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2020考研英语:作文中这些替换词用得到(上) 2020考研英语写作词汇选择运用很重要,所以大家要多掌握一些替换词。为此,我整理了“2020考研英语:作文中这些替换词用得到(上)”的文章,希望对大家有所帮助。




刻意的 intentional; on purpose; intended

无资格的 disqualified

无数 innumerable; countless


过时的outdated; antiquated; outmoded; obsolete;anachronistic

短暂的 ephemeral; transitory; transient; short-lived

不合时宜的 anachronism

可持久的 durable; able to stand wear; last a long time 一再 time after time; again and again

初始的 preliminary

前述的 aforementioned; aforesaid; former

限制 limit; restrict; refrain; restrain; keep within limits; confine; keep in check

说服 convince; persuade; cause to believe

具体的 specific; concrete; tangible

年轻人 young people; youngster; youth; young adult

时常 often; frequently; repeatedly

永远的 eternal; perpetual; lasting throughout life

支持 support; endorse; back up; uphold

谴责 condemn; express strong disapproval of

错的 mistaken; erroneous; wrong incorrect

错事 wrongdoing; had acts; misbehavior

不会犯错的 infallible

一致的 unanimous; in complete agreement

不恰当 inappropriate; improper; unsuitable; inadequate

批判 criticize; blame; find fault with; make judgments of the merits and faults of…

有用的 useful; of use; serviceable; good for;instrumental; productive

有意义的 meaningful; fulfilling

否定 deny; withhold; negate

承认 admit; acknowledge; confess; concede
