(简体)London Asia Capital Plc 伦敦亚洲投资基金Corporate Introduction公




China is hosting the signing ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a new international financial institution set to rival the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.中国将举办亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称亚投行)的签字仪式。


Delegates from 57 countries will sign articles that determine each member's share and the bank's initial capital.57个国家的代表将签署文件,规定所有成员的股份和亚投行的初始资本。

The UK, Germany, Australia and South Korea are among the founding members.英国、德国、澳大利亚和韩国都是创办会员国。

Japan and the US, which oppose the AIIB, are the most prominent countries not to join.持对立态度的日本和美国是未加入亚投行的最主要国家。

The US has questioned the governance standards at the new institution, which it sees as spreading Chinese "soft power".美国对这一新机构的管理标准提出质疑,认为这是中国“软实力”的扩张。

The AIIB, which was created in October by 21 countries, led by China, will fund Asian energy, transport and infrastructure projects.去年10月,在中国的主导下,21个国家创立了亚投行。



AAcademic Advisory Committee (SFC)学术界咨询委员会(证监会)Academic and Accreditation Advisory Committee (AAAC) (SFC)学术评审咨询委员会(证监会)ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)特许公认会计师公会ACCA Hong Kong (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Hong Kong) 特许公认会计师公会香港分会Actuarial Society of Hong Kong香港精算学会Advisory Committee (SFC)咨询委员会(证监会)Agency for International Development (AID)国际发展机构Airport Authority机场管理局Alberta Securities Commission, Canada加拿大阿尔伯达省证券监察委员会American Commodities Exchange (ACE)美国商品交易所American Institute of Certified Public Accountants美国执业会计师公会American Stock Exchange LLC (AMEX)美国证券交易所有限责任公司AMF (Autorit ; des march ;s financiers, France)法国金融市场管理局Amsterdam Exchanges阿姆斯特丹交易所Amsterdam Stock Exchange阿姆斯特丹证券交易所Appeals Panel上诉委员会Arbitration Panel under the Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance 杠杆式外汇买卖条例仲裁委员会ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)东盟自由贸易区Asia Development Fund (ADF)亚洲发展基金Asia Pacific Regional Committee (APRC), IOSCO国际证监会组织亚太区委员会Asian Clearing Union (ACU)亚洲结算联盟Asian Development Bank (ADB)亚洲开发银行(亚银)Asian Securities Analysts Council (ASAC)亚洲证券分析员公会Asian Securities Analysts Federation (ASAF )亚洲证券分析师联合会Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group (ACG)亚太区中央证券存管处组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)亚太区经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering亚洲/太平洋反清洗黑钱组织Asia-Pacific Loan Market Association亚太区贷款市场协会ASIC (Australian Securities & Investments Commission)澳洲证监会(澳大利亚证券及投资事务监察委员会)Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam B.V.阿姆斯特丹联合结算所有限公司Association for Investment Management and Research投资管理研究联会Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)特许公认会计师公会Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Hong Kong (ACCA Hong Kong)特许公认会计师公会香港分会Association of Futures Exchange Brokers香港期货经纪协会Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)东南亚国家联盟(东盟)Audit Commission (HKSAR)审计署(香港特别行政区)Audit Committee (SFC, HKEx)稽核委员会(证监会;香港交易所)Australian Options Market澳大利亚期权市场Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority澳大利亚审慎监管局Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)澳大利亚证券及投资事务监察委员会(澳洲证监会)Australian Securities Commission (ASC)澳大利亚证券事务监察委员会Australian Stock Exchange Limited (ASX)澳大利亚证券交易所有限公司(澳交所)Automated Clearing House自动票据交换所Autoridade Monetaria de Macau (Monetary Authority of Macau, formerly Autoridade Monetaria e Cambial de Macau (Monetary and Foreign Exchange Authority of Macau)), Macau SAR澳门特别行政区澳门金融管理局(前称澳门货币暨汇兑监理署)Autorit ; des march ;s financiers (AMF), France法国金融市场管理局BBank for International Settlements (BIS)国际结算银行Bank of England英国英伦银行Banking Advisory Committee银行业务咨询委员会Banking Supervision Review Committee (BSRC)银行业监管检讨委员会Bar Association of Hong Kong香港大律师公会Basle Committee/Basel Committee巴塞尔委员会Basle Committee on Banking Supervision巴塞尔银行监管委员会Basle Payments Committee巴塞尔支付委员会Basle Supervisors' Committee巴塞尔监管委员会Benelux Alliance比利时、荷兰、卢森堡交易所联盟Bermuda Monetary Authority, Bermuda百慕达金融事务管理局Berne Union伯尔尼联合会Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System联邦储备委员会Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织理事会Board of Governors of the World Bank世界银行理事会Board of HKEx香港交易所董事会Board of Inland Revenue税务委员会Board of Review (Inland Revenue)税务上诉委员会Board of the SFC证监会董事局Board of Trade Clearing Corporation (Chicago)交易所结算公司(芝加哥)Board of Trade of the City of Chicago, Inc.芝加哥城交易所有限公司Bolsa de Madrid马德里交易所Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros (Commodities & Futures Exchange) (BM&F), Brazil 巴西商品期货交易所Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)孟买证券交易所Borsa Italiana S.p.A.意大利交易所股份公司Bourse de Montreal Inc.蒙特利尔交易所有限公司British Columbia Securities Commission (Canada)英属哥伦比亚省证券监察委员会(加拿大)British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission英属维京群岛金融服务监察委员会Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Claims Sub-Committee经纪忠诚保险计划索偿小组Brookings Institution, USA布鲁金斯研究所(美国)Brussels Exchanges布鲁塞尔交易所Brussels Stock Exchange布鲁塞尔证券交易所Budget Committee (SFC)财政预算委员会(证监会)Bundesanstalt f ;r Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority), Germany德国联邦金融事务监察局Bundesaufsichtsamt f ;r das Kreditwesen (BAKred) (German Federal Banking Supervisory Office), Germany德国联邦银行业监管局Bundesaufsichtsamt f ;r den Wertpapierhandel (BAWe) (German Federal Securities Supervisory Office), Germany德国联邦证券监管办事处CCalcutta Stock Exchange加尔各答证券交易所Canadian Institute of Securities加拿大证券学会Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)加拿大证券管理局Capital Markets Board, Turkey土耳其资本市场委员会Capital Markets Supervisory Agency (BAPEPAM), Indonesia印度尼西亚资本巿场监察局Caribbean Community (CARICOM)加勒比共同体Cash Market Consultative Panel (HKEx)现货市场咨询小组(香港交易所)CCASS Depository中央结算系统证券存管处CEDEL世达国际结算系统Central Bank Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) (under G-10)中央银行支付及结算系统委员会(十国集团属下组织)Central Bank of Cyprus塞浦路斯中央银行Central Bank of Ireland (CBI)爱尔兰中央银行Central Banks of South East Asia, New Zealand and Australia (SEANZA)东南亚、新西兰及澳大利亚中央银行组织Central Depositary Pte. Limited中央存管处有限公司Central Liquidity Facility (CLF)中央流动性便利(机构)Central Registration Hong Kong Limited (now Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited) 香港中央证券登记有限公司Central Securities Depositories中央证券存管处CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)美国商品及期货交易委员会Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies香港上市公司商会Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)特许管理会计师公会Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Hong Kong特许管理会计师公会香港分会Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), UK英国特许公共财政及会计学会Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)芝加哥交易所Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc. (CBOE)芝加哥期权交易所有限公司Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME)芝加哥商品交易所有限公司Chief Executive-in-Council行政长官会同行政会议China Banking Regulatory Commission中国银行业监督管理委员会China Government Securities Depository Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd.中央国债登记结算有限责任公司China Insurance Regulatory Commission中国保险监督委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)(中国证监会)中国证券监督管理委员会Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong香港银行华员会Chinese General Chamber of Commerce香港中华总商会Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society金银业贸易场Chinese Securities Association (CSA) (Taiwan)中华民国证券商业同业公会(台湾)CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)特许管理会计师公会CIMA Hong Kong (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Hong Kong) 特许管理会计师公会香港分会City Panel on Takeovers & Mergers (London)伦敦收购及合并委员会Clearing Consultative Panel结算咨询小组COB (Commission des Operations de Bourse), France法国交易所事务监察委员会Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange Inc. of New York纽约咖啡、糖、可可交易所Comisi ;n Nacional del Mercado de Valores, Spain西班牙全国证券市场监察委员会Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobili ;rios (Portugal Securities Market Commission)葡萄牙证券市场监察委员会Commercial Crime Bureau (Hong Kong Police)商业罪案调查科(香港警务处)Comissao de Valores Mobili ;rios (Securities Commission), Brazil巴西证券监察委员会Commision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, Mexico墨西哥全国银行及证券监察委员会Commission des Operations de Bourse of France (COB)法国交易所事务监察委员会Commission des valeurs mobili ;res du Qu ;bec (Quebec Securities Commission) (CVMQ)魁北克省证券监察委员会Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), Luxembourg卢森堡金融业监管委员会Commission for Economic Restructuring, China经济体制改革委员会(体改委)(中国)Commissione Nazionale per le Societ ; e la Borsa (National Companies and Exchange Commission of Italy) (CONSOB)意大利全国证券交易所监察委员会Commissioner for Securities and Commodities Trading证券及商品交易监理专员(证监专员)Committee of Payment System (HKMA)支付系统小组委员会(金管局)Committee on Investment-linked Assurance and Pooled Retirement Funds (SFC)与投资有关的人寿保险计划及集资退休基金委员会(证监会)Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS)支付及结算系统委员会Committee on Takeovers and Mergers收购及合并委员会Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS)全球金融体系委员会Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP)统一证券鉴定程序委员会Committee on Unit Trusts (SFC)单位信托委员会(证监会)Commodities & Futures Exchange (Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros) (BM&F), Brazil 巴西商品期货交易所Commodities Exchange of Australia (CXA)澳大利亚商品交易所Commodity and Monetary Exchange of Malaysia (COMMEX)马来西亚商品与货币交易所Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX), New York商品交易所有限公司(纽约)Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), USA商品期货交易委员会(美国)Companies Registry公司注册处Compensation Committee (HKEx)赔偿委员会(香港交易所)Compensation Review Committee赔偿检讨委员会Complaints Control Committee (SFC)投诉监控委员会(证监会)Compliance Committee (SEHK)监察委员会(联交所)Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (CHIS, formerly Central Registration Hong Kong Limited)香港中央证券登记有限公司Conflict Committee利益冲突事宜委员会Conseil du Marche a Terme (CMT), France法国期货及期权监管委员会Co-ordinating Committee on Market Structure Reform市场架构改革统筹委员会Copenhagen Stock Exchange A/S哥本哈根证券交易所股份有限公司Corporate Affairs Division (SFC)机构事务部(证监会)Corporate Communications Department (HKEx)企业传讯部(香港交易所)Corporate Communications Department (SFC)机构传讯科(证监会)Corporate Finance Division (SFC)企业融资部(证监会)Council of SEHK香港联合交易所理事会Corporate Planning (SFC)机构规划(证监会)Court of Appeal上诉法庭Court of Final Appeal终审法院Court of First Instance原讼法庭Crisis Control Management Centre (SFC)危机监控中心(证监会)Cross-Market Surveillance Committee跨市场监察委员会CSRC (China Securities Regulatory Commission)中国证监会(中国证券监督管理委员会)DDBAG (Deutsche Borse AG), Germany德国交易所股份公司Deposit-Taking Companies Advisory Committee接受存款公司咨询委员会Derivatives Market Consultative Panel (HKEx)衍生工具市场咨询小组(香港交易所)Deutsche Borse AG (DBAG), Germany德国交易所股份公司Deutsche Terminborse (DTB), Germany德国期权及期货交易所Disciplinary Appeals Committee纪律上诉委员会Disciplinary Committee纪律委员会District Court区域法院DTC Association (Hong Kong Association of Restricted Licence Banks and Deposit-taking Companies) 存款公司公会Dual Filing Advisory Group双重存档事宜顾问小组EEast Asia and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation东亚及大洋洲证券交易所联会East Asian Stock Exchange Conference (EASEC)东亚证券交易所联合会议Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) (EU)经济及货币联盟(欧盟)Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) (United Nations)欧洲经济委员会(联合国)Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU)经济情报组织Economic Restructuring Office of the State Council (China)国务院经济体制改革办公室(体改办)(中国)Economic Services Bureau (ESB)经济局Eidgenossische Bankenkommission, The Swiss Confederation瑞士联邦联邦银行委员会Electronic Investor Resources Centre (eIRC) (SFC)网上投资者资源中心(证监会)Enforcement Division (SFC)法规执行部(证监会)Eurex欧洲期货及期权交易所Eurex Clearing AG欧洲期货及期权交易所结算有限公司Euronext法比荷交易所联盟(巴黎、比利时、阿姆斯特丹交易所联盟)Euronext Amsterdam N.V.Euronext阿姆斯特丹公众有限公司Euronext Brussels S.A./N.V.Euronext布鲁塞尔股份有限公司/公众有限公司Euronext Paris S.A.Euronext巴黎股份有限公司European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (EASDAQ) 欧洲证券交易商协会自动报价系统European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (World Bank)欧洲复兴及开发银行(世界银行)European Clearing House (ECH)欧洲结算所European Commission欧洲委员会European Common Market欧洲共同市场European Community欧洲共同体European Council欧洲理事会European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)欧洲经济及货币联盟European Economic Community (EEC)欧洲经济共同体(欧共体)European Futures & Options Exchange (Eurex)欧洲期货及期权交易所European Futures Clearing Corporation B.V. (Amsterdam)欧洲期货结算有限公司(阿姆斯特丹)European Investment Bank欧洲投资银行European Monetary Union (EMU)欧洲货币联盟European Options Clearing Corporation Holding B.V. (Amsterdam) 欧洲期权结算控股有限公司(阿姆斯特丹)European Options Exchange欧洲期权交易所European Options Exchange (Amsterdam)欧洲期权交易所(阿姆斯特丹)European Parliament欧洲议会European Union (EU) (developed from the European Community)欧洲联盟(欧盟)(前身为欧洲共同体)Exchange Banks' Association, Hong Kong香港外汇银行公会Exchange Fund外汇基金Exchange Fund Advisory Committee (HKMA)外汇基金咨询委员会(金管局)Exchange Fund Investment Limited外汇基金投资有限公司ExCMT (HKEx Contingency Management Team)香港交易所紧急事故管理组Executive Meeting of East Asian and Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP)东亚及太平洋中央银行行政会议Expert Group to Review the Operation of the Securities and Futures Market Regulatory Structure 检讨证券及期货市场规管架构运作专家小组FFannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) (FNMA)房利美(美国联邦国民抵押贷款协会)Federal Advisory Council美国联储咨询委员会Federal Credit Union联邦信贷协会Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation联邦存款保险公司Federal Home Loan Bank Board联邦住宅贷款银行委员会Federal Intermediate Credit Bank联邦中期信贷银行Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) (Fannie Mae)美国联邦国民抵押贷款协会(房利美)Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)联邦公开市场委员会Federal Reserve Bank联邦储备银行Federal Reserve Board (FRB)联邦储备局Federal Savings and Loan Association联邦储蓄与信贷协会Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation联邦储蓄与信贷保险公司Federation Internationale des Bourses de Valeurs/International Federation of Stock Exchanges (FIBV) (renamed World Federation of Exchanges)国际证券交易所联会(现称全球证券交易所联会)Federation of Share Registrars Limited证券登记公司总会有限公司FI (Finansinspektionen) (Financial Services Authority) (SFSA), Sweden瑞典金融事务监管局Finance Bureau库务局Finance Committee财务委员会Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF)打击清洗黑钱财务行动特别组织Financial Affairs Panel of LegCo立法会财经事务委员会Financial and Institutional Coordinating Committee财务监督委员会Financial Intermediaries, Managers & Brokers Regulatory Association (FIMBRA), UK金融业中介团体、经理及经纪监管协会(英国)Financial Market Development Task Force财经市场发展专责小组Financial Services Agency, Japan日本金融厅Financial Supervision Commission, Isle of Man人岛金融事务监察委员会Financial Services and Systems Limited财经服务暨策划有限公司Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB)财经事务及库务局Financial Services Authority (FSA), UK英国金融服务管理局;英国财经事务局Financial Services Board of South Africa (FSB)南非财经事务局Financial Services Branch (FSB)财经事务科Financial Services Development Centre of Vocational Training Council职业训练局财经事务培训发展中心Financial Services Liaison Committee金融事务联络委员会Financial Stability Forum (FSF)金融稳定论坛;世界金融稳定论坛Financial Stability Forum Task Force on Implementation of Global Standards 金融稳定论坛落实全球标准专责小组Finansinspektionen (Financial Services Authority), Sweden (SFSA or FI)瑞典金融事务监管局FNMA (Federal National Mortgage Association) (Fannie Mae)房利美(美国联邦国民抵押贷款协会)Foreign Exchange and Market Practices Committee外汇及市场惯例委员会Forex Club外汇同业联会Frankfurt Stock Exchange法兰克福证券交易所Futures Compensation Fund Committee (SFC)期货赔偿基金委员会(证监会)Futures Industry Association (FIA)期货业协会GG7 (Group of Seven)七大工业国G10 (Group of Ten)十国集团;十国财团组织G30 (Group of Thirty)三十人集团G22 (Group of Twenty-Two)22个经济体系集团G22 Working Group on Transparency and Accountability22个经济体系集团辖下提高透明度与问责性工作小组GEM Listing Committee创业板上市委员会GEM Listing Division创业板上市科German Federal Securities Supervisory Office (Bundesaufsichtsamt f ;r den Wertpapierhandel, Germany) (BAWe)德国联邦证券监管办事处German Stock Exchange德国证券交易所Global Straight Through Processing Association (GSTPA)全球直通式处理协会GLOBEX Alliance全球电子交易系统联盟Government Information Centre政府信息中心Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Government of the HKSAR) 香港特别行政区政府(香港特区政府)Group of Seven (G7)七大工业国Group of Ten (G10)十国集团;十国财团组织Group of Thirty (G30)三十人集团Group of Twenty-Two (G22)22个经济体系集团Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) (Hong Kong)创业板(香港)Growth Enterprise Market Listing Committee (GEM Listing Committee)创业板上市委员会Guernsey Financial Services Commission, Channel Islands海峡群岛耿济岛金融服务业监察委员会HHarvard Institute for International Development哈佛国际发展研究中心Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Greece希腊资本市场监察委员会Helsinki Exchanges赫尔辛基证券交易所Helsinki Securities and Derivatives Exchange, Clearing House Ltd.赫尔辛基证券及衍生商品交易所及结算所有限公司Heritage Foundation, USA美国传统基金会High Court of the HKSAR香港特别行政区高等法院HKEx (Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)香港交易所(香港交易及结算所有限公司)HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited (HKFECC)香港期货结算有限公司(期货结算公司)HKEx Contingency Management Team (ExCMT)香港交易所紧急事故管理组HKMA (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)金管局(香港金融管理局)HKMC (Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited)香港按揭证券有限公司HKSCC (Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited; Hongkong Clearing)香港结算公司(香港中央结算有限公司;香港结算)HKSCC Nominees Limited香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司HKSCC Registrars Limited (renamed Hong Kong Registrars Limited)香港中央结算(证券登记)有限公司(现称香港证券登记有限公司)Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council国务院港澳事务办公室Hong Kong Association of Accounting Technicians香港专业会计员协会Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB)香港银行公会Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors香港财务顾问学会Hong Kong Association of Online Brokers (HKAOB)香港网上经纪协会Hong Kong Association of Restricted Licence Banks and Deposit-taking Companies (DTC Association) 存款公司公会Hong Kong Capital Markets Association香港资本市场公会Hong Kong Centre of United Kingdom Chartered Institute of Banks英国特许银行学会香港分会Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association香港中国企业协会Hong Kong Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society香港金银业贸易场Hong Kong Commodity Exchange Limited (renamed Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited) 香港商品交易所有限公司(现称香港期货交易所有限公司)Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers香港保险顾问联会Hong Kong Consumer Council香港消费者委员会Hong Kong Corporate Finance Association香港企业融资协会Hong Kong Economic Research Centre香港经济研究中心Hong Kong Exchange Fund香港外汇基金Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx)香港交易及结算所有限公司(香港交易所)Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation (HKECIC)香港出口信用保险局Hong Kong Federation of Insurers香港保险业联会Hong Kong Federation of Stock Exchanges香港证券交易所联会Hong Kong Financial Executives Institute香港财经行政人员机构协会Hong Kong Financial Markets Development Limited香港金融市场发展有限公司Hong Kong Foreign Exchange and Deposit Broker's Association香港外汇及存款经纪同业公会Hong Kong Forex Association香港外汇同业联会Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE) (formerly Hong Kong Commodity Exchange Limited) 香港期货交易所有限公司(期交所)(前称香港商品交易所有限公司)Hong Kong Futures Guarantee Corporation Limited (HKFGC)香港期货保证有限公司Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce香港总商会Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (HKIMR)香港金融研究中心Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB)香港银行学会Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries香港公司秘书公会Hong Kong Institute of Directors香港董事学会Hong Kong Institute of Investment Analysts香港投资分析员公会Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited香港银行同业结算有限公司Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)香港国际仲裁中心Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA)香港投资基金公会Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)香港金融管理局(金管局)Hong Kong Monetary Institutions Association香港金融业总会Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC)香港按揭证券有限公司Hong Kong Productivity Council香港生产力促进局Hong Kong Registrars Limited (formerly HKSCC Registrars Limited)香港证券登记有限公司(前称香港中央结算(证券登记)有限公司)Hong Kong Retirement Schemes Association香港退休计划协会Hong Kong Securities and Futures Industry Staff Union香港证券及期货业职工会Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC; Hongkong Clearing)香港中央结算有限公司(香港结算公司;香港结算)Hong Kong Securities Industry Group (HKSIG)香港证券业组织Hong Kong Securities Institute (HKSI)香港证券专业学会(前称香港证券学院)Hong Kong Securities Professionals Alumni Association (renamed Hong Kong Securities Professionals Association)香港证券业同学会(现称香港证券学会)Hong Kong Securities Professionals Association (formerly Hong Kong Securities Professionals Alumni Association)香港证券学会(前称香港证券业同学会)Hong Kong Society of Accountants香港会计师公会Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts Limited香港财经分析师学会Hong Kong Stamp Office香港印花税署Hong Kong Stock Exchange香港证券交易所Hong Kong Stockbrokers Association Limited香港证券经纪业协会有限公司Hong Kong Trade Development Council香港贸易发展局Hong Kong Trustees Association香港信托人公会Hong Kong Venture Capital Association香港创业投资协会Hongkong Association of Minority Shareholders (HAMS)香港小股东权益协会Hongkong Clearing (Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited; HKSCC)香港结算(香港中央结算有限公司;香港结算公司)Hongkong Post香港邮政署HSI International Limited恒指国际有限公司HSI Services Limited恒指服务有限公司Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority匈牙利金融事务监督局IICSA (Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators)特许秘书及行政人员公会Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)廉政公署Informal Working Group on Financial Technology Infrastructure金融科技基础设施非正式工作小组Insider Dealing Tribunal内幕交易审裁处Institut Mon ;taire Luxembourgeois (Monetary Institute), Luxembourg卢森堡金融管理局Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA US)执业会计师公会(美国)Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICA England & Wales) 英格兰及韦尔斯特许会计师公会Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) 特许秘书及行政人员公会Institute of Securities Dealers Limited证券商协会有限公司Insurance Association of Hong Kong香港保险公会Insurance Authority (Commissioner of Insurance)保险业监督(保险业监理专员)Inter-American Development Bank美洲开发银行Intermarket Clearing Corporation (Chicago)跨市场结算公司(芝加哥)Intermarket Coordination Committee跨市场协调委员会Intermarket Risk Management Committee跨市场风险管理委员会InterMarket Surveillance Group跨市场监察小组Intermediaries and Investment Products Division (SFC)中介团体及投资产品部(证监会)Internal Committees (SFC)内部委员会(证监会)International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)国际会计准则委员会International Association of Financial Executives Institute 国际财经行政人员机构协会International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)国际保险监督联会International Auditing Conventional Committee国际核数常规委员会International Auditing Practices Committee国际审计实务委员会International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (World Bank)国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)International Commodities Clearing House (HK) Limited国际商品结算所(香港)有限公司International Commodities Clearing House Limited (New Zealand)国际商品结算所有限公司(新西兰)International Data Corporation (IDC)国际数据公司International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联会International Finance Corporation (IFC)国际金融公司International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际货币基金;国际货币基金组织International Options Markets Association国际期权市场协会International Organization for Standardization (ISO)国际标准化组织International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)国际证券事务监察委员会组织(国际证监会组织)International Primary Markets Association国际集资市场协会International Securities Services Association (ISSA, formerly International Society of Securities Administrators)国际证券服务协会(前称国际证券业行政人员协会)International Society of Securities Administrators (ISSA, renamed International Securities Services Association)国际证券业行政人员协会(现称国际证券服务协会)International Swap Dealers Association, Inc. (ISDA)国际掉期交易商协会International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)国际掉期业务及衍生投资工具协会International Telecommunications Union (ITU)国际电信联盟Invest Hong Kong (Invest HK), The Government of the HKSAR香港特别行政区政府投资推广署(投资推广署)Investment Management Regulatory Organisation (IMRO), UK英国投资管理监管组织Investment-linked Assurance and Pooled Retirement Funds Committee (SFC) 与投资有关的人寿保险及集资退休金计划委员会(证监会)Investor Compensation Company Limited (ICC)投资者赔偿有限公司Investor Education & Communications Department (SFC)投资者教育及传讯科(证监会)Investor Education Advisory Committee (SFC)投资者教育咨询委员会(证监会)Investor Resources Centre (eIRC) (SFC)证监会网上投资者资源中心IOSCO Emerging Markets Committee国际证监会组织新兴市场委员会IOSCO Executive Committee国际证监会组织执行委员会IOSCO High Level Group国际证监会组织高层小组IOSCO Information sub-group国际证监会组织信息分组IOSCO Internet Task Force (ITF)国际证监会组织互联网专责小组IOSCO Task Force on Implementation of Core Principles国际证监会组织落实核心原则专责小组IOSCO Technical Committee国际证监会组织技术委员会IOSCO Working Party 1 on Multinational Disclosure and Accounting国际证监会组织有关跨国信息披露及会计事宜的第1号工作小组IOSCO Working Party 2 on Regulation of Secondary Markets国际证监会组织有关监管第二市场的第2号工作小组IOSCO Working Party 3 on Market Intermediaries国际证监会组织有关监管市场中介人的第3号工作小组IOSCO Working Party 4 on Enforcement and Exchange of Information国际证监会组织有关法规执行和信息交换的第4号工作小组IOSCO Working Party 5 on Investment Management国际证监会组织有关投资管理的第5号工作小组Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority爱尔兰金融服务监管局ISITC (Industry Standardization for Institutional Trade Communication)业内机构交易通讯标准ISO (International Organization for Standardization)国际标准化组织ISSA (International Securities Services Association, formerly International Society of Securities Administrators)国际证券服务协会(前称国际证券业行政人员协会)Italian Stock Exchange意大利证券交易所ITU (International Telecommunications Union)国际电信联盟IX国际交易所(伦敦证券交易所与德国证券交易所联盟)JJakarta Stock Exchange耶加达证券交易所Japan Bond Research Institute (JBRI)日本公社债研究所Japan Financial Services Agency日本金融厅Japan Securities Clearing Corporation日本证券结算公司Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA)日本证券交易商协会Japanese Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (JASDAQ) 日本证券交易商协会-自动报价系统Japanese Securities Finance Company日本证券金融公司Jersey Financial Services Commission泽西岛金融服务监察委员会Joint Financial Intelligence Unit联合财富情报组Joint Year 2000 Council计算机 2000 年问题联合委员会KKam Ngan Stock Exchange金银证券交易所Korea Futures Exchange韩国期货交易所Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (KOSDAQ)韩国证券交易商自动报价协会Korea Securities Depository南韩证券存管处;韩国证券预托院Korea Stock Exchange韩国证券交易所Kowloon Stock Exchange九龙证券交易所Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange吉隆坡证券交易所LLa Commission Bancaire, France法国银行监察委员会Law Society of Hong Kong香港律师会Law Society of Hong Kong CPD Accreditation Sub-Committee香港律师会持续专业发展评审附属委员会Legal Services Division (SFC)法律服务部(证监会)Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council (China)国务院法制办公室(中国)Legislative Council立法会Legislative Council Panel on Financial Affairs (Legco Panel on Financial Affairs) 立法会财经事务委员会Legislative Council Subcommittee on the Securities and Futures Bill立法会《证券及期货条例草案》小组委员会Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance Arbitration Panel (SFC)杠杆式外汇买卖条例仲裁委员会(证监会)Life Insurance Council of Hong Kong香港寿险总会Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong香港人寿保险从业员协会LIFFE Administration and Management伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所行政及管理公司Listing Appeal Committee上市上诉委员会Listing Committee上市委员会Listing Matters Committee上市事宜委员会Listing Nominating Committee上市提名委员会Listing, Regulation & Risk Management (HKEx)上市、监察及风险管理部(香港交易所)Lithuanian Securities Commission立陶宛证券监察委员会Lloyd's Underwriters Association劳合保险社承保人协会London Takeovers Panel伦敦收购及合并委员会London Clearing House伦敦结算所London Commodity Exchange伦敦商品交易所London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE, formerly London International Financial Futures Exchange)伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所(前称伦敦国际金融期货交易所)London International Financial Futures Exchange (renamed London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange)伦敦国际金融期货交易所(现称伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所)London Metal Exchange Limited伦敦金属交易所有限公司London Stock Exchange plc (LSE)伦敦证券交易所公众有限公司London Traded Options Market伦敦期权市场Luxembourg Monetary Institute卢森堡金融管理局Luxembourg Stock Exchange卢森堡证券交易所。



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FCA 许可(FCA License)价值
FCA 许可证号市值
Tiger Wit Securities Limited取得FCA授权,授权证号563639。 FCA严谨资金监管受全球投资者信赖。 市场认同度及取得FCA授权高门坎增进具有FCA授权企业价值。 FCA 许可(FCA License)目前市值约估300~400万美元之间。
Financial Conduct Authority金融行为监管局(FCA)直接隶属英国财政部
因应市场变化而调整更为严谨,协助英国安然度过2007~2009全球金融风暴, 并促进现今英国成为全球经济复苏表现最强劲的国家。
与PMU共同投资经营印尼动力煤开采、国际承销及延伸道路服务等周边营运 采用垂直整合一贯作业方式经营印尼采锡事业,从开采、精炼到建立国际买家销售通道
PCGB稳健中求新求变积极规划整合集团内部及外部资源掌握营运方向朝向全球市场 发展趋势行进,以永续发展为目标、稳定扩展为依规持续为客户及股东创造双赢, 实践永续经营的使命。
MT4 交易伺服器布建与整合

Meta Trader 4(MT4)线上交易平台采用分布式结构,结合强大的安全系统及机制可在短时间内进行大量 交易的稳健交易系统。每个服务器可同时服务1万个以上帐户。支援智能交易(EA),强大且即时的技术 分析图表,因可横跨外汇、期货、大宗商品、价差合约(CFD)等各种保证金交易商品,目前已成为全球 市场最普及和最受欢迎的线上交易平台。 在市场尚未普及化时,PCFX是亚洲外汇市场最早采用并推行MT4交易平台的交易商之一,目前MT4已成为 全球尤其是中国市场最受欢迎和普及的线上交易平台。PCFX经过十数年深耕累积丰厚的MT4交易伺服器 布建、维护与整合等专业技术。 团队具备MT4 API开发对接能力,具备WEB端与MT4整合技术达成线上即时开户、入金等MT4讯息即时对传 写入的对接需求。 PCFX技术团队为最严格的交易需求提供最完善的解决方案。



IDG技术创业投资基金 195 个投资事件联想投资有限公司 60 个投资事件英特尔投资 59 个投资事件深圳市创新投资集团有限公司 53 个投资事件上海联创投资管理有限公司 53 个投资事件集富创业投资(香港)有限公司 52 个投资事件赛富亚洲投资基金管理公司 45 个投资事件美国中经合集团 42 个投资事件华登太平洋创业投资管理有限公司 38 个投资事件华平创业投资有限公司 38 个投资事件智基创投股份有限公司 37 个投资事件晨兴科技投资公司 32 个投资事件高盛亚洲 31 个投资事件软银中国创业投资有限公司 29 个投资事件成为基金 29 个投资事件上海华盈创业投资基金管理有限公司 29 个投资事件凯雷投资集团 28 个投资事件Susquehanna China Venture Capital & Private Equity 27 个投资事件红杉资本中国基金 25 个投资事件江苏高科技投资集团 25 个投资事件招商局富鑫资产管理有限公司 24 个投资事件Doll资金管理公司 23 个投资事件维众创业投资集团(中国)有限公司 22 个投资事件The Cathay Capital Group 21 个投资事件Granite Global Ventures 21 个投资事件兰馨亚洲投资集团 20 个投资事件卓凡创业投资公司(Jovan Ventures) 19 个投资事件ePlanet Ventures(DFJ ePlanet Ventures) 19 个投资事件富达国际创业投资有限公司 19 个投资事件北京鼎晖创业投资中心 18 个投资事件清华科技园创业投资有限公司 18 个投资事件联创策源(CEYUAN VENTURES) 17 个投资事件祥峰中国投资公司 16 个投资事件美国梧桐投资公司 15 个投资事件Investor Growth Capital Asia 15 个投资事件Tiger Management 14 个投资事件龙科创业投资管理有限公司 14 个投资事件金沙江创业投资基金 14 个投资事件New Enterprise Associates 14 个投资事件英联投资有限公司 13 个投资事件戈壁合伙人有限公司 13 个投资事件广州科技风险投资有限公司 13 个投资事件3i集团 13 个投资事件深圳清华力合创业投资有限公司 12 个投资事件H&Q Asia Pacific 12 个投资事件北极光创业投资基金 12 个投资事件Morgan Stanley 11 个投资事件摩托罗拉风险投资部 10 个投资事件永威投资有限公司 10 个投资事件黑龙江辰能哈工大高科技风险投资有限公司 10 个投资事件上海实业控股有限公司 9 个投资事件深港产学研创业投资有限公司 9 个投资事件蓝山中国资本 9 个投资事件汇丰直接投资(亚洲)有限公司 9 个投资事件霸菱投资(香港)有限公司(Baring) 9 个投资事件Mayfield 9 个投资事件Pacific Venture Partners 8 个投资事件启明维创投资咨询(上海)有限公司 8 个投资事件Redpoint Ventures 8 个投资事件日本亚洲投资(香港)有限公司 8 个投资事件香港新世界基建有限公司 8 个投资事件深圳市达晨创业投资有限公司 8 个投资事件Accel Partners 7 个投资事件美林证券(Merrill Lynch) 7 个投资事件Oak Investment Partners 7 个投资事件Lightspeed Partners 7 个投资事件西门子通信投资公司 7 个投资事件Dragonvest Partners(乾龙创投) 7 个投资事件Advent International 7 个投资事件InveStar Capital 6 个投资事件中科招商创业投资管理有限公司 6 个投资事件国际金融公司 6 个投资事件德同中国投资基金(DT Capital Partners) 6 个投资事件橡子园创业投资管理(上海)有限公司 6 个投资事件北京科技风险投资股份有限公司 6 个投资事件美国高通公司投资部 6 个投资事件新加坡政府直接投资有限公司 6 个投资事件信中利投资集团公司 6 个投资事件中新苏州工业园区创业投资有限公司 5 个投资事件光大控股创业投资管理(深圳)有限公司 5 个投资事件Mitsui Ventures 5 个投资事件德丰杰-龙脉中国基金 5 个投资事件Harbinger Venture Management 5 个投资事件普凯投资基金(Prax Capital) 5 个投资事件北京弘毅投资顾问有限公司 5 个投资事件三星创业投资公司 5 个投资事件华威科创投资管理顾问(北京)有限公司 5 个投资事件大华创业投资管理有限公司(UOB Venture Management) 5 个投资事件Citigroup Venture Capital International(花旗创投) 5 个投资事件Farallon Capital Management 5 个投资事件Good Energies Investments 4 个投资事件百奥维达(上海)投资咨询有限公司 4 个投资事件深圳市高新技术投资担保有限公司 4 个投资事件渣打银行(香港)有限公司 4 个投资事件上海蝶龙商务咨询有限公司 4 个投资事件BlueRun Ventures 4 个投资事件米拉德国际控股集团公司 3 个投资事件iGlobe Partners(通环创业投资公司) 3 个投资事件中国国际金融有限公司 3 个投资事件美国泛大西洋投资集团(General Atlantic) 3 个投资事件Natexis 3 个投资事件Matrix Partners 3 个投资事件华兴资本 3 个投资事件新宏远创基金 3 个投资事件赛博纳特孵化创业投资管理有限公司 3 个投资事件Highland Capital Partners 3 个投资事件Sutter Hill Ventures 3 个投资事件美国纽约国际集团 3 个投资事件MK Global Ventures 3 个投资事件Manitou Ventures 3 个投资事件TVG Capital Partners 3 个投资事件上海张江创业投资有限公司 3 个投资事件清华创业投资管理有限公司 3 个投资事件美国国际集团 3 个投资事件武汉华工创业投资有限责任公司 3 个投资事件和通国际 3 个投资事件中国创业投资有限公司 3 个投资事件美国新桥投资 2 个投资事件上海张江高科技园区开发股份有限公司 2 个投资事件ChinaAssets 2 个投资事件重庆科技风险投资有限公司 2 个投资事件中融国际信托投资有限公司 2 个投资事件上海创业投资有限公司 2 个投资事件Steamboat Ventures(思伟投资) 2 个投资事件Draper Fisher Jurvetson(德丰杰) 2 个投资事件Alpine Technology Ventures 2 个投资事件Institutional Venture Partners 2 个投资事件JK&B Capital 2 个投资事件Bay Partners 2 个投资事件KT Venture Group 2 个投资事件Kodiak Venture Partners 2 个投资事件富通基金 2 个投资事件新加坡毅鸣投资有限公司 2 个投资事件亚洲开发银行 2 个投资事件Mobius VC 2 个投资事件Nth Power 2 个投资事件Technology Partners 2 个投资事件加怡新亚投资管理有限公司 2 个投资事件德意志银行 2 个投资事件华禾投资 2 个投资事件J.H。






1.京东方LCD项目缺口50亿子公司申请境外融资 [J],
2.离岸公司在境外融资中的运用分析 [J], 沈新祥
3.离岸公司在境外融资中的运用分析 [J], 沈新祥
4.外商投资融资租赁公司的境外融资方式和外债管理建议 [J], 宁琳
5.反兼并上市民企境外融资捷径——访联工发国际(集团)有限公司执行董事、副总裁杨庆博士 [J], 艾静



第六章全球著名私人股权基金及投资案例第一节国际著名私人股权基金及投资案例当前国际上的私人股权投资机构大体可分为两类,一类是著名投资银行或国际机构下属的私人股权投资基金,如高盛公司(Goldman Sachs & Co.)、花旗集团(Citigroup)、国际金融公司(International Finance Corporation)的下属私人股权投资机构等;另一类则是专业私人股权投资基金,如凯雷集团(The Carlyle Group)、淡马锡(Temasek)、KKR(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts)、黑石集团(Blackstone Group)等。


一、隶属于投资银行和国际机构的私人股权投资基金CCMP亚洲投资基金(CCMP Capital Asia)创建于1999年,公司前身是摩根大通亚洲投资基金(J.P. Morgan Partners Asia),即摩根大通集团的私人股权投资部门。


CCMP 亚洲投资基金主要在五大区域进行投资:大中华地区、澳大利亚、日本、韩国和新加坡,投资对象多为大中型消费行业、工业品制造行业和服务行业中的扩张型企业,同时也投资于并购市场。






• • • (1)引入(introduction), 不募集新资,而由伦敦证券交 易所接纳现有股票上市。其股 票价格相对稳定,分布面广, 因而可估算出适销性。 (2)私募(placing),将现 有或新股票直接发行给经选择 的发起人的客户。 (3)中介人发行 (intermediaries offer), 将 现有或新股票推销给投资中介 人,由这些中介人向其客户转 售。 (4)公开发行上市(public offer),在上市公司被接纳入 伦敦市场之时,通过商业银行 或股市经纪人向社会大众直接 出售股票。
• 地点:英国伦敦 • 持有者 伦敦证券交易所集团 • 重要人物 ClaraFurse(CEO)、 ChristopherS.Gibson-Smith(主席) • 货币:GBP(英镑) • 上市公司:3,233 • 指数:FTSE100(伦敦金融时报100指数 简称富时100) • FTSE250(伦敦金融时报250指数 简称富时250) • FTSE350(伦敦金融时报350指数 简称富时350)
中国在伦敦证券交易所主版上市 的两种途径 (一)
• 一、 直接到境外上市
• 公司的条件
• 1. 该公司必须是在中国境内依法设立的股份有限公司(除了香港、澳 门和台湾)。 • 2. 该公司必须按照要求提出书面申请并附有关材料,报中国证监会批 准。 • 3. 该公司应当在其公司章程中载明《到境外上市章程必备条款》所要 求的内容,并不得擅自修改或者删除《必备条款》的内容。 • 4. 根据《中国证监会关于推荐境外上市预选企业的通知》,公司应当 向所在地的省级人民政府或者向国务院有关部门提出申请,或者同时 向上述两者提出申请。公司所在地的省级人民政府和国务院有关部门 对公司进行初选后,以正式文件向中国证监会推荐。 • 5. 该公司为符合国家产业政策的农业、基础工业、基础设施、支柱产 业和高科技产业,也可适当考虑其他产业行业。



伦敦交易所发展历程伦敦交易所(London Stock Exchange)是全球最大的证券交易所之一,也是英国最重要的金融机构之一。


伦敦交易所的起源可以追溯到1571年,当时一位名叫Thomas Gresham的商人首先在伦敦设立了一个股票交易所。






















最新额度(亿美元) 5.0000 3.0000 1.2000 3.0000 3.7500 2.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.2000 2.0000 1.0000 1.5000 4.5000 3.0000 1.0000 3.5000 0.5000 3.0000 3.5000 2.5000 3.5000 7.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.7500 2.1000 1.5000 0.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 3.0000 2.0000 2.0000 1.5000 1.5000 2.5000 1.2000 2.0000 0.0000 1.1000 2.0000 0.0000 0.5000 2.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.7000 0.5000 2.0000
额度变动记录 2005-05-09:资格获批;2009-05-12:增加额度(3.00亿美元);2005-11-16:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 2005-10-25:资格获批;2008-12-19:增加额度(2.00亿美元);2005-11-16:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2005-10-25:资格获批;2005-11-24:首次获批额度1.2亿美元(1.20亿美元); 2005-11-15:资格获批;2009-09-16:增加额度(2.00亿美元);2005-12-12:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 05-12-28:资格获批;2011-10-19:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2009-02-27:增加额度(1.25亿美元);2006-04-12:首次获得额度1.5亿美元(1.50亿美元 2005-12-28:资格获批;2008-07-28:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2006-02-22:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2006-04-11:资格获批;2008-04-16:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2006-08-01:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 2006-04-10:资格获批;2006-06-09:首批额度1.5亿美元(1.50亿美元); 2006-04-10:资格获批;2011-01-07:削减投资额度0.8亿美元(-0.80亿美元);2006-06-09:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2006-04-10:资格获批;2012-01-20:增加额度1亿元(1.00亿美元);2006-07-19:首次获得额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2006-02-13:资格获批;2006-04-12:首批额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元); 2006-04-14:资格获批;2008-05-19:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2006-08-01:首批额度5000万美元(0.50亿美元); 2006-07-07:资格获批;2010-04-22:增加额度(2.50亿美元);2006-09-05:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 2006-07-07:资格获批;2008-10-20:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2006-10-12:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 2006-08-05:资格获批;2008-12-17:增加额度(0.50亿美元);2006-11-07:首批额度5000万美元(0.50亿美元); 获批;2010-07-22:增加额度(1.50亿美元);2009-04-14:增加额度(0.12亿美元);2008-11-13:削减额度(-0.12亿美元);2007-01-11:首批额度2亿美 2006-08-05:资格获批;2006-11-07:首批额度5000万美元(0.50亿美元); 2006-08-29:资格获批;2011-05-05:增加投资额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元);2006-12-11:首批额度2亿美元7年2月13日,国家外汇管理局核准汇丰投资管理(香港)有限公司[HSBC Investment (Hong Kong) Limited]合格境外 2006-09-25:资格获批;2011-11-28:增加额度0.5亿美元(0.50亿美元);2007-01-11:首批额度2亿美元(2.00亿美元); 度(1.00亿美元);2007-02-13:2007年2月13日,国家外汇管理局核准三井住友资产管理株式会社(Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co 2006-10-24:资格获批;2010-09-01:增加额度(2.00亿美元);2008-12-05:增加额度(3.00亿美元);2008-01-24:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2006-10-25:资格获批;2008-04-01:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2009-12-23:资格获批;2010-08-19:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-03-12:资格获批;2008-04-07:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-04-07:资格获批;2008-05-04:首批额度(0.75亿美元); 2008-06-02:资格获批;2011-01-07:增加投资额度0.6亿美元(0.60亿美元);2008-07-31:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-06-02:资格获批;2008-09-10:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-05-16:资格获批;2008-11-03:首批额度(0.50亿美元); 2008-05-05:资格获批;2008-06-20:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-08-28:资格获批;2010-05-31:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2008-11-12:首批额度(0.50亿美元); 2008-08-28:资格获批;2008-11-12:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-08-25:资格获批;2010-09-01:增加投资额度1.5亿美元(1.50亿美元);2008-11-07:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-08-22:资格获批;2008-11-14:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2008-08-22:资格获批;2008-11-03:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2008-08-22:资格获批;2008-11-03:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-08-05:资格获批;2008-11-13:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-07-25:资格获批;2010-07-22:增加额度(1.00亿美元);2008-09-02:首批额度(1.50亿美元); 2008-09-11:资格获批;2009-06-16:首批额度(1.20亿美元); 2008-09-11:资格获批;2010-11-26:增加投资额度1亿美元(1.00亿美元);2008-12-26:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-09-12:资格获批;2011-02-01:削减投资额度1亿美元(-1.00亿美元);2009-12-08:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-09-12:资格获批;2008-12-03:首批额度(1.10亿美元); 2008-10-14:资格获批;2009-05-22:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2008-10-14:资格获批;2010-06-13:削减额度(-1.00亿美元);2010-01-19:资格取消;2009-03-23:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-11-28:资格获批;2009-08-25:首批额度(0.50亿美元); 2008-12-03:资格获批;2009-01-17:首批额度(2.00亿美元); 2008-12-16:资格获批;2009-03-04:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-12-18:资格获批;2009-03-31:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2008-12-29:资格获批;2009-03-25:首批额度(1.00亿美元); 2009-02-05:资格获批;2009-08-10:首批额度(0.70亿美元); 2009-02-10:资格获批;2009-06-03:首批额度(0.50亿美元); 2009-02-24:资格获批;2009-09-09:首批额度(2.00亿美元);






















London Capital Group - Company Profile 15 February 2012
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London Capital Group - Company Profile 15 February 2012
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英国伦敦是世界金融中心 创新且多样化的金融产品 英国FSA是全球公认监管最严格的金融监管机构 FSA职能:维持英国金融市场信心 保护和提高英国金融体系稳定性 保护投资者合法权益 预防和减少金融犯罪
London Capital Group - Company Profile 15 February 2012
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London Capital Group - Company Profile 15 February 2012
London Capital Group - Company Profile 15 February 2012
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London Capital Group - Company Profile 15 February 2012
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支持EA智能交易 做多做空双向交易,支持对冲仓位 最低交易0.01手
London Capital Group - Company Profile 15 February 2012
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2010 推出Capital CFD,CFD白标平台,和MT4平台。 2008 收购 2005 推出首个金融点差交易白标平台。成立机构外汇交易部门 由16家银行同时报价。 2003 2002 1996 推出Capital Spreads平台 推出机构经纪业务 LCG成立,主要进行自营交易业务。
















英国风险投资机构★企业名称:Botts & Company Ltd.地址:8th Floor,Lintas House,15-19 New Fetter Lane,London,FC4A 1BA管理资金(百万英镑):250最小投资额(百万英镑):2最大投资额(百万英镑):30投资领域:化工、通讯、计算机、金融服务、工业自动化、工业产品、医疗保健、其它制造及运输业优选投资地域:英国、西欧电话:(0044)20 7427 6300传真:(0044)20 7427 6301E-MAIL:postmaster@网址:★企业名称:BC Partners地址:105 Piccadilly,GB-London W1V 9FN最小投资额(百万欧元):4投资领域:不限优选投资地域:欧洲电话:(0044)20 74081282传真:(0044)20 74931368★企业名称:Beeson gregory地址:The Registry,Registry,Royal Mint Court,London,EC3N 4LB优选投资地域:不限电话:(0044)20 7488 4040传真:(0044)20 7702 4288E - MALL:rcoole@★企业名称:BDO Stoy Hayward地址:8 Baker Street,London,W1M 1DA优选投资地域:英国、西欧电话:(0044)20 7486 5888传真:(0044)20 7487 3686E - MALL:stname@网址:★企业名称:BC Partners Ltd.地址:105 Piccadilly,London,W1V9FN管理资金(百万英镑):5000最小投资额(百万英镑):50投资领域:不限优选投资地域:英国、西欧电话:(0044)20 7486 5888传真:(0044)20 7487 3686★企业名称:Barclays Ventures地址:Ground Floor,Charles House,5-11 Regent Street,London,SW1Y 4LR 管理资金(百万英镑):45最小投资额(百万英镑):0.25最大投资额(百万英镑):2投资领域:不限优选投资地域:英国电话:(0044)20 7445 5900传真:(0048)20 7445 5909E - MALL:barclays.ventures@网址:★企业名称:Bank Austria Private Equity地址:125 London Wall,London,EC2Y 5DD管理资金(百万英镑):60最小投资额(百万英镑):0.5最大投资额(百万英镑):3投资领域:不限优选投资地域:英国电话:(0044)20 7600 1555传真:(0044)20 7382 1142E - MALL:jim.kottler@★企业名称:Baring Private Equity Partners Ltd地址:33Cavendish Square,London,W1M 0BQ管理资金(百万英镑):1000最小投资额(百万英镑):0.5最大投资额(百万英镑):10投资领域:不限优选投资地域:英国、美洲、亚洲、俄罗斯、欧洲电话:(0044)20 7290 5000传真:(0044)20 7290 5020E - MALL:mail@网址:★企业名称:Barclays Private Equity Ltd.地址:5 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4BB管理资金(百万英镑):956最小投资额(百万英镑):2投资领域:通讯、计算机、工业、医疗保健、其它制造及运输业优选投资地域:英国、法国、德国、意大利电话:(0044)20 7512 9900传真:(0044)20 7773 4805★企业名称:Barclays Acquisition Finance地址:Barclays Bank plc, lst Floor, 54 Lombard Street, London, EC3P 3AH 最小投资额(百万英镑):不限最大投资额(百万英镑):不限投资领域:不限优选投资地域:英国电话:(0044)20 7699 3186传真:(0044)20 7699 2770 3275E - MAIL:anton.fawcett@网址:★企业名称:Bank of Scotland (Structured Finance)地址:PO Box 12, UBerior House, 61 Grassmarket, Edinburgh, EH1 2JF投资领域:不限优选投资地域:英国、欧洲电话:(0044)131 243 5908传真:(0044)131 243 5747E - MAIL:structured-finance@网址:★企业名称:BancBoston Capital成立日期:1960年地址:Bank of Boston House, 39 Victoria Street, London, SW1H OED管理资金(百万英镑):2,000最小投资额(百万英镑):1最大投资额(百万英镑):20投资领域:不限优选投资地域:英国、美国、亚洲、欧洲、香港电话:(0044)20 7932 9053传真:(0044)20 7932 9117网址:,★企业名称:Banc of America Equity Partners地址:55 Grosvenor Street, London, W1X 9FH管理资金(百万英镑):4000最小投资额(百万英镑):5最大投资额(百万英镑):不限投资领域:不限优选投资地域:英国、美国、亚洲、日本、欧洲、香港电话:(0044)20 7809 5985传真:(0044)20 7809 5999E - MAIL:stname@网址:在香港、新加坡有分公司。



维基百科亚投行英文介绍The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a proposed international financial institution which is focused on supporting infrastructure construction in the Asia-Pacific region. The bank was proposed as an initiative by the government of China[5] andsupported by 37 regional and 20 non-regional members Prospective Founding Members,51 of which have signed the Articles of Agreement that form the legal basis for theproposed bank. The bank starts operation after the agreement enters into force, which requires 10 ratifications, holding a total number of 50% of the initial subscritions of the Authorized Capital Stock. Countries with a large GDP that did not become PFM are the US, Japan (which dominated the ADB) and Canada.AIIB is regarded by some as a rival for the IMF, the World Bank and the AsianDevelopment Bank (ADB),[6] which are regarded as dominated by developed countries like the United States.[6] The United Nations has addressed the launch of AIIB as "scaling up financing for sustainable development"[7] for the concern of Global EconomicGovernance.[8]The bank was proposed by China in 2013[9] and the initiative launched at a ceremony in Beijing in October 2014.[10] The Articles of Agreement (AOA) were signed by 50 PFMs on29 June 2015, which become a party to the agreement through ratification. As of July2015, 1 state (Myanmar) has ratified the agreement, formally becoming a foundingmember.[1]Contents[hide]∙ 1 Historyo 1.1 AIIB within PRC policy thinking▪ 1.1.1 Fostering LT economic development▪ 1.1.2 Infrastructure as regional integration and foreign policy tool∙ 2 Legal basis and Membershipo 2.1 Founding Memberso 2.2 non Prospective Founding Members▪ 2.2.1 Dependent territories▪ 2.2.2 Other states∙ 3 Shareholding Structure∙ 4 Management structure∙ 5 Receptiono 5.1 Environmental record∙ 6 See also∙7 References∙8 External linksHistory[edit]The first news reports about the AIIB appeared in October 2013.[11] The Chinese government has been frustrated with what it regards as the slow pace of reforms and governance, and wants greater input in global established institutions like the IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank which it claims are dominated by American, European and Japanese interests.[6]In April 2014, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the Boao Forum for Asia and said that China was ready to intensify consultations with relevant parties in and outside Asia on the preparations for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.[12]The Asian Development Bank Institute published a report in 2010 which said that the region requires $8 trillion to be invested from 2010 to 2020 in infrastructure for the region to continue economic development.[6][13] In a 2014 editorial, The Guardian newspaper wrote that the new bank could allow Chinese capital to finance these projects and allow it a greater role to play in the economic development of the region commensurate with its growing economic and political clout.[14] But until March 2015, China in the ADB has only 5.47 percent voting right, while Japan and US have a combined 26 percent voting right (13 percent each) with a share in subscribed capital of 15.7 percent and 15.6 percent, respectively. Dominance by both countries and slow reforms underlie China's wish to establish the AIIB, while both countries worry about China's increasing influence.[15]In June 2014 China proposed doubling the registered capital of the bank from $50 billion to $100 billion and invited India to participate in the founding of the bank.[16][17] On 24 October 2014, twenty-one countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the AIIB in Beijing, China: Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China India, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan andVietnam.[18] Indonesia's joining was slightly delayed due to their new presidential administration not being able to review the membership in time.[19] Indonesia signed the MOU on 25 November 2014.The U.S. allegedly tried to keep Australia and South Korea from becoming prospective founding members, after they expressed an interest in it.[20] However, both Australia and South Korea applied to join the bank in March 2015.[21][22][23]Hong Kong's Financial Secretary John Tsang announced in his budget speech in February 2015 that the territory would join the AIIB.[24] It did however not become one of the prospective founding members and negotiated as part of the Chinese delegation.In early March 2015, the United Kingdom's Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced that the UK had decided to apply to join the Bank, becoming the first major Western country to do so. The announcement was criticised by the U.S. ObamaAdministration. A US government official told Financial Times, "We are wary about a trend toward constant accommodation of China, which is not the best way to engage a rising power." The official further stated that the British decision was taken after "no consultation with the US."[25] In response, the UK indicated that the subject had been discussed between Chancellor Osborne and US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew for several months preceding the decision. It was further stated that joining the bank as a founding member would allow the UK to influence the development of the institution. By encouraging Chinese investments in the next generations of nuclear power plants, Osborne announced that "the City of London would become the base for the first clearing house for the yuan outside Asia."[26]Following the criticism, the White House National Security Council, in a statement to The Guardian, declared, "Our position on the AIIB remains clear and consistent. The United States and many major global economies all agree there is a pressing need to enhance infrastructure investment around the world. We believe any new multilateral institution should incorporate the high standards of the World Bank and the regional development banks. Based on many discussions, we have concerns about whether the AIIB will meet these high standards, particularly related to governance, and environmental and social safeguards … The international community has a stake in seeing the AIIB complement the existing architecture, and to work effectively alongside the World Bank and Asian Development Bank."[27]Three other European states: Germany, France and Italy – followed the UK's decision to join the AIIB in March. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble stated, "We want to contribute our long-standing experience with international financial institutions to the creation of the new bank by setting high standards and helping the bank to get a high international reputation."[28] In March 2015, the South Korean Ministry of Strategy and Finance announced that it, too, is planning to join the AIIB, citing its potential in benefiting South Korean companies win deals in infrastructural projects as well expanding South Korea's influence in international banking as a founding member.[29] States could indicate their interest in becoming a Prospective Founding Member until 31 March 2015.Negotiations took place in the framework of 5 Chief Negotiators Meetings (CNMs) which took place between November 2014 and May 2015. The Articles of Agreement, the legal framework of the proposed bank, were concluded in the fifth CNM. It was signed on 29 June 2015 by 50 of the named 57 prospective founding members in Beijing.AIIB within PRC policy thinking[edit]Fostering LT economic development[edit]The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank can be construed as a natural inter-national extension of the infrastructure-driven economic development framework that has sustained the rapid economic growth of China since the adoption of the Chinese economic reform under chairman Deng Xiaoping. It stems from the notion that long-termeconomic growth can only be achieved through massive, systematic, and broad-based investments in infrastructure assets – in contrast with the more short-term "export-driven" and "domestic consumption" development models favored by mainstream Neoclassical economists and pursued inconsiderately by many developing countries in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century with generally disappointing results.[30][31]Infrastructure as regional integration and foreign policy tool[edit]In his 29 March 2015 speech at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) annual conference, President Xi Jinping insisted that "the Chinese economy is deeply integrated with the global economy and forms an important driving force of the economy of Asia and even the world at large. […] China's investment opportunities are expanding. Investment opportunities in infrastructure connectivity as well as in new technologies, new products, new business patterns, and new business models are constantly springing up. […] China's foreign cooperation opportunities are expanding. We support the multilateral trading system, devote ourselves to the Doha Round negotiations, advocate theAsia-Pacific free trade zone, promote negotiations on regional comprehensive economic partnership, advocate the construction of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), boost economic and financial cooperation in an all-round manner, and work as an active promoter of economic globalization and regional integration", insisting that the Silk Road Fund and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank would foster "economic connectivity and a new-type of industrialization [in the Asia Pacific area], and [thus] promote the common development of all countries as well as the peoples' joint enjoyment of development fruits".[32]Legal basis and Membership[edit]ArticlesArticles of Agreement of the Asian InfrastructureInvestment BankPotential signatoriesSignatories (regional)Parties (non-regional)Signatories (non-regional)Signed 29 June 2015Location Beijing, ChinaEffective not in forceCondition Ratification by 10 states, comprising 50% of initialsubscriptions of capital stockSignatories 51Parties 1[1]Depositary Government of the People’s Republic of ChinaLanguages Chinese, English (used in disputes) and FrenchThe Articles of Agreement will form the legal basis for the Bank. 57 Prospective Founding Members (PFM) named in annex A of the agreement are eligible to sign and ratify the Articles, thus becoming a member of the Bank. Other states, which are parties tothe International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or the Asian Development Bank may become members after approval of their accession by the bank.[33]The Articles were negotiated by the Prospective Founding Members, with Hong Kong joining the negotiations via China.[34][35]Founding Members[edit]The 57 Prospective Founding Members can become Founding Members through:∙Signing the Articles of Agreement in 2015∙Ratifying the Articles of Agreement in 2015 or 2016As of August 2015, 51 states have signed the Articles, one of which has ratified them. Seven countries that signed the founding charter did not sign the Article of Agreement on 29 June.[36][37] The formal actions towards becoming a Founding Member are shown below, as well as the percentage of the votes and of the shares, in the event all prospective founding states become parties, and no other members are accepted.Country (Region) ProspectiveFoundingMemberstatusSignature(Articles)[1]Ratification(Articles)[1]Shares% ofshares%ofvoteCountry (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eAustralia3 April 2015[38]29 June 201536,912 3.76 3.46Austria11 April 2015[39]29 June 20155,008 0.51 0.70Azerbaijan15 April 2015[40]29 June 20152,541 0.26 0.48Banglades h*24 October 201429 June 20156,605 0.67 0.83Brazil12 April 2015[41]29 June 201531,810 3.24 3.02Brunei*24 October 201429 June 2015524 0.05 0.31Cambodia *24 October 201429 June 2015623 0.06 0.32China* (founder)24 October 201429 June 2015297,804 30.34 26.06Denmark12 April 2015[41]3,695 0.38 0.58Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eEgypt14 April 2015[42]29 June 20156,505 0.66 0.83Finland12 April 2015[41]29 June 20153,103 0.32 0.53France2 April 2015[43]29 June 201533,756 3.44 3.19Georgia12 April 2015[41]29 June 2015539 0.05 0.31Germany1 April 2015[44]29 June 201544,842 4.57 4.15Iceland15 April 2015[40]29 June 2015176 0.02 0.28India*24 October 201429 June 201583,673 8.52 7.51Indonesia*25 November 2014[19]29 June 201533,607 3.42 3.17Iran 7 April 2015[45]29 June 201515,808 1.61 1.63Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eIsrael15 April 2015[40]29 June 20157,499 0.76 0.91Italy2 April 2015[43]29 June 201525,718 2.62 2.49Jordan7 February 201529 June 20151,192 0.12 0.37Kazakhsta n*24 October 201429 June 20157,293 0.74 0.89South Korea11 April 2015[39]29 June 201537,388 3.81 3.50Kuwait24 October 20145,360 0.55 0.73Kyrgyzsta n9 April 2015[46]29 June 2015268 0.03 0.29Laos*24 October 201429 June 2015430 0.04 0.30Luxembou rg27 March 2015[47]29 June 2015697 0.07 0.32Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eMalaysia24 October 201421 August 2015[48]1,095 0.11 0.36Maldives31 December 2014[19]29 June 201572 0.01 0.27Malta9 April 2015[46]29 June 2015136 0.01 0.27Mongolia*24 October 201429 June 2015411 0.04 0.30Myanmar*24 October 201429 June 20151 July 2015 2645 0.27 0.49Nepal*24 October 201429 June 2015809 0.08 0.33Netherland s12 April 2015[41]29 June 201510,313 1.05 1.16New Zealand5 January 2015[49]29 June 20154,615 0.47 0.66Norway14 April 2015[42]29 June 20155,506 0.56 0.74Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eOman*24 October 201429 June 20152,592 0.26 0.49Pakistan*24 October 201429 June 201510,341 1.05 1.16Philippines24 October 20149,791 1.00 1.11Poland 15 April 2015[40]8,318 0.85 0.98Portugal 15 April 2015[40]29 June 2015650 0.07 0.32Qatar* 24 October 201429 June 20156,044 0.62 0.79Russia 14 April 2015[50]29 June 201565,362 6.66 5.93Saudi Arabia13 January 2015[51]29 June 201525,446 2.59 2.47Singapore *24 October 2014[52]29 June 20152,500 0.25 0.48Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eSouth Africa15 April 2015[40]5,905 0.60 0.77Spain 11 April 2015[39]29 June 201517,615 1.79 1.79Sri Lanka* 24 October 201429 June 20152,690 0.27 0.50Sweden 15 April 2015[40]29 June 20156,300 0.64 0.81Switzerlan d28 March 2015[53]29 June 20157,064 0.72 0.87Tajikistan13 January 2015[51]29 June 2015309 0.03 0.29Thailand24 October 2014[52]14,275 1.45 1.50Turkey 10 April 2015[54]29 June 201526,099 2.66 2.52United Arab Emirates5 April 2015[55]29 June 201511,857 1.21 1.29Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eUnited Kingdom28 March 2015[53]29 June 201530,547 3.11 2.91Uzbekista n*24 October 201429 June 20152,198 0.22 0.45Vietnam*24 October 201429 June 20156,633 0.68 0.84Unallocated Shares18,486 – –Grand Total5737 Regional 20non-Regional51 95.17% of shares1 0.27% of shares1,000,000100.00100.00Note: Regional members in blueMember, and the number of shares determines the fraction of autorized capital in the bank.[33][69][70][71]Three categories of votes exist: basic votes, share votes and Founding Member votes. The basic votes are equal for all members and constitute 18% of the total votes, while the share votes are equal to the number of shares. Each Founding Member furthermore gets 600 votes. An overview of the shares, assuming when all 57 Prospective Founding Members have become Founding Members is shown below (values in bold do not depend on the number of members):Vote Type% of Total VotesTotal VotesVote per MemberChina (LargestMaldives (SmallestPFM) PFM)Basic votes 12 138,510 2,430 2,430 2,430 Share votes 85 981,514 Varies 297,804 72FoundingMember votes3 34,200 600 600 600Total 1001,154,224 varies 300,834(26.1%)3,102 (0.3%)Shares and Voting %, in the event all PFM are party, and no new members are accepted, are shown in the table with parties above.Environmental record[edit]As the proposed bank has no management or approved loans, it has no environmental record. Several organizations have however expressed their concerns over environmental policy of the proposed bank because of the high stake of China in the bank's business. Although the proposed bank declared "AIIB will learn from the best practice in the world and adopt international standards of environmental protection", Yuge Ma has argued that this may be complicated in developing Asian countries.[73]∙Boao Forum for Asia∙New Development Bank (BRICS)/NDB BRICS∙Asian Development Bank (ADB)∙World Bank∙International Monetary Fund (IMF)。



经济学英语词汇1、General terms 一般术语economist 经济学家socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collectiveeconomy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 自由经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定concentration 集中holdingcompany 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长economic trend经济趋势economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设standard of living生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的2、Capital 资本initial capital 创办资本frozen capital 冻结资金frozenassets 冻结资产fixed assets 固定资产real estate 不动产,房地产circulatingcapital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产capital goods资本货物reserve 准备金,储备金calling up of capital 催缴资本allocation of funds资金分配contribution of funds 资金捐献working capital fund 周转基金revolvingfund 循环基金,周转性基金contingency fund 意外开支,准备金reserve fund 准备金buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金sinking fund 偿债基金investment 投资,资产investor 投资人self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给bank 银行current account 经常帐户(美作:checking account) current-account holder 支票帐户(美作:checking-account holder)cheque 支票(美作:check) bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer无记名支票,来人支票crossed cheque 划线支票traveller's cheque 旅行支票chequebook 支票簿,支票本(美作:checkbook) endorsement 背书transfer 转让,转帐,过户money 货币issue 发行ready money 现钱cash 现金ready money business, no creditgiven 现金交易,概不赊欠change 零钱banknote, note 钞票,纸币(美作:bill) to pay(in) cash 付现金domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币convertibility 可兑换性convertible currencies 可自由兑换货币exchange rate汇率,兑换率foreign exchange 外汇floating exchange rate 浮动汇率freeexchange rates 自由汇兑市场foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券hardcurrency 硬通货speculation 投机saving 储装,存款depreciation 减价,贬值devaluation (货币)贬值revaluation 重估价runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩capital flight 资本外逃securities business 证券市场stockexchange 股票市场stock exchange corporation 证券交易所stock exchange证券交易所,股票交易所quotation 报价,牌价share 股份,股票shareholder, stockholder股票持有人,股东dividend 股息,红利cash dividend 现金配股stock investment 股票投资investment trust 投资信托stock-jobber 股票经纪人stock company, stockbrokerage firm 证券公司securities 有价证券share, common stock 普通股preference stock 优先股income gain 股利收入issue 发行股票par value 股面价格,票面价格bull 买手, 多头bear 卖手, 空头assigned 过户opening price 开盘closing price 收盘hard times 低潮business recession 景气衰退doldrums 景气停滞dull盘整ease 松弛raising limit 涨停板break 暴跌bond, debenture 债券WallStreet 华尔街3、Credit 信贷short term loan 短期贷款long term loan长期贷款medium term loan 中期贷款lender 债权人creditor 债权人debtor 债务人,借方borrower 借方,借款人borrowing 借款interest 利息rate of interest 利率discount 贴现,折扣rediscount 再贴现annuity 年金maturity 到期日,偿还日amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付redemption 偿还insurance 保险mortgage 抵押allotment 拨款short term credit 短期信贷consolidated debt 合并债务fundeddebt 固定债务,长期债务floating debt 流动债务drawing 提款,提存aid 援助allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴4、Pruduction 生产output 产出,产量producer 生产者,制造者productive, producing 生产的products, goods 产品consumer goods 消费品article 物品,商品manufactured goods, finished goods制成品,产成品raw product 初级产品semifinished goods 半成品by-product 副产品foodstuffs 食品raw material 原料supply 供应,补给input 投入productivity生产率productiveness 赢利性overproduction 生产过剩5、Expenses 耗费cost 成本,费用expenditure, outgoings 开支,支出fixed costs 固定成本overheadcosts 营业间接成本overheads 杂项开支,间接成本operating costs 生产费用,营业成本operating expenses 营业费用running expenses 日常费用,经营费用miscellaneouscosts 杂项费用overhead expenses 间接费用,管理费用upkeep costs, maintenancecosts 维修费用,养护费用transport costs 运输费用social charges 社会负担费用contingent expenses, contingencies 或有费用apportionment of expenses分摊费用6、Profit 利润income 收入,收益earnings 利润,收益gross income,gross earnings 总收入,总收益gross profit, gross benefit 毛利,总利润,利益毛额net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额average income 平均收入national income 国民收入profitability, profit earning capacity 利润率,赢利率yield 产量收益,收益率increase in value, appreciation 增值,升值7、taxes 税duty 税taxation system 税制taxation 征税,纳税fiscal charges 财务税收progressivetaxation 累进税制graduated tax 累进税value added tax 增值税income tax 所得税land tax 地租,地价税excise tax 特许权税basis of assessment 估税标准taxableincome 须纳税的收入fiscality 检查tax-free 免税的tax exemption 免税taxpayer纳税人tax collector 收税员8、Internal economic and trade orgnization国际经济与贸易组织China Council for the Promotion of InternationalTrade, C.C.P.I.T. 中国国际贸易促进委员会National Council for US-China Trade美中贸易全国理事会Japan-China Economic Association 日中经济协会Association forthe Promotion of International Trade,Japan 日本国际贸易促进会BritishCouncil for the Promotion of International Trade 英国国际贸易促进委员会International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会International Union ofMarine Insurance 国际海洋运输保险协会International Alumina Association国际铝矾土协会Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟Customs Co-operation Council, CCC 关税合作理事会United Nations Trade and Development Board联合国贸易与发展理事会Organization for Economic cooperation and Development,DECD 经济合作与开发组织European Economic Community, EEC, European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体European Free Trade Association, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟European Free Trade Area, EFTA 欧洲自由贸易区Council for Mutual EconomicAid, CMEA 经济互助委员会Eurogroup 欧洲集团Group of Ten 十国集团Committee of Twenty(Paris Club) 二十国委员会Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会Caribbean Common Market, CCM, Caribbean Free-Trade Association,CARIFTA 加勒比共同市场(加勒比自由贸易同盟)Andeans Common Market, ACM, Andeans Treaty Organization, ATO 安第斯共同市场Latin American Free TradeAssociation, LAFTA 拉丁美洲自由贸易联盟Central American Common Market, CACM中美洲共同市场African and Malagasy Common Organization, OCAM 非洲与马尔加什共同组织East African Common Market, EACM 东非共同市场Central African Customs andEconomic Union, CEUCA 中非关税经济同盟West African Economic Community,WAEC 西非经济共同体Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,OPEC 石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries,OAPEC 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Commonwealth Preference Area 英联邦特惠区Centre National du Commerce Exterieur, National Center of External Trade法国对外贸易中心People's Bank of China 中国人民银行Bank of China 中国银行International Bank for Reconstruction and development, IBRD国际复兴开发银行World Bank 世界银行International Development association, IDA国际开发协会International Monetary Found Agreement 国际货币基金协定International Monetary Found, IMF 国际货币基金组织European Economic andMonetary Union 欧洲经济与货币同盟European Monetary Cooperation Fund欧洲货币合作基金Bank for International Settlements, BIS 国际结算银行African Development Bank, AFDB 非洲开发银行Export-Import Bank of Washington美国进出口银行National city Bank of New York 花旗银行American OrientalBanking Corporation 美丰银行American Express Co. Inc. 美国万国宝通银行TheChase Bank 大通银行Inter-American Development Bank, IDB 泛美开发银行European Investment Bank, EIB 欧洲投资银行Midland Bank,Ltd. 米兰银行UnitedBank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行Dresden Bank A.G. 德累斯敦银行Bank ofTokyo,Ltd. 东京银行Hongkong and Shanghai Corporation 香港汇丰银行International Finance Corporation, IFC 国际金融公司La CommunauteFinancieve Africane 非洲金融共同体Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC联合国经济及社会理事会United Nations Development Program, NUDP 联合国开发计划署United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF 联合国资本开发基金UnitedNations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO 联合国工业发展组织UnitedNations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD 联合国贸易与发展会议Foodand Agricultural Organization, FAO 粮食与农业组织, 粮农组织EconomicCommission for Europe, ECE 欧洲经济委员会Economic Commission for LatinAmerica, ECLA 拉丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Asia and Far East,ECAFE 亚洲及远东经济委员会Economic Commission for Western Asia, ECWA 西亚经济委员会Economic Commission for Africa, ECA 非洲经济委员会Overseas ChineseInvestment Company 华侨投资公司New York Stock Exchange, NYSE 纽约证券交易所London Stock Market 伦敦股票市场Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange波罗的海商业和航运交易所Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡Natural monopoly 自然垄断Natural resources 自然资源Necessary condition 必要条件necessities 必需品net demand 净需求nonconvex preference 非凸性偏好nonconvexity 非凸性nonexclusion 非排斥性nonlinear pricing 非线性定价nonrivalry 非对抗性nonprice competition 非价格竞争nonsatiation 非饱和性non--zero—sum game 非零和对策normal goods 正常品normal profit 正常利润normative economics 规范经济学TopOobjective function 目标函数oligopoly 寡头垄断oligopoly market 寡头市场oligopoly model 寡头模型opportunity cost 机会成本optimal choice 最佳选择optimal consumption bundle 消费束perfect elasticity 完全有弹性optimal resource allocation 最佳资源配置optimal scale 最佳规模optimal solution 最优解optimization 优化ordering of optimization(social) preference (社会)偏好排序ordinal utility 序数效用ordinary goods 一般品output 产量、产出output elasticity 产出弹性output maximization 产出极大化TopPparameter 参数Pareto criterion 帕累托标准Pareto efficiency 帕累托效率Pareto improvement 帕累托改进Pareto optimality 帕累托优化Pareto set 帕累托集partial derivative 偏导数partial equilibrium 局部均衡patent 专利pay off matrix 收益矩阵、支付矩阵perceived demand curve 感觉到的需求曲线perfect competition 完全竞争perfect complement 完全互补品perfect monopoly 完全垄断perfect price discrimination 完全价格歧视perfect substitution 完全替代品perfect inelasticity 完全无弹性perfectly elastic 完全有弹性perfectly inelastic 完全无弹性plant size 工厂规模point elasticity 点弹性positive economics 实证经济学post Hoc Fallacy 后此谬误prediction 预测preference 偏好preference relation 偏好关系present value 现值price 价格price adjustment model 价格调整模型price ceiling 最高限价price consumption curve 价格费曲线price control 价格管制price difference 价格差别price discrimination 价格歧视price elasticity of demand 需求价格弹性price elasticity of supply 供给价格弹性price floor 最低限价price maker 价格制定者price rigidity 价格刚性price seeker 价格搜求者price taker 价格接受者price tax 从价税private benefit 私人收益principal—agent issues 委托--代理问题private cost 私人成本private goods 私人用品private property 私人财产producer equilibrium 生产者均衡producer theory 生产者理论product 产品product transformation curve 产品转换曲线product differentiation 产品差异product group 产品集团production 生产production contract curve 生产契约曲线production efficiency 生产效率production function 生产函数production possibility curve 生产可能性曲线productivity 生产率productivity of capital 资本生产率productivity of labor 劳动生产率profit 利润profit function 利润函数profit maximization 利润极大化property rights 产权property rights economics 产权经济学proposition 定理proportional demand curve 成比例的需求曲线public benefits 公共收益public choice 公共选择public goods 公共商品pure competition 纯粹竞争rivalry 对抗性、竞争pure exchange 纯交换pure monopoly 纯粹垄断accounting 会计accounting cost 会计成本accounting profit 会计利润adverse selection 逆向选择allocation 配置allocation of resources 资源配置allocative efficiency 配置效率antitrust legislation 反托拉斯法arc elasticity 弧弹性Arrow's impossibility theorem 阿罗不可能定理Assumption 假设asymetric information 非对称性信息average 平均average cost 平均成本average cost pricing 平均成本定价法average fixed cost 平均固定成本average product of capital 资本平均产量average product of labour 劳动平均产量average revenue 平均收益average total cost 平均总成本average variable cost 平均可变成本Bbarriers to entry 进入壁垒base year 基年bilateral monopoly 双边垄断benefit 收益black market 黑市bliss point 极乐点boundary point 边界点break even point 收支相抵点budget 预算budget constraint 预算约束budget line 预算线budget set 预算集Ccapital 资本capital stock 资本存量capital output ratio 资本产出比率capitalism 资本主义cardinal utility theory 基数效用论cartel 卡特尔ceteris puribus assumption “其他条件不变”的假设ceteris puribus demand curve 其他因素不变的需求曲线Chamberlin model 张伯伦模型change in demand 需求变化change in quantity demanded 需求量变化change in quantity supplied 供给量变化change in supply 供给变化choice 选择closed set 闭集Coase theorem 科斯定理Cobb—Douglas production function 柯布--道格拉斯生产函数cobweb model 蛛网模型collective bargaining 集体协议工资collusion 合谋command economy 指令经济commodity 商品commodity combination 商品组合commodity market 商品市场commodity space 商品空间common property 公用财产comparative static analysis 比较静态分析compensated budget line 补偿预算线compensated demand function 补偿需求函数compensation principles 补偿原则compensating variation in income 收入补偿变量competition 竞争competitive market 竞争性市场complement goods 互补品complete information 完全信息completeness 完备性condition for efficiency in exchange 交换的最优条件condition for efficiency in production 生产的最优条件concave 凹concave function 凹函数concave preference 凹偏好consistence 一致性constant cost industry 成本不变产业constant returns to scale 规模报酬不变constraints 约束consumer 消费者consumer behavior 消费者行为consumer choice 消费者选择consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡consumer optimization 消费者优化consumer preference 消费者偏好consumer surplus 消费者剩余consumer theory 消费者理论consumption 消费consumption bundle 消费束consumption combination 消费组合consumption possibility curve 消费可能曲线consumption possibility frontier 消费可能性前沿consumption set 消费集consumption space 消费空间continuity 连续性continuous function 连续函数contract curve 契约曲线convex 凸convex function 凸函数convex preference 凸偏好convex set 凸集corporatlon 公司cost 成本cost benefit analysis 成本收益分cost function 成本函数cost minimization 成本极小化Cournot equilihrium 古诺均衡Cournot model 古诺模型Cross—price elasticity 交叉价格弹性Ddead—weights loss 重负损失decreasing cost industry 成本递减产业decreasing returns to scale 规模报酬递减deduction 演绎法demand 需求demand curve 需求曲线demand elasticity 需求弹性demand function 需求函数demand price 需求价格demand schedule 需求表depreciation 折旧derivative 导数derive demand 派生需求difference equation 差分方程differential equation 微分方程differentiated good 差异商品differentiated oligoply 差异寡头diminishing marginal substitution 边际替代率递减diminishing marginal return 收益递减diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减direct approach 直接法direct taxes 直接税discounting 贴税、折扣diseconomies of scale 规模不经济disequilibrium 非均衡distribution 分配division of labour 劳动分工distribution theory of marginal productivity 边际生产率分配论duoupoly 双头垄断、双寡duality 对偶durable goods 耐用品dynamic analysis 动态分析dynamic models 动态模型EEconomic agents 经济行为者economic cost 经济成本economic efficiency 经济效率economic goods 经济物品economic man 经济人economic mode 经济模型economic profit 经济利润economic region of production 生产的经济区域economic regulation 经济调节economic rent 经济租金exchange 交换economics 经济学exchange efficiency 交换效率economy 经济exchange contract curve 交换契约曲线economy of scale 规模经济Edgeworth box diagram 埃奇沃思图exclusion 排斥性、排他性Edgeworth contract curve 埃奇沃思契约线Edgeworth model 埃奇沃思模型efficiency 效率,效益efficiency parameter 效率参数elasticity 弹性elasticity of substitution 替代弹性endogenous variable 内生变量endowment 禀赋endowment of resources 资源禀赋Engel curve 恩格尔曲线entrepreneur 企业家entrepreneurship 企业家才能entry barriers 进入壁垒entry/exit decision 进出决策envolope curve 包络线equilibrium 均衡equilibrium condition 均衡条件equilibrium price 均衡价格equilibrium quantity 均衡产量eqity 公平equivalent variation in income 收入等价变量excess—capacity theorem 过度生产能力定理excess supply 过度供给exchange 交换exchange contract curve 交换契约曲线exclusion 排斥性、排他性exclusion principle 排他性原则existence 存在性existence of general equilibrium 总体均衡的存在性exogenous variables 外生变量expansion paths 扩展径expectation 期望expected utility 期望效用expected value 期望值expenditure 支出explicit cost 显性成本external benefit 外部收益external cost 外部成本external economy 外部经济external diseconomy 外部不经济externalities 外部性FFactor 要素factor demand 要素需求factor market 要素市场factors of production 生产要素factor substitution 要素替代factor supply 要素供给fallacy of composition 合成谬误final goods 最终产品firm 企业firms’demand curve for labor 企业劳动需求曲线firm supply curve 企业供给曲线first-degree price discrimination 第一级价格歧视first—order condition 一阶条件fixed costs 固定成本fixed input 固定投入fixed proportions production function 固定比例的生产函数flow 流量fluctuation 波动for whom to produce 为谁生产free entry 自由进入free goods 自由品,免费品free mobility of resources 资源自由流动free rider 搭便车,免费搭车function 函数future value 未来值Ggame theory 对策论、博弈论general equilibrium 总体均衡general goods 一般商品Giffen goods 吉芬晶收入补偿需求曲线Giffen's Paradox 吉芬之谜Gini coefficient 吉尼系数goldenrule 黄金规则goods 货物government failure 政府失败government regulation 政府调控grand utility possibility curve 总效用可能曲线grand utility possibility frontier 总效用可能前沿Hheterogeneous product 异质产品Hicks—kaldor welfare criterion 希克斯一卡尔多福利标准homogeneity 齐次性homogeneous demand function 齐次需求函数homogeneous product 同质产品homogeneous production function 齐次生产函数horizontal summation 水平和household 家庭how to produce 如何生产human capital 人力资本hypothesis 假说Iidentity 恒等式imperfect competion 不完全竞争implicitcost 隐性成本income 收入income compensated demand curveincome constraint 收入约束income consumption curve 收入消费曲线income distribution 收入分配income effect 收入效应income elasticity of demand 需求收入弹性increasing cost industry 成本递增产业increasing returns to scale 规模报酬递增inefficiency 缺乏效率index number 指数indifference 无差异indifference curve 无差异曲线indifference map 无差异族indifference relation 无差异关系indifference set 无差异集indirect approach 间接法individual analysis 个量分析individual demand curve 个人需求曲线individual demand function 个人需求函数induced variable 引致变量induction 归纳法industry 产业industry equilibrium 产业均衡industry supply curve 产业供给曲线inelastic 缺乏弹性的inferior goods 劣品inflection point 拐点information 信息information cost 信息成本initial condition 初始条件initial endowment 初始禀赋innovation 创新input 投入input—output 投入—产出institution 制度institutional economics 制度经济学insurance 保险intercept 截距interest 利息interest rate 利息率intermediate goods 中间产品internatization of externalities 外部性内部化invention 发明inverse demand function 逆需求函数investment 投资invisible hand 看不见的手isocost line 等成本线,isoprofit curve 等利润曲线isoquant curve 等产量曲线isoquant map 等产量族Kkinded—demand curve 弯折的需求曲线Llabour 劳动labour demand 劳动需求labour supply 劳动供给labour theory of value 劳动价值论labour unions 工会laissez faire 自由放任Lagrangian function 拉格朗日函数Lagrangian multiplier 拉格朗乘数,land 土地law 法则law of demand and supply 供需法law of diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减法则law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution 边际替代率递减法则law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution 边际技术替代率law of increasing cost 成本递增法则law of one price 单一价格法则leader—follower model 领导者--跟随者模型least—cost combination of inputs 最低成本的投入组合leisure 闲暇Leontief production function 列昂节夫生产函数licenses 许可证linear demand function 线性需求函数linear homogeneity 线性齐次性linear homogeneous production function 线性齐次生产函数long run长期long run average cost 长期平均成本long run equilibrium 长期均衡long run industry supply curve 长期产业供给曲线long run marginal cost 长期边际成本long run total cost 长期总成本Lorenz curve 洛伦兹曲线loss minimization 损失极小化1ump sum tax 一次性征税luxury 奢侈品Mmacroeconomics 宏观经济学marginal 边际的marginal benefit 边际收益marginal cost 边际成本marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价marginal cost of factor 边际要素成本marginal period 市场期marginal physical productivity 实际实物生产率marginal product 边际产量marginal product of capital 资本的边际产量marginal product of 1abour 劳动的边际产量marginal productivity 边际生产率marginal rate of substitution 边替代率marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率marginal returns 边际回报marginal revenue 边际收益marginal revenue product 边际收益产品marginal revolution 边际革命marginal social benefit 社会边际收益marginal social cost 社会边际成本marginal utility 边际效用marginal value products 边际价值产品market 市场market clearance 市场结清,市场洗清market demand 市场需求market economy 市场经济market equilibrium 市场均衡market failure 市场失败market mechanism 市场机制market structure 市场结构market separation 市场分割market regulation 市场调节market share 市场份额markup pricing 加减定价法Marshallian demand function 马歇尔需求函数maximization 极大化microeconomics 微观经济学minimum wage 最低工资misallocation of resources 资源误置mixed economy 混合经济model 模型money 货币monopolistic competition 垄断竞争monopolistic exploitation 垄断剥削monopoly 垄断,卖方垄断monopoly equilibrium 垄断均衡monopoly pricing 垄断定价monopoly regulation 垄断调控monopoly rents 垄断租金monopsony 买方垄断NNash equilibrium 纳什均衡Natural monopoly 自然垄断Natural resources 自然资源Necessary condition 必要条件necessities 必需品net demand 净需求nonconvex preference 非凸性偏好nonconvexity 非凸性nonexclusion 非排斥性nonlinear pricing 非线性定价nonrivalry 非对抗性nonprice competition 非价格竞争nonsatiation 非饱和性non--zero—sum game 非零和对策normal goods 正常品normal profit 正常利润normative economics 规范经济学Oobjective function 目标函数oligopoly 寡头垄断oligopoly market 寡头市场oligopoly model 寡头模型opportunity cost 机会成本optimal choice 最佳选择optimal consumption bundle 消费束perfect elasticity 完全有弹性optimal resource allocation 最佳资源配置optimal scale 最佳规模optimal solution 最优解optimization 优化ordering of optimization(social) preference (社会)偏好排序ordinal utility 序数效用ordinary goods 一般品output 产量、产出output elasticity 产出弹性output maximization 产出极大化Pparameter 参数Pareto criterion 帕累托标准Pareto efficiency 帕累托效率Pareto improvement 帕累托改进Pareto optimality 帕累托优化Pareto set 帕累托集partial derivative 偏导数partial equilibrium 局部均衡patent 专利pay off matrix 收益矩阵、支付矩阵perceived demand curve 感觉到的需求曲线perfect competition 完全竞争perfect complement 完全互补品perfect monopoly 完全垄断perfect price discrimination 完全价格歧视perfect substitution 完全替代品perfect inelasticity 完全无弹性perfectly elastic 完全有弹性perfectly inelastic 完全无弹性plant size 工厂规模point elasticity 点弹性positive economics 实证经济学post Hoc Fallacy 后此谬误prediction 预测preference 偏好preference relation 偏好关系present value 现值price 价格price adjustment model 价格调整模型price ceiling 最高限价price consumption curve 价格费曲线price control 价格管制price difference 价格差别price discrimination 价格歧视price elasticity of demand 需求价格弹性price elasticity of supply 供给价格弹性price floor 最低限价price maker 价格制定者price rigidity 价格刚性price seeker 价格搜求者price taker 价格接受者price tax 从价税private benefit 私人收益principal—agent issues 委托--代理问题private cost 私人成本private goods 私人用品private property 私人财产producer equilibrium 生产者均衡producer theory 生产者理论product 产品product transformation curve 产品转换曲线product differentiation 产品差异product group 产品集团production 生产production contract curve 生产契约曲线production efficiency 生产效率production function 生产函数production possibility curve 生产可能性曲线productivity 生产率productivity of capital 资本生产率productivity of labor 劳动生产率profit 利润profit function 利润函数profit maximization 利润极大化property rights 产权property rights economics 产权经济学proposition 定理proportional demand curve 成比例的需求曲线public benefits 公共收益public choice 公共选择public goods 公共商品pure competition 纯粹竞争rivalry 对抗性、竞争pure exchange 纯交换pure monopoly 纯粹垄断Qquantity—adjustment model 数量调整模型quantity tax 从量税quasi—rent 准租金Rrate of product transformation 产品转换率rationality 理性reaction function 反应函数regulation 调节,调控relative price 相对价格rent 租金rent control 规模报酬rent seeking 寻租rent seeking economics 寻租经济学resource 资源resource allocation 资源配置returns 报酬、回报returns to scale 规模报酬revealed preference 显示性偏好revenue 收益revenue curve 收益曲线revenue function 收益函数revenue maximization 收益极大化ridge line 脊线risk 风险Ssatiation 饱和,满足saving 储蓄scarcity 稀缺性law of scarcity 稀缺法则second—degree price discrimination 二级价格歧视second derivative --阶导数second—order condition 二阶条件service 劳务set 集shadow prices 影子价格short—run 短期short—run cost curve 短期成本曲线short—run equilibrium 短期均衡short—run supply curve 短期供给曲线shut down decision 关闭决策shortage 短缺shut down point 关闭点single price monopoly 单一定价垄断slope 斜率social benefit 社会收益social cost 社会成本social indifference curve 社会无差异曲线social preference 社会偏好social security 社会保障social welfare function 社会福利函数socialism 社会主义solution 解space 空间stability 稳定性stable equilibrium 稳定的均衡Stackelberg model 斯塔克尔贝格模型static analysis 静态分析stock 存量stock market 股票市场strategy 策略subsidy 津贴substitutes 替代品substitution effect 替代效应substitution parameter 替代参数sufficient condition 充分条件supply 供给supply curve 供给曲线supply function 供给函数supply schedule 供给表Sweezy model 斯威齐模型symmetry 对称性symmetry of information 信息对称Ttangency 相切taste 兴致technical efficiency 技术效率technological constraints 技术约束technological progress 技术进步technology 技术third—degree price discrimination 第三级价格歧视total cost 总成本total effect 总效应total expenditure 总支出total fixed cost 总固定成本total product 总产量total revenue 总收益total utility 总效用total variable cost 总可变成本traditional economy 传统经济transitivity 传递性transaction cost 交易费用Uuncertainty 不确定性uniqueness 唯一性unit elasticity 单位弹性unstable equilibrium 不稳定均衡utility 效用utility function 效用函数utility index 效用指数utility maximization 效用极大化utility possibility curve 效用可能性曲线utility possibility frontier 效用可能性前沿Vvalue 价值value judge 价值判断value of marginal product 边际产量价值variable cost 可变成本variable input 可变投入variables 变量vector 向量visible hand 看得见的手vulgur economics 庸俗经济学Wwage 工资wage rate 工资率Walras general equilibrium 瓦尔拉斯总体均衡Walras's law 瓦尔拉斯法则Wants 需要Welfare criterion 福利标准Welfare economics 福利经学Welfare loss triangle 福利损失三角形welfare maximization 福利极大化Zzero cost 零成本zero elasticity 零弹性zero homogeneity 零阶齐次性zero economic profit 零利润。








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Strategy: Using the established international network to provide a full range of financial services to SME’s in Greater China
经营战略:利用伦敦亚洲基金的全球网络为大中华地区的中小企业提供全方 经营战略: 位的金融服务
© London Asia Capital plc
Appendix 附录
Appendix: 附录 1.Brief Introduction about Chinese Companies listed in SGX 新加坡证交所中国公司上市情况简介 2.Brief Introduction about Chinese Companies listed in LSE and UK OFEX Market 伦敦证交所和英国OFEX市场中国公司上市情况简介
• London 伦敦 • New York 纽约 • Singapore 新加坡 • Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia 吉隆坡(马来西亚) • Hong Kong 香港 • Dubai-UAE 杜拜(阿联酋) • Freiburg-Germany 弗赖堡 (德国)
© London Asia Capital plc
Successful Cases 成功范例
London Asia and its associated companies has been involved in the IPO process of the following listed companies. London Asia’s representative are seated in the Board of Directors. 伦敦亚洲投资基金投资参与了下列公司的上市进程并在公司董事会中担任董事。
• • • • •
Track record of management team 关注管理团队过去的工作业绩 Seek exit within 24 months via IPO or trade sale 在投资后两年之内寻求上市或者其它方式变现 Grow businesses organically & via acquisition 通过并购等方式实现投资对象的快速成长 Buy-in price at 4-6x P/E 以4-6倍市盈率价格买进 Invest via cash and London Asia shares 投资以现金和伦敦亚洲基金股票相结合的方式进行
© London Asia Capital plc
Overview (Cont ) 背景资料 (续) 续
International network, with offices and teams in:
已经初步建立了全球网络,在下列城市建立了办事机构: 已经初步建立了全球网络,在下列城市建立了办事机构: • China – Beijing,Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai,
伦敦亚洲投资基金力求成为在新兴市场上专门 服务于高成长企业的一流的投资银行集团
© London Asia Capital plc
Overview 背景资料
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Listed on London’s AIM Stock Market (Symbol: LDC) 在英国伦敦证交所AIM高增长市场上市交易(代码:LDC)

Several IPO’s being worked on for listing in UK, US, Malaysia and Singapore 作为保荐人或财务顾问为数家即将在英国、美国、新加坡和马来西亚上市的公司提供财务 顾问服务。

Advisor to energy, waste and water projects totaling over US$1 billion 作为财务顾问为总额高达10亿美元的能源和环保方面的项目提供包括投、融资在内的全方 位金融服务。
Global Group:UK headquartered Asian focused investment and trading group 环球集团,
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Heda Group:Beijing based venture capital group 和达集团,总部位于北京的风险投资集团 China Chengxin Financial Consultancy:中国诚信财务顾问公司 Wuhan Kaidi Group:武汉凯迪集团 Wuhan East Lake New Tech Zone: 武汉东湖高新技术开发区
© London Asia Capital plc
Investment Criteria 投资筛选标准
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Focus on profitable and cash flow positive companies 专注于投资目前盈利并且有正的现金流的企业 Market leaders via branding and/or market share or potential to become market leader in their sector 在品牌或者市场占有率方面的市场领袖,或有潜力成为市场领袖
© London Asia Capital plc
Fund Management 基金管理

Series of funds under development, focused on Emerging Markets 受境外投资者委托,目前正在管理和营运一系列专注于新兴市场的投资基金 • Agreement with Global Emerging Markets, a New York based financial services company, to form a US$200 million leveraged buy-out private equity fund for China 与美国全球新兴市场公司(美国私募基金,旗下管理资产近20亿美元)达成协议, 共同组建和管理总额为2亿美元的中国企业并购基金 • Agreement with JSM Capital Holding, a New York based financial services company, to form a US$200 million private equity fund for China 与美国JSM资本控股公司(一家位于美国纽约的金融服务公司)达成协议,共同 组建和管理总额为2亿美元的中国私募投资基金。 • Agreement with Collins Stewart, the biggest UK security house, to form a STG 200 million China pre-IPO fund. Agreement 与英国Collins Stewart 公司(英国最大的证券公司)达成协议,共同组建和管理 总额为2亿英镑的中国公司上市前私募基金。
© London Asia Capital plc
Investment Focus 投资重点

Industry focus: 重点关注的行业 • Financial services 金融服务行业 • Energy & Environment 能源和环保行业 • Education 教育培训行业 • Media & Advertising 传媒广告行业 • IT and BPO Service 电子通讯和外包服务行业 • Other Industries that can be benefiting from the fast growth of China’s economy 其它能够随中国经济高速发展一起成长并且侧重于国内市场的行业
© London Asia Capital plc
Partners 合作伙伴
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JSM: New York headquartered broker-dealer 总部在英国专注于亚洲地区业务的投资和贸易集团 Zoom Developers:Indian based infrastructure development group ZOOM公司,印度基础 设施开发商 Scarborough Group Plc: UK property development, investment and fund management group Scarborough 集团:英国著名地产、投资和基金管理集团 Global Emerging Markets:US fund management group with US$2 billion under management 美国新兴市场基金管理公司,旗下管理资产达2亿美元。 EAsset Management:Malaysian fund management and investment banking boutique Easset 管理集团,马来西亚基金管理和投资银行集团 JSM公司,总部在纽约的金融经纪公司
• • • • Market cap STG 80 million 目前市值八千万英镑 Over 45% owned by UK institutional investors 公司股份45%以上被机构投资者持有 Currently traded at the price of 40-50 times PE. 目前在市场上以40-50倍市盈率的价格交易 Recommended by Most analyst and brokers in UK market. 被英国大量分析师和经纪人推荐 评级为“买进“或者“强烈买进“
•Singapore Stock Exchange 新加坡证交所
Asia Power 亚洲电力 Devotion energy 迪森能源 China Transcom 雪城国际控股 Asia Water Unitech 联合环保 亚洲水务