
商务英语口语教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握商务英语口语的基本表达方式;(2)了解商务场景中的常用词汇和短语;(3)熟悉商务英语口语的交流技巧。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够用英语进行商务场景的简单交流;(2)能够运用所学知识进行商务洽谈和沟通;(3)提高商务英语听说能力和口语表达能力。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生学习商务英语的兴趣;(2)培养学生的团队合作意识和沟通能力;(3)提高学生对商务英语口语应用的自信心。
二、教学内容1. 商务英语口语的基本表达方式;2. 商务场景中的常用词汇和短语;3. 商务英语口语的交流技巧;4. 商务洽谈和沟通的基本技巧;5. 商务英语口语应用实例。
三、教学方法1. 情境教学法:通过模拟商务场景,让学生在实际情境中学习和应用商务英语口语;2. 互动教学法:采用小组讨论、角色扮演等形式,引导学生积极参与课堂互动,提高口语表达能力;3. 任务型教学法:设计商务英语口语任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中巩固所学知识;4. 视听教学法:利用多媒体教学资源,为学生提供真实的商务英语口语材料,增强学生的听说能力。
四、教学步骤1. 导入:介绍商务英语口语的重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣;2. 讲解:讲解商务英语口语的基本表达方式和商务场景中的常用词汇短语;3. 实践:分组进行商务场景的角色扮演,让学生在实际情境中运用所学知识;4. 互动:组织小组讨论,让学生分享学习心得和经验,互相交流;5. 总结:对本节课的内容进行回顾和总结,布置课后作业。
五、课后作业1. 复习本节课所学的商务英语口语表达方式和词汇短语;2. 结合所学知识,模拟商务场景进行口语练习;3. 收集商务英语口语的相关资料,进行拓展学习;六、教学评价1. 平时成绩:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、口语表达能力和任务完成情况,给予相应的评价。
2. 课后作业:检查学生完成的课后作业,评估其复习和应用所学知识的能力。
3. 口语测试:组织商务英语口语测试,评估学生在实际场景中的口语表达水平。

商务英语口译教案教案标题:商务英语口译教案教案目标:1. 培养学生在商务英语口译方面的听、说、读、写能力。
2. 帮助学生掌握商务英语口译的基本技巧和策略。
3. 提高学生在商务场景下的口译能力和应变能力。
教学内容:1. 商务英语口译的基本概念和特点2. 商务英语口译的常见场景和相关词汇3. 商务英语口译的技巧和策略4. 商务英语口译的实践训练和模拟演练教学步骤:1. 导入(5分钟)- 引入商务英语口译的概念和重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 知识讲解(15分钟)- 介绍商务英语口译的基本概念和特点,解释商务场景中常见的词汇和表达方式。
3. 技巧讲解(20分钟)- 分析商务英语口译的技巧和策略,如快速理解、准确表达、注意语调和语气等。
4. 实践训练(30分钟)- 提供商务英语口译的实际案例,让学生进行口译练习,并给予实时的反馈和指导。
5. 模拟演练(20分钟)- 分组进行商务英语口译的模拟演练,模拟真实商务场景,让学生在实践中提高口译能力和应变能力。
6. 总结与反思(10分钟)- 总结本节课的要点和学习收获,鼓励学生反思自己的不足和进步,并提出改进建议。
7. 作业布置(5分钟)- 布置相关的口译作业,如翻译商务文件、口译商务会议等,以巩固所学知识和技能。
教学资源:1. 商务英语口译教材2. 商务英语口译案例和练习题3. 商务英语口译模拟场景材料4. 录音设备和播放设备评估方式:1. 口译练习中的实时反馈和指导2. 模拟演练中的口译表现评估3. 口译作业的评分和点评教学建议:1. 鼓励学生多听、多读、多练,提高商务英语口译的语感和技巧。
2. 提供丰富的商务英语口译素材,让学生在不同场景下进行口译训练。
3. 引导学生积极参与讨论和互动,提高口译能力和应变能力。
教学扩展:1. 组织学生参观商务会议或商务活动,让他们亲身体验商务英语口译的实际应用。
2. 鼓励学生参加商务英语口译比赛或演讲比赛,提高口译水平和自信心。

“课程思政”体系下的商务英语口译教学设计1. 引言1.1 背景介绍商务英语口译教学作为商务英语专业的重要组成部分,一直受到广泛关注。
1.2 研究意义商务英语口译是商务交流中不可或缺的一环,随着全球化进程的加快,商务英语口译在企业沟通、国际贸易、会议谈判等方面扮演着重要角色。
1.3 研究目的本研究的目的是探讨在“课程思政”体系下的商务英语口译教学设计,旨在通过对现有商务英语口译教学的分析,结合课程思政理念,提出更加符合当代社会需求和时代精神的商务英语口译教学设计方案。


2.本次课的地位及作用 商务口译是商务英语专业学生的专业技能实践课。通过学 习使学生掌握基本口译技巧,可从事一般的生活翻译、陪同 翻译、以及相关的外事接待、外贸业务洽谈等工作。本次课 对了解什么是商务口译、商务口译过程中要注意的问题等有 一个提纲挈领了解和认识,为更进一步学习口译的知识和技 巧打下良好的基础。
课程以复习旧课,提问开始,回顾与外商初次见面的各种 寒暄语,然后按照教师为主导,学生为主体的原则,以互动活 动开始新课的导入 ,随后以课文口译为主要教学内容,融合 中外商务活动交往中的文化差异及其相关的背景知识,让学 生在思考中学习,通过小组讨论和个人总结归纳发言提高学 生的认知能力。
1.教学目标 (1)知识目标。掌握商务口译的基本词汇、句型及难句的表 达,为实现自如交流奠定基础。 (2)技能目标。学生能听译课文录音,能听懂师生之间就课 本内容而展开的问答,会和组员展开对话,了解和传递信 息;能就类似话题,创造性地自编对话。 (3)素质目标。学生要为企业保守商业秘密、遵守职业道德、 追求完美的职业作风。
1、根据语言学习的特点和我校学生的实际情况,把接待 宾的对话分为几个实际场景,以4-6人小组为单位进行合 作学习,开展讨论、角色扮演。创设生动的口译环境,在 表演中学会记忆和创新。
2、主动参与英语社团的各项活动,特别是英语角的互动 交流,不断培养自己的双语表达能力。
(一)综合考核(60%) 1.个人考核。包括课堂出勤、课堂 表现、课外作业及其它活动(30%) 2.小组考核。小组讨论发言,课堂 演示及小组汇报。(30%) (二)期末考核(40%) 1.现场词汇及句型翻译(20%)。 2.现场小组应变能力测试。(20%)

商务英语口语教案一、教学目标:1. 掌握商务英语口语基本词汇及表达方式;2. 熟悉商务场景中常用的社交用语;3. 能够进行简单的商务电话沟通。
二、教学内容:1. 商务英语口语基本词汇;2. 商务场景中的社交用语;3. 商务电话沟通技巧。
三、教学步骤:1. 商务英语口语基本词汇的学习a. 介绍商务场景中常用的英语词汇,如meeting(会议)、client(客户)、negotiation(谈判)等;b. 给学生提供相关词汇的发音、词义及用法,并进行练习;c. 设计相关对话情景,让学生进行角色扮演,模拟实际商务场景中的口语表达。
2. 商务场景中的社交用语学习a. 介绍商务社交场合中常用的英语表达方式,如greeting(问候)、introduction(介绍)、thank you(感谢)等;b. 给学生提供相关表达方式的示范和练习;c. 设计相关对话情景,让学生进行角色扮演,模拟实际商务社交场合中的口语表达。
3. 商务电话沟通技巧的学习a. 介绍商务电话沟通的基本流程和注意事项,如打招呼、自我介绍、表达目的、提问、感谢、结束等;b. 给学生提供相关对话示范和练习;c. 设计相关电话情景,让学生进行角色扮演,模拟实际商务电话沟通的口语表达。
四、教学评价:1. 学生角色扮演的表现;2. 学生在商务场景中口语表达的准确性和流畅度;3. 学生在商务电话沟通中的对话技巧和语言运用能力。
五、教学扩展:1. 继续练习商务场景中的口语表达,如商务接待、商务旅行等;2. 引导学生自己寻找商务英语口语实践机会,例如参加商务会议、商务社交活动等;3. 通过商务英语听力材料的使用,强化学生的听力理解和口语表达能力。

商务英语口译与笔译 - 教案

商务英语口译与笔译教案一、引言1.1背景介绍1.1.1全球化背景下商务英语的重要性1.1.2口译与笔译在商务交流中的关键作用1.1.3商务英语口译与笔译的市场需求1.1.4教案目的与结构安排1.2教学对象1.2.1适合对象:具有一定的英语基础和商务知识的学习者1.2.2学习者需求分析:提升商务沟通能力和翻译技巧1.2.3教学对象的预期目标:掌握商务英语口译与笔译的基本技巧1.2.4教学对象的背景特点:多元化背景,不同语言水平1.3教学方法1.3.1案例教学法:通过实际商务场景提高学习者的实战能力1.3.2互动式教学:鼓励学习者积极参与,增强实践机会1.3.3技术辅助教学:利用多媒体和网络资源丰富教学内容1.3.4小组合作学习:培养团队协作能力和解决问题的能力二、知识点讲解2.1商务英语基础知识2.1.1商务英语词汇:专业术语和表达方式2.1.2商务英语语法:常用结构和句型2.1.3商务英语文化:不同文化背景下的商务交流特点2.1.4商务英语听力与口语:提升理解和表达能力2.2口译技巧2.2.1同步口译与交替口译的区别与应用2.2.2记忆技巧:短期记忆和笔记方法2.2.3口译中的信息处理:抓取关键信息和逻辑重构2.2.4应对策略:处理口译中的突发情况2.3笔译技巧2.3.1笔译前的准备工作:文本分析和研究2.3.2翻译策略:直译与意译的选择与应用2.3.3校对与审稿:确保翻译的准确性和流畅性2.3.4专业术语的翻译:准确性和一致性的重要性三、教学内容3.1商务口译实践3.1.1实际商务场景模拟:会议、谈判、演讲等3.1.2口译练习:不同主题的商务对话和演讲3.1.3口译反馈与评价:提高翻译准确性和流畅性3.1.4口译案例分析:分析优秀口译实例,提取经验3.2商务笔译实践3.2.1商务文件翻译:合同、报告、商业信函等3.2.2笔译练习:不同类型的商务文本3.2.3笔译技巧应用:实际操作中的技巧运用3.2.4笔译作品分析:评价和改进翻译质量3.3跨文化商务沟通3.3.1文化差异对商务交流的影响3.3.2跨文化沟通策略:避免误解和提高效率3.3.3文化意识培养:了解不同文化背景下的商务习惯3.3.4跨文化商务案例分析:分析成功与失败的案例四、教学目标4.1知识目标4.1.1掌握商务英语的基础知识和专业术语4.1.2理解口译与笔译的基本原理和技巧4.1.3了解不同文化背景下的商务交流特点4.2技能目标4.2.1提高商务英语的听、说、读、写能力4.2.2培养口译和笔译的实际操作技能4.2.3增强跨文化商务沟通的能力4.3态度目标4.3.1培养学习者对商务英语口译与笔译的兴趣和热情4.3.2增强学习者面对实际商务场景的自信心4.3.3培养学习者持续学习和自我提升的习惯五、教学难点与重点5.1教学难点5.1.1商务英语专业术语的理解与记忆5.1.2口译中的信息处理和准确传达5.1.3笔译中的文化差异处理和语言表达5.2教学重点5.2.1商务英语口译与笔译的基本技巧和策略5.2.2实际商务场景中的口译与笔译应用5.2.3跨文化商务沟通的能力培养六、教具与学具准备6.1教具准备6.1.1多媒体设备:用于播放商务场景视频和展示PPT 6.1.2口译设备:同传设备或耳机,用于模拟真实口译环境6.1.3白板和马克笔:用于板书和展示关键信息6.1.4实物投影仪:展示商务文件和翻译材料6.2学具准备6.2.1笔记本和文具:用于记录笔记和练习6.2.2商务英语教材和词典:辅助学习和查询专业术语6.2.3口译和笔译练习材料:实际文本和对话用于练习6.2.4跨文化商务交流相关书籍和资料:扩展知识和理解6.3网络资源准备6.3.1在线商务英语学习平台:提供额外练习和资源6.3.2口译和笔译论坛和社区:交流经验和技巧6.3.3商务英语相关视频和播客:提升听力和口语能力6.3.4跨文化沟通相关网站和文章:深入了解不同文化背景七、教学过程7.1导入新课7.1.1回顾上一课的内容和重点7.1.2引入新课主题,激发学习兴趣7.1.3展示商务场景视频,让学生了解实际应用7.1.4提问和讨论,引导学生思考7.2课堂讲解与示范7.2.1讲解商务英语口译与笔译的理论知识7.2.2示范口译和笔译的技巧和方法7.2.3通过案例分析,让学生理解理论在实际中的应用7.2.4解答学生的疑问和困惑7.3实践与练习7.3.1分组进行口译和笔译练习7.3.2提供实际商务文本和对话,让学生进行翻译练习7.3.3引导学生互相评价和反馈,提高翻译质量7.3.4针对学生的练习情况进行个别指导和建议八、板书设计8.1知识点回顾8.1.1列出关键术语和概念8.1.2简要回顾上一课的内容8.1.3引出本课的主题和目标8.1.4提出问题,引导学生思考8.2教学内容展示8.2.1列出本课的教学重点和难点8.2.2用图表或流程图展示口译和笔译的步骤和技巧8.2.3展示实际商务场景的案例,让学生理解应用8.3练习与活动安排8.3.1列出本课的练习题目和活动安排8.3.2说明练习的要求和评价标准8.3.3提供参考答案和示例,帮助学生理解8.3.4鼓励学生提问和参与讨论九、作业设计9.1口译练习9.1.1选择一段商务对话或演讲进行同步口译练习9.1.2记录口译过程和遇到的困难9.1.3与同学互相评价和反馈,提高口译技巧9.2笔译练习9.2.1选择一篇商务文件进行笔译练习9.2.2注意专业术语的准确翻译和语言表达的流畅性9.2.3自我检查和修改,提高翻译质量9.2.4提交笔译作品和反思报告9.3跨文化商务沟通练习9.3.1选择一个跨文化商务案例进行分析9.3.2描述案例中的文化差异和沟通策略9.3.3提出解决方案和改进建议9.3.4与同学进行讨论和分享十、课后反思及拓展延伸10.1教学反思10.1.1分析本课的教学效果和学生的参与度10.1.2思考如何改进教学方法和提高学生的学习兴趣10.1.4调整教学计划和方法,为下一课做好准备10.2拓展延伸10.2.1推荐相关的商务英语口译与笔译的书籍和资料重点和难点解析在商务英语口译与笔译的教学过程中,有几个环节需要特别关注,以确保学生能够有效地掌握知识和技能。
商务英语口译教案Unit 1 Inquiry, offer adn counter-offer

English – Chinese Interpretation U.S. Consumers Trade Down as Economic Angst Grows 经济危机加重时美国消费者省钱为上
Spurred by economic worries, American shoppers have quickly decided that cheaper is better. Discount stores overall saw sales jump nearly 6% last month, while those of full-price department stores declined. Consumers' use of discount coupons is starting to rebound after a 15-year slide.
远东 Far east 建立业务关系 establish business relations Chinese- English Interpretation (2) 我们最近扩大了业务范围,以便更好地为我们的远东亚洲客户服务,尤其是为中国的客户 服务。中国是一个无人敢忽视的巨大市场。我们公司愿意同一切有兴趣的中国客户建立业 务关系。我们保证货物的质量,并有免费样品以供检验。至于折扣问题,我们可以将价目 单上的开价再减去 5%。 Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties. We guarantee the quality of our supplies. And we have free samples for your inspection. As for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%. Words & Expressions Preview in line with 与…相符 there is no point in 没有必要去做 concession 让步 commission 佣金 English – Chinese Interpretation (1) Our counter-offer is in line with the price in the international market. If you accept it, we’ll persuade our customers to place an order with you. If you can’t make any further concessions, there is no point in further discussion. We might as well cancel the whole deal. By the way, when considering your new offer, please take our commission into account. 我们的还价和国际市场的价格是相符的。如果您接受的话,我们将说服客户给你们订购。 如果你方不能再做出让步,在讨论也没什么意义。我们很可能放弃整个交易。顺便说一句, 在提出新报价时,请将我方佣金考虑在内。 Words & Expressions Preview reasonable profit 合理利润 trade 行业 wild speculation 漫天要价
商务英语口译实践 - 教案

商务英语口译教程课程设计 (2)

二、课程目标•掌握商务英语口译的基本理论•能够听懂并口译商务英语相关的日常对话、商务会议、商业讲座等内容•熟悉商务英语口译中的常用词汇、术语和表达方式•提高口译速度和准确率三、教学内容1. 商务英语口译的基本理论本部分主要讲解商务英语口译的一些基本理论,包括口译的类型、原则和技巧等,以及口译中需要注意的一些问题。
2. 商务英语口译的技巧本部分主要是讲解商务英语口译时需要使用的一些技巧,包括听取讲话者的语速、语调、重音和停顿等,提高口译的准确度和速度。
3. 商务英语口译的实例分析本部分主要通过一些商务领域的实例来帮助学生更加深入地了解商务英语口译并提高商务英语口译的能力。
4. 商务英语口译的词汇和术语本部分主要介绍商务英语口译中常用的词汇和术语,以及它们的中文意义和使用方式。
5. 商务英语口译练习本部分主要是通过一些实践操作来让学生更好地掌握商务英语口译的技能,并提高口译速度和准确率。
(完整word)商务英语口译 教案

Unit One Protocol RoutineI. Unit Objectives1.Ss understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the long run。
2.Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3.Ss master the basic words and expressions about protocol routine。
4.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about protocol routine。
II Materials and/or equipment1.Business Interpreting2.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher3.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing 50 mI。
An Overview of Interpreting 15 m●Definition and Types of Interpreting1). Consecutive Interpreting 2)。
Simultaneous Interpreting●Past and Present of Interpreting1)。
Development of Modern Interpreting 2)。
Professional Interpreting In China●Features and Process of interpreting1). Features of Interpreting1.Extemporaneousness(即席性);2.Stressfulness(紧张性);3.Independence(独立性);4.Comprehensiveness(综合性)5.Miscellaneousness(多面性)2). Process of Interpreting●Basic Requirements for Interpreters1)。
商务英语口译技巧与训练 - 教案


一、教学目标:1. 了解并掌握商务英语口译的基本知识和技巧;2. 培养学生的翻译思维能力和实践操作能力;3. 培养学生的团队合作精神和沟通协作能力;4. 培养学生的社会责任意识和道德素养。
二、教学内容:1. 商务英语口译基础知识:- 语音、语调和语速的掌握;- 基本口译概念和技巧的介绍;- 专业化商务英语词汇和短语的学习。
2. 商务英语口译实践能力:- 商务会谈口译;- 商务交际口译;- 商务演讲口译。
3. 思政教育内容:- 深入理解国家发展战略和政策;- 掌握商务伦理和职业道德;- 培养社会责任意识和团队合作精神。
三、教学方法:1. 多媒体教学法:利用多媒体技术展示商务会谈、商务交际和商务演讲等场景,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握口译技巧。
2. 实践教学法:通过模拟商务场景,给学生提供真实的商务英语口译实践机会,提高他们的实践能力和技巧。
3. 互动教学法:教师以引导为主,学生以主动参与为主,鼓励学生在课堂上进行实践操作和互动交流,培养他们的团队合作精神和沟通协作能力。
四、教学评价:1. 口译成绩评价:采用综合评估的方式,包括听力理解、口语表达、翻译准确性等方面的评价。
2. 思政素养评价:除了口译技能的评价外,还将考察学生对国家发展战略和政策的理解和运用能力,以及对商业伦理和职业道德的认识和践行能力。
五、教学资源:1. 教材:结合商务英语课程教材和商务实务教材,选择相关的章节和案例进行教学。
2. 多媒体教学资源:利用录像资料、音频资料等多媒体资源,展示真实的商务口译场景,让学生在虚拟的环境中进行实践。
3. 实践机会:利用校企合作、校园招聘会等机会,为学生提供真实的商务英语口译实践机会。
六、教学步骤:1. 熟悉教学内容和目标;2. 讲解商务英语口译基础知识和技巧;3. 利用多媒体资源展示商务口译场景;4. 进行实践操作和团队合作练习;5. 分组进行商务英语口译竞赛;6. 思政教育讲座和讨论;7. 总结和评价。
商务英语口译 教案

Unit One Protocol RoutineI. Unit Objectives1.Ss understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the long run.2.Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3.Ss master the basic words and expressions about protocol routine.4.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about protocol routine.II Materials and/or equipment1.Business Interpreting2.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher3.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing 50 mI. An Overview of Interpreting 15 m●Definition and Types of Interpreting1). Consecutive Interpreting 2). Simultaneous Interpreting●Past and Present of Interpreting1). Development of Modern Interpreting 2). Professional Interpreting In China●Features and Process of interpreting1). Features of Interpreting1.Extemporaneousness(即席性);2.Stressfulness(紧张性);3.Independence(独立性);4.Comprehensiveness(综合性)5.Miscellaneousness(多面性)2). Process of Interpreting●Basic Requirements for Interpreters1). A Strong Sense of Duty2). A High Level of Linguistic Proficiency3). Wide Encyclopedic Knowledge4). A Good Mastery of Interpreting Skills●Professional Codes of ConductII. Theory & Techniques: Long-term Preparation 20 m●Warm-up activity●Presentation:1. Two Types of Pre-interpreting Preparation2. What and How to Prepare in the Long RunIII. Phrase Interpreting 5 m●Chinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m●Chinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing 30 mI. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m●Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passageduring the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Show the reference note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m●Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the dialogue.●Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.●Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging 20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m●Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the speech..●Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes.●Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.●While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to makeassessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Points to Remember 5 m● A well-prepared interpreter is usually confident and relaxed and an experiencedinterpreter never stops preparing for the interpreting tasks.●Interpreters must continually work to improve their mastery of basic linguistic andinterpreting skills; command of general and subject knowledge; and a strongcross-cultural awareness.●It is advisable for the trainees to keep on practicing interpreting, reading widely andlearning to collect and summarize what has been learned.After class activitiesI. Supplementary Exercises●Task I Simulation ExercisesDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.●Task 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentAsk the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank.●Task 3Cultural SalonAsk the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary.●Task 4 Interpreting PracticeAsk the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers.A. Sentence InterpretingB. Text Interpreting—Text DII. Self-assessment●After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the followingassessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given.The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary.III. Feedback and Comments●After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates andteacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form.Unit Two Ceremonial AddressI. Unit Objectives5.Ss understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the short run.6.Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.7.Ss master the basic words and expressions about ceremonial address.8.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about ceremonial address.II Materials and/or equipment5.Business Interpreting6.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher7.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing 50 m I. Simulation 15 m Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.●While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to makeassessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Theory & Techniques: Short-term preparation 20 m●Warm-up activity●Presentation:1.What to Prepare?2.How to Prepare?A Sample Question ListTo Organizer:1.May I have the schedule? Will there be any changes about the schedule?2.Is it possible for me to have the speakers’ speech drafts or ppt slides?3.Who will attend the conference? Is there a Q & A session?4.Who are the key-note speakers? How can I get in touch with them?To Speaker:1.How long will the speech last?2.What are your main points? Are you going to add or cut any points?3.Are you going to use any technical terms?4.May I have your draft or ppt slides?III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m●Chinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m●Chinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing 30 mI. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m●Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passageduring the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m●Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the dialogue.●Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.●Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging 20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m●Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the speech..●Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes.●Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.●While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to makeassessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Points to Remember 5 m●The short-term preparation refers to the job that can only be prepared shortly beforethe interpreting task is taken.●The interpreter shall beforehand prepare the relevant documents and terminology;dictionaries and note-books; proper dresses and name cards.●The following three ways are suggested when making short-term pre-interpreting preparation,namely, read through the relevant documents; surf the internet; contact the organizer and the speakers.After class activitiesI. Supplementary Exercises●Task I Simulation ExercisesDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.●Task 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentAsk the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank.●Task 3Cultural SalonAsk the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary.●Task 4 Interpreting PracticeAsk the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chineseand English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers.A. Sentence InterpretingB. Text Interpreting—Text DII. Self-assessment●After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the followingassessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given.The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary.III. Feedback and Comments●After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates andteacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form.Unit Three Dinner PartyI. Unit Objectives1.Ss understand the importance and guidelines of active listening.2.Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3.Ss master the basic words and expressions about dinner party.4.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about dinner party.II Materials and/or equipment9.Business Interpreting10.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher11.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing 50 mI. Simulation 15 m Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.●While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to makeassessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Theory & Techniques: Active Listening 20 m●Warm-up activity●Presentation:1.Decoding in Interpreter’s Training2.Three Guidelines for Active Listening3. Three Methods to Listen ActivelyIII. Phrase Interpreting 5 m●Chinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m●Chinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing 30 mI. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m●Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passageduring the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m●Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the dialogue.●Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.●Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging 20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m●Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the speech..●Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes.●Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.●While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to makeassessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Points to Remember 5 m●Decoding is the first step in interpreting.●Both CI and SI require not ordinary listening but active listening.●Interpreters listen to meaning instead of words, they listen for both content andattitude, and they listen with ears, eyes, heart.●To improve the efficiency of active listening, interpreters are supposed to sit or standcomfortably upright; observe the speaker’s body language; and try to visualize the words. After class activitiesI. Supplementary Exercises●Task I Simulation ExercisesDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.●Task 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentAsk the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank.●Task 3Cultural SalonAsk the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary.●Task 4 Interpreting PracticeAsk the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers.A. Sentence InterpretingB. Text Interpreting—Text DII. Self-assessment●After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the followingassessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given.The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary.III. Feedback and Comments●After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates andteacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form.Unit Four Business TravelI. Unit Objectives1. Ss understand the ways to identify the main ideas of the source text.2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3. Ss master the basic words and expressions about business travel.4. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about business travel.II Materials and/or equipment13.Business Interpreting14.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher15.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing 50mI. Simulation 15m●Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. Theycan make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Theory & Techniques: Discourse Analysis 20m●Warm-up activity●Presentation:1.Identification of the Speech Types1). Descriptive Writing 2). Narrative Writing3). Expositive Writing 4). Persuasive Writing2. Identification of the Main Ideas1). Sentence Level 2). Discourse LevelIII. Phrase Interpreting 5 m●Chinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m●Chinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing 30 mI. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m●Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passageduring the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m●Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the dialogue.●Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.●Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging 20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m●Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the speech.●Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes.●Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.●While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to makeassessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Points to Remember 5 m●An analysis of speech types is a determinant factor in interpreting.●There are four basic speech types: descriptive, persuasive, expository, and narrative.●The main ideas of the source speech can be identified at the sentence level and at thediscourse level.●The most important task for an interpreter is to discern from the clusters of utterances thesubject, verb and object.After class activitiesI. Supplementary Exercises●Task I Simulation ExercisesDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.●Task 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentAsk the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keepthem in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank.●Task 3Cultural SalonAsk the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary.●Task 4 Interpreting PracticeAsk the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers.A. Sentence InterpretingB. Text Interpreting—Text DII. Self-assessment●After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the followingassessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given.The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary.III. Feedback and Comments●After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates andteacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form.Unit Five Business InterviewI. Unit Objectives1. Ss understand the importance and features of note taking in interpreting.2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3.Ss master the basic words and expressions about business interview.4.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about business interview.II Materials and/or equipment17.Business Interpreting18.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher19.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing 50 mI. Simulation 15 m●Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations.They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they havelearned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and theinterpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.●While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to makeassessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Theory & Techniques: Note Taking I 20m●Warm-up activity●Presentation:1. Note Taking—an Aid and an Evil2. Two Features of Note-takingIII. Phrase Interpreting 5 m●Chinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m●Chinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing 50mI. Decoding--Notes Taking 15mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story RetellingPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing●Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passageduring the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m●Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some noteswhile listening to the dialogue.●Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.●Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.●Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will helpthem to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging 20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m。
商务现场口译教学设计 (2)


教学目标:1. 培养学生对商务英语口译的兴趣和热情。
2. 提高学生的商务英语听力和口译能力。
3. 发展学生的思政素养和道德品质。
4. 培养学生的团队合作能力和领导力。
教学内容和活动:1. 商务英语听力训练:通过商务英语听力材料和录音训练,提高学生对商务英语的听力理解能力。
3. 商务英语知识学习:学习商务英语词汇、常用表达和商务文化知识,提高学生的商务英语背景知识。
4. 思政教育课程融入:在商务英语口译教学中融入思政教育内容,培养学生的思政素养和道德品质。
5. 团队合作和领导力发展:通过小组合作和领导力培养活动,发展学生的团队合作能力和领导力。
评估方式:1. 学生参与度和表现评估:评估学生在学习和活动中的主动参与程度和表现。
2. 口译表现评估:评估学生在口译训练中的口译准确度和流畅度。
3. 商务英语知识评估:评估学生的商务英语词汇掌握情况和商务背景知识的理解程度。
4. 思政素质评估:评估学生在思政教育课程和讨论中的思考和观点。

一、教学目标1. 培养学生的英语听力、口语和翻译技能,使其能够胜任商务会议、谈判和沟通的口译工作。
2. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力,使其能够理解和应对不同背景的商务人士。
3. 培养学生的翻译思维和解决问题的能力,使其能够在商务交流中做出准确和合适的口译。
二、教学内容1. 商务英语听力训练:通过听取商务相关的录音材料,提高学生的听力理解能力。
2. 商务英语口语训练:通过角色扮演和模拟商务场景,训练学生的口语表达能力。
3. 商务英语翻译训练:通过翻译商务文件和口译商务会议,提高学生的翻译技巧和实践能力。
4. 商务礼仪和跨文化交际:介绍商务礼仪和不同文化背景下的商务交流方式,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
三、教学方法1. 导入活动:通过观看商务英语相关的视频或图片,引发学生对商务英语口译的兴趣。
2. 学生主导的学习:将学生分为小组,让他们自己选择学习材料和训练方式,并在小组内展示和分享学习成果。
3. 实践训练:组织学生进行商务会议角色扮演和商务文件口译练习,让学生亲身体验商务英语口译的实际工作。
4. 讨论和分享:组织学生进行小组讨论和分享,让他们彼此交流自己的学习心得和经验。
5. 案例分析:通过分析真实的商务案例,让学生了解商务英语口译的具体应用场景和解决问题的方法。
四、教学评估1. 口语表达能力的评估:对学生进行商务英语口语测试,测试学生的口语表达能力。
2. 翻译能力的评估:对学生进行商务文件翻译测试,测试学生的翻译准确性和流畅性。
3. 商务交流能力的评估:对学生进行商务会议角色扮演测试,测试学生的商务交流能力和跨文化交际能力。
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商务英语口译--教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANUnit One Protocol RoutineI. Unit Objectives1.Ss understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks inthe long run.2.Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3.Ss master the basic words and expressions about protocol routine.4.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about protocol routine.II Materials and/or equipment1.Business Interpreting2.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher3.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing50 mI. An Overview of Interpreting15 mDefinition and Types of Interpreting1). Consecutive Interpreting 2). Simultaneous InterpretingPast and Present of Interpreting1). Development of Modern Interpreting 2). Professional Interpreting In ChinaFeatures and Process of interpreting1). Features of Interpreting1.Extemporaneousness(即席性);2.Stressfulness(紧张性);3.Independence(独立性);4.Comprehensiveness(综合性)5.Miscellaneousness(多面性)2). Process of InterpretingBasic Requirements for Interpreters1). A Strong Sense of Duty2). A High Level of Linguistic Proficiency3). Wide Encyclopedic Knowledge4). A Good Mastery of Interpreting SkillsProfessional Codes of ConductII. Theory & Techniques: Long-term Preparation 20 m Warm-up activityPresentation:1. Two Types of Pre-interpreting Preparation2. What and How to Prepare in the Long RunIII. Phrase Interpreting5 mChinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting10 mChinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing30 mI. Decoding--Notes Taking5 mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story Retelling5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing10 mPlay the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Show the reference note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting10 mPlay the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students totake some notes while listening to the dialogue.Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment15 mPlay the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech..Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes.Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance andassessment as well.II. Points to Remember 5 mA well-prepared interpreter is usually confident and relaxed and anexperienced interpreter never stops preparing for the interpreting tasks.Interpreters must continually work to improve their mastery of basiclinguistic and interpreting skills; command of general and subjectknowledge; and a strong cross-cultural awareness.It is advisable for the trainees to keep on practicing interpreting, readingwidely and learning to collect and summarize what has been learned.After class activitiesI. Supplementary ExercisesTask I Simulation ExercisesDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.Task 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentAsk the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank.Task 3Cultural SalonAsk the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary.Task 4 Interpreting PracticeAsk the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers.A. Sentence InterpretingB. Text Interpreting—Text DII. Self-assessmentAfter the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary.III. Feedback and CommentsAfter they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell theirclassmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give yoursuggestion with the help of the following assessment form.Unit Two Ceremonial AddressI. Unit Objectives5.Ss understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks inthe short run.6.Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.7.Ss master the basic words and expressions about ceremonial address.8.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about ceremonialaddress.II Materials and/or equipment5.Business Interpreting6.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher7.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing50 mI. Simulation15 mDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance andassessment as well.II. Theory & Techniques: Short-term preparation20 mWarm-up activityPresentation:1.What to Prepare2.How to PrepareA Sample Question ListTo Organizer:1.May I have the schedule Will there be any changes about the schedule2.3.Is it possible for me to have the speakers’ speech drafts or ppt slides?4.5.Who will attend the conference Is there a Q & A session6.7.Who are the key-note speakers How can I get in touch with them8.To Speaker:1.How long will the speech last?2.What are your main points Are you going to add or cut any points?3.Are you going to use any technical terms?4.May I have your draft or ppt slides?5.III. Phrase Interpreting5 mChinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting10 mChinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing30 mI. Decoding--Notes Taking5 mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story Retelling5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing10 mPlay the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting10 mPlay the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students totake some notes while listening to the dialogue.Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment15 mPlay the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech..Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes.Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance andassessment as well.II. Points to Remember 5 mThe short-term preparation refers to the job that can only be preparedshortly before the interpreting task is taken.The interpreter shall beforehand prepare the relevant documents andterminology; dictionaries and note-books; proper dresses and name cards.The following three ways are suggested when making short-term pre-interpreting preparation, namely, read through the relevant documents; surf the internet; contact the organizer and the speakers.After class activitiesI. Supplementary ExercisesTask I Simulation ExercisesDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.Task 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentAsk the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank.Task 3Cultural SalonAsk the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary.Task 4 Interpreting PracticeAsk the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret theminto Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to helpthem to check the answers.A. Sentence InterpretingB. Text Interpreting—Text DII. Self-assessmentAfter the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some keypoints of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural backgroundknowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give thereference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary.III. Feedback and CommentsAfter they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell theirclassmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you willmake an overall comment on each of their performance and give yoursuggestion with the help of the following assessment form.Unit Three Dinner PartyI. Unit Objectives1.Ss understand the importance and guidelines of active listening.2.Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3.Ss master the basic words and expressions about dinner party.4.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about dinner party.II Materials and/or equipment9.Business Interpreting10.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher11.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing50 mI. Simulation15 mDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance andassessment as well.II. Theory & Techniques: Active Listening 20 mWarm-up activityPresentation:1.Decoding in Interpreter’s Training2.Three Guidelines for Active Listening3. Three Methods to Listen ActivelyIII. Phrase Interpreting5 mChinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting10 mChinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing30 mI. Decoding--Notes Taking5 mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story Retelling5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing10 mPlay the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting10 mPlay the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students totake some notes while listening to the dialogue.Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment15 mPlay the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech..Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes.Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance andassessment as well.II. Points to Remember 5 mDecoding is the first step in interpreting.Both CI and SI require not ordinary listening but active listening.Interpreters listen to meaning instead of words, they listen for bothcontent and attitude, and they listen with ears, eyes, heart.To improve the efficiency of active listening, interpreters are supposed to sit or stand comfortably upright; observe the speaker’s body language; and try tovisualize the words.After class activitiesI. Supplementary ExercisesTask I Simulation ExercisesDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.Task 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentAsk the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank.Task 3Cultural SalonAsk the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary.Task 4 Interpreting PracticeAsk the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers.A. Sentence InterpretingB. Text Interpreting—Text DII. Self-assessmentAfter the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some keypoints of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural backgroundknowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give thereference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary.III. Feedback and CommentsAfter they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell theirclassmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give yoursuggestion with the help of the following assessment form.Unit Four Business TravelI. Unit Objectives1. Ss understand the ways to identify the main ideas of the source text.2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3. Ss master the basic words and expressions about business travel.4. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about business travel.II Materials and/or equipment13.Business Interpreting14.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher15.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing50mI. Simulation15mDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the followingsituations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinesespeaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will beinvited to perform in class. assessment with their group members on theassessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask therepresentatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.II. Theory & Techniques: Discourse Analysis20mWarm-up activityPresentation:1.Identification of the Speech Types1). Descriptive Writing 2). Narrative Writing3). Expositive Writing 4). Persuasive Writing2. Identification of the Main Ideas1). Sentence Level 2). Discourse LevelIII. Phrase Interpreting5 mChinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting10 mChinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing30 mI. Decoding--Notes Taking5 mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story Retelling5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing10 mPlay the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting10 mPlay the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students totake some notes while listening to the dialogue.Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment15 mPlay the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes.Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance andassessment as well.II. Points to Remember 5 mAn analysis of speech types is a determinant factor in interpreting.There are four basic speech types: descriptive, persuasive, expository, andnarrative.The main ideas of the source speech can be identified at the sentencelevel and at the discourse level.The most important task for an interpreter is to discern from the clusters ofutterances the subject, verb and object.After class activitiesI. Supplementary ExercisesTask I Simulation ExercisesDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.Task 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentAsk the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank.Task 3Cultural SalonAsk the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary.Task 4 Interpreting PracticeAsk the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers.A. Sentence InterpretingB. Text Interpreting—Text DII. Self-assessmentAfter the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some keypoints of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural backgroundknowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give thereference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary.III. Feedback and CommentsAfter they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell theirclassmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you willmake an overall comment on each of their performance and give yoursuggestion with the help of the following assessment form.Unit Five Business InterviewI. Unit Objectives1. Ss understand the importance and features of note taking ininterpreting.2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.3.Ss master the basic words and expressions about business interview.4.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about businessinterview.II Materials and/or equipment17.Business Interpreting18.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher19.Overhead projectorputerIII Focus Points and Teaching ProceduresPhase 1 Preparing50 mI. Simulation15 mDivide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the followingsituations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the wordsand expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as theChinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. Onegroup will be invited to perform in class.While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance andassessment as well.II. Theory & Techniques: Note Taking I20mWarm-up activityPresentation:1. Note Taking—an Aid and an Evil2. Two Features of Note-takingIII. Phrase Interpreting5 mChinese- English English-ChineseIV. Sentence Interpreting10 mChinese- English English-ChinesePhase 2 Performing50mI. Decoding--Notes Taking15mPlay the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.II. Memorizing--Story RetellingPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.III. Encoding--Message ReconstructingPlay the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting10 mPlay the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students totake some notes while listening to the dialogue.Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes.Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, theteacher will help them to check the interpretation.Phase 3 Packaging20 mI. Interpreting and Assessment15 mPlay the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech..。