第二章 保理的基本概述

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三、中国银监会的定义 根据中国银监会 2014年第 5号令颁布的《商业银行保理业 务管理暂行办法》的第二章的第六条规定:本办法所称保 理业务是以债权人转让其应收账款为前提,集应收账款催 收、管理、坏账担保及融资于一体的综合性金融服务。
四、中国商业保理的定义 商业保理,是指销售商(债权人)将其与买方(债务人) 订定的货物销售(服务)合同所产生的应收账款转让给商 业保理公司,由商业保理公司为其提供贸易融资、应收账 款管理与催收等综合性商贸服务。 五、定义综述分析 核心的实质还是围绕着保理所提供的贸易融资、应收账款 催收、销售分户帐管理与坏账担保等服务。
4、商务合同(business contract) 商务合同是各类合同的一种统称,是指有关各方之间在进 行某种商务合作时,为了确定各自的权利和义务,基于平 等、自愿的原则,正式依法订立的、必须共同遵守的协议 条文。
5、应收账款(account receivable)
1.借贷双方当事人的名称。 2.借款的全额与币别。如:“人民币币壹拾贰万元整”。 3.借款的期限。如:以“借款期限自借款日起\个月”或“ 借款期限自公元/年/月/日起至/年/月/日止”等字句来表示
Байду номын сангаас
4.利息的约定。把利率和支付方法表示清楚。如:“年利率 10%”“自借款日起于每个月的第五天支付”。
5.违约金的约定。如:“借款人如有违约情事发生,应就借 款金额按日支付每万元每日伍元计算之违约金。” 6.借款人的亲自签名/盖章。 7.其他相关事项:额度、担保、抵押、展期、贷款用途。。
课程导入: —— 基础交易的合同等,直观认识商务交易和保理的关系 —— 基本名词入门解释
第二节 保理常用名词解释 (基础名词)
指提供货物或服务并对所产生的应收账款拥有所有权的一方,一般指供应商、 出口商、债权人,通常是保理服务及融资的申请人。
2、买方(buyer或debtor) 指对因购买货物或服务而产生的应收账款负有付款责任的一方,即进口商、债 务人。 3、信用交易(credit sale)
15、账款催收(debt collection) 是指保理商接受应收账款转让,于账款到期后要求买方支 付款项的行为。 16、商业纠纷(commercial dispute) 17、转让(assignment) 18、信用风险额度(credit line)
第三节 保理的功能
一、对卖方的功能与好处 (一)资金融通
II. 卖方与保理商的保理合同关系(转让+各类功能的约定)
III. 明保理业务中,买方与保理商的转让确认关系
转让为基础 + 各类金融功能的约定
第一节 保理的定义
一、《国际保理公约》的定义 根据《国际保理公约》的定义,保理是指一方当事人(供 应商)与另一方当事人(保理商)间存在的一种契约关系, 根据该契约,供应商将基于其与它的客户(债务人,一般 个人及家庭除外)订立的货物销售合同(包含服务)所产 生的应收账款转让给保理商,由保理商为其提供下列服务 中的至少两项:贸易融资(贷款或预支价金)、销售分户 账管理、应收账款的催收与坏账担保。
指企业因提供商品、服务或者出租资产而形成的金钱债权 及其产生的收益,但不包括因票据或其他有价证券而产生 的付款请求权。
6、保理商(factor) 在国际保理业务中,直接接受出口商转让应收账款,提供 出口保理服务的,称为出口保理商(export factor);接 受出口保理商转让应收账款,提供进口商信用风险担保或 账款催收服务的,称为进口保理商(import factor)。
第二节 保理常用名词解释 (加深名词)
8、保理商合作协议(inter-factor agreement) 一般是指两家保理商进行国际保理业务合作前所签订的框 架协议。 9、买方信用风险(buyer’s credit risk) 指买卖双方的交易不存在商业纠纷的情形下,买方没有履 行付款义务的风险。
Win-win solution: After an internal credit investigation and successful negotiation on conditions, the Export Factors could close a factoring contract with the suppliers. Based on the 100% credit risk protection and confirmation by Eurofactor AG to the Export Factors that Playshoes will fully pay the suppliers’ invoices on the due date without any deductions, the export factors are now advancing up to 95% of the invoice amounts to the exporters. This is available on the date when the invoices are assigned to the factors. (for exporters, the net increased gross profit could cover the finance interest rate, then he could accept the proposal, and buyer usually pays little more on price or with no cash discount.) Tansactions started at the beginning of 2012 and have developed well since. It is a multiple win-win solution for all involved parties: importer Playshoes has achieved the required extension of payment terms which have been partly passed on to its buyers exporters in China and Hong Kong are receiving immediate funding against their receivables, an entire risk-coverage facility and the perspective to further increase their turnover with Playshoes. DBS Bank has already been able to include further foreign debtors in its export factoring contract with the supplier, backed by FCI correspondents in other countries. (Why exporters and banks do not consider export insurance? Are EF&IF and insurance company completely competitors (EF+IF+insurance company model)? )
7、保理合同(factoring agreement)
指保理商与卖方签订的保理服务协议,约定卖方将应收账 款债权转让给保理商,由保理商来提供保理服务时,双方 有关的权利义务的合同。
1 赊销:提供货物、服务
2 形成应收账款,有一定账期
保理有哪两层或三层法律关系? I. 卖方与买方基础交易关系
10、有追索权(recourse) 是指保理商接受应收账款转让,并于账款到期前提前融资 (支付价金)给卖方,当融资到期时,如果保理商没有收 到买方的付款用以清偿融资款项,无论任何原因,保理商 都可以要求卖方返还融资款项。
11、无追索权(without recourse / non-recourse)
二、保理与贷款/借贷/融资的区别?(续) III 金融服务功能区别 IV 对保理商收回融资的风险区别
— 到底加了应收账款名义或实质保障的保理,是高 风险还是低风险?(无追、额度等角度)
— 与应收账款质押下的贷款相比呢? V 期限区别(期限,及与应收账款匹配的期限) VI 金额及额度的区别(应收账款限制,额度测算等)
A specific case: Reverse marketing offers Playshoes enhanced growth opportunities
Background: Playshoes Gmbh is a wholesaler of products for babies and children, especially shoes, rainwear, swimwear, accessories and toys. The family owned mid-sized company was founded in 1998 in the south-western part of Germany and the brand is well known for its high quality fashion collections and certified products. The items are designed and developed by clothing and toy engineers in Germany while the production has been outsourced to external manufacturers in China and Hongkong. The buyers are online shops, mail order companies and specialised retailers in Germany and other western European countries. Factoring service involved: In 2009 Playshoes concluded a domestic and export factoring contract with Eurofactor AG, one of the leading German factoring companies. Since then Playshoes has
II 企业为什么需要融资(贸易/生产型举例)?
金融机构为什么选择保理形式放款(一般的融资方式 中,纯信用方式的流贷是对企业信任度最高形式的放款) ? — 应收造假 — 收入造假
— 买方付款/收入锁定,还款来源是同源的收入时, 能在流贷等前获得清偿
— 款项挪作非主营的他用 — 如果是华为这种好的企业呢?其他中型企业呢?
二、FCI的定义 根据FCI 颁布的《国际保理通用规则》(General Rule for International Factoring,以下简称GRIF)(附录三)所下 的定义,保理是指存在一种契约关系,根据该契约,无论 是否为了取得融资,供应商将基于本规则所定义的应收账 款转让给保理商,由保理商为供应商提供下列服务中的至少 一项:销售分户帐管理、应收账款的催收与坏账担保。
六、小结 —、 保理转让的解读及功能组合分类 I “托收/账款管理”,到期付转让价款,有追非融资 II “托收/账款管理+融资”,预付转让价款,有追融资 III “托收 /账款管理 +坏账担保”,到期付转让价款,无 追非融资 IV “托收/账款管理+坏账担保+融资”,预付转让价款, 无追融资。
二、保理与贷款/借贷/融资的区别? I 借款的六项主要要素?答案如后页 区别在于转让、无追融资也被解读卖断法律关系
New factoring requirment: In a meeting with Eurofactor AG it turned out that Playshoes was interested in getting more flexible payment terms from its Asian suppliers. Until then, Playshoes had been obliged to pay 50% of the order volume in advance and the remaining balance under open account terms of 30-60 days. To optimise its working capital position, Playshoes wanted to negotiate with its suppliers open account terms of 120 days for the full invoice amount without making any advance payments. As Playshoes has a solid credit standing, Eurofactor AG could grant a substantial credit limit on the company, backed by a credit insurance policy. After the company had talked to some of its main Asian suppliers, the two biggest manufacturers showed interest in the 2-factor export model. Eurofactor AG then approached two experienced FCI factoring correspondents, DBS Bank Ltd. in Hong Kong and China CITIC Bank in Beijing and introduced the suppliers’names and business details to them.
12、坏账担保(credit risk cover)
13、担保赔付(payment under approval) 保理商提供坏账担保的服务,在转让的应收账款没有发生 商业纠纷且卖方没有违反保理合同约定的条款前提下,如 果买方在账款到期后一段时期(一般是90天,依据彼此约 定)没有支付款项,保理商必须针对在承诺的担保额度内 的账款进行理赔。 14、预付款融资(advance payment) 指保理商接受应收账款转让,在账款到期前提前支付款项 给卖方。
(三)应收账款的催收 (四)坏账担保
(六)改善财务结构 (七)买方资信调查增值服务
二、对买方的功能与好处 (一)节约财务成本
三、对供应链整体的功能与好处 四、对国家外贸发展的功能与好处