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Western painting, likeness in appearance, details: lines, shades of color, light spectrum …
Mode of thinking 思维模式
西方文化如同 直线切划,细 分明析,注重 抽象推理 ,善 长逻辑思维。
中国文化犹如圆环 内封,综观合察, 寻求直觉顿悟 , 善长形象思维。
中国古典建筑 多曲线美 飞檐反宇 亲近大地 天人合一
Lines and pinnacles Scraping the sky Separation from Nature
西方建筑 多直线美 平顶尖拱 向往天空 天人分离
Architectural Contrast 建筑艺术对比
环性:环抱大地 重视现实和稳定
C: Unity, harmony, correspondence and transition 中:文章强 调起承转合,注重 通篇的过渡自然及 和谐一致。
线性思维模式长于分析推理, 推崇清晰精确,有利于理论建 构;环性思维模式强于综合顿 悟,讲求模糊含蓄,有助于体 察真谛。
Linguistic expression 语言表达
Any person leaving litter about instead of putting it in this basket will be liable to a fine of $5.
A Brief Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultures
汉语简洁、灵活,重流散疏放,具备西语 所没有的美感。 更重要的是,在汉语的美学特征之后蕴藏 的是几千年以来积淀的文化心理,清醒而 强烈的文化意识不可避免地影响、规范着 译入语。
摆脱源语形式的束缚,以译入语的典型句 型或篇章方式重新安排信息。 由于英汉两种语言形式上的巨大差异,前 者十分偏重语言框架形式完整和规范,其 真实的意义常常与其语言模式是不相符的; 而汉语则十分强调概念的明确,避免歧义。
Mode of thinking 思维模式
西方文化如同直线切划,细分明析,注 重抽象推理 ,善长逻辑思维。
中国文化犹如圆环内封,综观合察, 寻求直觉顿悟 ,善长形象思维。
W: Clear division in the organization of articles 西: 文章的标题、章、节、段 脉路清晰,一目了然。
西方文化的艺术观表现为直线 朝上,向往天空,展示刚性的 力度;中国文化的艺术观表现 为环顾四周,眷恋大地,展示 柔性的优雅。
C-W Difference in Terms of Architecture
Curves and circles Closeness to the earth Integration with Nature
译者对“忠实”的翻译方法闹出来的笑话浑然不 觉。从汉语的习惯表达方式出发,应该改译成 假设有个小孩在阁楼上玩耍,不小心把自己锁在 杉木箱子里出不来了,便吓得大喊大叫。 另一个例子: But fire , too, finally drove the Loyals from Bergues where the heat and smoke from burning building became too much to bear. 应该译成 不过,大火最后也同样把忠诚团的官兵赶出了贝 居,因为熊熊燃烧着的建筑物散发出的浓烟热浪 使他们无法忍受。
线性:刺破苍穹 重视幻想与革新
中国画追求神似,运用概括、夸张 的手法及丰富的联想表现物象的神 韵。
Chinese painting, resemblance in spirit, essence, imagination, brevity, exaggeration …
西方油画注重形 似,通过线条、 色彩、光线等细 节刻意仿真。
在这儿,形式上作非限制定语从句的which was interested在实际意义上等同于做行为 方式壮语的短语with great interest.所以本句 的正确翻译是: 我一面感兴趣地听她娓娓侃述,一面却想 自己将来老了是否也会和她一样。
“suppose a child, playing in the attic, gets himself locked in a cedar chest from which he is unable to escape. He calls out in terror for help, but no one hears him and he remains imprisoned in the narrow darkness until he is missed some hours later at mealtime. ” 很多人将第一句译成 假设有个小孩在阁楼上玩耍,把自己锁在 一只他从里边逃不出来的杉木箱子里。他 吓得大声喊叫起来。
English: linear tree-like sentence structure (线性树式结构)
As a nation of gifted people who comprise about one-fourth of the total population of the earth, China plays in world affairs a role that can only grow more important in the years ahead. — Jimmy Carter 吉米· 卡特
西语的线性特点表现为句子 结构以直线枝形铺排,由 主到次,递相迭加,犹如 枝繁叶茂的大树。 西语的线性特点表现为句子 结构以直线枝形铺排,由 主到次,递相迭加,犹如 枝繁叶茂的大树。
English tree-like sentence structure英
Trunk line: S + V + (O) 主干线:主语+谓语+(宾语) Branches and sub-branches : Adverbials and attributes 支线及分支线:状语和定语 Hypotactic, connectives 形合语言,连接词语 explicit cohesion 显性联接 Product and facilitator of abstract thinking and formal logic 线性语言是抽象思维和形式逻辑的产物,反过 来又促进抽象思维和形式逻辑的发展。
Paula didn’t need any lessons when it comes to office politics.
He had left a note of welcome for me, as suny as his face.
He is a fool who can not be angry, but he is really a wise man who will not. He was glad because he wouldn't have to send me away without buying anything.
Chinese wave-like discourse
Paratactic: fewer connectives and lack of inflections 意合语言:少用连接词语,缺乏形态变化 Implicit coherence 隐性连贯 context and language feel 上下文和语感 Topic: prominent Structure: flexible Composite construction: loose and plastic 话题突出,结构灵活,以神统形,组合自由。 宝玉:你死了,我去做和尚。 Discourse: evolve freely in wave-like manner 语篇展开犹如环弧状的浪花,此起彼伏,似连 似分,高低无序,但却沿着一定的(语义)方向 流动。
An idea suddenly struck him. His passion carried him astray. Neither sorrow not regret followed my passionate outburst. Memories of that historic and happy occasion still linger. The sight of the orphan always reminds me of his parents. Her illness kept her in hospital for four weeks. The most notable is the further willingness of people to speak their minds.
Western cuisine, strictlyfollowed recipe, ingredients of precise quantity 西餐厨师烹饪,各 种配料严格计量,操作程 序步步分清。
Chinese cuisine, intuitive acquisition of the skill through repeated practice, casual mixing of ingredients
Chinese: circular bamboo-like sentence structure (环性竹式结构)
1 从前这里有一个渔村,村里住 着十户人家,这十户人家全靠 打鱼、种地 为生,生活艰苦, 但很安宁。 2 开始家人是不让父亲抽烟的, 得了绝症后,想开了,抽吧, 拣好的买,想抽就抽。
句子的各部分似分似连,形散意合,像竹 节那样,相对独立,但意义又相互关联。
中餐厨师学厨艺,并不注重定量 描述,而是通过模仿,直觉地 把握师傅的烹饪技术。
Western medicine, examine parts of the body through tests and Xrays 西医看病,先给病人胸透、 胃透、验血、验尿,分而检 之,再作诊断。
Chinese medicine, general physical condition, pulse, complexion, tongue coating 中医看病,望、闻、 问、切,注意的是全身性的 综合症状 。
Mode of thinking 思维模式
Referring to Chinese mode of thinking, Shen Xiaolong (1990) said: “This is a Referring to Western mode circular dialectic mode of of thinking, Qian Xuesen thinking with a strong (1986) said: “Abstractive plastic, flexible and 源自文库tochastic nature. “这是一 thinking seems to be 种有着极强可塑性、伸张 linear or branch-like. 性、随机性的圆式辩证思 “抽象思维似乎是线型或枝 维方式。” 型的。” —钱 — 申小龙
“tell me about the time you lost the muff your papa gave you on your birthday”, and she would be off and running, backward. I would listen with one part of my mind, which was interested, but wonder with the other part whether one day I might wind up like Mary myself. [原译]我总是用自己心中感兴趣的一部分听 她娓娓道来;而用自己心中的另一部分在 思考自己将来老了是否会和他一样。
Mode of thinking 思维模式
西方文化如同 直线切划,细 分明析,注重 抽象推理 ,善 长逻辑思维。
中国文化犹如圆环 内封,综观合察, 寻求直觉顿悟 , 善长形象思维。
中国古典建筑 多曲线美 飞檐反宇 亲近大地 天人合一
Lines and pinnacles Scraping the sky Separation from Nature
西方建筑 多直线美 平顶尖拱 向往天空 天人分离
Architectural Contrast 建筑艺术对比
环性:环抱大地 重视现实和稳定
C: Unity, harmony, correspondence and transition 中:文章强 调起承转合,注重 通篇的过渡自然及 和谐一致。
线性思维模式长于分析推理, 推崇清晰精确,有利于理论建 构;环性思维模式强于综合顿 悟,讲求模糊含蓄,有助于体 察真谛。
Linguistic expression 语言表达
Any person leaving litter about instead of putting it in this basket will be liable to a fine of $5.
A Brief Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultures
汉语简洁、灵活,重流散疏放,具备西语 所没有的美感。 更重要的是,在汉语的美学特征之后蕴藏 的是几千年以来积淀的文化心理,清醒而 强烈的文化意识不可避免地影响、规范着 译入语。
摆脱源语形式的束缚,以译入语的典型句 型或篇章方式重新安排信息。 由于英汉两种语言形式上的巨大差异,前 者十分偏重语言框架形式完整和规范,其 真实的意义常常与其语言模式是不相符的; 而汉语则十分强调概念的明确,避免歧义。
Mode of thinking 思维模式
西方文化如同直线切划,细分明析,注 重抽象推理 ,善长逻辑思维。
中国文化犹如圆环内封,综观合察, 寻求直觉顿悟 ,善长形象思维。
W: Clear division in the organization of articles 西: 文章的标题、章、节、段 脉路清晰,一目了然。
西方文化的艺术观表现为直线 朝上,向往天空,展示刚性的 力度;中国文化的艺术观表现 为环顾四周,眷恋大地,展示 柔性的优雅。
C-W Difference in Terms of Architecture
Curves and circles Closeness to the earth Integration with Nature
译者对“忠实”的翻译方法闹出来的笑话浑然不 觉。从汉语的习惯表达方式出发,应该改译成 假设有个小孩在阁楼上玩耍,不小心把自己锁在 杉木箱子里出不来了,便吓得大喊大叫。 另一个例子: But fire , too, finally drove the Loyals from Bergues where the heat and smoke from burning building became too much to bear. 应该译成 不过,大火最后也同样把忠诚团的官兵赶出了贝 居,因为熊熊燃烧着的建筑物散发出的浓烟热浪 使他们无法忍受。
线性:刺破苍穹 重视幻想与革新
中国画追求神似,运用概括、夸张 的手法及丰富的联想表现物象的神 韵。
Chinese painting, resemblance in spirit, essence, imagination, brevity, exaggeration …
西方油画注重形 似,通过线条、 色彩、光线等细 节刻意仿真。
在这儿,形式上作非限制定语从句的which was interested在实际意义上等同于做行为 方式壮语的短语with great interest.所以本句 的正确翻译是: 我一面感兴趣地听她娓娓侃述,一面却想 自己将来老了是否也会和她一样。
“suppose a child, playing in the attic, gets himself locked in a cedar chest from which he is unable to escape. He calls out in terror for help, but no one hears him and he remains imprisoned in the narrow darkness until he is missed some hours later at mealtime. ” 很多人将第一句译成 假设有个小孩在阁楼上玩耍,把自己锁在 一只他从里边逃不出来的杉木箱子里。他 吓得大声喊叫起来。
English: linear tree-like sentence structure (线性树式结构)
As a nation of gifted people who comprise about one-fourth of the total population of the earth, China plays in world affairs a role that can only grow more important in the years ahead. — Jimmy Carter 吉米· 卡特
西语的线性特点表现为句子 结构以直线枝形铺排,由 主到次,递相迭加,犹如 枝繁叶茂的大树。 西语的线性特点表现为句子 结构以直线枝形铺排,由 主到次,递相迭加,犹如 枝繁叶茂的大树。
English tree-like sentence structure英
Trunk line: S + V + (O) 主干线:主语+谓语+(宾语) Branches and sub-branches : Adverbials and attributes 支线及分支线:状语和定语 Hypotactic, connectives 形合语言,连接词语 explicit cohesion 显性联接 Product and facilitator of abstract thinking and formal logic 线性语言是抽象思维和形式逻辑的产物,反过 来又促进抽象思维和形式逻辑的发展。
Paula didn’t need any lessons when it comes to office politics.
He had left a note of welcome for me, as suny as his face.
He is a fool who can not be angry, but he is really a wise man who will not. He was glad because he wouldn't have to send me away without buying anything.
Chinese wave-like discourse
Paratactic: fewer connectives and lack of inflections 意合语言:少用连接词语,缺乏形态变化 Implicit coherence 隐性连贯 context and language feel 上下文和语感 Topic: prominent Structure: flexible Composite construction: loose and plastic 话题突出,结构灵活,以神统形,组合自由。 宝玉:你死了,我去做和尚。 Discourse: evolve freely in wave-like manner 语篇展开犹如环弧状的浪花,此起彼伏,似连 似分,高低无序,但却沿着一定的(语义)方向 流动。
An idea suddenly struck him. His passion carried him astray. Neither sorrow not regret followed my passionate outburst. Memories of that historic and happy occasion still linger. The sight of the orphan always reminds me of his parents. Her illness kept her in hospital for four weeks. The most notable is the further willingness of people to speak their minds.
Western cuisine, strictlyfollowed recipe, ingredients of precise quantity 西餐厨师烹饪,各 种配料严格计量,操作程 序步步分清。
Chinese cuisine, intuitive acquisition of the skill through repeated practice, casual mixing of ingredients
Chinese: circular bamboo-like sentence structure (环性竹式结构)
1 从前这里有一个渔村,村里住 着十户人家,这十户人家全靠 打鱼、种地 为生,生活艰苦, 但很安宁。 2 开始家人是不让父亲抽烟的, 得了绝症后,想开了,抽吧, 拣好的买,想抽就抽。
句子的各部分似分似连,形散意合,像竹 节那样,相对独立,但意义又相互关联。
中餐厨师学厨艺,并不注重定量 描述,而是通过模仿,直觉地 把握师傅的烹饪技术。
Western medicine, examine parts of the body through tests and Xrays 西医看病,先给病人胸透、 胃透、验血、验尿,分而检 之,再作诊断。
Chinese medicine, general physical condition, pulse, complexion, tongue coating 中医看病,望、闻、 问、切,注意的是全身性的 综合症状 。
Mode of thinking 思维模式
Referring to Chinese mode of thinking, Shen Xiaolong (1990) said: “This is a Referring to Western mode circular dialectic mode of of thinking, Qian Xuesen thinking with a strong (1986) said: “Abstractive plastic, flexible and 源自文库tochastic nature. “这是一 thinking seems to be 种有着极强可塑性、伸张 linear or branch-like. 性、随机性的圆式辩证思 “抽象思维似乎是线型或枝 维方式。” 型的。” —钱 — 申小龙
“tell me about the time you lost the muff your papa gave you on your birthday”, and she would be off and running, backward. I would listen with one part of my mind, which was interested, but wonder with the other part whether one day I might wind up like Mary myself. [原译]我总是用自己心中感兴趣的一部分听 她娓娓道来;而用自己心中的另一部分在 思考自己将来老了是否会和他一样。