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发布: 2005-1-1 | 来源: 互联网 | 查看: 2次 免费点歌 绝色美女 手机铃声

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【摘要】 目的 研究低聚果糖的通便功能作用。方法 动物实验:分别以2.5、5.0和10.0 g /(kg·bw)3个剂量经口给予小鼠连续灌胃,7天后进行小肠运动实验、排便时间、粪便粒数和粪便重量的测定。结果 各剂量组的墨汁推进率均高于便秘模型对照组,各剂量组的首便时间均比便秘模型对照组的缩短,而各剂量组粪便粒数均多于便秘模型对照组,且差异有显著性;人群试食试验:选择非器质性便秘者102例,分为试食组和对照组各51例,两组试验期间不改变原来的饮食习惯,正常饮食,试食组加服低聚果糖,3次/d,每次10ml 。7天后,比较两组试验前后排便次数、排便状况和粪便性状的变化,并测定试验前后血常规、血生化指标等。结果 试验组服用后排便次数明显增加(p <0.01),排便状况和粪便性状明显改善(p <0.01),总有效率为92.2%(p <0.01),且受试者的血常规、血液生化指标及其他临床检查均无异常。结论 低聚果糖具有通便功能。

【关键词】 低聚果糖;通便;人体试验

study on the effect of fructooligosaccharide facilitating feces excretion

【abstract 】 objective to study the effect of fructooligosaccharide on facilitating feces excretion.methods in vivo animal experiment : in the experiment , mice were given fructooligosaccharide samples through oral gavage at 2.5,5.0 and 10.0g/(kg·bw) for seven consecutive days. then the rate of indian ink advancing in the small intestines , the time of first black feces excretion ,the number of feces granules and the weight of feces were measured.results we found that the rate of indian ink advancing in the small intestines of mice treated with fructooligosaccharide was significantly higher than that in the constipation control group. also compared to the constipation control mice , the first black feces excretion was significantly faster in the mice treated with

fructooligosacharide. furthermore , mice treated with fructooligosacharide samples produced more feces granules than the control group. in vivo human study : 102 constipation patients were randomly divided into two groups. both the treated group and the control group contained 51 patients. patients maintained their regular diet throughout the experiment. however , patients in the treated group were given 25g/day fructooligosaccharide for seven consecutive days. then , the frequency of feces

excretion , ease of feces excretion and the appearance of feces granules were examined and compared to that before treatment. the effect of fructooligosaccharide treatment on blood biochemistry and blood routine were also examined. results : the frequency of feces excretion in the treated group was significantly improved (p <0.01). moreover , ease of feces excretion and the appearance of feces granules were also improved (p <0.01). overall , 92.2% of the patients treated with fructooligosaccharide showed

improvement of their constipation conditions. furthermore,patients treated with fructooligosaccharide did not show any change in blood chemistry and profile,indicating that fructooligosaccharide is a safe treatment.conclusion in this study,we showed that fructooligosaccharide can significantly facilitate feces excretion and relieve constipation with no detectable side effects.

【key words】fructooligosaccharide;facilitating feces excretion;vivo human study

低聚果糖(fructooligosaccharide ,fos),又称果寡糖或蔗果低聚糖,是指在蔗糖分子的果糖残基c1位置上以β(1→2)键结合1~3个果糖分子的寡糖。它作为一种可溶性膳食纤维,不易被消化,有预防肥胖症、糖尿病、胆结石、结肠癌、高血压、降低血脂[1]和促进肠道中的双歧杆菌增殖、纠正肠内菌群失调的作用。它已成为一种重要的保健食品[1]。本研究旨在探讨其通便功能。

1 试验材料

1.1 受试样品及受试液制备样品由柳州某生物科技有限公司提供。人体推荐用量为每日0.5g/(kg·bw)。用蒸馏水将样品配成0.125、0.25和0.5 g/ml 3个浓度的溶液供试验用。

1.2 试验动物spf级昆明种雄性小白鼠120只,体重为18~23g,由广西医科大学医学实验动物中心(桂动许字<2000>第001号)提供。本中心spf级实验动物房合格证号:桂医动字第23003号。

1.3 仪器与试剂仪器:手术剪、眼科镊、直尺、注射器、扭力天平、电子天平等。试剂:活性炭粉、阿拉伯树胶、复方地芬诺酯片(江苏常州武进制药厂生产,批号:20030501)等。

1.4 试验方法

1.4.1 小肠运动实验选雄性小鼠60只,随机分成5个组,每组12只。根据样品的人体日推荐量设


