
- 学会问候和自我介绍的基本表达
- 学会用“How are you?” 进行问候和回答
- 研究介绍自己的名字、年龄和国籍
1. 导入新课,通过展示图片和问答形式引起学生的兴趣。
2. 播放相关视频,让学生感受到真实的英语语境。
3. 引导学生讨论问候的方式,并举例展示一些常见的问候语。
4. 教授基本的自我介绍句型,例如:“Hello, I'm [name]. I'm [age] years old. I'm from [country].”
5. 分组活动,让学生进行角色扮演,模拟问候和自我介绍的对话。
6. 温所学内容,并进行回顾测试。

小学英语五年级上册第一单元Unit 1 what’s he like?第一课时教学目标与要求1、能听、说、认、读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young, heavy, old , funny, kind;2、能掌握句型:Who’s your…? What’s he /she like? 并能在具体的语境中运用;3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。
教学重点Let’s learn部分的单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。
Let’s start部分在学生用书当中首次出现,教师应正确理解此部分的辅垫作用,可根据实际教学需要进行使用,并帮助学生熟悉教材内容的变化。
教学方法小组合作法、情景教学法教学过程设计1、Warm-up(热身)(l)播放Let’s start下面歌谣的录音,让学生听歌谣猜单元话题,激发学生对新学期第一单元英语学习的兴趣。
还可以使用四年级上册第三单元学过的句型:“I have a new friend. He’s tall. He’s strong, too.”并结合相关人物的图片,引导学生复习strong,tall,short,thin等词,为本课时听、说、读、写这些单词做好准备。
(2)日常口语练习,内容可参考如下:T:Hello, everyone!Welcome back to school! Nice to see you!Ss: Nice to meet you!(3)问学生几个问题,引出本课重点内容。

2023年人民英语出版社五年级上册英语全册教案教学设计课程目标- 通过本教学设计,学生将能够掌握五年级上册英语的基础知识和技能。
- 培养学生的听、说、读、写的能力,提高他们的英语语言表达能力。
- 培养学生的英语研究兴趣,激发他们的研究动力。
教学大纲本教学设计按照人民英语出版社的五年级上册教材编写,共包括以下单元:1. Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions2. Unit 2: Everyday Activities3. Unit 3: My Family4. Unit 4: School Life5. Unit 5: Daily Routines6. Unit 6: Hobbies and Interests每个单元的教学内容将根据学生的研究进度进行分解和安排。
教学方法为了提高学生的研究效果和积极参与度,本教学设计将采用以下教学方法:- 交互式教学:通过与学生的互动,引导他们参与到课堂活动中,积极主动地使用英语进行交流和表达。
- 多媒体教学:利用多媒体资源,如图片、视频等,丰富教学内容,激发学生的研究兴趣和好奇心。
- 小组合作研究:将学生分成小组,进行合作研究和讨论,培养他们的团队合作能力和互助精神。
教学评估为了及时了解学生的研究情况和进步,本教学设计将进行以下教学评估方式:- 日常口头表达:通过学生的口头表达和对话,评估他们的听、说技能。
- 书面作业:布置适当的书面作业,检验学生的读、写技能。
- 课堂互动参与:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与度和表现,评估他们的研究态度和进步程度。
教学资源为了有效开展教学活动,本教学设计将使用以下教学资源:- 人民英语五年级上册教材及教辅材料。
- 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑等,用于播放教学资源。
- 图片、卡片、游戏道具等教具,用于教学互动和激发学生兴趣。

Unit one What’s he likeLesson 1一.教学内容 Main scene Part A (let’s try let’s talk)二.教学目标 en.129991.能正确听,说,朗读“Who is ...-- He/She is...What’s he/she like -- He/She is... Is he/she…--Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”2.能正确听,说,认读表示人物外貌与性格特征的形容词old ,young,funny,kind,strict,polite,hard-working,clever.3.能听懂,会说,会表演Let’s talk 的内容并在真实场景中运用。
三.教学重难点重点:学生能够表演Main scene 和let’s talk的交际内容,能够根据实际情况用英语讨论他人外貌与性格特征。
难点:用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如:“Who is … He/She is…What’s he/she like He/She is … Is he/she…Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”四.课前准备教师自制的单词卡、录音机、录音带五.教学过程Step1. Warming-up1.Let’s look and say the names.(教师出示本单元通过多媒体播放一些卡通图片,分别展示年老,年轻,滑稽,有礼貌,工作努力,聪明,严格等外貌与性格特征,让学生认读,说一说这是谁,怎么样。
)2.Let’s listen and sing”Who’s your teacher”Step2. Presentationen.129991.学习Main scene(1)出示Main scene中的部分教学挂图,让学生观察。
Dialogue1: Who can you see in the picture(Wu Yifan,Amy,Oliver and a teacher.)Dialogue2: What are they talking about(The teacher introduces classmates to each other.)Dialogue2:Who is a new student(Oliver)(3)听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容。

教学过程:一、Warming-up 热身环节在这一环节中我设计了一个chant,由同学共同拍手来完成。
I I I ,my my myHe He He, his his his热身环节是英语教学过程的首要环节。
二、presentation 新知呈现首先,我拿起自己的书,问同学Whose book is it It’s my book.可用It’s mine.来代替,然后带着同学多读几遍,练习这个句型。
再拿起Mingming的铅笔盒,询问LingHang(同学)Whose pencil-box is it引导同学答复:It’s Mingming’s pencil-box.告知同学It’s Mingming’s pencil-box 可用It’s Mingming’s 来代替,用同样的方式教授his、hers。

人教版小学英语五年级上册全册完整教案单元一:Hello!教学目标- 研究基本的问候语,并能正确使用。
- 了解不同国家的问候方式。
- 研究数字1-10的英文表达。
教学内容1. 听力训练:学生听录音,模仿正确的问候语。
2. 口语训练:学生进行角色扮演,用正确的问候语相互交流。
3. 词汇研究:学生研究并记忆数字1-10的英文表达。
4. 阅读练:学生阅读关于不同国家问候方式的文章,扩展文化知识。
教学步骤1. 听录音并模仿:播放录音,学生跟读问候语。
2. 分组练:将学生分成小组,进行问候语的角色扮演。
3. 词汇研究:教师呈现数字1-10,学生跟读并记忆。
4. 阅读练:学生阅读课本中关于不同国家问候方式的文章,并回答相关问题。
5. 小结回顾:检查学生对数字1-10的掌握情况,并复问候语的正确使用。
课堂作业1. 记忆数字1-10的英文表达。
2. 回家后用英文问候家人和朋友。
3. 阅读课本中的文章,并思考自己国家的问候方式。
教学评价1. 面对学生角色扮演时的表现,评价其是否能正确使用问候语。
2. 通过课堂讨论和阅读练,评价学生对不同国家问候方式的了解。
3. 检查学生记忆数字1-10的能力。
教学资源- 电子设备:播放录音、展示课件。
- 教材:《人教版小学英语五年级上册》。

一. 指导思想全面贯彻“三个面向”战略指导思想,渗透和灌输可持续发展的战略思想。
智三.教材分析五年级上册学生用书Let’s learn部分的词汇仍然是围绕话题归类出现的。
本册Let’s learn中的大部分词汇要求学生做到听、说、读、写四会掌握(即加粗的单词)。
Let’s talk部分依旧是一个浓缩了的情景会话,目标句型突出。
Read and write部分的教学目标要求学生能读懂对话或短文;完成检测学生理解程度的填充句子练习;听、说、读、写四会掌握两组句子;完成一项综合运用所学语言的任务型语言活动。
在Let’s spell部分,本册安排了常见字母组合的发音,依旧是用绕口令的形式将含有这些字母组合的单词整合成趣味句子。

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4.将已经贴好单词卡片的教师图片张贴在黑板上,并让学生上讲 台把对应的各科教师写在对应的图片上。
5. 小 组 练 习 对 话 :“ Who's your … teacher? Mr/Miss … Is he/she …? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn”'t.
初步认识有关人物外貌和特征的形容词, 并能够在日常生活中询问某
Unit 1 What's he like? Part A 第二课时
Let's learn & Ask and answer
1. 继续学习有关人物性格和外貌的形容词词汇,如
old, young,
funny, kind, strict,通过反义词以及图片联想法,学生能够听、说、读、 写词汇。
3.情景创设,让我们与 Wu Yifan,Oliver 一起去了解他们的音乐
教师, Mr Young。教师播放“ Let's talk”,学生边听边思考 Mr Young
Step 3: Consolidation and extension
2.主要练习“ Who's your …teacher? Mr/Miss/Mrs … Is he/she…?
Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn't”. 句型,通过练习,学生能够熟练询问

提高教学质量的打算:教学进度表课时授课计划UNIT 1 MY NEW TEACHERUnit 1 Lesson1 (Let’s start Main scene Part A Let’ s learn Let’s find out Part C Let’s sing)1.Teaching aims(1). Be able to ask: “who’s your art teacher? What’s he like?” and give the right answer.(2). Be able to master those words: old, short, thin, tall, strong, in four skills.(3). Be able to understand the orders, and to finish the tasks of “Let’s find out”.(4). Be ab le to sing the song of “ My New Teacher”.2.Key and difficult points(1). Replace the words: old, short, thin, tall, strong, young, funny, kind, according to the sentence.(2). Master the words: old, short, thin, tall, strong, in four skills.3.Teaching aids(1). English cards, teacher’s photos, castle4.Teaching steps(1). Warm upa.Let’s chant: big and small, long and short.b.Listen to the “Let’s start”.c.T: hi, everyone! Nice to see you again. What grade are you in now?What are we going to learn in this term? Guess!This unit we’ll learn My New Teacher.(2). PreviewDo you have new teachers? Who are they?Who’s your…teacher?Mr. / Miss…(3). PresentationLet’s starta.Rabbit has many new teachers in her school.b.Task: Sarah will introduce some new teachers to you. Who’s the new teachers?Let’s learna.They are Sarah’s teachers. Describe these teachers.(Put up the surname on the picture)Who’s Sarah’s …teacher?Mr. / Miss…What’s he/she like?He’s/ She’s …(Review the words: strong, tall, short, thin, and present the new words: young, kind, old, funny.)b.Learn the new words, read and spell.c.Listen to the tape and read after it.d.Describe your own teachers.Who’s your …teacher?Who’s Sarah’s …teacher?Mr. / Miss…What’s he/she like?He’s/ She’s …T-S S-SLet’s find outa.Guess:This is our P.E. teacher. He’s tall and strong. He’s a little old. He’s very funny. We all like him. Who is he?This is our math teacher. She’s tall, she’s not strong and she’s not thin. She teaches in grade 6.b.Make the dialogue and pick up the right picture in Ss book..Let’s singa.Learn to sing the song of “My New Teacher”.(4). Consolidation and extensiona.Do listening practice in the activity book P1.b.Write the four-skilled words four times.c.Design the task accordi ng to the “Let’s find out”Such as: She’s tall. She’s beautiful. She’s very young. We all like her. Who’s she? Teaching notes:Unit 1 Lesson2 (Part A Let’s try Let’s talk Part C Good to know)1. Teaching aims(1). Be able to say: Who’s your math teacher? Mr Zhao. What’s he like? He’s thin andshort. He’s very kind, and can use it freely.(2). Be able to understand the “Let’s try”, and to finish the exercise.(3). Be able to know the part of the “Good to know”.2. Key and difficult points(1). Master the sentences of this lesson, and can use it freely in daily life.(2). Help students to catch the new words and new sentence in “Let’s try”.3. Teaching aidssome teacher’s photos, some pictures, castle4. Teaching steps(1) Warm upa. Sing: My New Teacherb.Chant.(2). Previewa.Ask & AnswerWho’s your…teacher? Mr./MissWhat’s he/she like? He’s/She’s…and….(Fill in the words we have learned.)(3). PresentationLet’s try (Do listening practice.)Explain how to do.Let’s talka.Show the part of photos quickly, then ask students to recall who are they?b.Listen to the tape and read after it.c.Make a dialogue with your partner.A: Who’s your…teacher?B: Mr. /Miss…A: What’s he/ she like?B: he’s /She’s …T-Ss S-S ask and answerd. Activity book P2 number 4 Talk about your teachers with your partner.Teacher do it with a student first, Ss ask and answer with the partner.Good to knowPerson who speaks English used to call “Mr Zhang or Zhangming”, that is “Mr +surname or just name”. They never say “Mr Zhangming”.Explain the difference between China and Western countries.(4). Consolidation and extensiona.Do the listening practice in activity book. P2 number 3.Explain how to do first.b.Listen to the type and read it to your friends.c.Tell you r parents what you have learned in “Good to know”.Teaching notes:Unit 1 Lesson3 (Part A Read and write Pair work Part C Pronunciation )1.Teaching aims(1). Be able to say the dialogue and can use it in daily life.(2). Be able to master the sentence s: “Who’s your English teacher? Mr Carter. What’s he like? He’s tall and strong.”, in four skills.(3). Be able to understand the regulation of Pronunciation, and can read these words.2. Key and difficult points(1). Master the sentences in four skills.(2). Have the right pronunciation.3. Teaching aidssome teacher’s photos, some cartoon pictures, castle, English cards4. Teaching steps(1). Warm-upa.Chant.b.Guess teacher (one student chose one of photos, and ask other students toguess who’s he/she?)c.GreetingT-S: Look, I like our Chinese teacher. She’s short. What about you?(2). Previewa.Spell the words: old, short, thin, tall, strong.(3). PresentationRead and writea.T: Zhang Peng and Tim have a short dialogue. Please listen carefully and answermy questions.b.Listen to the tape.First time: What are they talking about?Second time: (1) How many new teachers does Zhang Peng have?(2) Who are they?(3) Who’s Zhang’s English teacher?(4) Where’s he from?(5) What’s he like?(6) Who’s he?c.Open the book, then ask students to learn the dialogue by themselves, and tofind some difficult points.d.Read after the tape.e.Help the students to solve the difficult points, and to finish the questions.f.Learn to write the sentences.Teach them how to write formally.]Pair workTeacher prepares the cards, let the students make a dialogue.A: Who’s that man/woman?B: He’s/She’s…A: What’s he like?B: he’s /She’s …T-Ss Ss-SsPronunciationa.Read the word according to their regulation of pronunciation.b.Listen to the tape and read after it.c.Practice the tongue cross.(4). Consolidation and extensiona.Do the activity book.P3 number 5, 6.Listen twice, filling the blank and tick or cross.b.Listen to the tape and read it to your parents or friends.c.Write the four sentences four times.Teaching notes:Unit 1 Lesson4 (Part B Let’s chant Let’s learn Part C story time)1.Teaching aims(1). Be able to say “Let’s chant”(2). Be able to master the words: kind, funny, young, smart, active in four skills. Beable to read, speak and understand some phrases about the strict, principal, university student, and can use it freely.(3). Be able to understand the story2. Key and difficult points(1). Be able to use the words: principal, university, student, strict, smart, activefreely, and learn these words in four skills.(2). The pronunciation of “university, principal, strict”.3. Teaching aidsSome finger marks, some relative pictures, some teacher’s or student’s photos, English cards4. Teaching steps(1). Worm upa.Let’s singb.Greeting A: Who’s your Chinese teacher? Is she quiet/ short…?B: Yes. Miss Liu is our Chinese teacher. She’s quiet/short…A: What’s your science teacher like?…(2). Previewa.Let’s guess.She’s a lady in our school. She has short hair, she has a pair of glasses. Now you can ask me the questions to get the answers.Ss: Is she…?(3). PresentationA Let’s learna. Yes, she is our principal. She’s Miss/ Mrs Qiu.Learn to say the words: principal.b.Is she strict?Yes, she is , but she’s very kind.Learn to say and spell the words: strictc.Is she active? Yes, she is, she’s very active./ No, she isn’t. she is quiet.Learn to say and spell the words: active/ quiet.d.Learn the new words accor ding to some teacher’s photos.smart, kind, funny.e.Pay more attention to the pronunciation of “university and strict”.f.Listen to the tape and read after it.B Let’s chanta.Play the chant in Part B, and ask the students to tell the teacher what theyhave understood.b.Listen to the chant again and read after it.C Story timea.Listen to the story and discuss this story with your partners.b.Read the story4. consolidation and extension(1). Finish the listening exercise in Activity book.(2). Listen to the “Let’s chant” and read it to you parents.(3). Adjust the chant according to your interesting.Teaching notes:Unit 1 Lesson5 (Part B Let’s try Let’s talk Group work Part C Let’s check)1. Teaching aims(1). Be able to say the sentences: “Who’s that young lady? She’s our principal. Is shestrict? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t”, and can use it in situation.(2). Be able to finish the “Let’s check”, and make the right assessment to their studyin this unit.2. Key and difficult points(1). Be able to replace the key words in the sentences, and use these sentencesfreely.(2). Be able to give the positive or negative answers to the question sentences “Ishe/she…?”3. Teaching aimssome teacher’s photos, some pictures and some English cards.4. Teaching steps(1). Warm-upa.Let’s chant in Unit 1b.Show the new chants, and choose which one is the best.(2). Previewa.Who’s your principal? Miss Qiu. Is she young? No, she’s old. She’s very kind.b.To replace the key words and make the new sentences.(3). PresentationA. Let’s talka.Put up the picture. Who’s that young lady? Now listen to the dialogue betweenHelen and John, and think about it.b.Listen to the tape, ask and answer.T: Who’s that young lady?Is she strict / kind / active / quiet?c.Listen to the tape and read after it.T-S S-SB Group work: Guess the person.a. How many words we can describe others? What are they?Old/ kind/ young/ thin/ strong / tall / short / pretty / active / quiet / strict / nice / smart / funnyb. Ss make a puzzle:Such as: I have a new friend/…teacher. Guess: Who’s he/she?Ss: A boy or a girl? Is she/he tall/short/quiet/active…?C. Let’s tryD. Let’s check4. consolidation and extension(1) To finish the listening exercise in Activity book.P5 listen and write YES and NO.(2). Listen to the tape and read the dialogue to your friends.(3). Try to describe your favorite teacher to your parents.Teaching notes:Unit 1 Lesson6 (Part B Read and write Talk and draw Part C Task time)1. Teaching aims(1). Be able to say the sentences: I have a new math teacher. Her class is so much fun.Really? What’s she like? She’s young and pretty. She’s university student.(2). Be able to master the read sentences in four skills.(3). Be able to finish the task of “Talk and draw”.2. Key and difficult points(1). Master the sentences: “Is she quiet? No, she isn’t. She’s very active. Is she strict?Yes, she is, but she’s very kind.” in four skills.(2). Do the nice cards and introduce it in English.3. Teaching aidsEnglish cards, some materials4. Teaching steps(1). Warm-upLet’s chantGuess: Who’s this man? She’s our …teacher. I like her.Is he strict? Yes, he is.(2). PreviewTo spell the words(3). PresentationA. Read and writea.Look at the picture and try to describe the teacherb.Read the dialogue with your partner, and try to understand it.T: who’s that young lady?What about her class?What’s she like?Is she a university student?Is she quiet…?c.Listen to the tape and read after it.d.Finish the questions.e.Learn to write the red sentencesB. Talk and drawOne say and another draw it according to what he understand.C. Task timeEncourage students try to solve the questions in English.4. Consolidation and extension(1). Do the reading exercise in Activity book.P6. read the passage with your partner, do the excises first, and check together. (2). Listen to the tape and read it to your parents, and write the sentences in four skills.Teaching notes:Unit 2 My days of the weekUnit 2: lesson1( Let’s start Let’s chant A Let’s learn. Let’s play C Let’s sing)1. Teaching Aims:(1)Three skills for sentences: What day is it today? What do we have on Mondays?(2)Four skills for words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.(3) Can do “Let’s play.”(4) Sing a song: My days of the week.2. Key and difficult points:Words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:Free talk.T: What time is it? Guess.It’s … it’s time for English class.(2). Preview:Use the time schedule on the board: It’s 8:35. It’s time for Chinese.It’s 9:25. it’s time for math class…Lead sentences: We have Chinese, math, English---on Mondays.(3). Presentation:a.Let’s chant.T leads Ss to chant.b.Learn the new words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, andFriday.After chant, read the word cards and spell the words.①Monday\/ M-O-N-D-A-Y. lead the Ss to recite.The same to teach Tuesday.②T: What day is it today?Ss: It’s Wednesday. Spell.The same way to teach Thursday and Friday.③drill, practice.c.Show picture and introduce the time scheduleT: What day is it today?Ss: It’s Monday.T: What do you have on Mondays?Ss: We have…on Mondays.T leads Ss to answer.T—Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-S1d.Read after the tape.e.Let’s play.f.Sing a song.g.T write the new words and Ss write after T and find the rule of writingand remembering these words.(4). Consolidation and extension:a.Do the listening exercise in Activity book. P9 (1), (2)T explains the exercise, listen and match, finish the sentences.b. Write the new words four times and recite them.c. Ss book P18: Design a time schedule and show them in the class. Teaching notes:Unit2 Lesson 2(A Let’s try. Let’s talk. Group work. C Good to know.)1. Teaching Aims:(1)Two skill s for sentences: What day is it today? It’s---What do you have on---? Wehave---.I like---and can talk with each other.(2)Good to know.2. Key and difficult points:(1) Three skills for sentences: What day is it today? It’s---What do you have on---? We have---.I like---. Can talk with each other use sentences have learnt.(2) Let’s try.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape, calendar.4. Teaching steps:(1). Warm-up:a.Sing a song: My days of the week.b.Free talk.T: What day is it today?Ss: It’s Wedne sday.Spell.What do you have on Wednesdays?I have Chinese, math….on Wednesdays.T uses the schedule to lead the students answer this questions.(2). Preview:a. Review the new words. Read and spell.b. Do: Let’s try.Instruct the Ss to do the exercise.(3). Presentation:Let’s talk.a.Ss read the text first and think about two questions:What day is it today? What classes should Amy learn this day?b.Answer the questions:Ss: It’s Wednesday. Amy has English, science, computer and P.E. on Wednesdays.T: Does she like Wednesdays?Ss: Yes, she like Wednesdays.T: Do you like Wednesdays? Why?Ss: Yes, I like Wednesdays. Because we have…/ No, I don’t like Wednesdays.c.Read after the tape.T-Ss, Ss-Ss, recite.d.Show the picture, T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-S1 ask and answer.Group workSs book P18 we have write down the time schedule. Please look at it, let’s a sk and answer.T: what do you have on ….?Do you like ….? Why?I like….because we have …on….Ss say to the partners.Activity book P10Fill in the blank and read.Good to know.Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Thanksgiving day.(4).Consolidation and extension:a. Do the listening exercise in Activity book. P10 (3)T explains the exercise, listen and write the number.b. Read to your partners, and design a new time schedule.Teaching notes:Unit2 lesson3( A Read and write. Pair work. C Pronunciation)1. Teaching Aims:(1) Can know the meaning of the story.(2) Four skills for sentences.(3) Pronunciation.2. Key and difficult points:Four skilled sentences and pronunciation.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a.Let’s chant.b.Sing a song: My days of the week.c.Free talk.T: What day is it today/tomorrow?What do you have on…?Which day do you like?(2). Preview:Spell words.(3). Presentation:Read and writea.T show picture and ask: It’s time to go bed. Mike puts away his textbooks. But heputs wrong books in his schoolbag. Why?b.Read the dialogue by students. Lead Ss to find the answer quicklyc.Listen to the tape, sentences by sentence.d.T asks questions.T: what day is it today?What dose Mike have on Wednesdays?What day is it tomorrow?What dose he have tomorrow?e.Read together after T, check the answer.f.Write the sentences after T.Pronunciation.(4). Consolidation and extension:a. Pair work: ask and answer in pairs. What do you have on…?b. Activity book P11, P15 explains the exercise.c. Write the sentences four times.Teaching notes:Unit2 lesson4(B Let’s learn. Let’s chant C Story time.)1. Teaching aims:(1)Can do: Let’s chant.(2)Four skills for words: Saturday, Sunday. Can say phrases: do homework, watch TV,read books.(3)Story time.2. Key and difficult points:(1) Words: Saturday, Sunday. phrases: do homework, watch TV, read books.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps:(1). Warm-up:a.Let’s chant.(P14)(2). Preview: Pass the sentencesT: What do you have on Mondays?S1: We have…on Mondays. What do you have on Tuesdays?S2: We have…on Tuesdays…..S3:(3). Presentation:a.You have many classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.These are weekdays. But we have the other two days. They’re Saturday and Sunday.b.Read and spell Saturday and Sunday. They’re weekends.c.What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays? Let’s chant (P19)d.Act what do they do on weekends. Guess.Lead to phrase: do homework, watch TV, read books.e.Read after the tape and practise the sentences.f.Let’s chant.g.T act the other actions: play football, play basketball, play the violin, play thepiano, paint, play computer games, listen to music…Ask and answer: what do you do on…? I ….on …T-Ss Ss-Ss Ss-S1h.Ss write the new words after T.Story timeT put up the picture, Ss read first, and listen to the tape, read after the tape and T, act the story.(4). Consolidation and extension:a.Activity book P12(1) listen and match.(2)finish the sentences.With the T’s instruction.b.Write the new words four times.c.Write different chants.Teaching notes:Unit2 lesson5( B Let’s try. Let’s talk. Pair work. C .Let’s check.)1. Teaching aims:(1)Two skills for sentences: What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? I often dohomework, read books and watch TV.(2)Can do “Let check.”2. Key and difficult points:(1) Three skills for sentences: What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? I often do homework, read books and watch TV. Can talk with each other use sentences havelearnt.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a. Let’s chant.b.Free talk.T: what day is it today?What do you have on…?(2). Preview:On weekdays, we study hard. On Saturdays and Sundays we can do other things and have good rest. What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays?Review the words and sentences have learnt.(3). Presentation:Let’s try.Listen and circle.Let’s talk.a.Read by the students first.b.Ask and answer: What does ChenJie do on Saturdays/Sundays?c.Read after tape sentence by sentence.Read: T-Ss Sb-Sg Ss-S1Pair work.Use more phrases, let the students ask and answer in pairs.T: What do you do on…?Do sports: play footbal l, play basketball, go swimming, go fishing, go to the park…Listen to music, play the violin, play the piano…paint, play computer games, do some shopping.Let’s check.4. Consolidation and extension:a. Activity book P13(1) listen and match.(2)read and circle YES or NO.b. Arrange your weekends reasonable.d.Activity book P14(5)Teaching notes:Unit2 lesson 6 (B.Read and write. Group work. C Task time.)1. Teaching aims:(1) Can know the meaning of the story.(1)Four skills for sentences.(2)Task time.2. Key and difficult points:Four skilled sentences and task time.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:New chant (make by Ss)(2). Preview:a.Spell the words and phrases.b.Group work: what do you do on…?c.Check the Activity book P14(3). Presentation:a.Ss read the text and answer the question using the sentences.b.Listen to the tape. Answer the questions:Zoom and his aunt Cathy are talking about his weekend, now listen and answer my questions.What time is it?What day is it today?What does Zoom do on Saturday?Which is the best?Does he like Saturdays?Aunt Cathy also has her homework, what’s this?c.Read after the tape. Read together, check the answer.d.Write the sentences with T’s instructor.Group work.T asks one st udent: what do you do on…?Then say I can play with you! And write down the student’s name.Work in the groups.Task time.Tell the Ss the request, and ask them to do this excites after class.(4). Consolidation and extension:a.Check the Activity book P14 (5)b.Write the sentences.Teaching notes:Unit 3 What’s your favorite food?Unit 3 lesson1(Let’s start main scene A Let’s learn. Group work.)1. Teaching aims:(1)Three skills for sentences: What would you like for lunch? I’d like---.(2)Four skills for words: tomato, tofu, green beans, fish, potato, eggplant.(3)Three skills for words: cabbage, mutton, pork.(4)Group work.2. Key and difficult points:Words: t omato, tofu, green beans, fish, potato, eggplant, cabbage, mutton, pork.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape, co lour pens.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a.Sing a song. “What would you like?”b.Let’s chant (Pep4)(2). Preview:a. Put up the cards(food),T: We have many food here. What would you like?Ss: I’d like some….Tofu/fish spell.b. Show a picture in “Let’s start.” and let Ss guess the food.(3). Presentation:Let’s learna.Tomato& potatoT shows card: tomato.Read and spell.The tomatoes are juicy and red. What about potatoes?They’re tasty and brown. teach “potato” in the same way.b.mutton, cabbage, pork.T teaches words: mutton, cabbage, pork. Ss read after T. Recognize quickly and read quickly.c.Green beans& eggplant.What colour is it? It’s green.Yes, it’s green beans. Read and spell.It’s the vegetable. It’s purple. Guess what’s this?It’s eggplant. Read and spell.d.Ss listen to the tape and read the words.e.Play a game: T tells words, Ss tell the color of the vegetables, and thenT tells the vegetables’ character. Ss tell the words.f.To consolidate the words have learnt.Group work.T: what would you like for lunch?Ss: I’d like some…T takes off a word card, say “Sure”.Let Ss say ”Thank you”.T takes off a word card, say “Sorry, no…”Let Ss use small cards to talk in groups.Let’s chant.(4). Consolidation and extension:a.Activity book P17(1)listen and match(2)write and say.b.Write the new words four times.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson2(A Let’s try. Let’s talk. Talk and match. C Good to know.)1. Teaching aims:(1)Two skills for sentences: What do you nave for lunch today? I have eggplant---andcan talk with each other.(2)Good to know.2. Key and difficult points:(1) Three skills for sentences: What do you nave for lunch today? I have eggplant--- Can talk with each other use sentences have learnt.(2) Let’s try.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a.Let’s chant.b.Free talk.T: What would you like for lunch?(2). Preview:What would you like for lunch? Means “你中午想吃什么?”But how to say“你吃了什么?”Listen to a song: What do you have for lunch?After the song, do you know how to say“你吃了什么?”Yes, that’s “what do you have for lunch?”Let’s try.(3). Presentation:Let’s talk.a.Read by students first, and answer the questions.T: What does Mike have for lunch today? what about Sarah?Ss: Mike ha eggplant and tomatoes, and Sarah has onions and green beans.b.Show the sentences: What do you have for lunch today? Ss read andpractise the new sentence.c.Practise the sentences in pairs: use the picture.T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-S1, one ask and the other answer.d.Play a game: One choose a card and the other Ss ask, the one choosecard answer using words and sentences have learnt.e.Read the text after the tape.T-Ss, Ss-SsTalk and match.Ask your paterner: What do you have for lunch today?Talk and match the food.T: what does your paterner have for lunch today?Ss: She/ he has…Good to know.Tell Ss the traditional Chinese food, and the festivals.(4). Consolidation and extension:a. Check the answers in Activity book P17, point out we should plus “es”after tomato and potato.b. Activity book P18(3) Listen and match(4)make a survey.c.Ss’s bookP30 make your menu. Ask Ss to write down a menu he want togive us Ss.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson3( A Read and write. Group work. C Let’s sing.)1.Teaching aims:(1) Can know the meaning of the story.(1)Four skills for sentences.(2)Sing a song.2. Key and difficult points:Four skilled sentences.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape, school menu.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a.Sing a song;b.Free talk.T: What day is it today?Ss: It’s …T: What do you have for lunch on …? (Show the word cards (food)Ss: We have…(2). Preview:Let’s chant.(3). Presentation:Group worka. Show a form (put up word cards (Mon.—Fri.)T: There are five days we have lunch at the school. Le t’s make a school menu.Put up the word cards (food)Ask and answer:What do you have for lunch on…?I / we have…That sounds good.T-Ss Ss-Ss Ss-S1At last, T shows the menu.T: This is our school menu.b. Design a menu ( Ss’ book P30), talk about the foo d in groups.Read and write.a.Read by students. And answer the questions.What does Amy have for lunch on Mondays?What would she like for dinner today?b.Listen to the tape and repeat.c.Read after T, and read together.Check the answers in book P30Let Ss find out what should we pay attention to the writing.d.Practise the sentences.(4). Consolidation and extension:a.Activity bookP19(5)listen and write.(6)read and tick or cross.b. Write the sentences four times.c. Design a menu at home to your parents.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson4(B Let’s learn. Let’s chant )1. Teaching aims:(1) Be able to master the words: tasty, salty, sour, fresh and sweet in four skills. and three skill for word: healthy .(2). Be able to say “Let’s chant”(3) Can use the adj. to describe the favorite food.2. Key and difficult points:(1)Four-skilled words: tasty, salty, sour, fresh, sweet(2)The pronunciation of “healthy”.(3)To describe the favorite food.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, apples, orange, sugar, salty, vinegar and tape.。

“How many do you want”这节课的重点主要是使学生在日常生活购物时,学会用“How many do you want?”询问数量。
课后我意识到了自己课堂过程英文出现频率还不够高,中文偏多,最后巩固知识学唱英语歌曲how many do you want,后半部分歌词学生不懂,应事先截掉。
人教版五年级英语上册教案(精选篇2)单元知识目标:一、复习单词:g t schl, g t bed, get up二、能听、说、读、写有关时间的单词:(二)引入新课对照课本,边看边练习拼写与时间有关的单词。
PEP五年级英语上册 教案及反思

人教版小学五年级英语上册全册教案及反思目录Unit1 My new teachers第一课时.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit1 My new teachers第二课时.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit1 My new teachers第三课时.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit2 My days of the week第一课时 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit2 My days of the week第二课时 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit2 My days of the week第三课时 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit2 My days of the week第四课时 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit2 My days of the week第五课时 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit2 My days of the week第六课时 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit 3 What's your favourite food第一课时......................... 错误!未定义书签。
Unit 3 What's your favourite food第二课时......................... 错误!未定义书签。


Unit 1 What's he like?Step2Prese ntatio n Let's talk&learn3,Groups Division4,Introduce Oliver,then Let 's try.1,教师呈现教材中和现实中教师的图片。
Who sthis boy/girl? 操练Do you know…?No,ldon't.Who's he/she?He/She is Miss/Ms/Mr.…a/your/new …teacher.学习兴趣Let's try 为Let'stalk 做铺垫Old new 对比2,指着图片继续问: Is he you ng?操练you ng.紧接着下一张图片,图片显示教师是old.两者进行对比,操练。
3,教师呈现人物图片提问:Is he/she young/old?学生回答:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn 't.最后呈现MrYoung,问:Do you know Mr You ng?弓l 导学生提问Ishe…?总结他的外貌或性格特征。
引出He is funny,too.教学funny,通过拆音方式教学并提醒单词中有两个n=4,教师呈现书中各种教师表情,进行句型的操练。
5,教师问:What kind of teachers do you like?学生回答:I like funny/young teachers.6,教师问:What kind of teachers does he like?听录音,选择通过各种方式操练单词7,教师问:Does Oliver know Mr Young?ls Mr Youngan En glish teacher? 听录音,回答。
8,listen and imitate9,We know Mr Young is a music teacher?Who is ZhangPeng's scienee teacher?Miss Green.Is she…?引出kind。

Unit1 My new teachers第三课时一、教学重点本课时需要重点掌握四会句子,要求学生能在相似情景中正确使用。
结合所学句型:“He’s tall and thin.He’s our English teacher.” 结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让学生进行口头拼读比赛。
2. Presentation(新课呈现)Read and write(l)用图片展示的方法导入。
教师介绍说: Zhang Peng has three new teachers this term. He talks about them with his classmate Tim. Let’s go and have a look!Who are the teachers?(2)学生自己阅读课文。
3.Let’s play (趣味操练)Pair work要求学生看Pair work部分的图片,理解对话内容。

(共20套52页)人教精通版小学五年级英语上册(全册)省优获奖教案汇总含本书所有课时教案,已编辑好,可直接打印Unit 1 We have new friends.Lesson 1--2一、教学目标:1、I’m +名字进行自我介绍2、I come from+地点表示来自哪里3、-Where are you from?=Where do you come from?-I’m from···=I come from···询问对方来自哪里?我来自···4、四会单词hello hi I am二、教学重难点:1、熟练地进行自我介绍。
3、let 用法三、教学过程:1、Revision:教师进行简单的自我介绍。
用到句型及信息I’m … /my name is …/age/hobby/class/等2、引导学生向老师进行自我介绍,练习基本句型。
名字:my name…年龄:I’m …班级:I’m in …家乡:I come from…爱好:I like…家人:my father is…my mother is …职业:he is a …she is a …4、教师播放录音,学生准备好笔,在不会的词作记号,再次听时认真听。
学生: 好的。
7、教师:(再次播放录音,让学生跟读,纠正发音)领读,讲解Miss Liu: Hello, boys and girls. We have two new friends in our class.Come here, Bob and Zhou Pei. Come to the front.Bob: Hello! I’m Bob. I’m Bob. I’m eleven. I come from Britain.Zhou Pei: Good morning! I’m Zhou Pei. I’m ten.I come from Beijing.Class: Welcome to our class!Both: Thank you!Miss Liu: Bob and Zhou Pei, go back to your seats, please.Now, let’s begin our class.let 用法:(let +sb. +v)例句:Let me go .Let’s go to school.练习:Let her ____her homework. A. to do B. doing C. does(划线句子为四会句子,必须会默写)8、班级学生分角色读课文,尽量脱稿,进行练习。
人教版(精通)小学英语五年级上册全册 省一等奖 公开课一等奖教案 人教精通版六年级下册

Step2.新课导入(Presentation)(1)展示教学挂图,让学生观察,教师边指图边提出以下问题:Where is this?Who is this girl?Who is this boy? Do you know?Can you guess what they are talking about?(2)鼓励学生积极发言,教师确认以上问题的答案:It is in a school.The girl is Zhou Pei and the boy is Patrick Green.(板书姓名)They are talking about their classes and where they live.(3)播放录音,让学生听后回答问题:Which class is Zhou Pei in?Which class is Patrick in?Are they in the same class?Are they in the same grade?(4)多次播放录音,直到多数学生能听出以上问题的答案。
教师提问几个学生并核实正确答案:Zhou Pei is in Class One, Grade Five.Patrick is in Class Three, Grade Five.They are not in the same class, but they are in the same grade.(5)教师板书以下问题,让学生听录音,然后到黑板上来填空:_____________ lives on Green Road._____________ lives on Purple Street.Zhou Pei's house number is _____________.Patrick's house number is _____________.(6)再次播放录音,使用暂停键,并指导学生逐句跟读。
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人教版小学英语五年级上册全册教案目录Unit 1 Classmates《Lesson 1》 (3)Unit 1 Classmates《Lesson 2》 (7)Unit 1 Classmates《Lesson 3》 (12)Unit 1 Classmates《Let’s Spell》 (15)Unit 1 Classmates《Let’s Check》 (18)Unit 1 Classmates《Story Time》 (25)Unit 2 Teachers《Lesson 1》 (30)Unit 2 Teachers《Lesson 2》 (36)Unit 2 Teachers《Lesson 3》 (40)Unit 2 Teachers《Let’s Check》 (44)Unit 3 Animals《Lesson 1》 (47)Unit 3 Animals《Lesson 2》 (51)Unit 3 Animals《Lesson 3》 (58)Unit 3 Animals《Fun Time》 (64)Unit 4 Shopping Day《Lesson 1》 (69)Unit 4 Shopping Day《Lesson 2》 (74)Unit 4 Shopping Day《Fun Time》 (77)Unit 5 TV Shows《Lesson 1》 (83)Unit 5 TV Shows《Lesson 2》 (85)Unit 6 Chores《Lesson 1》 (89)Unit 6 Chores《Lesson 2》 (94)Unit 6 Chores《Lesson 3》 (99)Unit 6 Chores《Fun Time》 (106)Unit 6 Chores《Story Time》 (112)Unit 1 Classmates《Lesson 1》1教学目标知识与能力目标能熟练掌握单词for different bench then能初步运用句型there wasn’t there weren’t there is there are描述事物或场景的变化。
鼓励学生仔细观察,勤于思考2学情分析五年级学生,已经接触过there be 句型,所以学生对句型并不陌生。
3重点难点1.本课的教学重点是运用句型there wasn’t there weren’t there is there are描述事物或场景的变化。
2.本课的教学难点是能在now 和before、…ago的帮助下,对there wasn’t there weren’t there is there are等句型结构的理解和运用。
4教学过程教学活动1【导入】Warm upFree talk.:How many children are there in your class?How many boys/girls?How many windows/desks/chairs…?2【导入】Lead inLook, there is a box on the desk.What’s in the box? 请一名同学到前面来看一眼盒子里的东西,进行描述,其他同学用There be 句型猜。
Example:A: It’s long. It’s yellow. It’s a kind of fruit.B: There is a banaba.T: There isn’t an apple.…C: They’ve got long nose. They are big. They are animals. D: There are elephants.T: There aren’t any monkeys.3【活动】Text teaching1).听CD-ROM, 每一遍解决一个问题,可通过pairwork巩固操练。
Q1: Does this park look different now?different不同的, look different看起来不同Yes, it does. This park is different.Q2: Were there any beaches here before? before以前,教读No, there weren’t.There weren’t any beaches here before.There weren’t (以前) 没有(复数),教读。
any一些(用于否定句) Q3:Was there a clock here before?No, there wasn’t.There wasn’t a clock here before.There wasn’t (以前)没有(单数),教读。
2)..Listen and repeat.3).Read in groups.3.After listening:1). Listen and say.Listen and say, then practise in pairs.梳理,归类: now beforethere is there wasthere isn’t there wasn’tthere are there werethere aren’t there weren’t活动4【练习】Pactice1).学生观察一下教室与以前相比有哪些变化,小组讨论后反馈。
There was/were…here.There wasn’t/weren’t…here.2).Have the students choose three or four of the suggestion s and write sentences about them.ExamplesThere was a map here.There wasn’t a computer here.5【作业】Home workA. Listen and repeat the dialogue.B: Copy the key sentences and words.C. 写一写中山公园的变化。
D. 写一写自己家里的变化。
(C与D 任选一项)Unit 1 Classmates《Lesson 2》1教学目标1. 能够听懂、会说clever/careless/polite/quiet/cute/friendly /helpful/active和popular九个单词,并尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。
2. 能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,并对同学的性格特征简单的描述。
3. 能够听懂、会说用来描写性格特征的功能句:What’s your frie nd like?及其答语:He/She is …初步学会在恰当的情境中运用它们。
4. 能够根据问句写出答语。
2教学方法讨论法,合作探究法3重点难点听懂、会说clever/careless/polite/quiet/cute/friendly/helpfu l/active和popular九个单词听懂、会说用来描写性格特征的功能句:What’s your friend like?及其答语:He/She is …4教学过程1【讲授】五年级上册Unit 1 Lesson 2一. Revision出示上节课的词汇卡,请学生读一读。
二. 导入出示与朋友假期一起聚会或旅游的照片,向学生介绍自己的朋友,然后问他们假期里做了什么,班级里谁是自己的朋友,他们都经常做些什么来引出本课主题。
1. 出示情境图,学生观察,然后一起讨论。
Who are they? What is the topic about?让学生了解Bill的朋友。
2. 单词学习。
(1) Clever:出一个谜语题,学生答对立即表扬:You’re clever.提问: Who is clever in our class?(2) careless: 展示作业本上一些不该犯的错,然后描述这样的学生: They’re careless.(3) polite: 向学生挥手时说:Hello! 鞠躬时说:Thank you!待学生理解后提问:Who is polite in our class? 学生回答,如果需要,解释词义。
(4) quiet: 出示图片,大家都在聊天,有一个学生却在安静地看书,指着那个学生说:He/She isquiet.(5) cute: 出示几张可爱动物和漂亮女生的照片,向学生描述:The d og is cute. This girl iscute.(6) friendly: 展示图片,一个人撞到另一个人,但被撞到的人没有发火,而是友好地说:“没关系。
”描述这个人说:He is friendly.(7) helpful:出示几张助人为乐的图片,如:给老人让座和帮助街上的人推车等,通过图片帮助学生理解词义。
(8) active: 每次提问时说:If you want to answer my questions, raise your hand high. 当看到有同学高高举手时说:You’re act ive.(9) popular:Say: Lots of people like Li Minhao(李敏镐).He is popular. And Xiao Shenyang (小沈阳) is popular in China. Ask: Who else is popular?/Who is popular in your class? 3. 词汇卡片学生抽取并造句三新授1. 出示A部分的听力练习的主题图。
Ask:Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? Wha t are Bill and Yaoyao talking about?…播放录音,让学生带着刚才的问题听对话,初步感知对话的大意。
播放录音,让学生试着回答上面的问题,看看自己的预测是否与对话内容一致,完成活动1: What is the dialogue abuut?播放录音,Ask:What is Tom like?并板书在黑板上。
学生边听边完成活动3.请学生总结: Tom is clever, popular, helpful and careless.完成活动22. 播放录音,学生跟读。