Buddhist Mountains of China中国佛教名山

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Mt. Wutai
★Five Peaks: 东台 望海峰 西台 挂月峰 南台 锦绣峰 北台 叶斗峰 中台 翠岩峰 ★Five Zen Place: 【五大禅处】 显通寺(灵鷲寺) 塔院寺 菩萨顶 殊像寺 罗睺寺
★Other Famous Temples: 金阁寺 碧山寺
东台 望海峰1
东台 望海峰2
Bodhimandala /Bodhisattva
Manjusri (文殊菩萨 )
Golden Wutai
Emei Mountain in Samantabhadr Copper Emei Sichuan a (普贤菩萨 ) Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang the Goddess of Mercy Silver Putuo
Golden Summit, the symbol of Mt. Emei.
金顶祥光:The First of the ten
scenic sights on Emei, the essence of Emei, composed of Four Wonders which are the sunrise, the sea of clouds,佛光,圣灯.
❤ The Source of
Name: Its five main peaks, embrace one another with broad and plain terraces rather than forests on their tops. That is why it bears the name "Wutaishan" (Mountain of Five Terraces).
金 顶 四 面 十 方 普 贤 金 像
普 贤 菩 萨 代 表 大 行
Mt. Putuo
★One small island of Choushan
Archipelago in the East China Sea.
★Covers an area of 12.5 square
kilometers. The highest peak is 300 meters high above the sea level.
The grand view of sunrise
西台 挂月峰
南台 锦绣峰1
南台 锦绣峰2
北台 叶斗峰1
北台 叶斗峰2
中台 翠岩峰1
中台 翠岩峰2
显通寺 镀金铜塔
显通寺 无量殿
塔院寺 Sakyamuni Tower
菩萨顶 真容院
菩萨顶 大文殊殿
普 贤 王 菩 萨 顶 七 宝 冠
Jiuhua Mountain Ksitigarbha Iron Jiuhua in Anhui Ti-tsang Bodhisattva
❤Lies in Wutai County
Mt. Wutai
in Xinzhou Region, Shanxi Province. ❤Covers an area of 2,837 square kilometers. ❤The average altitude is over 1,000 meters, the Highest reaches 3061.1 meters.
Thank U
—Given By No.13/14/15
Buddhist Mountains
——Given By No.13/14/15
Brief Introduction
Mt. Wutai
Mt. Emei
Mt. Putuo
Mt. 百度文库iuhua
Four Buddhist Holy Mountains
Wutai Mountain in Shanxi
海天佛国 观音道场
Mt. Jiuhua
❤Located in Qingyang County, Anhui Province. ❤Extends for 120 kilometers, with a total area of 334 square kilometers, the highest peak reaches 1342 meters above sea level.
Mt. Emei
❤Lies in Emeishan City, Sichuan Province,
Covers an area of 154 square kilometers. ❤At 3,099 m, Mt. Emei is the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China. ❤The patron bodhisattva of Emei is Samantabhadra, known in Chinese as Puxian (普贤菩萨).