
以下是一些《海贼王》中的经典语录,包括中文、英文和日语:1.蒙其D路飞(Monkey D. Luffy):o中文:"我要成为海贼王!"o英文:"I'm going to be the Pirate King!"o日语:"俺は海賊王になるんだ!" (Ore wa kaizoku-ō ninarunda!)2.罗罗诺亚·索隆(Roronoa Zoro):o中文:"如果你的梦想死了,那就是死人了。
"o英文:"If you don't risk your life, you can't create a future.That's just how it is!"o日语:"命をかけないと、未来は作れねぇんだ。
それがおれの生き様だ!" (Inochi o kakenai to, mirai wa tsukurenēnda. Sorega ore no ikizama da!)3.娜美(Nami):o中文:"金钱与地图,这就是我梦寐以求的自由!"o英文:"Money and maps are what I desire. That's myfreedom!"o日语:"お金と地図、それが私の望む自由なの!" (Okane to chizu, sore ga watashi no nozomu jiyūna no!)4.山治(Sanji):o中文:"对于一个男人来说,害怕死去不是丢人现眼的事,但是如果他不尽自己所能活下去,就是耻辱。
"o英文:"For a man, not being able to protect those he cares about is the greatest shame."o日语:"男は、大切な人を守れぬことこそ、最大の恥だ。
海贼王(简单英文介绍)ONE PIECE

• • • • • • • • overcome ourselves 克服我们自己 never give up 永不放弃 eager for the historical fact 渴求历史的真相 pursue dream 追寻梦想 insist on promise 坚持承诺 entertain a belief 怀抱信念 confront the life面对人生 embrace emotion 拥抱情感
这是乔巴,一个害 羞的医生。我要成 为能医治任何病的 医生
This is Jopper, a shy doctor. But has a great dream !
I want to be a doctor who is able to cure any disease.
这是 尼克 罗宾,一个历史学家,因为 她拥有解读世界最危险武器的能力,所 以从小就在逃亡,没有亲人,没有伙伴, 只能相信她自己,直到遇见路飞,终于 有了自己的归属
This is Nico Robin, a historian. Because she has a reading ability of the world's most dangerous weapons, her childhood had been on the run. At that time, she has no family, no partner,can only trust herself.Until she met Luffy, and finally had its own attribution.
• •
This is Frankey a ship carpenter
This is Brook a musician and swordsman In order to better alive, he joined the Straw Hat Pirate Group

Many years later, in a small town a boy who called Mokey .D .Luffy .He met one of the most storngest pirate group.The captain of the group----Shanks.Shanks save Luffy’s life with broken an arm.When Shanks leave he gave his private hat to Luffy.And Luffy promised to Shanks that he will prove himself by become the King of private! So, ten years later,a big private begin sailing in great route.
路飞是一个和朋友有过承诺 的人,在他的脑中有着唯一 的信念,那就是“我是要成 为海贼王的男人!”。对他来 说,草帽就是承诺的见证。 故事就是围绕着这一信念展 开。
On the journey,Luffy get know with the other eight partners – Swordsman Zoro, cook Sanji, sniper Usopp, navigation Nami, the doctor Chopper,the historian Robin and the musician Brook. 在路飞的旅途上,结识了其他8位 伙伴—剑士索隆、厨师香吉士、阻 击手乌索普、航海士娜美、医生乔 巴‘历史学家罗宾‘船工弗朗奇还 有音乐家布鲁克。
One piece Straw Hat Pirate Group
பைடு நூலகம்

Dear teachers and students, good morning. The topic of my s peech today is the introduction of the One Piece.One Piece is one of my favorite anime.It tells the story of a young man named Luffy who dreamed of becoming the pirate King. He became a rubber man because he ate the devil's fruit by mistake. Ten years later, he went to sea to fulfill his agreement with Shanks. He kept looking for like-minded partne rs and began his adventure to become the pirate King.Luffy, alias Straw Hat Kid, is the captain of the Straw Hat Pir ate Group. He thinks that pirate King is the freest person on the sea and dreams of becoming the pirate King.Zorro, nicknamed Pirate Hunter, a combatant in the Straw Hat Gang, is a highly skilled swordsman with three swords, who can freely use three swords to fight. In order to make an appo intment with his best friend when he was a child, he embar ked on the road to the world's first swordsman, and then b ecame the first partner of the Luffy.Sanji, a group of cook s in Straw Hat, is a playboy but very graceful, a gentlema n among pirates. When he was a child, he learned cooking f rom Red Foot Zepp. Kicking skill was called "black feet"for his speed,but he is never willing to hurt any woman, even the enemy. The dream is to find the Sea All Blue a nd follow Luffy into the great st but not least,For those brave adventurers, their dreams are at the end of the sea. I believe they can do it. I hope we can fight for our dreams and realize them.That's the end of my spee ch.Thanks for your listening.。

海贼王动画中文歌词(OP-01~08)(ED-01~18)※OP01 WE ARE!※001-047,279-283(主角合唱)财富名誉权力曾经拥有世界上的一切的男人海贼王哥鲁多·罗杰他在临刑前的一句话让全世界的人们趋之若骛奔向大海我的财宝吗想要的话可以全部给你去找吧我把世界上的一切都放在那里于是男子汉们都涌向伟大航路去追寻梦想大海贼时代来临了收集仅有的梦去探讨搜寻的东西ONE PIECE指南针停滞在原位迎着烈日掌舵前行骄傲的琢磨着宝藏的地图确实不再是传说个人的雾乘载着谁的旋律如果想象得到的话就再好不过了!收集仅有的梦去探讨搜寻的东西口袋里的硬币,还有You wanna be my Friend?We are, We are on the cruise!We are!始终相信能经得起任何考验一直并肩领导如果这次相会,一定会秉烛夜谈相会后的事情和将来的事情无论何时,何人遇到困境都是倾诉的好时机自我意识过甚!甩掉漆黑的夜!然而对于宝箱的兴趣还不大口袋里的硬币,还有You wanna be my Friend?We are, We are on the cruise!We are!收集仅有的梦去探讨搜寻的东西口袋里的硬币,还有You wanna be my Friend?We are, We are on the cruise!We are!We are! We are!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※OP02 Believe!※048-115世代传承的意志时代的浪潮人的梦想这些都是无法阻挡的只要人们继续追求自由的解答这一切都将永不停止我只相信着未来就算有人笑我也无所谓奔驰的热情让你更耀眼虽然好刺眼但我仍要继续凝视有种美学的感觉I'm really really stuck on you!不同于任何人梦想的背影追,不停的追高潮迭起直到到手为止Believe In Wonderland!那个别人都看不见的梦抓,努力去抓我会一路跟随热切的心情我不一定要合乎逻辑那些一成不变的日子朝天堂前进Believe In Wonderland!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※OP03 ビカリヘ※116-168世界吗没错去追求自由这个能够选择的世界就在你的面前无限延伸着未完成的梦想就是引导你们前进的方向去超越吧在信念的旗帜的带领下我刚刚启程去寻找伴随着飞溅的浪花永不停息地奔向世界心中的热情驱使着我坚持到最后一刻追寻那从未见过的曙光夏日的太阳鼓励心灵的风帆开辟通往新世界的航海图乘风破浪冲出绝望向水平线的那一端前进我刚刚启程去寻找伴随着飞溅的浪花永不停息地奔向世界心中的热情驱使着我坚持到最后一刻追寻那从未见过的曙光-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※OP04 BON VOYAGE!※169-206知道吗?在大海的尽头有一个巨大的宝藏将它拿到手的人就能成为海贼王是不是很令人兴奋?从未听说过的冒险在等待着我们一路顺风鼓起那一点点的勇气已经可以依稀看见那未来的征途最初大家描绘的那些零乱的地平线现在已经可以在一架望远镜中看到那正在困扰你心灵的迷惑的命运之罗盘却可以让一切顺畅地继续一路顺风将羁绊和过去全部丢弃尽管如此我们还是应该尽情地笑请不要吝惜那为了梦想而流下的泪水它在我生命中最为珍贵已经可以依稀看见那未来的征途了-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※OP05 心的地图※207-263不要怕,来吧,我们一起向前迈进太阳永在我们心中我们手牵手传递力量紧紧抓住那希望我们乘风破浪,齐心协力向那振奋人心的地方疾速前航,信号已经响起现在正是起航的时候,收起船锚迎着那七色彩风,驶向冒险之海虽然前路坎坷但那里有珍贵的宝藏即使前路凶险,无论何时我都会保护着你不要怕,来吧,我们一起向前迈进太阳永在我们心中暴风雨来了,我们肩并肩遥望前方的希望集起梦的碎片就能成为迈向未来的航海图让我们在同一面旗帜下紧紧抓住那希望我们是一条心的好伙伴-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※OP06 全新世界※264-278向前冲向前冲向天空高高扬起旗帜跨越无边无际的大海探求其中神秘寻找大家从未见过的世界奇迹怀着跃动的心情随心所欲向前进沿着追梦之人留下的足迹就算是暴风雨的夜晚只要齐心协力就定能冲破险峻无论何时向前冲向前冲向天空高高扬起旗帜虽然也会流下不愿示人的泪水追赶着追赶着指示梦想的罗盘直率的眼神我们不会止步Around the worldStart me up向前冲向前冲冲得比谁都前若无法逃脱就紧紧抓住明天追赶着追赶着如今在眼中映出的一切铭刻在纯洁的心中Brand new world-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※OP07 疯狂彩虹※284-325Darling Darling蔚蓝色的大海上浮动的云彩沾湿了迷茫的明天黄昏来临前也要尽情欢笑用希望在小小的心灵中刻下梦想的咒文疯狂的梦幻之星!!耀眼的梦幻之星!!七色的音符奏出加速的预感疯狂的梦幻之星!!不一起来吗?我们堕天使在释放梦想Darling Darling疯狂的梦幻之星!!我是一颗疯狂的梦幻之星!!疯狂的梦幻之星!!耀眼的梦幻之星!!蔚蓝色的大海将叠上怎样的色彩?疯狂的梦幻之星!!耀眼的梦幻之星!!将眼中的悲伤化去送你一根温暖的羽毛不可思议的堕天使来自心底的歌唱Darling Darling-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※OP08 Jungle P※326-漫历世间汪洋高声呐喊怀着畅快的心情吹响出发的号角避开命运安排的航线我们向着天空与海洋的分界点扬帆起航在黑暗的大海深渊展开令人屏息的冒险单凭想像不就很令人期待吗?漫历世间汪洋高声呐喊怀着畅快的心情吹响出发的号角真想永远牢印那出航时的心情那样就能无所畏惧如今无法抑制那高昂的情绪踏上旅途吧每个腼腆的内心都铭刻下冒险的旋律分享着那宝藏般的喜悦高声畅笑在狂欢的喜宴中将它们放飞随风飘扬Life is "Adventurous"Be aware it's "Dangerous" Who's gonna be "One of us" And a trip goes on because We da pirate of the "Mass" To the West To the East Gotta find my way, Sail away All the way to "One Piece"将梦想填入空荡的胸膛展翅高飞当舒畅的风填满你的内心勇往直前分享着那宝藏般的喜悦高声畅笑在狂欢的喜宴中将它们放飞随风飘扬※ED01 Memories※001-030小时候找到的宝藏图总是浮现在脑海中永远在寻找奇迹之地不输给远方的某人这一次还是没有捉住梦想如果世界能够改变对于一无所知的我带我走吧为了重拾童年的回忆-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED02 Run!Run!Run!※031-063因为传递不了满怀的心情所以要紧紧握着你的手就算是一个人我也要出发再怎么远也请你一直看着我今天早上我一直在想为什么如此的投入呢什么时候开始心里老盘旋着这些话因为想抓住开始起跑的心我自己也只有跟着走了我也想拥抱开始起飞的梦想如果是和你一起我就可以向前冲-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED03 私がいるよ※064-073有我在啊,这首温柔的歌为我们俩人而传递海浪拍打小小的沙堡抬头看着流动的云哭泣的笑容尽管这世上时光流转放心依靠着我不要忘了信任的感觉有我在啊,心爱的人我会一直抱着你有我在-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED04 しようちのすけ※074-081这世界是如此辽阔或许宝藏就在某个地方就像天文学的概率光凭偶然和运气是什么都得不到的所以无论谁想阻止我或是在背后嘲笑我船还会照样前进别管他变傻吧抛弃智慧任性而为远大的梦想是没有界限的野心变傻吧抛弃智慧我要奋战远方的大海一定是最棒的天堂只要用尽全力不管是多远的水平线都能渐渐接近-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED05 Before Dawn※082-094这个不夜城趁着现在打个小盹昨天之前到今天似乎有一些改变一定能够重新开始因为不再是一个人只要你陪在我身边我就觉得自己能变坚强究竟能到达什么地方通往未来的路在远方闪耀着光辉包围着这个世界在黎明之前-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED06 Fish※095-106就像小时候想像的探险家一样义无反顾地朝梦想的尽头前进如果化身为手心里的水珠滴落沙粒和时间将会让我明白,我是为它而存在的让我们用最快的速度不停地向前游直到那无人知晓的未知揭开神秘面纱的那一天-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED07 君がいるから※107-118我总是想和你说话但是却连一半也说不出口我就在你的身边每当梦想相互传达时都会闪耀出光芒你悄悄地送给我的笑容令我非常的高兴也很温柔Glory Gliry You're my Shine这个眼泪也因为有你而变成了勇气我好想变得更坚强好想跟你互相分享一定可以到达我们的目的地的-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED08 Shining Ray※119-132要往哪里走才能找到更加美好的明天举起船舵奇迹的地图就会在胸中展开向着天空寻找梦想虽然也会迷路但和你相遇绝对不会是梦想寻找一个完美的自己只要有一点点勇气就能得到很大的收获愿望如今已成为了誓言Shining Ray! Find you pure brand new way憧憬着未来的发展现在让所有的想法迎风飞舞Shining Ray! Find you pure brand new wayA never ending journey to be together无论到哪里都会一直追逐Shining Ray-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED09 Free Will※133-156继续朝着没有尽头的天空前进现在开始描述似曾相识的未来有时自己也可能会失败但是总会出现温暖的彼方值得骄傲的我自己拥有的地方仿佛有什么在轻推我的背在漫天的星空下无法忘怀-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED10 Faith※157-168虽然那充满泪水的日子已经远去但仍想请你不要忘记那些与你分担烦恼和痛苦的伙伴们都还在这里我们坚定不移的信念一定能将梦想实现那谁都渴求的永恒的光辉我们也一定能紧握在手中-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED11 A to Z※169-181一如既往全力向前A TO Z奋勇冲出几度的忧烦不断的跌倒只要能够到达顶峰就无怨无悔在那朝阳升起的大海彼岸肯定会有些什么光耀夺目的太阳啊变得越来越耀眼Ah~ Where did you bow 又跌倒了几次没有关系因为我们现在确实在为了明天的目标而努力Say Smile!回到你朋友中去……-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED12 Tsuki to Taiyou※182-195孤独的时候只想大声地呼喊彷徨的时候总是凝望着夜空往事如月光一般转瞬即逝虽然总使人静静淡忘但我却一点一滴铭记于心就这样在记忆中铸成不变的誓言在无数个放飞梦想的夜晚漂泊中平凡的旅人们啊啊既便旅途遥遥无期也一定会鼓起勇气前行吧-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED13 Dreamship※196-206快步向伟大的彼方前进先让我们追逐梦想和誓言那洋溢而出的所有答案都在这里奔跑吧开始奔跑永不停息地沿那广阔无边的道路向前我们生气勃勃不服输绝不服输再大的峭壁都能毫不畏惧地跨过-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED14 未来航海※207-230向着橙色的遥远地平线今日的风拂过渡过黎明之海夜不能寐眼中只有明日这等热情任谁也无法阻挠希望也好传说也罢虽然经历万千总之背负一切微笑就好无论何时我们都拥有梦想力争上游高高伸出双臂无论何时都永存心中拥抱那太阳一定能到达那个地方-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED15 永久指针※231-245紧紧抓住梦的碎片我们追逐着不变的目标漂浮在那憧憬的天空中精疲力竭之时仍紧握罗盘不断地追寻着梦想何时才能到达梦的彼岸就这样尽快成熟起来抬头仰望浩瀚的天空直到永久永久儿时梦的故事追忆已忘却的那模糊不清的年代至今也不曾熄灭胸中的火种向那熟悉的万里晴空寄托朋友和孩子的思念越过时代的变迁直到永久永久-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED16 Dear friends※246-255那一天憧憬着梦想的我们坚信着彼此的信念跨过波涛汹涌的大海比任何人都要勇敢虽说充满着遐想即便你离开这条船去了不同的世界最后定能开怀畅笑-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED17 明日终将到来※256-263欲传达之事总是难以言谕迷惘着探索着走过一生此刻仿佛寻到一线光明若能追赶而上渐行渐远的未来就不再是梦多少次多少次蓦然驻足交织着笑颜与泪水无论暗夜多么深邃美好的明日也终将到来-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------※ED18 冒险世界※264-278面对重重障碍更加勇敢面对此刻怀着高涨的力量大步向前冲无所畏惧哪怕抛弃一切最后定能绽开笑颜用双手把握第一目标自由自在的Wonderland看啊看那微弱的光芒照耀着明日之路孤注一掷开创时代永远充满力量Let's go 若要获得荣耀一定就算此刻无所畏惧终能和同伴一起赢得来吧向着广阔的世界大步奔跑怀着未知的力量飞向空中没有畏惧不再迷惘纵然路途艰难最后面对重重障碍定能更加勇敢面对此刻怀着高涨的力量大步向前冲无所畏惧哪怕抛弃一切也要勇往直前奔向明天最后定能绽开笑颜。

The sea is very very big,it can always make us think that what will be in the other side of the sea.
茫茫无际的大 海总是能勾起 人们无限的遐 想,海的那一 头到底是什么?
For those brave risk-takers, their dream at the end of sea.I believe that the can do it.Hope all of us can fight for our own dreams and achieve them.
在路飞的旅途上,结识了其他8位 伙伴—剑士索隆、厨师香吉士、狙
击手乌索普、航海士娜美、医生乔 巴、历史学家罗宾、船工弗朗奇还 有音乐家布鲁克。
sharp-shooter:usopp Navigator:Nami Historian:Nico Robin
The doctor:Tony Tony ChopperThe mechanic:Franky The musician:brook
。 世 界 就 此 迎 来 大 海 贼 时
驶 去 ,
句 话 , 男 子 汉 们 向 着 伟 大
的 一 切 都 放 在 那 里 了 ! ” 。
我 的 财 宝 吗 ? 去 找 吧 , 我
罗 杰 在 临 死 前 留 下 一 句 话
久 以 前 , 海 贼 王 哥
Many years later, in a small town a boy who called Mokey .D .Luffy .He met one of the most storngest pirate group.The captain of the group----Shanks.Shanks save Luffy’s life with broken an arm.When Shanks leave he gave his pirate hat to Luffy.And Luffy promised to Shanks that he will prove himself by become the King of private! So, ten years later,a big pirate begin sailing in great route.

大学英语演讲海贼王第一篇:大学英语演讲海贼王Good morning professor and my classmates。
My name is zyy。
I come from the school ofmedical science and laboratory medicine,my major is medical microbiology。
today,I will represent our team have a speech。
this team has other 2 girls named gcj and yxy。
I will introduce my favorite comic to you briefly,the title of this comic is one piece,maybe many of you know that。
In the world of one piece,the mainland which throughout north and south and a sea area['eərɪə)(海区)named Great channel(伟大航道)part the ocean in 4 part,the north sea, south sea, east sea and west sea。
(在One Piece的世界中,整个海洋被一条贯穿南北的大陆和叫做伟大航道的海区划分为东、西、南、北四块海洋。
)In this story,there are navy ['neɪvɪ)and pirates,however,the navy are not all justice,at the same time,the pirates are not all evil and bad。
It is the background of the story that a few years ago,one person,he had all the world's wealth,reputation and rights,he was a very famous and respectable [rɪ'spektəb(ə)l](值得尊重的)pirate named GOLD.D.ROGER(格鲁-d-罗杰),he said a secret about his treasure in his last-minute,ROGER was called the king of pirate。

He said a sentence before dying, “Do you want my wealth ,you can get. I put everything in there, you can go to find it! ”
One piece
This is a story about dreams.
One person, he has all the world‘s wealth【财 富】, reputation【名声】 and rights【权利】, he is King of the pirates【海贼】——Gold D Roger【哥 尔·D·罗杰】.
He is 19-year-old.The chef【厨师】 of the Straw Hat Pirate Group. He is a cook . So he always sad easily when food is wasted. He likes women and likes helping them. His dream is to find the legendary sea【传说之海】 and cooking every kind of fish in the world.
He is 19-year-old.The
swordman 【剑士】 of the Straw
Hat Pirate Group.
He was the first to join the crew

海贼王经典语录英文版1. "I don't want to conquer anything. I just think that the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean is the Pirate King!" - Monkey D. Luffy2. "There's no such thing as a righteous pirate. However, I'm no hero either. To be a pirate, you have to have two things: a ship anda dream." - Monkey D. Luffy3. "I'll become stronger, and then I'll beat you with everything I've got! That's how I'll make it to the top!" - Roronoa Zoro4. "Being alone is more painful than getting hurt." - Usopp5. "Inherited will, the destiny of the age, and the dreams of its people. These things will not be stopped. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of freedom, these things will never cease to be!" - Gol D. Roger6. "If you don't take risks, you can't create a future." - Monkey D. Luffy7. "The weak don't get to decide anything, not even how they die." - Trafalgar D. Water Law8. "I don't wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that'll be enough." - Portgas D. Ace9. "When you give up, that's when the game is over." - Monkey D. Luffy10. "When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom? No! It's when they're forgotten." - Dr. Hiriluk11. "Whether sky or earth, if I've decided this is the path I'll follow, then I'll never regret it." - Monkey D. Luffy12. "Isn't it better to die fighting than to die without ever having fought at all?" - Monkey D. Luffy13. "You need to accept the fact that you're not the best and have all the will to strive to be better than anyone you face." - Roronoa Zoro14. "The past is the past. You can't undo what's done, but you can face the consequences and make a new path." - Nami15. "Even if there's a small chance, we still have to fight with everything we have. We can't let ourselves regret anything." - Roronoa Zoro16. "There comes a time when a man has to stand and fight. That time is when his friends or dreams are laughed at!" - Blackbeard 17. "Power isn't determined by your size, but by the size of your heart and dreams." - Tony Tony Chopper18. "If you don't fight, you can't win." - Brook19. "There are things you can't see unless you fight. So come on and let's fight together." - Sanji20. "You can't bring back what you've lost. Think about what you have now!" - Gol D. Roger。
One piece《海贼王》!

Sanji He is 19 years old who likes smoking very much. As a cook, he will never refuse someone who wants to have a meal. Also he would never use his hands in the fight, because he thinks that the cook's hand is precious. He has his own chivalry; he never hurt women even if she is the enemy. His dream is to find the All Blue, a famous sea, containing every kind of fish in the world. 香吉士 他19岁,非常喜欢吸烟。作为一名厨师,他永远不会拒绝要吃饭的人。他也永 远不会在战斗中使用他的手,因为他认为厨师的手是珍贵的。他有他自己的 骑士精神,他从不伤害女人即使她是敌人。他的梦想是找到ALL BLUE,一个 著名的海,包含世界鱼类中的每一种。
Roger had left words” Do you wants to my wealth? To find it, All my wealth are there, I left it at somewhere in great route!” when he died .Because of the word, more and more people travel to t route, to find the wealth. So the big pirate time of the world was coming!

海贼王经典语录英文版以下是《海贼王》中的几个经典语录的英文版本:路飞的经典台词:•"I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!" 我是要成为海贼王的男人!•"We are partners!" 我们是伙伴啊!黑胡子的经典台词:•"A man's dream will never die!" 人的梦想,是不会终结的!开场白Opening1 "We Are":•"Wealth, fame, power. The man who had acquired everything in the world, the Pirate King, Gold Roger. The final words that were said at his execution sent the people to the seas."动漫人物的经典语句英文版(未指明角色):•"I want to see him and be his strength before his heart breaks!"海王经典中英文的台词(非《海贼王》,而是电影《速度与激情7》):•"No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother." 无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。

• Nine people,nine dreams, this is a story about a group of youth like dreaming,they have dreams, they have companions……
• Next, let's look at these children'Fra bibliotek dreams
Today,I want to introduce a cartoon about dream.Its name is
I would like to create
a map of the world saw their
这是 乌索普 ,一个拥有成为海上 勇士这一真实梦想的爱说谎孩子
This is Sanji, a sea cook, he want to find a name of all blue sea. All the fish are concentrated in that, there is a cook's paradise 。
• a navigator with superior surveying skills and have a dream to make a map of the world,she loves money very much.
这是 娜美 ,一个拥有卓越的测绘技能的航海士,她有 一个画出世界地图的梦想,她最喜欢的就是钱。

海賊王を目指し冒険を繰り広げるマンガ『ONE PIECE』。
そこで今回は『オトメスゴレン』女性読者に聞いた「『こんな彼氏がほしい!』と思ってしまう『ONE PIECE』のキャラ9パターン」を紹介します。
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这是罗罗诺 亚·索隆他的 方向感很差, 很容易迷失方 向。他非常的 爱睡觉和很喜 欢喝酒。他的 目标是成为世 界上最伟大的 剑客。
This is Roronoa.Zoro, His poor sense of direction, it is easy to get lost. He is very fond of love sleeping and drinking. His goal is to become the world's greatest swordsman.
这是乌索普, 他是个骗子, 有才华的发 明家,拥有 显着的艺术 天赋,他的 梦想是成为 一个“海上 勇士”。
This is Usopp, He is a liar, talented inventor and has notable artistic talent, his dream is to become a "brave warrior of the sea".
这是娜美, 一个拥有卓 越的测绘技 能的航海士, 她有一个画 出世界地图 的梦想,她最 喜欢的就是 钱和橘子。
This is Nami,a navigator with superior surveying skills and have a dream to make a map of the world,her favorite is money and oranges.
这是一个关于梦想的故事。 茫茫无际的大海总是能勾起人们无 限的遐想,海的那一头到底是什么?对那些勇敢的冒险者而言, 大海的尽头就是自己的梦想,即便是那些亡命的海贼也有着自己 为之奋斗的梦想。
Next: let us look at
这是我们的主角 蒙奇.D.路飞, 他受他年少时的’ 英雄红发香克斯 “的感染,立志 要找到伟大的宝 藏,成为新的海 贼王。要做到这 点他必须到达致 命危险的海洋: 伟大的航路 This is our leading role - Monkey· D· Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red Haired" Shanks, sets out on a journey to find the legendary One Piece, to become the new Pirate King. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line.
这是布鲁克, 一个音乐家兼 剑士,最后一 位草帽海贼团 成员。他的目 标是要绕伟大 航路一圈,并 返回到颠倒山, 看看他的老朋 友拉布。
This is Brook, a musician and swordsman, the last member of Straw Hat Pirates Group. His goal is to circle the Grand Line and return to Reverse Mountain to see his old friend Laboon.
This is a story about a dream. Boundless sea always evoke an unlimited source of fascination for the people, the sea and that one in the end that? For those brave risk-takers, the sea at the end is his dream, even though desperate for pirates also have their own fight for dreams.
这是山治,一个 海上厨师并且非 常喜欢吸烟他 的梦想是找到 All Blue ,一 个著名的海,包 含世界鱼类中的 每一种。
This is Sanji, an offshore cook and likes smoking very much.His dream is to find the All Blue, a famous sea, containing every kind of fish in the world.
这是托尼托尼 乔巴,他是蓝 鼻子驯鹿和一 个非常害羞的 医生, 随时 准备帮助有需 要的患者。他 的梦想是治愈 世界上所有的 疾病。
This is Tony Tony Chopper , He is a blue nose reindeer and a very shy doctor, always ready to help patients in need. His dream is to cure all diseases in the world.
“万里阳光号” 是草帽海贼团 继黄金梅利号 之后的一艘新 船,船头是雄 伟的狮子,是 草帽海贼团必 不可少的伙伴, 它会继承梅利 号的精魂。
“Thousand Sunny” is the straw hat pirates after a new ship after the Going Merry, bow is the majestic lion, is essential to the straw hat pirates partners, it will inherit the spirit of Merry.
Because we are partners, we stubbornly persists.
这就是弗兰奇, 船舶木匠,他本 来是想制造出梦 想之船,但“万 里阳光号”完成 后,只想看到自 己制造的船能到 达世界尽头。
This is Franky, a ship carpenter, he wanted to create a dream boat, but the "Thousand Sunny" after the completion, just want to see their own manufacturing ships can reach the end of the world.
This is a story about partnership.
Because we are partners, we trust each other.
Because we are partners, we have a common destiny.
这是 妮可.罗 宾,一个历史 学家,她非常 聪明,并且在 她很小的时候 自学考古学。 她的目标是找 到真正的历史 正文。
This is Nico.Robin, a historian. She is extremely intelligent, having taught herself archaeology at a very young age. Her goal is to find the real history of the body.