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学号: 201046910607

专业班级:经济学类 1006班


学期: 2011-2012上半学期

2011年10月 26日









我国粮食产量在1998年达到5.12亿吨的高峰后,已经连续5年减产,到2003年粮食产量下降到4.31亿吨,虽然2004年全年粮食产量达到4.7亿吨,比2003年增产388千克,增长9.0%,扭转了1999年来下降的局面,但是粮食综合生产能力还没有恢复到5亿吨的水平。从耕地、粮食播种面积、单产、水资源等粮食综合生产能力的主要要素变化情况分析看,同1998年的 5.12亿吨相比,现有的粮食综合生产能力可能相差200亿~250一千克左右。目前,提高粮产量的任务艰巨,就是说我国粮食产量、播种面积、单产水平存在一定波动;粮食生产成本效益下降,粮食供需存在缺口,粮食安全存在隐患;可以说我国的粮食综合生产能力还不稳定,面临很多问题。从长期来看,我国耕地少、人口多、水资源匮乏等,始终制约着我国粮食综合生产能力的提高。因此,提高我国粮食综合生产能力,将是推进我国小康建设过程中的长期重大任务。我国政府特别重视保护和提高粮食综合生产能力,历年的中央农村工作会议、中央经济会议都把保护和提高粮食综合生产能力作为确保粮食安全的重要手段。





" Hunger breeds tentment"," for politics should, first in sufficient feed". Commissariat is a kind of special merchandise that has strategic sense, it is the main component of national security strategy, on the foundation of national economic development.

China's grain output in 1996 passed the 500000000 mark, 1996 - 1999 years, commissariat produces bumper harvest, 4 years the average annual output of more than 5 tons, show our country the comprehensive grain production capacity has reached a new stage.

China's grain output in 1998 reached 5.12 tons after the peak, already successive 5

years of reduction of output, to 2003 commissariat production declined to 4.31 tons in 2004, although the annual grain output reached 4.7 tons, than 2003 increase production 388 kilograms, grow 9%, reversed the 1999 decline, but the comprehensive grain production capacity has not recovered to 5 million tons of levels. From farmland, commissariat sows area, per unit area yield, water resources and the comprehensive grain production capacity of main elements analysis of the change of perspective, with 1998 5.12 tons compared, existing comprehensive grain production capacity may differ by 20000000000 ~ 250 kg. At present, raise grain output of the task is formidable, that is to say, crop of our country grain sowing area, per unit area yield level in the presence of certain fluctuation; grain production cost benefit drops, commissariat supply and demand gap, food safety risks exist; it can be said that China's grain production capacity is not stable, is faced with many problems. In the long term, our country farmland is little, population is much, the shortage of water resources, always restricts our country comprehensive grain production capacity improvement. Therefore, to improve the comprehensive grain production capacity in China, will be promoting the construction of our country well-off during long-term major task. The Chinese government pays special attention to protect and raise the comprehensive grain production capacity, over the central rural work conference of central economy conference, to protect and raise the comprehensive grain production capacity as the important means to ensure food safety.

This research mainly uses empirical analysis and normative analysis, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, dynamic analysis and the factor analysis method to the comprehensive grain production capacity in China is a systematic and comprehensive study.

Key Words

food improvement comprehensive capability of production study



