



Development studies is a multidisciplinary branch of social science which addresses issues of concern to developing countries. It has historically placed a particular focus on issues related to social and economic development, and its relevance may therefore extend to communities and regions outside of developing world.

Development studies is offered as a specialized Master’s degree in a number of universities, and, less commonly, as an undergraduate degree. It has grown in popularity as a subject of study since the early 1990s, and has been most widely taught and researched in the third world. In China, this course has been taught in different college of Agronomy. In China Agricultural University, this course has been taught in College of Humanities and Development (the former College of Rural Development). It has also been taught in countries with a colonial history, such as the UK, where development studies originated. As a subject, it is mainly composed of 3 parts: development theory, development research and development practice.


2.4 Effectiveness

Aid effectiveness Is the degree to which development aid works ,and is , a subject of significant disagreement. Dissident economists such as Peter Bauer and Milton Friedman argued in the 1960s that aid Is ineffective. Many econometric studies in recent years have supported the view that development aid has no effect on the speed with which countries develop. Negative side effects of aid can included as unbalanced appreciation of recipient’s currency(known as Dutch Disease) increasing corruption, and adverse political effects such as postponements of necessary economic and democratic reforms.

There is also much debate about which form development aid should take in order to be effective. It has been argued that much government-to-government aid was ineffective because it was merely a way to support strategically important leaders. A good example of this Is the former dictator of ZAIRE, Mobuto Sese Seko, who lost support from the West after the Cold War had ended. Mobuto, at the time of his death, had a sufficient personal fortune (particularly in Swiss banks) to pay off the entire external debt of Zaire.

Besides some instances that only the president (and/or his close entourage) receives the mone resulting from development aid, the money obtained is often badly spent as well. For example, in Chad, the Chad Export Project, a oil production project supported by the World Bank, was set up. The earnings of this project were used to obtain arms. The government defended this purchase by stating that “development was not possible without safety”. However, the Military of had is notorious for severe misconduct against the population and did not even defend the population in distress. In 2008, the World Bank retreated from the project that thus increased environmental pollution and human suffering.

Another criticism has been that Western countries often project their own needs and solutions onto other societies and cultures. In response, western help in some cases has become more ‘endogenous’, which means that needs as well as solutions are being devised in accordance with local cultures.

It has also been argued that help based on direct donation creates dependency and corruption,

and has an adverse effect on local production. As a result, a shift has taken place towards aid based on activation of local assets and stimulation measures such as microcredit.

Aid has also been argued that help based on direct donation creates dependency and corruption, and has an adverse effect on local production. As a result, a shift has taken place towards aid based on activation of local assets and stimulation measures such as microcredit. Aid has also been ineffective in young recipient countries in which ethnic tensions are strong: sometimes ethnic conflicts have prevented efficient delivery of aid.

In some cases, western surpluses that resulted from faulty agriculture-or other policies have been dumped in poor countries, thus wiping out local production and increasi ng dependency.

In several instances, loans that were considered irretrievable( for instance because funds had been embezzled by a dictator who has already died or disappeared), have been written off by donor countries, who subsequently booked this as development aid.

In many cases, Western governments placed orders with Western companies as a form of subsidizing them, and later shipped these goods to poor countries which often had no use for them. These projects are sometimes called white elephants.

A common criticism in recent years Is that rich countries have put so many conditions on aid that it has reduced aid effectiveness. In the example of tied aid, donor countries often require the recipient to purchase goods and services from the donor, even if these are cheaper elsewhere. Other conditions include opening up the country to foreign investment, even if it might not be ready to do so.

All of these problems have made that a very large part of the spend money on development aid is simply wasted uselessly. According to Gerbert van der Aa, for the Netherlands, only 33%of the development aid is successful, another 33% fails and of the remaining 33% the effect is unclear.

An excerpt from Dr. Thomas Dichter’s recently published book Despite Good Intentions: Why Development Assistance to the Third World Has Failed reads:” This industry has become one in which the benefits of what is spent are increasingly in inverse proportion to the amount spent-a case of more gets you less. As donors are attracted on the basis of appeals emphasizing “product”, results, and accountability…the tendency to engage in project-based, direct-action development becomes inevitable. Because funding for development is increasingly finite, this situation is very much a zero-sum game. What gets lost in the shuffle is the far more challenging long-term process of development.”

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Abhijit Banerjee and Ruimin He have undertaken a rigorous study of the relatively few independent evaluations of aid program successes and failures. They suggest the following interventions are usually highly effective forms of aid in normal circumstances:

●Subsidies given directly to families to be spent of children’s education and health

●Education vouchers for school uniforms & textbooks

●Teaching selected illiterate adults to read and write

●Deworming drugs and vitamin/nutritional supplements

●Vaccination and HIV/AIDS prevention programs

●Indoor sprays against malaria anti-mosquito bed netting

●Suitable fertilizers

●Clean water supplies

Chapter 1

Understanding Development


——State (左派—强调国家)

——Market (右派—强调市场)

Left-wing 左派:

凯恩斯经济学、结构主义经济学、国家统治经济论、Dependency theory 依附理论

Right-wing 右派:

古典政治经济学、结构调整政策、Modernization theory 现代化理论


1、The Progress of Development

Development has come a long way in the past 6 decades. As both an enterprise and a scholarly discipline, development became significant in the period immediately following the World War Ⅱ. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development( which soon came to be known as the World Bank) was created for the task of rebuilding countries-and in Europe, a continent-that have been shattered by war.

In those days, development was considered largely synonymous with industrialization. It was, in short, about getting richer or more prosperous, and prosperity was measured in dollar figures. Industrialization and in particular, a country’s capacity to manufacture finished goods, was seen as essential.

Asian and African countries came to independence from former colonial empires of Europe, and were eager for two reasons to speed up their development. One was to provide better lives for their citizen. The second was to consolidate their independence to convert the political quality into an economic equality that would earn them respect and sense of self-dignity they felt had been denied them under colonialism. The scholarly literature of the time only reinforced this push: development was about using the state to spearhead the process of modernizing the society and raising its incomes.

2、Development Theory in the Postwar Period

Having begun to ponder the possible shape of the postwar world, the Allied leaders held a conference to discuss the structure they would give to the world economy. This meeting took place in a hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The conference would provide the blueprint for postwar capitalist economy.

Chief among the concerns of the participants was the desire to create a favorable international trading environment. They wanted to put behind them the conditions that had worsened the Depression. Monetary instability and lack of credit had inhibited trade among nations and led governments to adopt protectionist policies when they could not pay for their imports. To this end, the conference gave rise to the IMF and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the latter of which became known as the World Bank. In 1947, the Bretton Wood System, as it came to be known, was rounded out by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

布雷顿森林会议(Bretton Woods Conference)最重要的3大产出:

1、Discuss the structure of the future world economy, provide a blueprint for the postwar

capitalist economy

2、Create a favorable international trading environment

3、Turn out to be GATT. Give rise to IMF and WB.

Chapter 3

Participatory Project Process

答题3——参与式项目的理论过程的十大步骤Theoretical Process:

1、Profile development 背景信息材料准备

2、Participation analysis 参与分析

3、Problem analysis 问题分析

4、Potential analysis 潜在性分析

5、Objective analysis 目标分析

6、Alternatives analysis 选择方案分析

7、Program-formulation and project plan description 项目计划描述(逻辑框架)

8、Implementation design 实施方案设计

9、Monitoring and evaluation 监测与评估

10、Re-planning 再计划

答题4——参与式项目的实践过程的五大步骤Practical Process:

1、Project application stage 项目申请阶段

2、Project feasibility study stage 项目可行性研究阶段

3、Project approval stage and signing of the financial agreement 项目财政支持与签署阶段

4、Project implementation stage 项目实施阶段

5、Project conclusion and the re-planning stage 项目结束和再计划阶段


1.3 Problem analysis

The term “problem”is interpreted as a discrepancy between expectation and reality; or between “what is now” and “what will be in the future”. “What will be in the future” reflects the objective an organization wants to achieve after the solution of a certain problem.

The presence of an unresolved problem or an unsatisfied expectation can be seen as a problem in itself. It might come from the shortage of human resource or physical resource; or the lack of understanding of the complex social and economic situation, or the lack of experience. After all the problems have been listed out, people come to realize that it is impossible to solve all the problems at one time; and not all of the problems have the same significance. Therefore it is necessary to conduct a systematic analysis about these problems. First the “core problem” has to be found out, which usually locates at the central position of the “problem tree”. This problem tree reflects the cause-effect relationships among these problems. These problems come from different professional fields such as natural science, social science, economic science and environmental science. The problem analysis not only reveals the cause-effect framework, the core problem, but also those problems leading to and from the core problem.

Public participation is very important. The farmers know more about their own situations and their own problems than any outsiders. If they come to realize that the objective of the project is to solve their own problems, they will become more active in participating in other steps of the project, especially the implementation process.


1.5 Objective analysis

An objective can be regarded as an expected or planned outcome which will be achieved at some time in the future. Objective analysis depicts the possibility of this future achievement through solving the existed problems. This possibility determines the principle and the potential outcome of the project. This process is simply converting the “negative description”of the problem Into the “positive expectation” of the reality, I.e. the description of the objective. In this way, the “problem tree”which depicts the cause-effect relationship is converted into the “objective-tree” which shows the means-end relationship.

Chapter 4

Participatory Development Planning


As an academic field, development studies can be divided into three branches: development theory, development research and development practice. One of the topics which is often mentioned within the development research is development intervention process, which in turn, consists of development policies and development projects. Usually, a development project involves the following stages: baseline survey, analysis, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The participation of different stakeholders in these various stages covers many important research issues.

Development can take place at the regional level ( one or several counties, on or several townships), or at the community levels (one or several villages). So a regional planning is an integration and coordination for the planning of all the related areas. The outcome of a participatory development planning is not a traditional economic blueprint, or a technological design, but a concrete development project, which can be carried out. The planning and management of development is an important part of the content of development practice. Participatory development planning is a process participated by stakeholder groups. It is both Problem-Solving oriented and action-oriented and takes the development project as its final outcome.

加1——Development intervention:

●Development policies

●Development projects

International level

National level

Provincial level

County level

Township level

Village level (community level)


Paradigm 范式

Neighborhood 居民点


5.2 Planning procedures

He planning procedures can be divided into several stages.

1、Macro-level stage 宏观水平阶段(政府)

2、Department-level stage 部门水平阶段

3、Regional-level stage 区域水平阶段

4、County-level stage 县级水平阶段

5、Micro-level stage 围观水平阶段(community/village)

填空8——Functions of Participatory Development Planning参与式发展规划的三大功能::

1、Meeting the urgent needs of poor people

2、Implementing the national policy on poverty reduction

3、Serving as an implementation tool for the large-scale development project


9.2 Ration planning

Ration is a core issue for planning. When we talk about the rationality of an approach, we mean it is based on analyses and principles, not on feelings and judgments. A rational goal means the approach will bring largest output given a certain input of obtain a certain output with the smallest input. This concept comes directly from the idea of most optical resource allocation in economy.

A rational approach involves the following activities:

●The identification and definition of a problem;

●The classification of goals and values which are related with the problem;

●Identifying the number of goals and of solutions for the problem;

●Predict the outcome of each alternative;

●Comparison between different alternatives;

●Identifying one alternative whose outcome is closest to the goal, or solve the problem to

the largest extent, or is most cost-effective.

However, we can see that rationality is an ideal description. In reality we are limited by our ability to process the information, and we cannot analyze all the information about all alternatives. Under this circumstance, people will

●Neglect those problems which they are not interested in ;

●Adjust the scope of the problem according to the learning experience of decision-making

in the past

●Give up rationality and pursuit “satisfaction”

Satisfaction is an important concept which can be used to explain many individual and organizational behaviors. I t means people accept solutions that are “good enough”, instead of value-maximizing. This is a daily condition for most common people. When people make a decision, it is often a compromise which can be accepted by all the parties, since it is absolutely impossible to achieve all the goals to the same extent. People try to find a rational solution in life. But even if they know what a rational solution is , they often choose satisfactory results instead of rational result which will bring the largest benefit.

Planning in China is to a great extent controlled by the government officials. Some of the plans can never be funded. The planners seldom have opportunity to use the rational approach. Some large-scale planning (e.g. urban planning) creates the condition for the application of rational approaches. However in rural China, the planners might try to use the rational logic to analyze problems or find the solutions, but seldom can use it for decision-making.


9.4 Uncertainty in planning

The ideal situation of making decisions is one of certainty, that is, a situation in which a planner can make accurate decisions because the outcome of every alternative is known. A far more common situation is one of risk, conditions in which the planner is able to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes. What happens if you have a decision where you are not certain about the outcome and can’t even make reasonable probability estimates? We call such a situation uncertainty.

The purpose of planning is to reduce the uncertainty in the future, but planning itself has been under the influence of uncertainty. Uncertainty can be reduced, but never be thoroughly eradicated. In making strategic selection, planers cannot easily predict and control what will happen in the future. What they can do is to analyze the data related with the current situation. Apparently, this might reduce the reliability of planning. There are 2 ways to solve this problem. One is to find the sources of uncertainty so as to better understand and control them; the other is to adopt more flexible action plan so as to make timely adjustment when the uncertainty appears. The planner should stick to implementing the chosen plan, but at the same time should also be open-minded about the planning approaches to make any needed changes.

Reasons for uncertainty might include:(不是这段!!!!!!)

●Great changes that might influence the implementation can happen at any time, which is

outside the control of the planners

●The decision-making in one field might influence the decision-making in the other field

●Changes of local people’s preference might cause people to change their options, which

might influence the implementation of the planning

To reduce the uncertainty, people can:

●Collect more information

●Use more integrated planning approach

●Find out the intentions of politicians so as to get more clues for the possible policy


Chapter 5

Guideline for Writing a Proposal


1、Problem and justification: What is the problem for which support is being sought, and why is

it important?

2、Objectives: What are the objectives of the project against which the success of failure of the

project could be assessed?

3、Methodology: How will each of these objectives be achieved? A project logical framework

will be attached in the appendices

4、Results and dissemination: What are the expected outputs of the research, and how will

these be disseminated? What possible impacts can reasonable be anticipated on development?

5、Institution and personnel: Who will carry out the work, and what are their qualifications for

doing so?

6、Timetable and Budget: What resources and time frame are required to achieve the project’s


7、Evaluation: How will the project’s achievements be evaluated?




2、Project Overview

3、Administrative Information

4、Problem and Justification



7、Result and Dissemination

8、Institutions and Personnel

9、Timetable and Budget





农业推广专业硕士(农村与区域发展领域) 阅读书目 一、书籍 [日本]速水佑次郎、神门善久著. 沈金虎、周应恒、张玉林、曾寅初、张越杰、于晓华译,《新版农业经济论》,中国农业出版社。(中文版由几位从日本京都大学留学归国的农经学者经过良好分工翻译而成,翻译质量较为难得,特别推荐。提醒一下,这本书最好与速水佑次郎的《发展经济学》一同学习,因为本书有多处与之衔接) 林毅夫,《制度技术与中国农业发展》,上海人民出版社。(收录了林教授在国外著名期刊发表的九篇关于中国农业改革的论文和一篇关于李约瑟之谜的探讨,特点是调查严谨,数据分析充分,文章结构规范) 蔡昉、林毅夫,《中国经济》,中国财政经济出版社。(重点突出了二人的研究方向,即农业经济学和人口与发展经济学,堪称一本较好的国情教材) 岸根卓郎,《粮食经济》,南京大学出版社出版。(重点介绍了粮食危机成因及在日本的实践,探讨了农业特别是粮食政策,重要的是提出了新粮食政策及粮食流通革命,对时下中国的粮食政策应该有一番借鉴意义) 一系列本科生农业经济学教材,如李秉龙的《农业经济学》,朱道华的《农业经济学》,王雅鹏的《农业经济学》,谭向勇的《农业经济学教程》等等;钟甫宁的《农业政策学》,很适合做本科生教材。

舒尔茨,《改造传统农业》、《报酬递增的源泉》等著作,重点探寻农业增长的源泉,强调人力资源的投资,观点鲜明、逻辑性强。 周诚著,《土地经济学》,商务印书馆出版。(系统的谈及三个分领域,即土地资源经济、土地财产经济、土地资产经济。重点论述了土地产权和土地市场等问题,由浅入深,是本好书) 孙颔,《中国农业自然资源与区域发展》,江苏科学技术出版社;孙颔、石玉林,《中国农业土地利用》,江苏科学技术出版社。(这两本书系统、全面、数据精确。沿用地理学上的区域划分,分区阐述了中国农业资源的利用状况及发展)雷纳、科尔曼,《农业经济学前沿问题》,中国税务出版社。(作者选择了时效性强的关于现行政策的论文,包括农业政策的政治经济学、美国与欧共体的农业政策改革、关贸总协定与农业贸易、东欧和中国的农业改革及环境经济学和环境政策,也包括一些补充专题——宏观经济学与农业、农业研究与生物技术、资源贫乏地区的农村经济) 胡跃高,农业发展原理,中国农业大学出版社,2005 李宗正,西方农业经济思想,中国物质出版社,1996 朱道华,世界农业经济概论,中国农业出版社,1997 毛育刚,中国农业演变之初探,社会科学文献出版社,2001 阮文彪,中国农业家庭经营制度,中国经济出版社,2005 朱道华,外国农业经济,中国农业出版社,1999 潘盛洲,中国农业保护问题研究,中国农业出版社,1999 马洪,孙尚清:《现行集体所有制下农民的土地权利与土地政策》,《中国发展研究》,中国发展出版社1996年版




区域的概念: 区域经济学家埃德加·胡佛认为",区域就是对描写、分析、管理、规划或制定政策来说,被认为有用的一个地区统一体"。 社区的概念: 由一定区域内人们组成各种社会群体和组织进行社会生活的社会有机体。任何一个社区都具有下列基本要素:有一定数量的人口,有一定的地域,有一定的社会制度、社会组织和经济发展水平,社区成员有基本相同的职业,比较相同的生活方式和民情、风俗以及由此产生的地缘关系、认同意识和社会心理行为等等。 农村社区概念: 农村社区是农村社会区域共同体,是以主要从事农业为特征的居民聚集在一定区域内,具有一定社会组织、社会制度、活动中心、认同意识的人群共同体。 社区的功能: 社区的功能主要包括:空间功能、联接功能、社会化功能、控制功能、传播功能和援助功能。 1、空间功能。社区为人们的生存和发展提供了空间,空间功能是社区的最基本、最主要功能之一。 2、联接功能。社区在为人们提供空间的基础上,将具有不同文化背景、生活方式、人生观和价值观的个人、家庭、团体聚集在一起,提供彼此沟通、交流的机会,提倡共同参与社区活动、互相援助,从而将居民密切联接起来,构成一个小社会。 3、社会化功能。社区不仅将具有不同文化背景、生活方式的居民联接在一起,还通过不断的社会化过程,相互影响,逐步形成社区的风土人情、人生观和价值观。 4、控制功能。社区通过各种规章制度、道德规范有效地维持社区的稳定,保护社区居民的安全。 5、传播功能。社区因拥有密集的人口,从而成为文化源、知识源、技术源、信息源,为传播提供了条件,各种信息在社区内外,以各种方式迅速传播、辐射,为人们及社会本省的发展创造了基础。 6、援助功能。社区对妇女、儿童、老年人等特殊人群及处于疾病或经济困难中的弱势群体,能提供帮助和支援。 农业的分类: 根据劳动对象的生物学性质,农业可以划分为植物生产和动物生产两大类,即我们通常所说的种植业和养殖业。又如,根据生产类型和学科属性相结合的原则,上述两大类农业生产可以进一步划分为以粮棉油为主的大田作物生产,以果树、蔬菜和花卉为主的园艺生产,以猪牛羊为主的畜牧业生产,以及以捕捞和养殖为主的渔业生产。在世界各国的生产和经济统计中,农业的主体都是种植业和畜牧业两大部门;根据各国的具体自然条件和生产实践,农业通常还包括林业和渔业等部门。中国现行统计口径将农业划分为农、林、牧、渔四个部门。 关于发展的三种不同观点? 综观不同学科对发展概念理解的差异,主要存在于对发展所涵盖的内容认识上的区别。归纳起来有以下3种不同的观点:第一种观点认为,所谓发展就是指社会发展,即包括经济在内的社会整体性发展。第二种观点认为,发展是社会有意识地逐渐向科学和成熟变化的过程,目的是实现既定的、估计可行的社会和经济进步。这种观点把发展看作是由经济发展与社会发展两方面组成的。第三种观点,把发展看作是社会、经济、政治、科技、文化、生态环境等每一个方面的进步与优化。显然,上述观点的分歧实质上是对"社会"所涵盖范围的不同认识。第一种观点从广义上理解社会,社会发展包含了人类生产与生活的各个方面;由第二种观点到第三种观点,是对社


农村区域发展专业人才培养方案 一、培养目标 本专业以我国乡村振兴战略实施人才的需求为导向, 坚持立德树人,以内涵式发展为根本,培养具有社会责任感和创新精神的社会主义建设者和接班人;适应现代经济社会发展需要,使学生具备具备人文精神、科学素养和诚信品质;构建完善的农村区域发展领域知识体系,使学生掌握掌握经济学、管理学、社会学等发展问题相关学科的基础理论和专业知识; 接受会计、统计、农村调查、测量、土地利用规划、区域发展规划、计算机等专业技能训练;具有创新创业精神和较强实践能力以及自主学习能力;能在各级政府涉农部门、涉农企事业单位以及相关教学研究机构等从事规划设计、经营管理、推广咨询、教学研究等工作的复合应用型人才。 二、毕业要求 本专业学生主要学习农村区域发展和当代农村经济、社会发展方面的基本理论和知识,接受农村发展调查分析、规划设计、实施、监控与评价等方面的基本训练,掌握从事农村区域社区发展工作的基本技能,具备较强的适应能力、实践能力和创新能力。 通过专业学习,毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识、能力和素质: 1具有良好的职业道德、坚定的追求一流的态度、强烈的爱国敬业精神、社会责任感和丰富的人文科学素养; 2.掌握经济学、管理学及农村区域发展与农业经济的基本理论、基本知识,具有综合运用专业知识来解决农村发展实际问题的能力;

3.掌握发展战略和规划、发展项目管理、农业普及和推广、农村区域分析、社会经济调查与分析等基本技能; 4.熟悉中国农业、农村和农民问题与世界农业发展趋势,了解必要的人文社会科学和自然科学的基础知识,并形成系统的知识结构; 5.具备良好的沟通、协调和组织能力以及合作精神,有较强的语言表达与写作能力。能查阅专业外文文献,掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步的科学研究和实际工作能力; 6.具备一定的创新创业能力,并具备自主获取和更新所需知识的能力。 三、主干学科与主要课程 主干学科:农业经济管理 主要课程:经济学原理、管理学原理、区域经济学、发展经济学、农村社会学、区域发展规划、农业推广学、农学概论。 四、学制与学位 学制:四年 授予学位:管理学学士 五、主要集中性实践教学环节 课程实习、毕业实习 六、学分要求与课程结构 本专业总学分156.5学分,其中课程学分131.5学分,实践教学环节25学分。


农村区域发展问题的现状和趋势 摘要:近年来,随着我国各项惠农政策的颁布和实施,农村区域发展取得了一定的成绩,但面对激烈的经济市场竞争环境,我国农村区域发展依旧面临着诸多问题,需要通过制定一系列的策略加以解决。为此,本文对目前农村区域发展的问题和现状进行了重点研究。 关键词:农村;区域发展问题;策略 引言 自改革开放以来,农村区域发展问题已成为我国研究的重点课题。由于受到自然条件、地理位置以及经济发展水平等因素的影响,使得农村区域发展不平衡问题日益显著,并且短期内,这一问题难以真正消除。为了能够缩小区域农村发展差距问题,必须结合实际,仔细分析农村区域发展产生差距的原因,并寻找有效措施加以解决。 1.我国农村区域发展特征概述 我国是一个农业大国,不仅疆土辽阔,而且人口众多,在资源分布上呈现较大差异,加之历史和政策等方面的原因,促使我国农村区域发展表现极不平衡。近年来,我国开始把目光转向农村发展,并把农村经济作为一个整体来进行区域划分[1]。要想对我国农村经济和区域发展问题进行探讨,首

先应该依据各地农村发展的实际情况和水平,并结合农村经济发展方向的区内相似性以及区际差异性。现如今,我国对农村区域的划分呈现出动态性和间断性,更加善于结合某地的实际情况来解决问题。从某种程度上来说,通过不同的角度对我国农村发展进行区域性划分,对于充分了解我国各地区农村发展实际,并由此因地制宜,充分发挥地区优势,实现我国经济发展的整体目标具有重要的意义[2]。 2.我国农村区域发展存在的主要问题 2.1农村区域发展不平衡问题 我国农村区域发展不平衡问题明显,主要体现在:我国的东、中、西三大经济区发展存在明显的差异区度,即由东向西,地区经济发展以此减弱,东部地区属于相对发达的地区,中部次之,西部则属于欠发达地区。从经济增长率来看,东部经济增长的速度要明显快于中西部地区;从城镇化阶段来看,我国东中部地区已经逐渐进入到了工业化中期的后半阶段,而西部地区则依旧处于工业化的初期阶段。虽然,自“九五”计划和十四届五中全会后,解决地区差距扩大问题已成为我国区域发展战略的指导方针,但由于东部本身优越的自然环境和地区优势,使得其更能吸引外界投资,由此东西部发展差距依旧存在壁柜不断扩大。 2.2农村区域环境发展问题 东部地区由于经济发展较快,因而人口密集,环境压力


农村区域规划的内容和方法 1农村区域规划的任务和内容 1.1农村区域规划与设计的任务 农村区域规划的任务是对农村产业和农业生产的发展方向、发展规模以及关键措施等作较长时间的安排。简言之,在于拟订一个合理的农村区域发展远景蓝图,并为计划部门编制中、长期农业发展规划提供依据,就是要建立合理的农村区域生产和生活体系。 农村区域规划工作,应包括以下几个主要方面: 1.1.1全面掌握地区经济和社会发展的基础资料 这是编制区域规划的基本依据。通过调查研究,搜集有关地区经济和社会发展长期计划以及各项基础技术资料,对本地区的资源作全面分析与评价。包括自然资源、社会资源和经济资源,按照生产力布局的基本原则,进一步制定地区经济和社会发展的任务和方向,确定地区各产业发展的合理结构、发展的内容。 1.1.2合理布局区内各业生产力 农村区域规划要结合农业区划成果,合理配置区域农、林、牧、渔、工、商、运、服务等行业,以促进区域农村经济与社会的全面协调发展。因地制宜安排好农、林、牧、渔等各项生产用地;加强城郊副食品基地的建设,妥善解决工、农业之间以及农业与各项建设之间在用地、用水、能源等方面的矛盾。

1.1.3拟订区域人口和农村居民点体系的规划 发展的主要目的是为了满足人民日益增长的物质和文化生活的需要。农村区域规划正是以处理好人民与自然的关系,解决好人口的合理分布,拟订与工农业发展相适应的农村居民点体系,为居民提供良好的工作、居住和生活环境。 1.1.4统一规划区域性公用基础设施 发展生产和改善乡村人民生活,都离不开交通运输、能源供应、给排水、生活服务等公用基础设施。这些基础设施的构成、布局,必须同农业生产和村镇居民点体系的布局互相协调配合。 1.1.5搞好环境保护,建立区域生态系统的良性循环 农村区域规划应力求减轻或免除自然灾害的威胁,进行生态重建,恢复已被破坏的生态平衡,使大自然的生态向良性循环发展。同时,应搞好园林绿地规划,丰富文化设施,增加休息的活动场所,进一步改善和美化农村生活环境。 1.1.6统一规划,综合平衡,以求达到最优的社会经济效果 统一规划,综合平衡是区域规划的基本方法之一。要做多方的技术经济论证与比较,选择经济上合理、技术上可行的最佳方案,以求达到最大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。 1.2农村区域规划与设计的内容体系 农村区域规划总的来讲包括区域经济、科技和社会事业的各个部门、行业和领域、在区域综合性系统中,经济、科技和社会发展事业是相互依存、互为发展的。农村区域规划作为一个综合性、长期性的


2006版农村区域发展专业培养计划 (110402) 一、业务培养目标 本专业培养具备农村区域发展和农业推广方面的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,能在农业企业、农业推广部门、政府及事业单位从事计划与发展、规划与设计、推广与创新、经营与管理、教学与科研等工作的应用型、复合型高级专门人才。 二、业务培养要求 本专业学生在了解农业生产特点和关键生产技术的基础上,主要学习农村区域发展和农业推广方面的基本理论和基本知识,接受农村发展调查分析、规划设计、实施与评价和农业推广技能、项目评估与管理等方面的基本训练,掌握从事农村区域发展和农业推广工作的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1、掌握当代农村区域发展学科和农业推广学科的基本理论和基本知识; 2、掌握包括农村社会学、社会调查学、农业推广心理、区域经济学等范畴在内的农村区域发展问题的综合分析方法; 3、具备农村区域分析、规划、计划实施、监测和评价、农业推广等方面的技能; 4、具备农村和农业可持续发展的意识和基本知识以及农村区域综合开发技能; 5、熟悉国家关于农业、农村和农民的有关方针、政策和法规; 6、掌握现代科技文献检索、资料查询和农村资料调查与搜集的基本方法,具备独立获取知识与信息处理技能和熟练的语言与文字表达能力; 7、具有一定创新精神和较强的农村、农业调查与研究、决策、组织与管理方面的技能。 三、主干学科:发展学、推广学 四、主要课程 作物通论、园艺通论、动物通论、农村社会学、农业技术经济学、农业政策学、农业推广学、农村发展概论、农村发展研究方法、农业推广项目管理与评估、农村经济学等。 五、主要实践性教学环节 课程实习4.5周;课程论文2周;教学实践4.5周;军事训练2周;生产劳动4周;毕业论文6周;毕业实习8周,共31周。 六、主要实验 社会调查指标设计,视听教育、推广项目管理与评估、乡村发展规划等。 七、修业年限:四年 八、授予学位:管理学学士 九、毕业最低学分 毕业生修读最低学分173.5学分,其中必修课110学分,选修课37学分,实践教学环节 26.5学分。 十、相近专业:农林经济管理、经济学、农学


中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)(总64期)2006年第3期Journal of China Ag ricultural U niversity (Social Sciences Edition) 当前中国农村区域发展问题的现状和趋势 左 停, 陈 瑜, 齐顾波, 鲁静芳 (中国农业大学人文与发展学院,北京 100094) [摘 要] 文章从中国农村区域发展的一些基本问题入手,如区域类型划分和特征化,概括分析了当前我国农村发展中的一些热点问题的起因、现状和趋势,如城镇化、劳动力流动、发展不平衡、县域经济、行政区划等问题。[关键词] 农村区域发展;农村区划;区域特征 [中图分类号] F32311 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-508X(2006)03-0001-06 [收稿日期] 20060725 [作者简介] 左 停(1964)),男,中国农业大学人文与发展学院教授、博士生导师,从事农村区域发展研究。 中国是一个农业大国,农村区域发展问题是国家发展中的一个重大课题,我国的农村区域发展取得了举世瞩目的成绩,但是我国农村区域发展中仍存在着不少问题和重大课题。本文对当前农村区域发展中的一些基本问题和热点问题进行了概括和分析。 一、中国重点农村发展区域及其特征 我国人口众多,幅员辽阔,资源禀赋千差万别,再加上历史和现行政策诸多方面的原因,各地区社会经济发展极为不平衡。依照不同的标准,可对各地农村的经济情况进行不同的划分。如按照经济发展水平和发达程度,把我国农村经济区域划分为东、中、西三大地带,或者根据人均GDP 将中国大陆划分为/四个世界0,也有划分为八大社会经济区域[1],甚至六大、七大、九大经济区、二十四个农村经济区的。按照经济发展的目的和经济区域所履行的功能,可分为单一功能区和多功能综合区,如/十一五0规划,根据资源环境承载能力和发展潜力,划分为优化开发、重点开发、限制开发和禁止开发的四大经济功能区。可按热量差异、植被、土壤等要素的不同来划分区域,如全国农业区划委员会将我国划分为10个一级农业区。也有将农村按地形和经济特点分为平原、丘陵、山区、牧区和湖区5个类型区域的。也可按照特殊的地理位置,人口的聚居特点,存在的主要问题,政策的实施范围等标准来进行划分[2]。 近年来,国际上日益注重把农村经济作为一个整体来进行区域划分,进而研究农业和农村发展问 题。对全国农村经济和发展区域进行探讨,应该依据各地农村具体情况,发展水平,以解决问题为导向,同时考虑到农村经济发展方向的区内相似性和区际差异性。过去进行区域划分多数地域上相对集中、连片,地理位置、行政区划的限制较大,现在许多农村经济区域划分是间断的、动态的,但是更能针对区域内某一具体问题进行解决。从不同角度对我国农村经济区域进行的划分,都一定程度上反映了我国不同地区农村经济发展的阶段性特点,有助于更全面地把握我国农村经济区域的主要特征,了解各地农村区域经济发展水平的实际情况,从而因地制宜,能够充分发挥地区优势,解除地区桎梏,实现国家和谐发展的总体目标。本节这里先着重介绍一些我国农村发展的一些重点区域及其特征。 二、农村区域发展不平衡 我国农村区域经济发展的不平衡性体现在:我国东、中、西三大经济区域的划分客观上存在着三个明显差异梯度,从东至西呈现梯级依次弱化态势,东部属相对发达地区,中部为次发达地区,西部为欠发达地区。 我国东中西部的地区差距是从20世纪90年代初开始出现的,源于/六五0至/八五0期间一直奉行的地区非均衡发展的思路。1991年,反映地区差异变化的基尼系数为012463,1995年上升至012747,1996年略有下降,近几年基尼系数又呈上升趋势,说明东中西部的经济差距又呈扩大的趋势。我国东


第一部分经济学原理 一、需求的定义:P17 需求是指居民户在某一特定时期内,在每一价格水平时愿意而且能够购买的商品量。 二、影响需求的因素:P19 1、商品本身的价格。商品本身价格高,需求少;价格低,需求多。 2、其他商品的价格。各种商品之间有着不同的关系,因此,其他商品价格变动也会影响某 种商品的需求。 3、消费者的收入水平以及社会收入分配平等程度。 4、消费者嗜好。 5、人口数量与结构变动。 6、政府的消费政策。 7、消费者对未来的预期。 8、总之,影响需求的因素是多种多样的,有些主要影响需求欲望(如消费者嗜好与消费者 对未来的预期),有些主要影响需求能力(如消费者收入水平)。这些因素的共同作用决定了 需求。 三、需求定理P20 基本内容:在其他条件不变的情况下,某商品的需求量与价格之间成反比方向变动,即需求量随着商品本身价格的上升而减少,随商品本身价格的下降而增加。(理解时,注意以下两点):1、其他条件不变是指影响需求的其他因素不变。2、需求定理指的是一般商品的规律, 但这一定理也有例外。 四、供给的含义:P22 供给是指厂商在某一特定时期内,在每一价格水平时愿意而且能够供应的商品量。 五、影响供给的因素:P23 1、厂商的目标。 2、商品本身的价格。 3、其他商品的价格。 4、生产技术的变动 5、生产要素的价格。 6、政府的政策。 7、厂商对未来的预期。 六、供给定理:P24 基本内容:在其他条件不变的情况下,某商品的供给量与价格之间成同方向变动,即供给量随着商品本身价格的上升而增加,随着商品本身价格的下降而减少(在理解供给定理时要注 意以下两点):1、其他条件不变是指影响供给的其他因素不变。2、供给定理指的是一般 商品规律,但这定理也有例外。 七、均衡价格的概念及形成过程:P26-27 1、概念:均衡价格是指一种商品需求与供给相等时的价格。这时该商品的需求价格与供给 价格相等称为均衡价格,该商品的需求量与供给量相等称为均衡数量。(对均衡价格的理解 应注意这样三点):1、均衡价格的含义;2、决定均衡价格的是需求与供给;3、市场上各种 商品的均衡价格是最后的结果,其形成过程是在市场的背后进行的。


农村区域经济发展的现状和对策研究 摘要:我国在农业的发展方面拥有较为雄厚的基础,在传统农业的发展中,我国已经积累了比较丰富的经验,能够根据我国的具体国情,展开科学合理的农业发展措施。目前,农村区域经济发展受到了广大人民的关注,如何根据农村区域经济的发展情况,展开科学的发展策略,成为了国家迫切需要解决的问题。文章通过分析了农村区域经济发展的意义和现状,展开了研究与探索,制定了农村区域经济发展的对策,希望能够起到一定的指导作用。 关键词:农村区域经济;现状;对策 在新时期,我国的农村经济面临着新的发展形势。在发展现代农业的过程中,我国加大了政策支持,在物质等方面,也投入了巨大的精力。目前,我国的农村经济发展水平有了很大的提高,广大农村人民的生活情况得到了很大的改善。农村经济的发展对我国区域的和谐提出了更高的要求,这源于我国区域发展存在差距的事实,必须进一步缩小差距,才有利于区域之间农村经济的总体进步,促进农村区域新面貌的形成。国家也认识到了农村区域经济发展的重要性,正在寻求积极的措施解决具体问题。 一、农村区域经济发展的意义

1.促进区域协调。对于区域经济,国家已经形成了比较 科学的认识,也非常注重区域经济的发展。在农村地区,为了促进农村实力的整体进步,国家采取协调发展的战略,缩小区域差距。在经济发展比较落后的西北地区,为了克服不利因素,国家更是投入了巨大的精力,旨在改善西北地区的农业发展状况。通过采取措施,促进农村区域经济的发展,能够带动更大范围内农村经济的发展进步,满足科学发展观的相关要求。 2.提高农村发展的整体实力。我国农村地区的经济发展 在很大程度上会影响到我国经济的整体实力,不仅如此,农村地区的发展情况也是我国农村实力的最好体现,必须加强农村地区的经济发展,才能够进一步增强我国的综合实力。进行农村区域经济的发展,就是以区域的农村经济作为重点,将整个区域作为一个整体,促进区域经济的整体发展与进步。从我国农村的长远发展来讲,为了达到更好的效果,这是一种科学的发展方式,能够促进农村区域的整体进步。 3.促进社会进步。和谐社会的建设一直是国家高度关注 的问题,也是提高人民生活质量的重要方式。促进社会和谐,要以经济力量作为基础,才能够进一步发挥对社会进步的促进作用。农村区域经济的发展有利于为社会进步提供优势条件,在经济基础之上拥有更多社会进步的促进力量。 二、农村区域经济的发展现状


农村与区域发展概论样题 一、名词解释 1.区域: ①地理学把"区域"作为地球表面的一个地理单元; ②经济学把"区域"理解为一个在经济上相对完整的经济单元; ③政治学一般把"区域"看作国家实施行政管理的行政单元; ④社会学把"区域"作为具有人类某种相同社会特征(语言、宗教、民族、文化)的聚居社区。 2.社区——由一定区域内人们组成各种社会群体和组织进行社会生活的社会有机体。 3.农村社区——农村社会区域共同体,是以主要从事农业为特征的居民聚集在一定区域内,具有一定 社会组织、社会制度、活动中心、认同意识的人群共同体。 4.经济发展——一个国家或地区在国民生产总值及人均国民收入不断增长的基础上,人们生活水平有 所提高,低下的劳动生产率逐步上升,人口压力有所减轻,严重的失业状况有所缓和, 农业在国民经济中的比重逐步缩小,工业化进程逐步加快等等经济结构不断变动与优 化的过程。 5.社会发展——以经济发达国家为代表的观点是:社会发展是旨在消除由于经济的高度发展而导致的 各种负面的社会效果,从而促使社会各系统的功能得到加强。我国学者认为,社会发 展是随着经济发展而导致社会结构与功能的不断优化与强化的过程。 6.经济增长论——二战结束以后,一大批殖民地和半殖民地国家纷纷摆脱了原宗主国的控制而独立。 如何振兴本国经济,走上独立自主的发展道路,自然成了这些国家的政府和人民所 面临的迫切问题。另外,西方各国为谋求战后重建,同样面临着战后经济迅速恢复 的问题。因此,无论是发达国家还是不发达国家都期望实现经济高速增长的目标。 7.增长极限论——以经济增长为核心的传统发展模式,在给大多数国家带来GNP快速增长的同时,也 带来了自然资源过度开发,环境污染日益严重等一系列问题。人口增长、粮食供应、 资本投资、环境污染和资源耗竭是影响经济增长的5个主要因素,这五种因素的共 同特点是它们的增长都是指数增长。人口的增长将直接形成对粮食指数增长的需求。 未来粮食的供给,决定于土地和淡水的数量,还决定于农业资本,农业资本的形成


Foreword 填空1: Development studies is a multidisciplinary branch of social science which addresses issues of concern to developing countries. It has historically placed a particular focus on issues related to social and economic development, and its relevance may therefore extend to communities and regions outside of developing world. Development studies is offered as a specialized Master’s degree in a number of universities, and, less commonly, as an undergraduate degree. It has grown in popularity as a subject of study since the early 1990s, and has been most widely taught and researched in the third world. In China, this course has been taught in different college of Agronomy. In China Agricultural University, this course has been taught in College of Humanities and Development (the former College of Rural Development). It has also been taught in countries with a colonial history, such as the UK, where development studies originated. As a subject, it is mainly composed of 3 parts: development theory, development research and development practice. 答题1——举3个例子说明发展援助并不总是有效的(有无效的时候) 2.4 Effectiveness Aid effectiveness Is the degree to which development aid works ,and is , a subject of significant disagreement. Dissident economists such as Peter Bauer and Milton Friedman argued in the 1960s that aid Is ineffective. Many econometric studies in recent years have supported the view that development aid has no effect on the speed with which countries develop. Negative side effects of aid can included as unbalanced appreciation of recipient’s currency(known as Dutch Disease) increasing corruption, and adverse political effects such as postponements of necessary economic and democratic reforms. There is also much debate about which form development aid should take in order to be effective. It has been argued that much government-to-government aid was ineffective because it was merely a way to support strategically important leaders. A good example of this Is the former dictator of ZAIRE, Mobuto Sese Seko, who lost support from the West after the Cold War had ended. Mobuto, at the time of his death, had a sufficient personal fortune (particularly in Swiss banks) to pay off the entire external debt of Zaire. Besides some instances that only the president (and/or his close entourage) receives the mone resulting from development aid, the money obtained is often badly spent as well. For example, in Chad, the Chad Export Project, a oil production project supported by the World Bank, was set up. The earnings of this project were used to obtain arms. The government defended this purchase by stating that “development was not possible without safety”. However, the Military of had is notorious for severe misconduct against the population and did not even defend the population in distress. In 2008, the World Bank retreated from the project that thus increased environmental pollution and human suffering. Another criticism has been that Western countries often project their own needs and solutions onto other societies and cultures. In response, western help in some cases has become more ‘endogenous’, which means that needs as well as solutions are being devised in accordance with local cultures. It has also been argued that help based on direct donation creates dependency and corruption,


论农村稳定与区域经济发展的关系 一、农村稳定与区域经济的含义 我国正处于改革开放的攻艰阶段,经济、政治、社会体制正处于深刻变革当中,当前正是我国发展的重要战略机遇期,同时也是矛盾凸显期,维护社会稳定的任务非常艰巨。从全国范围看,粮食安全、资源紧缺、能源危机牵动着人们的神经,南方先旱后涝、北方菜价猛涨严重影响着人们的正常生活。关注社会稳定、遏制群体事件高发势头、保障国家安全和人民安居乐业刻不容缓。“稳定压倒一切”,社会稳定具有极端的重要性。而农村稳,则天下安,农村稳定又是我国社会稳定的重要基础。 区域经济是在一定区域内经济发展的内部因素与外部条件相互作用而产生的生产综合体。以一定地域为范围,并与经济要素及其分布密切结合的区域发展实体。区域经济反映不同地区内经济发展的客观规律以及内涵和外延的相互关系。水分、热量、光照、土地和灾害频率等自然条件都影响着区域经济的发展,有时还起到十分重要的作用;在一定的生产力发展水平条件下,区域经济的发展程度受投入的资金、技术和劳动等因素的制约;技术经济政策对于特定区域经济的发展也有重大影响。 二、农村发展稳定在区域经济发展中的作用 农村是与城市有着很多不同特点的经济和社会区域,是我国社会的重要组成部分。农村的重要性首先来源于农业和农民的重要性,同时涉及到城市社会和农村社会的关系问题;涉及到城市居民群体和农村居民群体的利益关系问题;涉及到城市经济和农村经济的协调与平衡问题;涉及到农村社会组织和管

理的特殊性问题。邓小平说:“中国社会是不是安定,中国经济能不能发展,首先要看农村能不能发展,农民生活是不是好起来。” 1、农村的发展在国民经济发展中的重要性 (1)农村经济的发展给国民经济的发展注入了生机和活力。 农村经济结构的战略性调整是保持国民经济持续快速健康发展的重要环节。进入新世纪新阶段,加快农村经济发展的着眼点要高,发展必须有新思路。新思路的核心就是对农村经济结构进行战略性调整,依靠结构调整促进经济发展,在发展中加快结构调整。我国农村以往的发展在很大程度上是依靠多种田、多打粮。随着经济的发展和对外开放的扩大,经济结构不合理的矛盾日益显现,农村经济生活中的突出问题几乎都与结构不合理有关。譬如,我们在国内生产总值人均水平很低的情况下就出现了许多农产品过剩,农民增产不增收;农村剩余劳动力过多,就业矛盾突出。我们只有通过结构调整才能解决这些突出的问题。第一,通过结构调整,着力发展以高科技农业为先导,基础农业为支撑,农业第三产业全面发展的新的产业格局,使国民经济不断产生出新的增长点。同时,加快对传统农业的改造,促进农产品品种更新换代,提高质量,开拓国际市场,增强农业国际竞争力。第二,大力发展乡镇企业,提高城镇化水平。乡镇企业的发展。为国家创造了巨大的财富,满足了社会的需要。一方面乡镇企业的生产经营项目已涉及国民经济的各个领域,形成了城市工业以外的门类相当齐全的工业生产体系,走出了一条有中国特色的工业化道路。另一方面乡镇企业的发展,吸纳了大量的农村剩余劳动力,为他们开拓了


全日制农业推广硕士专业学位 农村与区域发展领域研究生培养方案 一、培养目标 农业推广是与农业技术推广和农村发展任职资格相联系的专业学位。主要为农业技术研究、应用、开发及推广,农村发展,农业教育等企事业单位和管理部门培养具有综合职业技能的应用型、复合型高层次人才。具体要求为:(一)农业推广硕士专业学位获得者应较好地掌握中国特色社会主义理论;拥护党的基本路线、方针、政策;热爱祖国,热爱农业,遵纪守法,品德良好,艰苦奋斗,求实创新,积极为我国农业现代化和农村发展服务。 (二)农业推广硕士专业学位获得者应掌握农业推广领域坚实的基础理论、系统的专业知识,以及相关的管理、人文和社会科学知识;具有较宽广的知识面,较强的专业技能和技术传授技能,具有创新意识和新型的农业推广理念,能够独立从事较高层次的农业技术推广和农村发展工作。 (三)基本掌握一门外国语,能够阅读本领域的外文资料。 二、学习方式及年限 采用全日制学习方式,学习年限一般为2年。最长年限不超过3年。其中课程学习实践为1年,参加专业实践时间为1年。 三、培养方式 (一)采用课程学习,实践教学和学位论文相结合的培养方式,实行多学科综合、宽口径培养。课程学习与专业实践要紧密衔接,课程学习在校内完成,实践教学科研在实习单位或校外实践基地完成。 (二)故里建立校内外双导师制,实行学位论文导师负责制,以校内导师指导为主,聘请校外导师参与实践过程、研究项目、课程与论文等多个环节的指导工

作,吸收本领域的专家、学着和时间领域有丰富经验的具有高级技术职称的专业人员,共同承担专业学位研究生的培养工作。 四、课程设置及学分要求 (一)课程分类及学分要求 课程学习实践环节实行学分制。研究生课程总学分为30—32学分(含专业实践),所有课程应全部在一年内修完。 课程设置分为学位课和非学位课。学位课程为必修课,研究生课程学习必须通过考试或考查,成绩合格方能获得学分,所有课程的成绩均采用百分制,60分为合格,不合格的课程必须按有关规定进行重修。同等学力或跨专业考入的研究生,在修满规定学分的同时,必须在导师的指导下补修2-3们本领域本科阶段的主干课程,不计学分,考试须合格。为补修或者补修不及格,不得参与论文答辩。复合《云南农业大学研究生第一外国语课程学习规定》有关规定,可申请免修免考第一外语和英语学位课程水平考试。


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4611298566.html, 区域发展规划理论在农村的应用 作者:雷雅琼 来源:《新西部·中旬刊》2016年第08期 【摘要】本文概述了区域发展规划理论,介绍了吕梁市岚县概况,分析了区域规划理论在岚县马铃薯产业发展规划中的实际运用,探讨了依据区域规划理论应采取的运行机制和具体措施。要采取“政府扶持+企业主导+专业合作组织辅助+农户参与执行受益”的运作模式,在政府和部门的引导下将基地、园区和农户紧密联结。同时,要做好政策保障、资金保障和技术与人才保障工作,确保农村区域发展规划得到有效实施。 【关键词】区域发展规划理论;规划方法;农村发展规划;应用 一、区域发展规划理论概述 区域发展规划(regional development plan简写为RDP)是区域生产力和区域经济与社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物,是对未来一定时间和空间范围内经济和社会发展等方面所做的总体部署。它标志着人类在能动地改造自然,协调人口、资源、环境、经济发展与社会进步关系方面进入了一个新的发展阶段。尤其是进入上世纪90年代以来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步形成以及政府职能的转变,整个国民经济管理朝着加强宏观调控、微观放开搞活的方向发展,各级政府在区域经济发展中获得了更多的自主权,对其管理水平提出了更高的要求,进而对作为宏观调控与管理有效手段的区域发展规划提出了更高的要求,赋予其新的内涵。本文依据吕梁市岚县的区位发展优势,结合区域规划理论制定出可行性的岚县马铃薯发展规划,并阐述了区域规划理论在实际规划当中的应用。 二、吕梁市岚县概况 1、人口情况 岚县辖4镇8乡1个城区管委会,167个行政村、336个自然村。岚县常住人口177278人,城镇人口53481人,乡村人口123797人。 2、社会经济发展水平 岚县经济增长较快,但是经济总量偏小,结构不够合理,城乡居民收入水平较低。岚县既是国务院批准的吕梁山连片特困区扶贫开发重点县之一,也是国家级贫困县。据统计资料,2015年,全县地区生产总值完成32.7亿元,公共财政收入完成3.83亿元;全社会固定资产投资完成39.9亿元;社会消费品零售总额完成10.2亿元;城镇居民人均可支配收入达到16987元;农村居民人均可支配收入4370元。全县地区生产总值突破55亿元,年均增长10.9%;继续实施以马铃薯为主,小杂粮种植、生态养殖、生态育苗、生态旅游为辅的“一主四辅”产业扶贫工程。


一、名词解释 1.区域-用某项指标或某几个特定指标的结合,在地球表面划分出具有一定范围的连续而不分离的单位。 2.社区-是由一定区域内人们组成各种社会群体和组织进行社会生活的社会有机体。 3.农村社区-是农村社会区域共同体,是以主要从事农业为特征的居民聚集在一定区域内,具有一定社会组织、社会制度、活动中心、认同意识的人群共同体。 4.经济发展-是指一个国家或地区在国民生产总值及人均国民收入不断增长的基础上,人们生活水平有所提高,低下的劳动生产率逐步上升,人口压力有所减轻,严重的失业状况有所缓和,农业在国民经济中的比重逐步缩小,工业化进程逐步加快等等经济结构不断变动与优化的过程。 5.社会发展-以经济发达国家为代表的观点是:社会发展是旨在消除由于经济的高度发展而导致的各种负面的社会效果,从而促使社会各系统的功能得到加强。我国学者认为,社会发展是随着经济发展而导致社会结构与功能的不断优化与强化的过程。 6.经济增长论-实质上是一种经济增长的战略,它把发展仅仅看作是一种经济现象,片面追求经济的增长,把经济增长看作是社会发展的核心问题,而忽视发展的其他方面。 7.增长极限论-人口增长、粮食供应、资本投资、环境污染和资源耗竭是影响经济增长的五个主要因素,认为这五种因素的共同特点是它们的增长都是指数增长。 8.综合发展观-它强调经济发展与社会发展是同一发展的两个方面,经济发展是社会其他方面发展的物质基础,社会发展是经济发展的重要保证;还强调发展应当是整体的、综合的、内生的。 9.可持续发展-是既满足当代人的需求,又不对后代人满足其自身需求的能力构成危害的发展。 10.区域发展战略-是指对区域整体发展的分析、判断而作出的重大的、具有决定全局意义的谋划。 11.平衡发展理论-在产业发展方面、区域间或区域内部各地区间基本保持同步与平衡发展。
