
一、农业科学专业英语词汇1. Agricultural science/agronomy 农业科学/农学2. Crop cultivation 农作物栽培3. Soil fertility 土壤肥力4. Crop rotation 农作物轮作5. Pest control 害虫防治6. Irrigation 灌溉7. Weed management 杂草管理8. Plant breeding 植物育种9. Genetic engineering 基因工程10. Fertilizer application 施肥11. Harvesting 收获12. Silage making 青贮制作13. Livestock breeding 畜牧养殖14. Dairy farming 奶牛养殖15. Poultry farming 家禽养殖16. Aquaculture 水产养殖17. Veterinary medicine 兽医学18. Agribusiness 农业经营19. Sustainable agriculture 可持续农业20. Organic farming 有机农业二、农作物栽培技术1. Soil preparation 土壤准备Soil preparation involves clearing the land, removing weeds and debris, and loosening the soil to improve its structure and drainage.2. Seed selection 种子选择Seed selection is an important step in crop cultivation. Farmers should choose high-quality seeds that are resistant to diseases and pests, and have high yield potential.3. Planting 种植Planting refers to the process of sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings into the soil. It is essential to provide the right spacing and depth for optimal plant growth.4. Fertilization 施肥Fertilization is the application of nutrients to the soil to provide essential elements for plant growth. It can be done through organic or inorganic fertilizers, depending on the specific nutrient requirements of the crop.5. Weed control 杂草防治Weeds compete with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight. Effective weed control methods include manual weeding, the use of herbicides, and mulching to suppress weed growth.6. Pest management 害虫管理Pests can cause significant damage to crops. Integrated pest management techniques, such as biological control, cultural practices, and the judicious use of pesticides, help minimize pest damage while protecting the environment.7. Disease prevention 病害预防Crop diseases can reduce yield and quality. Disease prevention involves crop rotation, use of disease-resistant varieties, proper sanitation, and timely application of fungicides if necessary.8. Irrigation 灌溉Irrigation is essential for crop growth in areas with insufficient rainfall. It involves providing the right amount of water at the right time to ensure optimal plant health and productivity.9. Harvesting 收获Harvesting is the process of gathering mature crops for consumption or further processing. It involves careful timing to ensure maximum yield and quality.10. Storage and processing 储存和加工Proper storage and processing ensure that harvested crops remain fresh and maintain their nutritional value. This may involve drying, curing, canning, or freezing, depending on the specific crop.结语本文介绍了一些常用的农业科学专业英语词汇和农作物栽培技术,希望能帮助读者增加对农业科学领域的理解和掌握。

农业科技英语的语言特点与翻译农业科技英语(Agricultural Science and Technology English)是指与农业科技相关的英语词汇、术语和表达方式。
例如,"sustainable agriculture"(可持续农业)是农业科技中一个重要的概念。
例如,"pesticides"通常被翻译为"农药","genetically modified organism (GMO)"通常被翻译为"转基因生物","crop rotation"通常被翻译为"轮作"等等。
例如,"crop yield"(作物产量)是一个常见的术语,翻译时可以直译为"作物产量",但也可使用更科学的方式表达,如"crop output"或"crop productivity"。

四六级翻译——科技类词汇1.科技园science and technology park2.高新技术开发区high-tech industrial zones3.信息产业IT (Information Technology)4.电器设备electrical appliance5.电子设备electronic device6.电子商务e-commerce7.人工智能artificial intelligience8.先进技术advanced technology9.尖端技术state-of-the-art technology10.载人航天飞行manned space flight11.发射成功successful launch12.自然科学natural science13.新兴学科new branch of science14.科技成果research achievements15.科学发展观concept of scientific development16.科教兴国revitalize China through science and education17.可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development18.科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure19.专利,专利权patent20.生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture21.物种起源origin of species22.生物工程bio-technology23.基因工程genetic engineering24.转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food)25.技术产权technology property right26.科技含量technology content27.电脑病毒computer virus28.黑客hacker29.垃圾邮件junk mail30.数码科技digital technology31.虚拟社区virtual community32.网络空间cyber space 网络文化cyber culture33.网民netizen34.克隆cloning 激光laser35.纳米nanometer 粒子particle36.太阳能/ 核能/ 原子能solar/ nuclear/ atomic energy37.突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds38.技术创新technological innovation39.中国科学院the Chinese Academy of Science40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute the foremost productive forces.41.科技前沿the forefront of science and technology42.科技发明的传播和交流dissemination and exchanges of advanced scientific andtechnological inventions。

农业生产科技英语Agricultural production technology plays a crucial role in ensuring food security and sustainability. It encompasses a wide range of practices and innovations that aim to improve crop yields, reduce environmental impact, and enhance efficiency. From advanced machinery and equipment to precision farming techniques and genetic modification, the use of technology in agriculture continues to revolutionize the way farmers work and produce food.农业生产科技在确保粮食安全和可持续性方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
One of the key benefits of agricultural production technology is its ability to increase productivity and yield. With the use of precision farming techniques, farmers can optimize their use of resources such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides, leading to higher crop yields and improved efficiency. This not only benefits farmers by reducing inputcosts but also helps to meet the growing demand for food in a sustainable manner.农业生产技术的一大关键优势是其提高生产力和产量的能力。

中国热门科技词汇科学发展观concept of scientific development全民科学文化素质scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people 发展科技scientific and technological advancement科教兴国revitalize China through science and education 农业技术agricultural technology[扩展]白色农业 white agriculture (microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture)超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice技术下乡spreading the application of science and technology in rural areas节水农业water-saving agriculture立体农业3-D agriculture农产品加工及转化the processing and commercialization of agro-products 农业科技agro-science农作物良种seeds of high-quality crop农作物新品种选育the selection and breeding of new crops 生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture无土栽培soil -less cultivationBP机,传呼beeper, pager背投屏幕rear projection screen不明飞行物unidentified flying object (UFO)操作系统operating system产品科技含量technological element of a product创新innovation电话会议teleconference电话留言机answering machine对讲机talkie and walkie多媒体multimedia二期the second phase防抱死系统ABS (anti-lock braking system)孵化器incubator高产优质high yield and high quality高技术产业化apply high technology to production高科技板块high-tech sector高科技园high-tech park个人数字助理PDA (personal digital assistant)工业园区industrial park国家质量技术监督局the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision 国家重点实验室national key laboratories火炬计划Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)计算机中央处理器central processing unit(CPU)技术产权technology property right技术交底confide a technological secret to someone.技术密集产品technology-intensive product交叉学科interdisciplinary branch of science科技成果转化为生产力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces科技含量technology content科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure科技是第一生产力Science and technology constitute a primary productive for ce科技体制改革reform of the science and technology management system科技与经济脱节science and technology are out of line from the economy科教兴国rejuvenate the country through science and education可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development纳米nanometer三峡水利枢纽工程the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River物种起源origin of species新兴学科new branch of science研究成果research results在孵企业incubated enterprises自动取款机automatic teller machine (ATM)自然科学与社会科学的交叉融合integration of natural and social sciencesIT 信息技术[扩展]信息港info port信息高地information highland信息高速公路information superhighway信息革命information revolution信息含量information content信息化informationization信息技术处理ITA - Information Technology Agreement 信息检索information retri办公自动化OA (Office Automation)笔记本电脑laptop / notebook / portable computer 电脑病毒computer virus电脑犯罪computer crime电子管理e-management电子货币e-currency电子商务e-business; e-commerce电子商务认证e-business certification电子邮件E-mail非对称数字用户环路ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)高速宽带互联网high-speed broadband networks公告板BBS (bulletin board system)光盘杂志CD-ROM magazine广域网WAN (wide area net word)汉字处理软件Chinese character processing software黑客hacker计算机2000年问题Y2K problem计算机辅助教育CAI -computer assisted instruction计算机辅助设计CAD-computer assisted design计算机合成制造CAM-computer assisted manufacturing计算机中央处理器CPU - central processing unit超文本传送协议hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)界面interface金融电子化computerized financial services局域网LAN - local area network互联网服务提供商ISP (Internet Service Provider)全球移动通信系统(全球通)global system for mobile communications (GSM)刻录机CD burner宽带接入broadband access宽带网broadband networks内联网、局域网(计算机)Intranet垃圾邮件junk mail千年问题、千年虫millennium bug; Y2K bug 人工智能AI - artificial intelligence人机交互human - computer interaction人机交互human-computer interaction虚拟人visual human虚拟网virtual net虚拟网virtual net虚拟现实virtual reality虚拟银行virtual bank因特网服务提供商ISP- internet service provider万维网World Wide Web(WWW)应用软件internet applications域名domain在线on line掌上电脑palm computer政府上网工程Government Online Project只读存储器read-only-memory (ROM)智能感知技术perceptive technology智能终端intelligent terminal中文信息处理系统Chinese information processing system数码科技digital technology高保真Hi-Fi (High Fidelity)高清晰度电视high definition TV (HDTV)光谷optical valley光通讯optical communication蓝光光盘Blue -ray Disc数码港cyber port数字地球digital globe数字蜂窝移动通信digital cellular mobile telecommunications三维电影three-dimensional movie三维动画three-dimensional animation[详析] “蓝光光盘”利用蓝色的激光束来刻录数据。

以下是一份简要的现代农林英语单词大全:1. 农业相关词汇:Agriculture: 农业Crop: 庄稼,农作物Harvest: 收获Irrigation: 灌溉Fertilizer: 肥料Pest control: 害虫控制Crop rotation: 农作物轮作Greenhouse: 温室2. 作物名称:Wheat: 小麦Rice: 大米Corn: 玉米Soybean: 大豆Cotton: 棉花Potato: 土豆Tomato: 西红柿3. 林业相关词汇:Forestry: 林业Timber: 木材Logging: 伐木Deforestation: 森林砍伐Reforestation: 重新造林Forest management: 森林管理Wildlife habitat: 野生动物栖息地4. 环保和可持续发展:Sustainable agriculture: 可持续农业Agroecology: 农业生态学Conservation: 保护Biodiversity: 生物多样性Organic farming: 有机农业5. 农业科学和技术:Biotechnology: 生物技术Genetic engineering: 基因工程Precision farming: 精准农业Agronomy: 农学Horticulture: 园艺学6. 市场和贸易:Agricultural market: 农产品市场Export: 出口Import: 进口Trade balance: 贸易平衡这只是一个简要的概述,实际上现代农林英语单词大全可能更为庞大。

Agricultural Technology and AgriculturalModernizationIn the 21st century, the world is witnessing an unprecedented revolution in agriculture, driven by the rapid advancement of agricultural technology and thepursuit of agricultural modernization. This revolution is not only transforming the way we produce food but also reshaping the agricultural landscapes and economies across the globe.At the core of this revolution is the integration of cutting-edge technologies into agricultural practices. Precision agriculture, a subset of this integration,utilizes data analytics and sensors to monitor and manage crops, soil, and climate conditions with unprecedented accuracy. This allows farmers to optimize their inputs, reduce waste, and increase yields. For instance, the use of drones for crop monitoring and the application of precision fertilizer and pesticide spraying have significantly improved crop health and productivity.Another significant trend is the emergence of smart farming techniques. These techniques involve the use ofinternet-connected devices and sensors to collect and analyze data, enabling farmers to make informed decisions about crop management. Smart irrigation systems, for example, can automatically adjust water flow based on soil moisture levels, thereby conserving water and ensuring optimal crop growth.Moreover, the development of biotechnology and genetic engineering has opened new avenues for crop improvement. Through genetic modification, scientists can enhance crops' resistance to pests and diseases, improve nutritional value, and even increase yields. These advances have the potential to significantly improve food security and agricultural sustainability.However, the rapid pace of technological advancements also poses challenges. Farmers need to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use these technologies. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential environmental and ethical implications of some of these technologies, especially in the realm of genetic modification. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure thatagricultural technology is developed and applied in a responsible and sustainable manner.Agricultural modernization, on the other hand, is a broader concept that encompasses not only technological advancements but also changes in agricultural policies, institutions, and markets. It involves the transition from traditional, subsistence-oriented agriculture to a more market-oriented, productive, and efficient system. This transition is driven by a range of factors, including population growth, urbanization, and changes in consumer preferences.In the context of agricultural modernization, technology plays a pivotal role. It helps to increase agricultural productivity, reduce costs, and improve the quality of agricultural products. This, in turn, enables farmers to earn higher incomes and invest in further improving their farms. At the same time, agricultural modernization also involves the development of infrastructure, such as roads and irrigation systems, and the establishment of efficient markets for agricultural products.It is worth noting that agricultural modernization does not mean abandoning traditional agricultural practices or ignoring the needs and preferences of rural communities. On the contrary, it should be a process that respects and builds on local knowledge and resources while incorporating modern technologies and practices.In conclusion, agricultural technology and agricultural modernization are intertwined processes that are transforming the agricultural sector globally. While technological advancements are opening new possibilitiesfor increasing productivity and efficiency, agricultural modernization is providing the necessary framework and infrastructure to support these advancements. However, itis important to ensure that these processes are implemented in a responsible and sustainable manner, taking into account the needs and preferences of farmers and rural communities, as well as the potential environmental and ethical implications.**农业科技与农业现代化**21世纪,世界正经历着一场前所未有的农业革命,这场革命由农业科技的迅速发展和农业现代化的追求所驱动。

科技在农业中的英语作文Title: The Role of Technology in Agriculture。
Introduction:In recent years, the integration of technology into agriculture has revolutionized the way we cultivate crops and raise livestock. This transformation has not only increased efficiency but also addressed various challenges faced by the agricultural sector. From precision farming to smart irrigation systems, technology has become an indispensable tool for modern farmers. This essay explores the significant impact of technology on agriculture, highlighting its benefits and potential challenges.Body:1. Precision Farming:Precision farming, also known as precision agriculture,involves the use of advanced technologies to optimize crop yields and minimize input resources such as water,fertilizer, and pesticides. One of the key technologiesused in precision farming is Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which allows farmers to analyze and manage spatial and temporal variability in crop growth and soil conditions. By utilizing data collected from satellites, drones, and sensors, farmers can make informed decisions regarding planting, irrigation, and pest control, leading to higher productivity and profitability.2. Smart Irrigation Systems:Water scarcity is a significant concern in agriculture, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Smart irrigation systems employ sensors and weather forecasts to determine the precise water requirements of crops. These systems can adjust watering schedules based on real-time data, preventing over-irrigation and water wastage. By conserving water resources and optimizing irrigation practices, smart irrigation systems contribute to sustainable agricultureand environmental conservation.3. Agricultural Drones:Drones have emerged as valuable tools for monitoring crop health and assessing field conditions. Equipped with cameras and sensors, agricultural drones can capture high-resolution images of farmland, allowing farmers to detect early signs of disease, nutrient deficiencies, and pest infestations. Moreover, drones enable farmers to surveylarge areas of land quickly and efficiently, facilitating timely interventions and decision-making. The use of drones in agriculture not only improves productivity but also reduces the need for manual labor and pesticide usage.4. Automated Machinery:The advent of automated machinery has transformed agricultural operations, reducing labor costs andincreasing efficiency. Modern tractors, harvesters, and planters are equipped with GPS technology and autonomous capabilities, enabling precise and uniform field operations. Automated machinery can perform tasks such as planting,spraying, and harvesting with minimal human intervention, saving time and labor while enhancing productivity. However, the high initial investment required for such machinery may pose a barrier to adoption for small-scale farmers.5. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering:Biotechnology and genetic engineering haverevolutionized crop breeding and improvement, leading tothe development of genetically modified (GM) crops with desirable traits such as pest resistance, drought tolerance, and increased yield potential. GM crops can help address food security challenges by enhancing crop productivity and resilience to environmental stresses. However, concerns regarding the safety and long-term effects of GM crops on human health and the environment remain contentious issues, requiring stringent regulations and ethical considerations.Conclusion:In conclusion, technology plays a crucial role in modern agriculture, offering innovative solutions toenhance productivity, sustainability, and profitability. From precision farming techniques to advanced machinery and biotechnological innovations, the integration of technology has revolutionized traditional farming practices. However, to realize the full potential of agricultural technology,it is essential to address challenges such as access to technology, cost-effectiveness, and environmental concerns. By embracing technological advancements responsibly, we can build a more resilient and sustainable agricultural sector to meet the growing demands of a global population.Word Count: 543。

《农业科技英语》课程教学大纲[课程编号]:40251A05[英文名称]: Agricultural Science and Technology English[课程性质]:专业选修课[先修课程]:科技英语[适用专业]:农学专业[学分数]:1.5[总学时]:24[理论学时]:24[实践学时]:0一、课程简介《农业科技英语》以社会和学生需求为导向,将科技英语和学术英语技能的培养融入农业学科知识的学刊中,使学生获取农业专业知识的同时发展其专业英语技能。
六、课程英文简介农学(作物遗传育种)专业课程教学大纲"Agricultural Science and Technology English" is guided by the needs of society and students, and integrates the cultivation of technical English and academic English skills into the journal of agricultural subject knowledge, so that students can acquire agricultural professional knowledge and develop their professional English skills. In order to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the "content-based" language input, the texts and main exercises of "English for Agricultural Science and Technology" are selected from the original English literature of relevant majors. The content of each unit revolves around the history of agricultural development, agricultural green revolution. The original ecological subject information and language input are carried out on different aspects of themes such as plant protection agriculture and green agriculture. The subject matter is diverse and the language is authentic.。

农业科技十年发展成就英语作文Agricultural science and technology have achieved remarkable progress in the past decade. 农业科学技术在过去的十年取得了显著的进步。
With the development of modern technology and the continuous advancement of research, agricultural practices have become more efficient and sustainable. 随着现代技术的发展和研究的不断进步,农业实践已经变得更加高效和可持续。
One of the most significant achievements in agricultural science and technology over the past decade has been the development of genetically modified (GM) crops. 过去十年中农业科学技术最显著的成就之一是转基因作物的开发。
These crops have been engineered to be resistant to pests, diseases, and herbicides, which has resulted in increased yields and reduced reliance on chemical inputs. 这些作物经过基因改造,能够抵抗害虫、疾病和除草剂,从而增加产量并减少对化学品的依赖。
However, the development and adoption of GM crops have also sparked debates about their potential risks to human health and the environment. 然而,转基因作物的开发和应用也引发了人们对其潜在对人类健康和环境的风险的争论。

r factor 释放因子rabbit 兔rabbit hemorrhagic disease 兔病毒性出血症rabbit hutch 兔笼rabbit lipomatous 兔粘液瘤rabbit meat 兔肉rabbit myxoma 兔粘液瘤rabbit paratyphus 兔副伤寒rabbit septicemia 兔败血症rabbit snuffles 兔传染性鼻炎rabbit treponemosis 兔梅毒rabbit variola 兔痘rabies 狂犬病race 品种race of eri silkworm 蓖麻蚕品种racehorse 竞赛用跑马raceme 总状花序racemiferous 具总状花序的racemiform 总状的racemose 总状的racemous 总状的racemule 小总状花序rachis 花序轴rachitis of domestic animal 家畜佝偻病radial vascular bundle 放射维管束radiant energy 辐射能radiation 辐射radiation balance 辐射平衡radiation breeding 辐射育种radiation dose 辐射剂量radiation effect 辐射效应radiation fog 辐射雾radiation frost 辐射霜冻radiation sterilization 放射线灭菌radiative cooling 辐射冷却radiator 散热器radical bud 根生芽radicle 胚根radio absorbing analysis 放射线吸收分析radioactivation analysis 放射化分析radioactive decontamination 放射性净化radioactive element 放射性元素radioactive fall out 放射性沉降radioactive pollutant 放射性污染物radioactive pollution 放射性污染radioactive ray 放射线radioactive waste 放射性废物radioactivity 放射性radiochemical analysis 放射化学分析radiography 射线照相法radioimmunoassay 放射免疫检验radioisotope 放射性同位素radiolysis 放射分解radiometric analysis 射量分析法radiosensitivity 放射敏感性radiotracer method 放射性示踪法radish 萝卜radon 氡raffinose 棉子糖rain 雨rain hating plants 避雨植物rain loving plants 适雨植物rain water 雨水rainfall 降雨量rainfall distribution 降雨分布rainfed paddy field 天水田raingauge 雨量计rainy season 雨季raised bog 高位沼泽raisin seed oil 葡萄籽油raising 养育raising rate 培育率raising room 饲育室rake 耙子raking 用耙子扒垄ram 公羊ramal 枝的raman spectrum analysis 喇曼光谱rameal 枝的ramentaceous 被鳞秕的ramie 苎麻ramiferous 具枝的ramification 分枝rancidity 腐臭random arrangement 随机排列random error 随机误差random event 随机事件random mating 随机交配random mating population 随机交配群体random model 随机模型random phenomenon 随机现象random sampling 随机取样random variable 随机变量random variation 随机变异randomised block design 随机区组设计randomised design 随机试验设计randomization 随机化range 值域range land soil 草场土壤rank correlation 序列相关ranker 薄层土rape 油菜rape seed 油菜籽raphides 针晶体rapid compost 速效堆肥rapid fattening 快速肥育rapid freezing method 快速冷冻法rare base 稀有盐基rare earth element 稀土元素rare earth microelement 稀土微量元素raspberry 覆盆子rat 鼠rat control 驱鼠rate of avoltive grain 瘪谷率rate of damage 被害率rate of immatured grain 瘪谷率rate of leaf area 叶面积率rate of mass reduction 质量减少率rate of photosynthesis yield 光合生产率rate of teratosperm 精子畸形率raticide 杀鼠剂ratio of crude protein 粗蛋白比ratio of grain to straw 谷草比ratio of leaf age 叶龄率ratio of outflow 瘤率ratio of productive tiller 有效分蘖率ration grazing 条牧rationed grazing 限量放牧ratooning 再生栽培raw silk 生丝raw silk percentage of cocoon 出丝量raw silk test 茧丝检查ray 丙射线rayfungi 放线菌类re copulation 再交reaction 反应reaction accelerator 反应促进剂reaction of feed ash 饲料的灰分反应reaction velocity 反应速度reactivity 反应性reagent 试药real value 实际值reaping machine 收获机rear quarters 后躯rear wheel 后轮rear wheel drive 后轮传动rearing 养育rearing bed 蚕座rearing centre 饲育场rearing in box 箱饲rearing instrument 蚕具rearing of grown silkworm 大蚕饲养rearing of silkworm 养蚕rearing of young silkworms 稚蚕饲育rearing stand 蚕架rearing station 饲育场receiving of mulberry seed 采集桑葚receptacle 花托receptor 受体recessive 隐性recessive epistasis 隐性上位recessive gene 隐性基因rechlorination 复盐化recipient bacterium 受体菌reciprocal cross 正反交reciprocal crossing over 相反交叉reciprocal hybrid 正反交杂种reciprocal recombination 交互重组reciprocal translocation 相互易位reclaimed land 开垦地reclaimed soil 开垦土reclaimed tideland 开垦的海涂地reclamation 土壤改良recombinant 重组体recombination 重组recombination gene 重组基因recombination index 重组指数recombination system 重组系recombination value 重组值recommended variety 推广品种recon 交换子reconstitution 再构成record crop 大丰收recrossing 再杂交rectal examination 直肠检查rectal hernia 直肠脱出rectangular channel 方格式渠道rectangular planting 长方形播种rectum 直肠recurrence 回归recurrent selection 轮回选择recurvate 下弯的recycle 再循环red algae 红藻类red bark tree 红金鸡纳树金鸡纳树red bilberry 越桔red brown step soils 红棕色草原土red brownish forest soil 红棕色森林土壤red cinnamon colour soil 红色棕钙土red clay 红粘土red clover 红车轴草red currant 红醋栗red earth 红壤red kerneled rice 赤色米red pepper 辣椒red rot 赤腐病red rust 赤锈病red soil 红壤red spider mite 红蜘蛛reddish brown soil 红棕钙土redox potential 氧化还原电位redox process 氧化还原过程redox reaction 氧化还原反应redtop 小糠草reducible obstacle 还原障碍物质reducing agent 还原剂reducing state 还原状态reducing sugar 还原糖reductant 还原剂reduction 还原reduction disorder 还原障碍reduction division 减数分裂reduction material 还原物质reduction zone 还原层reductional segregation 减数分离reed 芦苇reed canary grass 草芦reed fescue 羊茅reelability of cocoon 解舒reelability percentage 解舒率reeling machine 缫丝机reflector 反射器refractometry 量折射术refrigerated room 冷藏库refrigeration 冷却refrigerator 冰箱refuse 废物refuse treatment 废物处理regeneration 更新regeneration blastema 再生芽regeneration bud 再生芽regeneration capacity 再生能力regenerative humus acid 再生腐殖酸region of acceptance 接受区regional condition 地区性条件regional soil science 地域土壤学regional test 区域试验regionalization of soil 土壤区域化registered seed 合格种子registration of seeds 种子登记regosol 岩成土regression 回归regression analysis 回归分析regression coefficient 回归系数regression curve 回归曲线regression equation 回归方程regression estimate 回归估计regression function 回归函数regression line 回归直线regression region 回归区域regressional action 海退酌regressive evolution 后退演化regressive follicle 退行卵胞regrowth 再生长regulating rate for fertilization 第施肥量regulation egg 蝶卵regulation fertilizer 第肥料regulation for compensation 补偿第regulation structure 第建筑物regulative egg 蝶卵regulator 第剂rein 缰绳reinfestation 再次蔓延rejection region 否定区relative age 相对年龄relative body weight 相对体重relative colour degree of humus acid 腐殖酸的相对色度relative error 相对误差relative frequency 相对频率relative growth 相对生长relative growth rate 相对生长率relative live weight 相对体重relative milk production 相对奶量relative moisture 相对湿度relative selectivity 相对选择性relaxed plasmid 松弛质体relaxin 松弛素release agent 解脱剂releasing factor 释放因子releasing hormone 释放激素relief 地形remnant eggs 残存卵remote hybrid 远缘杂种removal amount 搬出量renal calyx 肾盏rendzina 黑色石灰土renewable resources 可更新的资源rennin 凝乳酶reoviral oesteoporosis of chicken 鸡呼吸道肠道病毒性骨质疏松病reovirus of livestock 家畜呼肠孤病毒reovirus tendosynovitis of chicken 鸡呼肠孤病毒性腱鞘炎repair enzyme 修复酶repair replication 修复复制repair synthesis 修复合成reparation 修复reparian works 护岸工程repeated test 重复试验repellent 忌避剂repetition 反复replacement 替换replacement cattle 后备牛replacement stock 后备家畜replica 复制物replication 复制repressible enzyme 阴遏酶repression 制止repressor 阻遏因子reproduction 繁殖reproduction coefficient 繁殖系数reproduction control 繁殖第reproduction cross 再生产杂交reproductive cell 生殖细胞reproductive disorder 生殖障碍reproductive growth 生殖生长reproductive organ 生殖器reproductive performance 繁殖性能reproductive stage 生殖生长期reptile 爬行动物reptosol 基岩土壤requeening 换母蜂required rate of feed 饲料需要率research of agricultural science 农业科学研究reseeding 再播reserpine 利血平reserve alkali 储备碱reserve nutrient 贮藏养分reserve of nutrients 养分储存reserve protein 贮藏蛋白质reserve substance 贮藏物reserve temperature 贮藏温度reservoir 水库reservoir storage capacity 库容residual deposit 残积物residual error 剩余误差residual mulberry 渣子桑residual phytosanitary product 残留性农药residual toxicity 残留毒性residual variance 剩余方差residue antigen 剩余抗原residue of pesticide 农药残留residue of soya 酱渣resin 尸resistance 抗性resistance assay 抗性检验resistance mechanism 抗性机制resistance of sperm 精子抗力resistance to penetration 侵入抵抗性resistant variety 抗性品种resistibility 抗性resistive breeding 抗性育种resorption 再吸收resource of resistance 抵抗性源respiration 呼吸respiration calorimeter 呼吸测热计respiration of silkworm 蚕呼吸respirator 呼吸器防毒面respiratory 呼吸过程respiratory activity 呼吸活性respiratory disease 呼吸道疾病respiratory disorder 呼吸障碍respiratory enzyme 呼吸酶respiratory mycoplasmosis 呼吸道枝原体病respiratory organ 呼吸瀑respiratory physiology 呼吸生理respiratory rate 呼吸速度respiratory root 呼吸根respiratory speed 呼吸速度respiratory substrate 呼吸基质respiratory system 呼吸系统responsiveness to weather 气象反应性resting bud 潜伏芽resting spore 休眠孢子resting stage 休眠期restitution 再生restitution nucleus 再组核restorer 恢复系restores line 恢复系restricted feeding 限量饲喂restriction enzyme 限制酶restriction gene 限制基因retained water 保持水retaining wall 挡墙retarding type of cool summer damage 延缓型冷害retention of afterbirth 胎衣滞留reticular 网状的reticular tissue 网组织reticulate 网状的reticulate venation 网状脉reticuloendotheliosis 网状内皮组织增殖reticulose 网状的reticulum 蜂巢胃retiform 网状的retinol 松香油retrogressive evolution 后退演化retting 沤麻return period 返回期return pipe 回水管reverse mutation 复原突变reverse osmosis 逆渗透reverse reaction 逆反应reverse transcriptase 逆转录酶reverse transcription 逆转录reversible disc plough 圆盘翻转双向犁reversible plough 可翻转犁reversible reaction 可逆反应reversion 逆转revertant 回复突变体revertase 逆转录酶reviviscence 再生性rf value rf值rhachis 花序轴rhamnose 鼠李糖rheotaxis 窃rheotropism 顺猎rheumatism 风湿病rhinitis 鼻炎rhinitis virus of cat 猫鼻炎病毒rhinotracheitis 鼻气管炎rhinotracheitis of cat 猫鼻气管炎rhizanthous 根上开花的rhizobium 根瘤菌rhizobium of bean 大豆根瘤菌rhizocarpic 根生果的rhizocarpous 根生果的rhizoctonia root rot of sugar beet 甜菜根腐病rhizoid 假根rhizome 根茎rhizomorphous 根状的rhizophore 根托rhizophorous 具根的rhizopodea 根足虫类rhizosphere 根际rhizospheric microorganism 根际微生物rhodanate 硫化氰盐rhodic ferralsol 暗红色铁铝土rhodoplast 藻红体rhubarb 大黄rhynchophorous 具喙的rib 肋rib grass 长叶车前rib meat 肋肉riboflavin 核黄素ribonuclease 核糖核苷酸酶ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸ribonucleoside 核糖核甙酸ribose 核糖ribosomal cistron 核蛋白体顺反子ribosomal ribonucleic acid 核蛋白体核糖核酸ribosome 核糖体ribosome recognition site 核蛋白体识别点ribulose 核酮糖rice 稻rice bacterial leaf blight 稻白叶枯病rice blast 稻瘟病rice bran 米糠rice bran cake 米糠饼rice brown sclerotium disease 稻褐色菌核病rice chaff 稻糠rice combine 水稻联合收获机rice culture 稻栽培rice farming 水稻农作水稻耕作rice field 稻田rice field levee 田埂rice infected by gibberella 长秆稻rice leaf smut 稻叶黑穗病rice screenings 碎米rice seedling 稻秧rice seedling on upland field 旱育苗rice seedling on watered bed 水育苗rice sheath blight 稻纹枯病rice stem rot 稻小粒菌核病rice straw 稻秸rice straw compost 稻草堆肥rice transplantaion 插秧rice transplantation by hand 人工插秧rice transplanter 水稻插秧机rice water weevil 稻水象虫rice weevil 米象rich harvest 丰收rich pasture 肥沃草地rick 谷堆rickettsiosis 立克次氏体病ridge 垄ridge between dry fields 地塄ridge planting 垄播种ridger 起垄犁ridging 注ridging plough 起垄犁rif test 右窝试验right crop for right land 因地制宜right crop for right time 因时制宜right land for cultivation 宜植地rigid tine cultivator 钢齿式中耕机rime 雾凇rind 皮层rinder pest 牛疫ring chromosome 环形染色体ringing 环状剥皮ringworm 癣ripe 成熟的ripeness 成熟ripening 成熟ripening rate 结实率ripening stage 蜡熟期river 河川river bank 河堤river bed 河床river bed conservation 河床保护river conservation 河川保护river construction 水利工程river dike 河坝river hydraulics 河廉力学river improvement 河川整治river improvement project 改道工程river maintenance 河川维护river mouth 河口river system 河系river terrace soil 河成阶地土riverside soil 河滨土壤rna phage rna噬菌体rna polymerase rna 聚合酶rna replicase rna复制酶rna virus rna 病毒roaring 喘鸣症robinia 洋槐rock 岩石rock forming minerals 造岩矿物rodent 啮齿类roe deer 狍roller 滚筒roller dryer 滚筒式烘干机roller mill 辊式面粉机rolling colter 圆犁刀ronnel 皮蝇磷root 根root breath 根呼吸root cap 根冠root cleaner 块根清理机root collar 根颈root crop 根茎罪root crop cultivation 根菜栽培root cutter 切块机root cutting 根插条root development 根发育root differentiation 根分化root eating insect 切根虫root formation substance 根系形成物质root galls 根瘿root grafting 根接root hair 根毛root harvester 块根罪收获机root neck 株腐病root nodule 根瘤root nodule bacteria 根瘤菌root nodule bacterium 根瘤菌root nodule nematode 根瘤腺虫root nutrition 根部营养root of tail 尾根root of tongue 舌根root of tooth 齿根root pressure 根压root propagation 根繁殖root pruning 剪根root puller 挖根机root rot of sugar beet 甜菜根腐病root sheath 根被root spread 根出条root stock 砧木root system 根系root tip 根尖root treatment 根处理root vegetable 根菜root washing machine 洗根机rooting 扎根rooting ability 发根力rootlet 细根rosaceous plant 蔷薇科植物rosellinia trunk rot of apple 苹果白纹羽病rosellinia trunk rot of tea 茶白纹羽病rosette 莲座丛rostellate 具小嘴的rot 腐败病rot of unguis 腐蹄病rotary cocooning frame 回转簇rotary cultivator 旋耕机rotary digger 旋转式挖掘机rotary dryer 旋转式干燥机rotary hay turner 滚筒式翻草机rotation 轮作rotation farming 轮灼rotation irrigation 轮灌rotation of crops 轮作rotation pasture 轮牧rotational crossing 轮回杂交rotational grazing 轮牧rotational irrigation system 轮灌系统rotenone 鱼藤酮rotovator 旋耕机rotten degree 腐熟度rotten index 腐熟指标rotten substance 腐朽物质rotting 腐败rotting rate 腐烂率rotundifolious 圆叶的rough stalked blue grass 普通早熟禾roughage 粗饲料roughness 粗糙度round kumquat 圆金柑roundworm 蛔虫rous sarcoma 劳斯肉瘤row crop cultivator 行间中耕机row crop planter 中耕罪播种机row crop thinner 间苗机row fertilizing 施垄沟肥row humus 粗腐殖质row of seedlings 苗垄row planting 条播row space 行距row variation 行变异row vector 行向量royal jelly 王浆rubbers 绵羊选rubidium 铷rugos mosaic of potato 马铃薯连叶花叶病rumen 第一胃rumenotomy 瘤胃切开术ruminant 多胃动物rumination 反刍rump 屁股run off 径流run off coefficient 径恋数running gear 行走机构runoff irrigation 径拎溉rupicolous plant 石生植物rupture 破裂rural construction 农村建设rush nut 莎草russian vetch 长柔毛野豌豆rust 锈病rust of chinese quince 木瓜锈病rust of fig 无花果锈病rust of flax 亚麻锈病rust of sorghum 高粱锈病rusty kerneled rice 茶色米rutabaga 芜菁甘蓝rutin 芸香苷rye 黑麦rye bran 黑麦麸rye straw 黑麦稿秆。

科技与农业英文作文英文:Technology and agriculture are two fields that may seem unrelated at first glance, but in reality, they are closely intertwined. As someone who grew up on a farm and has also worked in the tech industry, I can attest to the ways in which technology has revolutionized agriculture.One major way in which technology has impacted agriculture is through precision farming. With the use of GPS and other advanced technologies, farmers can now precisely apply fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides only where they are needed, reducing waste and increasing efficiency. This not only saves farmers money but also helps to protect the environment by minimizing the amount of chemicals used.Another way in which technology has transformed agriculture is through the use of drones. Farmers can nowuse drones to survey their fields and gather data on crop health, soil moisture, and other important factors. This information can then be used to make more informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and other aspects of crop management.In addition to these high-tech advancements, there are also more low-tech solutions that can help farmers. For example, mobile apps can provide farmers with real-time weather updates and market prices for their crops. This information can help them make better decisions about when to plant, harvest, and sell their crops.Overall, technology has had a significant impact on agriculture, making it more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable. As the world's population continues to grow, it will be increasingly important to find ways to produce more food with fewer resources, and technology will undoubtedly play a key role in achieving this goal.中文:科技和农业这两个领域乍一看似乎没有关系,但实际上它们密不可分。

要 陈述事理描述过程 ,就必须更多地应用长句 、复合句。在翻 译过程中,在透彻理解原文含义的前提下 ,再按照英语思维和 科技英语写作规范来重新组织译文,必要时可以做一些删减增 补,舍形取神,我们要注意 以下两种结构的长句应用。
的翻译方法和技巧是和农业英语本身的同汇特征,尤其是与它 的句式特征密切相关的。这些翻译方法和技巧也不是僵硬的可 以随处套用 的公式,只有在确 定的上下文语义中根据语境的需 要灵活使用,并辅 以其他一些翻译手段,才能达到 “ 信达雅 ”
在 农 业科 技 英语 类 的 文章 翻 译 中 ,如 何准 确 翻译 专 业性 极 强的疑难生词短语是摆在所有农业科技英语翻译工作者面前 的 个难题 。农业科技领域 的日新月异迅猛 发展也造就 了新词汇
的层 出不穷,在 阅读这类文章时遇到词典都查不到的生词 自然 就在所难免。翻译这种生词时主要有两种技巧:根据英语构词 法知识推断生词含义 ;根据上下文语义提供的线索猜测 。
例 如 :N o w ,T a i t a n d y o n S o l m s h a v e u s e d t h e S O —
c a l l e d B i o V a u l t i n f r a s t r u c t u r e t o p r o v i d e a s a f e a n d S e c u r e w a y f o r Al i c e a n d B i i 1 t o s h a r e b i o m e t r i C t o k e n s a n d S O u s e t h e i r f i n g e r p ri n t s , i r i S p a t t e r n ,
科技英语翻译 est translation2 agriculture

1:Bringing more water to the land, improving the soil, providing plant nutrients, teaching the farmer better cultural practices, giving him more efficient tools, etc cannot yield maximum results unless the plants under cultivation are able to respond fully to the improved environment and practices.只有栽培的植物能够完全对改善的环境和实际情况作出反应时,才能收获最大的效益,其他的诸如:为土地浇灌更多的水、改善土质、为植物提供养分,还是教给农民更好的栽培技术,提供他们一些更高效的工具都不能达到目的。
2:A student of mathematics must become familiar with all the signs and symbols commonly used in mathematics and bear them in mind firmly, and be well versed in the definitions, formulas as well as the technical terms in the field of mathematics, in order that he may be able to build up the foundation of the mathematical subject and master it well for pursuing advanced study.为了能够建立自己数学的基础和以后的进修,数学专业的学生必须对所有常用的数学符号非常熟悉并能牢牢记住,而且对数学公式、定义和一些专业术语都能熟悉掌握。

农业科技与现代化英语作文The Transformation of Agriculture: Embracing the Power of TechnologyThe agricultural industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent decades, driven by the rapid advancements in technology and scientific innovations. As the world's population continues to grow, the demand for food production has increased exponentially, posing a significant challenge to traditional farming methods. However, the integration of modern agricultural technologies has paved the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and productive agricultural landscape.One of the most significant advancements in the field of agriculture is the use of precision farming techniques. Through the integration of GPS (Global Positioning System) technology, farmers can now precisely monitor and control various aspects of their operations, such as soil moisture levels, fertilizer application, and crop yield. This level of precision not only improves the overall efficiency of farming but also reduces the environmental impact by minimizing the use of resources and the risk of over-application of chemicals.Precision farming also enables farmers to make more informed decisions based on real-time data. By utilizing advanced sensor technology, farmers can closely monitor the health and growth of their crops, allowing them to respond promptly to any issues that may arise. This data-driven approach to farming has revolutionized the way farmers manage their operations, leading to increased productivity, reduced waste, and improved crop quality.Another significant development in modern agriculture is the use of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These advanced technologies have become invaluable tools for farmers, allowing them to survey their fields, monitor crop health, and even apply targeted treatments with unprecedented precision. Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and multispectral sensors can detect early signs of disease, pests, or nutrient deficiencies, enabling farmers to address these issues before they escalate and cause significant damage to their crops.The integration of robotics and automation has also transformed the agricultural landscape. Automated tractors, harvesters, and other farm equipment have significantly reduced the physical labor required in agricultural operations, enhancing efficiency and productivity. These advanced machines can work around the clock, performing tasks with unparalleled precision and speed, while also reducing the risk of human error and injury.Moreover, the application of biotechnology in agriculture has led to remarkable advancements in crop yields and disease resistance. Genetically modified (GM) crops, developed through advanced genetic engineering techniques, have the potential to withstand harsher environmental conditions, resist pests and diseases, and produce higher yields. While the use of GM crops remains a controversial topic, ongoing research and rigorous safety testing have demonstrated the potential benefits of this technology in addressing global food security challenges.The rise of indoor and vertical farming has also revolutionized the way we approach agriculture. By growing crops in controlled, climate-regulated environments, these innovative farming methods can maximize productivity and minimize the impact on natural resources. Indoor farms, often equipped with LED lighting and hydroponics systems, can produce high-quality crops year-round, independent of weather conditions or seasonal changes.Furthermore, the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture has transformed the decision-making process for farmers. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, farmers can analyze vast amounts of data, ranging from weather patterns to soil composition, to optimize their farming practices and predict future yields. This data-driven approach to agriculture enables farmers tomake more informed decisions, leading to improved resource management, reduced waste, and increased profitability.The integration of modern agricultural technologies has not only improved productivity and efficiency but has also addressed pressing environmental concerns. Sustainable farming practices, such as the use of renewable energy sources, water conservation techniques, and precision nutrient management, have helped to minimize the ecological footprint of agriculture. By adopting these innovative technologies, farmers can contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the mitigation of climate change.In conclusion, the agricultural industry has undergone a remarkable transformation driven by the integration of advanced technologies and scientific innovations. From precision farming and the use of drones to the advancements in biotechnology and the rise of indoor farming, these developments have revolutionized the way we approach agriculture. As the world continues to face the challenges of food security and environmental sustainability, the continued advancement and adoption of these agricultural technologies will be crucial in meeting the growing demands of the global population while preserving the health of our planet.。

话题17 农业发展(Unit 2 Working the land)晨读背诵话题单词1. protection 【prəˈtekʃən】 n. 保护;防卫 2. technique 【tekˈni:k】 n. 技术;技巧3. irrigation 【ɪrɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n】 n. 灌溉;冲洗4. import 【ɪmˈpɔːt】 n. & v. 进口;输入5. production 【prəˈdʌkʃən】 n. 产品;总产量6. sow 【səʊ】 v. 播种;散布7. insect 【ˈɪnsekt】 n. 昆虫 8. discovery 【dɪˈskʌvərɪ】 n. 发现;被发现的事物9. practical 【ˈpræktɪk(ə)l】 adj. 实际的;实用的 10. fortunately 【ˈfɔːtʃənətlɪ】 adv. 幸运地11. typical 【ˈtɪpɪk(ə)l】 adj. 典型的 12. actually 【ˈæktʃuəlɪ】 adv. 事实上13. operate 【ˈɒpəreɪt】 v. 运转;操作 14. silence 【ˈsaɪləns】 n. 寂静;沉默15. confuse 【kənˈfjuːz】 vt. 使迷惑;混淆 16. applaud 【əˈplɔːd】 v. & n. 拍手喝彩;赞同17. direction 【dɪˈrekʃ(ə)n】n. 方向;指示 18. root 【ruːt】 n. 根19. fertilizer 【ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzə(r)】 n. 肥料 20. poison 【ˈpɒɪz(ə)n】 n. 药话题短语1. bring in 引进 2. depend on 依靠3. protect... from 保护……免受……4. make use of 利用5. make fun of 取笑;嘲笑6. drive off 赶走;开走7. date back to 追溯到…… 8. look on as 把……看作9. be on good terms with 和……关系好 10. go against 违背;违犯11. have an effect on 对……有影响 12. at the right time of the year 在适当季节13. year after year 年复一年 14. pass on 传递下去15. the first time 第一次 16. enjoy a long life 健康长寿17. in great surprise 大吃一惊 18. add to 增添19. from generation to generation 一代代 20. be different from 与……不同话题句子1. To make as much as use of the land as possible, two or more crops ale planted each year where possible. 为了充分利用土地,在有条件的地方,每年种植两季以上的庄稼。2. Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment. 粮食牛产固然重要,环保也很重要。3. Much of the wisdom discovered by early Chinese scientists is still useful for farmers andgardeners. 中国古代科学家所发现的大量知识和经验,对于今人的农民和园艺工仍然有用。4. It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment. 90年代初,科学家开始了新的技术,在不损害环境的基础上增加农业产量。5. The temperature is controlled with computers, or kept the same, no matter how the weather is outside. 温度由电脑控制,或者保持不变,不管外面的天气如何。6. Dr. Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻”的稻种。7. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. 这种特别的稻种使得同样的田地多收获1/3的产量。8. Using his hybrid rices, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. 用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出比以前多一倍的粮食。篇章模板Yuan Longping, China's Most Famous "Farmer"Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s. Since then, 50 percent of China's total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country's grain output. Furrows grown on his sunburnt face, a slim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scientist in Ch ina, who would rather be called “a farmer”. Indeed, like many Chinese farmers, Yuan in his 70s and has devoted most of his life to growing rice in paddy fields, but unlike those farmers, he reaps the seed from experimental fields only for hybridizing rice.汉语大意:袁隆平,中国的最著名的“农民”二十世纪六十年代,袁首次提出超级水稻的想法。

农业科技英语翻译第一篇:农业科技英语翻译What Is BiologyThe science of biology is, broadly speaking , the study of living things.It draws on chemistry and physics for its foundation and applies these basic physical laws to living things.Because there are many kinds of living things, there are many special areas of study in biology.Practical biology—like medicine, crop science, plant breeding, and wildlife management –is balanced by more theoretical biology—such as medical microbiological physiology, photosynthetic biochemistry, plant taxonomy, and animal behavior(ethology).There is also just plain fun biology like insect collecting and bird watching.Specifically, biology is a science that deals with living things and how they interact with all of the things around them.Biology was defined as the science that deals with livings.But what does it mean to be alive? You would think that a biology textbook could answer this question very easily.However, this question is more than just a theoretical one, since it has become necessary in recent years to construct some legal definitions of what life is and especially when it begins and ends.The legal definition of death is important since it may determine whether or not a person will receive life insurance benefits or if body parts may be used in transplants.In case of heart transplants, the person donating the heart may be legally ― dead ‖, but the heart certainly isn’t since it can be removed while it still has ―life‖.In other words ,there are different kinds of death.There is the death of the whole living unit and the death of each cell within the living unit.A person actually ―dies‖ before every cell has died.Death ,then, is the absence of life, but that stilld oesn’t tell us what life is.At this point, we won’t try to define life but will describe some of the basic characteristics of living things.生物科学,广泛的说,即是对活的生物的研究。
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What Is BiologyThe science of biology is, broadly speaking , the study of living things.It draws on chemistry and physics for its foundation and applies these basic physical laws to living things. Because there are many kinds of living things, there are many special areas of study in biology. Practical biology—like medicine, crop science, plant breeding, and wildlife management –is balanced by more theoretical biology—such as medical microbiological physiology, photosynthetic biochemistry, plant taxonomy, and animal behavior (ethology). There is also just plain fun biology like insect collecting and bird watching. Specifically, biology is a science that deals with living things and how they interact with all of the things around them.Biology was defined as the science that deals with livings. But what does it mean to be alive? You would think that a biology textbook could answer this question very easily. However, this question is more than just a theoretical one, since it has become necessary in recent years to construct some legal definitions of what life is and especially when it begins and ends. The legal definition of death is important since it may determine whether or not a person will receive life insurance benefits or if body parts may be used in transplants. In case of heart transplants, the person donating the heart may be legally ―dead ‖, but the heart certainly isn’t since it can be removed while it still has ―life‖. In other words ,there are different kinds of death. There is the death of the whole living unit and the death of each cell within the living unit. A person actually ―dies‖ before every cell has died. Death ,then, is the absence of life, but that still doesn’t tell us what life is. At this point, we won’t try to define life but will describe some of the basic characteristics of living things.生物科学,广泛的说,即是对活的生物的研究。
The Value of BiologyTo a great extent, we owe our current high standard of living to biological advances in two areas: food production and disease control. Plant and animal breeders have developed plants and animals that provide better sources of food than the original varieties. One of the best examples of this is the various changes that have occurred in corn. Corn is a grass that produces its seed on a cob. The original corn plant had very small ears that were perhaps only three or four centimeters long. Through selective breeding, varieties of corn with much larger ears and more seeds per cob have been produced. This has increased the yield greatly. In addition, the corn plant has been adapted to produce other kinds of corn, like sweet corn and popcorn..Corn is not an isolated example. Improvement in yield have been brought about in wheat, rice oats, and other cereal grains. The improvements in the plants, along with changed farming practices(also brought about through biological experimentation),have led to greatly increased production of food.Animal breeders have also had great successes. The pig, chicken, and cow of today are much different animals from those available even one hundred years ago. Chickens lay more eggs, dairy cows give more milk, and beef cattle grow faster. All of these improvements raise our standard of living. One interesting example is the change in the kinds of hogs that are raised At one time, farmers wanted pigs that were fatty. The fat could be made into lard, soap, and a variety of other useful products. As the demand for the fat products of pigs began to decline, animal breeders began to develop pigs that gave a high yield of meat and relatively little fat. Today, plant and animal breeders can produce plants and animals almost to specifications.在很大程度上,我们应把当前我们高标准生活中先进的生物领域规为两大领域:食品生产和疾病治理。