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麦类作物学报 2006,26(2):103~108

Jou rnal of T riticeae C rop s



(南京农业大学 江苏省信息农业高技术研究重点实验室,农业部作物生长调控重点开放实验室,南京210095)

摘 要:为了更好地利用冠层反射光谱特征监测小麦生长及氮素营养状况,以宁麦9号、淮麦20、徐麦26和扬麦10号四个小麦品种为材料,通过田间小区试验,研究了不同小麦品种在不同生育时期和不同氮素水平下冠层反射光谱的变化规律。结果表明,相同氮素水平下不同小麦品种冠层反射光谱的反射率有差异,且近红外部分差异较明显。小麦从拔节开始,随生育期的推进,冠层反射光谱在可见光波段的反射率先降低然后升高,以孕穗期反射率最低,随着叶片的逐渐变黄,反射率又增大,并且绿光波段的反射峰也逐渐消失。而近红外区反射率则表现出相反的趋势,以开花期为分界,先上升然后下降,直到成熟前降为最低。随着施氮水平的提高,冠层反射光谱在近红外反射平台(750~1300nm)的反射率呈上升趋势,而可见光部分反射率则下降,并且反射光谱的绿峰和红边位置也随着施氮水平的提高分别向蓝光方向(波长变短)和红光方向(波长变长)移动。


中图分类号:S512.1;S311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100921041(2006)022*******

Character iz i ng Canopy Hyperspectra l and M ultispectra l Ref lectance under D ifferen t N-appl ica tion Cond ition s i n W hea t

L IY i ng-xue,ZHU Yan,CAO W e i-x i ng

(H i2T ech Key L abo rato ry of Info rm ati on A griculture of J iangsu P rovince Key L abo rato ry of C rop Grow th R egulati on,

M inistry of A griculture,N anjing A gricultural U niversity,N anjing,J iangsu210095,Ch ina)

Abstract:T he change of canop y sp ectral reflectance under differen t cu ltivars,differen t grow th stages and varied n itrogen rates w ere investigated by characterizing canop y m u ltisp ectral and hyp ersp ectral reflectance in w heat.T he resu lts show ed that the canop y reflectance differed w ith cu ltivars,w ith sign ifican t change at near infrared bands.R eflectance at visib le ligh t in itially decreased and then increased w ith grow th p rogress after j o in ting,w ith the low est value app eared at boo ting.R eflectance increased and reflectance p eak also disapp eared gradually in cou rse of leaf yellow ing.How ever, reflectance in near infrared had oppo site trend,w h ich in itially increased and then decreased to the low est from an thesis to m atu rity.R eflectance at near infrared reflected flat(750~1300nm)increased w ith increasing n itrogen supp ly,w hereas reflectance at visib le band decreased,and green p eak and red edge po siti on of canop y reflectance sp ectra also m oved to directi on of b lue ligh t(sho rt w avelength) and red ligh t(long w avelength),resp ectively.T hese resu lts p rovide background info rm ati on fo r m on ito ring of grow th characters and n itrogen statu s w ith canop y reflectance sp ectra in w heat.

Key words:W heat;N itrogen app licati on;M u ltisp ectra;H yp ersp ectra;Canop y reflectance


Ξ收稿日期:2005208201 修回日期:2005210220



