


范 围 :3~C C 77例 ,4一C C 71例 , 露双 侧 椎 板 , 暴 确 定 双侧 小关 节 内侧侧 块 和椎板 外侧 的结 合部 位 。术 中 c型臂 x光 机 透 视 定 位 , 定 病 变 节段 , 理 棘 确 处
作者单位 : 安徽医科大学临床学院 , 江苏省镇 江市解 放军第 三五九 医 院骨科脊柱外科 , 镇江 2 2 0 10 1
安徽 医科 大学学报
At nvrtt dc aiA h i 0 2Ma;7 3 c U i saiMein l n u a ei s i s 2 1 r4 ( )
・4 3 7・
C nepee et i 钢板在颈 椎后路单开 门手术 中的初步应用 r c
柯荣 军 , 陈建 民 , 方 刚 , 刘 曹
路 手术 难 以解决 椎 管 狭 窄 和改 变 症 状 , 单 纯 后 路 而
椎板成形手术不但能使椎管有效减压 , 还能相对的
21 0 1—1 0—1 收 3接
12 手术方法 患者插管全身麻醉 , . 俯卧位 , 头部 置 于 Mafl 骨支架 固定 , 屈 头颈 部 , 颈后 路 yid颅 e 微 取 正 中切 口, 切开皮肤 、 皮下组织及椎旁肌 , 手术减压
固定 可靠 , 术后 同节段 椎管前 后径 增加 3 % 41 % , 5 - 5 8例患 者开 门轴侧 均得 到骨 性愈 合 , 出现轴 侧 断裂及 再 关 门现 未 象 。术后 患 者 神 经 功 能 改 善 满 意 ,O J A评 分 由术 前 平 均
疗 , 讨 C ne i e 型钢 板 的临床 疗效 。 探 etpe 微 r c
和单 开 门两种 , 由于单开 门手 术 的风 险相对 较低 , 应 用相对 较 广泛 。但 传统 的后 路单 开 门手术术 后 并发 再 关 门 和轴 性 疼 痛 风 险 较 高 。本 研 究 采 用 C ne- et r



临床骨科杂志Jouma/q/'C/^iica/Ort/topaeAcs 2016 Dec;19(6)• 651 •doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1008-0287. 2016. 06.004 •临床论著•Centerpiece钢板在颈椎后路单开门椎管成形术中的应用伏海平,刘华兴,曾显荣摘要:目的探讨Centerpiece钢板在多节段脊髓型颈椎病(MCSM)后路单开门椎管成形术中的应用效果。

方法采用单开门椎管扩大成形术Centerpiece钢板固定治疗16例MCSM患者,手术减压C3_7 5个节段12例,CV74个节段4例。

常规单开门,将Cent erpiece钢板板固定于门轴对侧的侧块上,另一端叉口固定在棘突根部椎板,术中保留棘突及棘上韧带的完整性,钢板支撑维持椎板的开门状态。

结果患者均获得随访,时间12 ~36个月。

术后J0A评分由术前6 ~ 12(11. 38 ±1.40)分提高到8 ~ 16(15. 87 ±1.20)分;患者开门轴侧均得到骨性愈合,未出现轴侧断裂及再关门现象;术后患者神经功能改善满意。

结论Cent erpiece钢板在颈椎后路单开门椎管成形术中应用安全、简便,能有效维持椎板开门状态,利于神经功能恢复,近期疗效满意。

关键词:颈椎病;椎管扩大成形术;Centerpiece钢板;内固定中图分类号:R 681.5 ;R 687. 32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008 -0287(2016)06-0651 -03Application experience of Centerpiece plate in the posterior cervical spine single door verte­bral canal keratoplasty FU Hai-ping,L IU Hua-xing,Z ENG Xian-rong( D ept of Orthopaedics, Shifang People's Hospital,Shifang,Sichuan 618400,China)Abstract:Objective To evaluate the effect of Centerpiece plate on posterior open-door laminoplasty of multilevelcervical spondylotic myelopathy (M CSM). Methods Sixteen cases of MCSM were treated with Centerpiece platefixation in single-door open-door laminoplasty, 12 cases of C3^7 5 segments and 4 cases of C4^7 4 segments. Conven­tional single-door, the Centerpiece plate fixed to the side of the door on the side of the shaft block, the other end ofthe fork in the spinous process to the root laminectomy, intraoperative spinous process and to retain the integrity of the ligament, plate to maintain the maintenance of the lamina open state. Results All patients were followed up for12 〜36 months. The postoperative JOA score increased from 6 〜12 ( 11. 38 ± 1. 40) points to 8 〜16 ( 15. 87 土1. 20) points,the patients got bony union on the axial side of the door, without axial fracture and reclosure;patientsof neurological function improved satisfactly. Conclusions Centerpiece plate is safe and convenient in posterioropen-door laminoplasty. It can effectively maintain the open-door state of laminectomy, which is beneficial to the re­covery of nerve function and satisfactory curative effect in the near future.Key words : cervical spondylosis ; vertebral canal plasty ; Centerpiece plate ; internal fixation多节段脊髓型颈椎病(multilevel cervical spon­dylotic myelopathy,M CSM )发病原因常为多节段颈 椎间盘突出、后纵韧带骨化,单纯前路手术难以解决 椎管狭窄和改变症状,单纯后路椎管扩大成形手术 不但能使椎管有效减压,还能缩短手术时间,减少创 伤,能较好地保留颈椎活动度,手术风险相对较低。




方法选取多节段脊髓型颈椎病患者45例,21例采用颈后路单开门椎板成形Centerpiece内固定术治疗的患者纳入观察组,24例采用传统颈后路单开门扩大成形丝线缝合固定术治疗的患者纳入对照组,观察两组患者手术前后症状日本整形协会(JO A )评分,椎管矢状径(AP)、颈椎活动度(ROM )、颈椎曲率指数(CCI)的变化。

结果两组患者手术时间、出血量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),观察组术后开展康复锻炼时间显著小于对照组( P<0.05)。

随访12个月复查M RI ,观察组门轴侧全部骨性愈合,未见钢板移位、螺钉松动、再关门等并发症。




Centerpiece 单开门椎板成形术和椎板切除融合术治疗多节段颈脊髓病的

Centerpiece 单开门椎板成形术和椎板切除融合术治疗多节段颈脊髓病的
方式 , 对 其 中关 节 突病 变 严 重 的病 例 的多 采 用 椎 板
切 除融合 术 。A组 : 选择 症状 较 重侧 为开 门侧 , 沿椎
板 和侧 块结 合处 开 骨 槽 , 用 微 型 高 速 磨 钻 依 次 磨 至
记 录术 后 1年 时 C 神 经 根麻痹 的发生情 况 : 在
进行 统 计学 分析 。各组 手 术前后 各 项观察 指标 差值
济允 许 , 则可 以固定 全 部 节 段 ) , 对 于 未 能 实 现 全 部 节 段 固定 的患者 , 手 术 操 作 中保 证 各 椎板 间 连 接 的 黄 韧 带 和残 存 棘 突 间 的 棘 突 间 韧 带 的完 整 。术 后 3 d 鼓励 患者 戴 颈 托 离 床 活 动 , 术 后 2周 除 掉 颈 托 ,
2 0 1 4年 O 8月 , 第 1 2卷 4期

2 2 7・
品—— C e n t e I 1 ) i e c e 微 型钛 板 系统 。本 研究 比较 C e n —
术后 6周 主 动伸屈 颈 部活 动 , 锻 炼 颈后 肌 群 。B组 : 完全 切 除减压 节段 的椎 板 , 把棒 塑形 为颈椎 前 凸状 ,
t e r p i e c e 单 开 门椎 板 成 形 术 和 颈 椎 后 路 椎 板 切 除侧 块 融合 术 治疗 多节 段 颈脊髓 病 的 临床疗 效 。 1 资 料和 方 法
1 . 1 一 般 资料 对本院 2 0 0 7年 2月 ~2 0 1 2年 1月 行 C e n t e r .
颈椎 活动度 变 化 : 用 颈 椎 过伸 过 屈 位 x线 片 上
岁; C 3 ~ 6 减 压 6例 , 行 c , ~ , 减压 1 6例 , C 2 , 减压 1





比较两组患者神经功能、影像学观测指标(椎管矢状径、颈椎曲度、C 2~C 7 Cobb角、颈椎活动度、最窄节段椎管面积)。


术后3个月~1年,观察组椎管矢状径、颈椎曲度、C 2~C 7 Cobb角、颈椎活动度、最窄节段椎管面积均优于对照组(P<0.05)。

术后3个月观察组C 4、C 6门轴骨愈合情况优于对照组(P<0.05),术后1年,两组患者C 4、C 6门轴骨愈合情况比较无差异(P>0.05)。





论著China &Foreign Medical Treatment 中外医疗Centerpiece 钛板内固定在后路单开门颈椎管扩大成形术中的应用研究张震乾,张福兴,孔志强,柳旭洲肇庆市第一人民医院,广东肇庆 526000[摘要] 目的 探究后路单开门颈椎管扩大成形术中,Centerpiece 钛板内固定的实施价值,对其应用效果进行评价。

方法 随机选取2018年1月—2022年12月肇庆市第一人民医院40例后路单开门颈椎管扩大成形术(颈椎管狭窄症)患者,按照治疗方法采用Centerpiece 微型钛板内固定法纳入A 组,采用锚定法纳入B 组,各20例。

对两组患者进行复查随访,对比两组VAS 评分、NDI 指数、JOA 评分、颈椎ROM 、椎管横截面积、C3-7夹角、椎管扩大率、椎管矢状径及并发症发生情况。

结果 A 组VAS 评分、JOA 评分、NDI 指数、椎管横截面积、椎管矢状径、颈椎ROM 、C 3~7夹角、椎管扩大率均优于B 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);A 组并发症发生率为0.00%均低于B 组的30.00%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.902,P <0.05)。

结论 Centerpiece 钛板内固定实施后,患者并发症发生情况得到有效抑制,可以保障护理质量安全,对颈椎功能恢复及疼痛抑制等具有积极意义。

[关键词] 后路单开门颈椎管扩大成形术;Centerpiece 钛板内固定;VAS 评分;JOA 评分;NDI 指数;并发症[中图分类号] R744 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2023)06(a)-0001-04Application of Centerpiece Titanium Plate Internal Fixation in Posterior Single Open Door Cervical LaminoplastyZHANG Zhenqian, ZHANG Fuxing, KONG Zhiqiang, LIU XuzhouZhaoqing First People's Hospital, Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, 526000 China[Abstract] Objective To explore the implementation value of Centerpiece titanium plate internal fixation in posterior single-door cervical laminoplasty, and evaluate its application effect. Methods From January 2018 to December 2022, 40 patients who underwent posterior open-door cervical laminoplasty (cervical spinal stenosis) in the First People's Hospital of Zhaoqing City were randomly selected. According to the treatment method, Centerpiece micro titanium plate internal fixation method was used to be included in group A, and anchoring method was used to be included in group B, 20 patients in each group. Two groups of patients were reviewed and followed up, compared the VAS score, NDI index, JOA score, cervical ROM, cross-sectional area of vertebral canal, angle between C 3-7, spinal canal enlarge⁃ment rate, sagittal diameter of vertebral canal, and incidence of complications of two groups. Results The VAS score, JOA score, NDI index, cross-sectional area of the spinal canal, sagittal diameter of the spinal canal, cervical ROM, C 3-7 angle, and spinal canal enlargement rate in group A were all better than those in group B, the difference was sta⁃tistically significant (P <0.05). The incidence of complications in group A was 0.00% lower than that in group B, which was 30.00%, the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.902, P <0.05). Conclusion After the implementation of Centerpiece titanium plate internal fixation, the occurrence of complications in patients is effectively suppressed,which can ensure the quality and safety of nursing care. It has positive significance for the recovery of cervical spine function and pain suppression.[Key words] Posterior single-door cervical laminoplasty; Centerpiece titanium plate internal fixation; VAS score; JOA score; NDI index; ComplicationsDOI :10.16662/ki.1674-0742.2023.16.001[基金项目] 肇庆市科技计划项目(202004030810)。


S c i e n c e s , 2 0 1 6, 3 2 ( 1 0 ) : 5 0 7— 5 1 3 .
4 参考 文 献
[ 1 ] 单琨 , 史启铎 , 杨学伟.体外冲击波碎 石治疗双侧输 尿管结石 的疗
效与评价 [ J ] .天津医药 , 2 0 0 7 , 3 5 ( 8 ) : 6 2 8 . [ 2 ] C a r r i e A.P a l m,Wi l l i a m T . N .C u l p N e p h mu r e t e r l a O b s t r u c t i o n s :T h e
阿南外科学杂志 2 0 1 R N AL O F S uR G E R Y Ma y 2 0 1 7 .V o 1 .2 3 .N o .3

25 ・
作用。术中要注意尽量降低气腹压力 , 缩短手术 时间, 可 有效 减少 皮 下气肿 等 并发 症 。
我 们认 为对 于 治疗 >2 . 5 c m 的 蚨顿 性 输 尿 管上 段
i m a g i n g i s i mp o r t a n t a f t e r u r e t e r o s c o p i c s t o n e ma n i p u l a t i o n[ J ]. U r o l,
0 . 0 5 ) 。结论 塑形指骨接骨钛板 和 C e n t e pi r e c e 钛板 固定椎板均能有效 维持椎 管 的扩大状 态。微型 钛板 固定椎板 手术操 作简 单 , 不
2 0 1 6 , 4 6( 6 ): 1 1 8 3—1 1 9 2 .
[ 3] We i z e r A Z ,A u g e B K, S i l v e mt e i n A D, e t a 1 .R o u t i n e p o s t o p e r a t i v e




1.单开门颈椎管扩大成形Centerpiece钢板内固定术的手术配合 [J], 洪瑛;黄文霞;姜马娇
2.后路颈椎管扩大成形钛板固定术与传统单开门椎管扩大成形术治疗发育性颈椎管狭窄症的对比研究 [J], 欧裕福;李新;韦敏克;韦建勋;梁斌;丘德赞
110例疗效观察 [J], 苏洪民;房清敏;孙兆忠;耿晓鹏;王大巍;邢建强;孙金川
4.颈椎后路单侧椎弓根螺钉内固定术结合单开门椎管扩大成形术治疗合并颈椎不稳的多节段脊髓型颈椎病 [J], 钱晶晶;徐浩;王路;赵嘉懿
5.颈后路单开门联合Centerpiece钢板内固定椎管扩大成形手术治疗多节段脊髓型颈椎病 [J], 林阳;张宗;潘剑成;江海亮;蒋华生



第 49 卷第 5 期2023年 9 月吉林大学学报(医学版)Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition)Vol.49 No.5Sep.2023DOI:10.13481/j.1671‑587X.20230527颈椎后路单开门椎管扩大成形术对患者术后颈椎矢状面平衡的影响王理想1,2, 李春根2, 尹辛成2, 齐英娜2, 赵思浩2, 李伟1,2, 唐浩杰1,2(1. 北京中医药大学临床医学院,北京100029;2. 首都医科大学附属北京中医医院骨科,北京100010)[摘要]目的目的:观察颈椎后路单开门椎管扩大成形术后患者颈椎矢状面平衡的变化,为患者术后康复训练提供影像学依据。

方法方法:选择接受颈椎后路单开门椎管扩大成形术患者32例,根据术前矢状位轴向距离(SVA)值的中位数(15.75 mm)将患者分为低SVA组和高SVA组,每组16例。


结果结果:与术前比较,术后高SVA组患者NDI评分降低(P<0.01), JOA评分升高(P<0.01)。






Centerpiece钛板在颈椎单开门椎管成形术中的应用目的探討Centerpiece 钛板内固定在单开门颈椎管扩大成形术的临床应用。

方法选取2010年1月~2013年1月于福州总医院476医院56例行单开门椎管扩大椎板成形术的患者,按照手术方式分组,其中26例使用Centerpiece 钢板行门轴侧固定的患者为观察组,30例采用传统缝线悬吊门轴的患者为对照组。



手术时间两组比较差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。

观察组术前、术后1周时JOA评分比较差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。

末次随访时椎管面积改变、颈椎活动度、颈椎曲度改变两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P 0.05). The JOA scores one week after operative of study group and control group increased obviously than those before the operation,the differences were statistically significant (P 0.05). At last follow-up,Cervical cross-sectional spinal area ,range of motion (ROM)and Cervical curvature index (CCI)of control group were significantly decreased than those of study group,the differences were statistically significant (P 0.05),具有可比性。




术前 、 术后 2个月及末次 随访 时颈椎活 动度 、 颈椎椎 管矢状径 、 颈椎椎管横截 面积。 比较术后 2个 月及 末次随访 时开
门角度的变化 。结果
经 日本骨科学会 ( J a p a n e s e O r t h o p a e d i c A s s o c i a t i o n , J O A ) 评分 , 2组术后 2个 月及 末次随访与术
张 贤, 朱云 荣 , 汤建 华 , 陈俊 君 , 张兴 国
【 摘要】 目的 探讨颈椎单开门椎管扩大成形术结合 C e n t e r p i e c e 钛板固定术后的临床疗效。方法 回顾分析 2 0 0 9
年 2月 一2 0 1 2年 l 2月无锡市 中医 医院脊柱 科应 用颈椎 单开 门治 疗 的颈 椎椎 管狭 窄症患 者资 料 3 O例 , 其中 C e n t e r - p i e c e 钛板 固定 1 6例 ( 钛板组) , 传统丝线悬 吊 1 4例 ( 悬 吊组 ) 。观察 2组患者术后神经功能改善情况 ;比较 2组患者

9 4-
脊柱外科杂志 , 2 0 1 5年 0 4月 , 第 1 3卷 2期
J S p i n a l S u r g , Ap i r l 2 0 1 5, Vo l 1 3, N o 2

临床 研 究 ・
C e n t e r p i e c e 钛板在颈椎单开 门椎 管扩大成形术 中的应用
t e r p i e c e p l a t e f o r c e r v i c l a s p o n d y l o s i s .M e t h o d s : F r o m F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 9 t o De c e mb e r 2 0 1 2



Treatmentofcervicalspinalstenosiswith cervicalsingledoorexpansivelaminoplastyand minititanium plateinternalfixation XU Yinqiang,XINGShunmin,FANGLiangqin,TAN Junming (SectionⅥ ,DeptofOrthopaedics,the72ndGroupArmyHospitalofPLA,Huzhou,Zhe jiang 313000,China)
Abstract:Objective Toexploretheclinicaleffectofcervicalsingledoorexpansivelaminoplastycombinedwith minititaniumplateinthetreatmentofcervicalspinalstenosis.Methods The48patientswithcervicalspinalstenosis weredividedintoobservationgroup(24cases)andcontrolgroup(24cases).Theobservationgroupwasfixedwith Centerpiecetitanium plate,whilethecontrolgroupwasperformedsuspendingwithsilkthread.Thesagittaldiameter andcrosssectionalareaofcervicalspinalcanalwererecorded,andthecurativeeffectwasevaluatedaccordingtoJOA score.Results Bothgroupswerefollowedupfor6months.Comparedwiththepreoperative,thesagittaldiameter, crosssectionalareaofcervicalspinalcanalandJOAscoreweresignificantlydifferentat2,6monthsafteroperationin thetwogroups(P<005),andthereweresignificantdifferencesbetween6monthsand2monthsafteroperationin thetwogroups(P<005).Therewassignificantdifferenceintheimprovementratebetweenthetwogroups(P< 005).Therewasnosignificantdifferenceincomplicationsbetweenthetwogroups(P>005).Conclusions Cer vicalvertebralcanalenlargementwithsingledoorexpansivelaminoplastyandminititanium plateinternalfixationfor cervicalspinalstenosisaresatisfactory,andtheeffectofmaintainingspinalcanalenlargementisbetterthansilksu ture. Keywords:spinalstenosis;minititanium plateinternalfixation;wiresuspensionfixation


( A. 4 ) mm 提 高 至 术 后 的 ( 1 7 . 6  ̄ 3 . 2 ) m m; B组 由术 前 的 ( 1 1 . 6  ̄ 1 . 7 ) m m提 高至术后 的( 1 5 . 9 ±
2 . 0 ) m m, 差异 均 有 统计 学意 义( P < O . 0 5 ) 。 颈椎 活 动 度 ( R O M) A 组 手 术 前后 分 别 为 ( 5 1 . 0  ̄ 2 . 6 ) 。 和( 4 5 . 0  ̄ 3 . 5 o , B组分 别 为( 5 2 . 0  ̄ 1 . 8 ) 。 和( 4 2 . 0  ̄ 2 . 4 ) 。 , 两组术前颈椎 活动度差异无统计 学意义( P > 0 . 0 5 ) , 术后 颈 椎 活 动 度 差异 有 统 计 学 意 义 ( P < 0 . 0 5 ) 。结 论 : 颈后 路 单 开 门椎 板 成 形 术 加 C e n t e r p i e c e钢 板 内 固定 治 疗 脊髓 型颈 椎 病 相 对 于传 统 颈椎 椎 管单 开 门 扩 大成 形 术 ( 丝 线缝 合 固定 ) , 即 能 更好 的恢 复椎 管容 积 , 又 能较 好 的保 持 患者 原 有 颈椎 活动 度 , 还 能 更好 的 改善 术 后
间、 出血量 分 别 为 ( 1 4 8  ̄ 1 4 . 4 ) a r i n 、 ( 3 9 8  ̄ 1 5 . 4 ) ml , 两 组 比较 均 无 统计 学意 义 ( 户 > 0 . 0 5 ) 。 J O A 评 分 A 组 由 术前 的 9 . 1 + 2 . 6
提 高到 术 后 的 1 5 . 5  ̄ 1 . 8 , B组 由术 前 的 9 . 3  ̄ 2 . 1 提 高到 术 后 的 1 3 . 1  ̄ 2 . 5 ,差 异 均 有 统计 学意 义 ( P < 0 . 0 5 ) 。椎 管 矢状 径






















方法回顾2010年2月~2013年2月我科36例行颈椎后路单开门椎管扩大成形术患者,分别采用”CENTERPIECE微型钛板内固定法”(A组)及”锚定法”(B组)对开门侧进行维持固定,通过术后1 w、3个月、6个月、12个月对两组患者复查、随访,对A组和B组患者术后脊髓功能改善、术后轴性症状发生率及术后颈椎关节突关节活动度的影响进行统计分析,评价两种方法的治疗差异。












颈椎X片示:颈椎生理曲度变直,颈4-5、5-6椎间隙变窄,关节面硬化;颈椎MRI:颈4-5椎间盘突出,同水平脊髓受压明显,可见异常高信号影;颈椎CT及三维重建:颈3-5椎体后缘可见条状不规则钙化影,硬膜囊轻度受压,椎管最狭窄处约5mm,硬mmol/L膜囊受压;7段血糖监测:晨起:6.60mmol/L,早餐后:8.2 mmol/L;午餐前半小时:5.2mmol/L,午餐后2小时:9.0 mmol/L;晚餐前半小时:7.2 mmol/L,晚餐后2小时:7.1mmol/L;睡前5.8 mmol/L。











单开门微型钢板固定在颈椎管扩大成形术中的应用王北岳;刘刚;许斌;毛广平;赵建宁【摘要】目的评价单开门微型钢板固定颈椎管扩大成形术的临床效果.方法对20例需行颈后路单开门椎管扩大成形术的患者,术中将Centerpiece GP8-14 mm钢板两端分别固定于开门后的椎板和门轴侧侧块,通过影像学方法及JOA评分观察所有病例的临床效果.结果所有患者术后随访3~24个月,平均15个月,影像学评估显示内固定确实,未见神经、血管损伤、颈部轴性症状以及钢板、螺钉脱落移位、椎板塌陷再关门现象.根据JOA评分本组优12例,良4例,好转2例,无效2例,有效率90.0%,优良率80.0%.结论单开门微型钢板固定可防止颈椎管扩大成形术术后椎板再关门.%Objective To evaluate the application of posterior cervical unilateral open-door laminoplasty using miniplate fixation,How does its alinic effieacy. methods There were 20 patients needed to take posterior-cervical unilateral open-door cervical laminoplasty. During the operation, Centerpiece GP 8—14mm nickelclads were fixed at the lateral mass of vertebral plates and laminae after open-door. The clinical effects of all the cases were observed by imageology methods and JOA scores. Results There was no injury of nerve roots, vertebral artery,cervical cord compression or reclose of vertebral plateo Follow—up ranged 3-24 months,average 15 months,imageology e-valuation found internal fixation well and no injury of vertebral artery,spinal cord injure, screw or nickelclad loosening or displacement, laminae subsidence or reclose of the opened laminae. According to JOA score,the group included twelve excellent cases,four good cases,two improved cases and two ineffective cases,whichgot a 90.0% effective power and 80.0% excellent and good rates. Conclusion To use mini-plate fixation for cervical laminoplasty is a simple,safe and effective method.【期刊名称】《颈腰痛杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(033)005【总页数】3页(P352-354)【关键词】单开门颈椎管成形术;微型钢板;内固定【作者】王北岳;刘刚;许斌;毛广平;赵建宁【作者单位】南京军区南京总医院骨科,江苏南京210002;南京军区南京总医院骨科,江苏南京210002;南京军区南京总医院骨科,江苏南京210002;南京军区南京总医院骨科,江苏南京210002;南京军区南京总医院骨科,江苏南京210002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R687.32由Hirabayashi等[1]提出的颈椎后路单开门椎管扩大成形术,目前仍是学界公认的治疗颈椎管狭窄简便、有效的外科手段之一。



Centerpiece颈后路椎板成形系统开门钢板在脊髓型颈椎病后路单开门手术中的应用郭龙;刘延雄;康凯;刘志斌【期刊名称】《陕西医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(40)7【摘要】目的:探讨在后路单开门椎管扩大椎板成形术中应用Centerpiece开门钢板治疗脊髓型颈椎病的疗效.方法:对15例脊髓型颈椎病患者采用后路单开门椎管扩大椎板成形术治疗,术中应用Centerpiece开门钢板维持椎板的开门状态.结果:15例患者均得到随访,时间6~17月.所有患者均未出现门轴断裂及再关门现象.术前和术后应用改良JOA17分法对疗效进行评价,总体改善率为82.7%.仅有3例患者在术后6月残留轻度轴性症状.结论:Centerpiece开门钢板在后路单开门椎管扩大椎板成形术中的应用简单、安全,能可靠固定椎板于开门状态,最大限度的减少对颈椎活动度的干扰,有效减轻术后轴性症状,短期观察疗效满意.【总页数】2页(P842-843)【作者】郭龙;刘延雄;康凯;刘志斌【作者单位】延安大学附属医院骨科,延安,716000;延安大学附属医院骨科,延安,716000;延安大学附属医院骨科,延安,716000;延安大学附属医院骨科,延安,716000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R686【相关文献】1.后路单开门椎板成形术与后路全椎板切除侧块螺钉固定术治疗老年脊髓型颈椎病对比 [J], 唐冰; 熊敏; 张琼; 何涛2.脊髓型颈椎病颈前路手术与后路单开门椎板成形术对术后颈椎矢状位平衡参数的影响 [J], 宋双伟;侯金龙;周红键3.C3椎板潜行切除颈后路单开门椎管扩大成形术治疗多节段脊髓型颈椎病疗效观察 [J], 杨文全;臧传艳;郭俊翔;刘文华4.颈后路单开门联合Centerpiece钢板内固定椎管扩大成形手术治疗多节段脊髓型颈椎病 [J], 林阳;张宗;潘剑成;江海亮;蒋华生5.颈后路单开门椎管扩大成形加椎板撑开颌面钛板内固定术治疗脊髓型颈椎病 [J], 张海峰;付瑞玲;王衍成;王树平;刘兆亮因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



病 患者 5 9例 , 其 中男 性 4 2例 , 女性 1 7例 , 年龄 2 1 — 6 8岁 , 平均 5 6 . 2  ̄ 9 . 8岁 。 MR I 显 示 3个 节 段 狭 窄 1 2例 4个 节段 狭窄 2 9例 , 5个 节 段 狭 窄 1 8 例 。以 日本 骨 科 协 会 ( J O A) 评分 ( 1 7分法 ) 及 其 改 善 率 评 价 术后 神 经 功 能 改 善
苏 菲 , 桑宏 勋 1 , 2樊 勇 , 吴 子祥 。 , 张 扬 1 , 白 博I , 刘 斌 t雷 伟

( 1 第 四 军 医大 学 西京 医 院骨 科 7 1 0 0 3 2 陕 西 省 西安 市 ; 2 南 方 医 科大 学深 圳 医院 骨 科 中心 5 1 8 0 0 0广东省深圳市)

情况 ; 视觉模拟评分 ( v i s u a l a n a l o g u e s c a l e / s c o r e , V A S ) 及 颈部 功 能 障 碍 指 数 ( n e c k d y s f u n c t i o n i n d e xN D I ) 评 价

患者 的 疼 痛 及 功 能 变 化 情 况 ; 术 后 复查 颈 椎 X 线 、 C T及 MR I , 在术前及末 次随访时的颈椎 X线片上测量 C 2 C 7夹 角 、 颈椎 活动度( R O M) , 在颈椎三维 C T上 测 量 椎 管矢 状径 及椎 管 横 截 面 积 , 计算 椎 管 扩 大 率 f ( 术 后 椎 管 矢状径一 术前椎管矢状径 ) / ( 术前椎管矢状径 ) x 1 0 0 %1 , 评 价 椎 管 扩 大 和 维 持 情 况 及 门轴 侧 骨 融 合 情 况 。 结果 : 手 术 时 间为 1 4 2 . 2  ̄ 1 8 . 1 m i n , 术 中 出血 量 为 2 6 4 . 5  ̄ 5 0 . 5 ml , 术后引流量为 2 5 2 . 3  ̄ 2 8 . 6 ml , 住 院 日为 7 . 2  ̄ 0 . 7 d 。在 术后 随访过程 中, 1 5例 出 现 了颈 后 部 轴 性 疼 痛 症 状 , 按照 V A S评 分 , 1 3例 为 轻 度 疼 痛 , 2例 为 中度 疼 痛 , 所 有 患 者 颈 部 轴 性 疼 痛 症 状 均 于 术 后 1年 内消 失 。 1 例 术 后 第 3天 出现 C 5神 经 根 麻 痹 症 状 , 经 2周 保 守 治疗 症 状 明显 缓解 , 于术 后 1 2周 时症 状完 全 消失 。 随访 4 8 ~ 7 2个 月 , 平均 6 0 . 5  ̄ 2 . 7个 月 , 术前 J O A评分为 8 . 5  ̄ 0 . 5分 , 末 次 随 访为 1 5 . 4  ̄ 1 . 3分 , 改善率为( 7 7 . 1  ̄ 5 . 2 ) %。 术前平均 V A S评 分 为 3 . 9  ̄ 0 . 4分 , 末 次 随访 时 为 1 . 3  ̄ 0 . 6分 。 术前 平 均 N D I 为2 0 . 3  ̄ 5 . 4, 末 次 随 访 时为 6 . 5  ̄ 1 . 8 。影 像 学 复 查 示 术 后 随访 期 间 颈 椎 管 扩 大 满 意 , 脊 髓 受 压 完 全解 除 . 椎 管矢状径平均值术前 为 9 . 7  ̄ 0 . 9 m m, 末次随访 时为 1 6 . 8  ̄ 1 . 2 mm, 椎 管扩 大 率 为 ( 6 7 . 6  ̄ 1 3 . 9 ) %, 椎 管 矢 状 面 积 术 前为 1 2 8 . 1  ̄ 1 3 . 5 m m , 末次随访时为 3 1 8 . 3  ̄ 3 4 . 3 m m 。末 次 随访 时 颈椎 R 0 M值较术前减少 9 . 6 。 ± 2 . 4 。 , 手 术 前 与 术后随访期间 C 2 一 C 7夹 角 未 见 明显 差 异 ( P > 0 . 0 5 ) 。 术 后 6个 月 门轴 侧 均 达 骨性 愈合 , 随 访 期 间 均 未 出现 关 门 及神经损害症状加重的情况。结论 : 单 开 门颈 椎 管 扩 大 成 形 C e n t e pi r e c e钛 板 内 固定 术 是 治 疗 脊 髓 型 颈 椎 病 的



颈椎单开门椎管扩大成形术内固定的选择与疗效马守战;邵越峰;贾思明【摘要】Objective To investigate the choices and outcomes to different fixations of Posterior cervical laminoplasty.Methods From July 2009 to July 2013,85 patients with Cervical spinal stenosis were operated with Posterior cervical laminoplasty and followed up.40 patients were used with the shaped Titanium plate of finger and 45 patients with the Titanium plate of Centerpiece and we had a retrospective analysis to the clinical outcomes.Results The operation time, blood loss during operation, postoperative drainage,the JOA score,improvement rate and cervical curvature were recorded and compared between two groups,and they showed no significant difference between two groups(P>0.05).All patients were with bony fusion after six months,and the costs of the shaped Titanium plate of finger was relatively lower than that of the Titanium plate of Centerpiece,showing significant difference between twogroups(P<0.05).Conclusion Two groups could effectively maintain the spinal canal enlargement and achieve better clinical outcomes and the costs of the shaped Titanium plate of finger was relatively lower.If economic conditions allowed,the Titanium plate of Centerpiece is a good fixation to vertebral plate on the Posterior cervical laminoplasty.%目的观察塑形指骨接骨钛板和Centerpiece钛板在颈椎单开门椎管扩大成形术中的疗效.方法 2009-07-2013-07间应用后路颈椎管扩大成形术治疗并获随访的85例颈椎管狭窄症患者,其中40例采用塑形指骨接骨钛板固定椎板,45例采用Centerpiece钛板固定椎板.回顾性分析两种椎板固定方法的治疗效果.结果 2组患者术后6个月均获得骨性愈合.且出血量、手术时间、引流量、JOA评分改善率及颈椎曲度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).塑形指骨接骨钛板组住院费用较低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论塑形指骨接骨钛板和Centerpiece钛板固定椎板均能有效维持椎管的扩大状态.微型钛板固定椎板手术操作简单,不增加手术时间及出血量;而指骨接骨钛板相对费用较低.在患者经济条件允许情况下, Centerpiece钛板是颈椎单开门椎管扩大成形术一种较好的椎板固定方法.【期刊名称】《河南外科学杂志》【年(卷),期】2017(023)003【总页数】3页(P25-27)【关键词】颈椎管狭窄症;椎管扩大成形术;钛板固定【作者】马守战;邵越峰;贾思明【作者单位】河南开封市中心医院骨科开封 475000;河南开封市中心医院骨科开封 475000;河南开封市中心医院骨科开封 475000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R681.5+5颈椎管狭窄症临床多见,主要原因为发育性颈椎管狭窄、退变性颈椎管狭窄、颈椎间盘多节段突出及颈椎后纵韧带骨化等。

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CENTERPIECE™PLA TE FIXA TION SYSTEM Surgical Technique1Dear Colleagues:The preferred surgical procedure for the treatment of multi-level cervical myelopathy remains a matter of discus-sion. In selecting a procedure to recommend to their patients, surgeons must account for a number variables,such as the sources and location of compression, cervical alignment, segmental instability patterns, comorbidmedical conditions, functional requirements of the host, degree of preoperative axial pain, etc. Laminoplasty hasbeen proven to yield the same neurologic outcomes as multi-level anterior decompression and fusion procedures. However, the complication rates are lower with laminoplasty, and motion is preserved rather than sacrificed. Early active range of motion may also be encouraged, provided the position of the laminae is secured during surgery.A myriad of laminoplasty techniques have been described, none of which appear to differ to any great extent intheir success rates. The choice of which method a surgeon might use appears to be primarily a matter of trainingand familiarity, as are the details of how the laminae are maintained in their open position. The principle school of thought described in this technique is the Open Door procedure. We have worked closely with Medtronic Sofamor Danek to develop a system of implants to facilitate laminar fixation during Open Door laminoplasty procedures.This monograph concerns the use of the CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System with and without an interpositional allograft. We hope that you will note its potential advantages for your patients:• Anatomic contouring• Ease of application• Secure laminar fixation• Adaptability to procedures with and without allograft• Facilitation of early active motion and rehabilitationFor those familiar with laminoplasty, we think that you will find the CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System awelcome enhancement to your technique. For those considering adding laminoplasty to their surgical repertoire,we think that the CENTERPIECE™ System will enhance the appeal of the procedure and make it easier to perform. Sincerely,John G. Heller, MD Jeffrey C. Wang, MD2Implant Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Patient Postioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Surgical Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Open Door TechniqueOpen Side Trough Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Hinge Side Trough Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Opening the Laminoplasty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Keeping the Door OpenA. Utilizing the Open Door Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12B. Utilizing the Graft Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Use of Lateral Hole Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Use of Wide Mouth Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Use of Hinge Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Implant Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Product Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Important Information on the CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223•Pre-cut, pre-contoured plate design•L aminar shelf of plate allows for easy fixation to lamina•M ultiple screw hole options for flexibility in screwplacement•Intrinsic stability provided by design of plate•“ K ickstand” design of plate aids in stability when placedon lateral mass•C olor coded•A vailable in 8mm – 18mm sizes in 2mm increments•Pre-cut, pre-contoured plate design•O val shaped center screw hole in the graft plate allowsfor fine adjustments of the plate on the allograft•M ultiple screw hole options for flexibility in screwplacement•C olor coded•A vailable in 8mm – 18mm sizes in 2mm increments•M edial/lateral orientation of the lateral mass screwholes allows for flexible screw placement in the eventthat the surface area of the lateral mass has beenreduced in its cranial-caudal dimension, especiallyfollowing supplemental foraminotomies•C olor coded•A vailable in 8mm – 18mm sizes in 2mm increments4• S mall angled plate designed to secure a floppy ordisplaced hinge • W ider laminar shelf used to accomodate thick laminae• C olor coded• Available in 8mm - 18mm sizes in 2mm increments • Self-tapping• Precision instrumentation with stab-and-grab feature• C olor coded• A vailable in 2.6mm and 3.0mm diameters,5mm - 11mm lengths in 2mm increments• A ll cortical graft for added stability• S implified surgical technique by eliminating the needto shape resected autograft• C urved edges of allograft provide a secure fit betweenthe lamina and lateral mass• P re-drilled center screw hole allows for immediateaccess for screw insertion, eliminating a procedural step • F reeze-dried • Available in 8mm – 18mm sizes in 2mm incrementsTop View Side View5Universal handle Bone TrialPlate HolderScrewdriver SleeveBone CutterDrill Bit with 1.9x 5.5mm Depth StopScrewdriver Shaft67 The patient is positioned prone as for most other posterior cervical procedures, with the head securedin a Mayfield three-pin head-holder, preferably in slight flexion (Figures 1 and 1a). Some cervical flexionhelps reduce the overlap of the laminae and facet joints, which facilitates the laminoplasty itself. A reverse Trendelenberg position may help decrease bleeding from epidural and paravertebral veins.Figure 1Figure 1a8The surgeon performs a midline posterior exposure from the inferior aspect of C2 to the superior aspect of T1 (Figures 2 and 3). The lateral dissection follows the subperiosteal plane out to the mid-portion of the lateral masses. Unlike the exposure required for a laminectomy and fusion, the muscle origins and insertions over the lateral half of the lateral masses are preserved. The insertion of the extensor muscles is only detached from the lower laminar margin of C2 to afford access to the C2-3 inter-laminar space. The junction of the medial aspect of the lateral mass with the lateral portion of the lamina is identified at each level planned in the decompression.At this point it is particularly helpful to correlate the local surface anatomy with the preoperative axial images.Figure 2Figure 3Figure 4Figure 4a Figure 4b9Open Side Trough PreparationThe open side trough is prepared with a burr along the junction of the lamina and the lateral mass. Three layers of bone must be removed in turn: the dorsal cortex, followed by the cancellous layer and then the ventral cortex (Figure 5 and 5a ). Hemostasis of the bone surfaces can be achieved with the use of thin bone wax “match sticks” or applying a slurry of powdered GelFoam ™ and thrombin solution. The completion of the bone separation on the open side can be performed with a 1.0 millimeter Kerrison Rongeur. At this point, the objective is to ensure that bone separation has been achieved. This will permit one to assess the stiffness of the hinge as it is prepared for each lamina.Note: Tbe the case for a left-handed surgeon. “ I prefer to use a 3.0mm or 4.0mmcutting burr with low agressionteeth or a MIDAS ®AM-8”– John Heller, MDFigure 5Figure 5aHinge Side Trough PreparationOn the hinge side of the laminoplasty another trough is made with the burr of choice (Figure 6 and 6a). Care must be taken to avoid two common errors: placing the trough too medially over the laminae and/or removing excessive bone, either of which will lead to a floppy hinge. After removing the dorsal cortex and cancellous layer, one should pause to assess the stiffness of the hinge at each level. The laminar hinge should yield slightly witha moderate bending force. The surgeon should err on the side of leaving more bone, as fine-tuning can be done once every level is at or close to the desired thickness. If the hinge fails to bend despite resection of what seems to be an adequate amount of bone, check to be sure that the bone was completely divided on the open side.Figure 6Figure 6aFigure 8Figure 7Opening the LaminoplastyFollowing the hinge side preparation, divide the ligamentum flavum, facet capsules and viens as required. A 2.0mm or 3.0mm kerrison punch may be used to excise the ligamentum flavum at C2-C3 and C7-T1 (Figure 7). Division of the residual facet capsular tissue and the underlying epidural veins may be done in a number of ways. The authors prefer to do so with bipolar forceps and either a fine scissor or 1.0mm Kerrison punch (Figures 8). This may be facilitated by applying a slight opening force to the laminae while using a nerve hook to separate the veins from the dura. The laminae are now sequentially opened from one end to the other. The hinges are fashioned to be somewhat stiff. Use an angled probe to ensure that any epidural adhesions have been lysed beneath the laminae before fully opening the laminoplasty (Figure 9).Figure 9Figure 10Keeping the Door OpenA. Utilizing the Open Door PlatePlate PositioningThe appropriate size laminoplasty plate for each level is selected using the bone trials (Figure 10). Using the plate holder, the corresponding plate is then inserted by fitting the cut edge of the lamina into the laminar shelf of the plate, then seating the lateral portion of the plate down onto the edge of the lateral mass (Figure 11). The ventral prong on the under surface of the plate should catch the cut edge of the lateral mass. This helps to stabilize the plate’s position while completing the fixation, as well as reducing any sheer loads on the lateral fixation screws.NOTE: Orient the etchedline on the plate holder sothat it lines up with axisof the laminoplasty plate. Proper alignment indicatescorrect positioning of theplate holder to the plate.Figure 11Figure 11aDrill and Screw InsertionEach of the lateral mass screw holes are made using the 1.9 x 5.5mm depth-stopped drill bit. The drill bit may be attached to the universal handle for manual drilling or attached to a power drill (Figure 12). Using the self-holding screwdriver, the self-tapping screws are inserted to anchor the plate to the lateral mass (Figure 13). The screw-driver sleeve is optional, and can be used to help secure the screw onto the screwdriver while inserting it into the bone. The sleeve can be placed over the screwdriver either before or after the screw has been loaded on the screwdriver (Figure 13a).Figure 12Figure 13Figure 13aThe laminar hole may then be drilled using the same 1.9 x 5.5mm depth stopped drill bit and secured with a self-tapping screw (Figures 14 and 14a). A second screw may be placed in the lamina if desired. The assistant may want to hold the lamina with a clamp to prevent damage to the hinge if hard laminar bone causes a high torque of insertion for the screw.“ I typically use both lateral mass screwholes and one laminar screw hole”– John Heller, MDFigure 14aFigure 14B. Utilizing the Graft PlateAn alternative technique, which allows for the placement of allograft on the open side of the laminoplasty, can be performed using the graft plate.The initial surgical procedure is performed in the same manner as if preparing to use the Open Door Plate (as described on pages 9-11). After the laminoplasty has been “opened”, the appropriate size allograft is selected using the bone trials (Refer to Figure 10). As an example, a 12mm trial corresponds to a 12mm allograft. The allograft is then attached to the graft plate and secured by inserting a 2.6 x 5mm screw through the pre-drilled center hole in the allograft (Figure 15 and 15a). The oval shaped center screw hole in the graft plate allows for fine adjustments of the plate on the allograft. The allograft/graft plate construct is inserted between the cut edge of the lamina and the lateral mass. To secure the allograft/graft plate construct to the bone and complete the fixation, drill and insert the self-tapping screws according to the procedural steps described on pages 13 and 14 (Figure 16).Figure 15aFigure 15Figure 16The allograft/graft plate construct can be used at every level of the laminoplasty (Figure 17), or may be alternated with the Graft Plate or Open Door Plate alone (Figures 17a and 17b).Figure 17Figure 17a Figure 17bThe Lateral Hole PlateIn the event that the surface area of the lateral mass is either too small in its cranial-caudal dimension, or it has been reduced in the addition of one or more foraminotomies, one could opt to use the lateral hole plate. The sizing and method of insertion are the same as for the standard open door and graft plates, except that the orientation of the lateral mass screws is now parallel to the long axis of the plate. The exposure may need to be widened slightly at any level where the lateral hole plates are needed.Figure 18The Wide Mouth PlateThe Wide Mouth plate may be needed on occasion to accommodate thicker laminae. As an alternativeto bending the laminar shelf of the standard open door plate, one could use the wide mouth plate to allow for easier placement onto the thicker laminae. The sizing and method of insertion are the same as for the standard open door plate.Figure 19The Hinge PlateThe Hinge plate may be needed on occasion to secure a floppy or displaced hinge which threatens to impinge upon a nerve root or the dura. In the event that it is judged to be necessary, its application begins before opening the laminoplasty. The loose laminae should be grasped and stabilized with a suitable clamp (eg. A ligamentum flavum clamp). It is held firmly while the laminar side screws holes are drilled with the 1.9 x 5.5mm depth stopped drill bit. The hinge plate is then fastened to the lamina with two screws. The laminoplastyis then opened as usual. The lateral mass screw holes for the hinge plate are then drilled for two additional screws, firmly fixing the hinge in place.Figure 2020Implant RemovalTo remove any of the laminoplasty plates described throughout this technique, engage the screw head with the Self-Holding Screwdriver, and in a counter clockwise motion, remove the screw from the bone. The plate can then be freely removed from the bone.2122PURPOSE:The purpose of the Medtronic Sofamor Danek (MSD) CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System is to provide a means to prevent expulsion of graft material after a laminoplasty has been performed.DESCRIPTION:The CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System consists of a variety of sizes of plates and screws. The CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System components are made of from medical grade titanium or titanium alloy.No warranties, express or implied, are made. Implied warranties of merchantability and fi tness for a particular purpose or use are specifi cally excluded. See the Medtronic Sofamor Danek catalog and/or pricelist for further information about warranties and limitations of liability. INDICATIONS:The Medtronic Sofamor Danek CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System is intended for use in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine (C3 to T3) in laminoplasty procedures. The CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System is used to hold the graft material in place in order to prevent the graft material from expulsion, or impinging the spinal cord. CONTRAINDICATIONS:Contraindications include, but are not limited to:1. Infection, local to the operative site.2. Fever or leukocytosis.3. Morbid obesity.4. Pregnancy.5. Mental illness.6. A ny medical or surgical condition which would preclude potential benefi t of spinalimplant surgery, such as the presence of tumors or congenital abnormalities, elevation of sedimentation rate unexplained by other diseases, elevated white blood count (WBC), or a marked left shift in the WBC differential count.7. R apid joint disease, bone absorption, osteopenia, and/or osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is arelative contraindication since this condition may limit the degree of obtainable correction and/or the amount of mechanical fi xation.8. Suspected or documented metal allergy or intolerance.9. Any case needing to mix metals from different components.10. Any case not needing a laminoplasty procedure.11. A ny patient having inadequate tissue coverage over the operative site, or inadequate bonestock or bone quality12. A ny time implant utilization would interfere with anatomical structures or expectedphysiological performance.13. A ny patient who will not follow postoperative instructions, such as drug/alcohol abusepatients, and are unwilling to restrict postoperative activities.14. Any case not described in the Indications.15. A ny patient unwilling to follow the postoperative instructions.Contraindications of this device are consistent with those of other anterior spinal instrumentation systems. This spinal implant system is not designed, intended, or sold for uses other than those indicated.POSSIBLE ADVERSE EFFECTS:1. Early or late loosening of the components.2. Implant migration.3. D isassembly, bending, loosening, slippage, and/or breakage of any or all of the componentsor instruments.4. F oreign body reaction to the implants including possible tumor formation, autoimmunedisease, metallosis, and/or scarring.5. P ressure on the skin possibly resulting in skin breakdown from component parts wherethere is inadequate tissue coverage over the implant. Implant or graft extru s ion through the skin. Wound complications.6. Loss of proper spinal curvature, correction, height, and/or reduction.7. Infection.8. Bone fracture or stress shielding at, above, or below the level of surgery.9. L oss of neurological function, appearance of radiculopathy, dural tears, and/or developmentof pain. Neurovascular compromise including paralysis or other types of serious injury.Cerebral spine fl uid leakage.10. G astrointestinal, urological, and/or reproductive system compromise, including sterility,impotency, and/or loss of consortium.11. Hemorrhage of blood vessels and/or hematomas.12. Discitis, arachnoiditis, and/or other types of infl ammation.13. Deep venous thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and/or pulmonary embolus.14. Inability to resume activities of normal daily living.15. Death.NOTE: Additional surgery may be necessary to correct some of these anticipated adverse reactions.WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS:A successful result is not always achieved in every surgical case. This fact is especially true in spinal surgery where many extenuating circumstances may compromise the results. This system is intended to be used to provide protection of the spinal canal. The safety and effectiveness of the device when implanted in the anterior spine have not been established.Preoperative and operating procedures, including knowledge of surgical techniques, proper reduction, and proper selection and placement of the implant are important considerations in the successful utilization of the CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System by the surgeon. Further, the proper selection and compliance of the patient will greatly affect the results.PHYSICIAN NOTE: Although the physician is the learned intermediary between the company and the patient, the important medical information given in this document should be conveyed to the patient.!USAFor US Audiences OnlyCAUTION: FEDERAL LAW (USA) RESTRICTS THESE DEVICES TO SALE BY OR ON THE ORDER OF A PHYSICIAN.Other preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative warnings are as follows:IMPLANT SELECTION:The selection of the proper size, shape and design of the implant for each patient is crucial to the success of the procedure. Metallic surgical implants are subject to repeated stresses in use, and their strength is limited by the need to adapt the design to the size and shape of human bones. Unless great care is taken in patient selection, proper placement of the implant, and postoperative management to minimize stresses on the implant, such stresses may cause metal fatigue and consequent breakage, bending, loosening, or migration of the device, which may result in further injury or the need to remove the device prematurely.PREOPERATIVE:1. Only patients that meet the criteria described in the indications should be selected.2. P atient conditions and/or predispositions such as those addressed in the aforementionedcontraindications should be avoided.3. U se care in the handling and storage of implant components. Implants should not bescratched or damaged. Implants and instruments should be protected during storage especially from corrosive environments.4. T he type of construct to be assembled for the case should be determined prior to beginningthe surgery.5. S ince mechanical parts are involved, the surgeon should be familiar with the variouscom p onents before using the equipment and should personally assemble the devices to verify that all parts and necessary instruments are present before the surgery begins. The CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation System components are not to be combined with the components from another manufacturer. Different metal types should not be used together.6. U nless sterile packaged, all parts should be cleaned and sterilized before use. Additionalsterile components should be available in case of an unexpected need. INTRAOPERATIVE:1. A ny instruction manuals, if available, should be carefully followed.2. A t all times, extreme caution should be used around the spinal cord and nerve roots.Damage to the nerves will cause loss of neurological functions.3. I mplant surfaces should not be scratched or notched, since such actions may reduce thefunctional strength of the construct.4. N ever over-tighten screws so as to prevent stripping of the threads. Recheck the tightnessof all screws after fi nishing to ensure that none have loosened during the tightening of the other screws. Failure to do so may cause loosening.POSTOPERATIVE:The physician’s postoperative directions and warnings to the patient and the corresponding patient compliance, are extremely important.1. D etailed instructions on the use and limitations of the device should be given to thepatient. The risk of bending, loosening, or breakage of an internal fi xation device during postoperative rehabilitation may be increased if the patient is active, or if the patient is debilitated, demented or otherwise unable to use crutches or other weight supporting devices. The patient should be warned to avoid falls, sudden jolts, or sudden blows to the spine.2. T o allow the maximum chances for a successful surgical result: the patient or device shouldnot be exposed to mechanical vibrations that may loosen the device construct. The patient should be warned of this possibility and instructed to limit and restrict physical activities, especially lifting and twisting motions and any type of sport participation that may cause sharp forces to the posterior cervical spine.PACKAGING:Packages for each of the components should be intact upon receipt. If a loaner, earn-out or consignment system is used, all sets should be carefully checked for completeness and all components should be carefully checked for lack of damage prior to use. Damaged packages or products should not be used, and should be returned to Medtronic Sofamor Danek. CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION:Unless just removed from an unopened Medtronic Sofamor Danek package, all instruments and implants must be disassembled (if applicable) and cleaned using neutral cleaners before sterilization and introduction into a sterile surgical field or (if applicable) return of the product to Medtronic Sofamor Danek. Cleaning and disinfecting of instruments can be performed with aldehyde-free solvents at higher temperatures. Cleaning and decontamination must include the use of neutral cleaners followed by a deionized water rinse.Note: Certain cleaning solutions such as those containing formalin, glutaraldehyde, bleach and/ or other alkaline cleaners may damage some devices, particularly instruments; these solutions should not be used. Also, many instruments require disassembly before cleaning.All products should be treated with care. Improper use or handling may lead to damage and/or possible improper functioning of the device.STERILIZATION:Unless marked sterile and clearly labeled as such in an unopened sterile package provided by the company, all implants and instruments used in surgery must be sterilized by the hospital prior to use. Remove all packaging materials prior to sterilization. Only sterile products should be placed in the operative fi eld. These products are recommended to be steam sterilized by the hospital using one of the three sets of process parameters below:METHOD CYCLE TEMPERATURE EXPOSURE TIME Steam Pre-Vacuum270 °F (132 °C) 4 MinutesSteam Gravity250 °F (121 °C)30 MinutesSteam*Gravity*273 °F (134 °C)*20 Minutes*23 NOTE: Because of the many variables involved in sterilization, each medical facility shouldcalibrate and verify the sterilization process (e.g. temperatures, times) used for their equipment.*For outside the United States, some non-U.S. Health Care Authorities recommend sterilizationaccording to these parameters so as to minimize the potential risk of transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, especially of surgical instruments that could come into contact with the centralnervous system.PRODUCT COMPLAINTS:Any Health Care Professional (e.g., customer or user of this system of products), who has anycomplaints or who has experienced any dissatisfaction in the product quality, identity, durability,reliability, safety, effectiveness and/or performance, should notify the distributor, MedtronicSofamor Danek. Further, if any of the implanted CENTERPIECE™ Plate Fixation Systemcomponent(s) ever “malfunctions,” (i.e., does not meet any of its performance specifi cations orotherwise does not perform as intended), or is suspected of doing so, the distributor should benotifi ed immediately. If any Medtronic Sofamor Danek product ever “malfunctions” and may havecaused or contributed to the death or serious injury of a patient, the distributor should be notifi edimmediately by telephone, FAX or written correspondence. When filing a complaint, pleaseprovide the component(s) name and number, lot number(s), your name and address, the natureof the complaint and notifi cation of whether a written report from the distributor is requested.FURTHER INFORMATION:Recommended directions for use of this system (surgical operative techniques) are available atno charge upon request. If further information is needed or required, please contact:USA1800 Pyramid PlaceMemphis, Tennessee 38132USATelephone: 800-876-3133 or 901-396-3133 EUROPESOFAMOR SNC*13, rue de la Perdrix93290 TREMBLAY FRANCETelephone: (33) *authorized representative RCS Bobigny B 617 320 486 NAF 331 B© 2005 Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Inc. All rights reserved.。
