大学专业英语阅读教程 给水排水 李田 全文翻译

hypochlorite n. 次氯酸盐 hypo- “在...之下,亚,次,次于,不足,从属于” hypochlorous adj. 次氯酸的 hypochlorous acid n. 次氯酸 hydrochloric adj. 氯化氢的 盐酸的 dissociate v. 分离, 电离 ionize vt. 使离子化 vi. 电离 equilibria n. 均衡, 平衡 equilibrium 的复数形式 ammonium n. 铵 ammonia n. 氨, 氨水 chloramine n. 氯胺 monochloramine n.一氯胺 di- tri3
因此,可以得到结论,不管氯或次氯酸根添加与否,在水 中都建立了相同的平衡。
The significant difference would be in pH effects and the influence of chlorine or hypochlorites on the relative amounts of OCland HOCl at equilibrium. Chlorine tends to decrease the pH, whereas hypochlorites tend to increase the pH.
Chemistry of Chlorination
Chlorine is used in the form of free chlorine or as hypochlorites. In either form it acts as a potent oxidizing agent and often dissipates itself in side reactions so rapidly that little disinfection is accomplished until amounts in excess of the chlorine demand have been added.

The influence of temperature on nutrient treatmentefficiency in stormwater biofilter systemsG.-T.Blecken*,Y.Zinger***,T.M.Muthanna**,A.Deletic***,T.D.Fletcher***and M.Viklander* *Urban Water,Department of Civil,Mining and Environmental Engineering,Lulea˚University of Technology, 97187Lulea˚,Sweden(E-mail:godecke.blecken@ltu.se;maria.viklander@ltu.se)**Norwegian Institute for Water Research,Havnegata9,7010Trondheim,Norway(E-mail:tone.muthanna@niva.no)***Department of Civil Engineering,Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration,Monash University,Victoria 3800,Australia(E-mail:yaron.zinger@.au;Tim.Fletcher@.au;ana.deletic@.au)Abstract Nutrients can cause eutrophication of natural water bodies.Thus,urban stormwater which is an important nutrient source in urbanised areas has to be treated in order to reduce its nutrient loads.Biofilters which use soilfilter media,biofilms and plants,are a good treatment option for nutrients.This paper presents the results of a biofilter column study in cold temperatures(þ28C,þ88C,control atþ208C) which may cause special problems regarding biofilter performance.It was shown that particle-bound pollutants as TSS and a high fraction of phosphorus were reduced well without being negatively influenced by cold temperatures.Nitrogen,however,was not reduced;especially NO x was produced in the columns. This behaviour can be explained with both insufficient denitrification and high leaching from the columns. Keywords Biofilter;cold climate;nutrients;stormwater treatmentIntroductionNutrients can cause eutrophication in receiving natural water bodies(Browman et al., 1979;Pitt et al.,1999;Kim et al.,2003).Stormwater runoff is an important source of nutrients in urbanised areas(Larm,2000;Graves et al.,2004;Taylor et al.,2005),and it should therefore be treated.Stormwater biofiltration,also known as bioretention,is a novel option that might be able to treat nutrients in stormwater in order to prevent eutrophication of recipients.A biofilter consists offilter media placed in a trench or basin that is planted on the top.It has a detention storage on the top(by placement in a depression)and a drainage pipe at the bottom to collect the treated water.Stormwater is treated by mechanical,biological and chemical processes in thefilter media,but also by the plants and biofilms,that develops in the media and on the plant roots(Prince George’s County,2002;Hsieh and Davis,2005).Several studies conducted so far have shown a significant removal of phosphorus, phosphate and ammonium,but with low(and sometimes negative)removal of nitrate (Davis et al.,2001;Lloyd et al.,2001;Henderson et al.,2007).However,biofilters are still a relatively new technology and hence,only limited data of the performance of these systems are available.Particular problems could arise when implementing biofilters in regions with constant or temporary cold temperatures,due to reduced biological activity, shorter growing seasons and a smaller number of adapted plant species.However,these systems may still perform well in these instances,since adequate nutrient removal has been achieved in constructed wetlands in cold subalpine climates(Heyvaert et al.,2006). Biofilter performance in cold temperatures is the deciding factor to their successful implementation in regions with rainfall on non-frozen ground during cold periods Water Science & Technology Vol 56 No 10 pp 83–91 Q IWA Publishing 2007 83doi:10.2166/wst.2007.749(autumn,winter and spring in temperate climate;autumn,later spring and summer in cold climate).This paper presents preliminary results of a study of the performance of biofilters in relation to temperature.The aim was to determine the nutrient treatment performance of stormwater biofilters in low temperatures in order to enable an analysis of whether there is a correlation between temperature and treatment rate.Material and methods Experimental set-up Laboratory tests were conducted on 15biofilter mesocosms (‘biofilter columns’)made of PVC stormwater pipe (inner diameter:377mm,area:0.11m 2,height:900mm).A trans-parent top (height:400mm)allowed water to pond without affecting light availability for plant growth.The inside wall was sandblasted to prevent preferential flow along the wall.A drainage pipe (diameter:58mm)at the bottom discharged to a sampling outlet (Figures 1and 2).The filter media in the columns included four layers (listed from top,Figure 2):(1)sandy loam layer,400mm,medium to coarse sand with 20%topsoil in the upper 100mm,(2)sand layer,400mm,fine to medium sand,(3)transition layer,30mm,coarse sand and (4)underdrain,70mm,fine gravel with embedded drainage pipe.The columns were planted with Carex rostrata Stokes (Bottle sedge)which is wide-spread in the northern hemisphere (Anderberg and Anderberg,2006).The plant density in the columns was 8plants per column,which corresponds to a density of approximately 73plants/m 2.Before they were planted in the columns,the plants were grown for 5weeks outside to develop a substantial root system.Afterwards they were grown in the columns for two month and irrigated with tapwater.Figure 1Biofilter columns in climate roomG.-T.Bleckenetal.84In order to investigate the temperature effect on the biofilter performance,the tests were carried out in three thermostat controlled climate rooms at constant target tempera-tures of þ28C,þ88C,and þ208C (þ35.68F,þ46.48F,and þ688F,resp.).Five columns each were placed in every climate room (Figure 1).The air temperature in the climate rooms was logged at a 15minute interval using one EBI 20-T (88C)and two EBI 2T-112(28C and 208C)temperature loggers (ebro Electronic,Ingolstadt,Germany).All columns were illuminated with high pressure sodium greenhouse lamps (G-Power Agro,400W,55,000Lm)12hours daily.Experimental procedureStormwater .Since natural stormwater was not available in the required quantity and with constant water quality over the time of the experiment,nor could be stored without significant changes to its quality,semi-synthetic stormwater was used.It was made by mixing tap water with gully pot sediment to achieve the required TSS concentration,topped with certain pollutants to achieve the targeted pollutant concentrations,as outlined in Table 1(only for nutrients;heavy metals were added as well,but are not reported in this paper).A new mixture was made for every stormwater application.The water was stored at the respective temperature (28C,88C,208C,resp.)for at least 24hours before dosing the columns in order to have similar water and air temperatures.In Lulea ˚(Sweden)it rains approximately two times per week in September and October (the month with the most rain events in cold temperatures)with a total precipi-tation amount of around 110mm (SMHI,2005).This corresponds to an average of 5.4L/m 2stormwater runoff per rain event from a catchment with 85%impervious surface.It Figure 2Biofilter column configurationG.-T.Blecken et al.85was assumed that the biofilter area represents appr.4%of the catchment area (one col-umn with 0.11m 2for 2.75m 2catchment)(Wong et al.,2006).Therefore every column was dosed with 15L (5.4L/m 2·2.75m 2¼14.85L <15L)of stormwater twice weekly.Sampling .From the stormwater a sample was taken in three replicates before every stormwater application.All outflow water was collected in PE-tanks until the next dosing event,it was stored at þ28C,and a composite sample was taken from each PE-tank,i.e.15samples per each dosing.This paper reports on results of the first four weeks of stormwater dosing (i.e.eight events).Analyses .All samples were analysed for total and dissolved N,ammonium (NH þ4),nitrate/nitrite (NO x ),TSS,and pH.The dissolved samples were filtered,using Whatman ME25membrane 0.45m m pore size filters.Before analysing P and N,the samples were digested with peroxo-disulphate (according to the Swedish standard method SS 028127)and oxidised with peroxisulphate (SS 028131),resp.The analyses were conducted with a continuous micro flow analyser (QuAAtro,Bran þLuebbe,Hamburg,Germany)according to the device-specific methods no.Q-031-04for P,no.Q-003-04for N and NO x and no.Q-001-04for NH þ4.TSS was determined by filtration through Whatman GF/A 1.6m m pore size glass microfibre filters (SS-EN 872)in one replicate.pH was measured with a field pH-meter (pH330,WTW GmbH,Weilheim,Germany).Data analyses Pollutant reduction was calculated as reduction ¼(1-(out/in))·100%.Thus,production of pollutants results in a negative reduction rate.Analysis of variance (ANOVA)was used to test the influence of temperature on outflow concentrations.Furthermore,box plots were created for nitrogen species and phosphorus to compare in-and outflow concen-trations and their evolution over time.All statistical calculations and plots were computed with the software MINITAB w 15.1.Results and discussion The mean temperature in the three different rooms were 1.88C (SD:1.018C),7.48C (SD:0.358C)and 20.38C (SD:1.028C)respectively.Thus,the real temperatures were very near the target temperatures.The mean inflow and outflow pollutant concen-trations (mg/L)as well as reduction rates (%)at the three different temperatures are shown in Table 2.pH .The average pH-value of the stormwater was 6.9.The pH increased in the columns and the outflow pH at all temperatures was around 7.4.Table 1Semi-synthetic stormwater pollutants and their sourcesPollutant Targeted SourcepH6.9H 2SO 4TSS140mg/L Stormwater gully pot sediment (#400m m Phosphorus (total)0.3mg/L KH 2PO 4(potassium dihydrogen phosphate)0.32mg/L nitrate:KNO 3(potassium nitrate)Nitrogen (total) 1.4mg/L 0.24mg/L ammonium:NH 4Cl (ammonium chloride)organic nitrate:C 6H 4NO 2(nicotinic acid)G.-T.Bleckenetal.86TSS .Reduction of TSS was around 97%,and whilst the effect of temperature on this removal was statistically significant (p ¼0.001),it accounted for very little of the observed variation,and was of no practical significance (Table 3,Figure 3).Other factors are clearly influencing TSS removal,although it was high in all cases.The low difference between the columns at different temperatures is not surprising since the TSS removal is mainly a matter of mechanical filtration which itself is not influenced by temperature (unless the soil media soil freezes forming channels).Because of the high TSS removal,a high (and largely temperature independent)removal of particle bound pollutants could be expected.Phosphorus .In the stormwater inflow 85%of the total phosphorus was particle bound.The fraction was slightly different in the outflow at the different temperatures (28C:87%particle bound,88C:84%particle bound and 208C:82%particle bound).A temperature independent removal of about 80%was detected for total phosphorus (p ¼0.933,Table 3).There is a very clear decrease in the outflow concentrations and their variances over time (Figure 4).Dissolved phosphorus was also well removed by the biofilter,with no significant temperature dependence (p ¼0.285,Table 3).However,its reduction rate was slightly higher at cold temperatures.The results make sense,if we assume that physical filtration is the main mechanism for P removal,while biological activity within the soil may cause some leaching of P from media (the higher biological activity occurs at higher temperatures).This leaching is getting smaller with time as the Table 2Pollutant concentrations and removalStormwater (2)all temp.Outflow (3)28C 88C 208CpH 6.90(0.20)7.32(0.13)7.40(0.10)7.46(0.18)TSS concentration 142.7(13.9) 3.6(1.4) 5.1(1.7) 4.6(2.1)mean reduction 97.5%96.4%96.8%N total concentration 1.38(0.16) 1.38(0.29) 1.54(0.25) 4.23(0.68)mean reduction 20.5%211.6%2207.8%N dissolved concentration 1.16(0.08) 1.33(0.26) 1.31(0.15) 3.94(1.02)mean reduction 214.9%213.2%2240%NO x (1)concentration 0.24(0.01)0.72(0.26)0.89(0.13) 3.79(0.57)mean reduction 2198%2265%21461%NH 4(1)concentration 0.32(0.05)0.11(0.05)0.14(0.06)0.15(0.05)mean reduction 64.5%56.2%51.7%P total concentration 0.292(0.018)0.055(0.036)0.058(0.032)0.056(0.030)mean reduction 81.2%80.3%80.7%P dissolved concentration 0.031(0.017)0.007(0.002)0.009(0.004)0.010(0.005)mean reduction 77.5%71.5%69.3%(1)only the first 4events have been analysed (2)three replicates per event analysed (3)mean value of five replicate columns and all events.Table 3One-way ANOVA:p-value of temperature influence on outflow concentrations and R 2(adjusted)of the modelp -value R 2(adj.)TSS 0.0019.0%N total 0.00089.4%N dissolved 0.00080.4%NO x (2)0.00093.7%NH ð2Þ40.065 6.0%P total0.9330.0%P ð2Þdiss :0.285 2.1%G.-T.Blecken et al.87source is depleted,which explains the decreasing outflow concentrations with time in Figure 4.Overall however,mechanical removal of phosphorus is the most important factor and therefore overall P removal is high.Nitrogen .While the biofilters at 28C and 88C showed little or no leaching of total nitrogen,a high production (on average 2208%removal)was observed at 208C (Figure 5,Table 2).No trend over time wasobserved.Figure 3Box plot of in-and outflow TSS concentrations at the 3different temperatures and 8samplings Figure 4Box plots of in-and outflow total phosphorus concentrations at the 3different temperatures and 8samplingsG.-T.Bleckenetal.88The total nitrogen in the synthetic stormwater influent was 84%dissolved,whilst in the treated outflow water 96%,85%and 93%was at 28C,88C and 208C,respectively.The proportion of the nitrogen compounds changed during the treatment in the biofilter.NH þ4was reduced at all temperatures,whilst NO x was produced (Table 2,Figure 6).This means that nitrification in the unsaturated zone of the biofilter was occurring and there-fore NH þ4levels were decreased and NO x levels were increased.Since no denitrification was taking place due to the lack of an anoxic zone and/or a carbon source,levels of NO xFigure 5Box plots of in-and outflow total nitrogen concentrations at the 3different temperatures and 8samplingsFigure 6Box plots of in-and outflow:(a)dissolved NO x ,(b)and dissolved NH þ4concentrations at the 3different temperatures and 8samplings G.-T.Blecken et al.89However,a significant temperature effect was demonstrated for dissolved nitrogen behaviour (p ¼0.000dissolved N and NO x ,Table 3):the higher the temperature the higher the NO 3production due to increasing nitrification with increasing temperatures.More importantly,more nitrogen from the soil leached to the outflow water at higher temperatures.Unfortunately,it is not clear yet whether the leaching will stop over time as plants mature,as has been observed in similar biofilter studies (Zinger et al.,2007).The plants had only 2–3months of establishment,while in Zinger at al ’s experiments they had 5months to establish.It is known that plants (and in particular their roots)play a major role in N removal,since unvegetated biofilters are always demonstrated to leach nitrogen (Hatt et al.,2006;Lee and Schloz,2007),whilst vegetated biofilters do not (Henderson et al.,2007).Conclusion Even in cold climates,it is clear that effective removal of particle-bound pollutants (TSS and particulate phosphorus)can be achieved.This verifies the findings of other cold climate studies (Ba ¨ckstro ¨m,2002;Muthanna et al.,2007).However,the results showed poor overall removal of nitrogen from the stormwater.In particular,there was a very high production of NO x ,which was probably caused by nitrification,and limited denitrifi-cation.Such large net production of nitrogen was not expected as other studies have shown a reduction or at least only minor production of nitrogen even in biofilters without an anoxic zone (Kim et al.,2003;Scholz,2004;Zinger et al.,2007).However,it is possible that the short establishment time of the plants in the presented experiments is the main cause of this.Further research should be conducted to investigate if the removal of N will begin to improve over time.The biofilters showed the best performance for nitrogen (i.e.the lowest production)at the coldest temperatures.A key area of subsequent research is therefore to determine if the addition of an anoxic zone with added carbon source,which has been shown to improve denitrification in biofilters (Kim et al.,2003;Zinger et al.,2007),would remain effective,even in cold temperatures.References Anderberg,A.-L.and Anderberg,A.(2006).Den virtuella floran:Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet.http://linnaeus.nrm.se/flora/(accessed 08October 2007).Browman,M.G.,Harris,R.F.,Ryden,J.C.and Syers,J.K.(1979).Phosphorus loading from urban stormwater runoff as a factor in lake eutrophication -Theoretical considerations and qualitative aspects.J.Environ.Qual.,8(4),561–566.Ba ¨ckstro ¨m,M.(2002).Grassed Swales for Urban Drainage .Doctoral Thesis 2002:06,Division of Sanitary Engineering,Lulea ˚University of Technology,Lulea ˚,Sweden.Davis,A.P.,Shokouhian,M.,Sharma,H.and Minami,C.(2001).Laboratory study of biological retention for urban stormwater management .Water Environ.Res.,73(1),5–14.Graves,G.A.,Wan,Y.and Fike,D.L.(2004).Water quality characteristics of storm water from major land uses in south Florida .J.Am.Water Resour.Assoc.,40(6),1405–1418.Hatt,B.E.,Siriwardene,N.,Deletic,A.and Fletcher,T.D.(2006).Filter media for stormwater treatment and recycling:the influence of hydraulic properties of flow on pollutant removal .Water Sci.Technol.,54(6–7),263–271.Henderson,C.,Greenway,M.and Phillips,I.(2007).Removal of dissolved nitrogen,phosphorus and carbon from stormwater by biofiltration mesocosms .Water Sci.Technol.,55(4),183–191.Heyvaert,A.C.,Reuter,J.E.and Goldman,C.R.(2006).Subalpine,cold climate,stormwater treatment with a constructed surface flow wetland .J.Am.Water Resour.Assoc.,42(1),45–54.Hsieh,C.-H.and Davis,A.P.(2005).Multiple-event study of bioretention for treatment of urban storm water runoff.Water Sci.Technol.,51(3–4),177–181.G.-T.Blecken et al.90Kim,H.,Seagren,E.A.and Davis,A.P.(2003).Engineered bioretention for removal of nitrate from stormwater runoff.Water Environ.Res.,75(4),355–367.Larm,T.(2000).Stormwater quantity and quality in a multiple pond-wetland system:Flemingsbergsviken case study.Ecol.Eng.,15(1–2),57.Lee,B.-H.and Scholz,M.(2007).What is the role of Phragmites 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Scholz,M.(2004).Treatment of gully pot effluent containing nickel and copper with constructed wetlands ina cold climate.J.Chem.Technol.Biotechnol.,79,153–162.SMHI.Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute(2005).Klimatkarta Uppma¨tt nederbo¨rd 1961–1990,ma˚nadsvis.(In Swedish).Taylor,G.D.,Fletcher,T.D.,Wong,T.H.F.,Breen,P.F.and Duncan,H.P.(2005).Nitrogen composition in urban runoff–implications for stormwater management.Water Res.,39(10),1982.Wong,T.H.F.,Fletcher,T.D.,Duncan,H.P.and Jenkins,G.A.(2006).Modelling urban stormwater treatment–A unified approach.Ecol.Eng.,27(1),58.Zinger,Y.,Fletcher,T.D.,Deletic,A.,Bleckenr,G.-T.and Viklande,M.(2007).Optimisation of the Nitrogen Retention Capacity of Stormwater Biofiltration Systems.Paper presented at the NOVATECH 2007,Lyon,France.G.-T. Blecken et al.91。

The following factors have been found to influence water consumption in a major way:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Industrial activity; Meterage; System management; Standard of living; Climate.
rural and suburban communities will use less water per person than industrialized communities. Industry is probably the largest single factor influencing per capita water use.
Many factors influence water use for a given system. For example, the mere fact that water under pressure is available stimulates its use, often excessively, for watering lawns and gardens , for washing automobiles, for operating air-conditioning equipment, and for performing many other activities at home and in industry.
The storage reservoir may be elevated (the ubiquitous water tower), or it may be at ground level. The stored water is used to meet high demand during the day. Storage compensates for changes in demand and allows a smaller treatment plant to be built. Storage is also used to provide emergency backup in case of a fire.

Historically, settled coagulation wastes and backwash waters had been disposed of without treatment. 过去,沉淀的混凝废弃物与反冲水是不经处理而直接排放的。 The practice was justified on the basis that the returned material had originally been present in the river or lake. 基于这些返回的物质是河流与湖泊中原本就有的,这种做法 曾经被认为正确的。
Emphasis is placed on preventing magnesium hydroxide precipitation, since it inhibits dewaterability and processing for recovery of lime. 应当强调的是,由于氢氧化镁抑制脱水性能和 回收石灰的处理,要防止形成氢氧化镁沉淀。
Table 2-2 Treatment and Disposing of Water Treatment Sludges Storage prior to processing Sedimentation basins Separate holding tanks F1occulator-c1arifier basins Thickening prior to dewatering Gravity settling Chemical conditioning prior to dewatering Polymer application Lime addition to alum sludges

第7章 水处理工艺选择 流域管理应该被视为给水系统运行的一部分,这对于保护原水水质非常重要。 在取水构筑物之后,是水的处理工艺。目前在市政水处理的预处理工艺有:筛选,预沉淀或 清淤,化学药剂添加和曝气。 筛选应用在地表水的预处理之中。预沉淀常常用于从河水去 除悬浮物质. 化学处理,在水厂内混凝之前,频繁用于提高预沉淀效果,处理难去除的物质, 如味道和气味的化合物、色度,降低高的细菌浓度。用于预沉淀的传统化学药剂是聚合电解 质和明矾。曝气习惯上是从地下水中除铁除锰的第一步,也是分离溶解性气体如硫化氢和二 氧化碳的标准的方法。用于水厂的处理工艺依赖原水水源和所需的出厂水水质。 选择用于 处理的具体化学药剂基于运行所需反应的有效性和成本。例如,活性炭、氯、二氧化氯和高 锰酸钾都可用于味道和气味的控制。虽然价格最低廉,但过量的氯化,会产生不期望出现的 三卤甲烷。在地表水处理厂中经常提供用于投加两到三种除味的化学药剂的设备,所以操作 者可以选择最有效和最经济的化学应用。没有用于各种水体的色度去除的固定方法。经过足 够预处理明矾混凝,采用化学氧化药剂或者活性炭,可能提供满意的去除。另一方面,更昂 贵的混凝剂有可能证明更加有效并降低整体化学药剂成本。也许在水处理工艺设计要考虑最 重要的是提供灵活性。操作者应该有一些手段来改变某些化学药剂的应用点(投加点)。例 如,加氯的投药管线常常提供满足前投加、中间投加、后投加氯的要求。应该提供多种药剂 进料器和存储容器,使处理工艺能采用不同的化学药剂。原水水质的降解,或者药剂成本的 改变,可能决定了在混凝中混凝剂和助凝剂使用药剂类型的改变。在地表水处理厂情况下, 预留场地以背建额外的预处理设施建设空间是值得考虑的。河水流量可能由于水坝的建设、 渠道的改进或者上游用水而改变。水质会因人为改变和流域的侵占而改变源于市政和工业废 物和农业地表径流的污染物浓度可能增加。湖泊会变得更加富营养化。通过增加曝气装置容 量、增加加氯量,使用沉淀池作为调节池,安装完毕后,水厂生产能力得到扩大,处理工艺 转变成只去除铁锰。目前该水厂只能够运行曝气氧化去除铁锰与氯化消毒。由于水井供水稳 定,全年的出厂水水质优良。图 2-3 的给水处理厂是一个始建于 1950 年代的传统的地表水 处理厂。从那时起,湖水水源日益富营养化,已经提供额外的设备进行味道与气味的控制。 在较差原水水质的关键时期,活性炭、二氧化氯和各种用于提高药品处理的辅助药剂目前是 适宜的。在一年之中的大部分时间,最终出水是非常可口的,但是在春秋季节的湖泊倒层期 间,味道和气味不能够被完全去除。对于水质剧烈变化的浑浊污染的河水而言,应该采用一 个复杂而灵活的处理系统。一般的处理方案包括:用于沉砂的普通沉淀,混合与沉淀,必要 的情况下采用混凝剂;分离处根据原水水质的变化,这个水厂的运行每天都会改变,每个季 节都会改变。即使这样,一些难处理的无机或有机物质仍然能够通过复杂的处理系统。 理以实现部分软化;在澄清池中的絮凝,双媒过滤,加氯获得余氯,pH 调节和结垢控制。 一个河水处理厂应该具有足够的工艺高度,以防止任何污染紧急事件短流的可能性。 第8章 混凝 显然,如果在水的混凝与软化过程中的化学反应将要发生的话,那么化学药剂必须与水进行 混合。在这一章节我们将要开始关注必要的物理方法以完成混凝与软化的过程。 下面将要提出的基本原理对于混合、絮凝以及过滤的操作都是适用的。或者,或者称为快速 混合,是由此化学药剂快速均匀的分布到水中的过程。理想状态下,化学药剂会迅速分散到 水中。在混凝和软化的过程中, 在快速混合中发生的化学反应形成了沉淀。在混凝过程中 形成氢氧化铝或氢氧化铁,而在软化过程中形成碳酸钙和氢氧化镁。在形成沉淀后,有必要 使它们互相碰触,以使得它们能够聚集,然后形成更大的颗粒,叫做絮体。这个接触的过程 叫做絮凝,它是通过缓慢、柔和的混合完成的。在给水处理与污水处理的过程中,混合的程

In some circumstances, these pollutants may be of major concern.
In these cases, processes capable of removing pollutants not adequately removed by secondary treatment are used in what is called tertiary wastewater treatment (these processes have often been called advanced wastewater treatment, or AWT for short). The following processes. sections describe available AWT
Unit 20
Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Although secondary treatment processes, when coupled with disinfection, may remove over 85 percent of the BOD and suspended solids and nearly all pathogens, only minor removal of some pollutants, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, soluble COD, and heavy metals, is achieved .
The biological process is called nitrification/ denitrification. The chemical process is called ammonia stripping.


There are several species of bacteria that are widely found in the aquatic environment but so not normally cause illness in the immuno-competent. They are not therefore particularly associated with health problems from drinking-water. It is important to be aware of them nevertheless, as they have occasionally been associated with disease where people may already be ill with other conditions or their immune system is reduced and unable to cope (Dufour 1990).They are usually known as environmental bacteria, but I have also come across the terms adventitious or heterotrophic in this context (although heterotrophic strictly means they get their source of energy and cellular carbon from the oxidation of organic material, that is, by feeding on plants or animals-rather than photosvnchesis). Where laboratories carry out plare counts, it is often these bacteria that are cultured. There will be many different types of environmental bacturia but the imporiant ones for drinking-water safety are listed here.AeromonasAeromonas are commonly found in both fresh and salt waters. There are several species, each one favouring a particular environmental niche. Aeromonas bydropbila is found mainly in clean river water, Aeromonas sobria in stagnant water and Aeromonas caviae in marine water. They are so common that people have tried to use them in rivers as indicators of pollution. They are known to cause diarrhoea and infection in soft tissue where damaged skin comes into contact with contaminated river or lake water.Aeromonas caviae is the one most commonly associated with diarrhoea. Diarrhoeal infection is usually mild, although more severe symptoms have occasionally been known, including bloody diarrhoea and chronic colitis (inflammation of the colon).Aeromonas have been found in treated chlorinated water and sometimes, there is re-growth in the distribution pipes. Chlorine only appears to have a temporary effect on them and this may mean that it stops them from reproducing but does not kill them. If left (presumably so they can get their breath back and have a bit of a rest after the chlorine attack) they can continue as normal.有一些种类的细菌在水生环境中被发现,但通常不引起疾病immuno-competent。

大学专业英语阅读教程(给水排水与环境工程)单词总结同济大学出版社-李田编著arlex7577 整理part I Water resource and regi slationunit 1 The Hydrologic Cycle1、hydrol ogy 水文学、水文地理学2、hydrol ogic=hydrol ogical3、hydrol ogic cycle 水文循环4、freshwater 淡水的、河水的5、fresh water 淡水、湖水6、precipitate 沉降、下沉7、evaporate 使蒸发、消失8、dewpoint 结露点9、droplet 小滴10、Ideal Gas Law 理想气体定律11、orographic 山岳的、山形的12、terrane 岩层13、convective 传送的、对流的14、schematic 示意的15、diagram 图表、图解16、hydraulic 水力的、水力学的17、precipitation 降水、降雨量、沉淀18、transpiration 蒸发(物)、植物蒸腾作用19、depict 描述、描写20、diagrammatically 用图解法地21、physical works 实际构筑物22、meterologi st 气象学者23、hydrologist 水文学者24、hail (下)冰雹25、sleet 冰雪、雨加雪26、snowpack 积雪场27、thaw 解冻28、discard 丢弃、放弃29、environmental 环境的、周围的30、marketable 时宜销售的31、isolated 隔离的、孤立的32、Madi son avenue 纽约麦迪逊大街unit 2 The World Fresh Water Resource33、integral 整体的、构成整体所需要的34、ecological 生态学的35、harbor 隐匿、庇护36、aquatic 水的、水生的、水憩的37、ecosystem 生态系统38、species 物种、式样39、aqueduct 沟渠、导水管40、desalinate 去处盐分、海水淡化41、arid 干旱的、贫瘠的42、iceberg 冰山、冷冰冰的人43、reverse 相反、颠倒、相反的、颠倒的44、aquifer (土壤)含水层、蓄水层45、rudimentary 根本的、未发展的46、malaria 疟疾、瘴气47、typhoid 伤寒症、伤寒的48、cholera 霍乱49、wetland 湿地、沼泽地50、habitat (动植物)的生活环境。

CO2与零价铁有压系统处理硝酸盐废水研究Chi-Wang Li*, Yi-Ming Chen, Wei-Shuen Yen摘要:本文提出一种新的反应装置进行硝酸盐的去除,反应器中的Fe0(ZVI)成流化状态,并通过加压CO2来控制系统的PH值。
关键词:加压系统;CO2;硝酸盐降解;化学平衡方程式1.导言用ZVI来处理硝酸盐废水已有不少研究者做了这方面的研究,如: Choe(2000)、 Alowitz and cherer(2002)、Westerhoff(2003)、Westerhoff and James(2003)、Choe 2004)、Su and Puls(2004)、Chen(2005)、Liou(2005) Zhang and Huang(2005)、Ruangchainikom (2006)等等。
在他们发表的论文中,提到了在ZVI反应墙(Furukawa et al., 2002; Wilkin et al., 2003)和滤柱(Westerhoff, 2003; Westerhoff and James, 2003)中硝酸盐降解比较慢的反应动力学以及金属表面的金属氧化膜的阻碍反应进行等问题。
由于硝酸盐在酸性PH下具有较高的去除效率(Alowitz and Scherer, 2002; Choe et al.,2004; Zhang and Huang, 2005),我们在以前的研究中提出了一种地上渗透墙系统来处理水体中的硝酸盐,这种系统与PH控制装置合成一体,系统中的ZVI成流化状态(Chen 2005).在这种流化状态的ZVI系统装置中,通过PH控制装置自动的投加强酸性物质(盐酸),系统的PH可以精确控制在适合硝酸盐降解的水平上。

PHA富集产率在0.37到0.50CmmolHA/Cmmol VFA之间变化。
在糖蜜废水中,低氨氮浓度(0.1Nmmol/l)促进了PHA 的储存(0.59 Cmmol HA/Cmmol VFA)。
利用高有机负荷以及低氨氮浓度选择了一种具有稳定储存PHA能力的菌群,富集产率达到0.59Cmmol HA/Cmmol VFA),这一能力与醋酸盐筛选菌相似。

9ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
For example, activated carbon, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and potassium permanganate are all used for taste and odor control. Excess chlorination, although least expensive, can create undesired trihalomethanes; activated carbon is the most effective chemical.
In the case of surface-water treatment plants it is desirable to provide space for the construction of additional pretreatment facilities. The flow in river may change due to construction of dams, channel improvements, or upstream water use.
In surface-water treatment plants equipment for feeding two or three taste- and odorremoval chemicals is usually provided, so the operator can select the most effective and economic chemical applications.

《给水排水专业英语》Lesson 1译文:(第一课)给水工程我们知道,水的供应对生命的生存至关重要。
含水层可延伸相当深度), but because the weight of overburden material generally closes pore spaces(但因为地层负荷过重会压缩(封闭、关闭)土壤孔隙,深度超过600m,即2000英寸,就基本找不到地下水了。
The flow of water out of a soil can be illustrated using Figure 1(土壤中水流如图1所示). The flow rate must be proportional to the area through which flow occurs times the velocity(流量与流水面积成比例,流经该土壤面积的流量等于面积与速率成的乘积), orQ=AvWhere(此式中)Q=flow rate , in m3/sec(流量,单位为m3/s)【cubic meter per second】A=area of porous material through which flow occurs, in m2(渗透性土壤的流水断面,单位为m2)v=superficial velocity, in m/sec(表观流速(表面流速),单位为m/s)表观流速当然不是水在土壤中流动的真实速度,因为土壤固体颗粒所占据的体积大大地降低了水流通过的空间。

Effluent quality for any sedimentation process is dependent upon previous water quality, coagulants added, mixing, flocculation, and filtration. With the exception of presedimentation, sedimentation processes are usually preceded by coagulation and followed by filtration.
Байду номын сангаас
layout n. 规划, 设计, (书刊等)编排, 版面, rectangular adj. 矩形的,成直角的
New words and expressions
Inclined tube n. 斜管 effluent adj. 流出的 n.流出物, 出水 Spherical n. 球形的 球的 deposit n. 沉淀物 堆积物 ;储蓄 存款 Reinforced concrete n. 钢筋混凝土 controversial n. 争论的 争议的 Innovation n. 改革 创新 inclination adj. 倾斜, 弯曲, 倾度, 倾向, 爱好 hexagonal adj. 六角形的 六边形的 backwash n. v. 反洗 反冲洗 module n. 模数,模块,组件
Settling basins are usually provided for chemical coagulation or softening.

During coagulation and softening the chemical reactions that take place in rapid mixing form precipitates. 2-1
Either aluminum hydroxide or iron hydroxide form during the case of coagulation , while calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide form during the case of softening. After forming the precipitates, it is necessary to bring them into contact with one another so that they can agglomerate and form larger particles, called flocs.
The mixing equipment consists of an electric motor, gear-type speed reducer, and either a turbine or axial flow impeller as shown in Fig. 2-4. 6-1
Clearly, if the chemical reactions in coagulating and softening a water are going to take place, the chemical must be mixed with the water.
In this section we will begin to look at the physical methods necessary to accomplish the chemical processes of coagulation and softening.

大学专业英语阅读教程给水排水与环境工程课后练习题含答案IntroductionEnvironmental engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on studying the effects of human impact on the environment, and devising ways to reduce that impact. One of the most important aspects of environmental engineering is the field of water supply and sanitation.In this document, we will be presenting a set of practice questions on the topic of water supply and sanitation, with answers provided at the end.Practice QuestionsQuestion 1Which of the following is NOT a typical method of water treatment?A)Coagulation and flocculationB)FiltrationC)ChlorinationD)IncinerationAnswer: D) Incineration. Incineration is not a typical method of water treatment.Question 2What is the purpose of chlorination in water treatment?A)To remove sedimentB)To remove bacteria and virusesC)To remove dissolved solidsD)To remove taste and odorAnswer: B) To remove bacteria and viruses. Chlorination is the process of adding chlorine to water to kill bacteria and viruses.Question 3What is the difference between primary and secondary sewage treatment?A)Primary treatment removes suspended solids, while secondarytreatment removes dissolved solids.B)Primary treatment is a physical process, while secondarytreatment is a biological process.C)Primary treatment is more expensive than secondary treatment.D)Primary treatment produces more sludge than secondarytreatment.Answer: B) Primary treatment is a physical process, while secondary treatment is a biological process. Primary treatment involves physical processes such as screening, sedimentation and flotation to remove large particles, while secondary treatment involves biological processes such as activated sludge and trickling filters to remove dissolved and suspended organic matter.Question 4What is the purpose of aeration in the activated sludge process?A)To remove bacteria and virusesB)To remove dissolved solidsC)To provide oxygen for the growth of aerobic bacteriaD)To produce biogasAnswer: C) To provide oxygen for the growth of aerobic bacteria. Aeration is the process of adding r to the activated sludge tank to provide oxygen for the growth of aerobic bacteria, which break down organic matter in the wastewater.Question 5What is the purpose of a settling tank in the wastewater treatment process?A)To remove suspended solidsB)To remove dissolved solidsC)To remove bacteria and virusesD)To produce biogasAnswer: A) To remove suspended solids. A settling tank is used to allow the solids in the wastewater to settle to the bottom, so that they can be removed from the wastewater.Question 6What is sludge, and how is it disposed of in the wastewatertreatment process?Answer:Sludge is the solid material that is produced during the wastewater treatment process. It contns the organic matter that has been removedfrom the wastewater. Sludge is typically disposed of by either incineration, land application, or landfill.Question 7What is the purpose of a biosolids treatment plant?A)To remove suspended solids from wastewaterB)To remove bacteria and viruses from wastewaterC)To treat the sludge produced in the wastewater treatmentprocessD)To produce biogasAnswer: C) To treat the sludge produced in the wastewater treatment process. A biosolids treatment plant is used to treat the sludge produced in the wastewater treatment process, so that it can be safely disposed of or used as a fertilizer.ConclusionIn this document, we have presented a set of practice questions on the topic of water supply and sanitation. These questions cover topics such as water treatment, sewage treatment, and sludge disposal. By answering these questions, students can test their knowledge of the subject and prepare for exams.。

土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译-英语论文土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译Building drainage of water-saving techniquesWith people's quality of life,the quality and quantity of water are constantly expanding. Implement sustainable water use and protection of water resources from destruction. And access to healthy water, recycling of water, has become the government and the broad masses of the people the focus of attention. All this gave to the construction of drainage works on the design of the many new requirements, water supply advanced technology of the urgent need to accelerate the pace. This paper will explore more of the building for drainage of water-saving technology; we hope to arouse the awareness of water conservation to build water-saving city efforts. Construction of a water-saving project, in addition to the water saving should formulate laws and regulations to strengthen the management and day-to-day publicity and education use price leverage to promote water conservation work, but also take effective measures, to ensure that the construction of water-saving work carried out in-depth and comprehensive. We are aware that the water supply network's coverage, the extension of transmission mains and the construction of the building because arising from the difference in height, will be used to increase the water pressure before the end of ways to protect the most disadvantaged water points will be adequate water supply, This will be a large number of regional supply of high pressure water supply is. Therefore accessories before the water hydrostatic head greater than outflow, the flow was greater than the rated flow capacity. Beyond the rated flow capacity of that part of the normal flow did not have the use efficiency is a waste of water. As a result of this water is being wasted is not easy to detect and understand, it could be called a "stealth" wasting water.It has been in a different type of floor, the building 67 water distribution points so the overpressure from the measured flow analysis, Statistical results are 55% of the iron spiral movements - taps (hereinafter referred to as "ordinary water") and 61% of the ceramic valve - leading the flow of water-saving more than their rated flow, the super-flow pressure from the state. Two endings the largest flow out of the rated flow capacity of about three times [1]. This shows that in our existing buildings, water supply system overpressure out-flow phenomenon is widespread and it is a fairly serious. In distribution point pressureAs overpressure flow out of the "invisible" water is not wasted paid enough attention to, So in our existing "building water supply and drainage design" and "construction water supply and drainage design GBJ15-20 00 draft "(hereinafter referred to as" draft "), although the water accessories and home support the greatest pressure certain restrictive provisions in [2], but this is only to prevent water from the high pressure parts will lead to damage to the point of consideration, not prevent excess pressure from the out-flow point of view, the pressure is too lenient restrictions on the flow overpressure no fundamental role. Therefore, in accordance with the water supply system overpressure flow from the actual situation, the pressure on the water supply system to make reasonable limit.1.2 measures taken decompressionWater supply system in a reasonable allocation of decompression device is to control pressure within the limits required to reduce excess pressure from the flow of technical support.1.2.1 Jangled nervesRelief valve is a good decompression device, can be divided into proportional (lower left) of direct action and the type (Photo) The former is based on the ratio of the area to determine the proportion of decompression, which can be set under pressure prior decompression, When the water-stop water, you can also be controlling the vacuum tube pressure is not increased, Decompression can achieve dynamic can achieve static decompression.1.2.2 Decompression orifice and conserving Cypriots1106土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译Orifice decompression compared with jangled nerves example, the system is relatively simple, less investment, easy management. The practice of some units, water-saving effects are fairly obvious, If Shanghai Jiao tong University in the school bathroom water pipe installation aperture of 5 mm orifice, water-saving about 43%. But decompression orifice only by the dynamic pressure, static pressure can be reduced and the pressure downstream with the upstream pressure and the flow is changed, is not stable enough. In addition, the vacuum orifice plug easy. In better water quality and water pressure more stable, by using [3]. Cutting expenditure and the role of Cypriot advantages and decompression orifice basically are the same. Suitable for the small diameter and accessories installed to use [3].1.3 adopt water-saving leadingA trial showed that the leading Practical water-saving taps and the general state of the full, flow out of the former than the latter out of the flow. That is the same pressure, the leading water conservation has good water saving, water-saving volume in 20% ~ 30% between. And the higher the pressure ordinary tap water from the larger, water-saving is leading the greater the volume of water-saving. Therefore, should the building (especially in the standard water pressure in water distribution points) leading installation of water-saving, reduce water wastage. In 1999 the Ministry of Construction, State Economic and Trade Commission, State Bureau of Building materials apparatuses jointly issued a document "on the elimination of residential buildings behind the products notified" require large and medium-sized cities in new residential prohibit the use of helical-style cast iron nozzle movements, actively adopt "ceramic cartridge faucets" and "common faucet technical conditions of the ceramic cartridge faucets [4]. Since the main building of our school building earlier in the toilet faucet is still an ordinary spiral movement - iron taps. We have often seen leading loosening and tightening the leading difficulty caused by the leakage phenomenon. In fact, there is such a faucet overpressure caused by the "invisible" huge waste of water. Schools should arouse the concern of the relevant departments, from the long-term interests for the use of water-saving new leader, reduce unnecessary losses.2 vigorously develop the construction of water facilities, "watercourse." As the name suggests is not delivered on the waterways clean water is not sullied by sewage contamination. Residents put a wash, bathing, washing clothes and other water washing and flushing water together, after CO., filtration and disinfection, Sterilization, which imported waterway network, for toilet flushing, washing cars, and pouring green, onto the road and other non-drinking purposes. China therefore waterway is also known as miscellaneous water Road. With a watercourse which cubic meters of water, equivalent to the use of one cubic meters of clean water, emit less nearly a cubic meter of sewage and kill two birds with one stone. Water-saving achieved nearly 50% [3]. Therefore, the channel has many of the world's water shortage in cities used extensively.2.1 full use washing wastewater and other quality miscellaneous drainageThe existing water facilities built in most hotels, colleges, and the basic source for the bathroom bathing wastewater. For some small units, smaller than bathing wastewater, and discharge time is too concentrated, Water facilities are not stable and adequate source of water. And washing with water wastewater, the use of time more evenly, water treatment and the advantages of relatively good, as a water source, to be fully exploited.2.2 Develop and implement as soon as possible the return to the new water quality standardsThe current construction of water reused implementation of the existing “life miscellaneous water quality standards.” The total coli form standards and the requirements of "sanitary standard for drinking water," the same, compared to the developed countries and the Chinese water standards apply to the swim-minus III also strict standards. This has led to two problems: First, many of the existing water works is less than the standard; 2 are fulfilled with a certain degree of difficulty, improve the water project investment and processing cost. So should develop appropriate indicators of the value of water works to promote the spread土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译and popularize. Water Saving water is not limiting, or even prevents the water. But reasonable people to water, efficient use of water and not waste. As long as we pay attention to fit the family's bad habits, we will be able to water-saving around 70% [3]. Water and waste a lot of the habits, such as: flush toilets single wash cigarette butts and broken fine waste; to access a cup of cold water. Many people will not venting water; spend the potatoes, carrots after peeling, washing or after the optional vegetables; when the water stopped (open access customers, answer the phone, change TV channels), not turning off the tap; During the suspension, forget turningoff the tap; toilets, wash, brush, let the water has been flowing; Before sleep, go out, do not check the faucet; equipment leaks, not promptly repaired. From the following table, we can see in many parts of life as long as we interested to note that the conservation of water is very impressive.3 to promote the use of water-saving devicesIn addition to the family of water-saving attention to cultivate good habits of water, using water-saving devices is very important and also the most effective. Some people prefer laissez-faire, but also refused to replace water-saving devices, in fact, so much water is a long time down the uneconomical. Thus vigorously promote the use of water-saving devices is the construction of water-saving important ways and means.3.1Water-saving taps3.1.1 Water Saving leading CeramicsCurrently most of the water-saving taps used Ceramics taps. Such taps compared with ordinary taps, water was typically up to 20% ~ 30%; and other types of water-saving compared to the leading and cheap [3]. Therefore, in the residential buildings of architectural vigorously promote the use of such water-saving lead. We taught thefifth floor of the dormitory building and are used by such leading.3.1.2 Closed since delay tapsSince the delay in the water taps closed after a certain time, shut down automatically to avoid Changliushui phenomenon. Water timing to be in a certain range adjustment, both for the convenience of Health has complied with the water-saving requirements suitable for washing in public places with.3.1.3 Photoelectric controlled tapsClosed since the delay of water-saving taps but water while fixed time and meet the different requirements of the use of the object. Photoelectric controlled taps will be able to overcome the above drawbacks, such as the latest one of the type of infrared device control wash, The first installation will be self-inspection of the device in front of or below the fixed reflectors (for example, vanity) and based on the reflectors adjust their distance from work to avoid the past because of automatic water obstacles closer to the front of regular water, Such intelligent device can wash your hands although below action without washing their hands without water. a long time will wash water and do not have long-term can also regularly flush Water Seal failure to avoid a supply shortage ahead of the police [3].3.2The total water-saving flush3.2.1 Use of small volume cisterns commodeChina is promoting the use of water tanks 6 L fecal water-saving devices, and have flushing water to 4.5 L or even less, stood on the stool available. However, we should also pay attention to the drainage system to ensure the normal work of the use of small volume cisterns commode, otherwise they will be brought to plug the pipeline, not a net wash, and other issues. Two respectively flushing cisterns in urine, flushing water for 4 L (or less); Washing stool, Chong stood at 9 L (or less) [3]. (Map is a two-valve I-Yuan annually to the water tanks, to open the stool below the drain urine when opened above the drain Pictured left is the two-block cisterns switch several forms) Israel's construction regulations require all new buildings to install two respectively wash cisterns. China should also vigorously promoted two respectively cisterns, because one day, the number is far higher than the urine stool frequency. To three homes as an example, per person per day for a meeting of feces, urine four times and the use of existing water tanks L 9, day to 135 L of water; 6 L of water use, 90 L of water a day;土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译and the use of cisterns two respectively, 75 L of water a day, can be seen using two respectively cisterns 9 L 6 L than using more water-saving cisterns [3]. 6 L Yuan annually to the use of water-saving cisterns better results. The use of tanks in two trances another advantage is not right and the replacement of the total drainage system to carry out reform therefore particularly applicable to existing buildings the total replacement of water tanks.UrinalThe United States launched the Urinal-washing, which is not water, the stench from the toilets without using utensils, In fact, only in one end Urinal add special "trap" devices, but because the economic, health, water effectively, So popular station.control UrinalUrinal photoelectric controls in a number of public buildings installations.3.2.4 Delayed flushing valve closedIt is the use of guide-work principle, water officials directly connected with the water pressure high enough circumstances, can protect the instantaneous flushing commode needs to replace tanks and accessories, installation is simple and easy to use, health, low prices, Water-saving effect of the obvious characteristics [3]. We carpentry center is used for such cleaning.3.3 in hot water systems installed in various forms of water-saving devicesIf installed in public bathrooms limited flow orifice, in the cold, hot water imported pressure balance between the installation of equipment; Installation of low-flow plumbing. Inflatable hot water thermostat and cooling, hot water mixed hydrants. 3.4 to further develop various forms of water-saving devices3.4.1 Development of different water taps outSome countries, in different places with different water out of taps, Singapore provides water for washing vegetables pots 6 L / min, shower water 9 L / min; China's Taiwan Province launched the spray-wash special taps, the flow was 1 L / min. In China, various taps most of the rated flow capacity of 0.2 L / s, that is 12 L / min, excessive [4]. Therefore be reasonable to develop taps the rated flow, and gradually installed in different places different from water taps.3.4.2 Vacuum water-saving techniquesTo ensure that sanitary ware and sewer cleaning effect of vacuum technology can be applied to drainage works Most of the air instead of using water, relying on the vacuum of high-speed gas-water mixture, and rapid disposal of the sewage, dirt-gully clean and save water and drain away the effects of dirty air. A complete vacuum drainage system, including: vacuum valve and with a magnitude of suction devices occupants, the closed aqueduct, vacuum collection containers. Vacuum pumps, control equipment and channels and so on. Together with the vacuum generated 40 ~ 5min the negative pressure of sewage pumped to the collection containers, then will collect sewage pump effluent into the municipal sewer. Different types of construction in the use of vacuum technology, the average water-saving exceed 40%. The use of the office building water-saving will rate-70% [2].3.4.3 Development zone leading to the wash waterIn Japan, many families use with the leading water wash, wash all the wastewater into water tanks for back flushing. If the water tank, they can directly turn on the water faucet open. Irrigation water use, it can not only save water but also reduce the costs. At present, the water in China has sales.土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译随着人民生活质量的提高,对供水量和质的要求正不断扩展.同时实施水的可持续利用和保护,使水资源不受破坏,并能进入良性的水质、水量再生循环,也已成为政府和广大人民群众关注的焦点。

Unfortunately, with the exception of the United Nations International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade from 1981 to1990, there has been little follow-up understanding and solving critical water issues, and much of the momentum of that earlier period has lost.
Harsh realities intrude on these dreams. As we approach the 21st century we must now acknowledge that many of our effort of harness water have been inadequate or misdirected.
Fresh water is a fundamental resource, integral to all environmental and societal process. Fresh water ←→ salt water Water is a critical component of ecological cycles. Aquatic ecosystems harbor diverse species and offer many valuable services.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), in his classic poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, effectively described the principal characteristic of the earth’s water resources when he wrote, “water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink”. 97% of all the water on earth is salt water – unsuitable for drinking or growing crops. The remaining 3% is fresh water, comprising a total volume of about 35 million km3.an tradition, the waters of the earth originate in the fountains of the Garden of Eden, which divided into the world’s great stream: the Nile, the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Indus, and the Ganges.

1 景区简介全球范围对饮用水需求的增加,选择水源满足这一需求的方式从传统的来源,如水库、湖泊,转换到较常规来源,如污水二级污水处理。