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Three principal sulci
Lateral sulcus 外侧沟
Parietooccipital sulcus 顶枕沟
Central sulcus 中央沟
Parietooccipital sulcus 顶枕沟
Parietooccipital sulcus 顶枕沟
Frontal lobe 额叶
Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus 枕颞外侧回
Lingual gyrus 舌回
Hippocampal sulcus 海马沟
Collateral sulcus 侧副沟
穹隆 fornix
海马 齿状回
Parahippocampal gyrus 海马旁回
Cerebral cortex 大脑皮质
Sulcus 沟 Gyrus 回
Cerebral longitudinal fissure 大脑纵裂
Corpus callosum 胼胝体 The telencephalon consists of right and left cerebral hemisphere, partially separated by cerebral longitudinal fissure..
Corpus callosum 胼胝体
Cerebral transverse fissure 大脑横裂
The cerebral transverse fissure intervenes between the hemispheres and the cerebellum
Central sulcus 中央沟
Third ventricle
Position: lies within diencephalons
Boundaries Roof: choroids plexus Floor: optic chiasma, tuber cinereum, infundibulum and mamillary body Anterior: lamina terminalis Posterior: continuous with mesencephalic aqueduct Lateral wall: dorsal thalamus and hypothalamus
Five lobes
Parietal lobe 顶叶
Occipital lobe 枕叶
Temporal lobe 颞叶
Insular lobe 岛叶
The gyri and sulci of the dorsolateral surface of the hemisphere 半球背外侧面的脑沟和脑回
The gyri and sulci of the parietal lobe 顶叶的脑沟和脑回
Postcentral sulcus 中央后沟
Postcentral gyrus 中央后回
Superior parietal lobule 顶上叶
Intraparietal sulcus 顶内沟
Supramarginal gyrus 缘上回
Cingulate sulcus 扣带沟
Paracentral lobule 中央旁小叶 Marginal ramus 边缘支
Parietooccipital sulcus 顶枕沟
Cuneus 楔叶
Calcarine sulcus 距状沟
Uncus 钩 Parahippocampal gyrus
海马旁回 Medial occipitotemporal gyrus 枕颞内侧回
The gyri and sulci of the frontal lobe 额叶的脑沟和脑回
Precentral sulcus 中央前沟
Superior frontal sulcus 额上沟
Inferior frontal sulcus 额下沟
Precentral gyrus 中央前回
Superior, middle and inferioe frontal Gyri 额上、中、下回
Entorhinal area内嗅区 (Ant. part of parahippocampal gyrus 海马旁回前部)
formation 海马结构
hippocampal 海马 Dentate gyrus 齿状回 Subiculum 下托
Angular gyrus 角回
The gyri and sulci of the temporal lobe 颞叶的脑沟和脑回
Superior temporal gyrus 颞上回
Middle temporal gyrus 颞中回
Superior temporal sulcus 颞上沟
Inferior temporal sulcus 颞下沟
Dentate gyrus齿状回 Hippocampus 海马
Hippocampal formation 海马结构
tempor al lobe
hippocampal formation 海马结构
hippocampal 海马 Dentate gyrus 齿状回 Subiculum 下托
Inferior temporal gyrus 颞下回
The gyri and sulci of the medial surfaces of the hemisphere 半球内侧面的脑沟和脑回
Sulci and gyri of medial surface
Corpus callosum 胼胝体 Callosal sulcus 胼胝体沟 cingulate gyrus 扣带回
Communication Third ventricle →mesencephalic aqueduct → fourth ventricle
Central Nervous System
Topography of the cerebral hemispheres