



下列定义所表示的名称:1.a minimum unit of meaning :(morpheme)2.a morpheme to which affixescan be added : (root)3.a linguistic form that can occur as an independent word: (free form)4.a morpheme that must occur with at least one other morpheme: (bound form)5.a bound morpheme attached to a base (root or stem): (affix)6.an affix attached to the beginning of a base (root or stem ): (prefix)7.an affix attached to the end of a base (root or stem) : (suffix)8.an affix (in English,usually a suffix) that changes the form of a word without changing its part of speech or basic meaning: (inflectional affix)9.the process by which noninfectional affixes are added to roots to form words: (derivation)10.the process of joining together two linguistic forms which can function independently : (compounding)各组单词中共同的粘着词根、其词源及语义:1.acoustic,acoustical,acoumeter,acoustician,acoustics,acouphone:(acou-听,GK)2aerodomestics,erodrome,erodynamic,aerofoil,aerogramme,aerolite,aerography,aeronauti cs,aerophysics,aeroplane,aerosphere: (aero-空气GK)3.agenda,agent,agile, active,actor,actual,enact,inactive,transact,interact,react:(ag-,ac-做L)4.agrarian,agricultural,agriculture,agrimotor,agrobiology,agrochemical,agrology,agronom ic,agronomy,agrostology,agrotechnique,agrotechny,agrotown,agrotype: (agr-土地L)5.altimeter,altimetry,altitude,alto,exalt,contralto: (alt-高L)6.amateur,amatory,amiable,amicable,amorous,enamoured,unamiable:(am-,amor-爱L)7.Ample,ampleness,amply,amplidyne,amplification,amplifier,amplify,amplitude,radioam plifier: (ampl-充足L)8.annals,annual,perennial,centennial,annuity,biennial: (ann-年L)9anthropology,philanthropist,misanthropical,anthropotomy,anthropogeneses,anthropogra phy,anthropophagus: (anthrop- 人类GK)10aqualung,aquanaut,aquaplane,aquanelle,aquarium,aquatic,aqueous,aquiculture,aquosity ,subaquatic,subaqueous,terraqueous,aqueduct: (aqu-水L)11archangel,archbishop,arch-criminal,archdeacon,archdiocese,archenemy,archfiend: (arch- 首要GK)12asterisk,asterism,asteroid,astrodome,astrodynamics,astrograph,astrologer,astrology,astr onautics,astronavigation,astronomer,astronomy: (astr- 星GK)13atmosphere,atmolysis,atmometer,atmeter,atmoseal,atmospherics:(atmo-气体GK)14audible,audibility,inaudible,audience,audiology,audio-visual,audiometer,audiophile,aud iophile,audition,auditor,auditorium: (aud- 听L)15atoalarm,autobiographer,autoboat,autobus,autochrome,autoclave,autocrat,autograph,au toinfection,automate,automatic,automation,automobile,autonomy,autotruck,autotype: (auto- 自己GK)16barodynamics,barogram,barograph,barometric,barothermograph:(bar-压力GK)17bathymeter,bathymetric,bathysphere,bathythermograph:(bathy-深海的GK)18Bible,bibliofilm,bibliography,bibliology,bibliolater,bibliomania,bibliophile,bibliophilis m,bibliopole,bibliotheca,bibliotic,bibliotist: (biblio- 书籍GK)19bioassay,biocatalyst,biochemistry,biocide,bioclean,bioclimatic,bioclimatolgy,bioelectri city,biology,biogeneses,biogenic,biogeography,biography,biometerology,bionics,bioscope ,biosyntheses,biotic: (bio- 生命GK)20.Breve,breviary,brevirostrate,brevity,brief,abbreviate,abridge: (bre- 简短L)用否定前缀in-(及其变体),non-,un-构成下列单词的反义词:mature:im regular:ir considerate:in noble:in contentious:non legitimate:il metal:non passive:im ferrous:non accuracy:in endurable:un variance:in inductive: non legible:il reasonable:un rational:ir scrupulous:un staple: non balance:im legalize:il写出下列单词中前缀的意义:antecedent: before byproduct: near apocope: off enclose: in endobiotic: inside epitaph: outside expire: out foretell: before hypocrite: beneath include: in infrared: under intercede: between: intramural: within introspect: into outbid: exceeding overwork: beyond postgraduate: after precede: before proceed: forward retrospect:back subscribe: below superman: above supramundane: beyond transmit: across ultraconservatism: extreme以所列的单词为第一个成分,根据定义写出复合名词(A)green: 1.a stretch of land,round a town,where building is not allowed,so that fields woods,etc,remain:greenbelt 2.a shop-keeper who sells vegetables and fruit:greengrocer3.a young,inexperienced person,especially male,who is easily cheated: greenhorn4.a room in a theatre or concert hall where actors musicians,etc.,can rest when not performing :greenroom(B)hand: 1.a small bag for a woman to carry her money and personal things in: handbag2.a short book giving all the most important information about a subject: handbook3.an apparatus that stops a vehicle,worked by the driver’s hand: handbreak4.a bar of wood or metal fixed beside a place where one walks for holding onto,especially near stairs: handrail(C)after:1.The care or treatment to someone after a period in hospital,prison,etc: aftercare 2.an effect (usually unpleasant) that follows some time after the cause or after the main effect: aftereffect 3.a taste that stays in the mouth after the food that caused it in no longer there : aftertaste 4.an idea that comes later: afterthought (D)sleeping: 1a large thick envelope or bag of warm material for sleeping in when camping:sleeping bag 2a railway carriage with beds for passengers:sleeping car3a pill which helps a person to sleep:sleeping pill4.a partner in a business who takes no active part in its operation: sleeping partner (E) running :1. a person with whom another is running for a pair of political positions of greater or less importance,especially those of President and vice-Prisident: running mate 2. handwriting in which the letters are slanted and the words formed without lifting the pen : running hand 3.a headline repeated on consecutive pages (as of a book):running head 4.a footboard especially at the side of an automobile: running board(F)wash: 1.a large fixed basin for water for washing one’s hands and face: washbasin2.a movable board with a wavy surface against which clothes may be rubbed when washing: washboard3.a woman whose job is to wash clothes,often in her own home:washerwoman4.a cloth that is used for washing one’s face and body : washcloth (G)sun:1.the condition of having sore skin after experiencing the effects of strong sunlight:sunburn 2a flash of sunlight,especially through a break in clouds: sunburst3.the time when the sun is seen to disappear as night begins:sunset4.strong sunlight,as when there are no clouds:sunshine(H)break:1.aa sudden failure in operation:breakdown2.the unlawful cantering of a building,using force : break-in3.the action of forcing a way through the enemy: breakthrough4.a division int smaller parts:breakup(I)out:1.sudden appearance or beginning of something bad:outbreak2.a public show of anger:outcry3.money spent for a purpose :outlay4.a way through which something (usually a liquid or a gas )may go out: outlet将下列复合动词译成汉语Blue-pencil:修改,校正cold-shoulder:冷淡court-martial:对...进行军法审判Handcuff:将...上手铐pitch-fork:骤然;把...塞进sandbag:用沙袋阻塞Shipwreck:船只失事short-circuit:使短路snowball:(滚雪球似的)增长Wisecrack:说俏皮话找出下列句子中由名词转化的动词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.A shy,frightened child…”Name the Czar of Russia”2.At once the villagers formed a circle…3.Agamermnon with the rest of the Greek army sailed away..4.Almost before the Trojans could arm themselves..5.I began to see… would expect a large purse stuffed with..6.A few years ago the landlady locked the front7.An upstairs…,questioned the men and …8.The children headed toward school…9.Like the…,branching out…10.An hour went by and darkness still shrouded…11.They boarded boats12.The day-to-day…hard to measure,13.,smog results14.There are a few success stories in battling air…15.Pollution can be trapped before16.If nations traded item17.She’s the one who’s sapped your confidence.18.…,fairly well dressed but19.The young… by pocketing the money.20.But the preparation … to flake off even…形容词转动词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.Calming d own,…2.Such was Pompeii … has been cleared away.3.Houses and clothes must be cleaned more frequently4.…”helped raise the standard of living and lower the standard of air”5.…There his father opened a business…6.The Academy of Science was closed to him7.…to rise are cooled and…8.He emptied out…9.…,and it took half an hour to free him10.The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun.动词转名词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.Why is thisenormous increase in population …to the spread of the …2.…came to the aid of the surgeon…3.I know my friends from the feel of their faces.4.…personalities by touch5.…,between serves6.…of his slow grins7.…an appealing look.8.…has given rise to these…9.…as if it were a chew of tobacco.10.…get rid of Rex.写出下列报刊标题中使用的截短词的全称 auto workers end strike.(automobile)2.Soviet sub off Japan.(submarine)3.Palestinian demos mark massacres.(demonstrations):first use of nuke weapons not unlawful.(nuclear)5.Viet troops suffer setback in Kampuchea.(Vietnamese)6.Iran asks for into on stolen gems.(information)7.Petrochemical Corp builds 42 banks.(corporation)8.Rural-credit co-ops to get more autonomy.(cooperatives)9.W Europe acts to meet high-tech challenge.(high-technology)10.Setback for governing parties in Euro vote.(European)写出下列首字母拼音词的全称并译成汉语1.AIM: Air Intercept Missile 空中截击导弹2.BADGE: Base Air Defence Ground Environment 基地防空地面警备系统3.BAR: Browning Automatic Rifle 勃朗宁自动步枪4.CAR: Civil Air Regulations 民航条例5.CORE: Congress of Racial Equality 争取权平等大会6.DOP: developing-out paper 相纸7.FIA T: Fabbrica Italiana Automobili 菲亚特汽车公司8.MAP: Military Aid Program 军事援助计划9.MOSS: manned orbital space station 在人轨道空站10.MOUSE: minimum orbital unmanned satellite the earth 不载人的最小地球卫星11.NANA: North America Newspaper Alliance 北美报业联盟12.NA TO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织13.OPEC;Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织14.SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈15.SAM: surface-to-air missile 地对空导弹16.SEA TO: Southeast Asia Treaty Organizaion 东南亚条约组织17.SHAPE: Supreme Head quarters of Allied Powers in Europe 欧洲盟军最高司令部18.UFO :Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物19.Vera: Vision electronic recording apparatus 电子录像机20.Zip: Zone improvement plan 邮政编码制度写出下列复合动词是什么词逆生而来1.globe-trot:globe-trotter2..brainwash:brainwashing3.ghost-write:ghost-writer4.sleep-walk:sleep-walker5.spoon-feed:spoon-fed6.air-condition:air-conditioning7.book-keep:book-keeper 8.browbeat:browbeating9..caretake:caretaker 10.gatecrash:gatecrasher11.housebreak:housebreaker 12.housekeep:housekeeper13.mass-produce:mass-production 14.muckrake:muckraker15.proof-read:proof-reading 16.sightsee:sightseeing17.stage-manage:stage-manager 18.merry-make:merry-making19.street-walk:street-walker 20.window-shop:window-shopping下列概念意义可以用什么英语单词确切的表达出来:A.1.to walk laboriously,with effort:pold,trudge2.to walk like a duck:waddle3.to walk in a pompous or affected manner:struct4.to slide and drag the feet:stagger5.to walk in a loose,ungainly way:slouch6.to walk with long steps:stride7.to walk affectedly with short steps:mince8.to walk slowly,wasting time:dawdle9.to walk as if wearing slippers:shuffle10.to walk in a busy,active way:hustleB.1.to speak in a slow,prolonged manner:drawl2.to make involuntary breaks in utterance:stammer3.to express displeasure with compressed lips:mutter4.to talk rapidly,making inarticulate sounds:gabble5.to pronounce the sibilant letter imperfectly:lisp6.to have a friendly talk about family things:chat,yarn7.to spread idle gossipe:tattle8.to talk on and an about trifling,childish things:prattle9.to speak with contempt:sneer10.to speak fanatically:rave根据下列动物的属性,指出他们的象征意义:1.ant:frugality and provision2.ape:uncleanness,malice,lust3.bat:blindness4.bear:ill—temper5.bee:industey6.bull:strength7.calf:lumpshness 8.camel:submission9.cat:deceit 10.cock:vigilance11.crocodile:hypocrisy 12.crow:longevity13.dog:fidelity 14.dove:innocence15.eagle:majesty 16.elephant:sagacity17fly:feebleness 18.fox:cunning19goose:conceit 20.hare:timidity下列名词都来自古英语,写出与下列名词对应的源拉丁语的形容词:1.brother:fraternal2.Cat:feline3.child:puerile4.daughter:filial5.day:diurnal6.dog:canine7.ear:auricular 8.earth:terrestrial 9.egg:oval10.eye:ocular 11.father:paternal 12.fire:igneous13.foe:hostile 14.fox:vulpine 15.friend:amicable16.hand:manual 17.head:capital 18.heart:cordial19.heaven:celestial 20.horse:equine 21.husband:marital22.kidney:renal 23.knight:equestrian 24.life:vital25.light:lucid 26.lip:labial 27.man:humank:lactic 29.mind:mental 30.moon:lunar31.mother:maternal 32.mouth:oral :nominal34.night:nocturnal 35.nose:nasal 36.ox:bovine37.room:spacious 38.sea:marine 39. sheep:ovine40.sight:visible 41.skin:cutaneous 42.son:filial43.spring:vernal 44.stream:fluvial 45.star:stellar46.sun:solar 47.time:temporal 48.tongue:lingual49.tooth:dental 50.town:urban 51.tree:arboreal52.truth:veracious 53.war:bellicose 54.water:aqueous55.wife:conjugal 56.world:mundane 57.worm:vermicular58.woman:feminine 59.youth:juvenile 60.book:literaey选择适当的单词填入句子1.He waited with( bated) breath.2.The brother and sister are both (blondes).3.There is a (break)in the clouds.4.Her (bridal) grown was trimmed with lace.5.A (pedal) of the bicycle fell off.6.Cromwell (reigned) over England like a king.7.The wreckers began to (raze) the building.8.Although we watched carefully,the guard remained (stationary) for one hour.9.Edgar cannot sail until he has a full (complement) of men for hiscrew,and …..10.Eric was a tireless scholar,he would (pore)over his books without a breakuntil….将下列各组词分别填入句子A 1 .John’nature was so (sanguine) that we all felt cheered up….2. The battle was so (sanguinary) that hardly a combatant …...B 1. We could not have a worse judge than the one we had,he wascompletely (uninterested) in the case and …..2. We could not have a better judge than Judge Blandford; he wasfriendly,knowledgeable,and above all completely (disinterested).C 1. Although we played them on even terms for the first half,the second halfwas a (rout). 2. To get to our cottage you follow (route)….D 1. The (official) in charge of the game…2. Time was so (officious)in his new job…..E 1. The dress was made of synthetic ( material).2. The general needs more troops and (materiel).F 1. The (moral) of the story….2. The (morale) of our troops is high.G 1. All men are (fallible).2.The argument,convincing ……..to be (fallacious).H 1. Some say Shakespeare takes (precedence) over all ….2. There was no (precedent)for the granting of a ….I 1. John,who was sulle n and (taciturn) by nature,found that ….2. They arrived at a (tacit) agreement.J 1.The building plans are (impracticable).2.My husband …..,but he is so (unpractical)that he cannot …用英语解释下列句子中help 及其派生词的意义1.If you want to lose some weight,Jim,you must start avoiding second helpings.(secondservings)2.“God help me !”he murmured…..(protest)3.He gave us a helping hand when we were in trouble.(i.e.he helped us)4. Yes,I know he’s a rascal,but I can’t help liking him.( i.e.I can’t but like him)5.Did you have any help from anyone with …..(assistance)6.Don’t be away longer than you can help.(avoid)7.I do think you could have been a bit more helpful .(ready or willing to assist)8.“Help!Help! I’m drowning !”(Save me)9.I am very sorry but I can’t help it .( i.e.I can’t do otherwise)10. Can I help you in any way ?(assist you)11. We are a bit hard up this month,my dear,so don’t spend more than you canhelp .(avoid)12. Give me only a very small helping,please.(serving)13. I’m telling you the truth,so help me God!( i.e.May God punish me if I am not !)14.We’re awfully sorry that we were giggling –but we couldn’t help it .( i.e.do anything tostop it )15.Would you help me to carry this suitcase,please?(assist)16.Would you help me to some potatoes,please ?( i.e.serve me with)17.Your liver is not in a very good condition …….if I could help it .(avoid)18.Your presence was extremely helpful,…(i.e.it gave great assistance)19.The helping you gave me would have fed a football team !(serving)20.The whisky is on the table…Help yourself.( i.e.Take what you want,when you want it )写出下列各组同义词的共同基本意义1Sorrow,grief,anguish …..(distress of mind )2Bad,evil,wicked,…(not ethically acceptable )3Regard,respect ,esteem …(to recognize the worth of a person or thing )4Disprove,refute, confute…(to show or try to show by presenting evidence thar somethingis not true)5.Incline,bias,dispose …(to influence one to have or take an attitude toward something )6.Level,flat,plane …(having a surface without bends,curves or irregularities )7.Generous,liberal,liberate,….(giving freely and unstingily)8.Free,release,liberate, …(to loose from constraint or restraint )9.Frank,candid,open…(show willingness to say what one things or feels)10Envious,jealous (begrudging another’s possession of something )11Assert,declare,affirm,protest …(to state or put forward positively,usually inanticipation of or in the face denial or objection )12. Aggressive,militant,assertive…(conspicuously or obtrusively active or energetic )13.Agile,polite….(acting or moving with easy alacrity)14.Civil,polite,gallant …(observant of forms required by good breeding )15.V ociferous,clamorous,blatant,…(so loud or insistent as to compel attention)16.Bear,suffer,endure …(to put up with something trying or painful )17.Decrease,lessen,diminish…(to grow or make less )18.Heritage,inheritance,patrimony…(something received from a parent orpredecessor)19.Keep retain,detain ..(to hold in one’s possession or under one’s control)20.Bare,naked nude …(deprived of naturally or conventionally appropriate covering)指出并改正误用词语1.The convict paced within the ….(confound) 应改为(confines)2.I remember the name,but …..(replace )…(recall)3.His antisocial behaviour results from lack of…..(formidable)… (formative)4.When I grow up I want to be a…..(pronouncer)…(announcer)5.He left enough leave-way for ….(leave-way)…(leeway)6.The flagrance of her….(flagrance)…(fragrance)7.I found the Oriental dishes….(palpable) …(palatable)8.The corpse had been so dissected over….(dissected)…(dislocated)9.The colonel’s appearance was so marital with….(marital )…(martial)10.Our elementary needs were planned for…..(elementary)..(alimentary)11.It is hoped that this course will enlarge….(perimeter)…(parameter)12.If we look long enough in this material we…(statue)…(statute)13.He desserted his friends just wh en they needed him .(desserted)…(deserted)14.Kurt had been innocuous against influenza,but he….(innocuous)…(inoculated)15.Eric was so ingenuous about household….(ingenuous)..(ingenious)16.The dinosaurs may have been unable to adopt…(adopt)…(adapt)17.After their brief alteration they shook hands,…(alteration )..(altercation)18.The game came to a climatic finish with …(climatic)…(climactic)19.The mountain lions are all extant in the mountains; not….(extant)…(extinct)20.Mother’s dreams were irreverent to the …(irreverent)..(irrelevant)用否定前缀写出下列单词的反义词1arm:disarm 2.honour:dishonor 3.join:disjoin 4.legible:illegible5.legitimate:illegitimate6.mature:immature7.moderate:immoderate8.fertile:infertile9.sanitary:insanitary 10.resolute:irresolute 11.reverent:irreverent 12.trust:mistrust13.fit:misfit 14.understand:misunderstand 15.adjacent:nonadjacent16.existence:nonexistence 17.alliance:non-alliance 18.conscious:unconscious19.intelligence:unintelligent 20.symmetrical:unsymmetrical找出下列各组同义词相应的反义词A1.fast(slow) 2.rapid(leisurely) 3quick(sluggish) 4.hasty (deliberate) 5.speedy(dilatory)B. 1.beautiful (ugly) 2.pretty (plain) 3.fair (foul) 4.lovely (unlovely)C. e (go) 2.arrive (depart) 3 .reach (leave ) 4 .gain (lose )D.1.happiness (misery) 2.joy (sorrow) 3.delight(distress) 4.enjoyment (suffering)下列各词都经历了词义范围的变化,a演变前b演变后,判断词义是扩大还是缩小;1.starve 缩小 a.to die b.die or suffer acute ly from hunger2.person 缩小 a.person b.paster3.box 扩大 a.containter made of boxwood b.container in general4.beef 缩小 a.ox b.meat of the ox5.citizen 扩大 a.city b.inhabitant of state or nation6.voyage 缩小 a.journey b.journey by waterl 扩大 a.place for grinding b.place for milking things8.frock 扩大 a.garment of a monk b.various kinds of garments9.dismantle扩大 a.to strip of dress or mantle b.to strip of furniture or equipment10.campus 缩小 a.field b.grounds of a college11.operate 缩小 a.to perform any operation b.to performance a surgical operation12.charge 扩大 a.load;burden b.task; responsibility,price,etc.13.drowse 缩小 a.to sink b.to sink into sleepyman 扩大 a.one who is not of clergy b.one who is not an expert15.ferry 缩小 a.to carry b.to transport across a river16.chant 缩小 a.to sing b.to intone17.butcher 扩大 a.one who kills he-goats b.one who kills animals for food18.chamber扩大 a.room b.room; legislative body,etc.19.hound 缩小 a.dog b.hunting dog20.tail 扩大 a.hairy caudal appendage of an animal b.anything like an animal’s tail in form or position现代英语中专门术语进入日常生活并扩大了词义,找出与下列术语对应的一般意义1.alibi excuse2.scenario description of a possible3.charismatic having popular appealpulsive habitual5.catalyst any stimulus in hastening a result6.ambiance quality,feeling,etc.of a place7.osmosis subtle or gradual absorption or mingling8.psychology mental processes9.syndrome distinctive or characteristic patern of behaviour10.subliminal of which one is not consciously aware11.parameter determining factor .characteristic12.philosophy practical opinion or body of opinionsplex obsession of any kind14.schizophrenia any mental or emotional disorder15.interface connection16.neurotic nervous,eccentric,given to worry17.sadism cruelty18.bottom line conclusion,clincher19.paradigm typical example of sth20.exhibitionism showing off下列词经历了词义褒贬的变化,a和b是演变前后的词义,判断是褒义化还是贬义化1.sturdy 褒 a.stern stubborn reckless b.stout vigorous firm2.reek 贬 a.smoke b.stink3.counterfeit 贬 a.to copy to reproduce b.to imitate with intent to deceive4.fame 褒 a.rumour report b.celebrity renown5.mischievous 褒 a.disastrous b.playfully annoying6.civil 褒 a.of itizens b.cultured; courteous7.smirk 贬 a.smile b.simper8.glamour 褒 a.spell; enchantment b.attractiveness;allure9.busybody 贬 a.busy person b.officious and meddlesome person10.churl 贬 a.freeman b.boor; niggard11.luxury 褒 a.lust b.sumptuousness12.err 贬 a.wander b.go astray13.chiffon 褒 a.rag b.sheer fabric of silk,etc.14.brook 贬 a.to enjoy ; to make use of b.to endure; to tolerate15.elocution 贬 a.style of speaking b.studied or artificial style of speaking16.fair 贬 a.beautiful;pleasant b.moderate ; tolerable17.sergeant褒 a.servant b.non-commissioned officer18.dizzy 褒 a.foolish b.vertiginous19.inquisition贬 a.investigation b.persecution20.sophisticated 褒 a.overly complex or refined b.sufficiently complex or knowing 动物名称比喻人,还可转化为动词描绘人的动作,说明下列词的隐喻意义A.动物名词1.bull 粗壮的男子2.butterfly 举止轻浮的人(尤指妇女)3.cat 刁钻或居心叵测的女子4.dove 温柔或纯真的妇女,儿童;鸽派(美国)5.goose 傻瓜6.hawk 掠夺成性的人;骗子;鹰派(美国)7.jackal 为虎作伥的人;狗腿子mb 温顺的人;小宝贝9.lion 勇猛异常的男人10.magpie 喋喋不休的人11.mule 执拗或顽固的人12.phoenix 超群出众的人13.pig 肮脏或贪吃的人;警察猪猡14.puss 少女或小姑娘15.serpent 阴险的毒辣的人16.sheep 忸怩,温驯或胆小的人17.skunk 卑鄙可恶的人18.sucker 容易上当受骗的人19.swine 下流坯;鄙俗的人20.vixen 泼妇B.动物名称转化为动词 1.to crow over 洋洋自得 2.to ferret 搜索3.to fish for 探求;绕弯打听4.to gull 欺骗,使人上当5.to hound 追逐逼迫6.to monkey 胡闹;嘲弄;模仿7.to parrot 机械仿效,随声附和8.to rat 变节,告密9.to shark 诈骗.勒索10.to snake 蜿蜒前进;拖曳隐喻的基础是形状,功能,褒贬的类似,据此区别以下斜体词语属哪种类型1.the tail of a procession 形状2.a ray of hope 功能3.a wolf in sheep’s clothing 贬义4.an early bird 褒义5.piercing sound 功能6.a flight of fancy 功能7.the cup of the valley 形状8.crocodile tears 贬义9.forks of the road 形状10.to rivet one’s gaze 形状11.golden hours 褒义12.a saddle in the mountains 形状13.loud colours 功能14.stony politeness 贬义15.the mantle of darkness 功能16.Richad the Lion-Heart 褒义17.torments of jealousy 功能18.the ribs of vault 形状19.a watery style of writing 贬义20.skyrocketing prices 形状21.the book of time 功能22.a loan shark 贬义23.to bridle one’s anger 功能24.a smart invention 褒义25.the head of the school 功能26.to dive into a book 形状27.to lend wings to someone 功能28.a mere wisp of a girl 形状29.the lungs of a city 形状30.an unlicked cub 贬义提喻是局部和整体之间的替代.判断下列A组各词和B组中的黑体词是局部喻整体(1)还是整体喻局部(2)所喻意义A1.head cattle 12.redbreast robin 13.corn maize 24.roof house or home 15.cattle cows 26.wheels automobiles 17.blade sword 18.cutthroat murderer 19.the smiling year spring 210.hard tails mules 111.to dial to telephone 112.fox/beaver the fur of the animal 2B. 1.a motor trip/the motor industry 12.meat and drink 13.a mink coat 24.a basket of provisions 25.to have a word with someone 16.to tread a measure 27.All hands on deck! 18.The law was there in force. 2写出下面委婉用语所代替的词1.to refresh oneself: to eat2.deranged: mad3.necropolis: cemetery4.perspiration: sweat5.unwise: foolish6.expectorate: spit7.indigestion : overeating 8.inexpressibles: trousers9nether garments: pants 10.loan-office: pawnshop11.non-whites :blacks 12.in an interesting condition: pregnant13public comfort station :toilet 14.deuce: devil15Golly : God d: Lord17prevaricate : lie id to rest: buried19paying-guests: tenants 20.to be no more: to die简化下列复合名词并译成汉语1.banner headline:banner头号标题2.howler hat:bowler 圆顶大礼帽3.crepe paper:crepe绉织物(如绉绸、绉布等)4.dandy-cart:dandy 二轮小车5.duck egg:duck 零分6.flashback:flash倒叙7.hoarfrost:hoar 白霜8.human being:human 人9.jacquard loom:jacquard 提花机10.jockstrap:jock(运动员等用的)下身护体11.porter’s knot:knot 垫肩12.kraft paper:kraft牛皮纸13.turning-lathe:lathe 车床14.poet laureate:laureate桂冠诗人15.eyelid:lid 眼睑16.linen paper:linen 亚麻纸17.road metal:metal 碎石料18.smelling salts:salts嗅盐19.sapwood:sap 白木质20.Teddy boy:Teddy 无赖青年指出各对同义词的本族语词1.beak-bill2.break-sever3.feed-nourish4.amity-friendship5.prevent-hinder6.begin-commence7.womanly-feminine 8.wet-humid9.solitary-lonely10.people-folk11.deep-profound 12.exterior-outer13.cordial-hearty14.dale-valley15.have-possess 16.conceal-hid e17deed-action 18.holy-sacred19.give-present 20.aid-help21.inner-interior 22.deadly-mortal23.motherly-maternal 24.question-ask25.masculine-manly26.buy-purchase27.thin-tenuous 28.earthly-terrestrial29.royal-kingly30.fatherly-paternal31violin-fiddle32.domestic-homely33.mount-rise34.world-universe35.answer-reply 36.celestial-heavenly37.vivacious-lively38.bodily-corporal39.brotherhood-fraternity 40.aqueous-watery英译汉 1.Chinese cabbage白菜 2.chinese spinach菠菜3.Chinese date 枣子4.Chinese eddo芋头5.Chinese gooseberry 猕猴桃6.Chinese oil桐油7.Chinese goose 鸿雁8.Chinese wall长城9.Chinese block 木鱼10.Chinese boxes套盒11.Chinese ink 墨12.Chinese puzzle七巧板13.Chinese red 橙红色14.Chinese lantern灯笼15.Chinese chequers 跳棋16.Chinese calendar农历17.Chinese herbal medicine中草药18.Chinese restaurant syndrome中国餐厅综合症将下列科学术语译成汉语:1、aerotrain:飞行火车 2.artificial intelligence:人工智能3.astrobiology:太空生物学4.barratrics:肥胖症治疗法5.callositics:遗传分类学6.cogeneration:废热发电7.cosmodon:太空站8.cryonics:人体冷冻学9.cytoecology:细胞生态学10.datamation:自动化数据处理11.dysgenesis:发育不良12.ecosphere:生态层13.euphenics:优种学14.exocrinology:外分泌学15.fetology:胎儿学16.fibre optics:纤维光学17.hard science:硬科学(指自然科学) 18.inertia welding:惯性焊接rmation retrieval:信息检索unch vehicle:运载火箭21.linear algebra:线性代数22.macroinstruction:宏观指令23.marsquake:火星地震24.microprocessor:微型电脑25.neonatology:新生儿生理学26.nerve agent:神经毒剂27.oncogenicity:致癌性28.parameter:参数,参量29.photobotany:光植物学30.planetology:行星学31.plasma physics:等离子物理学32.quantum chemistry:量子化学33.retro-rocketry:制动火箭学34.revascularization:换血管术35.saucerman:外太空人36.sealab:海底实验室37.selenodesy:月面测量学38.test-tube baby:试管婴儿39.thermal breeder-reactor:热增殖反应堆40.videophone:电视电话将下列新复合词译成汉语:1.after-sale service:售后服务2.apartment complex:公寓建筑群3.arm wrestling:扳手腕4.bad-mouth:恶意中伤5.bait-and switch:“上钩掉包”诱售法的6.beam weapon:激光束武器7.bed-in:露宿示威8.body language:身势语9.bubble top:(汽车)透明防弹圆罩10.buzz word:时髦词语11.convenient food:方便食品12.cruise missile:巡航导弹13.cup-tied:参加优胜杯决赛的14.dark comedy:黑色喜剧15.data bank:数据库16.day-care:日托的17.diet pill:减肥丸18.dunk shot:篮球塞射(砸篮)19.family planning:计划生育20.flick-knife:弹簧折刀21.floor exercise:自由体操22.free-associate:自由联想23.happy hour:(酒吧)减价供应饮料的时间24.honey wagon:垃圾车25.hot-dog:太棒了26.man-on-man:(球赛)人盯人27.overhead walkway:行人大桥28.pop-top/ring pull:易拉罐29.pop wine:果味甜酒30.rent strike:集体抗租31.retort pouch:软装罐头32.shunpike:驾车走支路33.sick-out:集体托病怠工34.shinny-dip:裸泳35.sober-up:解酒的36.space talk:宇航术语37.spy-in-the-sky:侦查卫星38.talk show/chat show:名人现场采访节目39.value-added tax:增值税40.vanity surgery:美容外科将下列各词的英式拼写改为美式拼写:1.draught: draft2.plough: plow3.litre: liter4.offence: offense5.pyjamas: pajamas6.cheque: check7.flyer: flier 8.scepticism: skepticism 9.harbour:harbor10.ensure: insure 11.cosy: cozy 12.manoeuvre: maneuver13.civilise: civilize 14.anaemic: anemic 15.gaol:jail16.inflexion: inflection 17.moustache: mustache 18.oesophagus: esophagus19.queue: cue 20.shew: show将下列各词的英式拼写简化为美式拼写:1.counsellor:counselor2.remould: remold3.axe: ax4.cigarette: cigaret5.jewellery:jewelry6.omelette: omelet7.storey: story 8.good-bye: good-by 9.speciality: specialty10.towards: toward 11.waggon: wagon 12.catalogue: catalog13.aluminium: aluminum 14.levelled: leveled 15.moult:molt16.programme: program 17.judgement: judgment 18.licence: license19.amidst: amid 20.practice,practise: practice用一个英语单词代替下列成语:1.of one’s own accord: voluntarily2.exchange blows with: fight3.get away: escape4.on the nail: immediately5.play false: betray6.a slap in the face: insult7.in a body: collectively 8.make head or tail of: understand9.behind the times: unfashionable e across: discover11.under false colours: falsely 12.make away with: destroy13.from time to time: occasionally 14.call on :visit15.neither rhyme nor reason:nonsense 16.throw cold water on: discourage17.by the way: incidentally 18.by word of mouth: verbally19.lord and master: husband 20.behind closed doors: privately将下列名词性成语译成汉语:1.the ace of trumps:主要的王牌,最有力的理由或要据.2.an apple of discord:争端,祸根3.the apple of one’s eye:珍爱的人或东西4.a beast of burden:驮畜5.a bed of roses:称心如意个环境6.a bird of passage:候鸟,漂泊不定的人7.a fish out of water:不适应环境的人8.a Jack of all trades杂而不精的人9.the lion’s share:最大的一份10.a lion in the tongue:拦路虎(尤指臆想的危难)11.a slip of the tongue:口误12.a snake in the grass:隐患13.a wild goose chase:徒劳的搜索,无益的劳动14.a wet blanket:扫兴的人15.a white elephant:无用而累赘的东西16.a swan song:最后的作品17.sour grapes:酸葡萄18.an iron hand:高压手段19.the green-eyed monster:嫉妒20.a dog in the manger:占着茅坑不拉屎的人将下列隐喻成语的适当形式填入句子:1.The shopkeepers speak in slow,measured tones,and the buyers,overwhelmed by thesepulchral atmosphere, follow suit2.Neither does the river theory“hold water”,in the face of what is known about noduledistribution.3.What now seems to be in the air is a multilateral deal be tween the seven countries…..4.When they find who done that last night,who killed that kid an’its mother,thenhightailed it,they’ll throw the book,and never mind who it is……5.For the mighty army of consumers,the ultimate applications of the computer revolutionare still around the bend of a silicon circuit.6.More than 100 reporters were on hand,and even radio announcers,who for the first timein history were to broadcast a jury trial.7.The judge called for a local minister to open the session with prayer,and the trial gotunder way.8.P&O,for example,while still out to increase the total…But P&O has no intention ofthrowing in the towel.9.He was struggling with the clasps on his suitcase,and Pug gave him a hand.10.On our way back,every U-boat in the Atlantic will certainly be on battle alert.We shallhave to run the gamut.11.One night Churchill took the floor in the Augusta washroom after dinner,…….12.If,at some future date,it becomes the wish of our sister colonies to effect aseparation,we will not stand in the way .13.The fact that their marriage may be on the rocks,or that their love affairs have beenbroken or even that…14.The peasants were allowed to eat the rabbits that scampered over their fields and,sincethat meat was cheap,the Norman lords of course turned up their noses at it.15.Like me,they had been divorced from their origins,and it turned out to make very littledifference….they were mo more at home in Europe than I was.16.But what is Anna Karenina describing if not the tragic fate of the isolated individual,atodds with her time and place?17.The illicit jump we find here,on the threshold of the inquiry,is characteric of the …18.These people vote without a qualm for the political parties that quite sensibly-theircountry arm…to the teeth.19.Nowadays New Year is out of phase with American taste as often as it is out of stepwith American politics.20.The mother was on the verge of panic.She clutched his arm and kept repeating,…1、It may be objected that he is not sophisticated enough to mediate the disputebetween them.有人可能会提出异议说,他没有足够的本领能调解他们之间的纠纷。



模具专业英语培训——注塑模English Training——Injection Mold(一)模具专业基本用词Professional Terms1.塑料—plastic, resin2.样件—sample3.钢料—steel4.注塑机—injection machine, press5.产品—part, product, moulding6.模具—mold, mould, toolA 简易模(样板模)—prototype moldB 量产用模具—production mold 7.三维造型(数模)—model, 3D data8.二维产品图—2D part drawing9.设计—design10.制造—manufacture, build up, construction11.检验—check, inspection12.测量—measure, inspection13.修改—change, modify, correction14.工程更改—engineer change15.质量—quality16.数量—quantity17.基准—datum, reference(二)如何解析2D 产品图?How to read 2D part drawing?一.产品几何Geometry1.点—point2.线(边)—line, edge3.面faceA 侧面—sideB 表面—surfaceC 外观面—appearance surface 4.壁厚—wall thickness, stock thickness5.加强筋(骨位)—rib6.孔—hole7.细长的槽—slot8.柱位—boss9.角—cornerA 圆角—filletB 倒角—chamferC 尖角—sharp corner 10.斜度—angle, taper11. 凹槽—recess , groove二.分模信息Splitting1.分型线—parting line (P/L), splitting line2.主分模方向—main direction, line of draw3.浇口设定—gating三.产品标识Part Identification1.产品名称—part name (P/N)2.产品编号+版本号—part number + revision (Rev.)3.型腔号—cavity number4.材料标记—material symbol5.模具编号—mold number (no.)6.日期印—dating insert, date code7.循环印—cycling code8.公司标志—company logo四.技术要求Specification (Special Requirement)1.项目启动表Kick-off sheet1)项目名称—program name, project name2)产品名称—part name, product name, part description3)产品编号—part number (P/N)4)客户模号—customer mold no.5)项目启动日期—kick off date, start date6)项目完成日期—due date,lead time7)内模件用钢—tool steel8)型腔数量—number of cavities9)数模文件编号—data file no.10)注塑材料—resin, plastic, raw material11)收缩率—shrink, shrinkage, shrink factor12)注塑机吨位—molding machine size, injection machine size 13)成型周期—cycle time14)型腔光洁度—cavity polish15)型芯光洁度—core polish16)皮纹(晒纹)—texture, grain17)拔模斜度—draft angle, removal taper18)注塑件颜色及光泽—molded color & gloss19)模具加工地—manufacturing facility20)热流道供应商—manifold manufacturer, manifold supplier 21)浇口位置—gate location / position22)浇口类型—gate type23)产品标识—stamp information, part identification24)特殊要求—special instructions2.产品质量及外观要求Part Quality & Appearance1)尺寸及公差Dimension & Tolerance①重要尺寸—critical dimension, important dim., key dim.②理论尺寸—nominal dimension③实际尺寸—actual dimension④公差—tolerance⑤公差带—tolerance range⑥尺寸超差—dimension deviation⑦接受(合格)—accept, OK⑧拒绝(不合格)—reject, refuse, obsolete, NG⑨让步接受—concession, special admit⑩返工—re-work2)产品缺陷(较常见)Defects (normal)①缩印—sink mark, shrinkage②飞边—flash, burr③段差—mismatch discrepancy④银丝纹—snake marks, streak⑤弯曲—warpage, distortion⑥打不足(缺料)—short shot⑦熔接线—weld line3.产品外观Part Appearance①产品颜色—part color②产品光泽—gloss③皮纹粒度—grain4.常用词汇、词组及短语Normal Word, Short Sentence1)单边—per side2)双边—both sides3)加入,添加—add, incorporate4)去除,取消—remove, cancel5)满足…的要求,符合,与…要求一致—according to, conform to, satisfy, meet 6)要求,需要—require, need, demand7)确认—be approved, agreed by …8)允许—permit, allow9)在…范围之内—within10)不可以,不允许,禁止—free from, prevent, avoid11)…,除非有另指—…unless otherwise specified12)…或少于—…or less13)自动化运作—automatic operation14)未注尺寸(详细形状)见三维造型Non dimensioned contour (detailed shape) see 3D model.15)分型线上的飞边(披缝)或段差应小于…Burrs and discrepancy on the P/L shall be … or less.五.标题栏Title Block1.产品名称—part name2.图纸编号 + 版本号(索引号)—drawing no. + level (index)3.一般公差[的标准] —general tolerance(三)如何阅读制模标准?How to read tooling standard? 一.模具结构术语Mold Construction TerminologyA.模架Mold Base1.模架量化特征Measurement Feature①长X 宽X 高—Length X Width X Height②模具推高尺寸(模厚)—stack height of mould③模具重量—total weight of mould, mould thickness2.定模底板—front plate, top clamping plate, clamp plate, clamping plate 3.定模板—cavity plate, fixed mould plate, A – plate4.动模板—core plate, moving mould plate, B – plate5.支撑板—support plate, backing plate6.模脚—support blocks, rails, risers, spacer block7.顶杆固定板—retaining plate, ejector retaining plate8.顶板—ejector plate9.动模底板—back plate10.导柱—guide pillar, leader pin, guide pin11.导套—guide bush, leader pin bush12.复位杆—return pin, push-back pin13.弹簧—spring14.撑头—support pillar15.推板导柱、导套—ejection guide pin / bush16.挡钉—stop pin, stop button17.站立脚—standing-off pillars18.标牌—plaque scutcheonB.成型零部件moulding components19.型芯—core20.型腔—cavity21.镶针—core pin22.镶块—insert, split23.滑块—slide, sliding split24.斜顶—lifter, angled-lift splitA 斜顶头—lifter headB 斜顶杆—lifter rod, lifter shaft 25.成型顶杆—moulding face pin, form pinC.浇注系统Feed System1.塑料Mouldinga.主流道—sprueb.分流道runner①主分流道—main runner②二级分流道—branch runner分流道断面形状cross-sectional shape of runner①圆形—full round②半圆形—semicircular③梯形—trapezoidalc.浇口gate常用浇口形式normal gate type :①边缘浇口(J型浇口)—edge gate, J – gate②侧浇口—side gate③潜伏式浇口—sub-gate, cashew gate, subsurface gate, submarine gate④潜伏式二次浇口(隧道式浇口) —tunnel gate onto feeder post⑤点浇口—pin gate⑥直接浇口(主流道型浇口) —sprue gate, direct gate⑦护耳式浇口—tab gated.模腔—impressione.冷料井—cold slug wellf.热流道—hot runner2.模具零件mold componentsa.定位圈—locating ring, location ring, register ringb.浇口套—sprue bushc.挡圈—stop ringd.浇口镶块—gate inserte.热流道板—manifoldf.热嘴—hot dropD.分型面及其锁紧、排气Parting Surface, inter-locking & venting1.分型线—parting line ( P/L )2.镶拼线—bodyline, joint line3.平/ 不平的分型面—flat / non – flat parting surface4.封胶面—shut off surfaces, seal-off surfaces5.擦位—shut off6.碰穿位—kiss-off7.管位—parting line lock8.分型面的释放(避空) —relief of parting surface9.分型面的平衡—balancing of parting surface10.锁紧角度—locking angle11.锁紧力—clamping force12.锁模板—safety strap13.精定位—Interlock, die lock14.困气—air trap15.排气槽—vent, vent slotE.滑块机构Slide1.驱动Actuation①斜导柱—angled pin, horn pin, cam pin②弹簧—spring③油缸—hydraulic cylinder2.制动Detention①滑块固定器—slide retainer②弹簧制动器—spring-loaded detention (plunger)③挡钉、挡板—stop pin, stop plate, slide stop3.导轨—gib, guide strip4.锁紧块(楔紧块)—heel block, locking heel, wedge block, chase block 5.耐磨片—wear plate, wear strip6.压板—retainer7.螺钉—screw8.定位销—dowelF.斜顶机构Lifter1.斜顶头—lifter head2.斜顶杆—lifter rod, lifter shaft3.开口销—split pin4.固定板(压板)—retainer plate5.耐磨片—wear plate6.铜导套—bronze bushing7.衬套—spacer8.导轨—L – gib9.滑动块—slideG.顶出系统Ejection System1.基本词汇Basic Word①顶出行程—ejection stroke②模具开档—daylight③粘模—stick④产品脱模—part is push off from, clear part of mould, separation of part 2.顶板机构Ejector plate assembly①顶板(推板)—ejector plate②顶板固定板—retaining plate③推板导柱—ejector guide pin④推板导套—ejector guide bush⑤撑头—support pillar, pillar support3.复位机构Return System①复位杆(回程杆)—return pin, push – back pin②挡钉—stop pin, stop button③压簧—compressed spring④碟簧— a stack of ―Belleville‖ washers⑤早复位机构—early return system⑥强制复位机构—positive return system4.顶出方法Ejection Techniques1)顶杆顶出—pin ejection2)顶管顶出—sleeve ejection3)顶块顶出—bar ejection4)扁顶顶出—blade ejection5)顶板顶出—stripper ejection6)油缸顶出—hydraulic ejection7)气顶—air ejection8)阀门顶出—valve ejection5.顶出元件Ejection Elements1)拉料杆—sprue puller, sucker pin2)顶杆—ejector pin3)阶梯式顶杆—stepped ejector pin4)顶管—ejection sleeve, sleeve5)扁顶—ejector blade, slabbed off ejector pin6)顶块—stripper bar7)顶环—stripper ring8)推板—stripper plate9)加速顶—accelerated ejection6.顶出辅助机构Supplementary operating system1)弹簧柱塞器—spring – loaded plunger2)弹珠定位器—ball catch system3)插销式锁扣—Latch – lock4)尼龙拉杆装置—friction puller device7.电器元件Electric Components1)压力传感器—pressure transducer2)限位开关—limit switchF.冷却系统Cooling System1.基本词汇Basic Word1)温差—temperature variation2)水孔(水道)—waterlines, water-ways, flow-way, channel3)水路—cooling circuit4)水路示意图—water schematic, schematic circuit5)冷却液—coolant, coolant fluid6)内连接—interconnect7)外连接—external connection8)出口、入口—outlet、inlet9)漏水—water leakage2.水路分布Circuits1)阶梯式水路—stepped system2)喷淋—baffled hole system3)斜孔式水路—angled hole system3.水路元件Components1)闷头(螺塞、止水栓)—(threadless)brass pressure plug : female plug & male 2)隔水片—baffle3)密封圈—O – ring4)快插水路接头—quick disconnect fitting, quick connection adaptor5)弯头—elbow6)偶合器(连接器、接头)—adaptor (including a plug & a socket)7)橡皮管—rubber hose8)分水板—water manifoldG.螺纹、螺纹孔& 螺钉Thread, thread hole & screw1.螺纹—thread2.管螺纹—pipe thread3.螺纹孔—screw hole, tapped hole4.起吊孔—handling hole, jack screw hole, eye bolt hole5.螺钉—screw6.内六角螺钉—socket headed cap screw (s.h.c.s.)7.沉头螺钉—flat headed cap screw (f.h.c.s)8.螺栓—bolt, eye bolt9.螺母—nut10.锁紧螺母—locknut11.螺纹标准Thread Standard①公制标准—Metric②英制标准—Imperial③英制管螺纹标准—British Standard Pipe thread (BSP)④美制管螺纹标准—NPT⑤美制粗螺纹标准—United Coarse thread (UNC)⑥美制细螺纹标准—United Fine thread (UNF)H.润滑Lubrication1.润滑槽—grease groove2.加油管—grease line3.油杯—lubrication fittingI.测量仪器Measuring Instruments1.游标卡尺—vernier caliper2.千分尺—micrometer3.高度规—height gauge4.刻度规—dial gauge5.三坐标测量仪—Coordinate Measure Machine(CMM)6.塞规—pin gauge7.圆角量规—radii gauge8.輪廓投影機—profile projectorJ.注塑机参数Injection Machine Parameter1.注塑机规格参数Injection Machine Specification①锁紧类型clamp typea.油缸—hydraulic b.肘杆式—toggle②垂直注塑机导柱间距—tie bar vertical clearance③水平注塑机导柱间距—tie bar horizontal clearance④台板尺寸—platen dim.⑤最小/ 最大模厚—mold height Min. / Max., Min. / Max. mold thickness⑥最小/ 最大注塑机开档—open daylight Min. / Max.⑦锁紧行程—clamp stroke⑧锁紧力—clamping force⑨顶出行程—ejector stroke⑩顶出力—ejector force2.试模工艺参数Moulding Process Parameter, machine setting①时间Timer(TM), seca.注塑(充填)时间—filling time, injection timeb.冷却时间—cooling timec.补缩时间—packing timed.保压时间—holding timee.成型周期—cycle time②速率、速度Velocity, %、speed, in/seca.注塑(充填)速度—injection speedb.保压速率—hold pressure velocityc.螺杆转速—screw rotation speed③压力Pressure(Prs.), psia.注塑压力—injection pressureb.保压压力—hold pressurec.回压(背压)—back pressure④温度Temperature(Temp.), °Fa.注塑机喷嘴温度—nozzle temp.b.料筒前段、中段、后段温度—barrel front、middle、rear temp.c.模温—mould temp.d.料温—purged resin melt temp.e.空射料温—air shot melt temp.关于注塑成型对产品造成的各种缺陷及解决方法(一)熔接痕熔接痕是由于来自不同方向的熔融树脂前端部分被冷却、在结合处未能完全融合而产生的。



print单词变形1. 定义与释义- 单词:print1.1词性:可作名词和动词。


1.3英文解释:As a noun, "print" refers to a printed work, mark, or printed fabric. As a verb, it means to produce (a text or image) by applying ink to paper or other surfaces, or to publish.1.4相关词汇:- 同义词:imprint(名词、动词)、stamp(名词、动词)。

- 派生词:printer(打印机、印刷工)、printing(印刷、印刷术)。

2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“print”源自古法语“prente”,而“prente”又来自拉丁语“premere”,表示“压、按”的意思。




3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:- print out:打印出来。

例句:I need to print out this document for the meeting.翻译:我需要把这份文件打印出来用于会议。

- in print:已出版的,(书等)仍可买到的。

例句:This novel has been in print for decades.翻译:这部小说已经出版几十年了。

- out of print:(书等)已绝版。

例句:That old book is out of print now.翻译:那本旧书现在已经绝版了。



Cathy: Here you go!
Jackie: Thanks a million!
Stella: Oh, that's great! I just lost another 50 cents in this stupid vending machine.
Jack: Not very well.
Mark: Why? Looks like you're feeling very down! What happened?
Jack: Nothing.
Jack: Well, you never know. I'm ready for a commitment and want to settle down, but she says she wants to pursue her career while she's still young.
staple the documents together ( 把文件钉在一起 )
punch holes in the papers ( 用打孔机给文件打孔 )
file the papers ( 把文件存档 )
look over the documents ( 将文件过目一下 )
Mark: Come on. For a man who's feeling so down, there're usually two reasons. Either his career is going downhill, or he has a broken heart. Since you're so successful, it must be the other.





英语词典的简介英语常用辞书主要分六种,分别为词典(Dictionary)、分类词汇汇编(Thesaurus)、同义词和反义词(Synonyms and Antonyms)、惯用法(Usage)、成语(Idioms)、俚语(Slang)和词源(Etymology)等等。


英语词典的分类全版本Unabridged Dictionaries在英语世界,英国的The Oxford English Dictionary、美国的Merriam-Webster’s 和美国的Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary 三种全版本Unabridged Dictionary较为流行。

1) The Oxford English Dictionary (20-volume set)The Oxford English Dictionary (20-volume set) 简称作OED,为世上最大的英语词典,20大厚本。









abbreviation语言学定义1. 什么是abbreviation在语言学中,abbreviation(缩写)是指将一个词或短语缩短成一个新的部分词或部分短语,以便于书写或口语表达时更为简洁、方便。


2. abbreviation在实际应用中的情况在日常生活和各个行业中,abbreviation是非常常见的。




3. abbreviation的形式和规则在英语中,常见的abbreviation形式包括首字母缩写、音节缩写、句子缩写等。

首字母缩写即将每个单词的首字母组合而成,如FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation,联邦调查局)、NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration,美国航空航天局)等。

音节缩写是将单词的一个或几个音节组合而成,如info (information,信息)、demo(demonstration,演示)等。

句子缩写则是将一个完整的句子缩写成一个或几个字母,如etc.(etcetera,等等)、e.g.(exempli gratia,例如)等。

4. abbreviation的好处和问题缩写的使用可以使文本更为简洁、紧凑,有利于提高阅读效率和减少篇幅。





1.There are our –educaation中国的教育主要有4种类型:基础教育,职业技术教育,高等教育和成人教育2.And adult-adults成人教育包括扫盲班,夜校教育,以及为成人所提供的其他类型的教育3.The chinese-education中国政府十分重视学龄前教育4.halp-learning帮助他们口头表达自己的想法,鼓励他们养成良好的学习习惯。

5.Archaeology-discipline考古学是历史学得一个来源,而不是地位卑微的辅助学科6.Archeological-behavior考古学的资料就是人类行为所造成的物质变化,更简单地说,是石化了的人类行为7.They were-to grow作为一个整体,他们是半文盲,高傲并且顽固。

他们坚持自己的生活方式就像松树根在花岗石中爆缝生长8.They –accidents.他们熬过了经常性的天花,疟疾等瘟疫及一系列自然灾难9.I spent-ancestors我一生中最兴奋的一段时光是在肯尼亚的图尔卡纳湖东岸工作的日子,在那里寻找我们祖先的遗骨化石10.The environment-extinct那时的环境与今天非洲湿润的草原并没有太大差别,然而当时草原上生活着大量让人惊奇的动物,却早在很久以前就已经在地球上销声匿迹了11.It is-gone据统计,过去四亿年间存在的生物种类95%以上已在地球上消失了12.We know-survival我们知道,人类的幸福安康与许许多多其他物种的繁荣休戚相关,而我们无法确切地知道哪些物种对于人类的生存是至关重要的13.Sleep is-cycle睡眠是人每天日常活动循环的一部分14.15.16.17.When you –regular在你开始昏昏欲睡时,你的眼球会转动几下,体温略有下降,肌肉放松,呼吸变得缓慢而有节奏18. A critical-age年龄是人们是否易患感冒的一个重要因素19.Infants-three婴儿期市最容易感冒的时期,从出生到一周岁平均至少感冒六次。



(一) 英译中1.Down to the far and of the lounge and you’ll see the counter for flightsto seoul.在大厅的尽头,你会找到去汉城的登机办理处。

2.Let’s see. It’s 11:50 now . So they will start in about an hour.我算算。


3.Can I have your tickets and passports, please?请出示你们的机票和护照。

4.Here are your tickets, passports and boarding passes. Yourluggage claimtags are attached to the tickets cover.这是您的机票、护照和登机牌。


5.Would you please put your watch, keys and other metal articlesinto thistray? Now,please walk through the gate and collect your bag and otherpersonal belongings at other side over there.请把你的手表、钥匙和其他金属物品放在这个盘子里。


6.Let me see. The aircraft is quite full now. I can hardly give you 10 seatstogether. Do you want smoking seats?让我看看。


你们需要吸烟座位吗?7.Take the escalator down to the next floor, get on the travelator to thedeparture area, and then you will easily find Gate 28. You may wait in thedeparture lounge for boarding as there is not much time left.坐电梯到下一层,上自动步道到候机室,你就很容易找到28号登机口。



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Practical English Usage牛津英语用法指南适用人群:英语初学者/英语教师,常用英语对话或写作的职场人士。





大学英语第一册缩印版课后句子翻译第一单元1. 那是个正规宴会,As it was a formal dinner party. I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2.她的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯His girlfriend advised him to get out of his ban habit of smoking before it took hold.3. 他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4.据说比尔因一再违反公司 It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules./Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5. 据报道地方政府已采取适当措施It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.苏珊因车祸失去了双腿。























汉翻英她连水都不愿喝一口…. She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎... He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到…. How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week?他们利润增长的部分原因…The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能…Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.我们已经在这个项目上…We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.你在怎么有经验…1. You are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 还存在一个问题….2. There remains one problem,namely,who should be sent to head the research there. 由于文化化的不同,…3. Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences. 虽然他经历浮沉…4. Though he has had ups and downs,I believed all along that he would succeed someday.我对你的说法的真实性…5. I have some reservations about the truth of your claim. 她长得并不特别高,…6. She isn't particularly tall,but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.他说话很自信…1. He spoke confidently,which impressed me most. 我父亲太爱忘事,…2. My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys. 我十分感激你给我的帮助.3. I'm very grateful to you for all the help you have given me. 光线不足,…4. The bad light,coupled with the wet ground,made driving very difficult.由于缺乏资金,…5. Being starved of funds,they had to cancel their plan to start a business.每当有了麻烦,…6. They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble. 就像机器需要经常…1. (Just) as a machine needsregular running, so does thebody need regular exercise.在美国学习时,…2. He learned to play the pianowhile studying in the UnitedStates.令我们失望的是,…3. To our disappointment, heturned down our invitation.真实情况是,…4. The reality is that, forbetter or worse, the world haschanged with advance of newtechnologies.我班里的大多数女生…5. Most of the female students inmy class appear to be ill at easewhen (they are) required toanswer questions.当地政府负责…6. The local government tookcharge of the security for thesports meeting.在会上,除了其他事情,…1. At the meeting they discussed,among other things, the presenteconomic situation.我对大自然了解越多,…2. The more I learned about thenature,the more absorbed Ibecame in its mystery.医生建议说,…3. The doctor recommends thatthose stressed people should trysomething new,interesting andchallenging in order to givetheir negative feelings anoutlet.那个学生的成绩差,…4. The teacher gives morehomework to the student who hasbad grades instead of cutting itdown.相比之下,…5. By contrast,American parentsare more likely to attributetheir children's success tonatural talent.教师首先要考虑的事情…6. One of a teacher's prioritiesis to stimulate students'interests and their creativity.她一点儿也不知道…1. Little did she know that thispicture would one day be worthmore than a million dollars.虽然我理解你说的话,…2. While I understand what yousay, I don’t agree with you onthe issue.我认为警察的…3. I think the police are meantto protect people.昨天我去看他,…4. I went to see him yesterday,only to find that he had goneabroad several days before.在每周例会上,…5. At the weekly meeting,everyone must confine theirremarks to the subject.要是我没说那些愚蠢的话…6. If only I hadn’t said thosesilly words! I was too youngthen to distinguish right fromwrong.英翻汉:I don’t think…robbery.1.我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了.Men earn ten…dollars.2.男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元.Once the balance…effects.3.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响.The final…;…time reading.4.期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书.What is…Thisis…production.5.有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国.其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响,部分原因是由于产地的变化.A recent …for 40…workforce.6.最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%.A person…taken seriously.1. 应尽早告知年轻人:必须认真对待法律.He’s now…entire future.2. 他现在面临一个重要决定,这个决定可能会影响他的整个前程.You must be…worst.3. 即使在情况最糟糕的时候,你也必须保持镇静和信心.The success of…communicate.4. 人际关系的成功与否与双方相处是否融洽以及交流是否顺畅有很大关系.He was attacked…died.5. 他受到袭击,身受重伤,随后不治而亡.He behsved,at…person.6. 他的举止至少在表面上像个正常人。



《上海外语教育出版社综合教程3_上海外语教育出版社:三十年的八个关键词》摘要:近十几年来,外教社保持了良好的发展势头,出版社的创新能力、发展能力、总资产报酬率、净资产收益率、保值增值率等指标名列出版行业前列,创造了业界为之瞩目的“外教社现象”! 外教社这三十年,取得了辉煌的业绩,得到了长足的发展,30年来,外教社始终坚持“服务外语教育、传播先进文化、推广学术成果、促进人才培养”的发展方向,担负起专业外语出版社的历史使命和责任,早在制定外教社“十五规划”时,庄社长就明确提出,“我们要把出版社建成一个融出版、科研、教育为一体的综合性平台子日:三十而立。






近十几年来,外教社保持了良好的发展势头,出版社的创新能力、发展能力、总资产报酬率、净资产收益率、保值增值率等指标名列出版行业前列,创造了业界为之瞩目的“外教社现象”! 外教社这三十年,取得了辉煌的业绩,得到了长足的发展。











例如,“UNESCO”代表“United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization”。


例如,“radar”代表“radio detection and ranging”。



以下是一些例子:•“info” 代表“information”•“pic” 代表“picture”•“demo”代表“demonstration”合成词合成词是指通过将两个或多个单词组合在一起形成新的词汇。


以下是一些例子:•“brunch” 代表“breakfast” 和“lunch”•“smog” 代表“smoke” 和“fog”•“motel” 代表“motor” 和“hotel”收缩名词的应用领域收缩名词在各个领域都得到广泛应用,包括科技、商业、医学等。


以下是一些常见领域中使用的收缩名词示例:科技•“AI” 代表“Artificial Intelligence”(人工智能)•“URL” 代表“Uniform Resource Locator”(统一资源定位符)•“HTML” 代表“Hypertext Markup Language”(超文本标记语言)商业•“CEO” 代表“Chief Executive Officer”(首席执行官)•“ROI” 代表“Return on Investment”(投资回报率)•“KPI” 代表“Key Performance Indicator”(关键绩效指标)医学•“DNA” 代表“Deoxyribonucleic Acid”(脱氧核糖核酸)•“MRI” 代表“Magnetic Resonance Imaging”(磁共振成像)•“CT” 代表“Computed Tomography”(计算机断层扫描)收缩名词的使用规则使用收缩名词时需要遵循一些规则,以确保准确性和易读性:1.确保上下文清晰:收缩名词可能有多个含义,因此在使用时应根据上下文确定其具体含义。




Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.2) 我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified) 英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。

I firmly believe that reading simplified English novelsis an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.3) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染(pollution) 方面还做得不够。

I don’t think we’re doing enough to protect ourenvironment from pollution.4) 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。

In addition to/Apart from writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation.5) 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。

We’ve learned from reliable sources that a native English speaker is going to teach us spoken English next term/semester.6) 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。

Seeing English movies on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills.7) 如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题,请随便问我。

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英语复习要点听力Unit11 .A A) The woman2.C C)The man’s friend asks him to cheat in the exam3.A A)Tom likes the man very much4.C C)The woman thinks the man should have real friends5.C C)The man lost contact with Jean this month6.B B)Since they were in the kindergarten7.A A) Sincere8.C C)The woman wants to know whether Jack is suitable for the job9.C C)The woman does an investigation into Jack10.B B) Those who make many friends at school11.B B)Because they can help management and teamwork12.A A) Because we have different relationship with different people13.C C) One hundred and fiftyUnit 21.B B) He disliked an over-crowded place2C C)Tom’s son is studying painting now3.B B) In JulyA A) He got up later than usual5.C C)He will frist make money to realize his dream6.C C)The man’s trouble with his major in college7.B B) He was thinking about a lecture he expected8.A A) He is getting tired of it9.A A) Because they thought is would be hard for an art major to find a job10.D D)He wanted to be a top musician11.A A)He was very strict with his son12.C C)To focus on his practice instead of thinking about other things13.D D)At the age 17Unit31.A A)He is eager to go2.D D)It is more important to take the benefits into consideration3.D D) A news reporter4.B B) Policeman and driver5.B B)They don’t know how to export their product6.B B) The current politics in Linama7.B B)He has closed the parliament down8.B B)The President would have resigned in the end9.A A) He thought it’s wise for the President to do this10.A A) Climate change11.D D) More than a third12.A A) Ten fold13.D D) ConstructiveUnit41.D D) Interviewer and interviewee2.A A) A man named GuyA A) A writer4.C C)He doesn’t put ideas into practice5.D D) They are twin sisters6.D D) In Manchester7.D D) Tomorrow afternoon8.C C) How to be confident when doing sales work9.A A) Because Susan has good sales records10.C C)Because he wanted to be a great actor11.C C) Riding horses12.D D) When he was given an opportunity to play on the stage13.A A)In writing playsUnit51.B B)Her son’s studies2.C C)The questions had little connection with the course3.A A) She has to work on Saturday night4.B B) There will be no English test this afternoon5.A A) She hasn’t got a partner yet6.D D) Student and student advisor7.B B) Six times8.C C)He will have to transfer to another school9)C C)Faxing the man’s fa ther10)B B)To receive a formal education11)B B)Education can take place anywhere12)A A)Both can be the agent of education13)A A)When they are babies 完形填空1A few years ago ,I decided that it wouldbe enjoyable for me to develop a hobby.(1)endurance (2)accessory(3)intensity (4)invest(5)subsequently(6)displayed (7)accessory(8)inclination (9)allocate. (10)attain完形填空2Michael Jordan is well known for beingperhaps the greatest playerIn NBA history.(1)substantial (2)executive(3)undisputed (4)recall (5)translate(6)innovation (7)endorse(8)prominence (9)renowned(10)entrepreneur完形填空3The differences in communicative typesbetween Easterners and Westernersoften lead to many false(1)perceptions (2)bothered (3)hurt(4)concept (5)hurt (6)fiction(7)excited (8)neither (9) internal(10)whole ness完形填空4Grace and Sean were thousands of milesapart, but they had the same(1)passion (2) charming (3) rent(4) comments (5)e-mailing (6)dating(7) amazing (8) cyber(9)anniversary (10)engaged完形填空5St.George travelled for many months byland sea until he came to Libya.(1)distress (2)demands(3)determined (4)dressed(5)comforted(6)princess (7) dragon (8)afraid(9)unable (10) strength1、选词填空Everyone needs friends:1、fail2、examine3、personality4、faults5、acquaintances6、stranger7、impression8、friendly 9、discuss 10、considerIn this week:1、thanks2、release3、overtake4、outselling 5、beaten 6、capture 7、songs 8、attributed 9、longing 10、intendFueled by the rising popularity of softdrinks and fast-food:1、efforts2、tough3、put up4、obese5、overweight6、concerned7、develop 8、increase 9、campaign10、put the brakes onThe government gives money :1、routine2、competitive3、electrician 4、sophisticated 5、wages 6、Basically 7、candidates8、global 9、optimistic 10、continuallyThe Alliance for Climate Education :1、undertakes2、ambitious3、initiative 4、capable 5、excessive6、performances7、estimated8、curiosity 9、motivate 10、possibility3阅读理解Human beings are :1)social 2)importance 3)Accordingly4)honor 5)Since 6)on7)celebrating 8)including 9)as10)traditional 11)exchange12)occasion 13)by 14)be noted15)different 16)customs 17)what18)behind 19)express 20)cherishAudrey:1)gained 2)out 3)popularity 4)wasfollowed 5)for 6)success7)delightful 8)identify 9)leading10)hesitation 11)Later 12)silver13)ambassador 14)helping15)retained 16)as 17)from 18)atotal of 19)quality 20)eleganceSimply increasing physical activitylevels:1)unlikely 2)in 3)set 4)conducted5)to 6)at 7)Given 8)on 9)if 10)an11)participated 12)The other13)serving 14)measures 15)with16)greater 17)which 18)up19)wider 20)inIf you were to begin a new jobtomorrow :1)failure 2)a 3)on 4)Of 5)who 6)sure7)in 8)of 9)at 10)Having 11)is12)on 13)weakness 14)take 15)as16)dealing 17)learning 18)to 19)to20)attitudeFor the past two years:1)counting 2)least 3)polite 4)on5)presented 6)made 7)fact8)about 9)as 10)dissatisfied11)discouraged 12)voices 13)drop14)shouldn”t 15)prohibit 16)Once17)remember 18)and 19)deserved20)howUnit 11.通过Money for the ceremony is in placethrough many warm-hearted people’sefforts.2.因为I’m willing to pour out my heart toyou because you are reliable.3.Although Tom graduated from universitya month ago, he worked as well as a skilledworker .4.我们We explained to people how“sustainable development” is closely linkedwith our everyday life and hope that thisconcept can take root in our community.5.在战争The two brothers opened upabout their feelings two years after the warbroke out.Unit 21.由于Thanks to his efforts, the concertwas more successful that we have expected.2.因为所有人Because all of us work hard,our company has pulled through one crisisafter another.3.大多Most people love nature and longfor peace and freedom, which is not quitepossible without sustainable development.4.博物馆Every picture in the museumreminds us of the cruelty of war.5.你最好You’d better go in person insteadof sending somebody on your behalf.6.他预测He predicted that earthquakeswould not break out in the next few yearsin this area.Unit 31.美国Americans tend to spend more thanthey have.2.他解释He explained that he had notdone it on purpose.3.我不想I don’t want to put a burden onyou.4.要到The only access to the farmhouse isacross the field.5.他们They made all the efforts to staveoff bankruptcy of the company.Unit 41.我一定I would agree with him up to apoint but by no means completely.2.有二十Twenty athletes competed for thelong jump gold medal.3.我们必须We must prepare ourselves forthe worst.at he is innocent.4.很多Many new cities grow up in thedesert.5.我有There is every reason for me tobelieve that h is innocent.6.总有One day he will realize that it paysto be honest.Unit 51.在团体In team competition, a team shallconsist of at least 4 but no more than 8members.2.你会You’ll find this book of great valueto you.3.关于There is no doubt as to his honesty.4.他自He thinks himself to be quite clever,on the contrary, I assure him that he is veryfoolish.5.作为As your teacher, I have to say thatyour progress will urge us to work hard.6.我们铺上We put a cover over this tableto keep it free from dirt.。
