
3. average: n. [C] the middle value of a set of numbers 平均数,平均 e.g. Every year, an average of 85%of the graduates from our
这个班学生的平均年龄为十二岁。 2) ordinary; usual 普通的;平常的 e.g. The average man is not interested in this subject.
on ( the /an ) average: 平均;通常 e.g. On the average, their school holds an English evening every
While boys are taught in society to be more forceful, and to solve problems themselves, girls, on the other hand, are not encouraged to be this way. Girls, therefore, are often limited to getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, instead of being allowed to question without fear like boys.

实 用性,教师作用的指导性和教学方式的实践性,使学生在今 2
2. 课程目标
高职英语以“以就业为导向,以能力为本位,以 学 生为中心”为其教学目标,通过课堂操练、模拟训练、 综合性实践等环节,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 1) 知识目标 掌握涉外工作必备的英语语言知识:熟悉工作任务。 2) 能力目标 具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助 词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日 常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流。 3) 素质目标 提高人文素养,增强实践能力,培养学生的思维能力 和社会沟通能力,促进学生素质的全面提高。
by subway, and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Task 4 Listen to the dialogue and check the position
of the Youth Hotel. Task 5 Listen to the dialogue. Follow the directions
3. 课程设计
体现“就业为导向,职业能力为 核心”的育人理念和培养目标
语 课
基于工作过程,以职业能力培养作为 课程建设的主线,以工作背景下的英语

❖ He drew back into the cabin and closed the porthole. Wang Sheng , the salesclerk, shouted to the boatman:
❖ “Do you know what time it is Li? Why don’t we sail?”
Байду номын сангаас
❖ This book is a glimmer in the east, an arrow whistling through the forest, a bud at the end of winter, the first step in the army’s advance, a banner of love for the pioneers, a monument of hate for the despoilers. (Tr. Yang Xianyi & Glays Yang)
❖ 2.滥用职权严重地损害了党在人民群众中的形象。Abuse of power seriously damaged the Pary’s image among the people.
❖ 3.自己酿的苦酒自己饮。
❖ One must drink as one brews.
❖ 二、单部句
❖ 单部句就是由词或非主谓短语构成的句子,也叫非主谓句;包括名词非 主谓句、动词非主谓句、形容词非主谓句和叹词非主谓句。词类句子常 用语呼唤、口号、标语、敬语、应答语或事物评价,表示某种情绪,以 及说明自然现象、事实情况等。例如:
❖ (一).复部句:即主谓句
❖ (二) 单部句:就是由词或非主谓短语构成的句子,也叫非主谓句
高级英语Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

people --- people
people --- nature
people --- society
people --- themselves
protagonist (hero) --- antagonist (enemy)
John Koshak, Jr.--- the hurricane
• apartment building in Mississippi before and after Camille
What’s the type of the text?
• narration (the telling of a story)
• characters (people): --Pop Koshak --Grandma Koshak --John Koshak --Janis Koshak --Seven children --Charles, a friend --neighbors --pets
What is the story about?
• It describes the heroic struggle of the Koshaks and their friends against the forces of a devastating hurricane Camille.
• What does the writer focus chiefly on---developing character, action (plot), or idea (theme)?
• To learn how the writer gives a vivid description of actions in terms of lexical, sentential and textual level;
Unit5 Finding Your True Calling TextB 研究生阶段核心英语精品课程ppt

reading comprehension
8 The people who do jobs in mediocre fashion
and with the idea that when the right job
comes along are always the first ones____
Unit Five Finding Your True Calling
process of fast reading
· First reading: 1.Abstract and summarize the main idea. 2. Analyze the structure of the text.
Ⅰhandwriting Ⅱspelling Ⅲ capital letter Ⅳ single or plural noun Ⅴtense
Many people live a dull and mediocrity life everyday, we always do not know if the work we do is suited and right for us.The author starts from this phenomenon by revealing the essence of it -- we did not look deep within ourselves, and then gives several tests as to whether or not we are following our true calling , and finally recommends us to be our inner being, to explore the potential and realize the value of life .

Part I
Brainstorm What is your first consideration when you are looking for a job?
It can bring your ability and potential into full
4 5
Language Focus
Viewing and Speaking
Case Analysis
Foreign Languages College Hunan International Economics University
Business English: Viewing, Listening & Speaking
Foreign Languages College Hunan International Economics University
Business English: Viewing, Listening & Speaking
How to succeed in your job interview
Sample 1
Foreign Languages College Hunan International Economics University
Business English: Viewing, Listening & Speaking
I am graduating in June from ABC University and my major is hotel management. I am an outgoing, energetic person. I enjoy teamwork very much. As part of my degree program, I needed to finish different projects with my teammates. I possess excellent interpersonal skills and a very positive attitude. My career aspiration is to become a successful hotelier. During my internship at the Grand Hyatt, I worked as a receptionist. My duties included offering friendly and efficient check-in and checkout service to guests, answering phone calls, taking and passing on massages to guests. I find that if I can make the guests happy, I will be very happy, too.

I breathed deeply. SVA
f. He talked loudly. SVA
Analyze the basic sentence structures.
I looked at them in panic. SVOA
I replied. SV
d. She agreed. SV
Analyze the basic sentence structures.
He gave me a smile. SVOO
主 谓宾 宾
c. I passed him a book. SVOO
Step 4: Language practice
Analyze the basic sentence structures.
1. The big day arrived.
主谓 SV
2. I woke up early.
主谓状 SVA
3. I was organizing my words in my head. 主谓宾状 SVOA
Basic sentence structures 部分呈现了7种英语基本句型结构, 并通过漫画的形式生动地呈现了学校日常生活中的一幕; School clubs部分以学校俱乐部海报,图文结合的方式呈现出 与课外活动相关的词汇,帮助同学们描述自己的课余生活。
通过本课的学习,同学们能够灵活运用7种基本句型描述 高中日常生活,并能恰当地运用话题词汇介绍各类课外活动。

E.G. I suggest that you ( should ) choose another picture. 2) Give sign of; indicate
Part 4 Section C --- Practical Writing
Part 1 Leading in
❖ Science and technology is power, revolution,
--- Karl Marx
❖ Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.
New Words
1.allow: let sb do sth, let sth be done, permit e.g.The government doesn’t allow smoking in public places.
His parents allow him to watch TV only on weekends.
2) vt. to open, stretch out, reach so as to cover or include a greater area, cause to be longer, broader, wider, etc.
e.g. He unfold a large map and spread it on the desk 3) n. the act or action of spreading.
第十四课 20faustian 20economicsppt

Landing, and began growing corn and small grains . Berry has farmed, resided, and written at Lane's Landing down to the present day.
• Berry earned a B.A. and M.A. in English at the University of Kentucky
• In 1958, he attended Stanford University's creative writing program
• In April 1960, Berry's first novel was published. • 1962 to 1964, he taught English at New York University's
• Prize: The National Humanities Medal T. S. Eliot prizes. Rockefeller Fellowships
The author : Wendell Berry
• Berry is the first of four children of a lawyer and tobacco farmer in Kentucky .
Ⅰ.Background Knowledge
1)the author : Wendell Berry 2)Christopher Marlow and Doctor Faustus 3)Faustian 4)Exodus 5)John Milton and Paradise Lost


• 1、泛听:鼓励学生自主选择听力材料,为兴趣和整体语言提高而听。完美性和可理解性。 母语 般的发音。
• 2、精听: ① 几遍的问题?
• 现实生活中话语很少“重播”的,并由此建议,教师的任务之一就是让学生只听一遍就能获取尽可能 多的重要信息。---教学法专家—Penny Ur
• 1、 连读规则 :具体详细的介绍,并且通过具体的例子来指导学生 具体如何发音。
• 2、配音题材,有趣,简单,学生熟悉。(小猪佩琪,功夫熊猫等1-3 分钟)
• 3、分享交流很重要。反复听,反复练习,和不同人进行反复练习, 反复纠正。-- 并且语音纠正准确的同时学生印象非常深刻。老师一 个一个指导。
• 1、课堂教学:有意义的语音课,在45分钟配合与发音相关的话语进行训练,强调重音和 语调,语音课还是有一定意义的,因此,我们可以让学生进行语调的识读练习,强调某些 重点词组中的重音,并随后采用与所学语音内容相关 的片段进行排练和表演,以进步巩固 所学知识。
• 2、分散教学:授课中分散的插入一些小段的语音教学活动,为课堂教学提供了节奏和活动 变换的机会。
50人 ,10天 以后有46人 进步,27人 持续进步.练 习效果显著。
• 动画配音就是把原版英语动画片段作为英语教学的主要素材,运用 “赏、析、模、演、配、编”等六个教学步骤开展教学活动,以促 进学生的语言学习、文化习得和艺术熏陶互动发展,从而提高学生 的英语综合语言运用能力和综合素质。通过课程学习,学生能够拓 展词汇量,学习地道的英语语言,了解真实语境中的语言表达,提 高口语能力,更能使同学们了解西方文化,从生活体验、艺术享受、 文化熏陶等方面培养其跨文化交际能力。

What's more, there are regional phrases too; an expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way a person uses his or her eyebrows during conversations. Everything from your sex, racial background, social class, and communication style all influences your body language .
Usually, our body language acts to further emphasize our words. What the nonverbal gestures put across very often and very efficiently is the emotional side of the message. This is clear when a person feels liked or disliked, as he or she will often communicate emotion "not in what is said but in the way it is said."
Body Language in Daily Use
We all communicate with one another using both verbal and nonverbal language. Most of the time, however, we are not even aware that we’re doing it. We move around in our chairs, gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else’s eyes and look away. These are some of the many small and radonm things we do. But researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a system to these gestures.
Unit2 Love Text A 研究生阶段核心英语精品课程ppt

edge普通用词,指较窄的边沿。 border侧重刚好在界线内的一部分表面上,指 较宽的边缘,也可指边缘本身。 margin指物体的空白边,一般较宽。 rim指圆形或有曲线的物体的边缘。 verge指明显地标志一个表在或一广阔空间的 边界,或终端线,也指极狭窄的空间。常用作 比喻。 brim指深容器的内边或河、湖等水域的最高线。 fringe指地毯的须边、围巾的花边、烫发的卷 边或人群的边缘。
• 参考例句:
• I don't like the cathedral style of his writing. 我不喜欢他官腔十足的文风。
Free powerpoint template:
Paragraph 5
• ivory['aivəri]
• 名词:
• ①a hard yellowish-white substance like bone that forms the long teeth of elephants and some other animals;象牙,(某些其他 动物的)长牙
Free powerpoint template:
Paragraph 6
• brim[brim]
• 1作名词:
• ①the top edge of a cup, bowl, glass, etc;边沿,(容 器)边缘,
• ②the flat edge around the bottom of a hat that sticks out; 帽檐
• The professor lived in an ivory tower. 这 个教授生活在象牙塔中。

Part Three: (Para. 5-6): In paragraph 5, the author recalls her childhood when she enjoyed her father’s profound love. This recall is important, because it only shows the father is capable of parental love, but also suggests the author’s yearning to turn the clock back and be her father’s little daughter again.
Book2 Unit 1
综合英语精品课程组 李晓东
、 I. Time Allotment 8 II. Teaching Objectives and Requirements 1. To understand the main idea, structure of the text and the author’s writing style 2. To master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3. To consider that “generation gap” as a common phenomenon between
3. Give a structural analysis of the text I
As a reminiscent writing the text tells of how the author’s newborn baby bridges the gap between her father and herself as the generation gap between her father and herself has existed for so long a time. By telling the reader how the gap disappears the author intends to display the permanent love between parents and

朱香奇,湖南师范大学出版社,2007年1月第一版; ③《商务英语翻译》(全国高职高专院校规划教
材),汤静芳,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2007年9 月第一版; ④《商务英语翻译》(21世纪高职高专规划教材), 丁小丽等,清华大学出版社,北京交通大学出版社, 2007年3月第一版;
第四,通过发挥教学团队的示范性作用,加快教学内容、方 法改革与优质教学资源开发进程,推进教学工作的传帮带, 不断提高教师队伍的教学水平与人才培养质量,在学科建设、 专业建设、课程建设、实训室建设、教学和实践环节改革等 实践中发挥模范作用,为教学名师的培养打下基础。
9. 课程团队
应用英语专业及专业基础课教师共20人,副高职称 教师5人,讲师5人,45岁以下具有硕士学位的教师 5人(含在读),具有“双师”素质的教师4人,专 业带头教师1人,骨干教师1人。
我系通过选派优秀骨干教师参加国内各类学术研讨 会,各类培训班等途径,加大专业带头人、专业骨 干教师和双师素质教师的培养力度。选派双师素质 教师到酒店挂职锻炼1人次,专业骨干教师参加各 类短期培训12人次,参加国内学术研讨5人次。全 面提高本专业教师的教育教学水平和实践操作能力。
2. 课程链接(前序、后续)
前导课:综合英语、英汉翻译基础、商务知 识基础课程、英美概况;
后续课:商务英语口译、外贸实务综合实训、 商务英语写作、外贸函电

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一棵树的故事FourSeasonsofaTree英语课 件
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Describe daily topic vocabulary such as weather and time
Weather vocabulary
Example sentences
"Sunny", "Rainy", "Windy", "Cloudy", "Snowy"
"Today is a sunny day.", "It's training outside.", "We will go for a walk in tcabulary
"morning", "afternoon", "even", "night", "today", "yesterday", "tomorrow"
Teaching Simple Instructions and Request Sentence Patterns
Instruction phrases
Be able to speak fluently and clearly, with a good command of basic conversation skills
Use simple and vivid language to communicate with young children, and be able to guide them in English communication
Be a family with common phrases, settlements, and idiomatic expressions in every language
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Savings Acis a bank account to save money. The interest is comparatively lower than that of the checking account and deposit account.
2) Bank Accounts
Checking Account
For this kind of account, the customer is usually allowed to deposit and draw out the money of his own will. A checking account usually earns low or no interest, but from which money can be taken out by a check / cheque.
Text A College —A New Experience
1. Preview Questions 1) Do you like your college life? Why or why not? 2) What are the things the author likes about college? 3) Do you know any of the famous universities in
2. Text-related Information
1) Marymount University
Marymount University is an independent, comprehensive Catholic university, combining the liberal arts tradition with career preparation. Marymount was founded in 1950 and is sponsored by the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary. The University is located in Arlington, Virginia, minutes from Washington, DC, and serves approximately 3,700 men and women through its Main Campus, Ballston Campus, Loudoun Academic Center, and outreach activities in northern Virginia. Marymount’s Main Campus is located on 21 hillside acres(英 亩)at 2807 N, Glebe Road in Arlington, just 6 miles from Washington, D.C., Virginia.
The following are some terms which are usually used when you open an account in a bank.
Unit 1 College —s and Requirements
I. By the end of this unit, students are supposed to comprehend the texts well through an intensive study of
America? Would you like to list a few of them? (United States Military Academy; University of Boston;
Harvard University; University of California; New York University; Princeton University; Yale University;Florida State University, etc.)
Deposit Account
For this kind of account, the customer usually deposits the money in the bank for a fixed period of time, say, one or two years, and the interest is comparatively higher than that of the checking account and savings account.
the texts. II. Understand all the new words and phrases and can
use them freely. III. Master all the language points and grammatical
structures in the texts. IV. Know the way of how to study read.
When people talk about famous colleges or universities such as Stanford, they need only use that one word.
For example, Harvard(哈佛大学), Cornell(康奈尔 大学), Princeton(普林斯顿大学), Yale(耶鲁大 学), Columbia(哥伦比亚大学)… Everyone in the U.S. knows these are schools, and so the word college and university can be dropped.