科技英语 主编 田文杰 课文翻译
![科技英语 主编 田文杰 课文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cd7294d5bb4cf7ec4afed057.png)
Unit 1Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines,especially intelligent computer programs.人工智能是制造智能机器的科学与工程,特别是智能化的计算机程序。
It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence,but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.这与使用计算机来理解人类智能的类似任务有关,但是人工智能不需要把它局限在生物可观察的方法上。
In this unit,the two passages present a general picture of AI research .在这个单元,两个章节提出了人工智能研究的概况。
Text A briefly introduces the definition of AI,some kinds of architectures of AI system,essential capabilities to AI programs and so on.文章A简要介绍了人工智能的定义,人工智能的系统的几种体系结构、基本功能以及程序等等。
Text B explains a particular area of AI research--natural language processing including its definition and a legendary Turing’s Test.文章A解释特定地区研究人工智能的自然语言处理包括定义和传说中的图灵测试。
section2 1-4科技英语阅读与翻译
![section2 1-4科技英语阅读与翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b607cc9102d276a200292e41.png)
1 Monograph专著1. The general definition of a monographScientific treatises of book length but otherwise variable format prepared by acknowledged experts onspecialized topics for the benefit of others who have specialized in. or who wish to obtain a specialist'sappreciation of, these topics.2. The value of monographs for scientific researchesThe value of monographs lies in the coherence and comprehensiveness of the information and knowledge theycontain, which is important to the specialized researchers to whom they are directed and, therefore, to theadvancement of science and engineering generally.3. The qualities of the authors of monographsThe authors of monographs should have exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge, and must be able tocollect, collate, analyze, integrate, and synthesize all relevant contributions to the archival literature of thescientific and engineering journals and to add original material as required.4. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedingsMonographs generally are written by specialists for the benefit of other specialists. Textbooks are pedagogicalworks which, even if written on fairly narrow subjects, are designed to serve broader and more juniorreaderships than specialized research communities.5. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedingsConference papers commonly take the form of premature announcements of new scientific discoveries.Conference proceedings generally have a short shelf life.6. The main components of a monographThe author, title and subtitle, date of publication, dust cover or blurb, content pages, bibliography and index,illustrations, preface and introduction.7. An indication of the book’s successThe number of editions is an indic ation of the book’s success.8. The function of the blurbIt gives the reader a rapid overview of the contents and approach. It might also say what the book contains andfor whom it is written.2 Academic Journal学术期刊1. The general definition of an academic journalAn academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academicdiscipline is published.2. The significance of peer-review processThe peer-review process is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge.3. The definition of review articlesReview articles, also called “reviews of progress”, are checks on the research published in journals.4. One difference between original research articles and review articlesUnlike original research articles, review articles tend to be solicited submissions, sometimes planned years inadvance.5. The places where science journals are authoritatively rankedNatural science journals are categorized and ranked in the Science Citation Index, and social science journalsin the Social Science Citation Index.6. The possible quantitative factors to reflect an academic journal’s prestigeThe number of later articles citing articles already published in the journal, the overall number of citations,how quickly articles are cited, and the average “half-life” of articles.7. The financial resources of humanities and social science academic journalsSubsidies by universities or professional organizations and advertising fees by advertisers.8. The role of internet in the production of, and access to, academic journalsThe Internet has revolutionized the production of, and access to, academic journals, with their contentsavailable online via services subscribed to by academic libraries or even in a way of open access. 33 Organization of a Scientific Paper科技论文的篇章结构1. In most scientific journals, scientific papers include the following sectionsSummary or Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments.2. The content of Summary or AbstractIt gives a brief background to the topic, describes concisely the major findings of the paper, and relates thesefindings to the field of study.3. The Introduction section deals with the following two pointsIt describes first the accepted state of knowledge in a specialized field; then it focuses more specifically on aparticular aspect, usually describing a finding or set of findings that led directly to the work described in thepaper.4. The purpose of Materials and MethodsIts purpose is to describe the materials used in the experiments and the methods by which the experimentswere carried out.5. The two ways of organizing ResultsIn some papers, the results are presented without extensive discussion, which is reserved for thefollowingsection. In other papers, results are given, and then they are interpreted, perhaps taken together with otherfindings not in the paper, so as to give the logical basis for later experiments.6. The purposes of the Discussion sectionThe data in the paper are interpreted; the findings of the paper are related to other findings in the field; thisserves to show how the findings contribute to knowledge, or correct the errors of previous work; some of thelogical arguments are often provided when it is necessary to clarify why later experiments were earned out.7. The reason for combining the Results and DiscussionBecause the data need extensive discussion to allow the reader to follow the train of logic developed in thecourse of the research.8. The difference between the abstracts in Science and those in NatureIn Science, the abstract is self-contained; in Nature, the abstract also serves as a brief introduction to the paper.4 Reading a Scientific Paper科技论文的阅读方法1. The order to understand the major points of the work, you should first readThe Abstract.2. Reading the Title and the Abstract serves three purposesFirst, it clarifies whether you in fact know enough background to appreciate the paper. Second, it refreshesyour memory about the topic. Third, it helps you integrate the new information into your previous knowledgeabout the topic.3. When reading in a familiar field, you can skim or even skipThe Introduction.4. The three typical codewordsData not shown, unpublished data, preliminary data.5. The poorly written papers are often related to three types of writersThose who are poor writers; those who do not enjoy writing, and do not take the time or effort to ensure thatthe prose is dear and logical; those who are so familiar with the material that it is difficult to step back and seeit from the point of view of a reader not familiar with the topic.6. The three characteristics of “bad writing”First, the logical connections are often left out. Second, papers are often cluttered with a great deal of jargon.Third, the authors often do not provide a clear roadmap through the paper.7. In better writing, the side issues are dealt with in the following waysThey are relegated to Figure legends or Materials and Methods or clearly identified as side issues, so as not todistract the reader.8. Another problem faced by the readers is that when they seek to understand just the experiment was,they may findThe authors refer back to previous papers; these refer in turn to previous papers m a long chain.。
科技英语的翻译——02 专业词汇的构成
![科技英语的翻译——02 专业词汇的构成](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cbd5c2ee8762caaedd33d4c3.png)
技术词(technical word)指科技术语,用以记录和表达科学技术专门领域的现象、过程、特性、关系、状态、数量等,意义单纯,只有一种专业含义,如bandwidth, flip-flop, microprocessor, rectification。
半技术词(semi-technical words)是指跨学科出现的频率很高的词,在不同的专业领域含有不同的精确含义,如power, carrier等。
非技术词是指在非专业英语中很少使用,却严格属于非专业英语性质的词汇,如application, implementation, to yield 等。
(1) 派生(derivation)法是通过在原有词或词根的基础上加前缀或(和)后缀而构成新词。
科技英语中以这一方法构成的新词最多,可以说俯拾皆是,如antiparticle (反粒子),antineutron (反中子),antibody (抗体);autocorrelation (自相关)等。
需要指出的是以V+er/or 构成的词,有许多是指某一仪器而不指人,如semicorrelator (自相关器),conductor (导体),holder (支架/托)等,这一点译者应留意。
表2.1 常用前缀表2.2 表示数量关系的常用前缀表2.3 常用后缀表 2.4 常用词根(2) 复合(composition)法是由两个或两个以上的词按照一定的次序排列,以构成新词,其词性可以是形容词、名词、代词、动词、副词等。
Sentence TranslationUnit 1Text A1.However, the volume of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly, as people orderbooks and other products to make money transactions.但是,因特网上的交易数量急速增长,人们从网上购书和其他的产品,进行资金交易。
2.They use them to prowl the Internet, looking for ways to break into computers systems runby banks, telephone companies and even government departments.他们用电脑上网,寻找能够进入银行电脑系统、电话公司的电脑系统、甚至是政府的电脑系统的方式。
3.The first indication of a security breach may be when a customer discovers a fraudulentmoney transaction on a credit card account.当顾客发现信用卡的帐号上出现了来历不明的消费时,这可能就是安全受到了破坏的第一个标志。
4.The use of credit cards to buy things on the Internet converts the issue of Internet securityinto one of general security.用信用卡在网上购物使网络安全变成了大众所普遍关注的安全的一种5.Few people think twice about giving a credit card number over the phone and many areequally careless about what happens to the carbon copy when completing a transaction over the counter.很多人会在电话里随意报出自己的信用卡号码,同样地,也有很多人不留意交易完成后放在银行柜台上的副本。
问题: those on chromosomes表示染色体的减少效应, 而不是染色体上的基因的减少效应。我们要的是 后者的意思。所以要写成those of genes。 Reduction effects是指粒重的减少效应,而不是 genes on chromosomes的减少效应,所以要加 上on grain weight。 改译为: The reduction effects of genes on chromosomes 1B and 2B on grain weight were obviously higher than those of genes on chromosomes 5A, 6B, 2D and 7D.
2 The division frequency of protoplasts was lower in the liquid medium than that embedded in the medium containing agarose. 原生质体在液体培养基中的分裂频率低 于包埋在含有琼脂糖的培养基中的分裂 频率。
2 Owing to these changes of basic equilibrium state, with the result that the basic characters of dynamics will be changed.
问题: 两句是主从关系句。 改译为: The total area under natural protection reaches 19,330, which accounts for 2.1% of the total area of China.
自动化按其确切的意义,只有全面运用通信、计算和控制三个主要组成部分(“三C" )才能完全实现。
科技英语翻译中篇第一章科技英语翻译常用技巧1.Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the later.气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的压缩性。
2.The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。
3.The flowing of current first in one direction, and then in another makes an alternatingcurrent.电流先向一个方向流动,然后又向另一个方向流动构成交流电。
4.If we were ignorant of the structure of the atom, it would be impossible for us to studynuclear physics.我们如果不知道原子的结构,就不可能研究核子物理学。
5.Both of the substances are not soluble in water.这两种物质都不溶于水。
6.Whenever one body touches another, heat always passes by the conduction from thewarmer to the colder.当一个物体接触到另一个物体时,热量总是从较热的物体传导到较冷的物体。
7.All of this proves that we must have a profound study of properties of protein.所有这一切证明,我们必须深入的研究蛋白质的特性。
8.The wide application of electronic computers affects tremendously the development ofscience and technology.电子计算机的广泛应用对科学和技术的发展有极大的影响。
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择
二、根据上下文选择词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同的含义,常常要求译者
根据上下文的联系,以及句型来确定某个词在特定场合下的词义。 (5). Other isolation methods are being developed. 目前正在研究其他隔离方法。 (6). In developing the design, we must consider the feasibility of processing. 在进行设计时,必须考虑加工的可能性。 (7). After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the developing of the computers. 战后,这项知识大量地应用于研制计算机。 (8). They cited cases of identical twins reared in different homes who developed very different characteristics despite identical heredity. 他们列举了一些这样的事例:在不同的家庭抚养的一对双胞胎尽管遗传特性完 全相同,但会显示出完全不同的个性。
Chapter Two Translation of Words
英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。所谓一 词多类就是指一个词疏于几个不同的词类,具体几个不 同的意义。一词多义是指一个词在同一个词类中,往往 有几个不同的词义。因此,在众多的词义中,选择出一 个最确切的词义是正确理解原文所表达的思想的基本环 节,是翻译成功的基础。 1. 词义的选择
第二章 科技英语同普通英语的区别
![第二章 科技英语同普通英语的区别](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/25839e0c69eae009581becdf.png)
A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction. ( 分词代替定语从句 )
Radiating from the earth, heat causes air currents to rise. ( 分词代替状语从句)
The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.
地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 名词化结构the rotation of the earth on its own axis 使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表 达的概念更加确切严密。
capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy- capacitance . It (capacitance)is measured in farads.
The forces due to friction are called frictional forces.
A call for paper is now being issued .
科技英语unit 2 答案
![科技英语unit 2 答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/59c1b2320066f5335a812133.png)
Part II Lexical TranslationUnit 2 Formation and Translation of Technical Terms—Chemical Engineering科技术语的形成及翻译:化工英语ExercisesI Choose the best answer to each question with the information from thepassage.1. D2. A3. C4. B5. CII. Find out the English equivalents of the following Chinese terms from the passage.1. fuel cells2. raw materials3. food processing4. organic chemistry5. the discipline of chemical engineering6. energy conservation or conservation of energy7. the principle of thermodynamics 8. software models9. biochemistry 10. high performance materialsIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 现代化学工程不仅生产制造实用材料,也积极探索有价值的新型材料及新技术,如燃料电池,纳米技术和生物医学工程技术。
2. 化学工程主要包含设计、改进以及维护大规模生产中的化学、生物转变过程。
3. The apparent change in size of the sun is caused 太by阳d的u大st小in看t起he来a有ir变n化ea,r 这th是e 由ho于riz靠o近n.地平线的空气中
4. These fragments of rock and iron range from thousand kilometers in diameter to less than one.
2. All four (outer planets) probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.
这四颗外层行星的内核可能都由金属、硅酸盐和水构成。 (意译)
3. The designer must have access to stock lists of the materials he employs.
第4节 翻译练习2
1. The most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of water.
2. The doctor analyzed the blood sample for 医an生e对m血ia.样作了分析,看是不是贫血症。(分译)
第4章 代词的翻译 1、代词的一般译法 2、人称代词的译法 3、形容词性物主代词的译法 4、指示代词的译法 5、不定代词的译法 6、it及其句型的译法 7、总复习题
• 2. We do not think of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as being a great age of discovery in natural history; but they were. • 我们认为从自然史的角度来看,19世纪末,20世 纪初并不是一个重要的时期,然而事实上该时期 是非常重要的。
• 译文1:近来生物多样性是热点问题,主要是由于 濒临灭绝的物种的数量,或者是自然造成的,或 者是因为缺乏空间的人类将其生境破坏了。 • 译文2:近来生物多样性已成为 已成为热点问题,其主要 已成为 原因是越来越多的 越来越多的物种濒临灭绝,这种情况与 这种情况与自 越来越多的 这种情况与 然有关 也与 有关,也与 有关 也与人类因争夺空间而造成物种生境丧 失有关 有关。 有关 • Which translated version is better?
• As a translation technique, “inversion” means the change of the word order in a sentence according to the meaning and usage of the language to be translated into. • The change of the word order is often necessary or even inevitable in translation because each language has its own “natural word order” which must be followed.
• Since the days of American astronomer Edwin Hubble, observers have known that all but the nearest galaxies are moving away from us at a rapid rate. • 早在美国天文学家埃德温·哈勃的时代,观测者就已经了 解到,除了距离我们最远的星系,所有的星系都在以很 高的速度离我们而去。
During this process the fluid is assumed to
be in equilibrium. 在这一过程中假设流体平衡.(P.p. →v) The device is shown schematically in Fig.8 图8为该装置的简图。(adv.→n.) This film is uniformly thin. 该膜薄而均匀。(adv.→adj.)
本质朴,只要保持其朴素的文风即可,所以 翻译时主要应做到 “信”、 二字,即译 文应忠实、通顺,使读者易于理解。 “达”
即译者有责任保证原作信息的完整传达,不 得擅自歪曲、增改、删节或遗漏原作的信息。
1 词类转换法
对应的办法解决问题。原文中的有些词需要转换 词类,才能使译文通顺、自然。 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。(n.→v.) Neutrons act differently from protons. 中子的特性不同于质子。(v.→n.)
——J. Chem. Eng. Data 84 2011, 56, 84–88
Heroin is not the only addictive drug available today. 海洛因并不是目前可以买到的唯一毒品。 The nuclear explosive is much more powerful than TNT.
Chapter Two Translation of Words
5) Amplification
•(1) Amplification by Supplying Words Omitted in the Original • Traditionally chemistry has evolved into four provinces: organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry. • •This factory is ready to produce MPC, but that factory is not ready to. • MPC=多媒体个人电脑 •Electrons are injected into the P region, and holes into the N region. •电子被注入P区,而空穴被注入N区
Chapter Two Translation of Words
• Hydrogen burns in air or oxygen, forming water. • 氢在空气或氧 气中燃烧,结果形成水。 • But for water and air, living things could not exist.
(2) Amplification by Supplying Necessary Connectives
The requirement of slabs is really the control of deformation rather than that of strength. 对板的要求实质时变形控制方面,而不是强度控制方面。 Note again that considerable simplification in solving the above can be achieved if the data are made symmetrical. 还要注意到,如果数据对称,就使上述问题的求解大大简化。
科技英语阅读1-8单元译文:Unit 1罗素悖论的提出是基于这样的一个事例:设想有这样一群理发师,他们只给不给自己理发的人理发。
他确立了形式表达式(如:x =2)和数学特性(如偶数)之间的联系。
例如,我们可以用x代表整数,通过n 来表示并且n大于3小于7,来表示4,5,6这样一个集合。
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Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择 二、根据上下文选择词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同的含义,常常 要求译者根据上下文的联系,以及句型来确定某个词在特定场合下的词 义。 (1). Packaged software is developed to serve the specific needs of one user. 软件包的开发只是为某一用户的特定需要服务。 (2). Noises may develop in a worn engine. 磨损了的引擎里可能会产生各种噪声。 (3). Shorts frequently develop when insulation is worn. 绝缘被磨损时往往会发生短路。 (4). Sure enough, 80 percent of the plants developed the disease. 果然,80%的庄稼都染上了这种病。
Chapter Two Translation of Words
英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。所谓一 词多类就是指一个词疏于几个不同的词类,具体几个不 同的意义。一词多义是指一个词在同一个词类中,往往 有几个不同的词义。因此,在众多的词义中,选择出一 个最确切的词义是正确理解原文所表达的思想的基本环 节,是翻译成功的基础。 1. 词义的选择 一、根据词类选择词义 二、根据上下文选择词义 三、根据词的搭配选择词义 四、根据学科和专业选择词义
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择
பைடு நூலகம்
一、根据词类选择词义 根据词类来选择词义的方法照顾要是针对一些兼类词,因为这些词在句中 所承担的成分不同,其词性不同,词义也不同。因此要选择正确的词义,首先 要确定该词在句中属于哪一种词类,然后再进一步确定其词义。 (1). The thickness of a tooth measured along the pitch circle is one half the circular pitch. 沿着圆所测得的厚是周节的一半。(measure是及物动词,意为“测量”) (2). The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale. 这次地震级为6.5里氏震级。(measure是系动词,意为“为”) (3). We must reflect what measures to take in case of any accidental collapse of a bed. 我们必须考虑一下如果床层意外崩塌应采取什么措施。(measure是名词,复 数时意为“措施”)
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择 四、根据学科和专业选择词义 在英语中,同一个词在不同的学科领域或不同的专 业中往往具有不同的词义。因此,在选择词义时,应考 虑到阐述内容所涉及的概念属于哪种学科、何种专业。 以英语名词carrier为例: 邮政业:“邮递员” 军事:“航空母舰” 运输业:“搬运工” 化学:“载体” 医药学:“带菌者,媒介物” 车辆制造:“底盘” 无线电:“载波” 机械行业:“托架,传 导管”
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择 三、根据词的搭配选择词义 We know the person by the company he keeps. 英语的一词多义往往也体现在词与词的搭配上。不同搭配方式,可以产 生不同的词义。 以Idle为例: idle capacity 备用容量 idle coil闲圈 idle current无功电流 idle frequency中心频率 idle motion空转 idle roll传动轧辊 idle wheel(gear)惰轮 idle contact间隔接点 idle space 有害空间 idle stroke 慢行程 再以large为例: large current 强电流 large pressure高电压 large loads重载 large capacity 高容量 large growing生长快的 large-screen receiver宽屏电视接收机 a large amount of electric power大量的电力
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择
二、根据上下文选择词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同的含义,常常要求译者 根据上下文的联系,以及句型来确定某个词在特定场合下的词义。 (5). Other isolation methods are being developed. 目前正在研究其他隔离方法。 (6). In developing the design, we must consider the feasibility of processing. 在进行设计时,必须考虑加工的可能性。 (7). After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the developing of the computers. 战后,这项知识大量地应用于研制计算机。 (8). They cited cases of identical twins reared in different homes who developed very different characteristics despite identical heredity. 他们列举了一些这样的事例:在不同的家庭抚养的一对双胞胎尽管遗传特性完 全相同,但会显示出完全不同的个性。
Chapter Two Translation of Words
在第1章概论中我们介绍了一些基本的理论翻译理 论、翻译的标准和要求,以及科技英语文体的一 些特点和翻译的一般方法。在这一章我们将着重 介绍词的一半翻译方法和技巧。 1. 词义的选择 2. 词义的引申 3. 词类的转换 4. 词的增译 5. 词的省译 6. 词的重复