牛津高一英语模块四unit1单词讲解 [牛津版]

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0模块四单词讲解unit 1

1.advertise v. advertiser登广告者,广告客户


I advertised my car for sale. 我登广告卖车子。

Jobs are advertised in the papers. 在报纸上有招聘广告。

advertise for sth. 登广告寻找

He advertised for a secretary/ a job. 他登广告招聘一名秘书/谋求一份工作。advertisement company

make /put an advertisement in the newspaper 在报纸上登广告

2. share (n.)

We must do our share for our country. 我们必须为国家做我们的一份贡献。

share price 股价

(vt) share the same fate 遭受同样的命运。

share sth. with sb. 与别人共用或合用某物,分派

share in 分享,分担

share sth. (out) among/between sb. 将某物平均分配,均分

shareable 可分摊的,可分享的,可分担的


He is really a friend of mine. He would _____ his last penny with me. (D)

A. cost

B. lend

C. support

D. share

3. promote(promoted promoting)

The instructor was promoted to /to be professor. 那位讲师升为教授。

The boss promoted him to the post of chief accountant. 老板提他为会计主任。

promote foreign trade 促进对外贸易

promote a new product 促进新生产

promoter 促进者,助长者promotion 提拔,晋升get/be given a promotion 获得升级promotion worker 推销员promotion media 推广媒介

4.place n. 地方,位置,职位,地位

a nice place to live in 居住的好地方

The judge went to his place and sat down. 法官走到自己的座位坐下。

He got a place in a trading company. 他在贸易公司任职。

get /win (the) first place 获得第一名

from place to place 处处give place to 被------所代替in place 在适当的位置in place of 代替take place 发生take the place of /take a person’s place 代替某人

放置,寄予,任命She placed the vase on the table. 她把花瓶放在桌子上。

place sb. in/as.. 使就------职位

They placed me in the advertising department. 他们派我到广告部去。

5. intended adj. 有意的,故意的已经订婚的

vt. intend to do intend sb. to do intend that

He intends to study abroad next year. 他打算明年到国外留学。

He intends his son to manage the company. 他打算让儿子经营公司。

I can’t do it, and don’t intend to. 我不能这样做,也不打算这么做。


This dictionary is intended for children. 这本字典是给小孩用的。

6. educate 教育,训练,培养

be educated at Beijing University 在北京大学受教育

educate oneself /teach oneself /learn sth. by oneself 自学

an educated person 受过教育的人

education 教育

receive/get a good education/advanced education/further education 受到良好的/先进的/进一步的教育

education center教育中心education department 教育厅,教育系,教育部educational 教育的,教育性的

the educational policy 教育方针educational system 教育制度

educationalist 教育者,教育家

7. lie

He is always telling a lie. 他总是撒谎。

I’m sorry I lied to you. 我很抱歉向你撒了谎。


1). I found the boy______ to his mother. lying

2). A bridge is ______ across the river next year. to be laid

3). He went over and ______ down his cup on the tray. laid

4). I saw a wallet______ on the ground. lying

5). I saw a radio ______ on the table. laid

8. claim (根据权利提出)要求,要求权,主张,要求而得到的东西。

a claim for/on/to

a claim for damages 赔偿损害的要求。

You have no claim on me. 你没有权利对我提出任何意见。

They have no claim to this property.

lay claim to 对------提出权利要求

vt. (根据权利)要求,认领,声称,主张,需要

claim that claim to do claim sth.

The lawyer claimed (that) the defendant was not guilty. 那名律师声称该被告无罪。

He claimed to have seen the Mona Lisa. 他宣称他曾看过蒙娜丽莎(那幅画)。

9. cure 治愈,治疗,改掉------的恶习cured 治愈的

curer 治疗者,治疗器cureless 无法医好的,不能救济的

cure sb. of his illness 治疗某人的疾病

a new cure for a disease 一种疾病的新疗法

10. connect 连接,联合,关联connected连接的

connect --- to\ with---

be connected with /have sth. to do with 与------有关

A railway connects Shanghai to/ with Beijing. 一条铁路把上海和北京连接了起来。

The visit of the police was not connected with the lost child. 警察的来访与那失踪的孩子无关。

11. lead 领导,带领,指使leader 领导者leadership 领导under the leadership of the party 在党的领导下

leading 主要的,最重要的:leading actor/scientist

领先的:Which horse is leading? 哪一匹马领先?
