2018学而思英语 四年级答案

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Paper 1

Part 1

1. C 在秋天,地上可以看到很多树叶,树叶的复数为leaves。

2. A 在Jerry和Alex之间,在两者之间用between。

3. C 和……一样重,as heavy as,如果是比较级应该是heavier than而非heavier as。

4. B 给我们讲述中国的历史,我们用宾格us。

5. D 你的家人怎么样,询问用How about your family?

6. B 我们不应该喝太多的可乐,它们对牙齿不好,不应该用shouldn’t。

7. C 飞机明天7点起飞,一般现在时表将来用leaves。

8. C 主语是he三单用doesn’t need to,look后面加形容词,排除AB,选C。

9. B 你打电话的时候他正在做家庭作业,用过去进行时选B。

10. A 快点!电影已经开始15分钟了,现在完成时选A。注意要用延续性动词!Part 2

11. B 这是一大片水域,且被土地包围,是湖泊。

12. C 你可以用它清洁你的牙齿或者梳理你的头发,是刷子。

13. A 他们轻巧舒适,运动的时候可以穿它们,是运动鞋。

14. A 为了擅长某一件事,你需要做这个,你需要练习。

15. D 这种食物由谷物制成,人们早餐的时候和牛奶一起食用,是谷类食物cereal。Part 3

16. A 我喜欢这本书。我也是!

17. C 我们什么时候再见面呢?你什么时候有空?

18. A 这周末去钓鱼怎么样?我太累了。

19. B 今天太冷了。明天会暖和一点。

20. B 我们要邀请Jerry参加聚会吗?由你决定。

Part 4

21. A 有一个照相机,主语是he用has got。

22. B 根据句意知他拍了一些很棒的照片,用excellent。

23. C 在一张照片中可以看到鲨鱼的牙所以它的嘴是张开的,选open。

24. A 在水下游泳,用under the water。

25. C 他有一个手电筒帮助他在黑暗中看东西,手电筒用torch。

Part 5

26. B 她和很多17岁的女孩一样,但是她也很不一样,用also表示也。

27. A 挣钱make money。

28. C 赢得比赛win a game。

29. C 继续be on,前面有has,所以用been。

30. C 句意为:她是否会让名利改变她的生活方式?

31. C 不得不have to

32. B 句意为:她为自己制定了严格的计划。

33. A 她每天通常练习两个小时以保持健康,so that表示目的。

34. B 把……切成碎片cut sth. into pieces。

35. C 某人随身随带某物take sth. with sb.

Part 6

36. C 由原文It was a dark and cold night.可知at night。

37. C 这个司机一天都没有一个客人,所以当他看见一个男人出站的时候非常开心,选C。

38. B 司机带着乘客穿过了很多地方是想让客人觉得宾馆离火车站很远。

39. A 由上下文可知这个年轻人对这个城市不是很了解。

40. A 司机不是一个诚实的人,他欺骗了这个年轻人。

Paper 2

Part 1

1. A

Man: I have to go to London next Tuesday and I don’t want to drive.

Old man: Would you like to go by coach or train?

Man: That depends. How much does it cost by train?

Old man: It’s more expensive than the coach. By coach it’s only &13.00.

Man: Right. I’ll go by coach then.

Mary: Darling. We really must go to the travel agency and book our holiday.

John: Yes, you’re right. July’s always a very popular time for holidays.

Mary: Yes. Especially from 15th to 30th.

John: Let’s go this afternoon, then. Shall we?

Mary: Yes, let’s go later.

3. A

Richard: Have you seen my glasses? I can’t find them anywhere!

Lady: You had them on while you were reading the newspaper, didn’t you?

Richard: Yes, I did.

Lady: Well, they’re probably in the kitchen, then.

Richard: Oh! It’s all right. They’re here on the table.

4. A

Lady: I like your hat. Is it new?

Old lady: No, I’ve had it for ages. But my scarf is new.

Lady: It’s really nice. When did you buy it?

Old lady: Last Wednesday, at the market.

Lady: I think I’ll go to the market, too, next Wednesday. I need a new pair of gloves.

5. C

Janet: I’m going running tomorrow morning. Do you want to come?

Frank: I can’t. My lessons start at half past nine.

Janet: Why don’t we go early?

Frank: I’s love to, but I have to be at university by 8.20 and no later.

Part 2

6. E

Then I had to get some bread, so I went to the baker’s.

7. F

- Did you go into that new boutique next to the baker’s?

- Yes, that’s where I spent most of my time. I saw some lovely clothes, trousers and jackets and

I bought a really nice, blue dress.
