马克思主义基本原理练习题三一. 单项选择题1.历史观的基本问题是()A是否承认阶级和阶级斗争的问题 B经济基础与上层建筑的关系问题C生产力与生产关系的关系问题 D社会存在与社会意识的关系问题2.“吃、喝、住、穿,这是人生的第一需要”的观点属于()A历史唯物主义的观点 B历史唯心主义的观点C利己主义的观点 D庸俗唯物主义的观点3.划分唯物史观与唯心史观的标准是()A对物质与意识关系的不同回答 B对社会存在与社会意识关系的不同回答C对思维和存在关系的不同回答 D对教条主义与经验主义关系的不同回答4.唯心史观的理论形态有()a唯意志论与宿命论 b经验论与唯理论c教条主义与本本主义 d相对主义与诡辩论5.“人定胜天”的观点表明()A人在自然面前无所作为B错误理解人与自然的关系C准确把握了人与自然的关系D夸大了自然界的客观性6.人类是社会的主体,历史活动就是人的活动,因此人可以()A创造社会发展规律B消灭社会发展规律C改变社会发展规律 D认识和利用社会发展规律7.一定的社会上层建筑由两部分组成()A政治制度与军队、警察武装力量B生产关系与政治制度C政治的上层建筑与思想的上层建筑D政权与政治法律制度和设施8.我国社会主义政治上层建筑的核心是()A社会主义的政治法律观点B共产主义的道德和理想C人民民主专政的国家政权D马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论9.自然科学是一种社会意识的形式,它属于()A没有阶级性的上层建筑B非上层建筑的意识形式C特定经济基础的上层建筑D思想的上层建筑10.“经济上落后的国家在哲学上仍然能够演奏第一提琴”说明()A社会存在决定社会意识B社会意识具有历史继承性C社会意识对社会存在具有反作用D社会意识与社会经济发展水平的不平衡性11.当前我国进行的经济体制改革的客观依据是()A自然规律 B人的主观意志 C阶级斗争规律 D生产关系一定要适合生产力发展的规律12.社会变革的成功,是以()为根本标志的。
二、单项选择题1.对于管理人员来说,一般需要具备多种技能,如概念技能、人际技能、技术技能.越是处于高层的管理者,其对于三种技能的需要就越是按以下顺序排列:( a )A.概念技能、人际技能、技术技能.B. 概念技能、技术技能、人际技能.C. 人际技能、概念技能、技术技能D. 技术技能、概念技能、人际技能2.当今国内外管理学教学的主流体系属于(d )理论。
第1-277题问题:企业的员工人数、工资是选项一:离散变量选项二:前者是离散变量,后者是连续变量选项三:连续变量选项四:前者是连续变量,后者是离散变量选项五:正确答案:2第2-175题问题:受极端数值影响最大的变异指标是()选项一:极差选项二:平均差选项三:标准差选项四:方差选项五:正确答案:1第3-1071题问题:两组数据的均值不等,但标准差相同,则选项一:均值小的差异程度大选项二:均值大的差异程度大选项三:无法判断选项四:两组数据的差异程度相同选项五:正确答案:1第4-621题问题:若一元线性回归模型的可决系数为0.9025,则自变量和因变量之间的相关系数可能为( ). 选项一:0.90选项二:0.95选项三:0.99选项四:0.41选项五:正确答案:2第5-1199题问题:变异是指()选项一:标志与指标的具体表现不同选项二:标志和指标各不相同选项三:总体的指标各不相同选项四:总体单位的指标各不相同选项五:正确答案:1第6-599题问题:在因变量的总离差平方和中,如果残差平方和所占的比重小,则两变量之间()。
选项一:时点指标选项二:时期指标选项三:相对指标选项四:平均指标选项五:正确答案:2第9-611题问题:在一元线性回归模型中,总离差平方和的自由度为( );其中n为观测值的个数.选项一:n-1选项二:n-2选项三:n选项四:1选项五:正确答案:1第10-680题问题:如果所有商品的数量均按同一比率变化,计算出的派氏指数为105.45%,那么拉氏指数为()。
[教材P22 练习三 第12题]
(2)小红和小亮一共拍了多少个? 45+39=84(个) 答:小红和小亮一共拍了84个。
[教材P22 练习三 第12题]
小红比小亮多拍多少个? 45-39=6(个)
[教材P22 练习三 第12题]
3 3
3 5
93 5
[教材P21 练习三 第6题]Biblioteka 79 - 6712×
. 53 -4
7. [教材P21 练习三 第7题]
54-27= 27 . 54
- 27
66-49= 17 . 66
- 49
43-37= 6 . 43
- 37
95-63= 32
95 - 63
7. [教材P21 练习三 第7题]
72-9= 63 . 72
1. [教材P20 练习三 第1题] 98 – 80 =18 98 – 8= 90
98 –(8 0 ) (1 8 )
98 –( 8 ) (9 0)
98 – 88=10
(9 8 ) –( 8 8 ) (1 0 )
2. [教材P20 练习三 第2题]
39-23 = 16 74-34 = 40
39 - 23
74 - 34
99-14 = 85
99 - 14
57-26 =31
C综合练习- 3 附参考答案
《C综合练习 3 --- 函数与指针》一、选择题1. 程序中调用了库函数strcmp,必须包含头文件()。
若是调用库函数gets呢?A、math.hB、string.hC、ctype.hD、stdio.h2.数组声明为“int y[4][3];”,表达式“*(y+2)+2-*y”的值为()。
A. 10B. 20C. 16D. 83.指针变量p1、p2类型相同,要使p1、p2指向同一变量,哪一个语句是正确的( )。
A、p2=*&p1;B、p2=**p1;C、p2=&p1;D、p2=*p1;4.数组定义为“int a[4][5];”,下列哪一个引用是错误的( )。
int f(int m){ static int i=0; int s=0;for(; i<=m; i++) s+=i;return s;}A、21B、16C、15D、88.下列语句定义x为指向int类型变量a的指针,其中哪一个是正确的。
A、int a,*x=a;B、int a,*x=&a;C、int *x=&a,a;D、int a,x=a; 9.声明语句为“int a[3][4];”,下列表达式中与数组元素a[2][1]等价的是。
A、*(a[2]+1)B、a[9]C、*(a[1]+2)D、*(*(a+2))+1 10.对于以下递归函数f,调用f (2) 的返回值是。
日语基础语法练习 (3)
読解・文法 総合練習問題Ⅰ _________の ところに 何を 入れますか。
1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを 一つ えらびなさい。
1 毎日 じてんしゃ _________がっこうへ 行きます。
1 に 2 で 3 を 4 は2 その チッケトは だれ_________もらいましたか。
1 を 2 は 3 が 4 に3 あさって サッカーの しあいは なんじに 始まる_________ 知っていますか。
1 で 2 に 3 か 4 を4 このまどから しんかんせんを とおるの_________みえます。
1 が 2 を 3 に 4 で5 こめ_________お酒をつくります。
1 にも 2 から 3 では 4 のは6 そのへやから へんな におい_________します。
1 は 2 で 3 に 4 が7 お母さんは 朝から もんく_________言っています。
1 しか 2 までに 3 ばかり 4 ずつ8 電車の なかで 足_________ふまれました。
1 の 2 を 3 へ 4 か9 日ようびは べんきょうが 忙しくて、どこ_________行きませんでした。
1 でも 2 へも 3 のは 4 ので10 これは なん_________いう どうぶつですか。
1 で 2 も 3 を 4 と11 きみ_________あたまがいい 人は いない。
1 では 2 ので 3 から 4 ほど12 2008年の オリンピック大会は ぺきん_________おこなわれます。
1 に 2 を 3 で 4 が13 これは しゅうりする_________つかいます。
1 ので 2 のを 3 のに 4 のが14 A「ジュース_________いかがですか。
」1 でも 2 まで 3 ほど 4 ごろ15 いえから かいしゃまで 三時間 _________かかります。
1 ぐらい 2 ごろ 3 まで 4 でも問題Ⅱ _______の ところに 何を 入れますか。
新模式英语3练习册参考答案Pre-Unit: Getting to Know You Challenge 1: 缩略词(p. P2)Exercise A.Read the conversation.Exercise B.Conversation 1: How’s, What’s, you’re, You’ll, I’llConversation 2: What’s, I’m, It’s, What’s, I’m, That’s, you’llExercise C.1. What’s; What is2. How’re; How are3. I’m; I am4. How’s; How is5. It’s; It is6. What’s; What is7. I’ve; I haveExercise D.1. How is; How’s your new class?2. What is; What’s up with you?3. I am; I’m starting my first class today.4. What is; What’s happeni ng.5. That is; That’s wonderful!6. How is; How’s your family doing?7. I will; I’ll see you later.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 现在时(p. P4)Exercise A.Read the story. Exercise B.1. Villa Park2. in a machine shop3. She goes to school and takes care of her children.4. to become a teacherExercise C.My name is Lilia Avardo, and I’m a student at Orange Adult Learning Center. We live in Villa Park. My husband works in a machine shop. I go to school and take care of our children. We all want to be successful in this country. My husband wants to run his own business one day, and I hope to become a teacher. Exercise D.1. lives2. want3. works4. go5. hopes6. are7. takeExercise E.1. is2. attend3. take4. work5. am6. want7. need8. hope9. goExercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 过去时(p. P6) Exercise A.Read the chart.Exercise B.1. 1990-19922. 19983. 19984. 45. Yes; Answers will vary.Exercise C.1. wrote2. went3. finished4. started5. attended6. took7. workedExercise D.Answers will vary.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Unit 1: Balancing Your Life Challenge 1: 频度副词(p. 2) Exercise A.1. 7 A.M.2. 53. 8 P.M.4. Yes; every day5. Visits his family Exercise B.1. always2. rarely3. always4. always5. seldom6. rarely7. usuallyExercise C.1. He usually accomplishes everything that needs to get done.2. They are always busy in the morning.3. She rarely finds time to relax4. We often make time for our family.5. He sometimes eats lunch in the office.6. I never got a chance to take a break.7. Erica always finds time to exercise after work.Exercise D.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 包含When的将来时从(p.4) Exercise A.Read the story.Exercise B.1. Vietnam2. to send his grand-daughters to college3. doesn’t have enough money4. Sample answer: The girls will look for scholarships. They will get part-time jobs when they go to school. Lam and his wife will send the girls money every month. Exercise C.Answers will vary.Exercise D.1. When I will move to New York, I will buy a new house.2. When they register registered for class, they bought their books.3. Michael will get his real estate license, when he will pass passes the test.4. When Susana gets settled, she sends will send for her family.5. When Lam get gets some money, he will send it to his grandchildren.6. Tuba will gets get a job when her children are in school.7. I will ask for a promotion when my English is better.Exercise E.1. When I move to a new city, I will get a new job.2. When he studies, he will pass the test.3. When she meets with her boss, she will ask him for a raise.4. They will buy a bigger house when they have more children.5. We will register for college when we finish our English class.6. We will find a time to study together when you call me.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Be + 不定式(p. 6) Exercise A.Read the paragraph.Exercise B.Infinitive verbs: to get, to help, to take care of, to work, to ask, to help Exercise C. 1. is; to get2. is; to move3. are; to buy4. is; to own5. is; to ask6. are; to finish7. is; to becomeExercise D.1. Eric’s goal is to open a Japanese restaurant.2. His obstacle is not enough money.3. One solution is to get a loan from the bank.4. Another solution is to ask friends and family for money.5. A third solution is to find private investors.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Be + 动名词(p. 8) Exercise A.Read the list.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1. watching2. helping3. teaching4. learning5. studying6. writing7. reading8. listening9. working10. finding11. copyingExercise E.1. reading2. copying3. teaching4. listening5. studying6. writingExercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 祈使句(p. 10)Exercise A.Read the list.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.Keep; Write; Check off; Wake up; Do; AskExercise D.1. Wake up2. Ask3. Be4. Keep5. Check6. Do7. waste8. Finish9. Carry 10. Put11. WriteExercise E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 包含Because与So (that)的状语从句(p. 12)Exercise A. Read the paragraphs.Exercise B.1. Zhou’s parents are coming from China because they are going to help take care of the babies.2. Zhou’s boss won’t promote him because Zhou doesn’t have a college degree.3. Zhou is going to buy a bigger house so that there is room for everyone.4. Zhou’s father is going to work so that he can help Zhou pay for the house.5. Zhou needs a bachelor’s degree so that he can get a better position at work.Exercise C.1. because2. because3. so that4. because5. so that6. so thatExercise D.1. Luisa takes English classes so that she can communicate with her customers.2. She wants to get a promotion because she needs more money.3. She studies at night because she works during the day.4. She teaches her husband English because he doesn’t have time to go to school.5. Luisa’s husband want s to speak English so that he can open his own business.6. Their children want to go to college so that they can be doctors.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 包含When的时间从句(p. 14)Exercise A.Read the conversation.Exercise B.1. Hans came to the U.S. when his children were ready to go to college. Greta came to the U.S. when her father was transferred here for work.2. Yes3. Yesp. 15Exercise C.1. are2. eat3. do4. get5. bought6. will look7. retired8. makeExercise D.1. When he finishes college, my stepson will travel to Spain.2. My grandfather lived with us when I was young.3. I will look for a full-time job when I graduate from college.4. He cooks dinner for the family when he gets home from work.5. His friends helped him study when he was in the hospital.6. Kate takes her vitamins when she wakes up in the morning.7. Her sister will take English classes when she moves here from France.Unit 2: Consumer SmartsChallenge 1: Get + 过去分词(使役词)(p. 16)Exercise A.Read the conversation.Exercise B.1. Crown Cleaners2. Get copies made3. At the hardware store on First Street4. The post office on Harbor StreetExercise C.1. cleaned2. cut3. fixed4. filled5. taken6. painted7. cashed8. washed9. changed10. madeExercise D.1. I got the refrigerator fixed.2. He gets the house cleaned once a week.3. She got her watch fixed yesterday.4. They get their picture taken every year.5. We will get the car repaired.Exercise E.1. I will get my stereo fixed today.2. Terron got his coat cleaned.3. I got the mistake corrected.4. I get my car repaired.5. Leilani got her prescription filled.6. We will get our package mailed.7. She gets her eyes tested every year.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 形容词最高级(p. 18) Exercise A.Read the advertisements.Exercise B.1. Kendal2. Grayson3. Grayson4. KendalExercise C.1. the best2. the tastiest3. the most beautiful4. the fastest5. the most popular6. the slowest7. the easiestExercise D.Sample answers:1. the smallest2. the most important3. the worst4. the hottest5. the most expensive6. the hardestExercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 形容词比较级(p. 20) Exercise A.Read the advertisements.Exercise B.1. Angelo’s2. Pontillo’s3. Angelo’s4. Pontillo’sExercise C.1. Going to the car wash is easyer easier than washing your own car.2. I think pizza is healthy healthier than hamburgers.3. Pontillo’s pizza is always more hothot ter than Angelo’s pizza.4. This computer is more heavy heavier than my old one.5. First Bank is close closer than Bank of the South.6. Going to a car wash is more expensiver expensive than washing your own car.7. This washing machine is quiet quieter than my old one.Exercise D.1. A laptop is more expensive than a desktop computer. A desktop computer is cheaper than a laptop.2. A 10-inch screen is worse than a 20-inch screen. A 20-inch screen is better than a 10-inch screen.3. A laptop is lighter than a desktop computer. A desktop computer is heavier than a laptop.4. A 1.0 GHz CPU is slower than a 2.5 GHz CPU. A 2.5 GHz CPU is faster thana 1.0 GHz CPU.5. A 160 GB hard drive is smaller than a 500 GB hard drive. A 500 GB hard drive is larger than a 160 GB hard drive.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Must与Have to(p. 22) Exercise A.Read the list.Exercise B.1. Jared has to go to the bank, pick up his dry cleaning, files his taxes, and put out the trash on Monday.2. He has to go to the eye doctor, volunteer at Eli’s school and mail a package to Mom on Tuesday.3. On Wednesday, he must finish his English essay and meet his study group.Exercise C.1. Sample answer: They mean that something has to be done or is required.2. mustExercise D.1. We must register for class soon.2. She has to deposit her check today.3. They must get the locks on their house changed.4. Jared must file his taxes on Monday.5. He has to buy a new computer for school.6. Elise must pick up the dry cleaning before work.7. We have to go to the doctor next week.Exercise E.1. have to get2. must pay3. must buy4. has to write5. have to apply6. must goExercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 过渡词(p. 24)Exercise A.1. Decide to buy a new car.2. Decide what kind of car you want.3. Look around for the best price.4. Negotiate with the car dealer.5. Buy the car.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.Sample answers:Buying New ClothesFirst, ask your friends where they get their clothes. Second, visit each store. Third, compare the prices of similar items. Finally, make your purchases.Finding the Right BankFirst, choose a bank near your home. Second, talk to the bank manager. Third, go home and think about what she said. Finally, decide if this is the right bank for you.Exercise D.Sample answers:1. Above all2. Next3. After that4. Then5. Then6. FinallyExercise E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 包含名词的比较级与最高级(p. 26)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.1. West Coast2. Fashion3. West Coast4. Fashion5. Rightwood6. RightwoodExercise C.1. more checkers than2. more tables than3. fewer sandwiches than4. the most employees5. more computers than6. the fewest7. more helpful employees thanExercise D.1. more gas stations than2. has more dry cleaners than3. has more banks than4. has the most grocery stores5. has fewer restaurants than6. has more post offices than7. the fewest hardware stores Extension Challenge 2: 比较级与最高级问句(p. 28)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.1. The Clothing Depot2. The Clothing Depot3. The Clothing DepotExercise C.1. Which gas station has more pumps?2. Which mall has nicer stores?3. Which grocery store is bigger?4. Which dry cleaner gives better service?5. Which post office has worse hours?Exercise D.1. Which gas station has the most pumps?2. Which mall has the nicest stores?3. Which grocery store is the biggest?4. Which dry cleaner has the best service?5. Which post office has the worst hours?Exercise E.Answers will vary.Unit 3: HousingChallenge 1:比较more/fewer/less and most/fewest/least(p. 30)Exercise A.Read the advertisements.Exercise B.1. Apartment2. Apartment3. Condo4. Apartmentp. 31Exercise C.1. the most2. more3. fewer4. fewer5. less6. more7. moreExercise D.1. We have most more problems with our landlord than you do.2. We have the few fewer apartments in our building than you do.3. I pay less rent of than anyone in my family.4. His condo has the most more space than his friend’s.5. Her house gets the more light.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Exercise F.Answers will vary. Challenge 2: 现在时一般疑问句(p. 32) Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.1. No, they don’t.2. No, they don’t.3. Yes, they do.4. No, they don’t.Exercise C.1. Does; does2. Do; do3. Does; doesn’t4. Do; do5. Do; do6. Does; doesn’tExercise D.1. Do the Browns want a bigger apartment?Yes, they do.2. Does Eric have a place with a pool? No, he doesn’t.3. Do their family need a garage? Yes, they do.4. Do they hope to find a condo in this neighborhood? Yes, they do.5. Does Karla want hardwood floors? No, she do esn’t.6. Does he have a place with a pool? Yes, he does.7. Do we need more bathrooms? No, we don’t.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 特殊疑问句(p. 34) Exercise A.1. Jessika Plinko2. 598 7598 265 63. $31.844. 68792 La Joya St., Cedarville, TX 771045. June 15, 2007Exercise B.Whose, What, How much, Where, Whenp. 35Exercise C.1. d, h2. e, g3. b, j4. c, i5. a, fExercise D.1. How much2. When3. Where4. How much5. Who (also “Whom”, but this is more formal)6. When7. WhereExercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: 过去进行时(p. 36) Exercise A.Read the story.Exercise B.1. Maryanne and Vu were talking about their finances.2. Vu was writing down everything they spent money on.3. Maryanne was trying to help him.4. They were both worrying about how much money they spent on their phone bill.Exercise C.were talking, was writing, was trying, were worryingp. 37Exercise D.1. They were writing down their budget.2. I was saving money for a new car.3. He was working two jobs.4. Vu was adding up the numbers.5. They were making more money last year.6. Maryanne was making a copy of their budget.Exercise E.1. were sitting2. were paying3. were talking4. was writing5. was adding6. were thinkingExercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 包含While的过去进行时(p.38)Exercise A.1. short; long2. long; short3. short; long4. long; short5. long; short6. short; longExercise B.a. simple pastb. past continuousExercise C.1. While he was sleeping, the phone rang.2. We bought a condo while we were living in a rental apartment.3. While my husband was painting the condo, I took our children to the park.4. While I was taking a shower, the water heater broke.5. The kids found a rat while they were playing upstairs.6. We cooked dinner while the repairman was fixing the water heater.7. While we were sleeping, the fire alarm went off.8. The children and I waited outside while my husband was looking for smoke.9. While we were thinking of moving, we remembered how much money we spent on this new condo!Exercise D.1. While we were standing on the balcony, it started to rain.2. While I was talking with the security guard in our building, she got a phone call.3. While we were looking out the window, the rain stopped.4. While I was doing the laundry, the dryer broke.5. I saw you while you were leaving the house.6. I turned on the air conditioning while I was cleaning the living room.7. He closed the garage door while she was washing the car.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 特殊疑问句(p. 40) Exercise A.Answers will vary.Exercise B.1. do live2. do live3. did move4. do pay5. did move6. livesExercise C.1. do you move2. do the Jacksons live3. lives4. did you5. do they rent6. did they pay7. boughtExercise D.1. do you pay2. does your landlord live3. does John meet4. did they move5. did I put6. did their family spendExercise E.1. pays2. keeps3. moved4. cameExercise F.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 包含When与While的时间从句(p. 42)Exercise A.1. short; long2. long; short3. short; long4. long; short5. long; short6. short; longExercise B.1. a2. bExercise C.1. when2. while3. when4. While5. when6. while7. whenExercise D.1. While our heater was being fixed, we wore warm clothes and used extra blankets at night.2. While Jane was grocery shopping, her mother called.3. We were hanging pictures in our living room when our neighbor stopped by.4. Her children called for help while Kimla was cal culating last month’s expenses.5. When their car broke down, they were out looking for a new apartment.6. While he was reading the newspaper, his roof started leaking.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Unit 4: Our CommunityChallenge 1: 特殊疑问句(p. 44) Exercise A.Answers will vary.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.1. are2. is3. do4. is5. do6. are7. does8. does9. doesExercise D.1. What time does the copy center open?2. What is the address of the museum?3. How far is the school from here?4. How much does a new driver’s license cost?5. How often does the bus come? Exercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 2:关于费用的特殊疑问句(What, How much)(p. 46)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.1. $242. $2.50 per transaction3. $5 per month4. $25 per monthExercise C.1. are2. are3. does4. is5. do6. is7. are8. are9. isExercise D.1. What are the charges for late payments?2. What are the fees for new students?3. How much does school lunch cost?4. What is the price of a library card?5. How much are the boxes for mailing?6. How much do copy cards cost?Exercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 祈使句(p. 48)Exercise A.The bank Exercise B.Sample answers:1. Turn; Go2. Go3. make4. Take5. Go; Turn6. turn; goExercise C.Sample answers:1. From the market, turn right onto Florida St. Turn left on Third Ave. Go one block. The post office is on the left-hand side, on the corner of Third Ave. and Arizona St.2. From the sushi restaurant, take Arizona St. to Third Ave. and turn left. Go to Colorado St. The shoe store is on the corner.3. From the DMV, go south on Second Ave. to Michigan St. and turn right. The market is on the next corner at First Ave.4. From the bank, take Texas St. to Third Ave. Turn right and go to Arizona St. The post office is on the far corner.Exercise D.Answers will vary.Challenge 4:时间状语从句 (过去时)(p. 50) Exercise A.Read the story.Exercise B.1. Chinh woke up.2. She took a shower.3. She had breakfast.4. She packed her kids’ lunches.5. She made breakfast for her kids.6. She left for work.7. She got cash at the bank.8. She picked up uniforms from the dry cleaners.9. She got a book from the bookstore.10. She picked up the kids from school.11. She dropped off the kids at home.12. She left for school.Exercise C.1. e2. d3. g4. c5. i6. a7. b8. h9. fExercise D.1. a. When Jacob saved enough money, he bought a new car.b. Jacob bought a new car when he saved enough money.2. a. After he lost his job, Parker opened his own business.b. Parker opened his own business after he lost his job.3. a. Before he asked the teacher a question, Jeeva finished his test.b. Jeeva finished his test before he asked the teacher a question.4. a. The kids went out to play when it stopped raining.b. When it stopped raining, the kids went out to play.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 编辑(p. 52)Exercise A.victoria; an excellent positions; can buys; here. third; neighborhoods is; safe so I can; with other childrens.; schools in this area is nationally; moving.Exercise B.1. Bob lives in Massachusetts.2. He does sign painting for his job.3. Bob is married to Mary. They have two children.4. Mary is a teacher.5. Bob and Mary have two cars.Exercise C.1. verb; is2. punctuation; add period3. noun; reasons4. capital letter; First5. verb; is6. capital letter; Second7. capital letter; New York8. noun; kids, add comma9. punctuation; add question markExercise D.The Worshams are going to move next summer because scott Scott got a new job. There are many good reason reasons to move for this job. First, he are is going to make twice as much money as he made at his previous job. Second, he will have a better job title, supervisor. Third, there are more opportunity opportunities for his wife to work in this new city. The kids is are not very excited because they like their school and friends. but But in time, they will get used to it .Extension Challenge 1: 方位介词(p. 54) Exercise A.Answers will vary.Exercise B.Sample answers:1. in2. on3. next to4. at5. next to6. at7. in8. in9. on10. across fromExtension Challenge 2: 时间状语从句(含有将来的意义)(p. 56)Exercise A.Answers will vary.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.1. have2. will go3. visit4. will help5. find6. will write7. will stay8. finish9. getExercise D.1. after2. when3. before4. until5. When6. until7. before8. after9. Before10. When11. After12. untilExercise E.Answers will vary.Unit 5: HealthChallenge 1: 情态动词: Should(p. 58) Exercise A.Read the coversation.Exercise B.1. He has diabetes2. Cardiologist3. Eat healthier, and lose some weight4. Answers will vary.Exercise C.1. should lose2. should see3. should put4. should call5. should take6. should visit7. should exercise; should drink8. should find9. should makeExercise D.Sample answers:1. You should eat more fruits and vegetables.2. She should lose some weight.3. They should stop smoking.4. They should drink at least eight glasses of water every day.5. You should see your doctor.6. You should put on sunscreen at the beach.7. You should see a dentist.8. You should bring your own lunch.Challenge 2: 现在完成时(p. 60) Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.1. sore throat; three days2. rash; two weeks3. cold; last week4. earache; yesterdayExercise C.visit visited visitedgo went gonework worked workedwalk walked walkedgrow grew growngain gained gainedsee saw seeneat ate eatenbe was/were beenhave had hadExercise D.1. Has; eaten2. Has; seen3. has worked4. have been5. Have; visited6. have grown7. has had8. have gained 9. have walkedExercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 将来条件句(p. 62) Exercise A.Answers will vary.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.1. Lara will develop diabetes if she will eat eats too much sugar.2. If Ali becomes a dentist, he makes will make a good salary.3. Paulo will hurt his ankle if he will run runs too far.4. Peter will gain weight if he will eat eatsa large serving of food at every meal.5. If you will be are an obstetrician, you will work with mothers and babies.6. If you exercise every day, it benefits will benefit your circulatory system.7. If they eat enough fiber, they are will be healthy.Exercise D.1. will see; become2. runs; will develop3. will have; has4. will get; worries5. see; will ask6. will be; isExercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: 祈使句(p. 64) Exercise A.Sample answers:1. Go to the dentist.2. Try to relax.3. Don’t drink coffee.4. Don’t eat junk food.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.1. g2. c3. e4. i5. d6. a7. b8. j9. k10. f11. hExercise D.1. Don’t choose2. Keep3. Do4. Stop5. See6. Don’t eat7. Don’t cook8. Sit9. Get10. Don’t work11. HaveExercise E. Sample answers:2. Take some aspirin.3. Take some medicine.4. Call another doctor.5. Eat less.6. Take a nap.Challenge 5: 祈使句与陈述句(p. 66) Exercise A.Answers will vary.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.1. I2. D3. I4. I5. D6. D7. D8. I9. IExercise D.1. Go to the farmer’s market.2. Play tennis.3. Eat small meals all day.4. Go to the gym before work.5. Don’t eat junk food.6. Stretch after you run.7. Ride your bike to school.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 现在完成时的意义(p. 68)Exercise A.Answers will vary.Exercise C.1. a2. c3. a4. b5. c6. b7. b8. c9. aExercise D.1. I haven’t felt well all week.2. She hasn’t visited me.3. He has taken all the medicine.4. She has had three colds.5. You have waited more than an hour.6. We have seen another doctor.7. They haven’t been well.8. I have gained five pounds this week.9. He hasn’t worked there in the past.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: For与Since(p.70)Exercise A.Read the story.Exercise B.Courtney has gone to the same doctor since she was 17 years old. She has seen Dr. Makela twice a year since 1988. So Dr. Makela has been her doctor for more than 20 years! She introduced her sister to Dr. Makela, so now her sister has seen the same doctor for five years.Since last Monday, Courtney has had a very bad cold. She has made an appointment with the doctor for Friday. She has taken medicine for three days, but it isn’t working. She has missed work since Tuesday. Perhaps Dr. Makela can give her something stronger so she can get better and go back to work.Exercise C.for more than 20 yearsfor five yearsfor Fridayfor three dayssince 1988since last Mondaysince she was 17 years oldsince TuesdayExercise D.1. for2. for3. since4. since5. since6. for7. since8. forExercise E.1. Has Julie had high blood pressure since 2001?2. I have gone to the same doctor for ten years.3. She hasn’t had a vacation since last summer.4. Has Peter gained weight since September?5. My feet have hurt for several months.6. They have exercised everyday since 2004.7. Have you smoked for many years?8. Have your friends been sick for a long time?Exercise F.Answers will vary.Unit 6: Getting HiredChallenge 1: 现在时(p. 72)Exercise A.1. food server2. police officer3. gardener4. nurse5. teachers6. letter carrier7. day-care worker8. dental hygienists9. plumberExercise B.1. take; serve2. pull over3. works4. takes5. teach6. delivers7. takes care of8. clean9. fixExercise C.1. clean2. keep3. operates4. writes5. design6. operates7. defends8. take9. fixesExercise D.1. design2. order3. repairs4. sews5. talk6. delivers7. prepareExercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 动名词与不定式(p. 74) Exercise A.Answers will vary.Exercise B.Answers will vary.(p. 75)Exercise C.1. gerund2. infinitive3. either4. infinitive5. either6. infinitive7. gerund8. either9. infinitive10. gerund。
- 了解数学中的加法运算
- 掌握小于20之内的加法运算
- 运用加法进行简单的计算
1. 数字0-20的认识和书写
2. 加法运算符号的认识和使用
3. 小于20之内的加法运算练
1. 准备数字卡片,展示数字0-20,并向学生解释每个数字的含
2. 请学生跟着老师一起大声读出每个数字,然后在纸上书写数
1. 向学生展示加号“+”的符号,并解释它表示加法运算。
2. 请学生模仿老师的动作,用手指做出加法符号“+”的手势。
1. 准备一些认识数字的卡片和计算题目卡片。
2. 将数字卡片随机分发给学生,让每个学生抽取一张数字卡片,并在黑板上写出这个数字。
3. 准备几道小于20之内的加法题目,例如:2 + 3 = ,4 + 5 = ,7 + 8 = ,等等。
4. 让学生根据题目上的两个数字,使用加法进行计算,并在纸
5. 鼓励学生互相检查答案,并与同桌讨论。
What a pleasure!
void foo(double d,final float f){
String s;
final boolean b;
class Inner{
void methodInner(){
System.out.println("in the Inner");
public static void main(String args[])
Outer1 me=new Outer1();
A in the Inner outer
B outer
C in the Inner
1.Java中类成员的限定词有以下几种:private, public,_____________,_____________。其中,_____________的限定的范围最大。
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mmTime = new Date();
try {
一、单选题1、世界大多数国家的中央银行采用()A、单一型B、复合型C、跨国型D、准中央银行型答案: A2、下列中央银行的行为和服务中,体现其银行的银行的职能是()A、代理国库B、对政府提供信贷C、集中商业银行现金准备D、发行货币答案: C3、中央银行是国家的银行,它代理国库,集中()A、国库存款B、企业存款C、团体存款D、个人存款答案: A4、中央银行在经济衰退时,()法定准备率A、调高B、降低C、不改变D、取消答案: B5、各国中央银行货币发行准备基本上包括两种:一是现金准备,二是()A、商品保证准备B、票券保证准备C、外汇保证准备D、信用保证准备答案: B6 中央银行若提高再贴现率,将()A、迫使商业银行降低贷款利率B、迫使商业银行提高贷款利率C、使商业银行没有行动D、使企业得到成本更高的贷款答案: B7.根据票据交换理论,再多家银行参加的票据交换和清算的情况下,各行应收差额的综合一定()各行应付差额的总和。
A、大于B、小于C、等D、可能大于,也可能小于答案:C8、中国人民银行行行使中央银行职能,于( )首次规定各专业银行缴存存款准备金的办法A、1983年B、1985年C、1984年D、1986年答案: C9、商业银行派生存款的能力()A、与原始存款成正比,与法定存款准备率成正比B、与原始存款成正比,与法定存款准备率成反比C、与原始存款成反比,与法定存款准备率成反比D、与原始存款成反比,与法定存款准备率成正比答案: B10、假定原始存款为200万元,准备率为20%,现金漏损率为30%,存款总额可扩大为()A、615万元B、750万元C、655万元D、520万元答案:D11、中央银行再贴现率的调整主要着眼于( )的考虑。
A、短期B、中期C、长期D、年度答案:A12、在中央银行初创时期,最早设立的中央银行是()A、英格兰银行B、美国联邦储备体系C、瑞典里克斯银行D、德意志银行答案: C13、下列银行中,不同于其他三家银行的是()A、英格兰银行B、东京---三菱银行C、中国银行D、花旗银行答案:A14、下列针对中央银行负债的变动中,使商业银行体系准备金增加的是()A、财政部在中央银行的存款增加B、外国在中央银行的存款增加C、流通中的通货减少D、其他负债的增加答案: C15、在下列针对中央银行资产项目的变动中,导致准备金减少的是()A、央行给存款机构贷款增加B、央行出售证券C、向其他国家中央银行购买外国通货D、中央银行增加在国外存款答案:B二、多项选择题1、中央银行是()A、发行的银行B、国家的银行C、银行的银行D、监管的银行答案:ABC2、中央银行的作用有()A、稳定货币与稳定经济B、调节信用于调节经济C、集中清算,加速资金周转D、开展国际金融的合作与交流答案:ABCD3、中央银行的‘银行的银行’的职能体现在()A、集中存款准备B、金融监管C、最终的贷款人D、组织全国的清算答案: ACD4、中央银行的活动表正是()A、不以盈利为目的B、不经营普通银行业务C、制定货币政策是具有相对独立性D、 AC选项答案: ABC 5中央银行的三大政策工具是()A、法定准备金率B、再贴现C、公开市场业务D、信用配额答案:ABC6、中央银行要实现"松"的货币政策可采取的措施有()A、提高法定存款准备金率B、降低再贴现率C、提高证券保证金比率D、在公开市场上购买有价证券答案: BD7、以下属于人民币发行保证的有()A、掌握在国家手中的生产资料和生活资料B、商业票据C、黄金储备D、外汇储备答案: ABCD8、中央银行公开市场业务较其他货币政策工具的优越性明显体现在()A、直接性强B、主动性好C、作用力大D、灵活性好答案: BD9、中央银行直接信用控制工具包括()A、利率最高限B、信用配额C、规定商业银行的流动比率D、直接干预答案:ABCD10、中央银行金融监管的目标包括()A、金融体系经营安全性B、公平竞争目标C、政策的协调一致目标D、一元化监管答案: ABC一、单项选择题1、马克思关于流通中货币量理论的假设条件是()。
Exercise 3练习题
Ⅰ. Match the examples on the left with the correct meaning of the underlined prefixes on the right.Ⅱ. Choose a word from the examples in ExerciseⅠto fill each gap. Write it in the correct form.1.We were all surprised when the king ______________________in favour of his son.2.I was so sad to hear of your uncle’s death. Please give your aunt my _____________.3.After his operation, the patient was fed ____________for several days.4.After four years in the company, he was finally _____________to senior manager.5.If the pilot presses this button, he _____________himself from the plane.6.We asked for _____________rooms at the hotel but they actually put us on differentfloors.7.It’s such a small island that most of the families there are _______________.8.The machine has started ________________ a strange, high-pitched sound.9.A lot of small businesses these days are finding it hard to stay _____________.10.D o you believe that there are ________________beings in outer space?Ⅲ. Match the roots from box A with suitable suffixes from box B to create new words. Use each root and suffix once only.A.B.Ⅳ. Complete these sentences using the suffixes from box B in exerciseⅢ. Use each suffix once only.1.She’s a highly ambitious, career-___________young woman.2.If you want to go swimming with a watch on it will have be water__________.3.He was guilt-__________ when he realized it was all his fault.4.Hilary’s a trust________________ person. I can think of no one better for the job.5.The British are thought to be more class-____________ than the Americans.6.Three staff-______________ protests have taken place in the company in the lastfew months.7.Sugar-_________ chewing gum is better for your teeth than the sugary stuff.8.Athletes often follow a protein-_________ diet to help build their muscles.9.I don’t want to discuss work-__________ issues outside of office hours.10.I don’t really think the new plan is work______________.。
阶段练习3(二级)(Unit 6-Unit 8)Part I Vocabulary and structureDirections: Choose the best one from the four choices to complete the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.k and fish ___A___ bad easily in summer if you don’t put them in the ref rigerator.A. goB. comeC. leaveD. prove2.Why not send her off to some big hospital where she can be ___A___ on?A. operatedB. lookedC. survivedD. recovered3.He was tired of his wife’s ___D___ complaints, so whenever she complained, he left heralone.A. immediateB. commonC. clearD. constant4.The founding of the People’s Republic of China is a great ___B___ in the history ofmankind.A. occurrenceB. eventC. incidentD. happening5.Statistics show that a ___B___ number of students dropped out of school at various grades.A. consideredB. considerableC. consideringD. considerate6.The medical team __A____ adverse weather conditions on their way to the village.A. encounteredB. underlinedC. separatedD. predicted7.The strike organizers __D____ strong opposition from the management to the workers’request for a pay raise.A. appealedB. adoptedC. annoyedD. anticipated8.Customs inspectors are keen to pick out a person who may be illegally bringing somethingacross the border. The ____C__ may be in the way the person walks.A. noticeB. factC. clueD. symbol9.They are men of high __B____ standards and will never be tempted to take such expensivegifts.A. metalB. moralC. mentalD. medal10.___A___ their fathers and grandfathers, the young people certainly will not remain contentedwith a life of isolation in this village.A. UnlikeB. DislikeC. SimilarD. Different11.It is impossible not to make mistakes, but we should try to avoid serious ___B___ and makecorrections as soon as we can.A. oneB. onesC. thatD. them12.The beautiful and complicated patterns ___C___ the craftsmen’s wisdom and superb skills.A. launchB. admitC. revealD. tend13.The ___A___ suggests that men watch more TV than women, do less housework, but spendmore time shopping.A. pollB. soleC. dollD. hole14.I am confident of my ability to __C___ the research work you may assign to an assistant.A. copeB. placeC. handleD. deal15.So far the management has made no __C____ to the workers’ demand for better workingconditions.A. respondB. illusionC. responseD. charge16.Driving a car after drinking alcohol (酒) will ___B___ lead to an accident or arrest by thepolice.A. graduallyB. inevitablyC. relativelyD. carelessly17.You’ll ___B___ spoiling the boy if you always give him whatever he wants.A. at lastB. end upC. in the endD. end with18.If you want to see the doctor, you’d better make an appointment with him __C____.A. in turnB. in returnC. in advanceD. in all19. A visit to the places where he had lived and worked during his youth ___D___ many fondmemories.A. pulled downB. lived withC. came toD. brought back20.These countries will join one another against terrorism, as was agreed ___C___ at theinternational conference.A. withB. inC. onD. of21.The police officers asked the witness to describe the accident ___D___ greater detail.A. onB. atC. toD. in22.I __D____ too busy to have enough p ractice, so I didn’t take the driving test last week. I’mgoing to take it this week.A. wasB. have beenC. amD. had been23.The teacher came into the classroom, ___C___ by his students.A. followingB. to be followingC. followedD. having followed24.Do you admit to __A____ these books without telling anybodyA. takingB. takeC. be takingD. taken25.Yesterday he had his watch ___A___ in the street after he had bought it for three days.A. stolenB. stealingC. stealD. to be stolen26.Jane didn’t follow our advice that she ___C___ more attention to her pronunciation.A. be paidB. must payC. payD. would pay27.Have you ever been to Beijing?No, but I wish I ___D___.A. haveB. willC. doD. had28.Recently my father bought a Chinese painting, __C____ was very reasonable.A. the price of whoseB. which priceC. the price of whichD. it price29.He left home early only ____B___ he was late as he had gone a wrong way.A. foundB. to findC. findingD. being found30.__D____ meeting with unexpected difficulty at the office today, I shall be home earlytonight.A. IfB. WhenC. AfterD. Unless31.I can’t get through to the general manager’s office anyhow.The line is busy. Someone ___C___ the telephone.A. must useB. should useC. must be usingD. should be using32.Only when you devote all your energy to studying your subjects ___A___ succeed in passingthe examinations.A. can youB. you canC. do youD. you do33.Allow children the space to voice their opinions, ___B___ they are different from your own.A. untilB. even ifC. unlessD. as though34.___D___ I know the children are safe, I shall not worry about them.A. Even thoughB. UnlessC. WhileD. As long as35.It is near the place where there is a tomb ___B___ we found the dead man.A. whereB. thatC. whenD. whichPart II Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1A few years ago it was common to speak of a generation gap between young people and their elders. Parents said that children did not respect and listen to them, while children said that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many people argue that it is built into every part of our society.One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own ways of life. In a more traditional society, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and like, and often to continue the family jobs. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose jobs different from those of their parents.In our society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did, to find better jobs, to make more money and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, that is another cause of the gap between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is the third cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, senior people are valued for their knowledge, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt, the generation gap will continue in American life for some time to come.36.The first paragraph tells us that ___A___.A. the problem of the generation gap draws much attention from peopleB. it is out of date to talk about the generation gapC. children and parents are trying to understand each otherD. it is very important for people to frequently communicate with each other37.In a more traditional society, old people ___A___.A. have their children respect and listen to themB. do not care for their children at allC. expect their children to rebel against themD. do not live together with their children38.In American society young people ___D___.A. do not need to find jobsB. marry people younger than themC. have better education than their parentsD. leave home at an early age39.Which of the following is NOT the cause of the generation gap? _B___A. Young people like to depend more on themselves.B. Parents do not love their children dearly.C. American society changes rapidly.D. Parents expect too much of their children.40.The main idea of the passage is ___C___.A. that the generation gap needs consideringB. when the generation gap is necessary in American societyC. why the generation gap existsD. how we can reduce the generation gapPassage 2All of us communicate with one another nonverbally (不使用语言地), as well as with words. Most of the time we’re not aware that we’re doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, me et someone else’s eyes and look away, change positions in a chair. These actions we assume are occasional. However in recent years researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent and understandable as language.One important kind of body language is eye behavior. Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another’s eyes. In our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both of us look away. When two Americans look searchingly into each other’s eyes, they become more intimate. Therefore, we carefully avoid this, except in suitable situations.Researchers who are engaged in the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs (磨擦) his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or refusing something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. Another example: when a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man’s eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be a sign of respect; it can be a challenge to the professor’s authority (权威); it can be something else entirely. The researchers look for patterns in the situation, not for a separate meaningful gesture.Communication between human beings would be just dull if it were all done with words.41.The main idea of this article is that ___B___.A. study of communication through body movement is a new scienceB. body movements are as important as words in communicationC. all of us communicate with one anotherD. eye behavior is the most important part in body language42.What do researchers think of body language? __A___A. Body language can be understood and used by people in communication.B. Body language is more important than spoken language in communication.C. Body language has been discovered in recent years.D. Body language is the study of communication through body movement.43.The word “intimate” in paragraph 2 probably means ___B___.A. greatB. closeC. goodD. important44.According to the passage, you make an American person feel uncomfortable, if you___D___.A. meet his eyesB. avoid meeting his eyesC. stare into his eyes for one secondD. look into his eyes for a long time45.The sentence “The researchers look for patterns in the situat ion, not for a separate meaningfulgesture” means ___A___.A. the researchers explain the meaning of a gesture according to the situation in which it isusedB. the researchers believe that one gesture has only one meaningC. the researchers think that one gesture can not be used in different situationsD. the researchers look for patterns in textbooks to explain the meaning of a gesturePassage 3Someone said to a man, “Travel and see the world.” He answered, “Why should I? People are the same everywhere. They are born. They are babies. They are children. They are adults. They grow old. They die. They have the same feelings. They feel love and hate, happiness and sadness, security and fear, pride and shame. That is why I do not want to travel. I can learn everything here. I’m going to stay home.”The man was right. He was also wrong. People are the same, but people are also different. They all have the same pattern of life--- birth, youth, old age, death. But these stages of life have different values in different cultures. Also, while all people have the same feelings, the causes of these feelings are different. A situation that may bring happiness in one place may not bring happiness in another place.For example, in many countries old age is a happy time. Young people in these countries show respect to the old people. In Korea, old people are honored and respected. When they are too old to live alone, they live with a son, daughter, or other relatives. When they become sixty-one years old, it is a very happy and important event. There is a big party with many guests. They receive many gifts. When people reach this time in life, the attitudes of their family and their community (社区) change toward them. Everyone looks forward to this time.In the United States, it is quite different for old people. Most old people do not live with their children or relatives. For many North Americans, old age is not a happy time. Most North Americans want to stay young. They try to act like young people as long as possible. They even try to speak the language of the young. They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attention. Also, businesses do not want old people to work for them. So, old people usually live alone and they do not have many things to do. Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.46.The reason why the man did not have the intention of traveling was that ___A___.A. he thought he already knew about people in other placesB. he was too old to travel any moreC. he could not understand people in other countries since he was deafD. he preferred to stay home to enjoy his leisure time47.Which of the following statements is NOT true? __D___A. People all over the world are the same, but they are also different.B. Different values are reflected in different stages of life in different cultures.C. People react differently to the same situation.D. The reasons for the same feelings are also the same in different cultures.48.In Korea, people ___C___.A. think being young is the same as being oldB. are afraid of old ageC. are longing for old ageD. value their youth mostpared with American old people, the old in Korea ___B___.A. enjoy living alone and supporting themselvesB. can lead an honored and respected lifeC. can act like the youngD. are not respected and do not receive due attention50.The word “businesses” in Paragraph 4 means ___C___.A. managersB. consumersC. shops and factoriesD. busy peoplePassage 4Conflict, like stress, is a natural phenomenon when people interact. Conflict in some form is always present; however, it is not always negative. Conflict can be positive, for example, when you and your colleagues try to select the best possible solution to a problem. However, much more attention is given to the negative aspects of conflict. Conflict occurs when we fear the unknown. This can be very simple: someone says something in a tone of voice different from our expectations, which raises questions in our mind as to what the real meaning might be. Of course conflict can, and does, occur in much more serious circumstances. Your ability to detect and understand conflict will place you in a better position to control the situation. Conflict is often categorized in three stages. Stage one is the day-to-day irritations (恼人的事) that are easy to deal with. Stage one conflict is real but low in intensity. The intensity can increase if irritations increase and no solutions are found. Stage two is reached when the two sides become competitive. Each person protects his self-interest and fears loss of face. Stage three is reached when the objective changes from wanting to win toward wanting to hurt the other side. This stage can be explosive because other people are drawn into the conflict and sides are chosen. Problem solving is no longer a realistic method of resolution. By understanding the three stages of conflict, it will be easier for you to handle the day-to-day situations to which you are exposed. You will also be able to detect potential conflict between others in which you do not want to get involved.51.Conflict is ___C___.A. paid attention to because it is negativeB. only positive when occurring between colleaguesC. universally present in human interactionsD. similar to stress in every aspect52.Stage two conflict is different from stage one conflict in that __C____.A. it is caused by daily disputesB. it is low in intensityC. it takes a form of competitionD. it always leads to loss of face53.The third stage can be explosive because _B_____.A. quarreling becomes inevitableB. it is no longer a conflict between two individualsC. people begin to hate each otherD. no solution is possible54.The ability to identify conflict ___D___.A. can help you make good use of conflictB. enables you to win every competitionC. can prevent conflict from occurringD. can help you deal with the situation better55.The conflict between a student and his roommate caused by different living habits is aninstance of ___A___.A. stage one conflictB. stage two conflictC. stage three conflictD. none of the abovePart III ClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in each of the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1All engineers need a knowledge of mathematics and physics, no matter _56B_ their special field or work is. _57A_ young people who wish to be engineers begin studying these _58D__ early in high school. An interest _59C_ mathematics and physics is essential _60_A every engineer must work with these sciences.Students preparing _61B_ engineering college should also study chemistry, mechanical drawing and _62A_ . A good command of language is important because engineers must be able to talk and write _63A_ .A knowledge of economics, history _64C_ other social science subjects also is helpful. __65B_ their duties in society, engineers need _66C_ not only how to do their work but also __67B_ their work will influence other people. They need to be able _68_D decisions on many problems.An engineering college usually takes four years to complete, _69A_ some schools give five-year courses. After finishing _70C_ of college, _71B_ begins to concentrate in a special field. Par t of the students’ time is spent in the classroom, and part is spent in the laboratory _72A_ experiments. In some schools, students spend part of the year studying and _73C_ working in their _74B_ field. This gives them the opportunity to apply _75D_ knowledge in practical situations.56. A. how B. what C. which D. who57. A. Most B. The most C. More D. The more58. A. mathematics B. physics C. matters D. subjects59. A. of B. at C. in D. with60. A. because B. so that C. if D. when61. A. with B. for C. in D. of62. A. other science subjects B. another science subjectC. other science subjectD. another science subjects63. A. clearly B. cleanly C. exactly D. usually64. A. or B. but C. and D. as well65. A. To fulfill best B. To best fulfill C. Fulfill best D. Best fulfill66. A. to be known B. knowing C. to know D. being known67. A. what B. how C. why D. when68. A. to help making B. help to make C. help making D. to help make69. A. although B. after C. when D. if70. A. one year or two B. one year or two yearsC. a year or twoD. a year or two years71. A. a student of engineering B. an engineering studentC. an engineering’s studentD. engineering students72. A. doing B. to do C. of doing D. in73. A. part of B. part of yearC. part of the yearD. some of the year74. A. choosing B. chosen C. chose D. choose75. A. its B. much C. many D. their2Several days ago, I met a stranger in the street who stopped and asked me direction. I 76B to show him the way to the destination, but to my 77 D_, he coldly refused my offer. I asked him why. Finally he told me that he was _78D I would ask him for money if I 79D him in this way.Money! I 80A deep into thought. Is it money that comes between us? Money has no __81A ; it cannot be 82C with good or bad. The problem 83B what attitude we have towards it.At present, we have a more 84C material life than ever before, but we’re becoming more and more _ 85A_ . Why? In my opinion, the 86A is the change in people’s personal 87D . They wrongly believe that 88D money should be their only aim in life, so they 89A all sorts of ways they can to 90A this aim. They are afraid of being 91C and fooled. If everyone acts like this, what will our 92 B be like?Needless to say, money is becoming more and more important in our society, __93B_ it shouldn’t be the “be-all and end-all” of life. If a person only concentrates on __94D__, he will be lonely and void (空虚), and even go astray (犯错误).It is up to us to make our lives happy, not money. We should try our best to help others __95D__ and freely. If everyone does so, our society will be better and better.76. A. advised B. offered C. asked D. wished77. A. joy B. fear C. excitement D. surprise78. A. anxious B. glad C. sorry D. afraid79. A. stopped B. told C. asked D. helped80. A. fell B. felt C. kept D. caught81. A. problem B. price C. life D. use82. A. joined B. judged C. connected D. seemed83. A. takes in B. depends on C. leads to D. smoothes away84. A. powerful B. beautiful C. plentiful D. healthy85. A. cold-hearted B. warm-hearted C. good-looking D. humorous86. A. key B. money C. man D. creature87. A. worth B. habits C. fame D. values88. A. taking B. costing C. spending D. making89. A. think up B. come up C. give off D. break out90. A. realize B. recognize C. take D. shoot91. A. found B. discovered C. cheated D. followed92. A. life B. society C. belief D. money93. A. or B. but C. if D. since94. A. life B. nature C. society D. money95. A. separately B. obviously C. mainly D. whole-heatedlyPart IV Word FormationDirections: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.96.The doctor said the old man’s condition was hopeless and he couldn’t pull through thiswinter. (hope)97.To be a successful candidate, you have to meet all the requirements of the company.(require)98.In order to prove the servant’s honesty she left a purse containing money on the table.(honest)99.The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist. (tempt) 100.The police don’t know who committed the crime, but they suspected Hoffman. (criminal) 101.Parents should frequently praise their children’s good behavior so that they can feel encouraged. (behave)102.As a traditional way to celebrate the New Year, setting off firecrackers is welcomed by most Chinese people. (tradition)103.The economic development district has become a hotspot for attracting foreign investment.(economy)104.As a human being in the society, you must take responsibility, work hard and cherish every chance. (responsible)105.She can only remember vaguely what her grandmother looked like. (vague)106.Tom didn’t go to school this morning because he overate at the dinner party yesterday and was sick. (eat)107.His bad health is a great disadvantage for him to get a well-paid job. (advantage)Part V TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English.108.一定会有人捣乱的,但是不管有什么样的挫折,我们都应该坚持。
1. The _______ (student) are listening to the teacher carefully.- Answer: students2. She is a _______ (nurse) and works in a hospital.- Answer: nurse3. He has a _______ (dog) as a pet.- Answer: dog练习二:语法选择题选择下列句子中正确的选项。
1. I _______ to the park yesterday.- A. go- B. goes- C. went- Answer: C2. She _______ her homework every evening.- A. does- B. do- C. did- Answer: A练习三:阅读理解阅读以下短文,然后回答问题。
Tom is a student. He likes to play football and basketball. He usually plays football with his friends on weekends. His favorite player is David Beckham.1. What does Tom like to do?- Answer: He likes to play football and basketball.2. When does Tom usually play football?- Answer: He usually plays football with his friends on weekends.3. Who is Tom's favorite player?- Answer: His favorite player is David Beckham.练习四:完形填空阅读下面的短文,从括号内选择合适的选项填空。
2024年新高考改革适应性练习(3)(九省联考题型)数学试题卷(2024.2.6)考生须知1. 本卷共4页,四大题19小题,满分150分,答题时间120分钟;2. 答题时须在答题卡上填涂所选答案(选择题),或用黑色字迹的签字笔规范书写答案与步骤(非选择题),答在本试题卷上或草稿纸上的答案均属无效;3. 考试结束时,考生须一并上交本试题卷,答题卡与草稿纸.一、单项选择题(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 设样本空间ΩΩ={1,2,…,6}包含等可能的样本点,且AA={1,2,3,4},BB={3,4,5,6},则PP(AABB)= A.13B.14C.15D.162. 若复数zz满足zz2是纯虚数,则|zz−2|的最小值是A.1 B.√2C.2 D.2√23. 算术基本定理告诉我们,任何一个大于1的自然数NN,如果NN不为质数,那么NN可以唯一分解成有限个素因数的乘积的形式.如,60可被分解为 22×31×51,45可被分解为 32×51.任何整除NN的正整数dd都叫作NN的正因数.如,20的正因数有1,2,4,5,10,20.则4200的正因数个数是A.4 B.7 C.42 D.484. 已知点(aa,bb)在直线 2xx+yy−1=0 第一象限的图像上,则1aa+1bb的最小值是A.3+2√2B.2+2√2C.1+2√2D.2√25. 已知函数ff(xx)=sin xx,gg(xx)=cos xx,则ff�gg(xx)�和gg�ff(xx)�都单调递增的一个区间是A.�2ππ5,4ππ5�B.�4ππ5,6ππ5�C.�6ππ5,8ππ5�D.�8ππ5,2ππ�6. 已知直线ll过点(2,1),且与两坐标轴围成的三角形的面积是6,则满足条件的直线ll共有A.1条B.2条C.3条D.4条7. 我们记ff(nn)(xx)为函数ff(xx)的nn次迭代,即ff(1)(xx)=ff(xx),ff(2)(xx)=ff�ff(xx)�,…,ff(nn)= ff�ff(nn−1)(xx)�.已知函数gg(xx)=xx|xx|,则gg(2024)(xx)=A.xx3|xx|2021B.xx4|xx|2020C.xx2|xx|2022D.xx20248. 若一四面体恰有一条长度大于1的棱,则这个四面体体积的最大值是A.√33B.12C.13D.√22二、多项选择题(本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,有选错的得0分,若只有2个正确选项,每选对一个得3分;若只有3个正确选项,每选对一个得2分.)9. 已知函数ff(xx)=xx3−2xx,下列说法正确的是A.函数gg(xx)=ff(xx)+ff′(xx)无零点B.直线 2xx+yy=0 与yy=ff(xx)相切C.存在无数个aa>0 ,ff(xx)在区间(−aa,aa)上不单调D.存在mm>0 ,使得对于任意nn,ff(nn)≤ff(nn+mm)10. 若一个人一次仅能爬1级或2级台阶,记aa nn为爬nn级台阶时不同的爬法数(nn∈NN∗).关于数列{aa nn},下列说法正确的是A.函数ff(nn)=aa nn单调递增B.aa1+aa3+aa5的值为12C.aa1+aa2+⋯+aa10=232D.2aa12+aa22+⋯+aa102=89×14411. 如右图,已知抛物线CC的焦点为FF,准线方程为ll:xx=−1 ,点PP是CC上的一动点.过点PP作ll的垂线,垂足为QQ.过点PP作CC的切线,该切线与xx,yy轴分别交于AA,BB两个不同的点.下列说法正确的是A.抛物线CC的标准方程为yy2=2xxB.QQ,BB,FF三点共线当且仅当|PPFF|=4C.当|PPFF|≠1 时,都有PPAA⊥QQFFD.当|PPFF|≠1 时,△PPAAFF恒为等腰三角形三、填空题(本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.)12. 在棱长为1的正方体AABBCCAA−AA1BB1CC1AA1中,三棱锥CC−AABB1AA1的体积是_________.13. 从集合{xx|−4≤xx≤2024}中任选2个不同的非零整数作为二次函数ff(xx)=aaxx2+bbxx的系数,则所有满足ff(xx)的顶点在第一象限或第三象限的有序数对(aa,bb)共有_________组.14. 已知向量aa,bb,cc满足aa+bb+cc=00,(aa−bb)⊥(aa−cc),|bb−cc|=3 ,则|aa|+|bb|+|cc|的最大值是_________.四、解答题(本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.)15.(13分)已知正方体AABBCCAA−AA1BB1CC1AA1.(1)证明:AAAA1⊥AA1CC;(2)求二面角BB−AA1CC−AA.16.(15分)已知定义在RR上的函数ff(xx)=aaxx4+bbxx3+ccxx2+ddxx(aa≠0).(1)若原点是ff(xx)的一个极值点,证明:ff(xx)的所有零点也是其所有极值点;(2)若ff(xx)的4个零点成公差为2的等差数列,求ff′(xx)的最大零点与最小零点之差.17.(15分)设点SS(1,1)在椭圆CC:xx2aa2+yy2bb2=1(aa>bb>0)内,直线ll:bb2xx2+aa2yy2−aa2bb2=0 .(1)求ll与CC的交点个数;(2)设PP为ll PPSS与CC相交于MM,NN两点.给出下列命题:①存在点PP,使得1|PPPP|,1|PPPP|,1|PPPP|成等差数列;②存在点PP,使得|PPMM|,|PPSS|,|PPNN|成等差数列;③存在点PP,使得|PPMM|,|PPSS|,|PPNN|成等比数列;请从以上三个命题中选择一个,证明该命题为假命题.(若选择多个命题分别作答,则按所做的第一个计分.)18.(17分)2024部分省市的高考数学推行8道单选,3道多选的新题型政策.单选题每题5分,选错不得分,多选题每题完全选对6分,部分选对部分分(此处直接视作3分),不选得0分.现有小李和小周参与一场新高考数学题,小李的试卷正常,而小周的试卷选择题是被打乱的,所以他11题均认为是单选题来做.假设两人选对一个单选题的概率都是14,且已知这四个多选题都只有两个正确答案.(1)记小周选择题最终得分为XX,求EE(XX).(2)假设小李遇到三个多选题时,每个题他只能判断有一个选项是正确的,且小李也只会再选1个选项,假设他选对剩下1个选项的概率是 pp 0�pp 0≥13� ,请你帮小李制定回答4个多选题的策略,使得分最高.19.(17分)信息论之父香农(Shannon )在1948年发表的论文“通信的数学理论”中指出,任何信息都存在冗余,冗余大小与信息中每个符号(数字、字母或单词)的出现概率或者说不确定性有关.香农借鉴了热力学的概念,把信息中排除了冗余后的平均信息量称为“信息熵”,并给出了计算信息熵的数学表达式.设随机变量 XX 所有取值为 1,2,…,nn ,且 PP (xx =ii )=PP ii >0(ii =1,2,…,nn ),PP 1+PP 2+⋯+PP nn =1 ,定义 XX 的信息熵HH (XX )=−�PP ii log 2PP ii nn ii=1(1)当 nn =1 时,求 HH (XX ) 的值;(2)当 nn =2 时,若 PP 1∈�0,12� ,探究 HH (XX ) 与 PP 1 的关系,并说明理由; (3)若 PP 1=PP 2=12nn−1 ,PP kk+1=2PP kk (kk =2,3,⋯,nn ) ,求此时的信息熵 HH (XX ) .2024年新高考改革适应性练习(3)(九省联考题型)数学参考答案一、单项选择题(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 答案 A B D A D D B C二、多项选择题(本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,有选错的得0分,若只有2个正确选项,每选对一个得3分;若只有3个正确选项,每选对一个得2分.具体得分如【附】评分表.)题号91011答案BC ABD BCD【附】评分表三、填空题(本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.)题号121314答案132023×2024+4×2024(或 2027×2024)3+3√10四、解答题(本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.)15.(13分)以点AA1为坐标原点,AA1BB1���������⃗为xx轴正方向,AA1DD1����������⃗为yy轴正方向,AA1AA�������⃗为zz轴正方向,建立空间直角坐标系OOxxyyzz,并令正方体AABBAADD−AA1BB1AA1DD1的棱长为1.(1)则AA1(0,0,0),AA(1,−1,1),AA1AA�������⃗=(1,−1,1);AA(0,0,1),DD1(0,−1,0),AADD1�������⃗=(0,−1,−1).所以AADD1�������⃗·AA1AA�������⃗=0+1+(−1)=0 ,即AADD1�������⃗⊥AA1AA�������⃗.故AADD1⊥AA1AA得证.(2)BB(1,0,1),AA1BB�������⃗=(1,0,1),由(1)得AA1AA�������⃗=(1,−1,1),设平面AA1BBAA的一个法向量nn11=(xx1,yy1,zz1),则nn11·AA1BB�������⃗=nn11·AA1AA�������⃗=0 ,即�xx1+zz1=0xx1−yy1+zz1=0令xx1=1 ,则�yy1=0zz1=−1,所以nn11=(1,0,−1)是平面AA1BBAA的一个法向量.同理可求得平面AA1AADD的一个法向量nn22=(0,1,1),cos<nn11,nn22>=nn11·nn22|nn11|·|nn22|=−12又 <nn11,nn22>∈(0,ππ),所以 <nn11,nn22>=2ππ3,即平面AA1BBAA与平面AA1AADD的所成角为2ππ3.故二面角BB−AA1AA−DD的大小为2ππ3.16.(15分)(1)ff(xx)=aaxx4+bbxx3+ccxx2+ddxx,ff′(xx)=aaxx3+bbxx2+ccxx+dd,由题意,原点是ff(xx)的一个极值点,即ff′(0)=0 ,代入得dd=0 ,所以ff(xx)=aaxx4+bbxx3+ccxx2=xx2(aaxx2+bbxx+cc),ff′(xx)=aaxx3+bbxx2+ccxx=xx(aaxx2+bbxx+cc),所以ff(xx)和ff′(xx)的零点(0除外)都是方程aaxx2+bbxx+cc=0 的根,即ff(xx)和ff′(xx)有共同零点,故ff(xx)的所有零点也是其所有极值点.(2)设ff(xx)的四个零点分别为mm−3 ,mm−1 ,mm+1 ,mm+3 ,则可以设ff(xx)=kk(xx−mm+3)(xx−mm+1)(xx−mm−1)(xx−mm−3)其中kk≠0 ,令tt=xx−mm,则ff(xx)=kk(tt+3)(tt+1)(tt−1)(tt−3)=kk(tt4−10tt+9)=gg(tt)gg′(tt)=kk(4tt3−20tt)=4kk(tt3−5tt)令gg′(tt)=0 得tt1=−√5 ,tt=0 ,tt=√5 ,所以 ff ′(xx )=0 的所有根为 xx 1=mm −√5 ,xx 2=mm ,xx 3=mm +√5 ,所以 ff ′(xx ) 的最大零点与最小零点之差为 |xx 3−xx 1|=2√5 .17.(15分)(1)因为点 SS (1,1) 在 AA 内,所以 1aa 2+1bb 2<1 ,即 aa 2+bb 2−aa 2bb 2<0 . 联立 ll 与 AA 的方程,得 bb 2(aa 2+bb 2)xx 2−2aa 2bb 4xx +aa 4bb 2(bb 2−1)=0 . 判别式 Δ=4aa 4bb 8−4aa 4bb 4(aa 2+bb 2)(bb 2−1)=4aa 4bb 4(aa 2+bb 2−aa 2bb 2)<0 ,故该二次方程无解,即 ll 与 AA 交点个数为0.(2)可选择命题②或命题③(命题①无法证伪),证明其为假命题. 记点 PP ,MM ,NN 的横坐标分别为 xx PP ,xx MM ,xx NN ,不妨设 PP ,MM ,SS ,NN 顺次排列.选择命题②的证明:当直线 MMNN 的斜率不存在时,MMNN :xx =1 ,分别与 ll ,AA 的方程联立可得 PP �1,bb 2−bb 2aa 2� ,MM �1,bb�1−1aa 2�,NN �1,−bb�1−1aa 2� . 若 |PPMM |,|PPSS |,|PPNN | 依次成等差数列,则 bb�1−1aa 2+�−bb�1−1aa 2�=2 ,显然矛盾,不满足题意.当直线 MMNN 的斜率存在时,设其斜率为 kk ,则 MMNN :yy =kk (xx −1)+1 ,与 ll 的方程联立可得 xx PP =aa 2�bb 2+kk−1�aa 2kk+bb 2;与 AA 的方程联立,得 (aa 2kk 2+bb 2)xx 2−2aa 2kk (kk −1)xx +aa 2[(kk −1)2−bb 2]=0 ,由韦达定理⎩⎨⎧xx MM +xx NN =2aa 2kk (kk −1)aa 2kk 2+bb 2xx MM xx NN =aa 2[(kk −1)2−bb 2]aa 2kk 2+bb 2则 2|PPSS |−(|PPMM |+|PPNN |)=√1+kk 2(2|xx PP −1|−|xx MM −xx PP |−|xx NN −xx PP |) . 不妨设 xx PP >1 ,则 xx PP >xx MM >1>xx NN , 所以原式=�1+kk 2[2(xx PP −1)−(xx PP −xx MM )−(xx PP −xx NN )]=�1+kk 2(xx MM +xx NN −2)=�1+kk 2⋅−2aa 2kk −2bb 2aa 2kk 2+bb 2<0因此 |PPMM |,|PPSS |,|PPNN | 不能成等差数列,从而②是假命题.选择命题③的证明:当直线 MMNN 的斜率不存在时,MMNN :xx =1 ,分别与 ll ,AA 的方程联立可得 PP �1,bb 2−bb 2aa 2� ,MM �1,bb�1−1aa 2�,NN �1,−bb�1−1aa 2�. 若|PPMM |,|PPSS |,|PPNN |成等比数列,则��bb 2−bb 2aa 2�−bb �1−1aa 2�×��bb 2−bb 2aa 2�+bb �1−1aa 2�=��bb 2−bb 2aa2�−1�2即 aa 2+aa 2bb 2−bb 2=0 ,但 aa 2bb 2>aa 2+bb 2 ,因此 aa 2+aa 2bb 2−bb 2>2aa 2>0 ,矛盾,不满足题意.当直线 MMNN 的斜率存在时,设其斜率为 kk ,则 MMNN :yy =kk (xx −1)+1 ,与 ll 的方程联立可得 xx PP =aa 2�bb 2+kk−1�aa 2kk+bb 2;与 AA 的方程联立,得 (aa 2kk 2+bb 2)xx 2−2aa 2kk (kk −1)xx +aa 2[(kk −1)2−bb 2]=0 ,由韦达定理,⎩⎨⎧xx MM +xx NN =2aa 2kk (kk −1)aa 2kk 2+bb 2xx MM xx NN =aa 2[(kk −1)2−bb 2]aa 2kk 2+bb 2则|PPSS |2−|PPMM |⋅|PPNN |=�1+kk 2[(xx PP −1)2−(xx PP −xx MM )(xx PP −xx NN )] =�1+kk 2[(xx MM +xx NN −2)xx PP +1−xx MM xx NN ]=�1+kk 2��2aa 2kk (kk −1)aa 2kk 2+bb 2−1�⋅aa 2(bb 2+kk −1)aa 2kk +bb 2+1−aa 2[(kk −1)2−bb 2]aa 2kk 2+bb 2�=√1+kk 2aa 2kk 2+bb 2(aa 2+bb 2−aa 2bb 2)<0 因此 |PPMM |,|PPSS |,|PPNN | 不能成等比数列,故③是假命题.18.(17分)(1)由题意,对于单选题,小周每个单选题做对的概率为 14 , 对于多选题,小周每个多选题做对的概率为 12,设小周做对单选题的个数为 XX 1 ,做对多选题的个数为 XX 2 , 则XX 1∼BB �8,1�,XX 2∼BB �3,1� ,所以EE(XX1)=8×14=2 ,EE(XX1)=3×12=32,而小周选择题最终得分为XX=5XX1+3XX2,所以EE(XX)=5EE(XX1)+3EE(XX2)=5×2+3×32=292.(2)由题意他能判断一个选项正确,先把这个正确选项选上,如果他不继续选其他选项肯定能得三分,如果他继续选其它选项的话,设此时他的最终得分为XX3,则XX3的所有可能取值为0,6,则XX3的分布列为:XX30 6PP(XX3)1−pp0pp0那么这个题的得分期望是EE(XX3)=0×(1−pp0)+6pp0=6pp0,�pp0≥13�所以我们只需要比较3和 6pp0的大小关系即可,令 6pp0≥3,解得12≤pp0<1 ,此时四个多选题全部选两个选项得分要高,反之,若13≤pp0<12,此时四个多选只选他确定的那个选项得分最高.19.(17分)(1)若nn=1 ,则ii=1 ,PP1=1 ,因此HH(xx)=−(1×log21)=0 .(2)HH(XX)与PP1正相关,理由如下:当nn=2 时,PP1∈�0,12�,HH(xx)=−PP1log2PP1−(1−PP1)log2(1−PP1)令ff(tt)=−tt log2tt−(1−tt)log2(1−tt),其中tt∈�0,12�,则ff′(tt)=−log2tt+log2(1−tt)=log2�1tt−1�>0所以函数ff(tt)在�0,12�上单调递增,所以HH(xx)与PP1正相关.(3)因为PP1=PP2=12nn−1,PP kk+1=2PP kk(kk=2,3,⋯,nn),所以PP kk =PP 2⋅2kk−2=2kk−22nn−1=12nn−kk+1 (kk =2,3,⋯,nn ) 故PP kk log 2PP kk =12nn−kk+1log 212nn−kk+1=−nn −kk +12nn−kk+1而PP 1log 2PP 1=12nn−1log 212nn−1=−nn −12nn−1于是HH (XX )=nn −12nn−1+�PP kk log 2PP kk nnkk=2=nn −12nn−1+nn −12nn−1+nn −22nn−2+⋯+222+12整理得HH (XX )=nn −12nn−1−nn 2nn +nn 2nn +nn −12nn−1+nn −22nn−2+⋯+222+12 令SS nn =12+222+323+⋯+nn −12nn−1+nn2nn 则12SS nn =122+223+324+⋯+nn −12nn +nn 2nn+1 两式相减得12SS nn =12+122+123+⋯+12nn −nn 2nn+1=1−nn +22nn+1 因此 SS nn =2−nn+22nn, 所以 HH (XX )=nn−12nn−1−nn 2nn+SS nn =nn−12nn−1−nn 2nn+2−nn+22nn=2−12nn−2.。
( 共变法 )2.加拿大洛文教授为了弄清候鸟迁徙之谜,曾在秋天捕捉了几只候鸟,在入冬之后,将其中的几只置于白昼一天短于一天的自然环境里,将另外的几只置于日光灯照射之下的类似于白昼一天天延长的人工环境里,到了12月间,将两种环境里的候鸟全部放飞,结果发现,日光灯照射的候鸟像春天的候鸟一样向北飞去,而未受日光灯照射的候鸟却留在原地。
例:今天大约还剩多少瓶矿泉水? 把528看成530,184看成180,
530-180=350(瓶) 答:今天大约还剩350瓶矿泉水。(答案不唯一)
11. 一共有237页,大约还有 (100 )页没读。
邮局距电影院多少米? 情况一:邮局、电影院在学校的同侧。
邮局距电影院多少米? 情况二:邮局、电影院在学校的两侧。
441 436
452 447
459 458 463
北京到沈阳,飞机票 700元,动车票206元。
把206看成200 700-200=500(元) 答:坐动车比坐飞机大约便宜500元。
245元 187元
245+187一定大于420, 420>400,不够。
Hale Waihona Puke 答:买这两件商 品不够。练习题
现代汉语练习 第3章 文字 (附答案)
第三章文字一、填空:1、文字是记录语言的_____ ,是人类最重要的_____ 。
人类有了文字,就突破了语言在______ 上的限制,扩大了语言的_______ 。
12、"六书"之中,_____ 、、、是造字的方法,、_______是用字的方法。
返回 第四页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 六分。
203 195 123 285 308 215 114
123 114
203 195 215
285 308
返回 第五页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 六分。
把每个三位数看作与它接近的整百数 按要求把下面的数填在相应的圈中。
或几百几十数,再进行计算,取整百数 按要求把下面的数填在相应的圈中。
返回 第十三页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 六分。
求“大约”可 以进行估算。
528接近530,184接近180 528-184≈350(瓶)
返回 第十四页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 六分。
4.妈妈今天要去超市采购,一个平底锅399元, 一条裙子299元,妈妈带700元够吗?
700-218≈500(元) 答:坐动车比坐飞机大约便宜500元。
返回 第九页,编辑于星期日:二十三点 六分。
7.体育场里有男生279人,女生196人,现在 有500把椅子,够坐吗?
279<300 196<200
300+200=500 279+196<500
因为只求是否坐 得下,不用准确 计算,可以估算。
财务管理-第三章练习题因为66>45>40;即方案C 的总成本最低,该企业的最佳现金持有量为400万元。
答:T=250000;F=500;K=10%;(1).K TF Q 2=由公式=%105002500002⨯⨯=50000即是最佳现金持有量。
(2).有价证券交易次数=次550000250000=; 最低总成本=TFK 2=5000%105002500002=⨯⨯⨯元;转换成本=500×5=2500元;机会成本=5000-2500=2500元。
答:A=4500;B=1500;C=150(1).经济进货批量Q=C AB /2=150/150045002⨯⨯ =300吨;(2).最佳进货次数=A/Q=4500/300=15次;订货周期=360/15=24天;(3).最佳存货总成本=ABC T 2==150*1500*4500*2=450005.某公司的年赊销收入为720万元,平均收账期为60天,坏账损失率为赊销额的10%,年收账费用为5万元。
大学化学练习题(三)一、选择题1. 下列离子中,离子的磁矩最大的是…………………………………………………………( ) (原子序数:V 23, Cr 24, Mn 25, Ni 28)(A) V 2+ (B) Ni 2+ (C) Cr 3+ (D) Mn 2+2. 按鲍林(Pauling)的原子轨道近似能级图,下列各能级中,能量由低到高排列次序正确的是() (A) 3d , 4s , 5p (B) 5s , 4d , 5p(C) 4f , 5d , 6s , 6p (D) 7s , 7p , 5f , 6d3. 按分子轨道理论,下列分子(离子)中键级等于2的是…………………………………………() (A)-2O (B) CN - (C) Be 2 (D) C 24. 元素周期表中第七周期零族元素的原子序数应是………………………………………( )(A) 104 (B) 118 (C) 150 (D) 1725. 下列各组离子化合物的晶格能变化顺序中,正确的是………………………………( )(A) MgO > CaO > Al 2O 3 (B) LiF > NaCl > KI(C) RbBr < CsI < KCl (D) BaS > BaO > BaCl 26. 下列分子或离子中,几何构型不是正四面体的一组是…………………………………( )(A) SO 42-,ClO 4-,PO 43-(B) SiCl 4,SnCl 4,CCl 4(C) BF 4-,B(OH)4-,BH 4-(D) SF 4,XeF 4,SeF 47. 下列分子中属于非极性分子的是…………………………………………………………( )(A) PH 3 (B) AsH 3 (C) BCl 3 (D) CHCl 38. 在分子中衡量原子吸引成键电子的能力用……………………………………… ( )(A) 电离能 (B) 电子亲和能 (C) 电负性 (D) 解离能9. 以符号4d 表示的电子的主量子数n ,角量子数l 和此轨道最多的空间取向种类分别为…( )(A) 4, 3, 10 (B) 4, 2, 5 (C) 3, 2, 5 (D) 3, 3, 1010. 下列各组分子中,均有极性的一组是………………………………………………()(A) PF3,PF5(B) SF4,SF6(C) PF3,SF4(D) PF5,SF611. 下列各组元素的电负性大小次序正确的是…………………………………………… ()(A) S < N < O < F (B) S < O < N< F(C) Si < Na < Mg < Al (D) Br < H < Zn12. 下列关于-22O和-2O的性质的说法中,不正确的是……………………………………()(A) 两种离子都比O2分子稳定性小(B)-22O的键长比-2O键长短(C)-22O是反磁性的,而-2O是顺磁性的(D)-2O的键能比-22O的键能大13. 下列分子中含有两个不同键长的是………………………………………………… ()(A) CO2(B) SO3(C) SF4(D) XeF414. 测不准原理对于宏观物体的运动无实际意义,其原因是宏观物体……………………()(A) 运动速率大(B) 质量大(C) 位置难以确定(D) 动量难以确定15. 下列离子或化合物中,具有顺磁性的是………………………………………………()(A) Ni(CN)-24(B) CoCl-24(C) Co(NH3)+36(D) Fe(CO)516. 下列各组判断中,不正确的是……………………………………………………………()(A) CH4,CO2,BCl3非极性分子(B) CHCl3,HCl,H2S极性分子(C) CH4,CO2,BCl3,H2S非极性分子(D) CHCl3,HCl极性分子17. 凡是中心原子采用sp 3d 2杂化轨道成键的分子,其空间构型可能是……………………( )(A) 八面体(B) 平面正方形 (C) 四方锥 (D) 以上三种均有可能18. 下列物质中沸点最高的是…………………………………………………………………( )(A )NH 3 (B )PH 3 (C )AsH 3 (D )SbH 319. Li 、Be 、B 原子失去一个电子,所需要的能量相差不是很大, 但最难失去第二个电子的原子估计是 ( )(A) Li (B) Be (C) B (D) 都相同20. 下列分子中的电子为奇数的分子是 …………………………………………………( )(A) F 2O (B) NO 2 (C) CO (D) Cl 2O 721. 下列各组表示核外电子运动状态的量子数中合理的是 ……………………………( )(A) n = 3,l = 3 ,m = 2,m s = 21-(B) n = 2,l = 0 ,m = 1,m s =21(C) n = 1,l = 0 ,m = 0,m s =21(D) n =0,l = 0 ,m = 0,m s =21- 22. [Ni(en)3]2+离子中镍的价态和配位数是 ………………………………………………( )(A) +2,3 (B) +3,6 (C) +2,6 (D) +3,323. 下列分子中,中心原子采取SP 2杂化的是…………………………………………………( )A 、NH 3B 、BF 3C 、CHCl 3D 、H 2O24. 按分子轨道理论,最稳定的顺磁性微粒( )(A )O 2+ (B )O 22+ (C )O 2 (D )O 2-25. 下列哪一种物质处于液态时只需要克服色散力就能使之沸腾……………………………( )(A )CS 2 (B )HF (C )Fe (D )CHCl 326. 下列配合物中,属于螯合物的是……………………………………………………………()(A) [Ni(en)2]Cl2(B) K2[PtCl6](C) (NH4)[Cr(NH3)2(SCN)4] (D) Li[AlH4]27. 核外某电子的角量子数l = 2,它的磁量子数m可能取值有…………………………………()(A) 1个(B) 3个(C) 5个(D) 7个28. 下列各组元素中,电负性依次减小的是………………………………………………………()(A) K > Na > Li (B) O > Cl > H(C) As > P > H (D) 三组都对29. 下列各组原子轨道中不能叠加成键的是……………………………………………………()(A) p x–p x (B) p x–p y(C) s–p x(D) s–p z30. 已知某元素+3价离子的电子排布式为1S22S22P63S23P63d5,该元素在周期表中属于………()(A)ⅤB族(B)ⅢB族(C)Ⅷ族(D)ⅤA族31. 多电子原子的能量E是由()决定的(A)主量子数n (B)n、l (C)n、m、l (D)l32. 在[Ru(NH3)4Br2]+中,Ru的氧化数和配位数分别是……………………………………………()(A) +2和4 (B) +2和6 (C) +3和6 (D) +3和433. 下列各组原子和离子半径变化的顺序,不正确的一组是……………………………………()(A) P3- > S2- > Cl- > F-(B) K+> Ca2+ > Fe2+ > Ni2+(C) Co > Ni > Cu > Zn (D) V > V2+ > V3+ > V4+34. 原子序数为19 的元素的价电子的四个量子数为…………………………………………()(A) n=1,l=0,m=0,m s=+12(B) n=2,l=1,m=0,m s=+12(C) n=3,l=2,m=1,m s=+12(D) n=4,l=0,m=0,m s=+1235. 下列各组元素的电负性大小次序正确的是…………………………………………………()(A) S < N < O < F (B) S < O < N< F(C) Si < Na < Mg < Al (D) Br < H < Zn36. 在下列原子中第一电离能最大的是…………………………………………………………()(A)B (B)C (C)Al (D)Si37. 屏蔽效应起着……………………………………………………………()(A)对核电荷的增强作用(B)对核电荷的抵消作用(C)正负离子间的吸引作用(D)正负离子间电子层的排斥作用38. 某原子2P轨道上有两个电子,描述其中一个电子运动状态的四个量子数是(2,1,0,+½),则描述另一个电子运动状态的四个量子数是………………………………………………()A、(2,1,0,-½)B、(2,1,-1,-½)C、(2,1,1,-½)D、(2,1,1,+½)39. A、B、C为同周期相邻元素,A原子最外层主量子数n = 4,角量子数L=1的轨道为半充满,且电负性A<B<C,则A、B、C为…………………………………………………………()A、As, Se, BrB、N, O, FC、P, S, ClD、Ga, Se, As40. 下列化合物及离子中,中心原子不具有弧电子对的是…………………………………()(A)NH3(B)NH4+(C)H2O (D)OH-41. 在K[Co(NH3)2Cl4]中,Co的氧化数和配位数分别是…………………………………()(A) +2和4 (B) +4和6 (C) +3和6 (D) +3和442.Cu 的原子序数为29,Cu+的电子排布式为………………………………………()(A) [Ar] 3d10(B) [Ar] 3d5(C) [Kr] 4d10(D) [Ar] 3d94s1二、填空题1. 至今没有得到FeI3这种化合物的原因是______________________________________________。
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4.设内部RAM的20H和21H单元中有两个带符号 数,编写程序,将其,求下列延时子程序的延时时间。
1.编写程序,把片外数据存储器0000H~0050H 中的内容传送到片内数据存储器20H~70H中。
2.编写程序,实现双字节加法运算,要求 R1R0+R7R6→(52H)(51H)(50H)(内部RAM)。
3.设X在累加器A中(0≤X≤20),要求将X平方数的高位存 放在R7中,低位存放在R0中。试用查表法编写子程序。
8.内部存储单元40H中有一个ASCII字符,试编写 一个程序,给该数的最高位加上奇效验。
9.编写一段程序,将存放在自DATA单元开始的一个4字节 数(高位在高地址),取补后送回原单元。
10.以BUF1为起始地址的外存储区中,存放有16个单字节 无符号二进制数,试编写一个程序,求其平均值并存入 BUF2单元,余数存在BUF单元。
11.将内部RAM的20H单元中的十六进制数变换成 ASCII码,并存入22H、21H单元(高位存入22H单 元)要求用子程序编写转换部分。
12.编写一段程序,以实现图3.8中硬件的逻辑运 算功能。
13.用位操作指令实现下面的逻辑方程(×表示逻辑乘,+ 表示逻辑加): P1.2=(ACC.3×P1.4×ACC.5) +(B.4×P1.5)
6.编写程序,将内部数据存储器20H~24H单元中存放的压 缩的BCD码转换成ASCII码,并存放在从25H开始的单元 中。
7.从内部存储器30H单元开始,有16个数据,试编写一个程 序,把其中的正数、负数分别存入40H和50H开始的存储单 元,并分别将正数、负数和零的个数存入R4、R5、R6。
14.试编写一个3字节无符号数乘1字节数的乘法程 序。