


Ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents are moving to a new town, much to Chihiro's displeasure. While driving, they get lost and her father decides to take a shortcut down a mysterious forested pathway. After a short but bumpy drive, the family comes to a stop at what seems to be an abandoned theme park. Curious, the father leads his family through a tunnel and explores the park, finding a deserted town and a stall full of freshly-cooked food. The parents greedily help themselves while Chihiro refuses to eat. As Chihiro's parents are eating, she wanders off and meets a boy named Haku. Haku seems to be familiar with Chihiro and warns her to escape with her parents; she returns to find they have turned into pigs, and that the way back has become a deep river. Spirits appear and go about the park. Haku secretly takes Chihiro to a large bathhouse to avoid alerting the spirits to her presence. Haku then tells her that she must get a job from the boiler man, Kamajii until he can help her recover her parents and escape.

With the help of the six-armed boiler room master Kamajii and a bathhouse servant girl named Lin,[2] Chihiro is able to convince Yubaba, the elderly Witch and owner of the bath house, to give her a job; in exchange, Chihiro is forced to give up her name so that Yubaba may keep her in service for eternity. Yubaba gives her new servant the name "Sen(千)," which is derived from "Chihiro(千寻)" by removing the second character and using the alternate reading of the first. Chihiro eventually learns that Haku is similarly indebted to Yubaba. Chihiro is put to work alongside Lin, helping to bathe and serve the most difficult spirits in the bathhouse. Chihiro is able to successfully bathe a "stink spirit" (later revealed to be a river spirit who had been heavily polluted), who rewards Chihiro for her service with a magic medicine made from special herbs.

Chihiro discovers Haku's true form, a dragon, and he is later attacked in this form by shikigami in the form of paper birds controlled by Zeniba, Yubaba's twin sister. Haku had stolen and swallowed Zeniba's seal under orders from Yubaba, which has a spell on it that gave Haku internal bleeding and lacerations. Chihiro tries to help Haku recover from his injuries using the medicine given to her by the river spirit, which acts as an emetic to the dragon, causing him to vomit, and thus recovering Zeniba's sigil and squashing a peculiar black slug that had been attached to it. Haku remains comatose, so Chihiro decides to travel to Zeniba's home to return the seal, hoping to break her curse over Haku. Chihiro sets out on a train ride across the spirit world, along with a wraith-like spirit called No-Face, who terrorized the bathhouse and tried to earn the affection of Chihiro, Yubaba's pet raven (who has been turned into a small, fly-like creature by Zeniba), and Boh, Yubaba's gigantic infant son whom Zeniba had transformed into a mouse.

The group arrives at Zeniba's house to find that Zeniba is friendlier than expected. She explains that the seal spell has been broken by Chihiro's love and caring and that the black slug Chihiro has squashed was a curse placed on Haku by Yubaba to control him. Zeniba and Chihiro's friends make Chihiro a special hairband to show her that her friends

are with her, as well as for protection, and No-Face is offered to stay at Zeniba's home as her assistant. Haku, now recovered, shows up to return Chihiro to the bathhouse, explaining that Yubaba will return Chihiro's parents to normal and allow all three of them to leave in exchange for returning Boh. As they travel on Haku's dragon form, Chihiro realizes that Haku is the same river spirit that saved her as a small child when she fell into the Kohaku River, and the realization helps to break Yubaba's control on Haku completely.

At the bathhouse, Yubaba reveals that Chihiro must pass one more task as part of Haku's deal: identify which pigs in the huge herd are her parents. Chihiro passes the test, as she states that none of them are her parents, and Yubaba is forced to let her and her family go. Haku escorts her to the entrance of the spirit world, telling her that her parents are waiting on the other side, but not to look back or else the deal will be broken. Chihiro rejoins her parents, and the family returns to their car (now dusty and covered with fallen leaves and branches, looking as though a long time has passed) and continues to their new home. Zeniba's hair band is still in Chihiro's hair, proving her adventure to be true. In the English adaptation, the film ends as Chihiro's parents tell her that they understand her worry, to which she replies that she thinks she'll do fine. This is a change from the Japanese original, which leaves Chihiro in silent thought as the car drives away, reflecting on her adventure.


《千与千寻》影视赏析 摘要:本文从《千与千寻》的影片简介、作者简介、剧情简介、色彩、艺术特色、角色、造型等多角度对该影片进行了的分析。通过多角度分析,得出《千与千寻》影片的成功是多方面相结合的结论。 关键词:千与千寻;影片;赏析 1.影片简介: 2001年7月20日,《千与千寻》在日本公映,引起巨大轰动,4天票房即达到近20亿日元。英文名定《Spirited Away 》,当 年即在全美全欧公映。2002年2 月17日,《千与千寻》赢得52 届柏林电影节金熊奖。原名:千と千寻の神隠し又译:《千与千寻》,《千与千寻的神隐》,《神隐少女》,《千与千寻之神隐少女》。 2.作者简介: 宫崎骏是日本动画界的一个具有传奇色彩的人物,他是日本三代动画家中,承前启后的精神支柱人物。宫崎骏的动画片是能够和迪士尼、梦工厂共分天下的一支重要的东方力量。宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、生存这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。宫崎骏的作品,多是天马行空之作,

但含有深远的寓意。宫崎骏动画作品大多涉及人类与自然之间的关系、和平主义及女权运动,出品的动漫电影以精湛的技术、动人的故事和温暖的风格在世界动漫界独树一帜。 3.《千与千寻》剧情简介: 10岁的千寻随父母搬家来到一个陌生的城镇准备开始一个全新的生活。然而,因为途中迷路,她和父母误闯入了一个人类不应该进入的灵异小镇。小镇的主管是当地一家叫“油屋”的澡堂的巫婆:汤婆婆;而“油屋”则是为服侍日本八百万天神洗澡的地方。 他们穿过那条神秘的隧道之后,看见的是一片蓝天,绿油油的草地和清新的风。奇怪的是空无一人的小镇街道上,两旁是香喷喷的食物。千寻的父母禁不住食物的诱惑,喊了几下,主人没在,就开始吃。千寻阻拦也无济于事,因此,她只好在空旷的小街里走着。当千寻跑到父母吃东西的那个地方,发现两头猪在那儿,自己的父母因为贪婪而变成了猪。千寻很害怕,她也不想变成动物,可她更想救她的父母。千寻为了拯救父母,在汤婆婆的助手“白龙”的帮助下,进入澡堂成功的获得了一份工作。作为代价,她的名字被汤婆婆拿掉了笔划,成了“千”。为救父母和白龙展开的一系列的行动,虽然小千从一个娇生惯养,什么活都不会做,而且胆小害怕,但是此后的她变得非常勇敢,变得越来越坚强能干;同时,她善良的品格也开始得到了澡堂中其他人的



一.电影作品介绍 2001年出品 导演:宫崎骏 ·第七十五届奥斯卡最佳动画片奖 ·第五十二届柏林电影节金熊奖 ·国际动画电影协会动画片大奖 ·第二十一届香港电影金像奖最佳亚洲电影奖 故事背景 <<千与千寻>>的大背景是日本的现代都市,故事被安排在了一个古代日本澡堂,这是个有着东方文化的“神密之城”,原型是跟据江户时代建筑来描绘的,就像宫崎骏以往的作品一样,<<风之谷>>的风动力使用,<<天空之城>>的天上神奇景观,“龙猫”居住的大树和乡村美景。这次他把我们带入了一个富有东方色彩的世界里,一座富丽宏伟日式浴场,邀请形形色色的各种客人,而这些“人”却是世界里的神灵,他们在这里享受洗浴,宫崎骏说这是原自他童年的遐想。在这样一个“洗浴”的地方,又有谁会想到这是个充斥着金钱、权利、冷漠的世界。宫崎骏本作有两个主题,一是通过人性展现人的成长,二是反映人与自然的环保态度。 内容简介: 10岁的小女孩千寻和父母一起搬家,因为父亲的鲁莽开车发现了一条隧道,在走过了之后却进入了一个神秘小镇。奇怪的是整个镇子里一个人也没有,千寻的父母看到有一处店铺里存放着大量新鲜的食物,按捺不住诱惑便疯狂的吃了起来。千寻感觉这令她很不安,看到父母只顾吃不理她,她只得独自到处转悠。 天色渐暗,千寻突然看见镇子里有很多幽灵和妖怪出现,吓得赶紧去找她的父母,谁知道她的父母竟然吃了食物后变成了猪。千寻无助的只能逃跑,可她惊奇的发现自己的身体竟然开始变得透明,这时少年白龙出现了,他救了千寻,并告诉她这个城镇是另外一个世界,想要在这里生存下去就必须工作,否则便会消失。 为了拯救父母,千寻遵循白龙的忠告来到了汤屋寻找工作,在锅炉爷爷和


《千与千寻》观后感 《千与千寻》是一部广为人知的动漫电影,它是日本国宝动画巨匠宫崎骏勇夺奥斯卡的杰作。从电影上映以来,《千与千寻》一直受到广泛好评。 一直喜欢动漫电影的我很早就听说过这部电影,但真正认真的欣赏这部影片是在宫崎骏电影欣赏公选课上。 《千与千寻》这部影片的故事被安排在了一个古代日本澡堂,这是个有着东方文化的“神密之城”,原型是跟据江户时代建筑来描绘的,本作品跟宫崎骏以往的作品一样,生动形象的反映出了两个主题,一是通过人性展现人的成长,二是反映人与自然的环保态度。 故事富有戏剧性与童话的感觉,讲述了10岁的小女孩千寻和父母一起搬家,因为父亲的鲁莽开车发现了一条隧道,在走过了之后却进入了一个神秘小镇。奇怪的是整个镇子里一个人也没有,千寻的父母看到有一处店铺里存放着大量新鲜的食物,按捺不住诱惑便疯狂的吃了起来。千寻感觉这令她很不安,看到父母只顾吃不理她,她只得独自到处转悠。天色渐暗,千寻突然看见镇子里有很多幽灵和妖怪出现,吓得赶紧去找她的父母,谁知道她的父母竟然吃了食物后变成了猪。千寻无助的只能逃跑,可她惊奇的发现自己的身体竟然开始变得透明,这时少年白龙出现了,他救了千寻,并告诉她这个城镇是另外一个世界,想要在这里生存下去就必须工作,否则便会消失。 为了拯救父母,千寻遵循白龙的忠告来到了汤屋寻找工作,在锅炉爷爷和小玲的帮助下,千寻见到了汤屋的主人汤婆婆,并自己的努力和坚持签订了合同,但汤婆婆却夺走了她的名字,改名“小千”。于是千寻便在这工作了起来,期间她帮助了三个对象。首先是酷似腐烂神的河神来到了汤屋,成山的垃圾堆满了浴场,大家都四散躲避,只有千寻帮助他拜托了垃圾的困扰,河神为感谢她留下了一颗药丸,千寻希望借此恢复她的父母。之后无脸男受千寻纯真的吸引来到了油屋,却被这里的利欲所迷失,大加破坏想寻求欲望的满足,同时白龙因受指派去偷钱婆婆东西,受了诅咒重伤回来,善良的千寻把药丸给了他们,一半把无脸男恢复了原样,一半帮白龙解除了诅咒。如果说千寻用丸子救白龙是因为爱,那么给无脸男吃就是本身为对他的真诚。明知道河神给的丸子能救自己的父母,却依然拿出来帮助需要它的人。 搭乘着大海上的电车,身边是变成“龙猫”的坊宝宝和变小的乌鸦,还有把身体所有东西给吐干净的无脸男,千寻去寻找钱婆婆替白龙向她道歉,不同与汤婆婆的温泉屋那般豪华,钱婆婆的家是截然相反的朴实。钱婆婆告诉千寻,无论是什么事情,包括与父母回到原来的


《千与千寻》电影观后感及精彩影评《千与千寻》一向是一部广为人知动漫电影,它是日本国宝动画巨匠宫崎骏勇夺奥斯卡的杰作。下面是橙子为大家整理收集的《千与千寻》电影观后感,希望可以帮助到你! 《千与千寻》影评一 在以往影片中宫崎骏的情景设置只为了一个目的达到建构一种作者所想象的美丽空间,大多是森林,例如风之谷中的森林,普拉达的自然景观,龙猫居住的大树和乡村美景等。画面上森林占了很大的比例,色彩上以绿色、蓝色为主,分多层次展开,制造了一种视觉效果,从而激起相应的心灵感应。 《千与千寻》中则大胆地起用了现代都市背景,同时故事的主要部分不再是在森林,而是安排在一个日本古时期的澡堂。虽然说该片在影像技术方面有突破,是首次以全数码制作的动画电影,在画面、色彩、音响上更具细腻感和层次感,但片中的场景不仅仅只是为了达到一个视听上的超越,而是有了较前期更深的用意,一方面借此场景表现日本民族传统文化,本土观念更易回归,另一方面,场景本身有其寓意,千寻在这个场景中成长与洗练,不仅是对人身体的洗礼,更重要的是对人类灵魂的洗礼。 千与千寻--一直以为这是两个人的名字,结果是一个人的,前一个是被给予的名字,后一个是被剥夺的。这个故事其实是属于两个名字的,琥珀川与千寻。宫崎俊有着天下最迤俪的幻想,他给你的比你想要的还要好。好,伴随着苦难,却不伴随着虚假。好的好,不是残

酷的好,不是骇人的好,不是为了毁灭而建造的好。 《千与千寻》影评二 说到这部影片,不得不提提该作品的的作者—宫崎骏老人,昨天还在新闻里看到,这个73岁的老人,与奥斯卡二度结缘获得了奥斯卡终身成就奖。如果从1984年宫崎骏在吉卜力工作室执导的《风之谷》开始算起,宫崎骏至今推出的只有10部动画电影。在这些影片中,除《红猪》有一些成人的幽默感之外,影片的一号主角无一例外都是“梦幻”少女,相应的影片的男性也多是少年。这也许正是喜欢宫崎骏电影的观众中女性比男性多的原因之一。为什么宫崎骏特别爱表现这个年龄段的人?原因是,因为少年的心灵“清澈”。 说宫崎骏电影中有“未泯的童心”并不准确,事实上宫崎骏的内心与电影作品一样,都不是一个儿童,而是一位少年。儿童的心灵还是蒙昧的,但少年已经拨去了童年混沌的阴翳思绪,复杂滞重的成年人世界还未到来,所以这个时期是异常清朗的,可以说,宫崎骏的电影不论是第一部还是最后一部,是什么样的主题,它看待世界的目光都仿佛是一位“清澈的少年”。很多人会认为,这样的“心态”可能是“保持”的。事实上宫崎骏并不是,他的奇妙之处也正在于此。——我们青少年时期看宫崎骏,他就像是小伙伴,但等我们有了一些人生经历之后再回来看他的作品,你会惊讶地发现宫崎骏的世界像湛蓝的海洋一样,是极为开阔、丰盈,超越年龄、时代、国籍、文化界限的。在这样一个审美宇宙中,宫崎骏及他的作品始终心灵清澈,而这种“清澈”绝不像“少年”那样脆弱、易逝,它有着坚不可毁的感染

千与千寻Spirited Away(英文剧本)

Spirited Away C: I?ll miss you, Chihiro. Your best friends, Rile F: Chihiro, Chihiro, we?re almost there. M: This really is the middle of nowhere. I?ve got to go to the next town to shop. F: We?ll just have to learn to like it. Look, Chihiro, there?s your new school. Looks really good, doesn?t it? M: It doesn?t look so bad. C: It?s gonna stink. I liked my old school. Oh````Mom, my flowers are dying. M: I told you not to smother them like that. We?ll put them in water when we get to our new home. C: I finally get a bouquet, and it?s a good-bye present. That?s depressing. M: Daddy bought you a rose for your birthday. Don?t you remember? C: Yes, one. Just one rose isn?t a bouquet. M: Hold on to your card. I?m opening the window and quit whining. It?s fun to move to a new place. It?s an adventure. F: Wait, did I take the wrong turn? That can?t be right. M: Look, there?s our house. It?s that blue one on the end. F: Oh, you?re right. I must have missed the turn-off. This road should get us there. M: Honey, don?t take a short cut. You always get us lost. F: Trust me, it?s gonna work. C: What are these stones? They look like little houses. M: They?re shines. Some people think little spirits live there. C: Dad, I think we?re lost. F: We?re fine. I?ll get a full wheel drive. M: Sit down please, sweetie. Slow down. You?re gonna kill us. F: What?s that? M: What?s this old building? F: It looks like an entrance. M: Honey, get back in the car. We are going to be late. Oh for heaven?s sake. F: This building is not old. It?s fake. These stones are just made of plaster. C: The wind?s pulling us in. M: What is it? F: Come one. Let?s go in. I want to see what?s on the other side. C: I?m not going. It gives me the creeps. F: Don?t be such a scaredy cat, Hiro. Let?s just take a look. M: The movers will get to our house before we do. F: It?s alright. They?ve got the keys. They can start without us. M: Alright. Just a quick look. C: Forget it. I?m not going. Come on you guys, le t?s get out of here. F: Come on honey. It will be fun. C: I?m not going. M: Chihiro, just wait in the car then. C: But mom….Wait for me. F: Everybody watch your step. M: Chihiro, don?t cling like that. You make me trip. -What is this place? -Oh, do you hear that? - It sounds like a train. - We must be near a train station. - Come on. Let?s go and check it out. - What are those weird buildings? - I knew it. It?s an abandoned theme park. See? They built the everywhere in early 90s, then the economy went bad and they all went bankrupt. This must be one of them. - Where are you going? You said just a quick look. Now let?s go back. Did you hear that building? It was moaning. - It?s just the wind. Oh, what a beautiful place. We should have brought our lunch. Then we could have a picnic. - Look, they were planning to put a river here. En~~~ you smell that? Something smells delicious. - Yeah, I?m starving. - Maybe this theme park is still in business. Let?s go. - Chihiro, hurry it up. - Wait a minute! - Over there….This way. - How strange! They?re all restaurants. - Where?s everybody? - Aaa… There it is! Hey, I found it. Hi, you got to see this. In here. - Aaa… Look at this! - Hello in there. Does anybody work here? - Come in Hiro. It looks delicious. - Anybody? - Don?t worry honey. We can pay the bill when they get back. - Good plan. Hey that looks great. - I wonder what this is called. Oh… It?s delicious. Chihiro, you have to taste this. - I don?t want any. We?re gonna get in trouble. Let?s just get out of here. - Don?t worry. You?ve got daddy here. He?s got credit cards and cash. - Chihiro, you have to try this. It?s so tender. - Mustard? - Thank you. - Come on, you guys. You can?t - That?s weird. It?s a bath house. There?s the train. - You shouldn?t be here. Get out of here, now! - What? - It?s almost night. Leave before it gets dark. They are lighting the lamps. Get out of here. You?ve gotta get across the river. Go! I?ll distract them. - What?s up with him? - Mom, dad, come on, quit eating, let?s get out of here. Ahh~~~~Mom, dad, where are you?.....Water?!! What?... I?m dreaming! I?m dreaming! Come on, wake up! Wake up! This is a dream. Just a dream. Away, away. Disappear! Aaa~~~~~? I?m see-through! It?s just a bad dream. - Don?t be afraid! I just wantta help you. - No…No! - Open your mouth and eat this. You must eat some food from this world or else you?ll disappear. - No. - Don?t worry. It won?t turn you into a pig. Chew it and swallow. There you go. You?re all better. See for yourself. - I?m OK. - You see. Now come with me. - Where are my mom and dad? They didn?t really turn into pigs, did they? - You can?t see them now, but you will. Don?t move. That bird?s looking for you. You?ve gotta get out of here. - My legs, I can?t stand up. Help! What do I do? - Calm down. Take a deep breath. In the name of the wind and water within thee, unbind her. Get up. - You have to hold your breath when we across the bridge. Even the tiniest breath will break the spell and then everyone will see you. - I?m scared. - Just stay calm. I?m back from my mission. - Welcome back Master Haku. - Take a deep breath. Hold it. Hang on, almost there. - Master Haku, where?ve you been? What? A human? - Let?s go. - They know you?re here. - I?m sorry. I took a breath.


《千与千寻》见习人生必修课——成长 在茫茫人生之路上,不论是即将或者已经起航的人们,如何在茫然无措中获得生存的勇气,是人生的一堂必修课,无关年龄、性别。《千与千寻》以一个少女的一段冒险经历为我们讲述如何修习这门课的学分。 10岁少女千寻在搬家途中和父母误入异界。父母吃了这里的食物,违反了这个世界的法则:不干活,就变猪。一瞬间,千寻失去了可以依赖的父母,在这个陌生的异界,只有她一人在孤身奔跑企图逃离这里。在这个连父母都无法依靠的世界,她还能依靠谁,只剩自己。她必须学会独立生存。 为了在这个世界生存下去,拯救父母,她首先要得到一份工作。这是这个世界的法则,入乡随俗。既然无法改变这个世界,那么改变的只有自己。世界不会因你而改变,只有依据这个世界的法则才能生存下去。她不断地恳求汤婆婆:求你让我在这里工作。在她的执着中,汤婆婆终于答应,但是她被剥夺了名字,订立契约的那刻开始,千寻只能用千这个名字。千也不在是以前的千寻。 白是千寻在这个异界碰到的第一个人。他一直在默默地帮助千寻,指引她在这个世界生存。当白和千同时站在缓缓下降的电梯里,千突然叫白的名字,白说:“不要多说话,你要和大家一样叫我‘白大人’。”一句话便让人产生疏离之感。这刻的千哀伤而又清醒的意识到“不是四海之内皆父母”。或许在失去父母的依靠时,她曾将这份信赖转嫁到白的身上。父母是每个孩子来到世上第一个信赖的人,而白是千来到异界第一个信赖的人。但是朋友不等同于父母,尽管他们会给予你帮助,指点你生活,却无法像父母对孩子一样对你。每个人都必须对自己的成长负责,朋友可以陪你一起成长,却无法代替你成长。 白曾告诉千:“汤婆婆会夺走别人的名字,然后支配他。名字一旦被夺走,就再也找不到回家的路了。”“名字”是每个孩子出生时便被赋予的,代表了长辈对孩子的祝愿和期望。这点很像人们踏上人生时的“初心”,最初的梦想,但是渐渐的,很多人便会在红尘的摸爬滚打中将其忘却。白提醒千,不要忘记自己的名字,不要忘了当初为什么要在这里工作。在这里工作不是为了工作,而是要救出父母,离开这里。道理其实很简单,只是很多人活着活着,便忘了自己是为什么而活的。 在“油屋”,面对形形色色的客人和同事,千的变化很大。她从一个懦弱的连爬楼梯都要一格格攀援的形象进化成能够独挡一面进行工作的少女(从为河神洗澡一事上看出)。尽管她的工作能力不强,经验也没有,但是她恪守自己的原则,不论多累,多脏的活都愿意去干。她并不像人们所期待的那样,从一个平凡的少女历经磨难成为一个不平凡的女强人,她仍然是她。这点是老少皆宜的,其实很少有人是奔着成为伟人而活的,只是有些人活着活着就成了伟人。她有着最质朴的性格:礼貌,谦虚,真诚,勇敢,而这些是通过和这个世界的人们打交道时看出来的,很难让人想起早期的千连进门前要敲门都不会。这些是人


电影《千与千寻》影射出了哪些涵义? 9 条评论 分享 按投票排序按时间排序 138 个回答 赞同4515反对,不会显示你的姓名 韩孝,每临大事有静气 戈壁老赵、zyf、江十二等人赞同 简单说一下。《千与千寻》并不仅仅是一位少女跟随父母闯入异乡的奇异梦幻,还代表了一代日本长辈嘱托年轻人的警示之梦。它好像莎士比亚的哈姆雷特,一个童话故事里折射出的是对整个人生和社会的反思,几乎每个年轻人都可以在这个故事里读出自己的理解。 整个电影主要要表达的我理解为:勿忘初心。德国哲学家海德格尔说,“社会的整个产业发展壮大, 人却永久性的失落了。”我认为这是现代化最大的危机:也就是说,在整个社会机器日益成熟运转之

际,我们作为个体的人却有沦为这部机器的螺丝钉的危险,而使得自己作为“人”而拥有的特质被遗忘 和忽视。整个故事可以说是对将要进入成人社会的年轻人的警示:你要成为社会里有用的一员,同时你不要迷失了自己! 千寻可以说代表着所有刚要踏入社会的年轻人:1,要承受不知何去何从的惶惑感,笨手笨脚地试着进入社会这个大机器成为有用的一员;(在电影里,不愿工作、好吃懒做的人变成待宰牲畜或煤灰)2,面对名利、物质等等诱惑。(千寻的父母身上即可见日本经济虚假繁荣时代的社会风气) 汤婆婆剥夺人的名字,并且支配人的含意就在于:名字是自我的契约。当人与社会之规则立约,常常忽略了与自我的契约而丧失自我。细节:千寻在汤婆婆那里签约的时候,本来签是自己的本名荻野千寻,而后被汤婆婆改为“千”;白龙嘱咐千寻:一定不要忘记自己的名字;白龙在千寻的帮助下想起了自己的真名,从而又重新蜕变成了自己。

千寻刚进来的那个时候,懦弱胆小(进山洞抓住妈妈的手不肯放),娇惯任性(躺在车里说自己不愿意去新学校),那个时候千寻还是一副小孩子的摸样,没担当没责任感。但是在这个世界经历了这么多事情之后,我们却看到了一个成熟稳重的千寻,她变得坚强勇敢(敢于和汤婆婆讲理,独自找钱婆婆),体贴无私(帮助河神,拯救白龙)。到最后,千寻不仅成为了汤屋的楷模(成为有用的人),同时面对各种诱惑和挑战也始终保持了真正的自己,所以她不仅救出了爸爸妈妈,也解救了无脸男、小白等人。 与千寻成为参照的,则是一个大家都很热衷于讨论的无脸男。 无脸男是一个有着残缺的孩子的心理,孤独、被人冷落,当强制改变自己成为周围人愿意接受的时候却发现自己更加的孤独、空虚,然后被各种欲望占据,只有吞下河伯的丸子,吐出所有的欲望回归到最初的单纯时,才是真正的自己。


千与千寻影评范文1000字 这部电影看过好几遍。好像每次因为种种的原因都没有看到结尾。算起来最早的那次已经是八年前了。今天又看了一遍,完整的。 一贯的记忆中的宫崎骏色彩—艳丽。隔这么长时间看,还是那样炫目。这大概跟大师坚持每张图都是手绘有关吧。华丽如汤婆婆的宫殿。红如火的灯笼,蓝如海的汤水,汤婆婆手上戴着的五颜六色的戒指,鲜红色的指甲油,黑色的煤屎球,白色的白龙,黑色的无脸男,各种颜色刺激着我的眼球。还有各种奇形怪状的东西,有很多可伸缩手臂的像蜘蛛般的锅炉爷爷,头大得占到整个身体2/3的汤婆婆,可以在海里开得电车,原来魔法世界是这个样子的啊。想象无所不能。 吸引我的还有情节。误入魔法世界的一家三口,爸爸妈妈因为贪婪而吃了食物,变成了猪。而小女儿千寻成了主角,小英雄。为此不得不走上了一条救父母的路,就像她的名字那样千寻,千次寻找。 很多时候小孩比大人纯洁很多,因为他们受到的污染少,所以面对诱惑时不为所动。贪念真是个可怕的东西。也许经历过这次历险的千寻长大后会跟她的爸爸妈妈不一样。 成年人的世界没有童话,一些丑陋的现实充斥着。看看这部动画,看看千寻,找回心中的纯真与善良。 喜欢没有太多坏人的电影,尽管有点不现实,诚然这是童话,就变得纯洁点吧。

千寻是个笨手笨脚的小女孩,瘦弱,但是却有着一股子善良和坚持。因为瘦小很多粗重的活儿都不能干好,而如果想在汤婆婆的地盘上活下来,就必须要有工作。她坚强的信念以及她想救爸爸妈妈的孝心让她获得了难得的工作机会。 来到汤池第一个帮助过她的人小白龙,她不会忘记。在白龙因为偷盗钱婆婆的印章受到诅咒身负重伤时只有千寻坚持固执地要帮助他,只因为白龙救过她。或许还有爱吧,就像锅炉爷爷说的那样。 像幽灵般的无脸男,下雨的夜晚,千寻悄悄地不关门让无脸男进来。最后她带无脸男离开汤池,因为那是个让无脸男变坏的地方。 终于明白了,原来汤池就是个让有自制力的人变得越来越好,洗去身上的污浊。就像河神那样。而让那些不能控制自我的人,失去自己,在汤婆婆的控制下生活,最后连自己叫什么都不知道。就如白龙。白龙的真名很好听叫振早见琥珀川。 这就是白龙为什么让千寻始终记着自己的名字:荻野千寻。记住了才能有自我,才能不被汤婆婆控制。 看到千寻帮助河神拔出体内的废物,各种东西慢慢被拔出,河神逐渐恢复了许久不见的苗条身材。不知为什么我竟有一种说不出的畅快感,仿佛堆积在自己身体里的垃圾全部被清除了。 我想这就是宫崎骏的魅力,让人看着动画竟会有种身临其境的感觉。 钱婆婆是个好女巫。是汤婆婆的孪生姐妹。她说的一句话我印象非常深刻:即使有魔法,最好的东西还是通过劳动得来的。


Hello, everyone. Today I am going to talk about movies. A lot of well-known movies were produced in America or Britain. Like Harry Potter, the Avengers and so on. But today I am going to talk about an animated film which is known as the most successful film in Japanese history. I think most of you can guess the name of the movie. Yes, that is Spirited Away. And the Chinese name is “千与千寻”. Spirited Away was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Since the movie was on the screen in 2001, it has gained a lot of compliments. To be frank, it was a classical and influential film. The movie is a story about a little sullen girl’s father discovers a new place and he insists on exploring. But the family accidentally enters the spirit world. Chihiro finds an mysterious and exquisite house, also she meets a boy who called Haku while her parents are eating at an empty restaurant. Haku warns her to leave this place immediately before sunset. Chihiro went back to the restaurant and found that her parents have turned into pigs and she can’t follow Haku’s directions to cross the river. She is very afraid and she understands that she is now trapped in a mystical realm. The only way to survive is to find a job. With the help of Haku and Lin Chihiro find a job in the bathhouse which is runs by a witch called Yubaba. But the witch takes her name that she is not able to leave the spirit world. In order to free herself and her parents, Chihiro becomes more independent,stronger and more understanding while she was working in the bathhouse. In my opinion, it is a meaningful and interesting story. To be frank, we can learn a lot from theses stories and the main characters. From her parents, we can understand that we can’t be so greedy. And there is other inspiration of our life. The most important thing is that we should be kind, brave and strong. And we should know how to control ourselfves in the face of temptation and how to overcome all the difficulties in distress. What I learn from this story? The first one is forbearance. The second one is kindness. And the third one is honesty. From this story , we can know how precious friendships are! A friend is a person who cares about you. Just like the famous saying goes ‘Fri endship multiplies joys and divides grief”.(友谊可以增添快乐,分担忧愁)


千与千寻观后感 千与千寻观后感1 电影——深受广大民众喜爱的一种放松、娱乐品。我想,大家都有一部自己喜欢的电影吧!我比较喜欢的一部电影是《千与千寻》。 《千与千寻》是日本有名漫画家宫崎骏的最后一部作品,后被拍成电影。《千与千寻》主要讲的是: 主人公——千寻的爸爸妈妈误入了鬼神往来娱乐的地方,吃了它们的东西后变成了猪。千寻就请求汤婆婆在那里工作。经过了无数困难和汤婆婆的刁难后终于救出了自己的爸爸妈妈。 在二年级时我看过《千与千寻》,没有什么感觉,但现在看了之后,便大有感悟。首先,我佩服千寻的勇敢、不怕苦和坚持。她发现自己爸爸妈妈变成了猪后,遇见白龙,白龙让她去求汤婆婆让千寻在这工作时,我都吓出冷汗。那么多神神鬼鬼在自己身边,但千寻没有被恐惧打倒,勇敢去求汤婆婆,才有了工作的机会。工作后,汤婆婆认为千寻好欺负,什么苦活全让千寻干,若千寻不干就让她也变成猪,可千寻却坚持下来,不怕苦、不怕累,最后才救出自己爸爸妈妈。 第二,我认为我们需要学习千寻的主动,她去锅炉爷爷那里求他让自己工作时,起先,锅炉爷爷并不同意让千寻在这工作的。但后来,有一个手下扒倒了,千寻自己主动拿起一块煤,扔去火里,锅炉爷爷才默认了让千寻在这儿工作的事情。如果千寻不主动拿起那块煤,也许,再怎么求锅炉爷爷,他也不会让千寻在这儿工作了。

这部电影是一部十分值得我们看的电影。成人看,会体会到童心的美好;小孩看,会学习到一些好的精神。《千与千寻》这部电影深刻在我的脑里,主人公——千寻的一举一动让我久不忘怀。 最后,我向大家推荐这部电影——《千与千寻》。 千与千寻观后感2 说真的,这部动画电影我看过,只是记忆很模糊了。今天晚上我又搜来看了一遍,才感觉这部动画电影讲的东西很多,但一直有一条主线,就是千寻为自由和救出父母的冒险过程,从一个普通小姑娘慢慢变得成熟,学会了抗争,学会了忍耐。 千寻是坚强的,误入神域,一天之内失去了父母与自由,差点连命都没了,像她那么大的女孩,早哭的死去活来了,但是她一直忍到和白龙两个人在花园独处的时候。为了生存,也为了将父母变回人,她接受了白龙的帮助,坚持在汤屋(我是在这时才知道汤屋就是澡堂,以前以为是饭店来)工作。宫崎骏并没有对千寻做太多的渲染,一切都那么自然,但是千寻的形象却那么真实。 千寻是善良的,帮助腐臭的河神洗净了身体(宫崎骏这里都不忘环保),河神感谢她,送了一个丸子,可以让人把吃下去的东西吐出来。本来千寻可以把丸子给她的'父母,让他们变回人形,但是为了救白龙和无颜,她放弃了。 白龙和千寻是主要人物,他俩的关系一定要写写,我在网上查过,大部分的观后感都在白龙与千寻的关系上大花笔墨,不少说他们是恋人,但是我感觉不到,我认为他们更像是在艰苦环境下互相依赖的兄妹俩。千寻十分依赖白龙,白龙也甘愿付出,但是千寻还很小,感觉他们以后可能会是恋人,但是在电影里不像。故事的最后解释了他们朦胧感觉的由来,千寻小时候曾经失足落水,后被救起,而那条河的名字就是白龙的名字,


我来给你一篇,比较权威的,情节,观后感,分析都有了,如下: Ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents are moving to a new town, much to Chihiro's displeasure. While driving, they get lost and her father decides to take a shortcut down a mysterious forested pathway. After a short but bumpy drive, the family comes to a stop at what seems to be an abandoned theme park. Curious, the father leads his family through a tunnel and explores the park, finding a deserted town and a stall full of freshly-cooked food. The parents greedily help themselves while Chihiro refuses to eat. As Chihiro's parents are eating, she wanders off and meets a boy named Haku. Haku seems to be familiar with Chihiro and warns her to escape with her parents; she returns to find they have turned into pigs, and that the way back has become a deep river. Spirits appear and go about the park. Haku secretly takes Chihiro to a large bathhouse to avoid alerting the spirits to her presence. Haku then tells her that she must get a job from the boiler man, Kamajii until he can help her recover her parents and escape. With the help of the six-armed boiler room master Kamajii and a bathhouse servant girl named Lin,[2] Chihiro is able to convince Yubaba, the elderly Witch and owner of the bath house, to give her a job; in exchange, Chihiro is forced to give up her name so that Yubaba may keep her in service for eternity. Yubaba gives her new servant the name "Sen(千)," which is derived from "Chihiro(千寻)" by removing the second character and using the alternate reading of the first. Chihiro eventually learns that Haku is similarly indebted to Yubaba. Chihiro is put to work alongside Lin, helping to bathe and serve the most difficult spirits in the bathhouse. Chihiro is able to successfully bathe a "stink spirit" (later revealed to be a river spirit who had been heavily polluted), who rewards Chihiro for her service with a magic medicine made from special herbs. Chihiro discovers Haku's true form, a dragon, and he is later attacked in this form by shikigami in the form of paper birds controlled by Zeniba, Yubaba's twin sister. Haku had stolen and swallowed Zeniba's seal under orders from Yubaba, which has a spell on it that gave Haku internal bleeding and lacerations. Chihiro tries to help Haku recover from his injuries using the medicine given to her by the river spirit, which acts as an emetic to the dragon, causing him to vomit, and thus recovering Zeniba's sigil and squashing a peculiar black slug that had been attached to it. Haku remains comatose, so Chihiro decides to travel to Zeniba's home to return the seal, hoping to break her curse over Haku. Chihiro sets out on a train ride across the spirit world, along with a wraith-like spirit called No-Face, who terrorized the bathhouse and tried to earn the affection of Chihiro, Yubaba's pet raven (who has been turned into a small, fly-like creature by Zeniba), and Boh, Yubaba's gigantic infant son whom Zeniba had transformed into a mouse. The group arrives at Zeniba's house to find that Zeniba is friendlier than expected. She explains that the seal spell has been broken by Chihiro's love and caring and that the black slug Chihiro has squashed was a curse placed on Haku by Yubaba to control him. Zeniba and Chihiro's friends make Chihiro a special hairband to show her that her friends
