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1.规则rule 复数rules 班规class rules 校规school rules家规family rules

2.到达arrive 及用法arrive in+大地点arrive at+小地点。只表示到达没有地点时用arrive。

3.听,倾听listen to(动作) 听到hear(结果)

4.抱歉的sorry 向某人说抱歉say sorry to sb

5.重要的important 反义词不重要的unimportant 名词重要性importance

6.安静的quiet副词quietly 反义词吵闹的noisy

7.脏的dirty 反义词干净的clean

8.放松relax放松自己relax oneself 形容词令人放松的relaxing 感到放松的relaxed

9.阅读read=do some reading


11.记得想起remember记得去做某事remember to do sth 记得做过某事remember doing sth 反义词忘记forget

12.运气luck 形容词幸运的lucky不幸的unlucky 副词幸运地luckily 不幸地unluckily


1.上课迟到②arrive late for school=be late for school

2.在课堂上in class 在教室里in the classroom

3.在走廊in the hallways在餐厅in the dining hall 在学校图书馆in the school library

4.听音乐listen to music听老师listen to the teacher

5.准时(be) on time 及时in time

6.把……带到学校来bring…to school

7.音乐播放器music player

8.在外面吃饭eat outside


10.与某人打架fight with sb

11.在周末on weekends =on the weekend。

12.一些规则②some of the rules=some rules

很多规则③a lot of rules =lots of rules =many rules

13.外出娱乐go out

14.在上学期间的晚上on school nights在上学的日子on school days

15.练习吉他practice the guitar练习某事/练习做某事practice sth/ practice doing sth

16.洗餐具②do the dishes =wash the dishes做早饭make breakfast

整理床铺make one's/the bed

17.读一本书read a book

18.思考考虑及用法think about sth /doing sth

19对某人严格/对某事严格be strict with sb /be strict in sth

20.遵守规则②follow the rules=keep the rules 违反规则break the rules

21.太多的规则too many rules太多的钱too much money

22.祝某人好运Good luck to sb。

23.leave①离开离开上海leave Shanghai

动身去上海leave for Shanghai

离开北京去上海leave Beijing for Shanghai ②留下把某物留在某地。Leave sth+


24.keep 留短发keep my hair short

一直做某事keep doing sth

25.学习做某事learn to do sth

26.开心做某事have fun /have a good time doing


1.校规是什么?班规是什么?What are the school /class rules?

a不要上课迟到,你必须要准时。Don't arrive/be late for class.You must be on time.

b不要在走廊里跑。Don't run in the hallways.

c不要在教室吃东西。Don't eat in the classroom.

你必须在餐厅吃。You must eat in the dining hall.

d不要在课堂上听音乐。Don't listen to music in class.

e不要和别人打架Don't fight with others.

f不要在课堂上戴帽子。Don't wear a hat in class.

g不要在课堂上说话。Don't talk in class.

h我们不能带食物到教室里。Don't/We can't bring food to the classroom.

i我们不得不在上学的日子穿校服。We have to wear school uniforms on school days.

j我们必须准时完成我们的作业。We must finish our homework on time.

k我们不得不在5:50起床。We have to get up at five fifty.


Can we eat in the classroom?No,we can't, but we can eat in the dining hall.

3.他不得不在学校穿校服吗?是的./不.Does he have to wear a uniform at school?

Yes,he does.No,he doesn't.

4.你不得不做什么?我们不得不在学校图书馆里保持安静.What do you have to do?

We have to be quiet in the school library.

5.我们不需要每天来学校。We don't have to come to school every day.

Section B

1.在我们家我有太多的规则。I have too many rules at home.

2.现在起床并且整理你的床铺。Get up now and make your bed.

3.不要把脏盘子留在厨房。Don't leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.

4.我的爸爸说我不能在课后打篮球,因为我必须做我的作业。My dad says I can't play basketball after school because I must do my homework.

5.晚饭后我也不能放松。After dinner,I can't relax either.

6.在我可以看电视之前,我必须要读一本书。I must read a book before I can watch TV.

7.我知道你感觉如何。I know how you feel.


But remember,they make rules to help us,so we must follow them.


Because I have to learn to play the piano ,I never have fun.



