
Spec U.S. Standard Type:duplex Minimum Piston Diameter:2½"Maximum Piston Diameter:5"Stroke length:10"Maximum Working Pressure:1,800 PSIRod/Piston Load:13100lb Gallons per Minute:234.0Barrels per Day:8023Brake Horse Power:119.1Gaso, 1740, Duplex, Piston Pump (Mud Pump)Pumps in this series1740174117421743SpecsPump CurvesHover over Power Curves to reveal RPM and GPMPerformance Data Table40 RPM 62.3 HP45 RPM 70.1 HP50 RPM 77.8 HP55 RPM 85.6 HP60 RPM 93.4 HP65 RPM 101.2 HP 70 RPM 109.0 HP 75 RPM 116.8 HP 80 RPM 124.5 HP 85 RPM 132.3 HP 90 RPM 140.1 HP 95 RPM147.9 HP501001502002503005" DIA. — 667 MAX. P.S.I.4¾" DIA. — 739 MAX. P.S.I.4½" DIA. — 824 MAX. P.S.I.4¼" DIA. — 923 MAX. P.S.I.4" DIA. — 1042 MAX. P.S.I.3¾" DIA. — 1186 MAX.P.S.I.3½" DIA. — 1362 MAX.P.S.I.3¼" DIA. — 1579 MAX.P.S.I.3" DIA. — 1800 MAX. P.S.I.2¾" DIA. — 1800 MAX.P.S.I.2½" DIA. — 1800 MAX.P.S.I.Phone:IEQ Industries Ltd PO Box 230097Grand Rapids, MI 49523800.544.9053 |616.452.6882Features/BenefitsGASO DUPLEX PISTON PUMPSRatings published here in are intended to be used only for preliminary planning purposes, and as such carried no warranties whatsoever. All applications for gas opines must be approved in writing. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE IS TRANSCRIBED FROM A GASO TECHNICAL MANUAL FROM THE 1960’S - 70’S. IEQ INDUSTRIES OR THE CUSTODIANS OF THIS WEBSITE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS CONTENT.Power End SpecificationsPower Frame. High-strength gray iron alloy casting with heavy wall sections, well ribbed to ensure rigid construction and design to fully enclose all working parts.Gears. Continuous to Sykes herringbone construction. Main gear is heat treated high-grade ductile iron. Pinion gear is cut from forged alloy steel and hardened.Crankshaft. Have a center section for mounting main gear. Large diameter crank pinsPinion Shaft. Alloy steel bar stock, machine and precision ground.Bearings. Heavy duty tapered roller bearings on crankshaft. Self-contained double roll bearings on pinion shaft to permit free floating of shaft for self centering of peers.Connecting Rods. Heavy cross section castings with renewable Babbitt lined steel shell bearings and crank and; bronze bushing in cross head end. Lubrication. All power and parts including gears, cross heads, connecting rod bearings, crankshaft bearings and pinion crank shaft bearings, are lubricated by splash system from lubricant in crankcase reservoir.Fluid End SpecificationsPower Frame. Alloys stocked are Molybdenum’s cast iron and cast steel. Fluid ounce can be trimmed out for pumping various liquids. Ductile iron can be furnished upon request.Cylinder Heads. Heavy section alloy casting to match material of pump fluid body.Valve Covers. Heavy section alloy casting to match material of pump fluid body.Liners. All pumps are available with interchangeable pipe liners. Standard materials available are Molybdenums alloyed iron, file hard steel and special corrosion resistant liners.Piston Rods. Various rod materials are available. These are: steel, bronze, stainless steel, file hard steel, and chrome plated steel.Pistons. Molly–iron and bronze bodies fitted with various types of rings or cups are available.slush service pistons can also be furnished.Valves. Valves and seats are available as follows: hardened and ground steel wing guided, bronze wing guided, steal or bronze insert type, direct blood valves for use on cast iron or bronze seats. McClatchie and mission can also be furnished.Stuffing Boxes. All duplex pumps are furnished with replaceable type stuffing boxes which are available in cast iron and bronze.Packing. Standard packing is a set of lip–type packing rings. Other packings can be furnished for special applications.Stuffing Box Lubrication. Furnished by use of regulated flow of oil from a force-feed lubricate or mounted on the pump, with a separate oil line to each stuffing box.Disclaimer IThis website is intended as a reference tool only. It has been constructed from published data that is based on manufacturer's sales and engineering documents that are either current, historical and obsolete. Much of the machinery data contained herein has been re-rated through the years with different engineering criteria which maybe in conflict with legacy data. Much of the content published here is calculated online with the use of dynamic data using formulas and extrapolations considered to be sound engineering formulas and are correct to the degree that the data used is accurate. We have done our best to be as precise as as possible in this posting but do not represent any of the calculations or performance data to be entirely accurate. The data published here is intended to be general information rather than actual and to serve as a reference rather than a technical absolute. The user of such data should confirm such information independently.Copyright and Disclaimers is your resource for Gaso pumps, Gaso pump parts and a supplier of ORIGINAL GASO PARTS and equipment, new used and remanufactured Wheatley, GASO andWheatley/GASO plunger and piston pumps and pump parts and is not affiliated with Wheatley/GASO Inc. or its parent company, National Oilwell Varco,p Copyright ©2017, IntelleQ Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved, *Used under license from IntelleQ Holdings, LLC.。

BOMCO F-500/800/1000钻井泵使用说明书AH05010100SMAH08010100SMAH10010100SM2005年9月前言感谢您购买和使用宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司生产的F系列钻井泵。
目录1新泵的使用 (1)1.1 技术规范及性能参数 (1)1.2 新泵的安装 (7)1.3 对吸入系统的要求 (9)1.4 动力端的准备工作 (10)1.5 喷淋泵总成 (12)1.6 液力端零件的装配 (15)1.7 空气包总成 (18)2润滑 (21)2.1 最低工作速度 (21)2.2 控制液流的飞溅润滑 (21)2.3 压力润滑系统 (22)2.4 润滑系统的维护 (24)3维护 (26)3.1 动力端 (26)3.2 滚动轴承 (27)3.3 小齿轮轴总成 (28)3.4 曲轴总成 (29)3.5 将曲轴总成安装在机架上 (32)3.6 十字头导板的安装 (33)3.7 F-500泵导筒的更换 (34)3.8 十字头的安装 (34)3.9 十字头对中的检查 (36)3.10 液力端的维护保养 (37)3.11 补焊和修理 (41)3.12 气囊的更换 (42)3.13 F-1300/1600泵的各总成的大约重量 (43)4钻井泵的维护与保养 (44)4.1 每天的维护保养 (44)4.2 每周的维护保养 (44)4.3 每月的维护 (45)4.4 每年的维护保养 (45)4.5 在维护保养中尚须注意的其它事项 (45)5可能发生的故障和排除方法 (48)6封存注意事项 (48)7订货说明 (50)7.1 单泵配套范围 (50)7.2 F系列泵分公制、英制两种类型,由用户选择。

2001年通过IS09001: 2000质量体系认证3NBB260~35/10~7-45煤矿用泥浆泵使用说明书石家庄煤矿机械有限责任公司安全警示1、投入使用前,请务必详细阅读本说明书。
2、型号说明3—缸数N—泥浆(工作介质)B—泵类B—变量260~35—额定流量范围(L/min)10~7—额定排出压力范围(MPa)45—电机功率(kw)3、型式与基本参数3.1型式三缸单作用往复式活塞泵3.2基本参数吸水管直径Φ89mm排水管直径Φ50mm三角带规格型号煤矿用阻燃抗静电V带MV-2740~15200(电机端Li=2242mm 3根)(机架端Li=2652mm 4根)高压胶管规格型号钢丝缠绕液压橡胶软管4SP-51(用户自备)配套动力型号 YBK2-225M-4配套动力功率 45 KW外形尺寸(1×b×h) 2910×1318×981 mm重量 2177 kg电机用皮带轮计算直径Φ275 mm泥浆泵容积效率应不低于85%、总效率应不小于72%4、结构介绍4.1总体介绍本泵由十个部件组成,它们是:机架组、传动装置、泵体组立、安全阀组、排水装置、吸水笼头、泵底座、电机底座、大皮带轮罩、电机皮带轮罩,其中泵底座与电机底座连接在一起,其余部件安装在其上面。
GEA Futuro 和 Magnum 水泥泥浆泵产品说明书

Hydraulic Piston Pumps Reliable and efficient positive displacementpumps for manure transfer2 · HYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPSCHRIS PECK, Maintenance ManagerHerrema Dairy – Fair Oaks, IN, USAYears ago, Herrema Dairy installed four GEA Futuro pumps. These pumps have been pumping every day for over 17 years, with minimal maintenance. “They can be carefree if you look after them,” says Chris Peck. Herrema Dairy has now added six additional Futuro pumps for a total of ten.Time tested and farmer approvedReputable manure evacuation systemsfor over 40 yearsThe range of hydraulic piston pumps offered by GEA comprises three different models: the Electromix system, Futuro, and Magnum. All models enable efficient, low-energy transfer of manure with or without bedding from a free stall or a tie-stall typeof barns. GEA always strives to produce durable equipment that is capable of operating in the most extreme conditions. For this reason, the hydraulic piston pumps, like all of the manure management equipment offered by GEA, are manufactured from high-quality steel, and then treated with an epoxy base coat and two coats of urethane paint. GEA is also concerned with its environmental impact, and works continually to implement efficient environmental management systems. As a result, GEA has achieved ISO 14001 certification. The manure management equipment developed by GEA is rooted in more than 50 years of field-proven experience. This knowledge is available through our sales specialists and established dealership network to provide sound guidance in designing a suitable manure evacuation system that exceeds your requirements.Join the ranks of the many satisfied customers operating an Electromix system, Futuro and Magnum. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your nearest GEA representative for assistance and advice.Advantages• Proven reliability - included in the product range for over 40 years, this equipment has evolved alongside livestock farms to provide the same high level of satisfaction and performance.• Nothing but quality - robust equipment that is manufactured from top-quality components.• Long service life - smooth operation and efficient mechanical design requires minimal maintenance.• Adaptable equipment - multiple configurations to suit your installations and type of herd management.Main features• Stainless steel pump tube - for longer service life.• Double mechanical piston seal - upper and lower mechanical seals made of high-quality flexible polyurethane that enable hermetic operation with minimal friction against the pump tube wall, reducing the amount of lubricant required.• Low-pressure reversing mechanism - for quiet and smooth operation without backlash.• Lubrication lines - accessible from the top of the pump to facilitate equipment maintenance.• Hydraulic unit- 5 or 7½ HP (4 or 5.5 kW) motor- 15 US gal. (57 l) oil tank- Pressure and oil level gauges- Electric oil heater and ventilated hydraulic unit availableHYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPS · 3Electromix systemThe Electromix system is versatile and offers remarkable performance in a wide variety of applications. In addition to transferring manure to an outside pit, the Electromix system is well suited to feed a manure digestion system or a separation system.Key features• Efficient design - able to transfer manure with limited bedding a long distance with a smaller diameter evacuation line.• Minimum and easy maintenance - easily accessible grease lines for lubricating the bronze bearings valve pivots.• Versatile pump - multiple installation configurations to suit the design of your reception pit. 8” (203 mm) diameter suction pipe enabling a suction depth of up to 10 feet (3 m).• A System adapted to your needs - standard 3” (76 mm) hydraulic cylinder with 5 HP motor. The option includes a 4” (102 mm) cylinder and a 7.5 HP motor with a robust pumping tube.• Efficient and smooth operation - the Electromix pump is equipped with a pressure damper allowing smooth transfer without backlash.• Evacuation line measuring 6” or 8” (152 or 203 mm) in diameter - allowing manure evacuation over a greater distance than the Magnum and the Futuro.• Everything you need for an efficient installation - 6” (76 mm) cast-iron and 8” (203 mm) steel guillotines as well as a wide range of parts and accessories to complete the installation of your system.• Electromix agitator - high-performance propeller agitator allowing homogenization of the manure before it is transferred to main storage.The Electromix system enables free stall or tie-stall barn manure to be sufficiently agitated and homogenizedbefore transferDairy manure Free stall & tie-stall barns Maximum consistency 1½” (38 mm)* M andatory to have air risers in the evacuation line.4 · HYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPSElectromix pump configurations Working principleDuring the suction cycle, the upstroke of the piston creates a suction effect that forces the discharge valve to close and the intake valve to open, allowing the evacuation chamber to fill with manure.During the evacuation cycle the downstroke of the piston creates sufficient pressure to close the intake valve and open the discharge valve, allowing evacuation of the manure.Installation on the floor above the reception pit Suitable for a reception pit with a depth of 10 feet (3 m) maximum.Installation on the floornext to the reception pitSuction pipe 36” (91 cm)from the wall. The pumpmust be installed in a recesswhen the reception pit isdeeper then 10 feet (3 m).Installation on the wallinside the reception pitSuitable for reception pitswith depths exceeding10 feet (3 m) and whenhead space or floor spaceis limited.Installation insidea service pit next tothe reception pitProvides a flooded inlet tothe pump for worry-freeoperation.HYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPS · 5Typical installation with liquid return lineThe liquid return line enables the liquid in the main storage to be recovered and returned underground to the reception pit to maintain proper consistency. Also, the liquid return line makes it possible to limit the addition of fresh water so that the volume of manure stored can be reduced.Even with a liquid return line, 1 to 2 US gallons (4 to 8 liters) of water per cow per day must be added to the manure to facilitate agitation of the main pit. Typically, the quantity of water used for cleaning the milking system is more than sufficient.manage up to 40 lb of straw/hay bedding per 10 dairy cows daily. BarnDrive shaft with an antivibration bearingGearboxPropeller guardFoot operated locking deviceRemote grease linesHandle to rotate the agitatorOil gaugeThe Electromix agitator is mandatory when using the Electromix pump to pumping out the reception pit.Key features• Efficient design - the Futuro is equipped with robust valves fitted with a rubber gasket to seal the valve.• Minimum and easy maintenance - easily accessible grease lines for lubricating the bronze bearing valve pivots. The interior of the evacuation chamber is accessible from both sides of the pump.• Completely safe operation - the outlet valve of the Futuro is fitted with a spring ensuring closure of the valve. 12¾” (324 mm) and 16” (406 mm) inlet and outlet guillotines also are available with hydraulic cylinders allowing remote operation of the guillotines from the hydraulic unit. The hydraulic outlet guillotine can also be equipped with a pneumatic spring allowing your installation to be protected against backflowby automatically closing the guillotine in the event ofa system shutdown.Hydr.unitOutputMax. transfer distancedepending on manureconsistency2” (51 mm)5” (127 mm)5 HP112 US gpm423 lpm600 feet(183 m)200 feet(61 m) 7.5 HP127 US gpm482 lpmPerformance varies according to the installation, the manure consistency and the quantity and type of bedding. Can manage up to 40 lb of straw/hay bedding per 10 dairy cows daily. It may be necessary to add water.Futuro with manual inlet andoutlet guillotines set on a riser and fitted with a 16” (406 mm) diameter suction pipeThe riser allows building the service and reception pits at the same floor level when using the suction pipe facing downward.Futuro with manual inlet and outlet guillotines and fitted with a 16” (406 mm) diameter suction pipe The suction pipe can be installed with the opening facing upwards or down-wards, downwards is required when the manure is laden with sand.Futuro with manual inlet andoutlet guillotines and fitted with a hopper to collect the manure from a cross-gutter cleaner or skid-steer loaderTwo hopper models are available: 60” x 48” (152 cm x 122 cm) or 84” x 72” (213 cm x 183 cm).Futuro modelsWorking principleDuring the suction cycle, the piston upstroke creates vacuum, which closes the discharge valve and forces the intake valve to open, allowing the evacuation chamber to fill with manure.During the evacuation cycle the pressure exerted by the piston downstroke closes the intake valve and forces the discharge valve to open, allowing evacuation of manure. The downstroke lever attached to the intake valve ensures complete closure of the pump inlet.HYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPS · 910 · HYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPSMagnumThe Magnum is a made-to-order piece of equipmentfor efficiently transferring thick manure from a free stallor tie-stall barnSeveral types of hoppers are available for installations comprising1 or2 barn cleaners, or for skid-steer loader scraped alleys in freestall barns. The pump hopper can be replaced by a suction pipeand reception pit if the manure does not contain bedding.Key features• Robust and durable guillotines - hydraulically operatedinlet and outlet guillotines and 16” (406 mm) manual safetyguillotines equipped with a sharp blade to cut through strawand organic bedding.• Completely safe operation - the hydraulic outlet guillotineequipped with a pneumatic spring prevents the risk of backflowby automatically closing in the event of a system shutdown.• Sand-laden manure option - in addition to a sequence valve,QPQ treatment of the guillotine blade, doors, and walls of theevacuation chamber for better abrasion resistance.• Hopper available in stainless steel• 16” (406 mm) diameter evacuation outlet - optional 24”(610 mm) outlet.Dairy manure Free stall & tie-stall barnsMaximum consistency5” (127 mm)Typical installationMagnumHydraulic alley scraperHydraulic unitControl panelHydraulic gutter cleaner5 HP 4 kW 53 Imp gpm 200 lpm 350 feet (107 m)200 feet (61 m)7.5 HP 5.5 kW67 Imp gpm255 lpmPerformance varies according to the installation, the manure consistency and the quantity and type of bedding. Can manage up to 40 lb of straw/hay bedding per 10 dairy cows daily. It may be necessary to add water.Futuro and Magnum Evacuation LineCoupling kit for male PVC end to male PVC endTwo anti-slip collars connect-ed by four threaded rods and one split coupler - 12 ¾” (324 mm) and 16” (406 mm).Coupling kit for male PVC end to female stainless steel endAnti-slip collar with retaining ring and O-ring connected to steel pipe by four threaded rods - 12 ¾” (324 mm).Coupling kit for male steel end to female PVC end Retaining ring connected to steel pipe by four threaded rods - 12 ¾” (324 mm) and 16” (406 mm).Coupling kit for male steel end to female stainless steel endRetaining ring with O-ring connected to steel pipe by four threaded rods -12 ¾” (324 mm).Coupling kit for male steel end to male PVC endAnti-slip collar connected to steel pipe by four threaded rods and one split coupler - 12 ¾” (324 mm) and 16” (406 mm).Coupling kit for male steel end to female steel end Steel pipes connected by four threaded rods and a seal - 16” (406 mm).Coupling kit for male PVC end to female PVC end Anti-slip collar and retaining ring connected by four threaded rods - 12 ¾”(324 mm) and 16” (406 mm).Coupling kit for male steel end to male steel end One split coupler with seal connecting the steel pipes by four threaded rods - 12 ¾” (324 mm) and 16” (406 mm).GEA offers 12 ¾” (324 mm) and 16” (406 mm) diameter steel pipes, as well as a variety of elbows, discharge pipes, coupling kits,and other accessories for steel or PVC evacuation line installation.HYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPS · 13Lengthof the evacuation lineQuantity of anodesUp to 120 feet (36 m) 1 anode Up to 240 feet (73 m) 2 anodes Up to 360 feet (110 m) 3 anodes Up to 480 feet (146 m) 4 anodes Up to 600 feet (183 m)5 anodesAn underground evacuation line made of steel is susceptible to corrosion. How can this phenomenon be explained? How can the effects of corrosion be prevented and the evacuation line protected against premature wear?Very-low voltage electricity travels through soil and the amount of electricity transmitted is closely related to soil type. Hard and wet clay soil offers high conductivity while coarse and dry sand has almost no capacity for conduction.If electricity traveling through the soil meets a steel evacuation line, it will use the steel line as a conductor. Then, at the point where the electricity leaves the steel evacuation line, a chemical corrosion reaction occurs. This corrosion can occur rapidly or slowly, depending on the soil type.Sacrificial anodesThe steel evacuation line, whether that of the Futuro or the Magnum, can be protected against corrosion by installing sacrificial anodes at specific points along the buried line.• High-purity magnesium bar - the sacrificial anodes are made of a material that corrodes faster than steel. They are designed to protect the steel pipes and elbows.• A greatly-extended service life - the anodes gradually corrode over the years instead of the evacuation line. When properly installed, the sacrificial anodes can have a service life of 20 years.Copper wireMagnesium bar Conductive powder The high purity magnesium bar inside the sac-rificial anode will disintegrate slowly and will protect your evacuation line over several years.Futuro and Magnum Evacuation Line14 · HYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPSAir riser pipe for flushing the evacuation line A 6” (152 mm) diameter steel pipe fitted with a 2” (51 mm) airline inlet is used to inject a large volume of air to flush the line free of sedimented material. The air riser pipe is mandatory when sand bedding is used, and is a great way to access the evacuation line for cleaning with a water jet.Air riser pipes must be installed at least every 200 feet (61 m) along the evacuation line. However, certain lines require additional air riser pipes at points where the risk of blockage is higher, such as narrow-angle elbows or positive slopes.Air riser pipe capManual gate valvePit management devicesAccurately measure liquid levels inside a reception pitLaser level sensorThe laser level sensor readings are done from a distance without being in contact with the material, even from an elevated distance and outside of the pit. It is not subject to manure build-up which may result in a false liquid level reading. The laser level sensor is an optional accessory offered with all hydraulic piston pumps. Accuracy is not affected by manure with foam. Diaphragm switchA diaphragm switch is a mechanical level measurement device installed inside the pit and acts as a high- or low-level switch. The diaphragm switch is optional with all hydraulicpiston pump models.Flapper valve• Safety first! - The flapper valve is attached to the end of the evacuation line to prevent the risk of backflow. An in-line model is also available for the 6” and 8” (152 and 203 mm) diameter evacuation lines.• Suitable for thick manure - the flapper valve can seal in thick manure. A guillotine valve is recommended for manure containing more liquid.• Suitable for evacuation lines - measuring 6”, 8”, 12¾” and 16” (152, 203, 324 and 406 mm) in diameter.Suitable for evacuation lines measuring 6”, 8” 12 3/4” and 16” (152, 203, 324 and406 mm) in diameter.AIR RISER PIPEHYDRAULIC PISTON PUMPS · 152007-4815-210 © G E A F a r m T e c h n o l o g i e s C a n a d a , I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d d e s i g n i n a l l c a s e s . V .4 - A p r i l 22n d , 2020GEA is one of the largest technology suppliers for food processing and a wide range of other industries. The global group specializes in machinery, plants, as well as process technology and components. GEA provides sustainable solutions for sophisticated production processes in diverse end-user markets and offers a comprehensive service portfolio.The company is listed on the German MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), the STOXX® Europe 600 Index and selected MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes.We live our values.Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versityGEA North AmericaGEA Farm Technologies Canada Inc. 4591 boul. St-JosephDrummondville, Qc, Canada J2A 0C6Tel +1 819 477 7444 Fax +1 819 477 5565GEA Farm Technologies, Inc. 1880 Country Farm Drive Naperville, IL 60563 USA Tel +1 800 563 4685 Fax +1 819 477 0486。

F-1600 三缸泵下面的底座可适应所有形式的安装,泵下面的支承基础必须是 水平的,并有足够强度,以便能够支持泵的自重和运转时所产生的力。
当进行地面安装时,至少要用8块 76x305mm 的垫板,垫在泵 底座的长度方向上,如图 2 所示的几个位置上。垫板下的基础必须比泵的底 座滑体宽 300mm 以上,潮湿或沼泽地带,需要更稳固的基础。
装上阀杆导向器⒀,并把它套在阀体杆上,通过插板⒁把阀杆导向器往下压 同时压紧阀弹簧。将定位盘⑿装进泵头孔,同时将缸盖密封圈⒂装在缸盖堵头⒃ 上。用轻质油涂抹密封圈和缸盖堵头的外圆。用一根 1 米长的管子穿入缸盖堵头 端部的带扣孔内,用管子平衡缸盖堵头,使它能直入液力端开口内。用润滑脂涂 抹缸盖螺纹上,对着缸盖堵头⒃旋入缸盖⒄,用随泵附带的加力杆和榔头上紧缸 盖。
F-1600 三缸泵在发运到油田以前已完全组装好,并经过负荷运转实验,润滑油 已从动力端放出。 在泵投入使用之前,必须采取下述预防措施,进行操作和检查: 为了防止在进行维护或检查过程中发生人身事故,本设备必须关闭,停止运转,并且 在原动机和传动装置上的所有安全防护装置必须在安全位置上。
上紧扭矩 N·m 搬手长度 mm 作用于搬手上力 N
1. 三角皮带传动
(2) 调整三角皮带的预紧力

采用双金属缸套,内层材料为高铬耐磨合金,内表面光洁度为0.2,硬度≥HRC60。缸套规格Φ110-Φ160 mm,供用户选择。

目录前言 (2)第一章安装、使用、保养 (3)RS-F1600/1300钻井泵外形图 (4)1 技术规范及性能参数 (5)2 结构特点 (7)3 新泵的安装 (8)4 泵的起动及操作 (11)5 润滑 (13)6 喷淋泵装置 (14)7 保养 (15)8贮藏 (17)9日常维护保养一览表 (18)第二章维护手册 (20)1动力端的维护 (21)2 动力端零件的装配 (22)3液力端维护 (29)4液力端零件的装配 (30)5可能发生的故障和排除方法 (35)第三章零件目录 (36)1 零件目录图纸清单 (37)2 随机工具 (53)3 随机备用件 (55)前言本说明书为了帮助用户对钻井泵有所了解和给钻井泵的操作者和修理工提供指导,就RS-F1300/1600钻井泵的技术规范、结构特点、安装、使用、维护和拆卸等方面分别作较详细的介绍,正确使用本说明书将有助于保证泵的正常运行,但由于篇幅的局限,不可能把每一个一般性的技术问题都一一说明得十分清楚。
第一章安装、使用、保养安装、使用、保养1 技术规范及性能参数1.1 技术规范1.2 性能参数(取机械效率η=90%,充满系数α=100%,容积效率100%)2 结构特点2.1动力端泵机架为钢板焊接结构,传动轴和曲轴轴承座系铸钢件,粗加工后与机壳组焊,在曲轴轴承座处采用筋板加强结构,焊后退火以消除内应力,钢性好强度高。

1. Enclosed Impeller Even wear components.Balanced hydraulic design for extended and even wear life of all components.28% High Chrome 650+ Brinell hardness, impeller, wear plate and casing. Back pull out design.2. Slurry Mechanical SealDual Seals of Silicon Carbide vs. Silicon Carbide running without the need for flush water.The motor is further protected by a labyrinth seal and a seal relief port.3. Premium Efficiency MotorInverter duty, air filled, copper wound/formed motor. Class H insulation.Extended run dry capabilities, minimizes the cost of operation.4. Replaceable FlangesFlanges are made from mild steel to prevent cracking the high chrome fittings.Horsepower................................................................................................15 – 1500 HP 15 – 150 HP ( SBLH Series )Discharge Size............................................................................................3” – 20”3” to 8” ( SBLH Series )Performance RangeCapacity................................................................................100 – 20,000 US GPM 100 – 4,500 US GPM ( SBLH Series )Head ......................................................................................50’ – 350’ TH10’ – 160’ TH ( SBLH Series )Solids Handling..........................................................................................1” to 5” Particle Size1.375” to2.50” Particle Size (SBLH Series)Motor NomenclatureType, Speed, HZ ..................................................................TENV Air Filled / 890-1180 / 60 HZ 350 to 1780 RPM / 50 HZ Voltage, Phase......................................................................480 V. / 3 Phase / 1.2 Service Factor 240 / 575 / 2400 / 4160 Volt Insulation ..............................................................................Class H Cable Length........................................................................33’ Standard Cable Length as RequiredMaximum Run Time in Air...................................................................... 1 Year Maximum Water Temperature................................................................180°F. +Water Jacket to Handle Hotter Temperatures Operation Mode ........................................................................................Manual or SnoreVariable Speed Drive / Float Controls Materials of ConstructionCasing....................................................................................28% High Chrome 650+ Brinell Hardness 15/3 White Iron Impeller..................................................................................28% High Chrome 650+ Brinell Hardness 15/3 White Iron Wear Plate............................................................................28% High Chrome 650+ Brinell Hardness 15/3 White IronShaft ......................................................................................416 Stainless SteelMotor Housing......................................................................Cast Iron 3/8” Minimum Thickness Fasteners ..............................................................................316 Stainless Steel Impeller Type..............................................................................................EnclosedSemi-Open - Recessed ( SBLH Series )Mechanical SealUpper Seat............................................................................Silicon Carbide Upper Rotator ......................................................................Silicon Carbide Lower Rotator......................................................................Silicon Carbide Lower Seat............................................................................Silicon Carbide Elastomers............................................................................Viton Labyrinth Seal......................................................................Cast Steel316 Stainless Steel / BronzeBearings......................................................................................................Permanently Lubricated DoubleAngular Contact 100,000 Hour B-10 LifeAccessories ................................................................................................Discharge Hose / Variable Speed Drives / Urethane Coating / Elbows in Steel or High Chrome / Control Panels / Moisture and Thermal Protection / Float Controls / Rafts.FEATURESAPPLICATIONS1.Bottom Ash2.Tailings Ponds3.Sand / Gravel / Taconite4.Clean Out Sumps5.Coke Pits6.Dredging7.Coal Pile Runoff 8.Slag Pits / Mill Scale 9.Boiler Blow Down 10.Lime Slurry 11.Red Mud Recovery12.Thickener Drain13.Precipitation Thickener 14.API SludgeSPECIFICATIONSHEAVY DUTY HIGH CHROME SLURRY PUMPThe heaviest duty submersible pump in the industry.Built to handle the most severe slurryapplications where others fail.SPECIFICATIONSSTANDARDOPTIONSFactory–4432VentureAvenue•Duluth,MN55811•218.722.9904•Fax218.722.2826••email:***************©GPM,INC.2002SUBMERSIBLE SBEW SERIES。

1. Enclosed Impeller Even wear components.Balanced hydraulic design for extended and even wear life of components.28% High Chrome 650+ Brinell hardness: assures long life of impeller, wear plate and casing.2. Slurry Mechanical SealDual Seals of Silicon Carbide vs. Silicon Carbide running without the need for flush water.The motor is further protected by a labyrinth seal and dual lip seals.3. Heavy Duty C-Face Wash–Down MotorC- Face Inverter duty TEFC, Severe service, low voltage motor minimizes the cost of operation.4. No Packing or Leaking SealsMechanical seal is self-contained requiring no adjustments or flush water for lubrication.5. Save Floor Space by 50%Horsepower................................................................................................15 – 300 HP 15 – 200 HP ( VCLH Series )Discharge Size............................................................................................3” – 20”3” to 8” ( VCLH Series )Performance RangeCapacity................................................................................100 – 20,000 US GPM 100 – 4,500 US GPM ( VCLH Series )Head ......................................................................................50’ – 350’ TH10’ – 160’ TH ( VCLH Series )Solids Handling..........................................................................................1” to 5” Particle Size1.37” to2.50” Particle Size (VCLH Series)Motor NomenclatureType, Speed, HZ ..................................................................C-Face TEFC / 350 to 1780 RPM / 60 HZ 50 HZVoltage, Phase......................................................................480 V. / 3 Phase / 1.15 Service Factor 240 / 575 / 2400 / 4160 Volt Insulation ..............................................................................Class F Class HMaximum Water Temperature................................................................200°F. +Operation Mode ........................................................................................ManualVariable Speed Drive / Float Controls Materials of ConstructionCasing....................................................................................28% High Chrome 650+ Brinell Hardness 15/3 White Iron Impeller..................................................................................28% High Chrome 650+ Brinell Hardness 15/3 White Iron Wear Plate............................................................................28% High Chrome 650+ Brinell Hardness 15/3 White IronShaft ......................................................................................416 Stainless Steel Bearing Housing..................................................................Cast IronFasteners ..............................................................................316 Stainless Steel Impeller Type..............................................................................................EnclosedSemi-Open ( VCLH Series )Mechanical SealUpper Seat............................................................................Silicon Carbide Upper Rotator ......................................................................Silicon Carbide Lower Rotator......................................................................Silicon Carbide Lower Seat............................................................................Silicon Carbide Elastomers............................................................................Viton Labyrinth Seal......................................................................Cast Steel316 Stainless Steel / BronzeBearings......................................................................................................Permanently Lubricated DoubleAngular Contact 100,000 Hour B-10 LifeAccessories ................................................................................................Discharge Hose / Variable Speed Drives / Urethane Coating / Elbows in Steel or High Chrome / Control Panels / Moisture and Thermal Protection / Float Controls / Rafts.FEATURESAPPLICATIONS1.Bottom Ash2.Tailings Ponds3.Sand / Gravel / Taconite4.Clean Out Sumps5.Coke Pits6.Dredging7.Coal Pile Runoff 8.Slag Pits / Mill Scale 9.Boiler Blow Down 10.Lime Slurry 11.Red Mud Recovery12.Thickener Drain13.Precipitation Thickener 14.API SludgeSPECIFICATIONSHEAVY DUTY HIGH CHROME SLURRY PUMPThis pump is recommended for use in severe slurry applications where impellers, wear plates andcasings continually fail. Space saver!SPECIFICATIONSSTANDARDOPTIONSFactory–4432VentureAvenue•Duluth,MN55811•218.722.9904•Fax218.722.2826••email:***************©GPM,INC.2002VERTICAL C-FACE VCEW SERIES。

160 10.6 (1540)
150 12.1 (1750)
140 13.9 (2010)
130 16.1 (2335)
120 18.9 (2740)
110 22.5 (3260)
100 27.2 (3945)
冲次 r/min
排量 L/S(GPM) 32.56 516 31.60 501 28.73 455 26.81 425 24.90 394 22.98 364 21.07 334
170 746 140 254 4.207 API 6# 18790
1.1.2 性能参数 BOMCO F-500/800/1000 钻井泵的性能参数分别见表 1、2、3。当采用英制缸 套系列时,其性能参数分别见表 4、5、6。 说明:1 2 1.1.3 总体尺寸 F-500/800/1000 钻井泵的总体尺寸见图 1。 按容积效率 100%和机械效率 90%计算。 加重字体为额定冲数下的性能参数。
0.2594 4.112
36.77 583 34.47 546 32.17 510 29.88 473 27.58 437 25.28 400
0.2298 3.643
32.32 512 30.30 480 28.28 448 26.26 416 24.24 384 22.22 352
0.2020 3.202
33.66 533 31.42 498 29.13 462 26.93 427 24.93 391 22.44 355
0.2244 3.557
29.33 465 27.37 434 25.42 403 23.46 372 21.51 341 19.55 310
0.1955 3.099
F1300DB 泥浆泵组说明书

F1300DB MUD PUMP PACKAGE泥浆泵组操作手册Instruction manual高原石油装备有限责任公司HIGHLAND PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT CO.LTDContents1. General (1)综述2. Technical Parameters (1)技术参数3. Structure Description (1)结构描述4. Installation and Adjustment (1)安装及调节4.1 Installation of Transmission Device (2)传动装置的安装4.2 Coplanar Inspection of Belt Pulley (2)皮带轮的同平面检验4.3 Adjustment of V-belt Tension (2)V带拉紧装置的调节4.4 Tighten of Joint Bolts (3)连接螺栓的紧固4.5 Installing Charging Pump System (3)安装灌注泵系统5. Installation of other accessories (3)其他附件的安装6. About YZ08/ YZ08A DC Motor (3)YZ08/ YZ08A直流电机1.General综述F1300DB mud pump unitization can be used in oil and gas exploration and development site. It is ideal equipment for mud circulation of heavy-duty drilling rig.F1300DB泥浆泵组用于石油天然气勘探开采。
The F1300DB mud pump unitization has features with simple construction, reliable performance, convenient maintenance, compact volume and easy transportation.F1300DB泥浆泵组操作简单、性能稳定、维护方便、结构紧凑,易于运输。

Rotary Hand PumpUser’s ManualMODEL NO.: 3988037SpecificationPumping capacity: 22L/6G per 100 rotaries2” barrel adapterSave This ManualYou will need the manual for the safety warnings and precautions, assembly instructions, operating and maintenance procedures, parts list and diagram. Keep your invoice with this manual. Write the invoice number on the inside of the front cover. Keep the manual and invoice in a safe and dry place for future reference.WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONSWARNING: When using the pump, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of personal injury and damage to equipment. Read all instructions before using this pump!1. Keep work area clean.2. Observe appropriate work area conditions. Do not use the pump in damp or wet locations. Don’t expose to rain. Keep work area well lighted.3. Keep children away. Children must never be allowed in the work area. Do not let them handle the pump. Locate the pump in an area out of reach of children.4. Store idle equipment. When not in use, the pump must be stored in a dry location to inhibit rust. Always lock up the pump and keep out of reach of children.5. Use the right tool for the job. Do not attempt to force a small pump or attachment to do the work of a larger industrial pump. There are certain applications for which this pump was designed. It will do the job better and more safely at the rate for which it was intended. Do not modify this pump and do not use this tool for a purpose for which it was not intended.6.Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry as they can be caught in moving parts. Protective, electrically non-conductive clothes and non-skid footwear are recommended when working. Wear restrictive hair covering to contain long hair.e eye protection. Always wear ANSI approved impact safety goggles.8.Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Do not reach over or across running machines.9.Maintain pump with care. Keep the pump clean for better and safer performance. The handle must be kept clean, dry, and free from oil and grease at all times.10.Check for damaged parts. Before using any pump, any part that appears damaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Check for alignment and binding of moving parts, any broken parts or mounting fixtures and any other condition that may affect proper operation. Any part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by a qualified technician.11.Replacement parts and accessories. When servicing, use only identical replacement parts. Use of any other parts will void the warranty. Only use accessories intended for use with this tool.12.Do not operate pump if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Read warning labels if taking prescription medicine to determine if your judgement or reflexes are impaired while taking drugs. If there is any doubt, do not operate the pump.13.Maintenance. For your safety, maintenance should be performed regularly by a qualified technician.Warnings!This product should not be used for fluid transfer into aircraft.This product is not suited for use with fluids for human consumption or fluids containing water.Fluid compatibilityIf in doubt about compatibility of a specific fluid, contact supplier of fluid to check for any adverse reactions to the wetted materials.The pump is compatible with the following fluids:Diesel, Kerosene, Light oils, Mineral spiritsDo not use the pump with the following fluids:Gasoline, Water, Sulfuric acid, Naphtha, Methanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone(MEK), Acetone, Ammonia, Benzene, Bleach, Chlorine.Assembly1. Insert the suction pipe (#8) into the barrel.2. Slide the bung adapter (#9) over the suction pipe (#8). Use the bolt (#5) to tighten the barrel in place on the suction pipe (#8).3. Screw the pump body onto the top of the suction pipe (#8).4. Slide the handle (#20) onto the screw (#17) on the pump body. Tighten together using the hex bolt (#18).5. Screw the delivery spout (#13) onto the threaded outlet on top of the pump body.Operation1. Assemble the pump as described above.2. To prime the pump, turn the discharge spout upwards and pour in a few drop of oil.3. Attach the hose to the end of the deliver spout (if needed) and put a container under the delivery spout or hose end.4. Completely submerge the lower half of the suction pipe into the fluid to transfer.5. Pump the handle steadily to begin the liquid transfer.6. Pump until the discharge container is full or the pump runs dry.7. Remove the pump and wipe it dry.Note: If the drum has water or other residue on the bottom, try to avoid running them through the pump. Raise the lower part of the suction pipe above the residue.Maintenance1. Before each use, inspect the general condition of the pump. Check for broken or bent parts, loose or missing parts, and any condition that may affect the proper operation of the product. If a problem occurs, have the problem corrected before further use.2. Periodically, use a light lubricant on the handle’s pivot parts.3. Keep the suction and delivery ports free of dirt and debris.4. After each use, wipe off the unit. Store in a clean dry place, out of reach of children.Diagram & Parts ListPart No.Description Quantity1 BOLT 102 PIN 23 SPRING+SPRING PIN 14 VANE 25 BOLT 16 INLET 17 STRAINER 18 SUCTION PIPE 19 BUNG ADAPTER 110 BACK COVER 1111 ROTOR 112 PUMP CHAMBER 113 SPOUT 114 SEAL 115 PAPER SEAL 116 FRONT COVER 117 SCREW 118 HEX NUT 119 ROCKING HANDLE 120 HANDLE 121 HANDLE CORE 1。

36.77 583 34.47 546 32.17 510 29.88 473 27.58 437 25.28 400
0.2298 3.643
32.32 512 30.30 480 28.28 448 26.26 416 24.24 384 22.22 352
0.2020 3.202
F-500/800/1000 钻井泵使用维护手册
BOMCO F-500/800/1000 钻井泵是石油钻机的重要设备,其作用是通过循环系
统中的高压管汇向井底输送钻井液,用以冷却钻头、清洁井底、破碎岩石、携带岩 屑和平衡地层压力等。 F 系列钻井泵的设计制造符合 API Spec 7K 《钻井及修井设备规范》的要求。 液力端的液缸规格符合 API Spec 7。
冲次 r/m量 L/S(GPM) 160 150 140 130 120 110 1 636 596 557 517 477 437 853 800 747 693 640 587 41.51 658 38.92 617 36.32 575 33.73 534 31.13 493 28.54 452
0.1436 2.277
18.10 287 16.90 268 15.69 248 14.48 229 13.28 210 12.07 191
0.1466 2.324
21.49 340 20.86 330 18.96 300 17.70 280 16.44 260 15.17 240 13.91 220
0.1264 2.004
18.31 290 17.77 281 16.16 256 15.08 239 14.00 222 12.93 205 11.85 188

用户在开机前应首先阅读本手册。 手册文字或图纸中所标品名、品号,为本公司 ERP 软件识别码,方 便用户购卖配件时使用。
ZB2-150 型泥浆泵是一种三缸单作用往复式柱塞泵,该泵可输送清 水、泥浆、水泥浆、水泥砂浆,主要用于水库、河道的土坝、土石坝的 坝体、坝基的裂缝、松散层、溶洞进行压力灌浆,旋喷注浆,静压注浆, 建筑工程、高速公路、铁路的地基加固注浆,也可用于其它水利施工建 设及建筑行业施工中输送石灰浆、水泥浆、水泥砂浆等固液相混合浆液。 该泵在结构上有以下特点:
泵运转 困难
机器运 转中有 异常响 声。
压力表 无压力
机器温 升高或 个别部 位发热原因1.滤水器露出液面。 2.滤水器堵塞。 3.吸水管路密封不严,吸进空气。 4.进排液阀不工作或工作不正常。 5.柱塞或密封圈磨损,失去密封。 1.柱塞与密封圈过紧。 2.连杆大头轴瓦抱得过紧。 3.柱塞,中间杆,十字头,连杆有歪
警告 1. 柱塞与中间杆须用扳手扭紧,运转过程中应经
5.2.5装上过渡盘、泵头。 5.2.6调整填料压盖松紧度。
注意 调整填料压盖过紧,会导致泥浆泵运转困难甚至 转不动,柱塞及密封圈磨损加大,损坏填料压盖。
5.3减速箱的拆卸 5.3.1见图一①,拆下防护罩 7,取下三角带 5,拆下箱体总成 6。 5.3.2见图二,拆下放油螺塞 37,组合垫圈 36,放尽减速箱润滑油,取下 后箱盖 3。拆开连杆总成 8。 5.3.3松开中间杆与柱塞连接。拆下曲轴轴承盖 41 的固定螺栓 44,用 2 只 M12×30 螺栓旋入端盖顶丝孔(每个曲轴轴承盖预留 2 个顶丝孔), 交叉旋动螺栓,即可取下曲轴轴承盖 41。 5.3.4取出曲轴总成。取出连杆及十字头总成。用手锤和Φ30 圆钢将十字 头销打出。


WT 系列泥浆泵操作手册 零件清单KOSIKA亲爱的顾客:衷心感谢您购买 水泵机组。
预防危害的标示您也将会看到其他重要的提示标识: 注意。
这个词的意思是:如果您没有按指示进行操作,您的机组或其他财产可能有损坏 这些信息是帮助防止您的机组、或者其他财产或环境可能遭到损害。
KOSIKAKOSIKA目录1.安全标识的位置 (3)2.安全须知 (4)3.部件 (5)4.控制器 (6)5.开机前准备 (7)6.发动机起动 (11)7. 操作 (13)8.停机 (14)9.维修保养 (15)10.运输和储存 (20)11.故障诊断 (22)12.性能参数 (24)13.零件分解图 (25)1. 安全标识的位置这些标示警告您潜在的危害及可造成的严重伤害。
高温部件,请勿触碰HOT! CHAUD!提醒:使用前请仔细阅读本产品使用说明书!小心:1. 使用前请务必向水泵体内加入足够的水 2. 拧紧进水管和出水管的接口处。

11 9.75 8.45 7.2 6.05
60 232.2 315.6 208.8 284.4 15.6 13.2 11.7 10.14 8.64 7.26
70 270.9 368.2 243.6 331.8 18.2 15.4 13.65 11.83 10.08 8.47
75 290.3 394.5 261 355.5 19.5 16.5 14.63 12.68 10.8 9.08
MPa 13.72 15.68 17.84 20.68 24.3 28.91
冲次 输入功率 输出功率 冲/分 千 瓦 马 力 千 瓦 马 力
排 量 升/秒
1 3.87 5.26 3.48 4.74 0.26 0.22 0.195 0.169 0.144 0.121
50 193.5 263 174 237 13
20.4 兆帕(208kgf/cm2) 305mm (12") 100mm (4")
5040×3030×2615 26 吨
3NB 系列泥浆泵使用说明书
3NB500C 泥浆泵排量与压力关系表
缸套直径 排出压力
mm Ø160 Ø150 Ø140 Ø130 Ø120 Ø110 kg.f/cm 2 140 160 182 211 248 295

目录1新泵的使用 (1)1.1 技术规范及性能参数 (1)1.2 新泵的安装 (3)1.3 对吸入系统的要求 (7)1.4 动力端的准备工作 (7)1.5 喷淋泵总成 (9)1.6 液力端零件的装配 (12)1.7 空气包总成 (17)1.8 剪销安全阀 (19)2润滑 (19)3维护 (25)4维护检查点 (40)5可能发生的故障和排除方法 (45)6封存注意事项 (46)7订货说明 (46)8F-1300/1600钻井泵零件目录 (47)F-1300和F-1600钻井泵是在钻井过程中以高压向井底输送高粘度、大比重和含砂量较高的钻井液,用以冷却钻头、冲刷井底、破碎岩石,从井底返回时携带出岩屑,是石油钻井作业最重要的工艺设备之一。
本钻井泵的设计制造符合API Spec 7K 《钻井及修井设备规范》的要求。
1 新泵的使用1.1 技术规范及性能参数1.1.1 技术规范型号F-1300 F-1600型式三缸单作用活塞泵最大缸径 mm 180 180额定功率 kW 960 1180额定冲数spm 120 120冲程长度mm 305 305齿轮速比 4.206 4.206阀腔API 7#API 7#重量 kg 24572 249711.1.2 性能参数F-1300/1600钻井泵的性能参数见表Ι。

5.4.1装配前各部件必须清洗干净,零部件表面避免磕碰、划伤。 5.4.2连杆螺栓拧紧力矩为 80~100 牛米,连杆轴瓦与连杆轴颈间隙应调 整好,不得过紧或过松。 5.4.3圆锥滚子轴承间隙也应调整适当。见图二,调整螺栓 40,使曲轴连 杆径与十字头对正,向内调整螺栓 40 使曲轴转动略感费力,再向外调整 螺栓 40 半圈,使曲轴旋转流畅,锁紧薄螺母 39。 5.4.4中间杆端部外螺纹与十字头端部内连接螺纹要用力旋紧。 5.4.5见图 3,调整填料压套 6 可调节柱塞与密封圈松紧程度,不要过紧 过松,运转过程中发现泄漏应及时调节。 5.4.6安装压力表时压力表接头内必须注满机油。
1.适当调整填料压套 3。 2.调整轴瓦与曲轴颈的间隙。 3.检查并消除之。 4.检查并消除之。 5.调紧三角皮带。
1.调整轴瓦间隙,并注意改善润滑条件。 2.用扳手、管钳拧紧。 3.松开锁定螺母 5,旋动调节螺栓 6 调整轴承间
曲轴箱用润滑油,CD15W40 柴机油。
品号 标准号
00109 05598 05648 05506 05494
GB/T297-94 GB/T276-94
GB/T276-94 GB/T276-94
数 量
单列圆锥滚子轴承 32211 2
用户可根据需要在订货时提出。 由于本厂生产的泥浆泵在不断地改进中,本说明书介绍与实际可能
水泵型式………………………………卧式 作用种类………………………………单作用 缸数……………………………………3 柱塞直径………………………………45 毫米 柱塞行程………………………………90 毫米 吸水管直径……………………………51 毫米 排水管直径……………………………32 毫米 所需功率………………………………7.5kw 重量(包括电动机)…………………320kg
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1. PN泥浆泵产品介绍 2. PN泥浆泵结构特点 3. PN泥浆泵结构组成及型号意义 4. PN泥浆泵用途及适用范围
5.PN泥浆泵结构使用注意事项 6.PN泥浆泵技术参数 7.PN泥浆泵实物图 8.PN泥浆泵维护保养
PN型泥浆泵过流件使用耐磨合金材料制造,寿命长。6"及6"以 下泥浆砂叶轮与轴用螺纹联接,8"及8"以上泥浆泵,泵体较大, 采用了水平中开的结构型式,拆装检修方便。400*6868*639
轴封采用一般填料密封,工作时应注入高于工作压力1公斤/厘 米²的轴封清水。 PN型泥浆泵,以传动方向看,为逆时针方向 旋转(其中1、2、3PN为顺时针)叶轮用螺纹与轴连接时,如 果反方向旋转,叶轮将从轴上脱落。
1、结构合理、维修方便:泵头部分采用前、后开门式结构,维修时 不需拆卸管路,只需将电机向后移动,即可对泵进行拆卸和维修。 2、浓度高、无堵塞:输送纸浆浓度可达6%; 3、气蚀性能好、寿命长:实际使用寿命比普通纸浆泵可提高2-3倍; 4、高效、节能:运行效率比普通纸浆泵平均高出3-10个百分点,节 能、降耗达15-30% 5、叶轮和护板的间隙可以及时调整,保持较高效率工作。泵以上的 泵体较大,采用了对开的结构形式,拆装检修方便
PN泥浆泵由10大部分组成,分别是:泵体、泵盖 、叶轮、护板、填 料箱、轴、托架后盖、托架、冷却管、泵座。
PN泥浆泵型号意义: 如2PN泥浆泵
1、 PN型泥浆泵系单级单吸泥浆泵(分立式、卧式)具 有寿命长、结构简单、运行可靠等特点。输送最大浓度 按重量计为50%。 2、 用于矿山、冶金、市政建筑、化工、印染等吸送有 流砂、小泥块泥浆、污浊液体之用。 3、 用于农村的河泥、池塘泥液、粪便、浆状饮料的吸 送;亦可用于城市工厂输送矿砂液,地下道吸黄砂子及 泥浆等。
1、 PN型泥浆泵系单级单吸泥浆泵(分立式、 卧式)具有寿命长、结构简单、运行可靠等 特点。输送最大浓度按重量计为50%。 2、 用于矿山、冶金、市政建筑、化工、印 染等吸送有流砂、小泥块泥浆、污浊液体之 用。 3、 用于农村的河泥、池塘泥液、粪便、浆 状饮料的吸送;亦可用于城市工厂输送矿砂 液,地下道吸黄砂子及泥浆等。
(1)检查泵及管路各接合处有无松动现象,用手转动泵试看水。 (3)向泵加注引水 (4)关好出水管的闸门和出口压力表。 (5)开动电机,当泵正常动转后,打开出口压力表,逐渐打开闸阀,视其显示适当压力为止。同时检 查电机负荷情况。 (6)尽量控制泵的流量和扬程在泵标牌上注明的范围内,保证泵在高效率点附近长期运转,以便获得 最大的节能效果。 (7)泵在运转过程中,轴承温升不超过环境温度35℃,最高温度不超过80℃。 (8)泵在运行过程中,如发现有异常声音,应立即停车检查原因。 (9)泵要停止使用时,先关闭闸阀,压力表,然后停止电机。 (10)注意轴承的润滑情况,定期向轴承室注入润滑脂。 (11)泵在寒冬季节使用时,停车后须将泵体下部放水丝堵拧开将水放净,防止冻裂。 (12)泵长期使用,须将泵全部拆、擦干水份,将转动部件及结合处涂以油脂装好,妥善保存.
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