一、宏观角度1. 资本市场的进步中国资本市场的规模和功能逐渐扩大,为上市公司提供了更多的融资渠道。
2. 法律法规的完善中国政府近年来加强了对上市公司治理的监管力度,修订了《证券法》等相关法律法规,完善了公司股权分配与融资的体系。
3. 资本结构的优化随着经济结构调整和企业改革的深度,中国上市公司逐渐意识到优化资本结构的重要性。
二、微观角度1. 股东利益的平衡在中国上市公司中,国有股和非国有股的比例日益趋于平衡。
2. 股权融资的多元化上市公司在股权融资中的选择越来越多元化。
3. 利润分配的可行性中国上市公司利润分配机制也在逐渐改变。
毕业论文外文原文及译文题目:上市公司的融资渠道分析专业:指导教师:学院:学号:班级:姓名:一、外文原文1.A Description of Efficient Capital MarketsAn efficient capital market is one in which stock prices fully reflect available information.To illustrate how an efficient market works,suppose the F-stop Camera Corporation(FCC) is attempting to develop a camera that will double the speed of the auto-focusing system now available.FCC believes this research has positive NPV.Now consider a share of stock in FCC.What determines the willingness of investors to hold shares of FCC at a particular price?One important factor is the probability that FCC will be the first company to develop the new auto-focusing system.In an efficient market,we would expect the price of the shares of FCC to increase if this probability increases.Suppose FCC hires a well-known engineer to develop the new auto-focusing system.In an efficient market,what will happen to FCC’s share price when this is announced?If the well-known scientist is paid a salary that fully reflects his or her contribution to the firm,the price of the stock will not necessarily change.Suppose,instead,that hiring the scientist is a positive NPV transaction.In this case,the price of shares in FCC will increase because the firm can pay the scientist a salary blew his or her ture value to the company.When will the increase in the price of FCC’s shares take place?Assume that the hiring announcement is made in a press release on Wednesday morning.In an efficient market,the price of shares in FCC will immediately adjust to this new information.Investors should not be able to buy the stock on Wednesday afternoon and make a profit on Thursday.This would imply that it took the stock market a day to realize the implication of the FCC press release.The efficient market hypothesis predicts that the price of shares of FCC stock on Wednesday afternoon will already reflect the information contained in the Wednesday morning press release.2. Independent Deviations from RationalitySuppose that FCC’s press release is not all that clear. How many new cameras are likely to be sold? At what price? What is the likely cost per camera? Will other camera companies be able to develop competing products? How long will this likely take? If these, and other,questions cannot be answered easily, it will be difficult to estimate NPV.Now imagine that, with so many questions going unanswered, many investors do not think clearly. Some investors might get caught up in the romance of a new product, hoping,and ultimately believing,in sales projections well above what is rational. They would overpay for new shares, And if they needed to sell shares (perhaps to finance current consumption), they would do so only at a high price. If these individuals dominate the market, the stock price would likely rise beyond what market efficiency would predict.However,due to emotional resistance, investors could just as easily react to new information in a pessimistic manner. Afterall, business historians tell us that investors were initially quite skeptical about the benefits of the telephone, the copier, the automobile, and the motion picture.Certainly, the could be overly skeptical about this new camera. If investors were primarily of this type, the stock price would likely rise less than market efficiency would predict.But suppose that about as many individuals were irrationally optimistic as were irrationally pessimistic. Prices would likely rise in a manner consistent with market efficiency,even though most investors would be classified as less than fully rational. Thus, market efficiency does not require rational individuals, only countervailing irrationalities.However, this assumption of offsetting irrationalities at all times may be unrealistic. Perhaps, at certain times,most investors are swept away by excsssive optimism and,at other times,are caught in the throes of extreme pessimism.But even here, there is an assumption that will produce efficiency.二、译文1 有效资本市场的描述有效的资本市场是股票价格充分反映可获得的信息。
但另一方面,从负债类科目看,中国企业与G -7国家同行的差异就相当大。
2.我国上市公司偏好外源融资按照普遍认同的“有序融资理论”(Pecking Order Theory)(梅耶斯,1984),在西方发达国家的上市公司中,最主要的融资方式是内源融资,约占资金来源的50%~97%;其次是外源融资中的债权融资,约占资金来源的11%~57%;最后才是股权融资,约占资金来源的3.3%~9%。
二、我国上市公司融资偏好的现状当前,我国上市公司融资偏好主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 股权融资偏好我国上市公司普遍存在股权融资偏好,即更倾向于通过发行股票等股权方式进行融资。
2. 债务融资偏好尽管股权融资是我国上市公司的主要融资方式,但债务融资仍然占据一定比重。
三、影响我国上市公司融资偏好的因素1. 政策环境政策环境是影响上市公司融资偏好的重要因素。
2. 企业自身条件企业自身条件也是影响其融资偏好的关键因素。
3. 资本市场状况资本市场状况对上市公司的融资偏好具有直接影响。
【二、上市公司股权融资偏好的影响因素】1. 公司规模和发展阶段随着公司规模的不断扩大以及发展阶段的转换,上市公司的股权融资偏好也会发生变化。
2. 盈利能力和财务状况上市公司的盈利能力和财务状况对其股权融资的偏好起着重要作用。
3. 股权结构和股东背景上市公司的股权结构和股东背景也会影响其股权融资的偏好。
4. 市场环境和投资者需求市场环境和投资者需求对上市公司的股权融资偏好有着重要影响。
【三、上市公司股权融资偏好的问题与挑战】1. 市场需求的不确定性由于市场需求的不确定性,上市公司往往难以准确把握投资者的偏好。
内容摘要优序融资理论(Pecking Order Theory)提出公司在融资时应该首先选择内部融资、然后是债权融资、末尾就要考虑的是股权融资方式了。
关键词:上市企业融资偏好证券市场资本构架AbstractOn the basis of Pecking order theory, when corporate financed, they will obey the rule that the first internal financing, then debt financing, finally equity financing.But after analyzing the financing activities of Chinese listed companies, I find the phenomenon that listed companies in China prefer equity financing when they choose the way to finance. But the conclusion isn’t the same as Pecking order theory. Therefore, I summarize the reasons and influence of these financing characteristics in my paper. Finally I put forward some Suggestions how we can reduce the bad influence of the phenomenon.Key words:Listed company Financing preference The securities marketThe capital structure目录一、研究背景及意义 (1)(一)研究背景 (1)(二)研究意义 (1)(三)研究现状 (2)二、文献综述 (2)(一)股权融资偏好原因研究 (3)(二)债务融资偏好原因研究 (4)三、中国上市企业融资偏好特征 (5)四、我国上市企业存在股权融资偏好的原因 (6)(一)“内部人控制”现象 (6)(二)股权融资的低成本 (6)(三)债券市场发展滞后 (6)五、我国上市企业融资偏好的影响分析 (7)(一)导致资金使用效率不高 (7)(二)不利于公司资本结构的优化 (7)(三)加剧公司治理结构的失衡 (8)六、建议 (8)(一)从企业自身出发 (8)(二)从政府角度出发 (9)参考文献 (10)致谢 (11)中国上市企业股权融资偏好研究一、研究背景及现状(一)研究背景自上世纪90年代中国证券交易所成立之后,经过二十多年的迅猛发展产生的进步,中国的证券行业的改变可谓日新月异,上市企业如雨后春笋般出现,证券行业的不断做大。
关键词上市公司,股权融资,偏好,成因Abstract: in modern financial environment, there are many listed companies financing, financing methods according to different characteristics, the company will choose different financing order, the so-called “financing preference”. With the western developed countries the optimal ordering theory put forward financing instead, the listed companies in China showed a strong equity financing preference. This paper analyzes the cause of this preference and in practice in corporate finance capital after use efficiency, the company growth and governance, investors interests unfavorable influences of the aspects, and puts forward corresponding treatment measures.Key words listed company, equity financing, preferences and causes引言根据以MM理论为主的西方现代融资顺序理论,上市公司存在着这样一个融资顺序:留存收益、债务融资、股权融资。
上市公司股权融资中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Chinese Listed Companies Preference to Equity Fund:Non-Systematic FactorsAbstract :This article concentrates on the listed companies’ financing activities in China, analyses the reasons that why the listed companies prefer to equity fund from the aspect of non-systematic factors by using western financing theories, such as financing cost, types and qualities of the enterprises’ assets, profitability, industry factors, shareholding structure factors, level of financial management and society culture, and concludes that the preference to equity fund is a reasonable choice to the listed companies according to Chinese financing environment. At last, there are someconcise suggestions be given to rectify the companie s’ preference to equity fund. Keywords: Equity fund, Non-systematic factors, financial cost1. IntroductionThe listed companies in China prefer to equity fund, According to the statistic data showed in <China Securities Journal>, the amount of the listed companies finance in capital market account to 95.87 billions in 1997, among which equity fund take the proportion of 72.5%, and the proportion is 72.6% in 1998 and 72.3% in 1999, on the other hand, the proportion of debt fund to total fund is respective 17.8%, 24.9% and 25.1% in those three years. The proportion of equity fund to total fund is lower in the developed capital market than that in China. Take US for example, when American enterprises need to fund in the capital market, they prefer to debt fund than equity fund. The statistic data shows that, from 1970 to 1985, the American enterprises’ debt fund financed occupied the 91.7% proportion of outside financing, more than equity fund. Yan Dawu etc. found that, approximately 3/4 of the listed companies preferred to equity fund in China. Many researchers agree upon that the listed companies’ outside financing following this order: first one is equity fund, second one is convertible bond, third one is short-term liabilities, last one is long-term liabilities. Many researchers usually analyze our national listed companies’ preference to equity fund with the systematic factors arising in the reform of our national economy. They thought that it just because of those systematic facts that made the listed com panies’ financial activities betray to western classical financing theory. For example, the “picking order” theory claims that when enterprise need fund, they should turn to inside fund (depreciation and retained earnings) first, and then debt fund, and the last choice is equity fund. In this article, the author thinks that it is because of the specific financial environment that activates the enterprises’ such preference, and try to interpret the reasons of that preference to equity fund by combination of non-systematic factors and western financial theories.2. Financings cost of the listed company and preference to equity fund According to western financing the theories, capital cost of equity fund is more than capital cost of debt fund, thus the enterprise should choose debt fund first, then is theturn to equity fund when it fund outside. We should understand that this conception of “capital cost” is taken into account by investors, it is somewhat opportunity cost of the investors, can also be called expected returns. It contains of risk-free rate of returns and risk rate of returns arising from the investors’ risk investment. It is different with financing cost in essence. Financing cost is the cost arising from enterprises’ financing activities and u sing fund, we can call it fund cost. If capital market is efficient, capital cost should equal to fund cost, that is to say, what investors gain in capital market should equal to what fund raisers pay, or the transfer of fund is inevitable. But in an inefficient capital market, the price of stock will be different from its value because of investors’ action of speculation; they only chase capital gain and don’t want to hold the stocks in a long time and receive dividends. Thus the listed companies can gain fund with its fund cost being lower than capital cost.But in our national capital market, capital cost of equity fund is very low; it is because of the following factors: first, the high P/E Ratio (Price Earning Ratio) of new issued shares. According to calculation, average P/E Ratio of Chinese listed companies’ shares is between 30 and 40, it also is maintained at 20 although drops somewhat recently. But the normal P/E Ratio should be under 20 according to experience. We can observe the P/E was only 13.2 from 1874 to 1988 in US, and only 10 in Hong Kong. High P/E Ratio means high share issue price, then the capital cost of equity fund drops even given the same level of dividend. Second, low dividend policy in the listed companies, capital cost of equity fund decided by dividend pay-out ratio and price of per share. In China, many listed companies pay little or even no dividends to their shareholders. According to statistic data, there were 488 listed companies paid no dividend to their shareholders in 1998, 58.44 percents of all listed companies, there were 590, 59.83 percents in 1999, even 2000 in which China Securities Regulatory Commission issue new files to rule dividend policy of companies, there were only 699 companies which pay dividends, 18.47 percents more than that in 1999, but dividend payout ratio deduce 22%. Thus capital cost of equity is very low. Third, there is no rigidity on equity fund, if the listed companies choose equity fund, they can use the fund forever and has no obligation to return this fund. Most of listedcompanies are controlled by Government in China, taking financing risk into account, the major stockholders prefers to equity fund. The management also prefer equity fund because its lower fund cost and needn’t to be paid off, then their position will be more stable than financing in equity fund. We can conclude from the above analysis that cost of equity fund is lower than cost of debt fund in Chinese listed companies and the listed companies prefer to such low-cost fund.3. Types and qualities of assets in listed companies and preference to equity fund Static Trade-off Theory tells us, the value of enterprise with financial leverage is decided by the value of self-owned capital; value arising from tax benefit, cost of financial embarrassment and agency cost. Cost of financial embarrassment and agency cost are negative correlative to the types and qualities of companies’ assets, if the enterprise has more intangible assets, more assets with lower quality, it will has lower liquidity and its assets have lower mortgage value. When this kind of enterprise faces to great financial risk, it will have no way to solve its questions by selling its assets. Furthermore, because care for the ability of turning into cash of the mortgage assets, the creditors will high the level of rate and lay additional items in financial contract to rule the debtor’s action, all of those will enhance the agency cost and deduce the companies’ value. Qualcomm is supplier of wireless data and communication service in America, it is the inventor and user of CDMA and it also occupies the technology of HDR. The market value of its share is 1120 billions dollars at the end of March, 2000, but the quantities of long-term liabilities is zero. Why? Some reasons may be that there are some competitors in the market who own analogous technologies and the management of Qualcomm Company takes conservative attitude in financing activities. But the most important factor may be Qualcomm Company owns a mass of intangible assets which will have lower convertibility and the company’s value will decline when it has no enough money to pay for its debt.Many listed companies in China are transformed from the national enterprises. In the transformation, these listed companies take over the high-quality assets of the national enterprises, but with the development of economy, some projects can not coincidewith the market demand and the values of relative assets decline. On the other hand, there are many intangible assets in new high-tech companies. State-owned companies and high-tech companies are the most parts of the capital market. We can conclude that the qualities of listed companies’ assets are very low. This point is supported by the index of P/B (Price-to-Book value) which is usually thought as one of the most important indexes which can weigh the qualities of the listed companies’ assets. According to statistic data coming from Shenzhen Securities Information Company, by the end of November 14, 2003, there were 412 companies whose P/B is less than 2, take the 30% proportions of total listed companies which issue A-share in China, among them, there were 150 companies whose P/B is less than 1.53, and weighted average P/B of the stock market is 2.42. Lower qualities of assets means more cost may be brought out from debt fund and lower total value of the listed companies. Thus the listed companies prefer to equity fund when need outside financial support in China.4. Profitability and preference to equity fundFinancial Leverage Theory tells us that a small change in company’s profit may make great change in company’s EPS (Earnings per share). Just like leverage, we can get an amplified action by use of it. Debt fund can supply us with this leverage, by use of debt fund, these companies which have high level of profitability will get higher level of EPS because debt fund produces more profit for shareholders than interest shareholder shall pay. On the contrary, these companies which have low level of profitability will get lower level of EPS by use of debt fund because debt fund can not produce enough profit for shareholder to fulfill the demand of paying off the interests. Edison International Company has steady amount of customers and many intangible assets, these supply it with high level of profitability and ability to gain debt fund, its debt account to 67.2% proportions of its total assets in 1999.Listed companies in developed countries or regions always have high level of profitability. Take US for example, there are many listed companies which have excellent performance in American capital market when do business, such as J.P Morgan, its EPS is $11.16 per share in 1999. Besides it, GM, GE, Coca Cola, IBM,Intel, Microsoft, Dell etc. all always are profitable. In Hong Kong, most of those companies whose stock included in Hang Sang Index have the level of EPS more than 1 HKD, many are more than 2 HKD. Such as Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, its EPS is 7.66 HKD. But listed companies do not have such excellent performance in profitability in China inland. Their profitability is common low. Take the performance of 2000 for example, the weighted average EPS of total listed companies is only 0.20 Yuan per share, and the weighted average P/B is 2.65 Yuan per share, 8.55 percents of these listed companies have negative profit. With low or no profit, the benefit nixes, listed companies’ preference to equity fund is a reasonable phenomenon. Can be gained from debt fund is very little; the listed companies can even suffer from the financial distress caused by debt fund. So with the consideration of shareholders’ interest, the listed companies prefer to equity fund when need outside financial support in China.5. Shareholding structure factors and preference to equity fundListed companies not only face to external financing environmental impacts, but also the structure of the companies shares. Shareholding structure of Chinese listed companies shows characteristics as followed: I. Ownership structure is fairly complex. In addition to the public shares, there are shares held with inland fund and foreign stocks, state-owned shares, legal person shares, and internal employee shares, transferred allotted shares, A shares, B shares, H shares And N shares, and other distinction. From 1995 to 2003, Chinese companies’ outstanding shares of the total equity share almost have no change, even declined slightly. II. There are different prices, dividends, and rights of shares issued by same enterprise. III. The over-concentration of shares. We use the quantity of shares of the three major shareholders who top the list of shareholders of the listed companies to measure the concentration of stock. We study he concentration of stock of these companies which issue new share publicly in the years from 1995 to 2003 and focus on the situation of Chinese listed companies over the same period. The results showed that: from 1995 to 2003, the company-Which once transferred or allotted shares-whose top three shareholders’ shareholding ratio are generally high er than the average level of all thelisted companies, and most of these company's top three shareholders holding 40 percent or higher percent of companies’ shares. In some years, the maximum number even is more than 90 percent, indicating that the company with the implementation of transferred and allotted shares have relatively high concentration rate of shares and major shareholders have absolute control over it. In short, transferring allotting shares and the issuance of additional shares have a certain relevance to the company’s concentration of ownership structure; the company's financing policy is largely controlled by the major shareholders.Chinese listed companies’ special shareholding structure effects its financing action. Because stockholders of the state-owned shares, legal person shares, social and outstanding shares, foreign share have a different objective function, their modes of financing preferences vary, and their preference affect the financing structure of listed companies. Controlling shareholders which hold state-owned shares account for the status of enterprises and carry out financing decisions in accordance with their own objective function. When the objective function conflict with the other shareholders benefit, they often damage the interests of other shareholders by use of the status of controlling. As the first major shareholders of the companies, government has multiple objectives, not always market-oriented, it prefers to use safe fund such as equity fund to maintain the value of state-owned assets, thus resulting in listed company’s preference to equity financing. Debt financing bring business with greater pressure to pay off the par value and interests. Therefore, the state-owned companies are showing a more offensive attitude to debt fund, again because of Chinese state-controlled listed companies have the absolute status in all listed company.From: International Journal of Business and Management; October, 2009.译文:中国上市公司偏好股权融资:非制度性因素摘要:本文把重点集中于中国上市公司的融资活动,运用西方融资理论,从非制度性因素方面,如融资成本、企业资产类型和质量、盈利能力、行业因素、股权结构因素、财务管理水平和社会文化,分析了中国上市公司倾向于股权融资的原因,并得出结论,股权融资偏好是上市公司根据中国融资环境的一种合理的选择。
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表# 上市公司 #... 6 !""" 年资产负债率的分布
融资的成本应包括以下几个部分: 一是融资过程的费用, 如申请 费用、 路演费用、 发行费用等; 二是上市费用; 三是付息成本, 这 是融资成本的主要内容; 四是融资风险, 即债券或股票发行成功 与否。 企业一旦融资失败将给企业带来净损失。 在中国, 前两项 费用, 股票融资方式略高于债券融资。 但债券融资的付息 “ 硬约 束” 和中国独特的股票融资分红的 “ 软约束 ” 却使债权融资的成 本大大高于股票融资的成本。 债券融资合约要求按时还本付息, 是一种 “ 硬预算约束 ” , 它 增大了企业的财务风险, 财务杠杠 “ 双刃剑 ” 的效应要求企业只 有在资金利润率高于资金成本率 ( 债务利息率 ) 的前提下才能享 受债务融资避税利益的好处, 否则只能使企业雪上加霜。 对于股 票融资来说, 长期以来股票发行的 “ 卖方市场 ” 和“ 赚钱效应 ” 使 股票发行到目前为止还很少遇到发行失败的先例。 又由于国有 股代表的所有者虚位, 上市公司分派股利的力度和频度低下, 股 票融资的成本就大为降低。 于是, 增发股票, 大比例送股、 配股, 让未来股东一起分担损失和风险, 则成为上市公司热衷之事。 中国上市 !1 股权设置不合理导致企业内部治理的低效率。 公司股权结构非常复杂, 股票种类繁多, 不同种类的可流通股票 被分割在不同的市场中, 国有股高度集中, 不可流动且比重过 大, 导致了股权的呆滞性、 封闭性和控股权的超稳定性。 国有股 本身存在代理问题, 出资者代表不明确, 委托代理成本巨大。 而 国有股 ( 包括国有法人股 ) 占绝对控股地位又扩大了 “ 所有者缺 位” 的负面效应, 结果很难避免企业内部治理结构的失衡。 第一, 股东大会形同虚设, 根本没有发挥对董事会的约束作 用。 股权过度集中的结果使政府凭借股东身份指派的董事会成 为一个凌驾于股东大会之上的权力机构。 第二, 董事会缺乏对经 理人员的有效约束, 大股东对企业的监控机制难以建立。 股东大
“我国上市公司股权融资偏好分析”文献综述“The Research on the Preference for Financing of Chinese Listed Companies” Literature Summarize摘要:企业融资问题,尤其是股权融资偏好问题,已经成为我国进入21世纪以来资本市场争论的焦点之一。
关键词:融资结构;股权融资;债券融资Abstract:Nowadays, the question of the corporate financing, especially the question of the preference of equity financing has been the focus of the capital market since the early 21st century in China. The introduction of the asymmetry information to the financial theory has changed the MM Theory of “Irrelevance Structure”. Western developed countries argue that firms will strictly act on the Pecking Order of the internal financing, equity financing, and debt financing. However, there is a strong preference for equity financing in listed companies. The low efficiency of using equity capital is also a popular problem. According to the former analysis, this paper systematically discusses the development of Western capital structure theories and some of Chinese relevant research results. These theories offer very important guiding significances to my research ideas and methods.Key words:Capital Structure;Equity Financing;Debt Financing1引言企业的融资方式主要包括内源融资和外源融资两类,其中内源融资是企业生产过程中自有资金的积累,包括留存收益和折旧;外源融资即企业的外部资金来源部分,包括股权融资和债权融资。
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有关企业融资的毕业论文外文翻译(原文+译文)原文:Chinese Listed Companies Preference to Equity Fund:Non-Systematic FactorsAbstract :This article concentrates on the listed companies’ financing activities in China, analyses the reasons that why the listed companies prefer to equity fund from the aspect of non-systematic factors by using western financing theories, such as financing cost, types and qualities of the enterprises’ assets, profitability, industry factors, shareholding structure factors, level of financial management and society culture, and concludes that the preference to equity fund is a reasonable choice to the listed companies according to Chinese financing environment. At last, there are some concise suggestions be given to rectify the companies’ preference to equity fund.Keywords: Equity fund, Non-systematic factors, financial cost1. IntroductionThe listed companies in China prefer to equity fund, According to the statistic data showed in <China Securities Journal>, the amount of the listed companies finance in capital market account to 95.87 billions in 1997, among which equity fund take the proportion of 72.5%, and the proportion is 72.6% in 1998 and 72.3% in 1999, on the other hand, the proportion of debt fund to total fund is respective 17.8%, 24.9% and 25.1% in those three years. The proportion of equity fund to total fund is lower in the developed capital market than that in China. Take US for example, when American enterprises need to fund in the capital market, they prefer to debt fund than equity fu nd. The statistic data shows that, from 1970 to 1985, the American enterprises’ debt fund financed occupied the 91.7% proportion of outside financing, more than equity fund. Yan Dawu etc. found that, approximately 3/4 of the listed companies preferred to equity fund in China. Many researchers agree upon that the listed companies’ outside financing following this order: first one is equity fund, second one is convertible bond, third one is short-term liabilities, last one is long-term liabilities. Many resea rchers usually analyze our national listed companies’ preference to equity fund with the systematic factors arising in the reform of our national economy. They thought that it just because of those systematic facts that made the listed companies’ financial activities betray to western classical financing theory. For example, the “picking order” theory claims that when enterprise need fund, they should turn to inside fund (depreciation and retained earnings) first, and then debt fund, and the last choice is equity fund. In this article, the author thinks that it is because of the specific financial environment that activates the enterprises’ such preference, and try to interpret the reasons of that preference to equity fund by combination of non-systematic factors and western financial theories.2. Financings cost of the listed company and preference to equity fundAccording to western financing the theories, capital cost of equity fund is more than capital cost of debt fund, thus the enterprise should choose debt fund first, then is the turn to equity fund when it fund outside. We should understand that this conception of “capital cost” is taken into account by investors, it is somewhat opportunity cost of the investors, can also be called expected returns. Itcontains of risk-free rate of returns and risk rate of returns arising from the investors’ risk investment. It is different with financing cost in essence. Financing cost is the cost arising from enterprises’ financing activities and using fund, we can call it fund cost. If capital market is efficient, capital cost should equal to fund cost, that is to say, what investors gain in capital market should equal to what fund raisers pay, or the transfer of fund is inevitable. But in an inefficient capital ma rket, the price of stock will be different from its value because of investors’ action of speculation; they only chase capital ga in and don’t want to hold the stocks in a long time and receive dividends. Thus the listed companies can gain fund with its fund cost being lower than capital cost.But in our national capital market, capital cost of equity fund is very low; it is because of the following factors: first, the high P/E Ratio (Price Earning Ratio) of new issued shares. According to calculation, ave rage P/E Ratio of Chinese listed companies’ shares is between 30 and 40, it also is maintained at 20 although drops somewhat recently. But the normal P/E Ratio should be under 20 according to experience. We can observe the P/E was only 13.2 from 1874 to 1988 in US, and only 10 in Hong Kong. High P/E Ratio means high share issue price, then the capital cost of equity fund drops even given the same level of dividend. Second, low dividend policy in the listed companies, capital cost of equity fund decided by dividend pay-out ratio and price of per share. In China, many listed companies pay little or even no dividends to their shareholders. According to statistic data, there were 488 listed companies paid no dividend to their shareholders in 1998, 58.44 percents of all listed companies, there were 590, 59.83 percents in 1999, even 2000 in which China Securities Regulatory Commission issue new files to rule dividend policy of companies, there were only 699 companies which pay dividends, 18.47 percents more than that in 1999, but dividend payout ratio deduce 22%. Thus capital cost of equity is very low. Third, there is no rigidity on equity fund, if the listed companies choose equity fund, they can use the fund forever and has no obligation to return this fund. Most of listed companies are controlled by Government in China, taking financing risk into account, the major stockholders prefers to equity fund. The management also prefer equity fund because its lower fund cost and needn’t to be paid off, then their position will be more stable than financing in equity fund. We can conclude from the above analysis that cost of equity fund is lower than cost of debt fund in Chinese listed companies and the listed companies prefer to such low-cost fund.3. Types and qualities of assets in listed companies and preference to equity fundStatic Trade-off Theory tells us, the value of enterprise with financial leverage is decided by the value of self-owned capital; value arising from tax benefit, cost of financial embarrassment and agency cost. Cost of financial embarrassment and agency cost are negative correlative to the types and qualities of companies’ assets, if the enterprise has more intangible assets, more assets with lower quality, it will has lower liquidity and its assets have lower mortgage value. When this kind of enterprise faces to great financial risk, it will have no way to solve its questions by selling its assets. Furthermore, because care for the ability of turning into cash of the mortgage assets, the creditors will high the level of rate and lay additional items in financial contract to rule the debtor’s action, all of those will enhance the agency cost and deduce the companies’ value. Qualcomm is supplier of wireless data and communication service in America, it is the inventor and user of CDMA and it also occupies the technology of HDR. The market value of its share is 1120 billions dollars at the end of March, 2000, but the quantities of long-term liabilities is zero. Why? Some reasons may be that there are some competitors in the market who own analogoustechnologies and the management of Qualcomm Company takes conservative attitude in financing activities. But the most important factor may be Qualcomm Company owns a mass of intangible assets which will have lower convertibility and the company’s value will decline when it has no enough money to pay for its debt.Many listed companies in China are transformed from the national enterprises. In the transformation, these listed companies take over the high-quality assets of the national enterprises, but with the development of economy, some projects can not coincide with the market demand and the values of relative assets decline. On the other hand, there are many intangible assets in new high-tech companies. State-owned companies and high-tech companies are the most parts of the capital market. We can conclude that the qualities of listed companies’ assets are very low. This point is supported by the index of P/B (Price-to-Book value) which is usually thought as one of the most important indexes which can weigh the qualities of the listed companies’ assets. According to statistic data coming from Shenzhen Securities Information Company, by the end of November 14, 2003, there were 412 companies whose P/B is less than 2, take the 30% proportions of total listed companies which issue A-share in China, among them, there were 150 companies whose P/B is less than 1.53, and weighted average P/B of the stock market is 2.42. Lower qualities of assets means more cost may be brought out from debt fund and lower total value of the listed companies. Thus the listed companies prefer to equity fund when need outside financial support in China.4. Profitability and preference to equity fundFinancial Leverage Theory t ells us that a small change in company’s profit may make great change in company’s EPS (Earnings per share). Just like leverage, we can get an amplified action by use of it. Debt fund can supply us with this leverage, by use of debt fund, these companies which have high level of profitability will get higher level of EPS because debt fund produces more profit for shareholders than interest shareholder shall pay. On the contrary, these companies which have low level of profitability will get lower level of EPS by use of debt fund because debt fund can not produce enough profit for shareholder to fulfill the demand of paying off the interests. Edison International Company has steady amount of customers and many intangible assets, these supply it with high level of profitability and ability to gain debt fund, its debt account to 67.2% proportions of its total assets in 1999.Listed companies in developed countries or regions always have high level of profitability. Take US for example, there are many listed companies which have excellent performance in American capital market when do business, such as J.P Morgan, its EPS is $11.16 per share in 1999. Besides it, GM, GE, Coca Cola, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Dell etc. all always are profitable. In Hong Kong, most of those companies whose stock included in Hang Sang Index have the level of EPS more than 1 HKD, many are more than 2 HKD. Such as Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, its EPS is 7.66 HKD. But listed companies do not have such excellent performance in profitability in China inland. Their profitability is common low. Take the performance of 2000 for example, the weighted average EPS of total listed companies is only 0.20 Yuan per share, and the weighted average P/B is 2.65 Yuan per share, 8.55 percents of these listed companies have negative profit. With low or no profit, the benefit nixes, listed companies’ preference to equity fund is a reasonable phenomenon. Can be gained from debt fund is very little; the listed companies can even suffer from the financial distre ss caused by debt fund. So with the consideration of shareholders’ interest, the listed companies prefer to equity fund when need outside financial support in China.5. Shareholding structure factors and preference to equity fundListed companies not only face to external financing environmental impacts, but also the structure of the companies shares. Shareholding structure of Chinese listed companies shows characteristics as followed: I. Ownership structure is fairly complex. In addition to the public shares, there are shares held with inland fund and foreign stocks, state-owned shares, legal person shares, and internal employee shares, transferred allotted shares, A shares, B shares, H shares And N shares, and other distinction. From 1995 to 2003, Chines e companies’ outstanding shares of the total equity share almost have no change, even declined slightly. II. There are different prices, dividends, and rights of shares issued by same enterprise. III. The over-concentration of shares. We use the quantity of shares of the three major shareholders who top the list of shareholders of the listed companies to measure the concentration of stock. We study he concentration of stock of these companies which issue new share publicly in the years from 1995 to 2003 and focus on the situation of Chinese listed companies over the same period. The results showed that: from 1995 to 2003, the company-Which once transferred or allotted shares-whose top three shareholders’ shareholding ratio are generally higher than the average level of all the listed companies, and most of these company's top three shareholders holding 40 percent or higher percent of companies’ shares. In some years, the maximum number even is more than 90 percent, indicating that the company with the implementation of transferred and allotted shares have relatively high concentration rate of shares and major shareholders have absolute control over it. In short, transferring allotting shares and the issuance of additional shares have a certain relevance to the company’s concentration of ownership structure; the company's financing policy is largely controlled by the major shareholders.Chinese listed companies’ special s hareholding structure effects its financing action. Because stockholders of the state-owned shares, legal person shares, social and outstanding shares, foreign share have a different objective function, their modes of financing preferences vary, and their preference affect the financing structure of listed companies. Controlling shareholders which hold state-owned shares account for the status of enterprises and carry out financing decisions in accordance with their own objective function. When the objective function conflict with the other shareholders benefit, they often damage the interests of other shareholders by use of the status of controlling. As the first major shareholders of the companies, government has multiple objectives, not always market-oriented, it prefers to use safe fund such as equity fund to maintain the value of state-owned assets, thus resulting in listed company’s preference to equity financing. Debt financing bring business with greater pressure to pay off the par value and interests. Therefore, the state-owned companies are showing a more offensive attitude to debt fund, again because of Chinese state-controlled listed companies have the absolute status in all listed company.From: International Journal of Business and Management; October, 2009.译文:中国上市公司偏好股权融资:非制度性因素摘要:本文把重点集中于中国上市公司的融资活动,运用西方融资理论,从非制度性因素方面,如融资成本、企业资产类型和质量、盈利能力、行业因素、股权结构因素、财务管理水平和社会文化,分析了中国上市公司倾向于股权融资的原因,并得出结论,股权融资偏好是上市公司根据中国融资环境的一种合理的选择。