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CLG856液压系统 Hydraulic System
CLG856液压系统组成 Hydraulic System Composition
Working Hydraulic System
Hydraulic System
Brake Hydraulic System Steering Hydraulic System
压力检查Pressure inspection
最大工作压力: 20MPa Maximum working pressure: 20 MPa • 在分配阀进油接头处接量程为25MPa 压力表 • Connect 25 MPa pressure gage at oil in joint of distribution valve • 在正常温度下 • At normal temperature • 额定转速下 • At rated revolution • 将动臂升到水平位置 • Lift the movable arm to horizontal position • 收斗并读取最大读数. • Retract the bucket and read maximum reading.
节流孔 补油单向阀 Refilling Check Valve Throttle Hole Pilot Operated Check Valve
液压阀件介绍 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves
分配阀 Distribution Valve
主溢流阀: 先导式, 调定主工作系统压力. Main overflow valve: pilot type, adjust main working system pressure
Main Valve Principle:
工作系统参数 Hale Waihona Puke Baiduarameters of Working System
工作泵: Working pump:
排量: ………………………………… ....140ml/r Displacement: …………………………..140ml/r 工作系统设定压力: …… .. …… .. …… .. 20 MPa Working system setting pressure: …… ..20 MPa 额定转速: ………...…………………….2200 r/min Rated revolution: ………...…………….2200 r/min
工作时间检查 Working time inspection
动臂起升时间: 6.5 秒内 (正常工作温度, 额定载荷, 额定转速) Movable arm lifting time: within 6.5 s (normal working temperature, rated load and rated revolution) 动臂下降时间: 3.6 秒内 (怠速, 空载) Movable arm descending time: within 3.6 s (idle speed, no load) 翻斗时间: 1.7 秒内 Bucket turnover time: within 1.7 s
液压油箱: Hydraulic oil tank:
容量: 210L Capacity: 210 L
组成: Components:
液压阀件介绍 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves
先导阀 Pilot Valve
Combination valve oil in
动臂联: 实现动臂升、降及浮动 转斗联: 实现铲斗的翻转动作 Movable arm linkage: realize lifting, descending and floating of the movable arm Bucket linkage: realize turnover of the bucket 工作速度与操作手柄的关系: 手柄动作角度越大,工作速度越快 Relation between working speed and operating handle: the greater the operating angle of the handle is, the higher the working speed is.
检查与调整 Inspection and Adjustment
转斗油缸大腔压力: 22MPa Pressure of big cavity of rotating bucket cylinder: 22 MPa 检查:Inspection:
单向阀: Check valve:
开启压力: 0.05MPa Opening pressure: 0.05 MPa
工作系统参数 Parameters of Working System
分配阀: Distribution valve:
类型: 整体双联阀 Type: integral dual valve 额定流量: 250L/M Rated flow: 250L/M 主溢流阀设定压力: 20MPa Main overflow valve setting pressure: 20 MPa 转斗油缸小腔设定压力: 22MPa Setting pressure of small cavity of rotating bucket cylinder: 22 MPa 转斗油缸大腔设定压力: 22MPa Setting pressure of big cavity of rotating bucket cylinder: 22 MPa
液压油牌号: Brand of hydraulic oil
一般地区: HM46 抗磨液压油 General region: HM46 antiwear hydraulic oil 寒冷地区: HV46 低温抗磨液压油 Cold region: HV46 low-temperature antiwear hydraulic oil
先导操纵阀: Pilot valve:
额定工作压力:………………... …… .… . 2.5 MPa Rated working pressure:………………....2.5 MPa 额定流量: ………..……….…………..…10 L/min Rated flow:………..……….…………..…10 L/min 控制压力范围: Controlled pressure range: 铲斗联: …….………………. 0.5~2.5 MPa Bucket linkage:…….…………0.5-2.5 MPa 动臂联: …………………..… 0.5~2.0 MPa Movable arm linkage:………… 0.5-2.0 MPa 电磁铁工作电压: .….…. …… .. …… .. …… DC 24 V Electromagnet working pressure:………… DC 24 V
液压阀件介绍 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves
分配阀 Distribution Valve
转斗油缸卸载阀(即转斗油缸大小腔双作用安全阀) Rotating bucket cylinder unloading valve
检测与调整 Inspection and Adjustment
Oil return
Enclosed oil
顺序阀 Sequence Valve
计量阀 Metering Valve
液压阀件介绍 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves
组合阀 Combination Valve
作用: 向先导阀提供控制油. Function: provide control oil to the pilot valve 组成: 溢流阀, 减压阀, 单向阀 Components: overflow valve, pressure reducing valve and check valve 溢流阀: 先导式, 限定先导系统压力 Overflow valve: pilot type, limit the pressure of pilot system 减压阀: 减小来自先导泵或动臂油缸大腔的油压 Pressure reducing valve: reduce oil pressure from pilot valve or big cavity of movable arm cylinder
压力调节螺钉 Pressure Adjusting Screw
压力调节: 旋出、旋进调节螺钉来增加或减小系统压力 Pressure adjustment: screw off and screw in the adjusting screw to increase or reduce the system pressure
工作系统参数 Parameters of Working System
组合阀: Combination valve:
额定流量: 20L/M Rated flow: 20 L/M 溢流设定压力: 4.0MPa Overflow setting pressure: 4.0 MPa 到先导阀入口压力: 3.5MPa Pressure to inlet of pilot valve: 3.5 MPa
液压阀件介绍 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves
分配阀 Distribution Valve
组成: 动臂滑阀, 转斗滑阀, 主溢流阀,转斗油缸大小 腔双作用安全阀. Components: movable arm slide valve, rotating bucket slide valve, main overflow valve, dual-action safety valve of big cavity and small cavity of rotating bucket cylinder 串-并联式 Series-parallel type 进油: 串联, 转斗优先 Oil in: series, rotating bucket takes priority 回油: 并联 Return oil: parallel
CLG856液压系统组成 Hydraulic System Composition
Working Hydraulic System
CLG856液压系统组成 Hydraulic System Composition
Steering Hydraulic System
CLG856液压系统组成 Hydraulic System Composition
Brake Hydraulic System
CLG856液压系统原理 Hydraulic System Principle
Working Hydraulic System
Single Lever Pilot Valve Principle:
Working Hydraulic System
注意: 在拆装、调整前确保先导切断阀在“断开”位置。(若有此阀) Caution: make sure the pilot cut-off valve is in “OFF” position prior to disassembly and adjustment (if possible).
补油单向阀: Refilling check valve: 防止油缸小腔内发生穴蚀 Prevent cavity erosion in small cavity of cylinder • 当油缸活塞杆收回速度大于泵的供油速度时 • When the retraction speed of a piston rod of the cylinder is greater than the oil supply speed of the pump • 当油缸受到突然冲击时 • When the cylinder is suddenly impacted