


Good morning everyone! I'm Nickole. I'm 24. I graduated from Hunan Normal Universaty on Shuda Campus. My major is English Education. After graduation, I have worked for one year in Li Yang听Kid's Engish. My students are between 5 and 12 years old. I'm outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure. With them, I feel very relaxed, plesant and younger. Therefore, I learned a lot from my one year working experence. Teaching children English is very interested but it is also challeging. Because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty. So teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children. The most important that I have learned from my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the kind of听the mind that always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet. If I have the chance, I will try my best to be a good primary English teacher. good morning, my name is xx, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this primary school. I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program. In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies. At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA now i will introduce myself briefly,i am xx years old,born in xx province ,and i am curruently a xxxx.my major is xxx..in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend. i will have Patience on all of the children, and my hard work will be improved if you enroll me 英语面试时,我们会面对形形色色的问题,最令人哑口无言的,通常是一些最简单和最常见的题目,所以面试英语需要注意如何自我介绍。比如"请你自我介绍一下"。大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢?其实要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好准备You'll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview. The first thing to realize is that the question, "Tell me about yourself," provides you with a great chance to promote your strong points. This is particularly important when applying for a job that is different from what you have done in the past. You need to show the interviewer that your previous jobs provide you with skills that can be used in the new job. WHAT TO TALK ABOUT 如何介绍?你可以选择三个重点来介绍自己,但避免重复履历中曾提及的资料。Around this skeleton should be the meat of your answer; your less obvious, but important skills. Here are some of the skills that you might want to mention. 你可以介绍自己是:Problem solver 解决问题能手、


北外英语学院语言学专业414高分经验 曾经得到许多人的帮助,首先要感谢他们无私的支持.我的梦想终于实现了,初试成绩414,复试成绩86。除了高兴以外,更多的是对给与我力量和鼓励的所有人的感谢!我在前人栽的树下乘过凉,现在希望自己也能种上一棵小树,为后来的人带来一片荫凉. 我考的是英语学院的语言学 初试: 前辈们写过很多有关初试的帖子,如何复习各门功课,每个人都有各自不同的学习方法,最主要的是找到一个适合自己的方法,还有就是要脚踏实地,不能浮躁。在此。我写的也仅仅是我自己的看法,仅供借鉴。 基础英语的复习,以前我听人家说经济学家很好,于是我就买来一大堆,天天啃,但是说实话,还真是相当痛苦,而且效果不明显,因为我对经济方面的东西一点都不感兴趣,而且经济学家的经济类词汇量很大,几乎每次阅读的时候都是在锻炼我文曲星上的键盘,那是锻炼我自己啊?!后来我看了几天就放弃了,转而看些别的英文杂志,本人觉得《英语文摘》比较不错,我有订去年一年的《英语文摘》,当然这个月刊肯定是不够摄入量的,另外还会看些《中国日报》,《英语学习》,《21世纪》什么的。《21世纪》比较简单,纯当娱乐了。除了阅读以外,翻译的练习也很重要,我买了张培基的散文,还有八级的翻译题,每天都做一段,然后拿自己的译文跟他们的译文相比较,自己的译文不一定必须跟参考答案的一样,有时候你甚至会发现自己的译文比参考译文更好,当然,自己不如参考译文的地方便是应该学习、提高的地方。另外,我自己还经常温习备考专业八级时候用的八级词汇册,不知道有没有用,就是当个心理安慰,背单词最多还是在阅读的时候,碰到了不认识的就尽量背下来。 语言学的复习,我觉得仅仅看参考书目是不够的,不管是谁写的书,如果有时间的话,最好都买来看看,虽然讲的都是入门的知识,但是每本书都会从不同的角度来解释同一个理论或是知识,这样就加深了理解,所以说,不用背的,如果踏踏实实看完5、6本语言学方面的书的话,不记住都难了。当然,有的书跟别的书写的是一模一样的,也搞不清是谁抄了谁的,所以在买书的时候要先好好过滤。 日语的复习,基本上是把握住了标准日本语的前三本就够了,我也曾经老老实实地把初级和中级那四本书学完了,但是到复习的时候,我的第四本日语书都不知道被我扔到哪个爪哇国去了。所以学的都是前三本的知识,觉得是够用了的。我用的是旧版的标准日本语,其实新版和旧版的都一样,新版的单词量比较大一点,但是知识点基本上跟旧版的是一样的。另外,我觉得做日语题也是比较重要的,不然学到的知识很容易忘掉。刚开始学的时候,做的是跟标日配套的练习册,到了后期做的是日语二级题。北外历年的日语试题的难度跟国际日语考试的二级水平差不多,这是分析 真题得出的结论。 所以说真题的利用非常重要,要尽量熟悉真题,在复习的过程中才能有个大致的方向,有时候,学着学着,可能会觉得很茫然,这时候就应该看看真题了。到后期的时候,真题显得更重要了,不管之前是不是已经做过,每年的卷子都要掐时


教师面试英语自我介绍 第一篇:面试教师英语自我介绍 good morning! dear teachers! first, thank you for giving me this opportunity for an intervieyself. my name is liao chunlan, born in chongqing, sichuan international studies university, bachelor of arts (文学学士), masters degree. i have been teaching english y major is english language and literature, importantly, my research orientation is theories and practice of english language teaching. the teaching experience is very helpful for my study and my job. i have taught oral english in the international exchange department in sichuan international studies university. and i have taught business english in english department of this university. y dream, to be a great teacher is my goal. in my spare time, i like reading, ovies, surfing the internet, doing sports, and travelling. strengths: highly-motivated and determined i dont kno named the pursuit of happiness. it is a very touching movie acted by ith. i love this movie very much. because i find myself in this movie and i got a lesson from it. in this movie, the main character never lost hope and


2020年北京外国语大学英语翻译硕士考研择校分析、参考书、复习规划 北京外国语大学有三个学院招生: 1、高翻(口译) 2、英语学院(笔译和口译)(★口译2016年刚开设) 3、专用英语学院(笔译)(★2016年新开设) 这三个学院,初试考的都是一样的,总体北外招生人数扩招了,英语学院新增了英语口译,笔译新开设了专用英语学院。专用英语学院2018年没有招满还有3个调剂名额。 北京外国语大学总分走的是国家线,但是对于两门专业课有单独的划线,总分过,同时达到院校单独的划线标准才能进复试,这对于考生的基础要求较高。三所学院划线标准不同。值得注意的是三个学院初试一样,只是复试和课程设置不同,从竞争激烈程度来看依次是高翻,英院和专用英语学院。 北外是初试复试都涉及到对于二外考察的院校,对于二外也有单独划线,标注较高,建议没有二外基础或者二外较弱的考生慎考。建议本科重点院校本专业的考生报考。 报考数据汇总

复习规划 第一阶段(适应期)4月到6月(大三下学期开始) 1. 开始阅读理论书籍,了解简明英语的特点。同时,用三级笔译教材作为练习材料。每天翻译1小时左右,自我总结0.5小时。 2. 开始阅读外刊,如经济学人或金融时报,每天保持1小时阅读时间。这个阶段更多还是培养外刊阅读的习惯。 第二阶段(过渡期)7月到9月上旬(大四上学期) 1.利用暑假时间,开始复习之前看过书籍中提及的理论部分,并且回看之前三笔练习中自我总结的部分。 2.做二级笔译教材练习,同时开始尝试北外真题,每两周1次,主要是了解风格,出题特点,暑期完成4套左右即可。 3.整理百科、词条、写作的资料与素材,为下阶段的背诵记忆打好基础。 4.继续保证每天一小时左右的外刊阅读时间。这个阶段需要通过外刊来提升阅读理解能力。新祥旭一对一辅导课程帮你制定完整复习计划。 第三阶段(巩固期)9月中旬开始到12月上旬 1.继续完成剩余部分的真题,大约6套左右。每周完成一套,其余时间可以用剩余的二笔教材或真题辅助练习。不要只求量,要多反思,多总结。每天练习2小时,反思1小时左右。 2.针对基础英语的各题型,利用专业八级的辅导书籍,每天完成一定练习,查漏补缺。每天3小时左右。 3.背诵百科、词条、写作素材,同时开始做政治选择题。 第四阶段(冲刺期)考前两周左右 1.这个阶段不适合做新题,以复习之前的互译笔译为主,每天可以练一小段翻译,保持手感。 2.对于基础英语这门,也是主要以回顾之前的题目为主,个别弱项可以每天做一些练习。 3.重点背诵百科、词条。写几篇大作文,几篇小作文。并且重点要背诵政治大题。 参考书目及看书建议 《中式英语之鉴》,Joan Pinkham、姜桂华著,2000,外语教学与研究出版社。《英汉翻译简明教程》,庄绎传著,2002,外语教学与研究出版社 《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》,叶子南著,2001,清华大学出版社 《非文学翻译理论与实践》,罗进德主编,2004,中国对外翻译出版公司 《非文学翻译》,李长栓著,2009,外语教学与研究出版社出版 《非文学翻译理论与实践》,李长栓著,中国对外翻译出版公司 《汉语写作与百科知识》,李国正主编,天津科技翻译出版有限公司 【北外百科知识很少考查自然科技和翻译理论等方面的知识,主要是文学、哲学和时政为主。备考中建议大家有重点方向的去备考。 二外参考用书


教师招聘英文自我介绍 教师招聘英文自我介绍篇一: Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute. My name is Han Meimei, graduated from Normal University Department of English majors. I am steady, practical, diligent, hard-working. During the school I actively participated in various activities. And for three consecutive years Iworked as a member of the English association in our school. My business English writing is good, and I have a brief English teaching experience.In class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach to the way of learning English, because I think that learning is a kind of personalized process. Everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, I want to be a good teacher in the true sense . I am not the traditional teacher. I believe in my classroom English teaching reform. I hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching.Finally, I hope that my personal expertise in English teacher post will contribute to the cause of education. 教师招聘英文自我介绍篇二: My plan for the future is that I would like to stay with children and share the moments in their 1 / 4


[00:00.00]Lesson Fifteen[00:02.69]Section One:[00:04.73]Dialogue [00:05.77]Dialogue 1:[00:09.17]--What flights are there from London to Vienna tomorrow? [00:11.91]--If you'd like to take a seat, I'll find out for you.[00:14.08]--I'd like to travel first class, please. [00:15.70]--BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 0925, and flies direct. [00:22.26]--What time have I got to get there? [00:24.63]--You'll have to be at West London Air Terminal by 0810 at the latest. [00:30.01]Dialogue 2:[00:33.88]--Another piece of meat pie?[00:35.71]--No, thanks, really. I'm on a diet. [00:38.06]--Please do. You've hardly eaten anything.[00:40.20]--It's delicious, but I don' think I ought to. [00:44.33]Dialogue 3:[00:48.64]--How about a nice cup of tea before you go?[00:50.73]--Yes, I'd love one. [00:52.01]--How doyou like it?[00:52.98]--A strong one with three spoons for me, please, [00:56.66]Dialogue 4:[01:01.15]--What are you going to have to drink?[01:04.55]--I'd like something cool. [01:06.48]--Would you care for some cake?[01:08.13]--Yes, I'll try a piece of cheese cake. [01:10.09]--It certainly looks tempting. I wouldn't mind some myself. [01:16.20]Dialogue 5:[01:20.64]--Have you chosen something, sir?[01:23.33]--Yes, I think I'll have the curry, please.[01:26.33]--What would you like afterwards?[01:28.16]--I'd like some fruit if you have any. [01:33.07]Dialogue 6:[01:36.16]--Would you like a cigarette?[01:38.93]--No, thanks. I'm trying to cut down. [01:40.88]--Go on. I owe you one from yesterday.[01:43.68]--OK, but next time you must have one of mine. [01:49.56]Dialogue 7:[01:53.63]--I wonder if you could help me---I'm looking for a room. [01:56.56]--I have got a vacancy, yes.[01:58.60]--What sort of price are you asking? [02:00.35]--Eight pounds fifty a week excluding laundry.[02:03.12]--Would it be convenient to see the room? [02:04.81]---Can you call back later? We're right in the middle of lunch. [02:11.58]Dialogue 8:[02:13.75]--Will Dr. Black be able to see me at about 9.15 tomorrow? [02:18.19]--Sorry, but he's fully booked till eleven unless there's a cancellaion. [02:21.14]--Would ten to one be convenient?[02:22.92]--Yes, he's free then. [02:27.88]Dialogue 9:[02:30.78]---Can you fix me up with a part-time job?[02:32.79]--Anything in particular that appeals to you?[02:35.09]--I was rather hoping to find something in a school.[02:37.68]--Have you done that kind of thing before?[02:39.53]--Yes, I was doing the same job last summer.[02:41.78]--I might be able to help you, but I'd need references. [02:51.15]Section Two:[02:53.43]A. Quick Lunch:[02:56.80]Waitress: A table for one, sir?[02:58.57]Mr. Radford: Yes, please.[02:59.54]Waitress: Are you having the set lunch?[03:01.11]Mr. Radford: Yes.[03:01.92]Waitress: What would you like to start with?[03:03.35]Mr. Radford: What's the soup of the day?[03:04.76]Waitress: Mushroom.[03:05.73]Mr. Radford: Yes, please. I'll have that.[03:07.12]Waitress: And for your main course? [03:08.81]Mr. Radford: The plaice, I think, and apple tart to follow.[03:11.48]Waitress: Would you like something to drink with your meal[03:13.88]Mr. Radford: Yes. A lager please.03:16.05]Waitress: Thank you.[03:20.28]B Dinner:[03:24.17]Waiter: Good afternoon.[03:26.32]Mr. Blackmore: Good afternoon. I have a table for two under the name of Blackmore.[03:29.58]Waiter: Yes, sir. Would you like to come this way?[03:32.40]Mr. Blackmore: Thank you.[03:33.29]Waiter: Can I take your coat, madam?[03:35.01]Mrs. Blackmore: Thank you. [03:35.90]Waiter: Will this table do for you?[03:38.12]Mr. Blaclcmore: That will be fine, thanks. [03:39.12]Waiter: Would you like a drink before your meal?[03:41.36]Mrs. Blaclcmore: Yes. A dry sherry, please. [03:43.32]Mr. Blackmore: Half of bitter for me.[03:44.76]Waiter: Are you ready to order? [03:47.55]Mr. Blackmore: Yes, I think so.[03:49.02]Waiter: What would you like for starters, madam? [03:50.77]Mrs. Blackmore: I can't decide. What do you recommend? []Waiter: Well, the prawns are always popular. The pate is very good...[]Mrs. Blackmore: The prawns then please, for me.[03:59.37]Waiter: And for you, sir?[04:00.15]Mr. Blackmore: I think Vii try the soup. [04:01.64]Waiter: Very good, sir. And to follow?[04:04.38]Mrs. Blackmore: Rack of lamb, I think. [04:06.58]Waiter: And for you, sir?[04:08.72]Mr. Blackmore: I'll have the steak. [04:10.34]Waiter: How would you like your steak done, sir?[04:12.72]Mr. Blackmore: Medium rare, please. [04:13.92]Waiter: Thank you. Would you like to see the wine list?[03]Mr. Blackmore: Do you have a house wine? [04:19.04]Waiter: Yes, sir. Red or white?[04:21.34]Mr. Blackmore: Do you have half bottles or half carafes? [04:23.98]Waiter: Yes, sir.[04:24.58]Mr. Blackmore: One of each then, please. [04:29.12]C. Interview: [04:33.30]Reporter: Now, Susan. You've had a few minutes to rest. [04:37.64]Can you tell us something about yourself?. How old are you and what do you do? [04:41.53]Susan: I'm twenty-two and I'm a bus conductress. [04:44.06]Reporter: A bus conductress! So you're used to collecting money.Who taught you to cycle? [04:50.70]Susan: Nobody. I taught myself. I've been cycling since I was five. [04:54.85]Reporter: And who bought that beautiful racing cycle for you? [04:58.04]Susan: I bought it myself. I worked over-time. [05:00.44]Reporter: Good for you! And what are you going to do now? [05:03.26]Susan: Now? If you mean this minute, I'm going to have a long hot bath. [05:07.86]Reporter: You must need to relax. Again, congratulations. [05:11.70]That was Susan James, winner of this year's London to Brighton cycle race. [05:21.08]D. Why can't I do what I like? [05:26.72]I hope I never grow old! My grandfather lives with us and he's making my life a misery. [05:34.85]When I was small he was kind and cheerful. [05:38.37]But now he's always complaining and criticising. [05:42.29]I mustn't interrupt when he's talking. It's rude. [05:45.32]He doesn't like my clothes. 'Nice girls'don't dress like that. [05:50.28]I shouldn't wear make-up. 'Natural beauty is best. [05:54.65]Sometimes he interferes with my homework. [05:57.91]When I was young we used to do maths differently,he says. [06:02.87]Honestly, he's so old he doesn't know anything. [06:06.69]But that doesn't stop him criticising me. [06:09.67]He doesn't like my friends or my favorite records. [06:12.96]'You're making too much noise,' he calls. 'I can't get to sleep. [06:17.74]When he's not complaining he's asking questions. 'Where are you going? Where have you been? [06:24.30]Why aren't you helping your mother?' He thinks Ym six, not sixteen. [06:29.60]Anyway, why can't I do what I like? It's my life, not his. [06:40.62]Section Three:[06:44.31]Dictation.[06:47.86]Philip is a very interesting boy. He is clever but he doesn't like school.[07:01.52]He hates study ing but he is very keen on learning new practical skills.[07:11.68]In his spare time he often repairs motorbikes.


英语教师面试的自我介绍 自我介绍是向别人展示自己的一个重要方式,本文是英语教师面试自我介绍,仅供参考。 英语教师面试自我介绍一: My plan for the future is that I would like to stay with children and share the moments in their lives and provide them with helpful advice, making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust. I like English very much.with this idea, I want to combine my love for children with my ability of English together,so I can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things I enjoy doing. I consider myself with rich potential of qualifying out as a good English teacher.I have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.And I would certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.while with my creative and relaxing English teaching method,students would learn English through interacting with me or the others instead of being told what to say. I am also very open-minded and easy-going,which will make myself a popular figure everywhere.And of course I am very much the type of the girl next door.always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation. I believe I’ve said quite enough of myself. I hope you now know more about me than just now. I would certainly cherish this job and get along very well with all people out here.I thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk with you. I am looking forward to hearing good news from you.


北外英语翻译考研专业介绍 作为中国首屈一指的外语类大学,北外自然令有着翻译梦的各位心驰神往。可是你知道吗?北外的英语翻译也分为好几个专业,各有千秋。那么就请大家随北鼎一道,来看看北外英语翻译类的研究生专业都是什么样的吧! 1.各专业概述 北京外国语大学英语翻译类的专业包括以下五个:英语笔译MTI 、英语口译MTI 、翻译学、英汉同传以及复语同传;分别在英语学院、专用英语学院以及高级翻译学院招生。以下两图分别按照专业和学院对其进行了汇总,后面的数字是2017年的计划招生人数。 ?????? ????????????--??? ???????--???--1530--MA 9--60242040MTI 高翻复语同传高翻)英汉同传(英院翻译学学硕高翻英院英语口译专英英院英语笔译)(翻译硕士按专业???? ? ?????? ?? ?????-----???--601530MA 202440 口译复语同传)同传(高翻英语笔译专英英语口译英语笔译英院按学院2.各专业介绍 (1)翻译理论与实践(英汉同声传译),简称MA ,也就是传说中的北外同传,是北外的王牌专业,培养目标是英汉同声传译应用型人才;属于外国语言学及应用语言学(专业代码050211)二级学科。 (2)翻译理论与实践(X 英汉同传),即复语同传专业,目标是培养译员至少掌握三门语言,并能应用这三门语言从事会议同声传译和其它类型口笔译工作的应用型人才,分俄英汉、法英汉、德英汉、西英汉等方向的复语同声传译;属于外国语言学及应用语言学(专业代码050211)二级学科。 (3)英语笔译翻译硕士,以培养高级英汉笔译实践人才为目标。专用英语学院2016年开设英语笔译专业,和英语学院的英语笔译相比,课程设置兼顾传统,更重视实用文体翻译,满足培养对象及社会的需求。专业代码为055101. (4)英语口译翻译硕士,以培养高级英汉口译实践人才为目标。高翻学院的口译翻译硕士和英汉同传专业虽然一个是专业型,一个是学术型,但课程和培养模式其实差别不大。专业代码为055102 (5)翻译学专业,学术型硕士,该专业培养模式理论与实践并重,毕业去向除了翻译之外,也适合做教师或继续读博深造。专业代码为0502Z2。 3.报考限制和初试科目 复语同传各专业仅限本科对应小语种专业考生报考,其余各专业均无本科专业限制,欢迎跨专业考生报考。 各学院英语口译和英语笔译MTI 的初试科目相同,包括:政治、翻译硕士外语(即二


应聘英语教师的英语自我介绍(精选3篇) 应聘英语教师的英语自我介绍1 Good afternoon to all teachers, I am glad to see you. My name is Long Yan,graduated from Shan Dong Normal University, Study at the university for 4 years.My hometown is Rong Cheng, Ciron home (village),My English is the level of 6. I love English, also love together with children. I am friendly, patient and reonsibility,I believe that work more serious, people will be better luck.Once I been hiring, I will make every effort to do the best.thanks! 应聘英语教师的英语自我介绍 2 Good morning everyone! Im Nickole. Im 24. I graduated from Hunan Normal Universaty on Shuda Campus. My major is English Education. After graduation, I have worked for one year in Li Yang听Kids Engish. My students are between 5 and 12 years old. Im outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. I like children
