口译范文入门知识点总结口译的基本知识点1. 口译种类口译种类主要包括交替口译和同声传译。
2. 口译者的素质口译者需要具备良好的语言表达能力、信息处理能力、思维灵活性和跨文化交际能力。
3. 口译的技术要求在进行口译时,口译者需要具备一定的技术要求,比如准确地理解源语言的意思并转换成目标语言的表达,同时保持原讲话者的语气和情感。
口译的入门技巧和技能1. 提前准备口译员在进行口译之前应该提前准备,比如了解讲话的主题和背景知识,收集相关术语和词汇,以及熟悉使用的口译设备。
2. 注重准确性和流畅度口译的最基本要求是准确性和流畅度。
3. 控制好口译的速度口译员在进行口译时应该控制好口译的速度,既不要过快也不要过慢。
4. 主动寻求反馈和指导口译员在进行口译时应该主动寻求听众和同行的反馈和指导,不断改进自己的口译技巧和能力。
口译的难点和应对方法1. 跨文化交际难点口译中的一个难点是跨文化交际。
口译笔记↓下降/ 减少/ 退步(decrease/ diminish/ retreat/ decline/ recession) ↗逐步增加↑增加,上升,上报↘逐步下降,减少→向前发展= 等于, 相当于>大过,超过,优越于<少于,小于,比不上+ 还有,和,此外,而且,以及∵因为,由于∴所以,于是√正确,肯定/ 赞成(agree/ approve of )×错误,不行,没有‖停止,□国家□国内□•国外□/ □国家之间(between the two countries)?疑问,问题,试验性! 注意,警惕&和、与=>结论是·/一方面/·另一方面·/·关系*重要**非常、十分重要_____下划线表示强调°人┘过去└将来∶某某人说/ 陈述Δ代表gov = governmentedu = educationorg = organizationam = ante meridiem = before noonpm = post meridiem = [w]afternoonBA = Bachelor of ArtsBS = Bachelor of ScienceMA = Master of ArtsAMAP = as much as possibleDept = departmentProf = professoreg = for exampleetc. = et cetera = and so onie = that iscf = comparejr. = junior (大学三年级学生; 年少的; 初级的) Sr. = senior (大学四年级学生; 年长的; 高级的) dorm = dormitoryCEO = chief executive officercorp = corporationco. = companySH = shanghaiencl. = enclosed; enclosureL/C = letter of credit (信用证)mkt. = marketusu = usuallyesp = especiallystd = standardinvt (investment)respon (responsibility)ad (advertisement)dept (department)prodc (production)info (information)telcom (telecommunication)FAX = facsimilefig = figuresID = identity; identity cardIMPS = impossibleIMPT = importantIQ = intelligence quotientEQ = emotional quotientmin = minimummax = maximumtech = technologytel = telephoneTKS = thanksUN = United Nationsuniv = universityusu = usuallyVP = Vice Presidentwhich (cwhat (twhom (mwhen (ncannot kntN不同意Y同意U = Y ouUR = Y ourNo. = number1st = first2nd = second3rd = third4th = fourthpc = piece; personal computerPLS = pleaseProf = professorsch = schoolsci = sciencePh.D = Doctor of Philosophyp = pagepara = paragraph1 = Jan = January2 = Feb = February3 = Mar = March4 = Apr = April5 = May6 = Jun = June7 = Jul = July8 = Aug = August9 = Sept = September10 = Oct = October11 = Nov = November12 = Dec = December1 = Monday2 = Tuesday3 = Wednesday4 = Thursday5 = Friday6 = Saturday7 = Sundaykg = kilogram (千克;公斤)km = kilometer (公里)mm = millimetercm = centimetermph = mile per hour (每小时英里数; 车速)XL = extra large (特大号)GDP (gross domestic product)GNP (gross national product)SOE (state owned enterprise)JV (joint venture)FOB(free on board)CIF (cost, insurance, fright)BC = before ChristNPC(National People’s Congress全国人民代表大会)CPPCC(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference中国政治协商会议), GM(通用汽车公司)EU(欧洲联盟)APEC(亚太经济合作组织)中国人民(中人, C人)美国人民(美人, A人)中国政府(中gov)物质文明和精神文明(物神)国民经济发展指标(经标)可持续发展(可持)改革开放政策(改开)现代化(现H)常用速记符号大于>小于<小于或等于≢大于或等于≣等于、意味着=不等于≠约等于≈遗憾、悲哀;高兴、荣兴(错误、否、不、否定×正确、对、好、肯定√不同意N同意Y上升、增加↑下降、减少↓强、好+更强、更好++弱、差-更弱、更差――因为∵所以∴优秀★属于↔胜利V问题、疑问?和、与&结论是=>促进、发展↗国家□国与国□/□原因←导致、结果→对立、冲突><波折<<会议、会面⊙进入∩接触、交往∞分歧⊥非常、十分重要**坚持≡关键!奇观!有关@替换为∽但是‖与……比较而言∥空洞○代表△口译成功与否在很大程度上取决于译员在口译表达前对感知的信息进行记录的能力。
1. 记关键词和短语:在口译过程中,由于时间紧迫,我们无法
2. 使用符号和缩写:符号和缩写可以更快地记录和记忆信息。
3. 用图像或符号表示流程:在口译过程中,有时需要描述流程
4. 记录口译过程中的变化:在口译过程中,我们需要记录发生
5. 使用顺序记忆法:在口译过程中,我们可以使用顺序记忆法,即按照信息的顺序来记忆翻译内容。
二、口译的基本技能1. 语言能力口译译员首先需要具备良好的语言能力,包括听、说、读、写四方面。
2. 文化素养口译译员还需要具备丰富的文化知识和跨文化交际能力。
3. 逻辑思维能力口译译员需要具备良好的逻辑思维能力和分析能力,能够在短时间内准确理解源语言的含义,并快速地将其翻译成目标语言。
4. 职业操守口译译员需要具备良好的职业操守和职业道德,严守译员的中立和客观原则,不参与原文句子的内容。
三、口译的基本原则1. 忠实原则口译译员必须忠实于原文,完整、准确地翻译源语言的内容,不能随意删减或增加内容,也不能修改内容的意义。
2. 通顺原则口译译员翻译的内容必须通顺,符合目标语言的语法规则和表达习惯,让听众能够理解和接受。
3. 流畅原则口译译员需要在翻译中保持语速和语调的流畅和自然,让听众有一种顺利理解的感觉。
4. 原文风格原则口译译员需要尽量保持原文的风格和语气,能够忠实地表达出原文的语境和情感。
四、口译的常见技巧1. 记笔记口译译员需要在听完一段内容后迅速记录重要的信息,以便于在翻译时参考。
2. 听辩分析口译译员需要具备快速的听力和辨别能力,能够在一瞬间迅速理解源语言的内容,并做出快速准确的翻译。
3. 转换思维口译译员需要在听到源语言的内容后迅速转换思维,将其翻译成目标语言并表达出来。
记录的是重点信息,而非原文 可采用“慢半句”的节奏记录信息
1.采用纵向、阶梯式结构 2.结构宽松,分多行 3.左右各自空出一定的边距 4.横线明确结束
Suggested formats of notetaking
➢ 利用线条回指重复出现的信息 ➢ 用少的汉字笔画表示完整的意义 ➢ 用缩略词 如 eco 表 示 economy, tks 表 示
入WTO 中改开→新 era
加WTO 改开req √中利∥
Example 7
As I understand, there is a big deficit between the US and China and between US and Japan. Would you explain whether there is difference between the two kinds of trade deficits, and what the US policies towards the two different kinds of trade deficits are? We think you adopt kind of double standard to these deficits.
中US 建交 经贸↑ +经发←影 1、双边贸↑:94底US→中3 贸伙(HK
日) 中→US7 大
2、 us →中 投↑ 94底 项 14,189个 协 169亿$ 实 63 亿∥
Example 6
After the accession to the WTO, China’s reform and opening up will enter a new historic era. Joining the WTO is the requirement of our reform and opening up which is in the fundamental interest of China.
口译小白入门知识点总结一、语言能力1. 语言功底:口译员需要精通两种及以上的语言,包括源语言和目标语言。
2. 发音准确:口译员需要具备标准的语音和发音,以便听力和口译时准确地传递信息。
3. 词汇量丰富:口译员要掌握丰富的词汇量,包括日常用语、专业名词、行业术语等,以便在不同领域的口译中能够应对自如。
二、文化素养1. 文化背景了解:口译员需要了解源语言和目标语言国家或地区的文化、历史、风俗习惯等,以便更好地理解并传达对方的表达意图。
2. 文化敏感度:口译员需要具备对多种文化的敏感度和包容心,避免因文化差异造成误解或冲突。
三、专业知识1. 行业知识:口译员需要具备相关领域的专业知识,包括医学、法律、商业、科技等,以便在相关领域的口译中能够准确理解和传达信息。
2. 当地资讯:口译员需要及时了解当地的政治、经济、社会等最新资讯,以便在口译中准确地使用当地的信息和术语。
四、听力技巧1. 专注力和耐心:口译员需要保持高度的专注和耐心,以便在长时间的听力过程中准确地捕捉和理解对方的表达意图。
2. 笔记技巧:口译员需要具备良好的笔记技巧,以便在听力过程中及时记录重要信息,为口译提供便利。
五、口译技巧1. 表达流畅:口译员需要具备流利的口语表达能力,以便准确地将源语言信息转换成目标语言的口语表达。
2. 逻辑清晰:口译员需要保持逻辑清晰,以便在口译过程中准确地传达信息的逻辑结构和思维方式。
六、心理素质1. 压力抗性:口译员需要具备较强的压力抗性,在工作中能够应对各种压力和挑战。
2. 自我调节:口译员需要能够在工作中保持良好的心态,及时调节情绪,以确保口译质量和效果。
七、实践经验1. 多练习:口译是一项需要不断练习和积累经验的技能,口译员需要通过大量的实践来提高自己的口译能力。
2. 反思总结:口译员需要在工作中及时总结和反思,不断提高自己的口译水平和工作效率。
这里为大家总结了较全的缩略词,首先为大家介绍的是缩略词A—Cacc = account, accountantacdg = accordingacpt = acceptad = advertisementadm = administrationads = addressadv = adviceagr = agricultureagt = agentalt = altitudea.m. = ante meridiem = before noon AMAP = as much as possibleamb = ambassadoramt = amount anal = analysisanc = ancientanon = anonymousans = answerapp = appendixApr = Aprilapt = apartmentarch = architecturearr = arrive; arrivalASAP = as soon as possible ass = assistant; associationat = atmosphere; atomicatt = attorney; attentionAug = Augustaux = auxiliaryav = averageave = avenuea.w.l. = absent with leave (准假)a.w.o.l. = absent without official leave (无故缺席)B.A. = Bachelor of Artsbal = balanceB.C. = before Christbd = boardbdl = bundlebk = bank; bookbkts = basketsB/L = bill of lading (提单)BLDG = buildingbp = birthplacebr = branch; brotherB.S. = Bachelor of Sciencebu = bureau C = capacity; century; chapter; centigrade; cost; city; centercal = calendar; caliber; caloriescap = capital; captaincat = catalogcc = carbon copy (复印件;抄送) CEO = chief executive officercert = certificateCFM = confirmcncl = cancelcp. = comparecit = citizenciv = civil; civilizationclk = clerkcml = commercialco. = companyc/o = care of(转交)col = college; colorcom = commentary; common; communication; communitycomm = commissioncomp = complete; computer; competitioncon = conclusion; againstcond = conditioncont. = continent; continuedcorp = corporationcust = customer; custom; customs上文我们为大家总结了英语口译缩略词A—C的内容,这里为大家总结的英语口译笔记常用缩略词区间段D—K 的词汇。
一、口译笔记不同于“速记”① 记录的目的不同很多人以为口译笔记就是速记。
② 书写方式不同速记一般是用速记符号(很像蝌蚪文)“一个字不差的记录”,而口译笔记一般就是“逻辑、数字、各种要点”,另外口译记录不要像我们平时书写那样——从左至右,写完一行换行,而是应该按“逻辑和意群”,记完一个“意群”就换行(竖着换行)。
口译2-1 口译笔记
![口译2-1 口译笔记](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe8688cfd5bbfd0a79567349.png)
1)缩略abbreviation写下的缩略语应该是一个意群里的中心词,使用缩略主要有以下几种情况:常用词缩略:BJ gov.专有名词缩略:NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) SOE (state-owned enterprise)固定短语:ASAP缩略方法:拿掉所有元音mkt msg rcv保留前几个字母info prof ins保留开头与结尾的发音字母wk rm根据发音r u ok? Tho thr 3Q2)符号symbol口译笔记中的符号可以是笔记法专用符号、习惯俗成符号、临时符号等。
使用符号的情况:常用词:□国家,○世界,h主席逻辑关联词:﹥﹤∵∴∈→符号的来源:数学符号:+ - = ≈箭头:→←↑↓↗↘标点符号:?!:象形符号::)表意符号:&格式和结构:纵向:verticality 上下安排,多分行,每行一个意群,易于快速读取,不费眼神。
缩进:shift / indentation 对角线式,体现主从关系。
叠加:superposition 列举时每项一行,然后用竖线或大括号连接,体现并列关系。
留空:margin 左侧空白写关联词,右侧补充信息。
分隔:division 一段意思结束用横线或双斜线隔开,区分段落;一段话讲完或译完用横线隔开,区分新旧内容。
关联:linking 用线条或箭头关联逻辑相关的信息或指代前文提到的内容。
口译中经常使用的缩略词、字母、图像以及数学符号:1、缩略词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressAMAP As much/many as possible AMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG Message NCRY Necessary NLT No later than OBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN Position POSS(BL) Possible PROD Product QLTY Quality QUTY Quantity RCV ReceiveREF Reference REGL RegularREP Representative RESN Reservation RPT Repeat RESPON Responsible SEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL Telephone TEMP Temporary TGM Telegraph THO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large2、字母、图像⊙圆圈表示一个圆桌,中间一点表示一盆花,这个符号就可以表示会议、开会等:meeting,conference,negotiation,seminar,discussion,symposiumO 圆圈代表地球,横线表示赤道,所以这个符号就可以表示国际的、世界的、全球的等: international, worldwide, global, universal, etc.J 表示开心:pleasant, joyful,happy,excited, etc.L 表示不满、生气unsatisfied, discomfort, angry, sad, etc.EO 表示听到、总所周之:as we all know, as is known to all, as you have already heard of, etc. O 表示漠不关心、无动于衷:indifferent, apathetic, unconcern, don't care much, etc.Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
Paragraph 1
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Personally, I believe China needs to pay attention to the following areas. One, we must provide guidance more forcefully using economic and legal means in the property development market, to restrict blind development in up-market properties, and to promote the construction of economical and practical properties. Two, we must monitor international as well as domestic economic development closely so as to able to respond quickly.
Paragraph 1
Three, we must strengthen the regulation of the automobile and steel industries, reining in low-grade repetitive construction and disorderly competition. We need to stop overheating in some sectors from spreading while at the same time encouraging rational elements in our economic growth. This is an issue of maintaining the right balance.
• 2. 少字多意。养成一个词的笔记不超过一个 字的习惯。中文里有大量的词汇是由两个, 或两个以上的字组成。养成只要看到其中一 个,你的短期记忆就应该能够补齐其余的字 • 比如,“中国”最多写个“中”。“北京” 最多写个“北”。英文词也同理处理。 “politics” 最多写“poli”,“government”最 多写“gov”,等等。 • 另外,需要培养以笔记与记忆互动;看到一 个字能说出几个字,甚至一串词的能力。在 有上下文的情况下,这不难。比如,谈中国 的近况,听到"改革,开放"记一个"改"字,不 难从短期记忆中说出原文。听到"British Prime Minister Tony Blair",记"PM",也同样
• • • • •
2. Punctuation marks “:” indicates the relation between the speaker and his opinion “?” indicates a sentence or an idea in the interrogative “!” indicates something important or something that should be paid attention to “…” indicates the speaker intends to omit some points.
• •
• • •
4. Arrows and reference lines “→” refers to sending to, submitting to, exporting to , leading to, transmitting to, talking to “←” refers to coming back, receiving from, importing from “↑” refers to increase, to develop, to upgrade or to be promoted “↓” refers to decrease, to diminish, to deteriorate or to be ousted from the post
In 1998, great changes took place in the income and consumption levels of urban residents. The yearly average income amounted to 5,160 yuan, increased by 3.4% than that of the previous year.工人和职员在国营和集体企业里的收入仍是家庭的主要收入。
Incomes of workers and staff members in the state-owned enterprises and collective work-units are still the mainstay of families' income. The income of scientific and technology researchers stood second in 12 main trades in the country. Their incomes increase according to their education level.最近几年,城镇居民消费结构由温饱型向小康型转变。
In recent years, the consumption pattern of urban residents has transformed from subsistence to a comfortable life. For instance, in 1998, the money spent on clothing was 4.4 percent less and the quality of food was improved while the consumption of grain relatively reduced. The accelerating rhythm of life has encouraged more socialization in food consumption. In 1998, the rate of people dining out increased by 10.4%.浦东新区的崛起使这块黄金宝地成为海外投资的热点,如今投资金额已达530亿美金。
W • W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。它是work的第
一个字母。所以W 就可以用来表示worker, (而Z在字母上方表示employer, 在字母下方表示 employee)。 • i 表示工业: industry, industrial 字母i 像只烟囱,所以 用来可以用来表示工业。
sb., certain/affirmative
• //
表示“结束”:end, stop, halt, bring sth. to a
• + :表示“多”,many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of , a host of 2 • ++/+ : 表示“多”的比较级,more 3 • + : 表示“多”的最高级,most • -: 表示“少”,little, few, lack, short of/have a shortage
• 1.拿掉所有元音 , STD--- standard
• 2.保留前几个字母, INF---information • 3.保留开头和结尾个发音字母 WK---week
• 4.根据发音, R--- are
• 拿掉所有元音
MKT: market
MGR: manager
MSG: message STD: standard
R are THO though THRU through
• -ism 简写为 m 例如:socialism Sm -tion 简 简写为 n 例如:standardization (标准 化) stdn -cian 简 简写为 o 例如:technician techo -ing 简写为 g 例如:marketing (市场营 销) MKTg -ed 简写为 d 例如:accepted acptd -able/ible/ble 简写为 bl 例如:available avbl -ment 简写为 mt 例如:amendment amdmt -ize 简写为 z 例如:recognize regz -ful 简写为 fl 例如:meaningful mnfl
潜在市场protencial market 规范市场秩序regulate market order以……为代价at the cost of更新update升级upgrade社会保障制度Social security system下岗工人laid off workers 不平衡inbalance国企SOES私企privated enterprises治标治本seek bothtemporary and permenant solutions重点在于后一个with our emphasis on the later发展经济不能以破坏环境为代价We should develop our economy at the price of enviroment.稳定性stability产量output差距gap贫困线property level中国经济为以增加的外商投资和贸易敞开了大门Opening economy to increased investment and trade显著收入差距mark income gap我们需要先进的科技,更新经济结构调整国家和企业之间的关系Reajust the relationship between the enterprise and the state.At present, there is a gap between the rural and urbanareas.We must improve the farmer’s life as soon as possible.Some state owned enterprises have difficulties in production and operation, so we must speed up the reform on SOES.中国正全面建设小康,加快社会主义现代化进程China is building a moderately prosperisty society and speed upsocialist modernazation process throughout the nation.我们必须在全社会形成以诚信为本操守为重的良好风尚It is necessary to form moral values based on honesty and moral integraty. 中国进一步发展经济,扩大开放,为外国企业提供了无限商机China’s further developing economy and furtheropening has provide boundless comercial opertunities for foreign enterprises.几年后,我们将从现在全球贸易国第七位上升到第三位In several years ,China will rise from the seventh largest country in international trade to the third largest.减轻税收负担relieve the tax burden自从我们公司进入中国以来,分公司大量培养了以地方人才作为我们公司的领导团队All of the businesses in China have develop tremendous leadingship teams of local talent since we enter the country.外资机构经营人名币业务,包括人名币投资Today foreign institute are allowed to manage RMB transtions , includinginvesting in RMB securities. 对于任何国家,首要任务是平衡改革,发展稳定For any countries , the first priority is properly balance reform ,development stability.。
口译课堂PPTWhat’s interpretation?“Interpretation is a communication process, designed to reveal meanings and relationships of our cultural and natural heritage-Interpretation CanadaIt should be stressed that interpretive communication is not simply presenting information, but a specific communication strategy that is used to translate that information for people, from the technical language of the expert, to the everyday language of the visitor.The classification of interpretation1.Working characteristics:Consecutive interpretation 即席翻译Simultaneous interpretation 同声传译2.Different domains: politics、social、law、culture、diplomatic etc.The basic requirements of interpretation1.Listening&speaking competence2.Translation competence (vocabulary, grammar, sentence, pattern, etc.)3.Connection: smart response ability through hard trainingThe process of interpretationInterpret (processing of information)解译The standards of interpretation1.“accuracy” is the cornerstone of interpretation2.“smoothness” is the life of interpretation3.“Fluency” is the sign of good qualityProfessional codes of conduct for interpretationEach profession has its generally accepted codes of conduct and professional ethics, and so do interpreters.The interpreter must know his professional ethics well and abide by them for the fulfillment of a successful career in interpreting.The highest standards of international interpreting mean that the interpreter is always professional, keeps confident, is objective, does not interfere with the exchange of information, and has the respect and trust of both parties in the dialogue. The highest praise for the personalinternational figures is that nobody has notices their presence.1.Professional confidenceThe interpreter has the obligation never to release any secret which he/she has come to know through the performance of his work. This is extremely important.2.Sufficient preparationAs early as possible before an assignment, the interpreter should acquire a very complete file of the documents which will come up for discussion both in the source language and in the target language.1) Advanced preparationBefore the meeting, the interpreter should ask the conference organizer to provide a full set of documents, which include the conference programmer, list of participants, background information about the conference, and most important, documents on the content of the conference (including drafts of papers to be read or presented, abstracts, etc.)Briefings are potentially a very useful part of advanced preparation. They are meetings organized for the interpreter, with the participation of the organizer and experts in the field. At the briefing, general information is given to the interpreter, who can ask specific questions, generally on concepts and terminology.2) Last minute preparationFor organizational reasons, the conference documents are not always available before the conference.Sometimes, many documents are only available at the very last moment, yet a acquisition may revolve around them. The interpreter should be ready to deal with the situation.3) In-conference preparationMuch information is gained during the conference itself, partly through documents which are only handed out after the meeting has started, partly through conversation with participants during break, and partly through the content of presentations and discussions.3. Conference-room mannerIn meetings, the interpreter should match the general average in dress an thus be inconspicuous.4. Personal qualifications and assignmentsIt is the responsibility of the interpreter to find out about the exact character of an assignment before accepting it.5. Doubts and mistakesOn some occasions, particularly in technical discussion, the interpreter will come across words for which he/she does not know the right translation. In this situation, he/she should tryto give a clear paraphrase to explain it. If this cannot be done, he/she should be frank to admit his/she ignorance and try to seek help from whatever source available.If the interpreter makes a mistake, he/she should correct it immediately without feeling shy or worrying about losing face. If the speaker or a listener corrects a mistake made by the interpreter, the interpreter should always be ready to accept the correction, apologize and thank briefly. Even when the corrections are wrong, the interpreter should remain polite and explain later instead of embarking on a discussion.6. Maintain professional confidentialityThe interpreter’s work often makes him/her the unwanted and unavoidable sharer of secrets belongings to groups or individuals in international gatherings. Not only should the interpreter never intentionally discuss or volunteer information about sensitive material that he/she has had access to in work, but the interpreter should also take the greatest care to leak out apparently harmless which might be highly sensitive in some quarters.第一讲:口译技能训练之公共场合讲话Public SpeakingIn interpreting, the interpreter transmits the message through spoken language, which is spontaneous, instantaneous, and ephemeral. Spontaneity arises from the need to interpret as one hears the source message, and the interpretation is instantaneous in the sense that there is little time to prepare. Everything which is said is ephemeral: there is little possibility of a playback or analysis. Therefore clarity is essential so that the listeners have the maximum chance of understanding what the interpreter says.The interpreter should make a point of making his voice carry well so that the audience-even those sitting at the back of a large meeting room-can hear clearly.Voice Projection (some tips)1)Speak with a clear, firm voice, the first few sentences are especially important to convey assurance to your audience;2)Be clearly intelligible at all times; pronounce proper names and titles especially carefully;3)Don’t “orate”, but do sound natural and sincere;4)Use the first person singular;5)Talk to your audience”personally” and keep contact with them at all times;6)Watch the reaction of the audience to what you say;7)Be friendly toward your audience, be interested in your subject;8)Don’t frown;9)Don’t grimace, even if you make mistakes.Speed of deliveryPublic speaking for an interpreter means that you have to maintain the interest of the audience,who are hearing a text twice, once in a version which they cannot understand. You must engage their attention, and one method is to vary your speed of delivery.More tips:1)Don’t talk faster than 160 words a minute or slower than 90 words a minute;2)Keep your rate of delivery constantly changing;3)Don’t be monotonous in your delivery;4)Change your pace or speed in response to the audience’s reactions;5)Allow space for applause, laughter, or interruptions;6)Keep eye contact with the audience.第二讲:口译技能训练之记忆训练Memory trainingThe importance of a good memory in interpretingThe ability to process information is an essential part of successful interpreting. The ability to listen, comprehend, and retain information is necessary for processing information. Theory:As Wolfgang Zoelke pointed out in his popular work, Conditioning your memory, “Memory is no local function in the brain and definitely not a type of container. Memory is rather the entire body of thought which you retain,” and “memory is the lasting functioning of many mechanical, sensory, mental and physical moments.”Short-term Memory:The duration of STM is very short. It is up 6 to 30 seconds. Memory in interpreting only lasts for a short time. Once the interpreting assignment is over, the interpreter moves on to another one, often with different context, subject and speakers.Long-term Memory:Long-term Memory occurs when you have created neural pathways for storing ideas and information which can then be recalled weeks, months, or even years later. To create these pathways, you must make a deliberate attempt to encode the information in the way you intend to recall it later. Long-term memory is a learning process. And it is essentially an important part of the interpreter’s acquisition of knowledge, because information stored in LTM may last for minutes to weeks, months, or even an entire life.Short-term memory trainingShadowing 影子练习ParrotingChinese Whispers Simultaneous shadowing Lagging shadowing Multi-taskingLong-term memory trainingInformation-VisualizationThis is to visualize what the speaker is saying in interpretation. It is applicable to the retaining of information in such speech types as narration, description and introduction.Encoding, storage and retrievalCategorization, generalization and comparison提纲式记忆指译员充分利用语篇的基本结构及其主要意义间的联系,把源语材料内容当做提纲或框架来处理。
以下是一些口译入门笔记法的基本原则和技巧:1. 简洁明了:笔记应该简洁明了,不要写下完整的句子,而是写下关键词、短语或缩写,以便快速回忆和理解。
2. 符号和缩写:使用符号和缩写可以帮助你更快地记录信息。
3. 分区记录:将笔记分为不同的区域,例如左侧记录发言人的讲话内容,右侧记录自己的翻译或理解。
4. 纵向记录:将笔记按照纵向排列,这样可以更清晰地看到信息之间的逻辑关系。
5. 重点突出:在笔记中突出重点信息,例如使用下划线、加粗或不同颜色的笔来标注重要的词汇或短语。
6. 练习记忆:在记录笔记的同时,也要尽量练习记忆,以便在没有笔记的情况下也能进行口译。
当然可以,以下是一些具体的口译笔记示例:1. 符号和缩写:- 使用符号“/”表示“或者”,例如“China/US”表示“中国或美国”。
- 使用缩写“WTO”表示“世界贸易组织”,“GDP”表示“国内生产总值”。
2. 分区记录:- 将笔记分为左右两个区域,左侧记录发言人的讲话内容,右侧记录自己的翻译或理解。
- 在左侧区域中,可以使用纵向排列的方式记录信息,例如“经济发展/环境保护”。
- 在右侧区域中,可以写下自己的翻译“Economic development/Environmental protection”。
3. 重点突出:- 使用下划线、加粗或不同颜色的笔来标注重要的词汇或短语,例如“全球化”、“可持续发展”等。
- 可以使用箭头或其他符号来表示信息之间的逻辑关系,例如“因为-所以”、“虽然-但是”等。
(一)箭头“→”表示到达、传达:go into,arrive at,give to,send to,present to, etc. 导致、引导:lead to, result in, in the direction of, etc.“←”表示来自于:be/come from,return,receive from, etc. 追溯到:come/go back to,originate in, etc.“↑”表示上升:up/upward/rise,increase,arise,ascend, etc. 发射、起飞、升空:launch,ascend, skyrocket, etc.发展、加强、推进:develop,strengthen,promote, etc.“↓”表示向下、下降:down/downward/drop, decrease, jump, etc. 减少、恶化:reduce, deteriorate, go down, etc.(二) 数学符号“+”表示和、还有、另外、加上、多:and, in addition to, furthermore, many, lots of, etc.“-”表示减少、除去、少:minus, lack, in short of, little, few, etc.“×”表示错误、没有、反对、冲突:wrong, something bad, negative, conflict, confrontation, etc.“>”表示大于、超过、多于:greater, larger or more than, better than, surpass, more and more, etc.“<”表示小于、不如、次于、比不上:smaller than, fewer/less than, worse than, inferior to, etc.“=”表示等于、相当于、一样:the same as,that is to say,in other words,be equal to, etc. 对手:match/rival/competitor, counterpart.“≠”表示不等于、不同:not equal to, be different from, etc.“≈”表示大约、左右:about/around,or so,approximately, etc.“∵”表示由于、因为:because, as, due to, thanks to, owing to, etc.“∴”表示所以、因此、因而、结果:so, therefore, as a result, consequently, etc.(三) 标点符号“:” 表示说:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc. 意见、观点、主意:opinion, idea, viewpoint, etc.“?” 表示问题:question,issue,problem, etc.“.”点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样:“.d”表示yesterday,“.y"表示last year,“.2m”表示two months ago,“y”表示this year,“y2.”表示two years later/in two years,“next week”,可以表示为“wk.”“()” 表示在……之间:among, within, etc.(四) 其它符号“√” 表示好:right/good,famous/well-known,etc. 同意:stand up for,support,agree with somebody, certain/ affirmative, etc.“& ” 表示和、与:and,together with,along with,accompany,along with,further more,etc.“☆” 表示重要的、杰出的、优秀的、榜样:important,best,outstanding,brilliant,model, etc.“∥” 表示结束:end,stop,halt,bring something to a standstill/stop, etc.“°”表示人、者:person, people, 如经济学家可以表示为“经°”,中国人可以表示为“中°”,etc.“⊙”表示会议、讨论、谈判:meeting, seminar, discussion, negotiation, etc.“♂”表示男人:man, male, boy, etc.“♀”表示女人:woman, female, girl, etc.“□”表示国家:country, state, nation, etc.“△”表示代表:represent, on behalf of, etc.“∽”表示交流、交换、替代、相互:exchange, mutual, each other, communication, replace, etc.(五) 缩略词英语缩写词的写法一般有以下几种:∙拿掉所有元音。
• Mastery of interpretation techniques
------Not all those who have a good command of the
• Acute hearing! • A good articulation! • Familiarity with simultaneous notetaking! • A good memory! • Quick and accurate response!
• The Definition of Interpretation • The Types of Interpretation • The Characteristics of Interpretation& The Qualifications of an Interpreter • The Criteria of Interpretation • Memory • Note-taking • Interpretation of appellation • The Differences between American English and British English & culture Difference
The Definition of Interpretation
• “Interpretation, essentially, means an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language.” ------ Mr. Zhong Shukong • “Translation” is defined as “the faithful representation, in one language, of what is written in another language”
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Paragraph 1
Personally, I believe China needs to pay attention to the following areas. One, we must provide guidance more forcefully using economic and legal means in the property development market, to restrict blind development in up-market properties, and to promote the construction of economical and practical properties. Two, we must monitor international as well as domestic economic development closely so as to able to respond quickly.
意思 数字 专有名词
文字(包括缩略语)比符号多 (关键词、意思之间的联系) 符号 (但不要试图列一份固定的符号清单,必须要因人而异) 缩略语 (少字多意) 第一句话和最后一句话 笔记的排列 (少横多竖) 推荐: 使用译入语记笔记
笔记表现讲话的意思,而不是枝节 不要急着记,等一等再记 不要照着笔记去念,而是以它为依托重新表达意思 简约与疏朗,习惯少记和用自己的话去表达 笔记只能起到提醒的作用
笔记训练 Note Taking
纵向(verticality):上下安排,多分行,每行一个意群,易于快 速读取,不费眼神。 缩进(shift/indentation):对角线式,体现主从关系。 叠加(superposition):列举时每ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ一行,然后用竖线或大括号 连接,体现并列关系。 留空(margin):左侧空白写关联词,右侧补充信息。 分隔(division):一段意思结束用横线或双斜线隔开,区分段落; 一段话讲完或译完用横线隔开,区分新旧内容。 关联(linking):用线条或箭头关联逻辑相关的信息或指代前文 提到的内容。
Paragraph 1
Three, we must strengthen the regulation of the automobile and steel industries, reining in low-grade repetitive construction and disorderly competition. We need to stop overheating in some sectors from spreading while at the same time encouraging rational elements in our economic growth. This is an issue of maintaining the right balance.
少写多划 少字多意 少线多指 少横多竖 快速书写 明确结束
不要超过30% 不要记每一个字 不要试图写全最后几个 字 不要过于拥挤 不要刻意追求符号 不要现场发明符号
Financial Service Authority in UK
Notes-Taking Assessment --- UK Financial System
Read the following notes
Assessment on the Notes (work in pairs) - what - how - how much - reminder or not
Paragraph 1
我个人认为,当前中国经济发展需要注意以下几个方 面: 一是加强房地产投资引导,运用经济、法律手段, 约束高档商品的盲目发展,促进经济适用房建设。 二是做好国际国内形势的跟踪监测,及时制定应对方 案。 三是加强对汽车和钢材等行业的宏观监控,禁止低水 平重复建设和无序竞争。既要及早制止某些行业过热 倾向的进一步蔓延,又要鼓励经济增长中的合理因素。 这里需要解决的是如何掌握分寸的问题。
Note-taking Practice
笔记表现讲话的意思,而不是枝节 不要急着记,等一等再记 不要照着笔记去念,而是以它为依托重新表达意思 简约与疏朗,习惯少记和用自己的话去表达 笔记只能起到提醒的作用
property development market up-markets properties economical and practical properties automobile and steel industries low-grade repetitive construction disorderly competition overheating rational elements
听辨为先:保证听懂的前提下才可以去记笔记,要注 意听辨和笔记的注意力分配 脑记为主:脑记占70%,笔记占30%,要注意脑记和 笔记的平衡协调。 得意忘言:记的是意思和逻辑关系而不是字词 快速准确:使用精简缩略,用最少的符号代表尽量完 整的意义。快速书写但不潦草 清楚易认:书写规范,结构清晰,明确结束