证书loadline document386. 免于除鼠证书derat document387. 航海健康证书maritime declaration of health 388. 船舶登记证书certificate of registry389. 船用物品申报单ship's stores declaration 390. 陆运单road list-SMGS。

外贸与单证常用英语单证基础英语1、单证certificate document2、航空运单air waybill3、提单bill of lading4、报关单bill of entry5、一般原产地证书certificate of origin6、普惠制原产地格式A证书GSP Certificate for Original Form A7、GSP abbr.Generalized System of Preference( 关税)一般特惠制8、清洁提单clean bill of lading9、信用证letter of credit L/C10、信用证credit11、不可撤消信用证irrevocable L/C12、光票信用证clean credit13、发票invoice14、商业发票commercial invoice15、形式发票Proforma invoice16、合同contract17、销售确认书Sales confirmation18、销售合同Sales contract19、定单Order20、定货单Purchase order21、装箱单Packing list22、许可证licence23、出口许可证export licence24、进口许可证import licence25、一式两份in duplicate26、一式三份in triplicate27、一式四份in quadruplicate28、单据,文件document29、跟单信用证documentary credit30、汇票draft31、跟单汇票documentary draft32、保函letter of guarantee33、标记及号码Mark and No.34、原产国标记Marks of origin35、尺码单Measurement list36、证据,凭证evidence37、检验证书inspection certificate38、包装检验证书certificate of packing39、品质检验证书certificate of quality40、数量检验证书certificate of quantity41、重量检验证书certificate of weight42、健康证书certificate of health43、中国强制认证China Compulsory Certificate (CCC)44、装船通知Shipping advice45、签发日期issuing date46、装货通知单Shipping note47、即期汇票Sight draft48、即期信用证Sight L/C49、签名Signature50、有效期限Valid period51、全程联运提单Through bill of lading52、重量单Weight list53、产地Place of origin54、消费者consumer55、CFR (cost and freight)成本加运费价56、D/P(document against payment)付款交单57、C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证58、CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱59、DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元60、PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等61、G.W.(gross weight)毛重62、EXP(export)出口63、MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度64、MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨65、INV (invoice)发票66、REF (reference)参考、查价67、STL.(style)式样、款式、类型68、PR或PRC(price) 价格69、S/C(sales contract)销售确认书70、B/L (bill of lading) 提单71、CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价72、T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇73、D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单74、G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制75、PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等76、DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打WT(weight)重量77、N.W.(net weight)净重78、EA(each)每个,各79、w/o(without)没有80、IMP(import)进口81、MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的82、M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的83、S.S(steamship)船运84、P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表85、PCT (percent)百分比86、EMS (express mail special)特快传递87、T或LTX或TX(telex)电传88、S/M (shipping marks)装船标记89、PUR (purchase)购买、购货90、L/C (letter of credit) 信用证91、FOB (free on board)离岸价国际贸易运输单词B/L (bill of lading)提单B/R 买价Buying RateCFR 成本加运费(……指定目的港)CIF 成本、保险费加运费付至(……指定目的港)FOB (离岸价):FREE ON BOARDCPT 运费付至(……指定目的港)CPT 运费付至目的地Carriage Paid ToCIP 运费、保险费付至(……指定目的地)CIP 运费、保险费付至目的地Carriage and Insurance Paid To CY/CY 整柜交货(起点/终点)C.Y. 货柜场Container YardCY(码头):CONTAINER YARDCFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATIONC/D (customs declaration)报关单C.C.(运费到付):COLLECTCNTR NO. (柜号):CONTAINER NUMBERC.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱C/(CNEE) 收货人ConsigneeC/O 产地证Certificate of OriginCOMM 商品CommodityCTNR 柜子ContainerD/P 付款交单Document Against PaymentDOC (document)文件、单据Doc# 文件号码Document NumberD/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打D/O 到港通知Delivery OrderEXP(export)出口EA(each)每个,各CIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT FCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOADLCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOADForm A ---产地证(贸易公司)F/F 货运代理Freight ForwarderFE U 40‘柜型Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40’G.W.(gross weight)毛重N.W.(net weight)净重G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制HB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADINGHBL 子提单House B/LINT(international)国际的INV (invoice)发票IMP(import)进口I/S 内销售Inside SalesIA 各别调价Independent ActionFCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOADLCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOADLCL 拼柜Less Than Container LoadL/C (letter of credit)信用证L/C 信用证Letter of CreditLand Bridge 陆桥MB/L 主提单Master Bill Of LoadingMIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨M/T 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)Measurement TonMAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的NOVCC(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIER N/F 通知人NotifyO/F 海运费Ocean FreightOBL 海运提单Ocean (or original )B/LOP 操作OperationREF (reference)参考、查价RMB(renminbi)人民币PR或PRC(price) 价格P/P(运费预付):FREIGHT PREPAIDP.P 预付PrepaidPKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表PCT (percent)百分比PUR (purchase)购买、购货S/O(订舱单):SHIPPING ORDERS/O 装货指示书Shipping OrderSEAL NO. (铅封号)S/C(sales contract)销售确认书S/C 售货合同Sales ContractSC 服务合同Service ContractSTL.(style)式样、款式、类型S.S(steamship)船运S/M (shipping marks)装船标记S/(Shpr) 发货人ShipperS/R 卖价Selling RateT/T(电汇):TELEGRAM TRANSITT/T 航程Transit TimeT/S 转船,转运Trans-ShipTEU 20‘柜型Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit 20’TTL 总共TotalT或LTX或TX(telex)电传VESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次)VOCC 船公司Vessel Operating Common CarrierW (with)具有WT(weight)重量w/o(without)没有W/M 即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费Weight or Measurement ton信用证(L/C)用语信用证种类——Kinds of L/C1. revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C 可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/ 远期信用证4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证5. documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证信用证有关各方名称——Names of Parties Concerned1. opener 开证人(1)applicant 开证人(申请开证人)(2) opener 开证人(3) at the request of Messrs 应(某人)请求2.beneficiary 受益人(1)beneficiary 受益人(2)in favour of 以(某人)为受益人(3)in one's favour 以……为受益人3.drawee 付款人(或称受票人,指汇票)(1)to drawn on (or :upon) 以(某人)为付款人(2)to value on 以(某人)为付款人(3)to issued on 以(某人)为付款人4.drawer 出票人5.advising bank 通知行(1)advising bank 通知行(2)the notifying bank 通知行(3) advised by airmail/cable through…bank 通过……银行航空信/电通知6.opening bank 开证行(1)opening bank 开证行(2)issuing bank 开证行(3)establishing bank 开证行7.negotiation bank 议付行(1)negotiating bank 议付行(2)negotiation bank 议付行8.paying bank 付款行9. documents required 单据要求10.Draft(Bill of Exchange)(1)available by drafts at sight 凭即期汇票付款(2)draft(s)to be drawn at 30 days sight 开立30天的期票(3)sight drafs 即期汇票(4)time drafts 远期汇票11.Invoicesigned commercial invoice 已签署的商业发票(in duplicate 一式两in triplicate 一式三份in quadruplicate 一式四份in quintuplicate 一式五份in sextuplicate 一式六份in septuplicate 一式七份in octuplicate 一式八份in nonuplicate 一式九份in decuplicate 一式十份)e.g..beneficiary's original signed commercial invoices at least in 8 copies issued in the name of the buyer indicating (showing/evidencing/specifying/declaration of)the merchandise, country of origin and any other relevant information. 以买方的名义开具、注明商品名称、原产国及其他有关资料,并经签署的受益人的商业发票正本至少一式八份12.Bill of Loading——提单e.g. full set shipping(company's)clean on board bill(s)of lading marked "Freight Prepaid" to order of shipper endorsed to … Bank, notifying buyers 全套装船(公司的)洁净已装船提单应注明“运费付讫”,作为以装船人指示为抬头、背书给……银行,通知买方2.bills of lading made out in negotiable form 作成可议付形式的提单13.Certificate of Origine.g.certificate of origin of China showing 中国产地证明书certificate of origin “form A” “格式A”产地证明书14.Packing List and Weight Liste.g .packing list deatiling the complete inner packing specification and contents of each package载明每件货物之内部包装的规格和内容的装箱单packing list showing in detail… 注明……细节的装箱单14. The Stipulation for Shipping Termsloading port and destinaltion装运港与目的港(1)despatch/sh ipment from Chinese port to… 从中国港口发送/装运往……(2)evidencing shipment from China to… CFR by steamer in transit Saudi Arabia not later than 15th July, 1987 of the goods specified below 列明下面的货物按成本加运费价格用轮船不得迟于1987年7月15日从中国通过沙特阿拉伯装运到……date of shipment 装船期(1)bills of lading must be dated not later than August 15, 1987 提单日期不得迟于1987年8月15日(2)shipment must be effected not later than(or on)July 30,1987 货物不得迟于(或于)1987年7月30日装运(3)shipment latest date… 最迟装运日期:……(4)evidencing shipment/despatch on or before… 列明货物在…年…月…日或在该日以前装运/发送(5)from China port to … not later than 31st August, 1987 不迟于1987年8月31日从中国港口至……partial shipments and transhipment 分运与转运(1)partial shipments are (not) permitted (不)允许分运(2)partial shipments (are) allowed (prohibited) 准许(不准)分运(3)without transhipment 不允许转运(4)transhipment at Hongkong allowed 允许在香港转船外贸单证词汇对照一、发票(Invoice)上的主要内容发票Invoice(INV.)合同Contract ONT.单价Unit Price货物描述Description Goods总额Amount AMT规格、型号Model总价Total Amout尺寸Size件数Packages PKGS数量Quantity毛重Gross Weight G.W.原产国Made In / Origin净重Net Weight N.W.装货港Port of Loading P.O.L.保险费Insurance目的国Destination Country杂费Extras指运港Port of Destination P.O.D.佣金Commission运费Freight折扣Rebate/Allowance二、提单(Bill of loading)上的主要内容提单Bill of loading B/L承运人Carrier托运人Shipper收货人Consignee被通知人Notify Party空运提单Air Way Bill A.W.B.停靠港Port of Call P.O.C空运提单Air Freight Bill A.F.B.卸货港Port of Discharge P.O.D原产国Made In/Origin/M装货港Port of Loading P.O.L船名及航次Ocean Vessel V oy. No.转运港Port of Transfer到达港Port of Arrival P.A经过Via指运港Port of Destination P.O.D.转运到Intransit to三、装箱单(packing list)上的主要内容合同Contract件数Packages PKGS货物描述Description of Goods规格、型号Model尺寸Size净重Net Weight N.W.毛重Gross Weight G.W/GR.WT.数量Quantity总额Amount原产国Made In/Origin装货港Port of Loading目的国Destination Country指运港Port of Destionation集装箱Container运费Freight唛头及编号Marks & Nos.四、原产地证单词。

外贸单据词汇的中英文对照集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]外贸单据词汇的中英文对照船舶登记证书 certificate of registry船用物品申报单 ship's stores declaration出口许可证申请表 export licence, application出口许可证 export licence出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprotT出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder TT1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document.nbspT5铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment noteT2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L分析证书 certificate of analysis一致性证书 cettificate of conformity质量证书 certificate of quality测试报告 test report产品性能报告 product performance report产品规格型号报告 product specification report工艺数据报告 process data report首样测试报告 first sample test report价格/销售目录 price /sales catalogue参与方信息 party information农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate家产品加工厂证书 post receipt邮政收据 post receipt重量证书 weight certificate重量单 weight list证书 cerificate价值与原产地综合证书 combined certificate of value adn origin移动声明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1数量证书 certificate of quantity质量数据报文 quality data message查询 query查询回复 response to query订购单 purchase order制造说明 manufacturing instructions领料单 stores requisition产品售价单 invoicing data sheet 包装说明 packing instruction内部运输单 internal transport order统计及其他管理用内部单证 statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments直接支付估价申请 direct payment valuation request 直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation支付估价单 payment valuation数量估价单 quantity valuation request数量估价申请 quantity valuation request合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ不祭价投标数量单 unpriced tender BOQ标价投标数量单 priced tender BOQ询价单 enquiry临时支付申请 interim application for payment支付协议 agreement to pay意向书 letter of intent订单 order总订单 blanket order现货订单 sport order租赁单 lease order紧急订单 rush order修理单 repair order分订单 call off order寄售单 consignment order样品订单 sample order换货单 swap order订购单变更请求 purchase order change request订购单回复 purchase order response租用单 hire order备件订单 spare parts order交货说明 delivery instructions交货计划表 delivery schedule按时交货 delivery just-in-time发货通知 delivery release交货通知 delivery note装箱单 packing list发盘/报价 offer/quotation报价申请 request for quote合同 contract订单确认 acknowledgement of order形式发票 proforma invoice部分发票 partial invoice操作说明 operating instructions铭牌 name/product plate交货说明请求 request for delivery instructions订舱申请 booking request装运说明 shipping instructions托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air)短途货运单 cartage order(local transport)待运通知 ready for despatch advice发运单 despatch order发运通知 despatch advice单证分发通知 advice of distrbution of document.商业发票 commercial invoice贷记单 credit note佣金单 commission note借记单 debit note更正发票 corrected invoice合并发票 consolidated invoice预付发票 prepayment invoice租用发票 hire invoice税务发票 tax invoice自用发票 self-billed invoice保兑发票 delcredere invoice代理发票 factored invoice租赁发票 lease invoice寄售发票 consignment invoice代理贷记单 factored credit note银行转帐指示 instructions for bank transfer银行汇票申请书 application for banker's draft托收支付通知书 collection payment advice跟单信用证支付通知书 document.ry credit payment advice跟单信用证承兑通知书 document.ry credit acceptance advice 跟单信用证议付通知书 document.ry credit negotiation advice 银行担保申请书 application for banker's guarantee银行担保 banker's guarantee跟单信用证赔偿单 document.ry credit letter of indemnity信用证预先通知书 preadvice of a credit托收单 collection order单证提交单 document. presentation form付款单 payment order扩展付款单 extended payment order多重付款单 multiple payment order贷记通知书 credit advice扩展贷记通知书 extended credit advice借记通知书 debit advice借记撤消 reversal of debit贷记撤消 reversal of credit跟单信用证申请书 document.ry credit application跟单信用证 document.ry credit跟单信用证通知书 document.ry credit notification跟单信用证转让通知 document.ry credit transfer advice跟单信用证更改通知书 document.ry credit amendment notification跟单信用证更改单 document.ry credit amendment汇款通知 remittance advice银行汇票 banker's draft汇票 bill of exchange本票 promissory note帐户财务报表 financial statement of account帐户报表报文 statement of account message保险赁证 insurance certificate保险单 insurance policy保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau)保险人发票 insurer's invoice承保单 cover note货运说明 forwarding instructions货运代理给进口代理的通知 forwarder's advice to import agent货运代理给出口商的通知 forwarder's advice to exporter货运代理发票 forwarder's invoice货运代理收据证明 forwarder's certificate of receipt托运单 shipping note货运代理人仓库收据 forwarder's warehouse receipt货物收据 goods receipt港口费用单 port charges document.入库单 warehouse warrant提货单 delivery order装卸单 handling order通行证 gate pass运单 waybill通用(多用)运输单证 universal (multipurpose) transport document.承运人货物收据 goods receipt, carriage全程运单 house waybill主提单 master bill of lading提单 bill of lading正本提单 bill of lading original副本提单 bill of lading copy空集装箱提单 empty container bill油轮提单 tanker bill of lading海运单 sea waybill内河提单 inland waterway bill of lading不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document.nbsp(generic)大副据 mate's receipt全程提单 house bill of lading无提单提货保函 letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading货运代理人提单 forwarder's bill of lading铁路托运单(通用条款) rail consignment note (generic term)陆运单 road list-SMGS押运正式确认 escort official recognition分段计费单证 recharging document.公路托运单 road cosignment note空运单 air waybill主空运单 master air waybill分空运单 substitute air waybill国人员物品申报 crew's effects declaration乘客名单 passenger list铁路运输交货通知 delivery notice(rail transport)邮递包裹投递单 despatch note (post parcels)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal/combined transport document.nbsp(generic)直达提单 through bill of lading货运代理人运输证书 forwarder's certificate of transport联运单证(通用) combined transport document.nbsp(generic)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document.nbsp(generic)多式联运提单 combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading订舱确认 booking confirmation要求交货通知 calling foward notice运费发票 freight invoice货物到达通知 arrival notice(goods)无法交货的通知 notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)无法运货通知 notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)交货通知 delivery notice (goods)载货清单 cargo manifest载货运费清单 freight manifest公路运输货物清单 bordereau集装箱载货清单 container manifes (unit packing list)铁路费用单 charges note托收通知 advice of collection船舶安全证书 safety of ship certificate无线电台安全证书 safety of radio certificate设备安全证书 safety of equipment certificate油污民事责任书 civil liability for oil certificate载重线证书 loadline document.免于除鼠证书 derat document.航海健康证书 maritime declaration of health船舶登记证书 certificate of registry船用物品申报单 ship's stores declaration出口许可证申请表 export licence, application出口许可证 export licence出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprotT出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder TT1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document.nbspT5铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment noteT2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L 出口货物报关单 goods declaration for exportation离港货物报关单 cargo declaration(departure)货物监管证书申请表 application for goods control certificate货物监管证书申请表 goods control certificate植物检疫申请表 application for phytosanitary certificate植物检疫证书 phytosanilary certificate卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate动物检疫证书 veterinary certifieate商品检验申请表 application for inspection certificate商品检验证书 inspection certificate原产地证书申请表 certificate of origin, application for原产地证书 certificate of origin原产地申明 declaration of origin地区名称证书 regional appellation certificate优惠原产地证书 preference certificate of origin普惠制原产地证书 certificate of origin form GSP领事发票 cosular invoice危险货物申报单 dangerous goods declaration出口统计报表 statistical doucument, export国际贸易统计申报单 intrastat declaration交货核对证明 delivery verification certificate进口许可证申请表 import licence, application for进口许可证 import licence无商业细节的报关单 customs declaration without commercial detail 有商业和项目细节的报关单 customs declaration with commercial and item detail无项目细节的报关单 customs declaration without item detail有关单证 related document.海关收据 receipt (Customs)调汇申请 application for exchange allocation调汇许可 foreign exchange permit进口外汇管理申报 exchange control declaration (import)进口货物报关单 goods declaration for implortation内销货物报关单 goods declaration for home use海关即刻放行报关单 customs immediate release declaration海关放行通知 customs delivery note到港货物报关单 cargo declaration (arrival)货物价值申报清单 value declaration海关发票 customs invoice邮包报关单 customs deciaration (post parcels)增值税申报单 tax declaration (value added tax)普通税申报单 tax declaration (general)催税单 tax demand禁运货物许可证 embargo permit海关转运货物报关单 goods declaration for customs transitTIF国际铁路运输报关单 TIF formTIR国际公路运输报关单 TIR carnet欧共体海关转运报关单 EC carnetEUR1欧共体原产地证书 EUR 1 certificate of origin 暂准进口海关文件 ATA carnt欧共体统一单证 single administrative document.海关一般回复general response (Customs)海关公文回复 document.nbspresponse (Customs)海关误差回复 error response (Customs)海关一揽子回复 packae response (Customs)海关计税/确认回复 tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs)配额预分配证书 quota prior allocation certificate最终使用授权书 end use authorization政府合同 government contract进口统计报表 statistical document. import跟单信用证开证申请书 application for document.ry credit先前海关文件/报文 previous Customs document.message。
外贸单证英语(常用英语词汇及缩写) 大全

外贸单证英语(常用英语词汇及缩写) 大全1.revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远期信用证4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证6.revolving L/C 循环信用证7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C延付信用证/预支信用证11.back to back L/Creciprocal L/C对背信用证/对开信用证12.traveller's L/C(or:circular L/C)旅行信用证跟单文据1.available against surrender of the following documents bearing our credit number and the full name and address of the opener 凭交出下列注名本证号码和开证人的全称及地址的单据付款2.drafts to be accompanied by the documents marked(×)below 汇票须随附下列注有(×)的单据3.accompanied against to documents hereinafter随附下列单据4.accompanied by following documents随附下列单据5.documents required单据要求6.accompanied by the following documents marked(×)in duplicate 随附下列注有(×)的单据一式两份7.drafts are to be accompanied by…汇票要随附(指单据)……汇票种类1.the kinds of drafts汇票种类(1)available by drafts at sight凭即期汇票付款(2)draft(s) to be drawn at 30 days sight开立30天的期票(3)sight drafs 即期汇票(4)time drafts 原期汇票2.drawn clauses 出票条款(注:即出具汇票的法律依据)(1)all darfts drawn under this credit must contain the clause “Drafts drawn Under Bank of…credit No.…dated…” 本证项下开具的汇票须注明“本汇票系凭……银行……年……月……日第…号信用证下开具”的条款(2)draft s are to be drawn in duplicate to our order bearing the clause “Drawn under United Malayan Banking Corp.Bhd.Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.…dated July 12, 1978” 汇票一式两份,以我行为抬头,并注明“根据马来西亚联合银行1978年7月12日第……号不可撤销信用证项下开立”(3)draft(s) drawn under this credit to be marked:“Drawn under…Bank L/C No.……Dated (issuing date of credit)” 根据本证开出得汇票须注明“凭……银行……年……月……日(按开证日期)第……号不可撤销信用证项下开立”(4)drafts in duplicate at sight bearing the clauses“Drawn under…L/C No.…dated…” 即期汇票一式两份,注明“根据……银行信用证……号,日期……开具”(5)draft(s) so drawn must be in scribed with the number and date of this L/C 开具的汇票须注上本证的号码和日期(6)draft(s) bearing the clause:“Drawn under documentary credit No.…(shown above) of…Bank” 汇票注明“根据……银行跟单信用证……号(如上所示)项下开立”发票1.signed commercial invoice已签署的商业发票in duplicate 一式两份in triplicate 一式三份in quadruplicate 一式四份in quintuplicate 一式五份in sextuplicate 一式六份in septuplicate 一式七份in octuplicate一式八份in nonuplicate 一式九份in decuplicate 一式十份2.beneficiary's original signed commercial invoices at least in 8 copies issued in the name of the buyer indicating (showing/evidencing/specifying/declaration of) the merchandise, country of origin and any otherrelevant information. 以买方的名义开具、注明商品名称、原产国及其他有关资料,并经签署的受益人的商业发票正本至少一式八份3.Signed attested invoice combined with certificate of origin and value in 6 copies as reuired for imports into Nigeria. 以签署的,连同产地证明和货物价值的,输入尼日利亚的联合发票一式六份4.beneficiary must certify on the invoice…have been sent to the accountee 受益人须在发票上证明,已将……寄交开证人5.4% discount should be deducted from total amount of the commercial invoice 商业发票的总金额须扣除4%折扣6.invoice must be showed: under A/P No.… date of expiry 19th Jan. 1981 发票须表明:根据第……号购买证,满期日为1981年1月19日7.documents in combined form are not acceptable不接受联合单据bined invoice is not acceptable 不接受联合发票提单1.full set shipping (company's) clean on board bill(s) of lading marked "Freight Prepaid" to order of shipper endorsed to … Bank, notifying buyers 全套装船(公司的)洁净已装船提单应注明“运费付讫”,作为以装船人指示为抬头、背书给……银行,通知买方2.bills of lading made out in negotiable form 作成可议付形式的提单3.clean shipped on board ocean bills of lading to order and endorsed in blank marked "Freight Prepaid" notify: importer(openers,accountee) 洁净已装船的提单空白抬头并空白背书,注明“运费付讫”,通知进口人(开证人)4.full set of clean "on board" bills of lading/cargo receipt made out to our order/to order and endorsed in blank notify buyers M/S … Co. calling for shipment from China to Hamburg marked "Freight prepaid" / "Freight Payable at Destination" 全套洁净“已装船”提单/货运收据作成以我(行)为抬头/空白抬头,空白背书,通知买方……公司,要求货物字中国运往汉堡,注明“运费付讫”/“运费在目的港付”5.bills of lading issued in the name of…提单以……为抬头6.bills of lading must be dated not before the date of this credit and not later than Aug. 15, 1977 提单日期不得早于本证的日期,也不得迟于1977年8月15日7.bill of lading marked notify: buyer,“Freight Prepaid”“Liner terms”“received for shipment” B/L not acceptable提单注明通知买方,“运费预付”按“班轮条件”,“备运提单”不接受8.non-negotiable copy of bills of lading 不可议付的提单副本保险单/凭证1.Risks & Coverage险别(1)free from particular average (F.P.A.)平安险(2)with particular average (W.A.)水渍险(基本险)(3)all risk 一切险(综合险)(4)total loss only (T.L.O.) 全损险(5)war risk 战争险(6)cargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款(7)additional risk 附加险(8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款(9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery (T.P.N.D.)盗窃提货不着险(10)rain fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险(11)risk of shortage 短量险(12)risk of contamination 沾污险(13)risk of leakage 渗漏险(14)risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险(15)risk of odour 串味险(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险(17)hook damage 钩损险(18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险(19)risk of rusting 锈损险(20)risk of mould 发霉险(21)strike, riots and civel commotion (S.R.C.C.) 罢工、暴动、民变险(22)risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险(23)deterioration risk 腐烂变质险(24)inherent vice risk 内在缺陷险(25)risk of natural loss or normal loss途耗或自然损耗险(26)special additional risk 特别附加险(27)failure to delivery 交货不到险(28)import duty 进口关税险(29)on deck 仓面险(30)rejection 拒收险(31)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险(32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong, including Kowloon, or Macao 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款(33)survey in customs risk 海关检验险(34)survey at jetty risk 码头检验险(35)institute war risk 学会战争险(36)overland transportation risks陆运险(37)overland transportation all risks陆运综合险(38)air transportation risk 航空运输险(39)air transportation all risk 航空运输综合险(40)air transportation war risk 航空运输战争险(41)parcel post risk 邮包险(42)parcel post all risk 邮包综合险(43)parcel post war risk 邮包战争险(44)investment insurance(political risks) 投资保险(政治风险)(45)property insurance 财产保险(46)erection all risks 安装工程一切险(47)contractors all risks 建筑工程一切险外贸单证英语询价单enquiry临时支付申请interim application for payment支付协议agreement to pay意向书letter of intent订单order总订单blanket order现货订单sport orde租赁单lease order紧急订单rush order修理单repair order分订单call off order寄售单consignment order样品订单sample order换货单swap order订购单变更请求purchase order change request Array订购单回复purchase order response租用单hire order备件订单spare parts order交货说明delivery instructions交货计划表delivery schedule按时交货delivery just-in-time发货通知delivery release交货通知delivery note装箱单packing list发盘/报价offer/quotation报价申请request for quote合同contract订单确认acknowledgement of order形式发票proforma invoice部分发票partial invoice操作说明operating instructions铭牌name/product plate交货说明请求request for delivery instructions订舱申请booking request装运说明shipping instructions托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air)短途货运单cartage order(local transport)待运通知ready for despatch advice发运单despatch order发运通知despatch advice单证分发通知advice of distrbution of document.商业发票commercial invoice贷记单credit note佣金单commission note借记单debit note更正发票corrected invoice合并发票consolidated invoice预付发票prepayment invoice税务发票tax invoice自用发票self-billed invoice保兑发票delcredere invoice代理发票factored invoice租赁发票lease invoice寄售发票consignment invoice代理贷记单factored credit note银行转帐指示instructions for bank transfer银行汇票申请书application for banker's draft托收支付通知书collection payment advice跟单信用证支付通知书document.ry credit payment advice跟单信用证承兑通知书document.ry credit acceptance advice跟单信用证议付通知书document.ry credit negotiation advice银行担保申请书application for banker's guarantee银行担保banker's guarantee跟单信用证赔偿单document.ry credit letter of indemnity信用证预先通知书preadvice of a credit托收单collection order单证提交单document.presentation form付款单payment order扩展付款单extended payment order多重付款单multiple payment order贷记通知书credit advice扩展贷记通知书extended credit advice借记通知书debit advice借记撤消reversal of debit贷记撤消reversal of credit跟单信用证申请书document.ry credit application跟单信用证document.ry credit跟单信用证通知书document.ry credit notification跟单信用证转让通知document.ry credit transfer advice跟单信用证更改通知书document.ry credit amendment notification跟单信用证更改单document.ry credit amendment汇款通知remittance advice银行汇票banker's draft汇票bill of exchange本票promissory note帐户财务报表financial statement of account帐户报表报文statement of account message保险赁证insurance certificate保险单insurance policy保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau)保险人发票insurer's invoice承保单cover note货运说明forwarding instructions货运代理给进口代理的通知forwarder's advice to import agent货运代理给出口商的通知forwarder's advice to exporter货运代理发票forwarder's invoice货运代理收据证明forwarder's certificate of receipt托运单shipping note货运代理人仓库收据forwarder's warehouse receipt货物收据goods receipt港口费用单port charges document.入库单warehouse warrant提货单delivery order装卸单handling order通行证gate pass通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document承运人货物收据goods receipt, carriage全程运单house waybill主提单master bill of lading提单bill of lading正本提单bill of lading original副本提单bill of lading copy空集装箱提单empty container bill油轮提单tanker bill of lading海运单sea waybill内河提单inland waterway bill of lading不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document.nbsp(generic)大副据mate's receipt全程提单house bill of lading无提单提货保函letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading货运代理人提单forwarder's bill of lading铁路托运单(通用条款) rail consignment note (generic term)陆运单road list-SMGS押运正式确认escort official recognition分段计费单证recharging document.公路托运单road cosignment note空运单air waybill主空运单master air waybill分空运单substitute air waybill国人员物品申报crew's effects declaration乘客名单passenger list铁路运输交货通知delivery notice(rail transport)邮递包裹投递单despatch note (post parcels)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal/combined transport document.nbsp(generic)直达提单through bill of lading Array货运代理人运输证书forwarder's certificate of transport联运单证(通用) combined transport document.nbsp(generic)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document.多式联运提单combined transport bill of lading/订舱确认booking confirmation要求交货通知calling foward notice运费发票freight invoice货物到达通知arrival notice(goods)无法交货的通知notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)无法运货通知notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)交货通知delivery notice (goods)载货清单cargo manifest载货运费清单freight manifest公路运输货物清单bordereau集装箱载货清单container manifes (unit packing list)铁路费用单charges note托收通知advice of collection船舶安全证书safety of ship certificate无线电台安全证书safety of radio certificate设备安全证书safety of equipment certificate油污民事责任书civil liability for oil certificate载重线证书loadline document.免于除鼠证书derat document.航海健康证书maritime declaration of health船舶登记证书certificate of registry船用物品申报单ship's stores declaration出口许可证申请表export licence, application Array出口许可证export licence出口结汇核销单exchange control declaration, exprotT出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder TT1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document.nbspT5铁路运输退运单re-sending consigment noteT2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L出口货物报关单goods declaration for exportation离港货物报关单cargo declaration(departure)货物监管证书申请表application for goods control certificate货物监管证书申请表goods control certificate植物检疫申请表application for phytosanitary certificate植物检疫证书phytosanilary certificate卫生检疫证书sanitary certificate动物检疫证书veterinary certifieate商品检验申请表application for inspection certificate商品检验证书inspection certificate原产地证书申请表certificate of origin, application for原产地证书certificate of origin原产地申明declaration of origin地区名称证书regional appellation certificate优惠原产地证书preference certificate of origin普惠制原产地证书certificate of origin form GSP领事发票cosular invoice危险货物申报单dangerous goods declaration出口统计报表statistical doucument, export国际贸易统计申报单intrastat declaration交货核对证明delivery verification certificate进口许可证申请表import licence, application for进口许可证import licence无商业细节的报关单customs declaration without commercial detail有商业和项目细节的报关单customs declaration with commercial and item detail 无项目细节的报关单customs declaration without item detail有关单证related document.海关收据receipt (Customs)调汇申请application for exchange allocation调汇许可foreign exchange permit进口外汇管理申报exchange control declaration (import)进口货物报关单goods declaration for implortation内销货物报关单goods declaration for home use海关即刻放行报关单customs immediate release declaration海关放行通知customs delivery note到港货物报关单cargo declaration (arrival)货物价值申报清单value declaration海关发票customs invoice邮包报关单customs deciaration (post parcels)增值税申报单tax declaration (value added tax)普通税申报单tax declaration (general)催税单tax demand禁运货物许可证embargo permit海关转运货物报关单goods declaration for customs transitTIF国际铁路运输报关单TIF formTIR国际公路运输报关单TIR carnet欧共体海关转运报关单EC carnetEUR1欧共体原产地证书EUR 1 certificate of origin暂准进口海关文件ATA carnt欧共体统一单证single administrative document.海关一般回复general response (Customs)海关公文回复document.nbspresponse (Customs)海关误差回复error response (Customs)海关一揽子回复packae response (Customs)海关计税/确认回复tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs)配额预分配证书quota prior allocation certificate最终使用授权书end use authorization政府合同government contract进口统计报表statistical document.import跟单信用证开证申请书application for document.ry credit外贸单证常用英语词汇及缩写*cu.ft.;cb.ft. cubic foot 立方英尺cubic meter 立方米*cur.;curt. current(this month)本月*cur. currency 币制cu.yd.;cb.yd. cubic yard 立方码C.W.O. cash with order 订货时付款c.w.t.;cwt. hundredweight 英担(122磅)*CY Container Yard 集装箱堆场*d. denarii(L),penny or pence 便士美分*D/A Document against Acceptance 承兑交单d/a days after acceptance 承兑后若干天(交款)*D.D.;D/D Demand draft 即期汇票Delivered at docks 码头交货*D/d documentary draft 跟单汇票*Dec. December 十二月*Deld. delivered 交付*dept. department 部;股;处*destn. destination 目的港;目的地D/f dead freight 空舱费drt. draft 汇票*diam. diameter 直径*diff. difference 差额;差异*dis.;disc't discount 贴现;折扣;贴现息*dis.;Dolls. dollars 元*Dmge. Damage 损坏*destn. destination 目的港;目的地*D/N debit note 久款帐单*doc. document 单据*doc.att. document attached 附单据;附证件*D/P document against payment 付款交单*d.p. direct port 直达港口(直航:non-stop flight)d/s;d.s.;days.st. days after sight 见票后若干天付款*ds.;d's days 日dto.;do ditto 同上;同前*d.t. delivery time 交货时间*dup.;dupl.;duplte. duplicate 誊本;第二份;两份D.W.T. dead weight tonnage 载重吨*D/Y delivery 交付;交货*dz.;doz. dozen 打*ea. each 每*E/D Export Declaration 出口申报单E.E. errors excepted 错误当查;错误当改*E.E.C. European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体;EU European Union(欧盟) *e.g.;ex.g. Exempli gratia(L.)=for example 例如*end. endorsed;endorsement 背书*encl.;enc. ecnlosure 附件E.&O.E. errors and omissions excepted 错漏当查;错漏当改*E.O.M. end of month 月末*E.O.S. end of season 季末eq. equivalent 等值的,等量的e.q.m. equal quantity monthly 每月相等的数量Et.seq. Et sequentia(and other things)及以下所棕述的Et.al. Et.alibi(and elsewhere)等等*e.t.a.;eta;ETA estimated(expected)time of arrival 预计到时间etc. et cetera(L.)=and others 等等ETCL;etcl expected time of commencement of loading 预计开装时间*etd;ETD estimated(expected)time of departure 预计离港时间ETDEL expected time of delivery 预计交货时间ETFD expected time of finishing discharging 预计卸完时间ETFL expected time of finishing loading 预计装完时间ex per or out of 搭乘ex. excluding 除外;example 例子;样本*Exch. exchange,兑换;汇兑*Excl. exclusive or excluding 除外*ex.int. ex interest 无利息*exp. export 出口*Exs. expenses 费用*Ext. extra 特别的;额外的*F degree Fahrenheit 华氏度数;Degree Celsius 摄氏度F.A. free alongside(ship)(船)边交货f/a/a;F.A.A. free from all average 分损不赔(保险用语)*f.a.c. fast as can 尽快ASAP- As soon as possiblef.a.q.;E.A.Q. fair average quality 大路货;中等品质f.a.s.;F.A.S. free alongside ship 船边交货价F.B. freight bill 运费单*fc franc 法郎Fch. frachise 免赔率(一般指相对的)*FCL Full Container Load 整箱货F.C.&.S. free of capture and seizure clause 战争险不保条款*f.e. for example 例如*Feb. February 二月f.g.a.;F.G.A. free from general average 共同海损不赔f.i. for instance 例如;free in 船方不负担装船费*f.ig. figure 数字f.i.o. free in and out 船方不负担装卸费fi.o.s. free in,out and stowed 船方不负担装卸费及理舱费f.i.o.s.t. free in.lut,stowed and trimmed 船方不负担装卸费、理舱费及平舱费f.i.w. free in wagon 承运人不负担装入货车费*F/O in favor of 交付给……,以……为受益人f.o. free out 船方不负担卸货费F.O.A. free on aircraft 飞机上交货价fo.vo. filio verso=turn the page 转下页f.o.r.;F.O.R. free on rail 火车上交货价FOS.;f.o.s. free on steamer 船上交货价f.o.b.;F.O.B. free on board 船上交货价F.O.B.S. free on board stowed 包括理舱费在内的船上交货价*f.o.c. free of charges 免费f.ot.;fot free on truck 卡车上交货价F/P fire policy 火灾保险单E.P. floating policy 总括保险单F.P.A. free from particular average 平安险*frt.;frit.;fgt. freight 运费*frt.ppd freight prepaid 运费已预付*Ft. foot 英尺;in. inch 英寸ft.-lb. foot-pound 英尺磅(功的单位)f.w.d. fresh water damage 淡水损失fwd. forward 前面;接下页*F.X. foreign excharge 外汇Booking number:订舱号码*Vessel:船名*V oyage:航次CY Closing DA TE:截柜日期,截关日closing Date/Time:截柜日期*Expiry date:有效期限,到期日期*Sailing date:航行日期/船离开港口的日期*ETA (ESTIMA TED TIME OF ARRIV AL):预计到达时间,到港日(船到目的港日期)*ETD(ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY):开船日(起运港船离港日期)*ETC(ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING):截关日*Port of loading(POL):装货港Full Delivery Pickup Terminal:提重柜码头*Port of discharge:卸货港*Final destination:目的港,最终目的地*Quantity:数量*container:集装箱*weight:重量.*Gross weight:总重(一般是含柜重和货重)*Net Weight:净重*remarks:备注*Commodity:货物品名(Description)*Shipper:发货人*contact person:联络人*Sales Rep: 销售代表*BILL of Lading#:提单号,提单方案*Address:地址*Dangerous:危险或危险品/ 危险标志*Released: 释放,放行*Customer:客户*Carrier:承运人*Trucker:拖车公司/运输公司FCL full container load:整柜FCL:整箱,整箱货LCL less than container load :拼箱,拼箱货*Temp:温度Temperature*Vent:通风Ventilation*Humidity:湿度*Instruction:装货说明*Special Requirement:特殊要*WT(weight) :重量*G.W.(gross weight) :毛重*N.W.(net weight) :净重*MAX (maximum) :最大的、最大限度的*MIN (minimum):最小的,最低限度M 或MED (medium) :中等,中级的*P/L (packing list) :装箱单、明细表AA Automatic Approval 自动许可证a.a after arrival 到达以后A.A.R.;aar Against all risks 承保一切险abt.about 大约A/C.Account Current 往来帐户*A/C.Account 帐户,帐*Acc.Acceptance 承兑;Accepted 接受;account 帐户;Accident 意外事故(保险用语) *acpt.acceptance 承兑ACN.Air Consignment Note 空运托运单A/D.after date 期后ad;advt.advertisement 广告*advice 通知A.F.Advanced freights 预付运费*Ag.Agreement 同意;*Agent 代理人*A.l first-class 一等;一流*amt.amount 金额;总数;共计*a/c;acc/o account of..某人帐户*A/P;a.p.Additional Premium 附加保险费;额外保险费A.P.L.;a.p.l.As per list 按照表所列出的*app.appendix 附录*approx.pproximately;approximate 大约*Apr.April 四月*A.R.All Risks 一切险*arr.arrival;arrived 抵达*atten.attention 注意*Aug August 八月*Av.average 海损;平均*A.W.B air way bill 空运运单*Bal.balance 差额*bar.or brl.barrel 桶,琵琶桶C.C.Chamber of Commerce 商会*C.C.I.B.China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国商品检验局*C.& F.Cost and Freight 成本加运费价格*cgo.cargo 货物*chges.charges 费用*Chq Cheque 支票*C/O;c.o.Certificate of origin 产地证明书*pany 公司*corp.;corpn.;cor.corporation 公司*mission 佣金*cont.;contr.contract 合同;合约*contd.continued 继续;续(上页)*Cr.Credit 贷方;信用证;Creditor 债权人*Crt.crate 板条箱*diam.diameter 直径13个常用国际贸易价格术语一)工厂交货( EXW) 本术语英文为“EX Works(… named place)”,即“工厂交货(……指定地点)”。

外贸单证英语+单证英语词汇外贸单证英语单证英语词汇装箱单(又称货物明细单)Packing List(一)概述装箱单是发票的补充单据,它列明了信用证(或合同)中买卖双方约定的有关包装事宜的细节,便于国外买方在货物到达目的港时供海关检查和核对货物,通常可以将其有关内容加列在商业发票上,但是在信用证有明确要求时,就必须严格按信用证约定制作。
(二)装箱单的格式与说明•装箱单(Packing List):在中文〃装箱单〃上方的空白处填写出单人的中文名称地址,〃装箱单〃下方的英文可根据要求自行变换。
在某些情况下也可不填,或填写〃To whom it may concern〃(致有关人)。
•发票号(Invoice No.):填发票号码。
•运输标志(Marks and Numbers):又称唛头,是出口货物包装上的装运标记和号码。
•包装种类和件数、货物描述(Number and kind of packages, description of goods):填写货物及包装的详细资料,包括:货物名称、规格、数量和包装说明等内容。

accelerate trade payment(ATP) 加速贸易付款acceptance 承兑,接受acceptance letter of credit(acceptance L/C) 承兑信用证accepting bank 承兑行acceptor承兑人acknowledgement of insurance declaration 投保声明的回执actual delivery 实际交货actual quality 实际品质actual tare 实际皮重actual total loss 实际全损Ad.val (拉丁语)从价advanced bill of lading (advanced B/L) 预借提单advanced payment 预付货款advising bank 通知行afltoxin risk 黄曲霉素险agency 代理agent 代理商agreement 协议书agreement of consignment 寄售协议Air Express 急件传送air transportation all risks 航空运输一切险air transportation cargo war risks 航空运输货物战争险air transportation risks 航空运输险air waybill 航空货运单aligned document system 套合一致的单证all risks 一切险all risks for shipment of frozen products 冷藏货物运输一切险alteration charge 变更卸货港附加费American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists(AATCC)美国纺织化学师与印染师协会标准American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM)美国材料试验协会的标准announcement of tender 发布招标公告anticipatory letter of credit (anticipatory L/C)预支信用证ante-dated bill of lading (ante-dated B/L) 倒签提单antirust packaging 防锈包装applicant 开证申请人application for credit 开证申请书arbitration 仲裁arbitration agreement 提交仲裁协议arbitration application 仲裁申请arbitration clause 仲裁条款arbitration procedure 仲裁程序arrival contract 到达合同artificial harbor 人工港assembling with customer’s parts 来件装配assignment of proceed 款项让渡或款项过渡Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) 美国公职分析化学师协会标准assortment list 花色搭配单at buyer’s option 由买方决定at seller’s option 由卖方决定auction 拍卖auctioneer 拍卖人authority to purchase(A/P) 委托购买证automatic revolving letter of credit(automatic revolving L/C)自动循环信用证available by negotiation 议付兑现available by payment 付款兑现average price 平均价average tare 平均皮重avoidance of delay 防止延迟Bback to back letter of credit (back to back L/C) 对背信用证bale packing 捆包装bank credit card 信用卡bank guarantee 银行保证函banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票banker’s acceptance letter of credit (banker’s acceptance L/C) 银行承兑信用证banker’s bill 银行汇票banker’s cheque 银行支票banking charges 银行费用barter trade 易货贸易base port 基本港beneficiary 受益人benefit of insurance 保险利益berth terms 船方负担装卸费bid 递盘bid bond 投标保证金,投标押金bidding documents 编制招标文件bill for collection(B/C) 托收汇票bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading (B/L) 海运提单bill of lading weight 提单货量blank endorsement 空白背书bona fide holder 善意持有人book 订购booking note 托运单both to blame collision clause (B.B.clause) 船船互撞条款breach of condition 违反要件breach of contract 违反合同breach of innominate terms 违反无名条款breach of intermediate terms 违反中间性条款breach of warranty 违反担保或违反随附条件brief cable 简电本British standard(BS) 英国(工业)标准bulk cargo 散装货物bunker adjustment factor(BAF) 燃油附加费business negotiation 交易磋商buyback 回购b uyer’s sample 买方样buyer’s usance credit 买方远期信用证buying hedging 买期保值buying offer 购货发盘Ccable address (C/A) 电挂cable confirmation 电报证实书cable credit 电开信用证call of tender 招标Canadian Standards Association (C.S.A) 加拿大标准协会canceling date 解约日cargo in bulk 散装货物cargo manifest 货物舱单cargo plan 积载图又名船图cargo receipt 承运货物收据carriage and insurance paid to (…named place of destination)(CIP) 运费、保险费付至(…指定的地)carriage paid to (…named place of destination)(CPT) 运费付至(…指定目的地)carton 纸箱cash against documents 凭单付款cash discount 现金折扣cash in advance(C.I.A) 预付现款cash in order(C.I.O) 订货时付款cash on delivery (C.O.D) 交货付款cash with order (C.W.O) 附订单付现certificate for dispatch of documents 寄单证明certificate for dispatch of shipment samples 寄样证明certificate in regard to handlooms textile handcrafts and traditional textile products of the cottage i ndustry 手工制纺织品产地证certificate of age of vessel 船龄证明书certificate of classification 船舶船级证明certificate of compliance 明白证明书certificate of date of sailing 开船证明书certificate of delivery 交货证明书certificate of departure from port 离港证明书certificate of load line 船舶载重线证明certificate of vessel’s nationality 船舶国籍证明certificate of origin 产地证明书certificate of textile products 纺织品产地证certificate of ownership 所有权证书certificate of weight 重量证书certified cheque 保付支票certified invoice 证实发票或签证发票CFR ex ship’s hold CFR 舱底交货CFR ex tackle CFR 吊钩下交货CFR landed CFR 卸到岸上CFR liner terms CFR 班轮条件CFS to CFS (集装箱运输)站到站CFS to CY (集装箱运输)站到厂CFS to door (集装箱运输)站到门China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (C.C.P.I.T) 中国国际贸易促进委员会China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Certificate of Origin (CCPIT certificate of origin) 中国国际贸易促进委员会产地证China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (CIQ) 中国出入境检验检疫局China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation (SINOTRANS) 中国外贸运输公司China Ocean Shipping Agency (COSA) 中国外轮代理公司China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) 中国远洋运输公司CIF ex ship’s hold CIF 舱底交货CIF ex tackle CIF 吊钩下交货CIF landed CIF 卸到岸上CIF Liner terms CIF 班轮条件claim 素赔clash and breakage risks 碰损、破碎险Class Rate Freight Tariff 等级运价表classification of commodities 货物分级表clean bill 光票clean bill of lading (clean B/L) 清洁提单clean letter of Credit (clean L/C) 光票信用证clean report of findings 清洁报告书closed bids 密封递价closed policy 总括保险单collecting bank 代收行collection 托收collection advice 托收委托书colour sample 色彩样品combined bill of lading (combined B/L) 并提单combined certificate 联合凭证combined certificate of value and origin 估价和原产地联合证明书combined documents 联合单据combined offer 复合发盘combined transport bill of lading (CTB/L) 联合运输提单commercial acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票commercial bill 商业汇票commercial documents 商业单据commercial invoice 商业发票commercial paper letter of credit (commercial paper L/C) 商业票据信用证commercial technology transfer 商业性技术转让commission 佣金commission agency 佣金代理commission agent 佣金代理商commodity exchange 商品交易所Commodity Futures Trading Commission 商品期货交易委员会commodity inspection 商品检验commodity inspection corporation (C.I.C) 商检公司common license 普通许可communicate to all address 分送电compensation agreement 补偿协定compensation system 补偿制compensation trade 补偿贸易complete knock down (C.K.D) 全拆卸complete set bill of lading (complete set B/L) 全套提单Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme (C.I.S.S) 全面进口监督计划computed tare 约定皮重conciliation 调解concurrent terms 对流条件conditional sale lease 销售租赁conditioned weight 公量confirm 保兑confirmation 确认书confirmed letter of credit (confirmed L/C) 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑行confirming sample 确认样consecutive days 连续日consideration对价consignee 收货人,代销商consignment 寄售consignment bill for highway transportation 公路货物运输托运单consignor 寄售人constructive delivery 推定全损constructive total loss 推定全损consular invoice 领事发票consular visa 领事签证consulting engineers 咨询工程公司consulting service顾问咨询container bill of lading (container B/L) 集装箱提单container freight station (C.F.S) 集装箱货运站container load 集装箱装载container load plan (C.L.P) 装箱单container number (container no.) 集装箱号container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场contingency insurance ,covers seller’s interest only 卖方利益险contract 合同contract for the international sale of goods 国际货物销售合同Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award 《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》cover note 暂保单co-production 合作生产copy of bill of lading (copy B/L) 副本提单correspondent bank 代理行cost and freight (…named port of destination)(CFR) 成本加运费(…指定目的港)cost, insurance and freight…(named port of destination)(CIF) 成本加运保费(…指定目的港)couriers receipts 快邮收据counter offer 还盘,还价counter purchase 互购counter sample 对等样品counter trade 对等贸易counter card 信用卡counter to expire abroad 国外到期信用证crew list 船舶船员名单cross license 交叉许可cross offer 交叉发盘crossed cheque 划线支票currency adjustment factor (CAF) 币值附加费customary packing 习惯包装customary tare 习惯皮重cutting sample 剪样CY to CFS (集装箱运输)场至站CY to CY (集装箱运输)场至场CY to door (集装箱运输)场至门DDalsey ,Hilbolom , Lind ,Courier’s Service DHL 信使专递dampproof packing 防潮包装date of issue 出票日期date of draft 出票日期dead freight 空舱费dead weight 总载重量dead-weight cargo 重货dead-weight tonnage 载重量吨位debit note(D/N) 借款帐单declaration of country of origin 原产地声明书deductible 绝对免赔率deferred payment 延期付款deferred payment letter of credit (deferred payment L/C) 迟期付款信用证delivered at frontier(…named place )(DAF) 边境交货(…指定地点)delivered duty paid(…named place of destination)(DDP) 完税后交货(…指定目的港)delivered duty unpaid(…named place of destination)(DDU) 未完税交货(…指定目的地)delivered ex quay (…named port of destination)(D.E.Q) 目的港码头交货(…指定目的地)delivered ex ship (…named port of destination)(D.E.S) 目的港船上交货(…指定目的港)delivery 交货delivery order (D/O) 提货单demand draft (D/D) 汇票demise charter 光船租船demurrage money 延期费,滞期费deposit receipt (D/R) 押金收据description of goods 货物说明desk to desk express service 桌到桌快递服务dispatch money 速谴费destination of discharge 目的地detail airmail 详见航邮件detailed invoice 详细发票detailed packing list 详细装箱单Diners Club international 大菜卡direct additional 直航附加费direct barter 直接易货direct bill of lading(direct B/L) 直运提单direct price 直接价discount 贴现discrepancy and clam clause 异议与索赔条款dishonor 拒付行为Disinfect ion Inspection Certificate 消毒检验证书displacement tonnage 排水量吨位disponent owner 船东dock receipt (D/R) 码头收据;场站收据documentary bill 跟单汇票documentary letter of credit (documentary L/C) 跟单信用证documentary against acceptance(D/A) 承兑交单documentary against payment(D/P) 付款交单documentary against payment with trust receipt (D/P.T/R) 付款交单凭信托收据借单domestic credit 国内信用证door to CFS (集装箱运输)门到站door to CY (集装箱运输)门到场door to door (集装箱运输)门到门D/P at …days after sight 远期付款交单D/P at sight 即期付款交单draft 汇票drawee 受票人,付款人drawee bank 付款行drawer 出票人,收款人duplicate sample 复样dutch auction 减价拍卖duty paid value 完税价格EEDI message 电子信息Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据通信Electronic Data Processing(EDP) 电子数据处理enclosure 附件endorsement 批单,背书engineering contracting 工程承包enquiry 询盘equipment lease 设备租赁errors and omissions excepted (E.&O.E) 有错当查,错误或遗漏不在此限establishing bank 开证行estimated time of arrival(E.T.A) 预定到达时间estimated time of departure(E.T.D) 预定开航时间;预定离港时间ex works (…named place)(EXW) 工厂交货(…指定地点)except as otherwise noted (E.A.O.N) 除非另有记载exclusive agency 独家代理exclusive agency agreement 独家代理协议exclusive agent 独家代理商exclusive distributor 包销商exclusive License 独占许可exclusive sale 包销exclusive sale agreement 包销协议expected time of finishing discharging (E.T.F.D) 预计卸完时间expected time of finishing loading(E.T.F.L) 预计装完时间export declaration(E/D) 出口申报书export freight manifest 出口载货运费清单或运费舱单export licence 出口许可证export licence textile products 纺织品出口许可证export manifest 出口载货清单exporter 出口人extraneous risks 外来风险Ffailure to deliver risk 交货不到险fair average quality (F.A.Q) 良好平均品质false bill of lading (false B/L) 伪造提单finance lease 融资租赁financial documents 资金单据fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination HongKong ,including Kowloon, or M acao(F.R.E.C) 货物出口到香港(包括九龙)或澳门寸仓火险责任扩展条款first beneficiary 第一收益人fixed price 固定价fixed scale rogalty 固定提成率flexible container 柔性集装袋FOB liner term FOB班轮条件FOB stowed(FOBS) FOB包括理舱FOB stowed and trimmed(F.O B.S.T) FOB包括平舱和理舱FOB trimmed(FOBT) FOB包括平舱FOB under tackle FOB钓钩下交货FOB vessel(---named port of shipment)指定运港船上交货Food and Drug Administration(FDA) 美国食品及药品管理局for reference only 仅供参考force majeure 不可抗力force majeure clause 不可抗力条款fortuitous accidents 意外事故forward price 期货价格forward cargo receipt(FCR) 运输代理人的承运货物收据forwarding agents 发货代理或货运代理foul bill of lading(foul B/l) 不清单提单franchise 相对免赔率free all average(F-A-A) 不计一切海损free alongside ship(---named port of shipment)(FAS) 船边交货(---指定装运港)free carrier(---named place)(FCA) 货交承运人(---指定地点)free from particular average (F-P-A) 平安险free in(F-I) 船方官卸不管装free in and out(F-I-O) 船房不管装和卸free in and out, stowed and trimmed(F-I-O-S-T) 船方不管装卸,理舱和平舱free on board(---named port of shipment) 装运港船上交货(---指定装运港)free out 船方管装不管卸free perimeter 自由边境区free port 自由港free trade zone 自由贸易区freight agent 货运代理人freight bill 运费帐单freight manifest 运费舱单freight prepaid 运费已付freight to collect 运费到付freight ton 运费吨fresh water and /or rain damage(F-W-R-D) 淡水雨淋险fresh water road line 淡水载重线frustration of contract 合同落空full cable 全电本full container load(F-C-L) 整箱货full packed 全部包装full payout 完全付清fill set bill of lading(full set B/L) 全套提单full set of clean on board bill of lading made out toorder and endorsed in blank 全套清洁已装船作成凭指示和空白背书的提单fundamental breach 根本违反合同future contract 期货合同futures market 期货市场future transaction 期货交易Ggeneral additional 一般附加险General Administration of Civil Aviation China(AAC) 中国民航总局general agency 总代理general agent 总代理人general average(G-A) 共同海损general average contribution 共同海损分摊general conditions of delivery of goods 交货共同条件general terms and conditions 一般交易条件generalized system of preference certificate of origin Form A(G-S-P Form A) 普惠制产地证格式Geneva uniform law on cheque 日内瓦统一支票法规Good merchantable quality(G-M-Q) 上好可销品质goods quality 商品品质grade of goods 商品等级grane back 技术反馈green clause credit 绿条款信用证gross bills of lading weight 毛提单货量gross for net 以毛作净gross registered tonnage(G-R-T) 注册总吨gross terms 船方担负装卸费grounded 搁浅groundage bill of lading 成组提单guarantee letter of credit(guarantee L/C) 担保信用证,保证信用证guarantor 保证人gunny bags 麻袋HHamburg Rules 海牙规则Hard ware硬件heavy lift additional超重附加费heavy weather恶劣气候hedging 套期保植hire purchase租购式租赁hook damage 钩损险house air way bill 分运单house bill of lading 运输代理行提单IImmediate shipment 立即装运import declaration 进口申请书import duty risk 进口关税险importer 进口人indent 订单indicative marks 指示性标志industrial activity 实用性industrial property 工业产权initial payment 初付费,入门费initial price 初步价格injured party 受害方inland depot 内陆货运站inland extended cover 内陆附加险inland waterway bill of landing 内陆提单inspection and claim clause检验与索赔条款Inspection Certificate of Health 健康检验证书Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quality 品质检验证书Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量检验证书Inspection Certificate of Value 价值检验证书Inspection Certificate of Weight 重量检验证书Inspection Certificate on Cargo Weight and Measurement 货物衡量证书Inspection Certificate on damaged Cargo 验残检验证书Inspection Certificate on Tank /Hold 验舱证书Inspection of goods 货物检验Institute Cargo clauses(ICC) 协会货物险条款Institute Cargo clauses A(ICC(A)) 协会货物(A)险条款Institute Cargo clauses B(ICC(B)) 协会货物(B)险条款Institute Cargo clauses C(ICC(C)) 协会货物(C)险条款Institute strikes clauses-Cargo 协会罢工险条款(货物)Institute War clauses-Cargo 协会战争险条款(货物)Insurable interest 保险利益;可保权益Insurance certificate 保险凭证Insured amount 保险金额Insurer 承保人;保险人Intellectual property 知识产权Interim measures of protection 保全措施又称临时保护措施International Chamber of Commerce(ICC) 国际商会International code of conduct on the technology transfer 国际技术转让行动守则International competitive bidding 国际竞争性招标International combined transport国际多式联运International express mail service(EMS) 国际特快专递International multimodal transport 国际多式联运International railway through transport 国际铁路货物联运International rules for the interpretation of trade terms(INCOTERMS) 国际贸易术语解释通则International standard organization 国际标准化组织International trading certificate(ITC) 国际贸易证书Intrinsic quality 商品内在素质Inventive activity 创造性Invitation to make offer 邀请发盘Invitation to tender 招标Irrespective of percentage(I-O-P) 不论损失程度Irrespective letter of credit(irrevocable L/C) 不可撤消信用证Issue 出票Issuing bank 开证行Insurance policy 保险单Insurance value 保险价值JJapanese Industrial Standard(JIS) 日本工业标准Jettison and/or washing over board 抛掷,海水冲击险KKite mark 风筝标志Knocked-down in carloads 拆散成整车皮装货物Knocked-down shipment (货物)分运Know how 专有技术LLand bridge transport 大陆桥运输Landed terms 起货条件Landing account 卸货报告Landing quality ,weight as final 以到岸品质,重量为准Landing weight 卸货重量,到岸重量Last pay certificate 最后付款证明书Late acceptance 逾期接受Law and practice 法律惯例Lay time 装卸时间Lay days date 受载时间Leakage risk 渗漏险Lease trade 租赁贸易Licensor’s share on licensee’s profit(LSLP) 利润分成原则Legal net weight 法定净重Legal weight 法定重量Less than container load(LCL) 拼箱货Lessee 承担人Lessor 出租人Letter of credit(L/C) 信用证Letter of guarantee(L/G) 银行保证函Letter telegramme 书信电报Leverage lease 杠杆租赁Licensing 许可证贸易Licensing agreement 许可证协议Lien 扣押权Light displacement 空船排水量或清排水量Liner 班轮Liner shipping 班轮运输Liner terms 班轮条件,船方负担装卸费Liner’ s freight tariff 班轮运价表Liquidated damages 预定损害赔偿Litigation 诉讼Load line 船舶载重线Loaded displacement 满载排水量或重排水量或总排水量Loading list 装货清单Local freight agent 当地运输代理商Local vanning 当地装箱Log book 航行日志London Metal Exchange 伦敦五金交易所London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所Long form bill of lading(long from B/L) 全式提单Long length additional 超长附加费Loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing 包装破裂险Lot tolerance rate 批内允许破损率Lot tolerance defective 批内允许次品费Lowest price limit 最低售价Lump sum payment 一次总算MMail confirmation to follow 随寄证实书Mail credit 信开信用证Mail transfer(M/T) 信汇Main mark 主要标志Major causes 重大意外事故Malicious damage clauses 恶意损害险条款Manufacture’s certificate of origin 生产商原产地证明书Manufacture’s invoice 厂商发票Marine bill of lading 海运提单Marine insurance policy 水运保险单Marker capacity 标定容量Master airway bill民航运单Master Card 万事达卡Master document 总单证Master receipt 大副收据Material breach 重大违约Mate’s receipt 大副收据Measurement and weight mark 体重和重量标志Measurement cargo 轻货Measurement list 尺码单Measurement ton(M/T) 尺码吨Memorandum 备忘录Method of dispatching documents 寄单方法’Method of reimbursement 所汇方法Mildew proof packaging 防霉包装Mini land bridge(M-L-B) 小路桥Minimum bill of lading(minimum B/L) 起码提单Minimum freight 起码运费Minimum premium 最低保险费Minimum rate 起码费率Minimum weight 最低重量Minor breach 轻微违法Mixed agreement 混合协议Mixed policy 混合保险单Mode of shipment运输方式Money of account 计价货币Money of payment 支付货币More or less clause 溢短装条款Multimode transport documents(MTO) 多式联运单据Multimode transport operator(MTO) 多式联运经营人Multiple country declaration 多国家产地声明书NName of commodity 品名National harbors 天然港Natural calamity 自然灾害Negotiable calamity 流通证券Negotiated bidding 谈判招标Negotiating bank 议付行Negotiation 议付0Negotiation letter of credit 议付通行证Net bills of lading weight 净提单货量Net dead weight 净载重量Net net weight 净净重Net registered tonnage(NRT) 注册净吨Net weight 净重Neutral invoice 中性发票Neutral packing 中性包装New York Commodity Exchange 纽约商品交易所No commercial value(N-C-V) 无商业价值No mark(N/M) 无唛头No orders(N/O) 无指示,无定单,不指定人Non-acceptance(N/A) 拒绝承兑,拒绝接受Non-automatic revolving letter of credit Non-base port 非自动循环信用证Non-commercial technology transfer 非基本港Non-cumulative revolving letter of credit 非商业性技术转让Non-payout 非累计循环信用证Non-vessel operating carrier(NV OC) 不完全付清Non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOC C) 无船承运人Non-vessel owning common carrier(NVOCC)无船承运人Notice of abandonment 委付通知Notice of readiness 备装通知Notify party 被通知人Notifying bank 通知行Novelty 新颖性Nuded cargo 裸装货物OOcean bill of lading (ocean B/L) 海运提单Ocean marine insurance frozen products 海洋运输冷藏货物保险Ocean marine insurance wood oil bulk 海洋运输散装桐油保险Ocean waybill 海上货运单或海运单Off set 抵消贸易Offer 发盘Offer without engagement 不受约束的发盘Omnibus bill of lading(omnibus B/L) 并提单On board bill of lading(on B/L)已装车提单On deck risk 舱面险Once on demurrage a一旦滞期,始终滞期leeway’s on demurrage Open account transaction 赊帐交易Open bidding 公开招标Open by airmail 信开Open by telecommunication 电开Open policy 预约保单Open negotiation letter of credit 公开议付信用证Opener 开证人,开证申请人Opening bank 开证行Opening of tender 开标Operating lease 经营租赁Operative instrument 有效文本Optional charges 选港费Optional fees 选择卸货港附加费Optional port 选择港Order 定货,定单Order bill of lading (order B/L) 指示提单Original mark 原产地标志Outturn sample 船样Overland common points(O-C-P) 内陆地区Overland transportation all risks 陆运一切险Overland transportation cargo war risks-by train 路上运输货物战争险Overland transportation frozen products 路上运输冷藏货运险Overland transportation risks 陆运险PPack slip 装箱单Packaging销售包装Package number mark 件号标志Package list 装箱单Packed cargo 包装货物Packing 运输包装Packing documents 包装单据Packing loan 打包放款Packing specification 包装证明Packing summary 包装提要Paper bags 纸袋Paperless documentationParcel post all risks 邮包一切险Parcel post risk 邮包险Parcel post war risks 邮包战争险Part packed 局部包装Partial loss 部分损失Partial shipment 分批装运Particular average 单独海损Patent 专利Pattern sample 款式样品Pay by installment 分期付款Payee 受款人Payer 付款人Paying bank 付款行Payment 付款Payment in advance 预付条款Penalty clause 罚金条款Performance bond 履约保证金Performance guaranty 履约保证函Performance letter of credit 履约信用证Perils of the sea 海上风险Physical delivery 实际交货Place of departure 启运地Place of issue 出票地点Place of payment 付款地点Place of receipt 收货地Port of call 挂靠港Port congestion surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Port of destination 目的港Port of discharge 卸货港Port of loading 装货港Port of shipment 装运港Port of transshipment 转运港Port surcharge 港口附加费Port to port 港到港Postal money order 邮政汇票Presentation for acceptance 承兑提示Presentation for payment 付款提示Presenting bank 提示行Price adjustment clause 价格修正条款Price terms 价格条件,价格术语Principal 委托人Processing with customer’s materials 来料加工Product buyback 产品返销Product sharing 产品分成Performa invoice 形式发票Progress 先进性Progression payment 分期付款Promissory note 本票Prompt shipment 即期装运Protest 拒付证书Provisional price 暂作价Public certificate 公务证书Purchase order 购货定单Purchase confirmation 购货确认书Purchase contract 购货合同QQuality sample 品质样品Quality latitude 品质机动幅度Quality of goods 商品品质Quality to be about equal to the sample 品质与样品大致相同Quality tolerance 品质公差Quote 报价RReal tare 实际皮重Receipt for the goods 货物收据Receipt invoice 收妥发票Received for shipment bill of lading 备运提单Reciprocal letter of credit 对开信用证Red clause letter of credit 红条款信用证Reference sample 参考样品Registered tonnage 注册吨Regular shipping liner 班轮Reimbursing agent 偿付代理人Reimbursing bank 偿付行Reissuing bank 转开行Rejection risk 拒收险Related product 相关样品Remittance 汇付Remittance against documents 凭单付汇Remitting bank 托收行Repayment guarantee 还款保证函Representative sample 代表性样品Restricted negotiation letter of credit 限制议付信用证Restrictive endorsement 限制背书Resultant product 直接产品Return sample 回样Return voyage charter 来回航程次Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 一九四一年美国对外贸易定义修正本Revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证Revoke 撤销Revolving around time letter of credit 按时间循环信用证Revolving around value letter of credit 按金额循环信用证Revolving letter of credit 循环信用证Right of exclusive sale 独家经销权利Right of recourse 追索权Right of subrogation 代位追偿权,代位权Risk for shipment of frozen products 冷藏险Risk of intermixture and contamination 混杂,沾污险Risk of odour 串味险Risk of shortage 短量险Risks clause 风险条款Risks covered 承保范围Risks of strikes,riots and civil commotion(SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险Rules for Pre-arbitral Referee Procedures 仲裁前公断程序规则Ruling price 现行价Running days 连续日Running working days 连续工作日Rust-inhibiting packaging 防锈包装Rusting risk 锈损险SSafty-mark 安全标志Sailing date 开航日期,船期Sale and lease back 回租Sale by brand name or trade mark 凭牌名或商标销售Sale by buyer’s sample 凭买方样品销售Sale by description 凭文字说明销售Sale by grade 凭等级销售Sale by illustration 凭说明书销售Sale by sample 凭样销售Sale by seller’s sample 凭卖方样品销售Sale by specification 凭规格销售Sale by standard 凭标准销售Sales confirmation 销售确认书Sales contract 销售合同Salvage charge 救助费用Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生检验证书Scheduled airline 班机运输Sea protest 海事报告Sea water damage 海水损失险Sea waybill 海运单或海上货运单Seal number(seal no..) 封号Sealed bid 密封发盘,密封递价Sealed sample 封样Seaworthy packing 适合海运包装Second beneficiary 第二受益人Secondary credit 从属信用证或对背信用证Selected bidding 选择性招标Seller’s sample 卖方样Seller’s usual packing 卖方惯用包装Selling hedging 卖期保值Selling offer 售货发盘Semi knock down(S.K.D) 半拆卸Semi-automatic revolving credit 半自动循环信用证Separate bill of lading 分提单Settlement of exchange 结汇Shipment 装运Shipment as soon as possible 尽快装运Shipment certificate 装船证明Shipment certificate textile products 纺织品装船证明Shipment contract 装运合同Shipment request 装货申请Shipped bill of lading 已装船提单Shipper 托运人Shipping advice 装船通知Shipping agent 船务代理Shipping mark 运输标志,Shipping note装货通知单Shipping order(S/O) 装货单Shipping package 运输包装Shipping quality,weight or quantity as final 以离岸品质,重量或数量为准Shipping sample 装船样品Ship’s classification 船级Shockproof packing 防震包装Short delivery 短交,短交获Short from bill of lading(short from B/L) 略式提单Show how 技术示范Sight 见票Sight draft 即期汇票Sight letter of credit 即期信用证Sight payment letter of credit 即期付款信用证Signature of the drawer 出票人签字Similar credit 套证Single country declaration 单一国家声明Simple license 普通许可Single rate freight tariff 单相费率运价表Single voyage charter 单程航次Sliding price 滑动价Soft ware 软件Sole agency 独家代理Sole agent 独家代理商Sole license 排他许可Special additional risk 特别附加险Special drawing rights (SDRs) 特别提款权Special endorsement 特别背书Special order 特别定单Special policy 逐笔保险单Specification list 规格明细单Specification of goods 商品规格Speed post receipt 快递收据Standby letter of credit 备用信用证Stowage factor 积载系数Stowage plan 积载图,船图Straight bill of lading 记名提单Straight lease 直接租赁Strand 触礁Strikes risk 罢工险Subject matter insured 保险标的物Sub-license 分许可Submission of arbitration agreement 提交仲裁协议Submission of tender 投标Subsidiary credit 从属信用证或对背信用证Sue and labour expense 施救费用Summer load line 夏季载重险Survey report 检验报告Sweat and heating risks 受潮受热险Switch bill of lading 交货提单Switcher 转手商Symbolic delivery 象征性交货TTechnical and clause committee 技术与条款委员会Technical servicing and assistance 技术服务与协助Technology continuing assistance 技术继续援助Technology transfer agreement 技术转让协议Technology transfer transaction 技术转让Telegraphic transfer (T/T) 电汇Tender guarantee 投标保证书Terminal devanning (集装箱)区内拆箱The British System 英制The doctrine of strict compliance 严格符合的原则The metric system 米制The People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC) 中国人民保险公司The U,S, Export Quotations and abbreviations 美国出口报价及其缩写条例The U.S. System 美制Theft ,pilferage and non-delivery 偷窃,提货不着险Theoretical weight 理论重量Through bill of lading (through B/L) 联运提单Time charter 定期租船Time draft 远期汇票Time letter of credit (time L/C) 远期信用证Time policy 定期保险单To draw 出票To order 凭指定To order of 凭某某指定To order of (** )Bank 凭某某银行指定To order of shipper 凭托运人指定Tonnage certificate 船舶吨位证书Total amount 总值Total loss 全部损失Total quality control 全面质量控制Trade and payment agreement 贸易和支付规定Trade discount 贸易折扣Trade mark 商标Trade terms 贸易条件,贸易术语Transferable letter of credit 可转让信用证Transfering bank 转证行Transshipment bill of lading 转船提单Transshipment risk 转运费Transshipment surcharge 转船附加费Transshipment to be allowed 允许转船Transit Siberian land bridge container service traffic (TSCS) 西伯利亚大陆桥集装箱运输Transit storage 转运仓库Transmitting bank 转递行Transport document 运输单据Traveler’s cheque 旅行支票Traveler’s letter of credit 旅行信用证Trip charter 定程租船Tropical fresh water load line 热带地区淡水载重线Tropical load line 热带地区载重线True lease 正式租赁Trust receipt (T/R) 信托收据T/T reimbursement 电报索赔条款Turn key project 交钥匙项目Twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) 20英尺(集装箱)等量单位Two-stage bidding 两段招标Type sample 标准样品UUnclean bill of lading 不清洁提单Unconditional guarantee 无条件函。

1. 报价单(Quotation)报价单是供应商或贸易商向买方提供商品或服务价格和详细规格的文件。
2. 销售确认书(Sales Confirmation)销售确认书是卖方发送给买方的文件,确认订单的内容和条件。
3. 装箱单(Packing List)装箱单是记录货物装箱情况的文件。
4. 发票(Invoice)发票是卖方向买方提供货物或服务的账单。
5. 运输单据(Transport Documents)运输单据是记录货物运输情况的文件。
常见的运输单据包括提单(Bill of Lading)、舱单(Manifest)、空运单(Airway Bill)等。
6. 保险单(Insurance Policy)保险单是买方为货物投保所购买的保险凭证。

国际贸易单证术语英汉对照分析证书certificate of analysis一致性证书cettificate of conformity质量证书certificate of quality测试报告test report产品性能报告product performance report•产品规格型号报告product specification report•工艺数据报告process data report•首样测试报告first sample test report•价格/销售目录price /sales catalogue•参与方信息party information•农产品加工厂证书mill certificate•邮政收据post receipt•重量证书weight certificate•重量单weight list•证书cerificate•价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value adn origin•移动声明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1•数量证书certificate of quantity•质量数据报文quality data message•查询query•查询回复response to query•订购单purchase order•制造说明manufacturing instructions•领料单stores requisition•产品售价单invoicing data sheet•包装说明packing instruction•内部运输单internal transport order统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments •直接支付估价申请direct payment valuation request•直接支付估价单direct payment valuation•临时支付估价单rpovisional payment valuation•支付估价单payment valuation•数量估价单quantity valuation request•数量估价申请quantity valuation request•合同数量单contract bill of quantities-BOQ•不祭价投标数量单unpriced tender BOQ•标价投标数量单priced tender BOQ•询价单enquiry•临时支付申请interim application for payment•支付协议agreement to pay•意向书letter of intent•订单order•总订单blanket order•现货订单sport order•租赁单lease order•紧急订单rush order•修理单repair order•分订单call off order•寄售单consignment order•样品订单sample order•换货单swap order•订购单变更请求purchase order change request •订购单回复purchase order response•租用单hire order•备件订单spare parts order•交货说明delivery instructions•交货计划表delivery schedule•按时交货delivery just-in-time•发货通知delivery release•交货通知delivery note•装箱单packing list•发盘/报价offer/quotation•报价申请request for quote•合同contract•订单确认acknowledgement of order•形式发票proforma invoice•部分发票partial invoice•操作说明operating instructions•铭牌name/product plate•交货说明请求request for delivery instructions•订舱申请booking request•装运说明shipping instructions•托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air) •短途货运单cartage order(local transport)•待运通知ready for despatch advice•发运单despatch order•发运通知despatch advice•单证分发通知advice of distrbution of document.•商业发票commercial invoice•贷记单credit note•佣金单commission note•借记单debit note•更正发票corrected invoice•合并发票consolidated invoice•预付发票prepayment invoice•租用发票hire invoice•税务发票tax invoice•自用发票self-billed invoice•保兑发票delcredere invoice•代理发票factored invoice•租赁发票lease invoice•寄售发票consignment invoice•代理贷记单factored credit note•银行转帐指示instructions for bank transfer•银行汇票申请书application for banker's draft•托收支付通知书collection payment advice•跟单信用证支付通知书document.ry credit payment advice •跟单信用证承兑通知书document.ry credit acceptance advice •跟单信用证议付通知书document.ry credit negotiation advice •银行担保申请书application for banker's guarantee•银行担保banker's guarantee•跟单信用证赔偿单document.ry credit letter of indemnity•信用证预先通知书preadvice of a credit•托收单collection order•单证提交单document.presentation form•付款单payment order•扩展付款单extended payment order•多重付款单multiple payment order•贷记通知书credit advice•扩展贷记通知书extended credit advice•借记通知书debit advice•借记撤消reversal of debit•贷记撤消reversal of credit•跟单信用证申请书document.ry credit application•跟单信用证document.ry credit•跟单信用证通知书document.ry credit notification•跟单信用证转让通知document.ry credit transfer advice•跟单信用证更改通知书document.ry credit amendment notification •跟单信用证更改单document.ry credit amendment•汇款通知remittance advice•银行汇票banker's draft•汇票bill of exchange•本票promissory note•帐户财务报表financial statement of account•帐户报表报文statement of account message•保险赁证insurance certificate•保险单insurance policy•保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau)•保险人发票insurer's invoice•承保单cover note•货运说明forwarding instructions•货运代理给进口代理的通知forwarder's advice to import agent•货运代理给出口商的通知forwarder's advice to exporter•货运代理发票forwarder's invoice•货运代理收据证明forwarder's certificate of receipt•托运单shipping note•货运代理人仓库收据forwarder's warehouse receipt•货物收据goods receipt•港口费用单port charges document.•入库单warehouse warrant•提货单delivery order•装卸单handling order•通行证gate pass•运单waybill•通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document.•承运人货物收据goods receipt, carriage•全程运单house waybill•主提单master bill of lading•提单bill of lading•正本提单bill of lading original•副本提单bill of lading copy•空集装箱提单empty container bill•油轮提单tanker bill of lading•海运单sea waybill•内河提单inland waterway bill of lading•不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document(generic) •大副据mate's receipt•全程提单house bill of lading•无提单提货保函letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading•货运代理人提单forwarder's bill of lading•铁路托运单(通用条款) rail consignment note (generic term)•陆运单road list-SMGS•押运正式确认escort official recognition•分段计费单证recharging document.•公路托运单road cosignment note•空运单air waybill•主空运单master air waybill•分空运单substitute air waybill•国人员物品申报crew's effects declaration•乘客名单passenger list•铁路运输交货通知delivery notice(rail transport)•邮递包裹投递单despatch note (post parcels)•多式联运单证(通用) multimodal/combined transport document(generic)•直达提单through bill of lading•货运代理人运输证书forwarder's certificate of transport•联运单证(通用) combined transport document(generic)•多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document(generic)•多式联运提单combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading•订舱确认booking confirmation•要求交货通知calling foward notice•运费发票freight invoice•货物到达通知arrival notice(goods)•无法交货的通知notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)•无法运货通知notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)•交货通知delivery notice (goods)•载货清单cargo manifest•载货运费清单freight manifest•公路运输货物清单bordereau•集装箱载货清单container manifes (unit packing list)•铁路费用单charges note•托收通知advice of collection•船舶安全证书safety of ship certificate•无线电台安全证书safety of radio certificate•设备安全证书safety of equipment certificate•油污民事责任书civil liability for oil certificate•载重线证书loadline document.•免于除鼠证书derat document.•航海健康证书maritime declaration of health•船舶登记证书certificate of registry•船用物品申报单ship's stores declaration•出口许可证申请表export licence, application•出口许可证export licence•出口结汇核销单exchange control declaration, exprot•T出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder T •T1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1 •T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2•T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document T5••铁路运输退运单re-sending consigment note•T2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L •出口货物报关单goods declaration for exportation•离港货物报关单cargo declaration(departure)•货物监管证书申请表application for goods control certificate•货物监管证书申请表goods control certificate•植物检疫申请表application for phytosanitary certificate•植物检疫证书phytosanilary certificate•卫生检疫证书sanitary certificate•动物检疫证书veterinary certifieate•商品检验申请表application for inspection certificate•商品检验证书inspection certificate•原产地证书申请表certificate of origin, application for•原产地证书certificate of origin•原产地申明declaration of origin•地区名称证书regional appellation certificate•优惠原产地证书preference certificate of origin•普惠制原产地证书certificate of origin form GSP•领事发票cosular invoice•危险货物申报单dangerous goods declaration•出口统计报表statistical doucument, export•国际贸易统计申报单intrastat declaration•交货核对证明delivery verification certificate•进口许可证申请表import licence, application for•进口许可证import licence•无商业细节的报关单customs declaration without commercial detail•有商业和项目细节的报关单customs declaration with commercial and item detail •无项目细节的报关单customs declaration without item detail•有关单证related document•海关收据receipt (Customs)•调汇申请application for exchange allocation•调汇许可foreign exchange permit•进口外汇管理申报exchange control declaration (import)•进口货物报关单goods declaration for implortation•内销货物报关单goods declaration for home use•海关即刻放行报关单customs immediate release declaration•海关放行通知customs delivery note•到港货物报关单cargo declaration (arrival)•货物价值申报清单value declaration•海关发票customs invoice•邮包报关单customs deciaration (post parcels)•增值税申报单tax declaration (value added tax)•普通税申报单tax declaration (general)•催税单tax demand•禁运货物许可证embargo permit•海关转运货物报关单goods declaration for customs transit•TIF国际铁路运输报关单TIF form•TIR国际公路运输报关单TIR carnet•欧共体海关转运报关单EC carnet•EUR1欧共体原产地证书EUR 1 certificate of origin•暂准进口海关文件ATA carnt•欧共体统一单证single administrative document.•海关一般回复general response (Customs)•海关公文回复document response (Customs)•海关误差回复error response (Customs)•海关一揽子回复packae response (Customs)•海关计税/确认回复tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs) •配额预分配证书quota prior allocation certificate•最终使用授权书end use authorization•政府合同government contract•进口统计报表statistical document.import•跟单信用证开证申请书application for document.ry credit•先前海关文件/报文previous Customs document.message。

mercial invoice 商业发票2.Proforma invoice形式发票3.Received invoice收讫发票4.Certificate invoice证实发票5.Detailed invoice详细发票6.Neutral invoice 中性发票7.Manufacture invoice 厂家发票8.Bank’s invoice 银行发票9.Preliminary /provisional invoice 临时发票10.Customs invoice 海关发票11.Consular invoice 领事发票12.Packing list 装箱单13.Weight list 重量单14.Measurement list 尺码单15.Insurance poliy 保险单16.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证bined Insurance Certificate 联合保险凭证18.Open policy 预约保险单19.Cover note暂保单20.Endorsement批单21.Certificate oforigin of the Pepoles’ Republic of China中华人民共和国原产地证22.Generalized system of preferences certificate of orgin from A 普惠制产地证23.Ispection certificate商检证书24.Qulity certificate品质检验证书25.Quanty certificate数量检验证书26.Weight certificate重量检验证书27.Phytosanitary certificate植物检疫证书28.Veterinary certificate兽医检验证书29.Sanitary/Health certificate卫生/健康检验证书30.Disinfection certificate 消毒检验证书31.Fumigation certificate熏蒸证书32.Certificate of analysis 分析证34.Export /import license进出口许可证35.Special customs invoice 美国海关发票36.Canada customs invoice 加拿大海关发票bined certificate of value and origin 澳大利亚海关发票38.From59A certificate of origin for export to Newzealand新西兰海关发票39.FromC 西非海关发票40.L/C=letter of credit 信用证41.Bill of exchange / draft 汇票42.Beneficiary’s certificate/statement 受益人证明/寄单证明43.Booking note 托运单/下货纸44.B/L提单45.Direct B/L直达提单46.Transhipment B/L转运提单bined transport B/L联合提单48.Container B/L集装箱提单49. Charter Party B/L)租船提单50.Airway bill 空运单51.Shipper’s letter of ins truction 货物托运书52.Railway bill 铁路运单53.Shipping advice/ Declaration of shipment 装运通知54.Captain receipt 船长收据55.Itinerary certificate航程证明56.Certificate of sample寄样证明57.Shipping order (s/o) 装货单58.Mate’s receipt大副收据59.Dock receipt 集装箱场站数据60.Delivery order 提货单61.Equipment intechange receipt 设备交接单62.Manifest载货清单/舱单63.Cargo receipt 承载货物收据64.Sea way bill海运单65.Master air way bill航空主运单66.House air way bill航空分运单67.Numerical container list集装箱装载清单68.Export freight manifest出口载货运费清单69.Entry inwards进口报关单70. Authoriztion letter for customs declaration/ Power of attorney (POA)报关委托书72. Telex release /Surrendered B/L 电放提单73. Instrument for the collecting/verifying and writing-off of exportproceeds in foreign exchange/verifying and writing-off instrument 外汇核销单74. Export drawback出口退税单75.Bank statement/note/receipt 银行水单76.Electronic bill of lading电子提单77.Letter of indemnity保函78.Original bill of lading正本提单79.Customs clearance结关证书80.Entry outwards出口报关单81.Export manifest 出口载货清单/出口舱单82.Inward permit 进口许可证83.Outwards Export permit 出口许可证84.Shipping bill 出口货物明细单/装船通知单85.Export declaration 出口申报单86.Stores list 物料单87.Railway consignment note 铁路托运单88.Cargo declaration 货物申请表89.Railway advice铁路货运通知单90.consignment note 运单91.Bill of health 健康证书92.Straight B/L 记名提单93.Order B/L 指示提单94.On-board B/L 已装船提单95.Received-for-shipping B/L备运提单96.Clean B/L 清洁提单97.Foul B/L不清洁提单98.Black B/L 不记名提单99.Through B/L 联运提单100.Long form B/L 全式提单101.Short B/L略式提单102.Valued policy 定值保险单103.Voyage policy 航次保险单104.Loading list or cargo list 装货清单105.Damgerous cargo list 危险品清单106.Damage cargo list 货物残损单107.Cargo tracer货物查单108.Notice of readiness 准备就结通知书nding permit card登陆卡110.On deck B/L 舱面提单111.Minimun freight B/L 最底运费提单112.Standby L/C 备用信用证113. Irrevocable L/C 不可撤消的信用证114. Revocable L/C 可撤消的信用证115. Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证116. Documentary L/C跟单信用证117. Sight L/C既期信用证118. Usance L/C远期信用证119. Transferable Credit 可转让信用证120. Revolving Credit 循环信用证121. Reciprocal Credit 对开信用证122. Rack to Back Credit 背对背信用证123. MultimodaL Transport B/L or Intermodal Transport B/L 多式联运提单124. Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单125. Advanced B/L 预借提单126. Stale B/L 过期提单127. Freight Prepaid B/L运费预付提单128. Freihgt to Collect B/L 运费到付提单129. Minimum B/L 最低运费提单130. Omnibus B/L 合并提单131. Combined B/L并装提单132. Separte B/L 分提单133. Switch B/L 交换提单134. Parcel Receipt B/L包裹提单135.货运代理给进口代理的通知forwarder's advice to import agent 136. 货运代理给出口商的通知forwarder's advice to exporter137.货运代理发票forwarder's invoice138.货运代理收据证明forwarder's certificate of receipt139. 货运代理人仓库收据forwarder's warehouse receipt140.货物收据goods receipt141.港口费用单port charges documents142.入库单warehouse warrant143. 装卸单handling order144.通行证gate pass145.运单waybill146.通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document 147.承运人货物收据goods receipt, carriage148.全程运单house waybill149.副本提单bill of lading copy150.空集装箱提单empty container bill151.油轮提单tanker bill of lading152.内河提单inland waterway bill of lading153.不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document (generic)154.无提单提货保函letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading155.货运代理人提单forwarder's bill of lading156.陆运单road list-SMGS157.押运正式确认escort official recognition158.分段计费单证recharging document159.公路托运单road cosignment note160.分空运单substitute air waybill161.国人员物品申报crew's effects declaration162.乘客名单passenger list163.铁路运输交货通知delivery notice(rail transport)164.邮递包裹投递单despatch note (post parcels)165.货运代理人运输证书forwarder's certificate of transport 166.联运单证(通用) combined transport document (generic) 167.多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document (generic) 168.订舱确认booking confirmation169.要求交货通知calling foward notice170.运费发票freight invoice171.货物到达通知arrival notice(goods)172.无法交货的通知notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)173.无法运货通知notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)174.交货通知delivery notice (goods)175.载货清单cargo manifest176.公路运输货物清单bordereau177.集装箱载货清单container manifes (unit packing list)178.铁路费用单charges note179.托收通知advice of collection180.船舶安全证书safety of ship certificate181. 无线电台安全证书safety of radio certificate182.设备安全证书safety of equipment certificate183.油污民事责任书civil liability for oil certificate184. 载重线证书loadline document185. 免于除鼠证书derat document186.航海健康证书maritime declaration of health187. 船舶登记证书certificate of registry189. 船用物品申报单ship's stores declaration190.出口许可证申请表export licence, application191. 出口结汇核销单exchange control declaration, exprot192.T出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder T 193.T1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1 194.T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2195.T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document T5196.铁路运输退运单re-sending consigment note197.T2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L 198.出口货物报关单goods declaration for exportation199. 离港货物报关单cargo declaration(departure)200.货物监管证书申请表application for goods control certificate 201.货物监管证书申请表goods control certificate202.商品检验申请表application for inspection certificate203. 原产地证书申请表application for certificate of origin,204. 原产地申明declaration of origin205. 地区名称证书regional appellation certificate206. 优惠原产地证书preference certificate of origin207.危险货物申报单dangerous goods declaration208.出口统计报表statistical doucument, export209.国际贸易统计申报单intrastat declaration210. 交货核对证明delivery verification certificate211. 进口许可证申请表application for import licence,212.无商业细节的报关单customs declaration without commercial detail213.有商业和项目细节的报关单customs declaration with commercial and item detail214.无项目细节的报关单customs declaration without item detail 215. 有关单证related document216.调汇申请application for exchange allocation217.调汇许可foreign exchange permit218.进口外汇管理申报exchange control declaration (import) 219.内销货物报关单goods declaration for home use220.海关即刻放行报关单customs immediate release declaration 221. 海关放行通知customs delivery note222.到港货物报关单cargo declaration (arrival)223.邮包报关单customs deciaration (post parcels)224. 增值税申报单tax declaration (value added tax)225. 普通税申报单tax declaration (general)226. 催税单tax demand227. 禁运货物许可证embargo permit228. 海关转运货物报关单goods declaration for customs transit 229. TIF国际铁路运输报关单TIF form230. TIR国际公路运输报关单TIR carnet231. 欧共体海关转运报关单EC carnet232. EUR1欧共体原产地证书EUR 1 certificate of origin233.ATA 暂准进口海关文件ATA carnt234. 欧共体统一单证single administrative document235. 海关一般回复general response (Customs)236. 海关公文回复document response (Customs)237. 海关误差回复error response (Customs)238. 海关一揽子回复packae response (Customs)239. 海关计税/确认回复tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs)240. 配额预分配证书quota prior allocation certificate241. 最终使用授权书end use authorization242. 政府合同government contract243. 进口统计报表statistical document, import245. 跟单信用证开证申请书application for documentary credit 246. 先前海关文件/报文previous Customs document/message 247. 一致性证书cettificate of conformity248. 测试报告test report249. 产品性能报告product performance report250. 产品规格型号报告product specification report251. 工艺数据报告process data report252. 首样测试报告first sample test report253. 价格/销售目录price /sales catalogue254. 参与方信息party information255. 农产品加工厂证书mill certificate256. 家产品加工厂证书post receipt257. 邮政收据post receipt258. 价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value adn origin 259. 移动声明A.TR.1movement certificate A.TR.1260 质量数据报文quality data message261. 查询query262. 查询回复response to query263. 订购单purchase order264. 制造说明manufacturing instructions265. 领料单stores requisition266. 产品售价单invoicing data sheet267. 包装说明packing instruction268. 内部运输单internal transport order269. 统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments270. 直接支付估价申请direct payment valuation request271. 直接支付估价单direct payment valuation272. 临时支付估价单rpovisional payment valuation273. 支付估价单payment valuation274. 数量估价单quantity valuation request275. 数量估价申请quantity valuation request276. 合同数量单contract bill of quantities-BOQ277. 不祭价投标数量单unpriced tender BOQ278. 标价投标数量单priced tender BOQ279. 询价单enquiry280. 临时支付申请interim application for payment281. 支付协议agreement to pay282. 意向书letter of intent283. 订单order284. 总订单blanket order285. 现货订单sport order286. 租赁单lease order287. 紧急订单rush order288. 修理单repair order289. 分订单call off order290. 寄售单consignment order291. 样品订单sample order292. 换货单swap order293. 订购单变更请求purchase order change request 294. 订购单回复purchase order response295. 租用单hire order296. 备件订单spare parts order297. 交货说明delivery instructions298. 交货计划表delivery schedule299. 按时交货delivery just-in-time300. 发货通知delivery release301. 交货通知delivery note302. 发盘/报价offer/quotation303. 报价申请request for quote304. 合同contract305. 订单确认acknowledgement of order306. 形式发票proforma invoice307. 部分发票partial invoice308. 操作说明operating instructions309. 铭牌name/product plate310. 交货说明请求request for delivery instructions311. 订舱申请booking request312. 装运说明shipping instructions313. 托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air) 314. 短途货运单cartage order(local transport)315. 待运通知ready for despatch advice316. 发运单despatch order317. 发运通知despatch advice318. 单证分发通知advice of distrbution of documents 319. 贷记单credit note320. 佣金单commission note321. 借记单debit note322. 更正发票corrected invoice323. 合并发票consolidated invoice324. 预付发票prepayment invoice325. 租用发票hire invoice326. 税务发票tax invoice327. 自用发票self-billed invoice328. 保兑发票delcredere invoice329. 代理发票factored invoice330. 租赁发票lease invoice331. 寄售发票consignment invoice332. 代理贷记单factored credit note333. 银行转帐指示instructions for bank transfer334. 银行汇票申请书application for banker's draft335. 托收支付通知书collection payment advice336. 跟单信用证支付通知书documentary credit payment advice 337. 跟单信用证承兑通知书documentary credit acceptance advice 338. 跟单信用证议付通知书documentary credit negotiation advice 339. 银行担保申请书application for banker's guarantee340. 银行担保banker's guarantee341. 跟单信用证赔偿单documentary credit letter of indemnity 342. 信用证预先通知书preadvice of a credit343. 托收单collection order344. 单证提交单documents presentation form345. 付款单payment order346. 扩展付款单extended payment order347. 多重付款单multiple payment order348. 贷记通知书credit advice349. 扩展贷记通知书extended credit advice350. 借记通知书debit advice351. 借记撤消reversal of debit352. 贷记撤消reversal of credit353. 跟单信用证申请书documentary credit application354. 跟单信用证通知书documentary credit notification355. 跟单信用证转让通知documentary credit transfer advice 356. 跟单信用证更改通知书documentary credit amendment notification357. 跟单信用证更改单documentary credit amendment358. 汇款通知remittance advice359. 银行汇票banker's draft360. 汇票bill of exchange361. 本票promissory note362. 帐户财务报表financial statement of account363. 帐户报表报文statement of account message364. 保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 365. 保险人发票insurer's invoice366. 货运说明forwarding instructions367. 货运代理给进口代理的通知forwarder's advice to import agent 368. 货运代理给出口商的通知forwarder's advice to exporter 369. 货运代理收据证明forwarder's certificate of receipt370. 港口费用单port charges documents371. 入库单warehouse warrant372. 装卸单handling order373. 通行证gate pass374. 运单waybill375. 通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document 376. 空集装箱提单empty container bill377. 油轮提单tanker bill of lading378. 全程提单house bill of lading379. 押运正式确认escort official recognition380. 分段计费单证recharging document381. 国人员物品申报crew's effects declaration382. 要求交货通知calling foward notice383. 托收通知advice of collection384. 油污民事责任书civil liability for oil certificate385. 载重线证书loadline document386. 免于除鼠证书derat document387. 航海健康证书maritime declaration of health388. 船舶登记证书certificate of registry389. 船用物品申报单ship's stores declaration390. 陆运单road list-SMGS最新文件仅供参考已改成word文本。
国际外贸术语 单词

国际外贸术语单词以下是一些常见的国际外贸术语以及相应的英文单词:1.贸易伙伴:Trading partner2.询盘:Inquiry3.发盘:Offer4.还盘:Counter-offer5.接受:Acceptance6.合同:Contract7.订单:Order8.支付方式:Payment terms9.信用证:Letter of credit (L/C)10.电汇:Telegraphic transfer (T/T)11.托收:Collection12.佣金:Commission13.折扣:Discount14.贸易顺差:Trade surplus15.贸易逆差:Trade deficit16.贸易平衡:Trade balance17.国际贸易:International trade18.世界贸易组织:World Trade Organization (WTO)19.关税:Tariff20.通关手续:Customs clearance21.国际贸易单证:International trade documents22.国际贸易运输:International trade transportation23.国际贸易保险:International trade insurance24.国际贸易支付:International trade payment25.国际贸易争端:International trade disputes26.国际贸易政策:International trade policies27.国际贸易法规:International trade regulations28.国际贸易惯例:International trade practices29.国际贸易合作:International trade cooperation30.国际贸易关系:International trade relations。

1. “提单”呀,这可是外贸单证里超级重要的一个词呢!就好比你出门必须带钥匙一样,没有提单,货物可没法顺利到达目的地哦!比如说,咱的货物要运到国外港口,没提单的话,那不得乱套啦!
2. “发票”,嘿,这可是大家都熟悉的词吧!就像你买东西得有票据一样,在外贸里,发票就是交易的重要凭证呀!你想想,假如没有发票,那怎么能清晰地知道货物的价值和数量呢,对吧!
3. “报关单”,哇哦,这可是货物进出口的“通行证”呢!就跟你要进一个重要场所得有专门的入场券似的。
4. “装箱单”,这可是清楚展示货物装箱情况的呀!就好像你要整理行李,得清楚知道每个东西放在哪儿一样。
5. “原产地证”,嘿呀,这个可关系到货物的“出身”哟!就像咱每个人都有自己的家乡一样,货物也有它的来源地。
6. “保险单”,哇,这可是给货物上了一道“保险”呢!好比你出门怕有意外,给自己买份保险一样。
7. “汇票”,这是外贸交易中支付的重要工具呀!跟你拿着钱去买东西差不多呢。

银行担保 banker's guarantee
跟单信用证赔偿单 document.ry credit letter of indemnity
信用证预先通知书 preadvice of a credit
价格/销售目录 price /sales catalogue
参与方信息 party information
农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate
家产品加工厂证书 post receipt
邮政收据 post receipt
重量证书 weight certificate
保险赁证 insurance certificate
保险单 insurance policy
保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau)
保险人发票 insurer's invoice
承保单 cover note
货运说明 forwarding instructions
许可贸易 license trade 商标、专利技术、专有技术以许可协议形式进行的贸易
期货贸易 forward trade 通过国际期货市场进行远期商品买卖
承包工程 contract project 承包国外工程技术项目或劳务项目的进出口设备和货物
国际招标 international bid 通过国际招标形式进行的一种进出口贸易
直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation
临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation
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分析证书certificate of analysis
一致性证书cettificate of conformity
质量证书certificate of quality
测试报告test report
产品性能报告product performance report
产品规格型号报告product specification report
工艺数据报告process data report
首样测试报告first sample test report
价格/销售目录price /sales catalogue
参与方信息party information
农产品加工厂证书mill certificate
邮政收据post receipt
重量证书weight certificate
重量单weight list
价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value adn origin
移动声明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1
数量证书certificate of quantity
质量数据报文quality data message
查询回复response to query
订购单purchase order
制造说明manufacturing instructions
领料单stores requisition
产品售价单invoicing data sheet
包装说明packing instruction
内部运输单internal transport order
统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments
直接支付估价申请direct payment valuation request 直接支付估价单direct payment valuation
临时支付估价单rpovisional payment valuation
支付估价单payment valuation
数量估价单quantity valuation request
数量估价申请quantity valuation request
合同数量单contract bill of quantities-BOQ
不祭价投标数量单unpriced tender BOQ
标价投标数量单priced tender BOQ
临时支付申请interim application for payment 支付协议agreement to pay
意向书letter of intent
总订单blanket order
现货订单sport order
租赁单lease order
紧急订单rush order
修理单repair order
分订单call off order
寄售单consignment order
样品订单sample order
换货单swap order
订购单变更请求purchase order change request 订购单回复purchase order response
租用单hire order
备件订单spare parts order
交货说明delivery instructions
交货计划表delivery schedule
按时交货delivery just-in-time
发货通知delivery release
交货通知delivery note
装箱单packing list
报价申请request for quote
订单确认acknowledgement of order
形式发票proforma invoice
部分发票partial invoice
操作说明operating instructions
铭牌name/product plate
交货说明请求request for delivery instructions
订舱申请booking request
装运说明shipping instructions
托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air) 短途货运单cartage order(local transport)
待运通知ready for despatch advice
发运单despatch order
发运通知despatch advice
单证分发通知advice of distrbution of document.
商业发票commercial invoice
贷记单credit note
佣金单commission note
借记单debit note
更正发票corrected invoice
合并发票consolidated invoice
预付发票prepayment invoice
租用发票hire invoice
税务发票tax invoice
自用发票self-billed invoice
保兑发票delcredere invoice
代理发票factored invoice
租赁发票lease invoice
寄售发票consignment invoice
代理贷记单factored credit note
银行转帐指示instructions for bank transfer
银行汇票申请书application for banker's draft
托收支付通知书collection payment advice
跟单信用证支付通知书document.ry credit payment advice 跟单信用证承兑通知书document.ry credit acceptance advice
跟单信用证议付通知书document.ry credit negotiation advice
银行担保申请书application for banker's guarantee
银行担保banker's guarantee
跟单信用证赔偿单document.ry credit letter of indemnity
信用证预先通知书preadvice of a credit
托收单collection order
单证提交单document.presentation form
付款单payment order
扩展付款单extended payment order
多重付款单multiple payment order
贷记通知书credit advice
扩展贷记通知书extended credit advice
借记通知书debit advice
借记撤消reversal of debit
贷记撤消reversal of credit
跟单信用证申请书document.ry credit application 跟单信用证document.ry credit
跟单信用证通知书document.ry credit notification 【。