时政 热词新词 中英双语
以下是我们为读者精选的100个时政热词中英文,速速get起来~ 新职业人群new occupation population集中采购centralized procurement强制退市compulsory delisting经济韧性resilient economy消费降级consumption downgrading科学素质scientific literacy新一线城市new first-tier cities正当防卫justifiable defense阴阳合同dual contract专项附加扣除special expense deductions中继卫星relay satellite贸易战trade war积分落户point-based household registration 网络治理cyberspace governance直播答题live streaming quiz灰犀牛grey rhino获得感sense of gain校外培训机构after-school training institutions婚前协议prenuptial agreement政治生态political ecology网络主权cyber sovereignty新型政党制度a new type of party system新时代new era不忘初心remain true to our original aspiration 中国梦Chinese Dream元首外交head-of-state diplomacy慢就业delayed employment国产航母home-built aircraft carrier生态红线ecological red line乡村振兴战略rural revitalization strategy 高质量发展high-quality development民间借贷private lending基层选举grassroots election现金补贴cash subsidy职业瓶颈career bottleneck过境旅客transit passenger职务消费position-related consumption 公立医院改革public hospital reform通胀预期inflation expectation小微企业small and micro business劳动力供给labor supply听证会public hearing闲置地产vacant property共同财产mutual property商标侵权trademark infringement劳动年龄人口working-age population自主创新self-dependent innovation系统风险systemic risks遥感卫星remote-sensing satellite行政审批administrative approval 软资产soft assets自主品牌self-owned brand职业倦怠job burnout网络虚拟财产online virtual assets合同违约contract violation安全隐患hidden danger网络攻击cyber attacknuclear disarmament司法独立judicial independence裙带关系nepotism隐形收入hidden income违章建筑unapproved construction project 饥饿营销hunger marketing延迟退休raise retirement age垃圾焚烧waste incineration压力测试stress test司法拍卖judicial auction替代疗法alternative treatment价格欺诈price cheating监管漏洞supervision loopholes交会对接rendezvous and docking学历造假fabricate academic credentialsorgan donation"走出去"战略"go global" strategy贫富差距wealth gap流动人口mobile population人工智能应用artificial intelligence application 问责制accountability system自媒体We-Media合并重组merger and consolidation假后综合征post-holiday syndrome物联网Internet of Things人口红利demographic dividend自主招生independent recruitment估值偏低货币undervalued currency落地签证visa upon arrival过度包装excessive packagingasset bubble行业准入制度industry access system双创人才innovative and entrepreneurial talent 学前教育preschool education定价机制pricing mechanism分时计价time-of-use pricing意向成员prospective member记名投票disclosed ballot低空空域low-altitude airspace反腐巡视anti-graft inspections带薪产假paid maternity leave中等收入陷阱middle income trap社保基金social security fund。
100个时政热词翻译1. 中国梦the Chinese Dream2. 不忘初心stay true to the mission3.两个一百年two centenary goals4.新常态new normal5. 中国制造2025Made in China20256. “双一.流”"Double First Class"initiative7.工匠精神craftsmanship spirit8.中国天眼:500米口径球面射电望远镜China's Eye of Heaven:The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope(FAST)9.歼20隐形战机J-20stealth fighter10.国产航母domestically built aircraft carrier11.国产客机homemade passenger jet12.可燃冰试采sampling of combustible ice12.量子卫星“墨子号”quantum satellite“Micius”14.北斗卫星导航系统Beidou navigation system15.风云四号A星卫星Fengyun-4A satellite16.重型运载火箭heavy-lift carrier rocket17.沪港通Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect18.深港通Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect19.京津冀一体化Beiing Tianjin Hebei integration20.雄安新区Xiong’an New Area21.自贸试验区pilot free trade zones22.医疗改革medical reform23.供给侧改革supply side reform23.扫脸支付face scan payment25.二维码支付two -dimensional barcode payment26.人工智能(A.I.) artificial intelligence27.虚拟现实(VR.)virtual reality28.5G时代5G era29.分享经济sharing economy30.互联网金融online finance31.亚投行Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank32.低碳城市low carbon cities33.一小时通勤圈one hour commuting circle34.蓝色经济blue economy35.纵向横向经济轴带north-south and east-west intersecting economic belts36.众创、众包、众扶、众筹crowd innovation,crowdsourcing,crowd support and crowdfunding37.战略性新兴产业emerging sectors of:strategic importance38.香港回归祖国20周年the20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China.39.点赞give a like40.自媒体We-Media41.实名认证real-name authentication41.精准扶贫targeted poverty reduction42.精准医疗precision medicine44.利益共同体community of shared interests45.轨道交通rail traffic46.动车bullet train47.城际列车inter city train48.“带一路”倡议Belt and Road Initiative49.“丝绸之路经济带”the Silk Road Eco-nomic Belt。
The Eight-Point Proposal(put forward on January 30 1995 by Chinese President Jiang Zemin on developing cross-straits relations and promoting the peaceful reunification)
bowling alleys 保龄球馆
blind alleys 死胡同 moisturizing face cream/mousse 保湿面霜/摩丝
At present, the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone, Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone and Zhangjiang High-tech Park have all embarked on the stage of functional development.
bounder/parvenu/overnight millionaire/vulgarian 暴发户 make something public/expose/reveal
Give public exposure to graft and corruption.
对渎职和腐败等行为给予公开暴光 Yield an unexpected result/produce an unexpected/a long-shot winner 爆冷门 上周的英超足球赛中米德尔斯堡爆冷打败了曼联。 Middlesbrough yielded an unexpected result by defeating Manchester United in last week’s Premiership football match in England. force somebody into a draw/tie 逼和、逼平
中华人民共和国成立70年热词回顾(中英文版)1.新中国People’s Republic of China2.抗美援朝War to resist US aggression and aid Korea3.好好学习,天天向上study hard and make progress every day4.简体字simplified Chinese5.五年计划five-year plan6.全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress7.粮票food coupon8.公私合营public-private partnership9.广交会Canton Fair10.人民公社the people’s commune11.妇女能顶半边天women hold up half the sky12.归国华侨returned overseas Chinese13.铁人王进喜Iron Man Wang Jinxi14.铁饭碗iron rice bowl15.学习雷锋learn from Lei Feng16.东方红The East is Red17.六五式军服65-style military uniforms18.红宝书quotations from Chairman Mao19.氢弹hydrogen bomb20.知青educated youth21.红旗渠The Red Flag Canal22.两弹一星two bombs and one satellite23.乒乓外交Ping-pong Diplomacy24.一个中国原则one China policy25.结婚三大件three popular must have items26.兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriors27.珠穆朗玛峰(8848)height of Mount Qomolangma(8848 m)28.粉碎四人帮Smash the gang of four29.大包干all round contract system30.改革开放the reform and opening-up policy31.经济特区special economic zone32.下海venture into business33.中国日报CHINA DAILY34.中国特色社会主义Socialism with Chinese Characteristics35.春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala36.身份证ID card37.炒股investment in the stock market38.女排精神The Spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team39.三北防护林Three-North Shelter Forestation Project40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute primary productive force41.希望工程Project Hope42.亚运会the 11th Asian Games43.315晚会3·15 Gala44.九二共识the 1992 Consensus45.社会主义初级阶段the primary stage of socialism46.三峡工程Three-Gorges Project47. 贺岁片New Year blockbuster48.互联网the internet49.一国两制one country, two systems50.抗洪抢险flood relief51.电子商务e-commerce52.三步走战略the three-step development strategy53.入世join the WTO54.世界杯FIFA world cup55.神舟五号Shenzhou 5 manned spacecraft56.和谐社会harmonious society57.选秀talent show58.农业税agricultural tax59.北斗导航Beidou Navigation Satellite System60.北京奥运会2008 Beijing Summer Olympics61.团购group buying63.禁烟令smoking ban64.朋友圈WeChat Moments65.中国梦Chinese dream66.南水北调South-North water diversion project67.冬奥会申报成功successful bidding of 2022 Winter Olympics68.共享经济sharing economy69.撸起袖子加油干roll up sleeves to work hard70.新时代new era。
反腐:anti-corruption“两个一百年”奋斗目标:Two Centenary Goals全面二孩政策:universal two-child policy全面建成小康社会:comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society 全面深化改革:comprehensively deepen reform全面依法治国:comprehensively implement the rule of law全面从严治党:comprehensively strengthen Party discipline三严三实:Three Stricts and Three Steadies丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路:the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road四个全面:Four Comprehensives“四个全面”战略布局:Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy一带一路(规划):The Belt and Road (Initiatives)中高速增长:medium-high economic growth中国经济新常态:China's New Normal中国梦:the Chinese Dream中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念日:the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-fascist War中华民族的伟大复兴:the great renewal of the Chinese nation中华民族伟大复兴中国梦:the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation。
新时期中英双语热词(两会热词)值得拥有收藏———————————————————————1.新思想new thought2.新常态new normal3.新增长目标new growth target4.新反腐模式new anti-corruption model5.民生people's livelihood6.扶贫poverty alleviation7.国防national defense8.改革开放40周年40 years of reform and opening up9.中国梦the Chinese Dream10.人类命运共同体 a community with shared future for humanity11.五位一体economic,political,cultural,social andecological progress12.四个全面the four-pronged comprehensive strategy13.一带一路the Belt and Road Initiative14.文化自信cultural confidence15.获得感sense of benefit16.成就感sense of achievement17.城市群city cluster18.低碳城市low-carbon cities19.智能制造intelligent manufacturing20.中国制造2025 Made in China 202521.工匠精神craftsmanship spirit22.中国天眼: 500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST ) China's Eye of Heaven: The Five-hundred-meter Aperture SphericalTelescope( FAST )23.国产航母domestically built aircraft carrier24.国产客机Home made passenger jet25.数字家庭digital homes26.数字经济digita l economy27.人工智能artificial intelligence28.第五代移动通信5G mobile communications29.自媒体We-Media30.自贸试验区pilot free trade zones31.医疗改革medical reform32.国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product (GDP)33.居民消费价格Consumer Price Index (CPI)34.税收减免tax reduction and exemption35.去产能reducing excess capacity36.房地产去库存reducing real estate inventory37.供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform38.补短板strengthening areas of weakness39.生态保护红线ecological wealth40.蓝色经济blue economy41.绿色发展green development42.纵向横向经济轴带north-south and east-west intersecting economic belts43.全球伙伴关系网global partnership network44.利益共同体community of shared interests45.无现金支付cashless payment46.扫脸支付face scan payment47.二维码支付two-dimensional barcode payment48.点赞give a like49.虚拟现实virtual reality50.宜居城市habitable city51.分享经济sharing economy52.互联网金融online finance53.提现cash withdrawal54.金融科技fintech55.一小时通勤圈one-hour commuting circle56.智能制造smart manufacturing57.需求侧管理demand-side regulation58.逆全球化deglobalization59.网络直播live streaming60.薪酬改革salary reform61.副中心subcenter62.网红经济internet celebrity economy63.网络空间命运共同体community of shared future in cyberspace64.网络侵权internet copyright infringement65.养老服务elderly care service66.人道主义救援humanitarian relief67.可载人无人机passenger-carrying drone68.可替代能源汽车alternative energy vehicle69.京津冀一体化Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration70.清洁能源clean energy71.带薪休假paid leave72.非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage73.城际高铁inter-city high-speed rail74.城市住房公积金urban housing fund75.城乡一体化rural-urban integration76.创新型政府pro-innovation government77.出口关税export duty78.互联网+Internet Plus79.冬奥会Olympic Winter Games80.二孩经济second-child economy81.房产税property tax82.分级医疗制度hierarchical medical system83.跨越式发展leapfrog development84.个人信用记录personal credit recordsr> 85.过度包装excessive packaging86.互联网保险online insurance87.互联网从业者internet professional88.饥饿营销hunger marketing89.积分落户制度points-based hukou system90.基层社区grassroots community贷他心展员能.0we 新值91.实名认证real-name authentication92.年度考核annual assessment93.企业文化corporate culture94.创新型人才innovative talent95.人脸识别facial identification96.代驾服务业designated driver business97.交易费transaction fee98.跟团游package tour99.自由行independent travel100.免税店duty-free store。
时事政治经济词汇英汉对照时事政经词汇英汉对照站在新起点on a new starting point创新型国家innovation-oriented country资源节约型社会resource-conserving society资源型城市转型transformation of resource-dependent cities区别对待,有保有压the principle of taking different approaches to different situations and encouraging the growth of some sectors while discouraging the expansion of others“五个统筹” maintain the "five balances" (balancing urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening up to the outside world)⿎励、⽀持和引导⾮公有制经济encourage, support and guide the growth of the non-public sector of the economy发扬成绩build on our achievements环保专项治理special projects to address serious environmental problems保护天然林protect virgin forests退牧还草return grazing land to grassland退耕还林还草return farmland to forests or grassland⽯漠化spread of stony deserts防沙治沙prevent and control desertification⽣态补偿机制 a mechanism for ecological compensation农村综合试点改⾰trials of comprehensive rural reform农机具补贴subsidies for agricultural machinery and tools良种补贴subsidies for growing superior grain cultivators多予少取放活the policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control (to increase rural incomes)“三提五统” "three deductions" (for public reserve fun ds, public welfare funds and management fees) and the "five charges" (charges for rural education, family planning, militia training, rural road construction and subsidies to entitled groups)看病难、看病贵,上学难、上学贵the difficulty and high cost of getting medical treatment and receiving an education粮⾷安全food safety农村劳动⼒转移培训job training for farm laborers looking for urban employment防⽌“⼀哄⽽起” avoid herd mentality农村信⽤社体制the system of rural credit cooperatives牧业税livestock tax资源税resource tax农业⾯源污染widespread pollution from the overuse of fertilizers and pesticides in rural area政策性关闭破产policy-based closure and bankruptcy企业分离办社会relieve enterprises of their obligation to operate social programs城市和国有企业⼚办⼤集体collectively owned factories operated bystate-owned enterprises and cities上市公司股权分置改⾰reform of the shareholder structure of listed companies ⼈民币汇率形成机制改⾰reform of the mechanism for setting the renminbi exchange rate利率形成和传导机制setting and transmitting interest rates国债余额管理⽅式the method of outstanding balance management for its national debt建⽴财政性科技投⼊稳定增长机制establish a mechanism to ensure stable growth of government investment in science and technology坚持国家绝对控股keep a controlling share in the state's hands强化银⾏资本充⾜率约束strengthen capital requirements for banks政府收⽀分类改⾰reformation of the classification of government revenue and expenditures投资主体和产权多元化investment from various sources and diversified ownership完善国有资产监管体制,健全国有资本经营预算制度、经营业绩考核体系和国有资产重⼤损失责任追究制度strengthen the oversight system for state assets by establishing a sound operating and budget system for state capital, a sound performance evaluation system and a sound system for assigning responsibility for major losses of state assets提⾼系统集成能⼒improve systems integration控制新增产能control expansion of production capacity废物综合利⽤和废旧资源回收利⽤comprehensive utilization of waste materials and recovery and recycling of used resources 资源开发补偿机制、衰退产业援助机制mechanisms to compensate for resource depletion and to aid declining industries突发公共卫⽣事件医疗救治体系medical treatment system for public health emergencies乡镇卫⽣院health clinics in towns and townships公共⽂化基础设施culture-related facilities for public use城市低保对象urban residents entitled to basic living allowances完善城市低保制度improve the system of urban subsistence allowances重点优抚对象key entitled groups国家统⼀的职务与级别相结合的⼯资制度和⼯资正常增长机制 a unified national salary system based on position and rank and a mechanism for regular pay increases保持共产党员先进性keep CPC members progressive, innovative and forward-thinking兴边富民vitalize border areas and enrich the people living there西部地区“两基”攻坚计划the plan to make nine-year compulsory education universal and to eliminate illiteracy among the young and middle-aged in the western region项⽬核准与备案project approval and record-keeping完善境外投资协调机制和风险控制机制improve the mechanisms for coordinating overseas investment and risk management 过渡期transitional period官煤勾结government officials in cahoots with coalmine operators government officials act in collusion with coalmine operators重点抽查spot test with a focus on; a spot test focusing on采煤沉陷区sinkholes in coal mining areas棚户区shantytowns传销及变相传销pyramid schemes and the ones in disguised forms⼿机实名制mobile phone identification policy福利腐败corruption in the execution of welfare policy内外资企业所得税统⼀the unity of income taxes levied from domestic and foreign-funded enterprises论⽂崇拜the worship of research paper; the worship of scientific paper以房养⽼use house property as the living means for one's old age; using house property as the living means for the aged 《中华⼈民共和国公司法》Company Law of the People's Republic of China 《重⼤动物疫情应急条例》Emergency Measures for Handling Major Animal Epidemics《关于预防煤矿⽣产安全事故的特别规定》Special Regulations for Preventing Coalmine Accidents《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》Master State Plan for Rapid Response to Public Emergencies《信访条例》Regulations on Petitions in the Form of Letters and Visits⽆忧英语——专业在线英语培训全英⽂浸泡让你开⼝说英语政府⼯作报告英语词汇reform and opening up and in the modernization drive改⾰开放和社会主义现代化建设put into practice the guiding principles of the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) under the leadership of the CPC and the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents以邓⼩平理论和”三个代表” 重要思想为指导,贯彻落实党的⼗六⼤精神Per capita GDP⼈均国内⽣产总值financial strength grew noticeably财⼒明显增强total government revenue全国财政收⼊total import and export volume进出⼝总额laid-off workers下岗失业⼈员urban per capita disposable income城镇居民⼈均可⽀配收⼊rural per capita net income农民⼈均纯收⼊grew in real terms实际增长first manned spaceflight⾸次载⼈航天飞⾏overall national strength综合国⼒communicable disease传染性疾病mobilized the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak 在全国范围内实⾏群防群控primary-level organizations基层组织prevention and treatment work预防救治⼯作anti-SARS campaign抗击⾮典⽃争expand domestic demand扩⼤内需a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策macro-control宏观调控rectify and standardize the order of the land market整顿和规范⼟地市场秩序stop disorderly and unauthorized acquisition of farmland制⽌乱征滥占耕地deposit-reserve ratio存款准备⾦率an appropriate amount of fine-tuning适度微调agriculture, rural areas and farmers"三农"major grain producing areas粮⾷主产区important raw and processed materials重要原材料strategic restructuring of the economy经济结构战略性调整the second phase of the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River 三峡⽔利枢纽⼆期⼯程transmitting natural gas from the west to the east西⽓东输transmission of electricity from the west to the east西电东送south-to-north water diversion project南⽔北调⼯程large-scale development of the western region西部⼤开发social undertakings社会事业treasury bonds国债national public health system全国公共卫⽣体系public health infrastructure公共卫⽣设施pilot projects试点项⽬medical care system and medical assistance system医疗制度和医疗合作制度central budget中央财政预算modern distance education现代远程教育strategically important hi-tech research战略⾼技术研究industrial application of new and high technologies⾼新技术产业化a national medium- to long-range program for scientific and technological development国家中长期科学和技术发展规划feasibility studies可⾏性研究family planning work计划⽣育⼯作land and resources administration国⼟资源管理social security work社会保障⼯作vital interests切⾝利益employment and reemployment就业再就业college expansion plan⾼校扩招计划regular institutions of higher learning普通⾼校"two guarantees" (guaranteeing that the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises and that the pensions of retirees are paid on time and in full) "两个确保"(确保国有企业下岗职⼯的基本⽣活,确保离退休⼈员的基本⽣活,保证按时⾜额发放基本养⽼⾦)"three-stage guarantee" for laid-off workers"三条保障线"(国有企业下岗职⼯基本⽣活保障、失业保险、城市居民最低⽣活保障制度三条保障线)subsistence allowances for the urban poor城市居民最低⽣活保障special funds专项资⾦ex-servicemen退役军⼈disabled revolutionary servicemen⾰命伤残军⼈post-disaster reconstruction灾后重建the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural workers拖⽋农民⼯⼯资问题institutional innovation体制创新state assets国有资产a mechanism for oversight and management of the banking sector银⾏业监管体系administrative examination and approval system⾏政审批制度Fresh progress was made in transforming state-owned enterprises into stock companies. 国有企业股份制改⾰继续推进。
202X时政热词英文202X Political Hot Words1. Pandemic - The pandemic of COVID-19 has been the most pressing global issue in 202X, with governments and societies worldwide grappling with its impact on public health, the economy, and social life.2. Vaccine - The development and distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 has been a major focus in 202X, as countries prioritize vaccinating their populations to control the spread of the virus and achieve herd immunity.3. Lockdown - Many countries have implemented lockdown measures to curb the spread of the virus, restricting movement, closing businesses, and encouraging people to stay at home.4. Social distancing - Social distancing measures, such as maintaining physical distance and avoiding large gatherings, have been widely adopted to prevent the transmission of the virus.5. Remote work - The pandemic has led to a widespread adoption of remote work, as companies and organizations adapt to the new normal and implement work-from-home policies to ensure business continuity.6. Digital transformation - The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of various sectors, including education,第1页/共4页healthcare, and commerce, as societies rely more heavily ontechnology to adapt to new challenges.7. Climate change - The urgency to address climate change has continued to grow in 202X, as extreme weather events and the long-term impact on the planet's ecosystems become more apparent.8. Green energy - The transition to green energy sources, such as solar and wind power, has gained momentum in 202X, as countries seekto reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.9. Cybersecurity - With increased reliance on technology andonline platforms, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has become essential to protect against cyber threats and ensure data privacy.10. Artificial intelligence - The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence has raised ethical and policy questions in 202X, as countries grapple with issues of privacy, job displacement, and potential biases in AI algorithms.11. Social justice - Calls for social justice, equality, andracial justice have gained momentum in 202X, following protests and movements against systemic discrimination and inequalities.12. Populism - The rise of populist leaders and movements has continued to shape political landscapes in 202X, with controversial policies and rhetoric that appeal to certain segments of society.13. Globalization - The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the notion of globalization, as countries re-evaluate their reliance on international supply chains and cooperation in the face of global crises.14. Vaccine nationalism - The concept of vaccine nationalism, where wealthier countries prioritize access to vaccines for their own populations, has emerged as a concern in 202X, highlighting global inequities in vaccine distribution.15. Universal basic income - The idea of providing a universal basic income to all citizens, regardless of employment, has gained traction in 202X as a potential solution to address income inequality and automation-induced job loss.16. Democracy - The state of democracy has been a subject of debate and concern in 202X, as some countries experience democratic backsliding and erosion of democratic institutions.17. Disinformation - The spread of disinformation and fake news has been a significant issue in 202X, as false information can have serious consequences on public health, political discourse, and societal divisions.18. Trade wars - Trade tensions between major economies have persisted in 202X, with ongoing disputes over tariffs, intellectual property rights, and market access, impacting global trade flows.第3页/共4页19. Human rights - The protection of human rights has been a persistent challenge in 202X, with concerns over civil liberties, freedom of speech, and the treatment of marginalized populations.20. Geostrategic competition - The geopolitical competition between major powers, such as the United States, China, and Russia, has continued to shape global dynamics in 202X, with implications for security, trade, and global governance.In conclusion, 202X has been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching impact on various aspects of society. The need to address global challenges, such as climate change, cybersecurity, and social justice, has also been a key focus, as countries navigate a rapidly changing world.。
202X时政热词英文202X年的时政热词英文:1. COVID-19 pandemic - 新冠疫情2. Vaccine distribution - 疫苗分发3. Lockdown - 封锁4. Social distancing - 社交距离5. Contact tracing - 接触追踪6. Home quarantine - 居家隔离7. Travel restrictions - 旅行限制8. Economic recovery - 经济复苏9. Remote learning - 远程学习10. Work from home - 在家办公11. Mask mandate - 强制佩戴口罩12. Frontline workers - 前线工作人员13. Digital transformation - 数字化转型14. Cybersecurity - 网络安全15. Remote healthcare - 远程医疗16. Global vaccination drive - 全球疫苗接种运动17. Climate change - 气候变化18. Carbon neutrality - 碳中和19. Renewable energy - 可再生能源20. Green economy - 绿色经济21. Sustainable development - 可持续发展22. Artificial intelligence - 人工智能23. Big data - 大数据24. Internet of Things - 物联网第1页/共4页25. 5G technology - 5G技术26. Cyberwarfare - 网络战争27. Privacy concerns - 隐私问题28. Online censorship - 网络审查29. Digital divide - 数字鸿沟30. Trade war - 贸易战争31. Tariffs - 关税32. Protectionism - 保护主义33. Globalization - 全球化34. Belt and Road Initiative - 一带一路倡议35. Economic stimulus package - 经济刺激计划36. Inflation - 通货膨胀37. Unemployment rate - 失业率38. Income inequality - 收入不平等39. Poverty alleviation - 扶贫40. Universal basic income - 全民基本收入41. Social justice - 社会公正42. Racial equality - 种族平等43. Gender pay gap - 性别薪酬差距44. Me Too movement - #MeToo运动45. Black Lives Matter - 黑人的命也是命46. LGBTQ+ rights - 同性恋权益47. Women's empowerment - 女性赋权48. Sustainable agriculture - 可持续农业49. Food security - 食品安全50. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - 转基因生物51. Biodiversity - 生物多样性52. Conservation - 保护53. Deforestation - 森林砍伐54. Wildlife trafficking - 野生动物贩卖55. Natural disasters - 自然灾害56. Earthquake - 地震57. Hurricane - 飓风58. Typhoon - 台风59. Drought - 干旱60. Flood - 洪水61. Refugee crisis - 难民危机62. Immigration policy - 移民政策63. Border security - 边境安全64. Human rights abuses - 侵犯人权65. Freedom of speech - 言论自由66. Democracy - 民主67. Authoritarianism - 专制主义68. Political polarization - 政治两极化69. Populism - 民粹主义70. Social media influence - 社交媒体影响力71. Disinformation - 假信息72. Fake news - 假新闻73. Online activism - 网络行动主义74. Nuclear disarmament - 核裁军75. Arms control - 军备控制76. International cooperation - 国际合作77. United Nations - 联合国78. World Health Organization (WHO) - 世界卫生组织79. European Union - 欧洲联盟80. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - 北大西洋公约组织81. African Union - 非洲联盟82. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - 亚太经合组织83. G7/G20 - 七国集团/二十国集团第3页/共4页84. BRICS - 金砖五国85. Space exploration - 太空探索86. Mars colonization - 火星殖民87. Lunar exploration - 月球探测88. Space tourism - 太空旅游89. Cyberattacks - 网络攻击90. National security - 国家安全91. Humanitarian aid - 人道援助92. Nuclear energy - 核能93. Artificial intelligence ethics - 人工智能伦理94. E-commerce - 电子商务95. Cryptocurrency - 加密货币96. Blockchain technology - 区块链技术97. Social credit system - 社会信用体系98. 3D printing - 三维打印99. Drone technology - 无人机技术100. Biosecurity - 生物安全这是一个关于202X年时政热词的英文列表,可以用于报道、翻译或者对时事新闻进行评论。
时政热词英汉翻译 理解当代中国
![时政热词英汉翻译 理解当代中国](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d45ef2df08583d049649b6648d7c1c708a10bff.png)
中国特色社会主义进入新时代socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.“两个一百年”奋斗目标Two Centenary Goals中国梦Chinese Dream中国式现代化道路a distinctively Chinese path to modernization/a new and uniquely Chinese path to modernization社会主义现代化强国a great modern socialist country我国社会主要矛盾the main contradiction in modern Chinese society以人民为中心people-centered/people-oriented全过程人民民主whole-process people’s democracy全体人民共同富裕Common prosperity统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局(中国特色社会主义事业总体布局,包括经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设)To carry out/implement/advance the Five-sphere Integrated PlanCoordinated implementation of the Five-sphere Integrated Plan(名词形式)(China’s overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is,to promote coordinated progress in the economic,political,cultural,social,and eco-environmental fields)协调推进“四个全面”战略布局(中国特色社会主义事业战略布局,包括全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党。
2024时政热词英文In 2024, the world is facing a number of pressing political issues that are shaping the global landscape. From the rise of populism and nationalism to the challenges of climate change and cybersecurity, there are many important topics that are dominating the political discourse. In this article, we will explore some of the key political hot topics of 2024 and their implications for the future.One of the most significant political trends of 2024 is the rise of populism and nationalism in many countries around the world. Leaders who espouse nationalist and populist ideologies have gained power in countries such as the United States, Brazil, and Hungary, among others. These leaders often appeal to a sense of national identity and promise to protect their citizens from perceived threats, such as immigration and globalization. However, critics argue that these leaders are undermining democratic norms and institutions, and are promoting divisive and exclusionary policies.Another major political issue of 2024 is the challenge of climate change. The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly severe, with rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice caps. Countries around the world are struggling to address this crisis, with some taking bold action to reduce emissions and transition to renewable energy, while others are lagging behind. The upcoming COP30 conference will be a crucial moment for global climate action, as countries work to finalize the details of the Paris Agreement and set ambitious targets for reducing emissions.Cybersecurity is also a major concern in 2024, as the world becomes increasingly interconnected through digital technology. Cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated and frequent, targeting governments, businesses, and individuals alike. The recent SolarWinds hack, which compromised the networks of numerous government agencies and corporations, highlighted the vulnerabilities of our digital infrastructure. As technology continues to advance, it will be crucial for countries to work together to strengthen cybersecurity measures and protect against future attacks.In addition to these issues, 2024 is also shaping up to be a pivotal year for international relations. The United States and China are engaged in a tense rivalry for global dominance, with competition in areas such as trade, technology, and security. The conflict in Ukraine has escalated, with Russia's invasion of the country leading to a humanitarian crisis and increased tensions with NATO. The Middle East remains a volatile region, with ongoing conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and other countries, and the threat of terrorism looms large.Overall, the political landscape of 2024 is complex and challenging, with a range of issues that will require global cooperation and leadership to address. From the rise of populism and nationalism to the challenges of climate change and cybersecurity, there are many pressing issues that will shape the future of our world. It will be crucial for countries to work together to find solutions to these problems and build a more stable and secure future for all.。
经济与贸易:1. 跨境电商(Cross-border e-commerce)2. 公平贸易(Fair trade)3. 经济全球化(Economic globalization)4. 区域一体化(Regional integration)5. 数字贸易(Digital trade)6. 跨国投资(Foreign direct investment)7. 工业转型升级(Industrial transformation and upgrading)8. 人工智能发展(Development of artificial intelligence)9. 金融创新(Financial innovation)10. 区块链技术(Blockchain technology)环境与气候变化:1. 可持续发展(Sustainable development)2. 碳中和(Carbon neutrality)3. 绿色能源(Green energy)4. 气候变化应对(Climate change adaptation)5. 生态保护(Ecological conservation)6. 可再生资源(Renewable resources)7. 低碳经济(Low-carbon economy)8. 环保产业(Environmentally friendly industry)9. 森林保护(Forest conservation)10. 水资源管理(Water resource management)安全与防务:1. 反恐怖主义(Counter-terrorism)2. 信息安全(Cybersecurity)3. 国际和平维护(International peacekeeping)4. 边境安全(Border security)5. 核裁军(Nuclear disarmament)6. 反间谍活动(Counterintelligence)7. 领土纠纷(Territorial disputes)8. 军事合作(Military cooperation)9. 防务预算(Defense budget)10. 非传统安全威胁(Non-traditional security threats)社会与文化:1. 人口老龄化(Aging population)2. 教育公平(Equal education)3. 性别平等(Gender equality)4. 社会保障(Social security)5. 移民政策(Immigration policy)6. 网络文化(Internet culture)7. 文化交流(Cultural exchange)8. 多元共融(Diversity and inclusion)9. 社会和谐(Social harmony)10. 人权保护(Protection of human rights)政治治理:1. 民主制度(Democracy)2. 政府透明度(Government transparency)3. 反腐败行动(Anti-corruption campaign)4. 法治建设(Rule of law)5. 社会主义核心价值观(Core socialist values)6. 深化改革(Deepening reform)7. 信息公开(Information disclosure)8. 社会治理体系(Social governance system)9. 公民参与(Citizen participation)10. 国家治理体系(National governance system)以上是2023年时政热词的英文表达,涵盖了经济与贸易、环境与气候变化、安全与防务、社会与文化以及政治治理等方面。
11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument
12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…
13.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally
61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones
62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs.
63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to
67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of …
68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds.
69.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person.
48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly
49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress
50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology
26.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation
中英对照汉语时事、时政词汇大全整理中英对照汉语时事、时政词汇大全杂费miscellaneous (incidental) express砸牌子ruin reputation灾民flood victims; flood-stricken people宰客swindle money out of customers宰人rip off载人卫星manned satellite再贷款re-lending; subloan再就业服务中心re-employment service center再就业工程re-employment project / program再生纸recycled writing paper在孵(孵化器)企业incubated enterprises (incubator)在建项目后续资金additional funding for projects under construction在途资金fund in float在线(计算机) on-line在线网上书店online bookstore在职博士生on-job doctorate在职研究生on-job postgraduates在字面上兜圈子festoons of words赃款赃物proceeds of crime脏弹dirty bomb脏乱差dirty, disorderly and bad糟粕dross早恋puppy love早市morning session造假帐falsified accounts造林运动afforestation drive (campaign)噪声治理noise abatement责任编辑editor in charge责任追究制度system of accountability增发股票increase issues in stocks增加信任,减少麻烦,发展合作,不搞对抗enhance trust, reduce trouble, develop cooperation and avoid confrontation 增强人民体质build up people's health增强型短信服务EMS (Enhanced Message Service)增值税value added tax(VAT)渣打银行The Chartered Bank斋月(伊斯兰教) Ramadan/ month of fast债台高筑become debt-ridden债务人持有资产debtor-in-possession (DIP)债转股debt-to-equity swap沾光benefit from one's association占便宜profit at others' expense占着茅坑不拉屎be a dog in the manger战俘prisoner of war (POW)战俘营prisoner-of-war (POW) camp战斧式巡航导弹T omahawk cruise missile战略防御计划Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)战略伙伴关系strategic partnership站得住脚hold water站票standing-room-only ticket站台票platform ticket涨落线advance balance line掌上电脑palm pilot帐外设帐keep additional accounts in addition to the authorized ones招标invite a bid招标投标制the system of public bidding for project招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful招股说明书prospectus招牌菜signature dishes招商局China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. (China Merchants) 招商引资attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas)招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office 折旧费depreciation charge折衷方案a compromise proposal侦察飞机surveillance plane珍爱之人或物apple of one's eyes珍稀濒危植物rare or endangered species真空包装vacuum packing真善美the true, the good and the beautiful; truth, good and beauty振兴经济revitalize the economy振兴中华make China powerful and strong; revitalize the Chinese nation 震感seismaesthesia, feel of the earthquake(tremor)震级earthquake magnitude震区seismic zone震源focus (of an earthquake), seismic origin震中epicenter震中烈度epicentral intensity震中区epicentral area争端解决机构dispute settlement body争议地区disputed area正气uprightness; integrity; probity; rectitude正式会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPA)正式照会formal note证券化securitisation证券监督管理委员会securities supervision commission证券交易委员会Securities and Exchange Commission证券营业部stock exchange; security exchange政策倾斜policy support政策性贷款policy-based lending; policy-related loan政策性亏损policy-related losses; losses incurred due to policy decisions政策性住房"policy-related house, policy-based house"政策银行policy banks政策组合policy mix政法委politics and law committee政府采购government procurement政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏"Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show. "政府干预government intervention政府工作报告government work report政府廉洁高效a clean and efficient government政府上网工程Government Online Project政府特殊津贴获得者winner of special government allowance 政府贴息贷款discount government loans政府职能转变transform/shift the government functions政改方案(英国对香港) constitutional package政企不分without a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises; the functions of the government and enterprises mixed up政企分开separate government functions from enterprise management政务公开make government affairs public政治合格,军事过硬,作风优良,纪律严明,保障有力"be qualified politically and competent militarily, have a fine style of work, maintain strict discipline and be assured of adequate logistical support"政治局politburo政治局常委member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau政治迫害political persecution; witch hunt政治体制改革political restructuring政治协商、民主监督、参政议政exercise political consultation and democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs支付能力payment capacity支原体mycoplasma支柱产业pillar / cornerstone industry知己知彼,百战不殆Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.知识产权intellectual property知识经济knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy 知识就是力量Knowledge is power.知识密集knowledge-intensive知识转让transfer of knowledge知识资本knowledge capital执法人员law enforcement officials; law-executor; law enforcer直播"live broadcast, live telecast"直接道歉a straight-out apology直接三通与双向交流three direct links (mail, air and shipping services and trade) and bilateral exchanges直接选举direct election直辖市municipality directly under the Central Government 直销direct marketing; door-to-door sale职称professional title职工工资集体协商制度management-labor negotiation system for determining employee wages 职工股staff share职能转换transformation of functions职务发明on-duty invention职务犯罪crime by taking advantage of duty职业高中(职高)vocational high school职业介绍所career service center; job center职业经理人professional manager职业培训job training职业资格证书制度professional qualification certificate system 植物群落plant community植物人human vegetable; vegetable只读存储器read-only-memory (ROM)纸包不住火Truth will come to light sooner or later.纸上谈兵be an armchair strategist制海权command of the sea制空权air space control; air supremacy; command of the air; air mastery; air domination制止外汇流失prevent foreign exchange flight治理整顿improve the environment and rectify the order; improvement and rectification质量管理quality control质量认证体系认证证书certificate of the system of quality certification质量守恒定律law of conservation of mass致命要害Achilles' heel掷钱猜先toss智力引进recruit / introduce (foreign) talents智力支持intellectual support智囊团、思想库the brain trust;think tank智商intelligence quotient (IQ)滞后影响lagged effect滞销商品unmarketable goods置业house purchasing中程导弹intermediate-range missile; medium-range missile 中东和平进程the Middle East peace process中关村科技园区Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park 中国出口商品交易会(广交会) China Export Commodities Fair (Guangzhou Fair)中国电信China Telecom中国工程院the Chinese Academy of Engineering中国结Chinese knot中国经济景气监测中心China Economic Monitoring Center中国联通公司China Unicom中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协)National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)中国新经济峰会China New Economy Summit中国新闻出版报社China Press and Publication News中国沿海专属经济区China's exclusive economic waters中国移动通信公司China Mobile中国预防医学科学院the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine中国证监会China's Securities Regulatory Commission中国证券监督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)中国政协委员member of the National Committee of CPPCC中华人民共和国渔政渔港监督管理局Administration of Fishery and Fishing Harbor Supervision of the PRC中华世纪坛China Millennium Monument中华医学会Chinese Medical Association中介intermediary agent中立国neutralized state中流砥柱mainstay; chief cornerstone中美战略核武器互不瞄准对方non-targeting strategic nuclear weapons against each other中日友好四项原则: 和平友好,平等互利,互相信赖,长期稳定The four principles of Sino-Japanese friendship: peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, mutual trust, and long-term stability 中山装Chinese tunic suit中式快餐Chinese fast food中文信息处理系统Chinese information processing system中心环节key link中型商用飞机mid-size G200 business jets中央大型企业工委Central Work Committee for Large Enterprises中央国家机关China's State organs中央纪律检查委员会Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC中央经济工作会议the Central Economic Working Conference 中央领导集体central collective leadership中央商务区central business district (CBD)中央统战部United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee中央综治委“严打”整治斗争检查组Strike-hard Campaign Inspection Group of Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security.中药traditional Chinese medicine中专生secondary specialized or technical school student终点控制区terminal control area终端服务器terminal server终身职务制life-long tenure终审权right of adjudication; right of giving final approval种植业crop farming众口难调It is difficult to cater to all tastes.; One man's meat is another man's poison.众矢之的target of public criticism重点发展prioritize重复建设building redundant project; duplication of similar projects重复生产duplication of production重复引进inroduction of redundant technical facilities; importation of redundant technical facilities重合同,守信用abide by contracts and keep one's words; honor credit and promise重合同、守信用的原则the principle of equality and mutual benefit and “honoring contracts adn standing by reputation”重灾区the harder-hit area洲际弹道导弹intercontinental ballistic missiles珠穆朗玛峰Mount Qomolangma诸边协议plurilateral agreement主板市场main board of the stock market主办2008年奥运会host the 2008 Olympic Games主持人anchorperson主叫方付费caller-pays system主渠道main channel主权豁免sovereign immunity主体经济the mainstay of the economy主体思想(DPRK)Juche Idea主页home page住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation住房零首付zero-yuan first payment (for apartments)住宅小区residence community助跑"approach run, run-up"助学行动activity to assist the impoverished students注册会计师certificated public accountant (CPA)注册资本registered capital驻港部队People's Liberation Army garrison in Hong Kong抓大放小to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves抓大放小,三改一加强(Efforts were focused on) the reform, reorganization, upgrading and better management of enterprises, aiming at well managing large enterprises while adopting more flexible policies toward small ones抓住机遇seize the opportunity抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定seize the current opportunity, deepen the reform, open China wider to the outside world, promote development and maintain stability 专访exclusive interview专利产品,仿冒必究patented product(s), counterfeiting not allowed专卖店exclusive agency; franchised store专门的营销机构market boards专门人才professional personnel; special talents专升本upgrade from junior college student to universitystudent; students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study 专题报道special coverage专业化分工division of labor based on specialization专业化经营specialized operation专属经济区exclusive economic zone转败为胜turn the tables (on someone)转轨transfer to a different track; retracking转轨经济economies in transition; transition economy转化机制(of State-owned enterprises) to shift to new management mechanisms转基因生物GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food)转配股transferred allotted shares转世灵童reincarnated soul boy转体truck rotation, turn, twist转业transferred to civilian work转移支付transfer payment撞线breast the tape追潮族fashion follower追车族auto fan追赶型和跨越式发展pursuant and leap-forward development 追究责任call to account; ascertain where the responsibility lies追平produce the equalizer追星族star fan; groupie坠落的残骸、碎片falling debris准备金reserve fund; capital reserves准博士all but dissertation (ABD)准上市公司pro-listed companies资本充足率capital adequacy资本额过多overcapalisation资本利润率rate of return on capital资本外逃capital flight资不抵债insolvency资产保值增值maintain and increase the value of assets; maintenance and appreciation of assets value资产剥离peel off (bad) assets of a company资产调控assets control资产负债表balance sheet资产阶级自由化bourgeois liberalization资产评估asset assessment资产置换replacement of assets资产重组reorganized assets; assets reorganization资金到位fully funded (project)资金划拨capital allocation资金汇划fund remittance and transfer资源配置the distribution (allocation) of resources资源优化配置most optimum distribution of resources姊妹楼, 又称双子座, 美国世贸中心的主要建筑twin towers自动柜员机automatic teller machine (ATM)自发罢工,野猫式罢工(未经工会批准的罢工)wildcat strikes自费留学go to study abroad at one's own expense自律机制the self-discipline system自然保护区natural reserve; nature preservation zone自然耗损natural wearing自然资源保护区natural resource protection areas自我保护意识self-protection awareness自学成才become well-educated through self-study自学考试self-taught examination自营self-run自营性存款self-operating deposit自由港free-trade port,free port自由竞争free competition自由流通free flow自由贸易区free-trade zone自由职业者free lance自治权right ti autonomy; autonomy自主经营,自负盈亏make one's own management decisions and take full responsibility for one's own profits and losses 自助银行self-help bank自足经济self-sufficient economy自作自受stew in one’s own juice综合国力comprehensive national strength综合经济效益overall economic efficiency; composite economic results综合授信comprehensive credit line综合素质comprehensive quality综合业务数字网ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 综合整治comprehensive improvement综合指数composite index综合治理comprehensive treatment综艺节目variety show总裁助理assistant president总经理负责制general manager responsibility system走过场go through the motions走后门get in by the back door走上良性发展的轨道going on the track of sound progress走新型工业化道路T ake a new road to industrialization走穴"(actors, singers, etc.) perform for outside salary incomewithout approval by the unit they belong to "阻碍司法obstruction of justice组委会organizing committee祖传handed down from one's ancestors祖国和平统一大业peaceful reunification of the motherland最不发达国家LDCs (Least-developed countries)最初谈判权(初谈权) INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights)最低工资保障制度minimum wage guarantee system最低生活保证制度system for ensuring a minimum standard of living最后的投票make the final vote最惠国待遇most-favored-nation status最终用户end user遵纪守法、廉洁奉公observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly perform one's official duties左倾pinko左右为难between the devil and the deep blue sea; between the rock and the hard place坐视不管sit idle做假帐salt a false account。
以下是中国重要时政术语的英语翻译:1.中国特色社会主义(Chinese-style socialism)这是中国共产党提出的一种新型社会主义,它强调坚持中国道路、中国特色、中国经验,把马克思列宁主义基本原理同中国革命和建设的具体实践相结合,以改善人民生活和实现全面发展为目标。
2.四个全面(Four Comprehensives)四个全面是指全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党。
3.中国梦(Chinese Dream)中国梦是习近平主席提出的一个概念,它强调实现中华民族的伟大复兴,包括国家强大、民族团结、人民幸福等方面。
4.一带一路(The Belt and Road Initiative)一带一路是中国政府提出的一个重大倡议,旨在促进全球治理体系的变革,通过加强与沿线国家的经贸合作、推进基础设施建设、加强文化交流等方面,实现各国共同发展。
5.新时代中国特色大国外交(New Era Chinese Diplomacy)新时代中国特色大国外交是习近平主席提出的一种外交理念和战略,强调坚持和平发展、开放合作、推动建设人类命运共同体等方面。
6.供给侧结构性改革(Supply-side Structural Reform)供给侧结构性改革是中国政府推行的一项重大改革,旨在通过优化供给结构、削减过剩产能、降低企业成本以及改善国民经济结构等方面,促进中国经济持续发展。
7.质量兴国(Quality-driven Development)质量兴国是中国政府提出的发展战略,强调把质量作为发展的核心,通过推进质量提升、加强创新、提高品牌影响力等方面,实现经济高质量发展。
8.人民军队是人民的军队(The People's Army Belongs to the People)人民军队是中国共产党领导下的人民军队,它的使命是保卫国家安全和人民利益。
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"两会" (liǎnghuì) - "Two Sessions"
"疫情" (yìqíng) - "Epidemic"
"防疫" (fángyì) - "Epidemic Prevention"
"复工" (fùgōng) - "Resumption of Work"
"复产" (fùchǎn) - "Resumption of Production"
"抗疫" (kàngyì) - "Epidemic Resistance"
"科技创新" (kējì chuàngxīn) - "Technological Innovation"
"数字化" (shùzìhuà) - "Digitization"
"绿色发展" (lǜsè fāzhǎn) - "Green Development"
"碳中和" (tàn zhōnghé) - "Carbon Neutrality"
"一带一路" (yīdài yīlù) - "Belt and Road Initiative"
"全球化" (quánqiúhuà) - "Globalization"
"脱贫" (tuōpín) - "Poverty Alleviation"
"乡村振兴" (xiāngcūn zhènxīng) - "Rural Revitalization"
"民生" (mínshēng) - "People's Livelihood"
"基层" (jīcéng) - "Grassroots"
"政治正确" (zhèngzhì zhèngquè) - "Political Correctness"
"网络安全" (wǎngluò ānquán) - "Cybersecurity"
"人工智能" (réngōng zhìnéng) - "Artificial Intelligence"
"区块链" (qūkuài liàn) - "Blockchain"。