
如“上古圣人之教下也,皆谓之虚邪贼风”的“贼风”是指引起人伤风感冒的致病因素,即可翻译为现代的医学术语pathogen,无须为了保持外国人并不能欣赏的古典文学及哲学而生硬地翻译为thief wind。

【关键词】医学英语翻译、特点、技巧、专业术语、准确性、语言风格、规范性、文化差异、背景知识、提高水平、建议、重要性1. 引言1.1 医学英语翻译的重要性医学英语翻译在医学领域中起着不可或缺的重要作用。
医学英语翻译的重要性主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 传播医学知识:医学领域的研究成果和临床经验往往是以英语为主要语言进行交流和传播的。
2. 提升医学技术:医学英语翻译不仅仅是简单的将文字进行转换,更重要的是要理解其中涉及的专业术语和概念,只有这样才能确保翻译的准确性。
3. 促进国际合作:医学英语翻译也是不同国家和地区之间医学合作的桥梁。
1.2 医学英语翻译的挑战医学领域的专业术语繁多且专业性强,因此在翻译过程中需要确保术语的准确性和一致性。

中医英语(英语:Medical Chinese)是中医术语的英语表达方式,旨在促进中医的国际交流和传播。
1. 词汇丰富:中医涉及的疾病、症状、药物等词汇非常丰富,需要大量的专业词汇来表达。
2. 语义精确:中医的概念和理论比较独特,需要用精确的英语词汇来表达,以免造成误解。
3. 语法结构灵活:中医英语的语法结构比较灵活,有时需要采用被动语态、从句等复杂句型来表达。
4. 文化背景深厚:中医是中国传统医学的重要组成部分,其理论和实践都深深植根于中国传统文化,因此中医英语也具有深厚的文化背景。

第16卷 第2期 安 徽 中 医 学 院 学 报 V ol16 N o2 1997年 JOU RNA L OF A NHU I T CM CO LL EG E 1997中医英译中医英译中的问题、难点与原则陈家旭(北京中医药大学 北京 100029)关键词:中医英泽中图法分类号:H314.91 中医英译的意义中医药学是一个伟大的宝库,为世界医学的重要组成部分。
据谭毅等1!统计,对1988~1990年美国∀医学文献索引#(Index Medicus,IM)收载∀中西医结合杂志#∃临床论著%的文献分析,被IM 收载率高达95.6%,作者认为这似与原文是否有英文摘要有关。
2 中医英译存在的问题目前,就笔者所见,国内所出版的中医药汉英、英汉词典有:谢竹藩等2!主编的∀汉英常用中医药词汇#,广州中医学院3!编写的∀汉英常用中医词汇#,1987年人民卫生出版社出版的∀汉英医学大词典#4!,王宝祥等5!主编的∀汉英双解实用中医词汇#,郑凤钦6!主编的∀汉英英汉中医大辞典#等。

English translation of the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine AnalysisChinese medicine foreign exchange and business activities have become increasingly frequent, while the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine is Chinese Medicine with the rest of the world exchange a link. How to master Chinese translator English translation of the principles and techniques? What is English translation of the principles of traditional Chinese medic ine? English translation of this paper, analysis of practice in traditional Chinese medicine, try to put the principles of traditional Chinese medicine in English translation. According to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine in English translation, Chinese English translation should observe the following principles: loyalty (faithfulness), accurate (exactness), Unity (consistency). English translation of traditional Chinese medicine "a faithful, accurate and unified" principle, fundamentally speaking, is to adapt to the Chinese language and content specificity. The translation of the standard is basically reflects the transformation of Chinese-English language standards, to meet the standards for Chinese-English translation of the special needs. An English translation of traditional Chinese medicine, "faith" principle and application of traditional Chinese medicine in the English translation of "faithful" is rightly the original language of the express language of the translation. The "faithful" not demanding the same grammar and sentence structure, but requires Information on the connotation of the same weight. Literary Translation in the "similar" or "close" statement can not be set into the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine in the "faithful." Rely on information transmission are equal, that is, the information equivalent, rather than simply "semantic equivalence" [1]. See the following translation of "faithful" on the problem: the original: As the ferrite weak stomach, or blood loss Shangyin long illness, caused by Yinxue lack of cell pulse dystrophy. The original translation: The disease results from chronic splenogastric as2t henia, or yin2blood consumption by bleeding wit h chronic ill2ness, leading to insufficiency and failure to nourish t he uterinecollaterals. On the surface, yet fluent translation. In comparing the "true" principle, we find that the lack of a number of points: First, the original "Yinxue" The information in the translation as "yin2blood", actually "Yinxue" refers to the "blood", translation can not be "Yin" also translated them. "Yin2blood" is clearly the concept of repetition. The second, "Yinxue deficient" refers to blood deficiency, with the insufficiency of the translation misleading impression that there is substantial lack of human blood. In fact, "blood deficiency" does not necessarily the actual reduction of blood volume. Hemopenia can be used to translate the word. The sentence should be translated as follows: new translations: The disease results from chronic splenogastric as2t henia, or yin2consumption by bleeding wit h chronic illness, leading to hemopenia and failure to nourish t he uterine collater2als.2 English translation of traditional Chinese medicine "accurate" principle and application of Chinese English translation of "accurate" principle means: the translator that will convert the contents of the original language to the language translation process of the contents of selected words accurately express the concept of precise, complex and were referred to the right. Literary Translation often encountered exaggeration, metaphor, metonymy and other modification method, the concept of expression is not necessarily very accurate. English translation of traditional Chinese medicine involving the contents of the serious and specific, not the translator on the casual expression. With this principle as the core, you can regulate the current English translation of traditional Chinese medicine practice, some of the less "accurate" translation. Such as: Original: If the gasification dysfunction, will affect the qi, blood, body fluid metabolism, affecting digestion and absorption of dietary compounds affect the sweat, urine and feces excretion, and thus form a variety ofmetabolic disorders. The original translation: The disorder of qi activity can affec t themetabolism of qi, blood and body fluid, affect t he digestion andabsorption of food, and affect sweating, urination and defeca2tion, resulting in various metabolic diseases. Translation will appear in the original three " impact ", all translated, appeared stiff, does not meet the language used in English. To avoid these problems, according to the actual semantics of the original three synonyms were used to translate "impact", affect, impair, inhibit accurate expression of the concept of a complete solution to the problem. The sentence should be translated as follows: new translations: The disorder of qi activity can affect themetabolism of qi, blood and body fluid, impair t he digestion andabsorption of food, and inhibit t he excretion of sweat, urine andfeces, resulting in various metabolic diseases. Chinese English translation of "accurate" principle embodied in the choice of words on the first. And accurate selection of translation words is based on correct understanding of the original. More than just the choice of words from English dictionary to find the corresponding words only. It reflects the translators of the Chinese medicine knowledge and understanding of the depth of Chinese-English bilingual glossary. For example: Original: Semi-pin, one of the ancient practice of acupuncture, which is characterized as a shallow stab and was only half the normal depth, a needle quickly. Translation: "Half2needling" is one of the ancient needingmanipulations, characterized by shallow needling at only halft he usual dept h wit h quick wit hdrawal. Chinese term "acupuncture" in a different mix of English have different expressions. needling is a common translation, acupuncture, and puncture for the more formal concepts such as acupuncture (acupuncture), acupuncture body position (acupuncture pos2ture), acupuncture anesthesia (acupuncture anest hesia), acupuncture (acupuncturet herapy) and so on. This translation, according to the principle of an accurate choice of English words, choose the needling. Translation, only in accordance with its connotations of "accurate" choice of English words in order to ensure that information and concepts of the corresponding conversion. Sometimes, the original lacks accuracy, according to the translator if the original hard-translation, translation will inevitably lead to ambiguity. In this case, the translator also responsible for the verification of the original concept, to determine the original meaning of the task. English Translation of the many errors in traditional Chinese medicine seems to be caused by the original. Some of the original concept and expression does not give rise to misunderstanding the original readers, but the literal translation in the past may make the reader misunderstanding. Only to verify the original translator, accurate translation, translation will reduce the ambiguity. For example: Original: its symptoms of cold and heat exchanges, Xiong Xie bitter full, upset hi vomit quietly do not want to diet, mouth pain throat, dizziness, pulse string and so on. PRESIDENT: Its topical symptoms are alternative chills and fever, hypochondriac and t horacic stuffiness, irascibility, frequent hic2cups, depression, poor appetite, somatic bitterness, dry t hroat, blurred vision and a tense pulse. Text used the word "bitter Xiongxie Man" The term "hard over" to describe the extreme discomfort Xiongxie sense of fullness, vague concepts, translation using the stuffiness, general translation of this concept, so that the original fuzzy get an accurate translation. Chinese English translation of "accurate" principle, the main text and the translation is to provide an accurate flow of conceptual terms, but does not require the wording and Structure of the corresponding surface. To achieve translation of "accurate", the translator should be a solid way to learn Chinese and English language expertise. Similarly, a concept in a different language environment requires a different expression. Translator grasp the translation of "accurate" is just to the original text in translation smooth and appropriate. The general literature on Chinese-English translation, the translator often from an entry on theChinese-English dictionary effectively to find a few translations, a brief screening requirements can be selected. Traditional Chinese medicine is definitely not like the English translation of Chinese-English dictionary from the options that simple. The translator must be based on traditional Chinese medicine expertise to make a choice of English, some word equivalent on the surface actually is a big difference. Some English words, the translator that can translate a text for the concept, but the reader is asked not understand. Chinese English translation of the concept of more stringent limits, but also to the translator's knowledge of languages other than put a higher demand. Meet the need for a translator is only a general understanding of the English word, is far from the English translation of Chinese medicine practitioners, Chinese English translation must be consistent with the needs of English readers. The translator can make the right choice is the key not only to be familiar with traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese, but also be familiar with traditional Chinese medicine in English. 3 English translation of traditional Chinese medicine "unified" principle and the use of TCM English translation of "unity" principle, which is Chinese-English translation of terminology in the translation process at all times should maintain a unified, does not allow arbitrary transformations of the same terminology translation. Of course, Chinese English translation of the "unified" principle to some extent dependent on the concerted efforts of the translator as well as the general authority of department of uniform provisions. Some words in his popularity is often the initial cause trouble to the translators. In the end these words to what to say, really easy, so the translator had to demonstrate their individual had. Such as the Chinese term "triple burner" had been variously translated: triple energizer, tri2energizer, the Sanjiao, the warmers, the heaters and so on. Such non-uniform phenomenon, so that we spend much effort to understand the relevance of the various translations. The World Health Organization promulgated "acupuncture meridians of the International Standardization Program" will "triple burner" be translated as triple energizer, we should be internationally harmonized standards in accordance with this translation. With the "unification" of the translation, Chinese English translation could not be easier. At the same time, maintaining the unity of translation is also to facilitate readers in understanding and smoothly convey information. The principle of unity should be the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine and international bi-directional integration [2]. English translation of traditional Chinese medicine to maintain translation of the term "reunification" There are three ways: (1) with reference to international TCM English monographs and literature, such as the World Health Organization promulgated the "acupuncture meridians of the International Standardization Program" and so on, to keep Chinese English nouns Chinese-English translation of the term unity, international and stability. (2), the most authoritative reference to the new Chinese medicine Chinese-English dictionary. (3) The terms and expressions in English translation must be a long time that people use, the basic convention only after unification. Chinese-English translation of traditional Chinese medicine Chinese medicine is the most difficult terms and phrases properly translated into English, the translator must study harder, continue to read Chinese at home and abroad in English magazines, to grasp the translation movement. Professional Chinese-English Dictionary in English, traditional Chinese medicine field has a strength and authority of the translation has been convention, we should be consciously applied to our translation practice. Some translation is not perfect, but the translator for the time being follow these conventions translation. Because they followed the use of English translation of the long-standing, forming a fixed term, the best of their first with him. To introduce new, not a translator can call the shots, nor is it overnight, need long-term effort [3]. In short, thetransmission of information because of TCM English with the special nature of the existing principles and standards of the various translations is not very appropriate English translation of traditional Chinese medicine, the authors propose a "faithful (faithfulness), accurate (exactness), Unity (consisten2cy)" The English translation of the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with a view to some standard English translation of Chinese medicine. This principle should be to return to English translation in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine to be tested. [References]1 Li Zhao-guo. TCM English translation techniques [M]. Beijing: People's Health Press, 1997.123.2 Lei Luo. Modern Chinese medicine Chinese-English translation skills [M]. Beijing: Chinese Ancient Books Publishing House, 2003. Chen Keji preamble.3 Xie Zhu-fan. With regard to the English translation of TCM terminology discussion [J]. Chinese Journal of Medicine, 2000,20 (9): 7062709中医英语翻译的原则分析中医药对外交流和商务活动日益频繁,而中医英译则是中国与世界其他国家中医药交流的一条纽带。

【关键词】医学英语翻译、专业知识、准确性、术语技巧、文化差异、语言风格、重要性、翻译技巧、翻译质量、学习、提升水平1. 引言1.1 医学英语翻译的重要性医学英语翻译的重要性在医学领域中是至关重要的。
1.2 医学英语翻译的定义医学英语翻译的定义涉及将医学领域的英语文本转化为其他语言的过程。

特点医学英语翻译有以下几个特点:1. 术语丰富:医学领域有大量的专业术语,这些术语通常是拉丁语或希腊语,需要翻译者对其涵义有清晰的理解,才能翻译准确。
2. 表达简洁:医学翻译通常要求精准,易于理解。
3. 翻译难度大:医学英语翻译涉及到一些专业知识,如解剖学、生理学等,需要翻译者具备医学背景知识,才能准确理解译文含义。
4. 翻译对象多样:医学英语翻译的对象包括医学论文、医学书籍、药品说明书、病历记录等,每种对象的特点和难点不同,需要针对性地进行翻译。
技巧1. 熟悉医学术语:翻译者应该掌握医学相关的术语,熟悉医学专业知识。
2. 理解英语句式:英语句子通常是主语在前,谓语在后的结构,而中文通常是主语在前,谓语在后的结构。
3. 注意语境:翻译时需要注意语境,特别是病历记录等涉及到病症描述的文件。
4. 翻译风格:翻译风格应该严谨,准确,具有术语性质。

1. 专业性:医学英语属于专业性语言,具有复杂的医学术语和名词,需要翻译者具备医学专业知识和术语的理解能力。
2. 准确性和一致性:医学文本的翻译要求准确无误,因为医学涉及健康和人的生命,任何错误都可能对患者的生命造成严重影响。
3. 规范性:医学翻译需要遵循一定的规范和标准。
4. 上下文理解:医学文本通常涉及到专业领域的特定背景知识,翻译者需要通过对文本内容的全面理解和上下文的分析,准确把握源语言的意思,并将其转换为目标语言。
5. 文化适应:医学英语翻译需要考虑源语言和目标语言之间的文化差异和习惯用语。
6. 翻译流畅度:医学英语翻译不仅需要准确性,还需要流畅度。
医学英语翻译的技巧包括:1. 充分准备:翻译者需要准备充分,了解医学知识和术语,并且熟悉医学文本的特点和结构,以提高翻译的准确性和专业性。

标签:中医术语;英译;原则[Abstract] With the cultural process of globalization accelerated,as China’s cultural treasure traditional Chinese medicine,more and more loved by people around the world. However,since the English translation of TCM terms of good and bad,to a certain extent hindered the process of internationalization traditional Chinese medicine. This paper reviews the English Translation of traditional Chinese medicine standardization process and the existing problems,explains the pros and cons of different translation principles and corresponding methods provide reference and basis for the Translation traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.[Key words] Chinese terminology;English translation;Principle中医英语翻译充当着中医走向世界的桥梁,然而,中医药英语术语翻译混乱繁杂,一词多译、错译、漏译现象严重,阻碍了中医的进一步国际化发展。

一、医学英语翻译的特点1. 术语丰富、专业性强:医学领域涉及到大量的专业术语和概念,这些术语都有着严格的定义和用法规范,翻译者需要在翻译过程中准确理解这些术语的含义,并保持专业性。
2. 精准性要求高:医学英语翻译的一个重要特点就是精准性要求高。
3. 文体多样:医学文献包括医学论文、临床记录、医学报道等,不同的文体对语言的要求也不同,因此翻译者需要根据文体特点选取合适的翻译风格。
二、医学英语翻译的技巧1. 加强医学知识的学习:医学英语的翻译需要熟悉医学术语和专业知识,因此翻译者需要加强对医学知识的学习,了解医学领域的发展状况和最新进展,掌握医学术语的定义和用法。
2. 注重语言功底的提升:医学英语翻译需要翻译者具备扎实的英语语言功底,包括英语语法、词汇量、表达能力等方面的素质。
3. 保持与行业信息的同步:医学领域的知识和术语是不断更新和发展的,翻译者需要保持与医学领域信息的同步,了解医学新进展和新术语的使用,及时更新自己的医学知识和术语库。
4. 熟练掌握翻译工具:在医学英语翻译的过程中,翻译者可以借助各种翻译工具提高翻译效率和准确性,比如利用专业词典、术语库和翻译软件等,来辅助翻译工作。
5. 保持专业态度和耐心:医学英语翻译需要保持专业的态度和耐心,仔细阅读原文,确保理解原文内容,对一些专业术语和概念需要做出合理的解释和翻译,同时在翻译过程中要保持耐心,确保每一个细节都得到准确翻译。

中医英语翻译的难点英国中医英语翻译家Nigel Wiseman 曾说过这样一句话:“中医翻译难。
很少有人能够、更少有人原意从事这项工作”(Chinese medicine is difficult to translate, and there are few people able-and even fewer people willing-to do it)。


如"Mingmen is the source of Yang qi according to Chinese theory of Five Elements: Mental, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth."在这句话中,“命门”、“五行学说”、“金”、“木”、“水”、“火”、“土”这些都是中华文化特有的医学术语,所以在翻译时应结合音译,意译以及加注的翻译方法来体现民族特色。

[关键词]中药科技英语翻译[中图分类号]H315.9 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2015)12-0061-01一、中药英语的特征中药英语作为科技英语的分支,会在词汇和语法层面上有着科技英语的特征。
如:阴阳:yin and yang、心火:heart fire等都是中药领域的特有词汇,通常这类词汇具有特定的中华内涵特点。
如:中文:头痛,英文headache;中文:疟疾,英文malaria;中文:便秘,英文constipation;中文:白虎汤,英文 baihu decoction。
如:方剂:黄连解毒散应译作:Rhizoma Coptidis Decoctionfor Relieving Toxin四是关于中药名称的翻译。
如:白虎汤可以被译为“Bai Hu Tang”或者是“White Tiger Decoction”,但直译会产生歧义,所以可以译为“Bai Hu Decoction”更恰当。


关于中医英语翻译的若干问题及其发展方向的思考英国中医英语翻译家魏?杰(Nigel Wiseman)曾谈到中医英语翻译时说: Chinese medicine is difficult to translate, and there are few people able- and even fewer willing- to do it.中文大意是说“中医难译,很少有人能够,甚至几乎没有人愿意从事这项工作。

作者:顾建安作者单位:贵阳中医学院外语教学部,贵州贵阳,550002 刊名:贵阳中医学院学报 ISTIC 英文刊名: JOURNAL OF GUIYANG COLLEGE OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE 年,卷(期): 2007 29(1) 分类号: H315.9 关键词:翻译难点特点。
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BI YE LUN WEN(20_ _届)英语中医英语翻译的特点、问题及原则ContentsAbstract (4)1 Introduction (5)2 The Development of the English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine . 62.1 The first developing stage (6)2.2 The second developing stage (6)2.3 The third developing stage (7)2.4 The fourth developing stage (7)2.5 The fifth developing stage (8)3 The Characteristics of the English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (9)3.1 Word coping (9)3.2 Giving definition (10)3.3 Diversified translations (10)4 The Existing Problems of the English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (11)4.1 Lack of translated words (12)4.2 The deviation of understanding (13)5 The Principles of the English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (14)5.1 Focusing on the meaning while losing the form (14)5.2 Contrasting the western medicine, seeking common ground while reservingdifference (16)5.3 Respecting national conditions, maintaining characteristics (17)6 Conclusion (18)Bibliography (20)Acknowledgements (21)摘要随着时代的前进,国内外人士越来越注重健康,这也使得医学得到不断得发展。
关键词:中医英译;发展;特点;问题;原则AbstractAs time goes on, people all over the world pay more attention to their health. This makes medical science develop more quickly. Because of globalization, people do not only focus on their domestic medical science. After Chinese reform and opening-up policy, people all over the world begin to learn about Chinese culture, such as traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore the translation of traditional Chinese medicine plays a very important role on this situation. The good tradition of traditional Chinese medicine not only promotes international communication, spread healthy knowledge but also makes foreign friends learn China’s rich cultural heritage. Even though the translation of traditional Chinese medicine has gone through five stages and scholars have proposed different views, its development is immature and exist many problems. The characteristics of translation about traditional Chinese medicine are word coping, giving definition and diversified translations. This thesis discusses its two problems in detail, lack of translated words and the deviation of understanding, according to its three characteristics. What’s more, this article involves its three main principles. They are a good way to deal with its problems.Key words:traditional Chinese medicine; stages; characteristics; problems; principles1 IntroductionThe translation of traditional Chinese medicine has gone through over 300 hundred years. It is one of treasures about China culture. It has five stages. It plays an important and necessary role in the communication of international world. Recent years, more and more people come to China to learn about traditional Chinese medicine with the “Chinese medicine hot following” a nd the development of the high technology. Therefore, the good translation works can promote the development of Chinese culture, art and technology. What’s more, they are reasonable ways for western people to learn about China. A lot of people, including the public and the scholars, are interested in the traditional Chinese medicine and choose to read some the translation classics. It is easy to point out that Chinese medicine is acceptable by people around the world.At present, the people around the world have found its three characteristics, word coping, giving definition and diversified translation, from its five stages. However, the translation work is very difficult and still exist a lot of problems. The main two problems are lack of translated words and the deviation of understanding. Li Zhaoguo (1997, 03) once said, language of Chinese medicine has a long history just as its theory. Adding the different schools’ achievements, the translation and understanding become more and more difficult. Also, the different cultures and different ways of thinking are main elements to restrict the development of the Chinese medicine’s translation. According to these elements, the translation of Chinese medicine is still in a mess. Even though the scholars do a lot to solve this problem and go out from the mess situation, it does not effect well. The scholars have noticed its difficulty and try their best to seek for some standardized principles.Therefore, as the purpose is to describe the translation’s situation, this thesis will show its five development stages and characteristics briefly in the first and second parts. Besides, the two problems and the three principles will be stated detail in the next two parts.Even the translation of traditional Chinese medicine is in a mess, the definition is accepted by people at home and abroad. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) English is defined as a unique expression of language system that English language was gradually formed during Chinese medicine’s foreign translation and exchanges. It is anew number of English for Specific Purpose (ESP).2 The Development of the English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine2.1 The first developing stageThis stage was from the year of 1676 and ended in 1854. In 1676, the book of Treatise of the Gout was published in London and was translated from Dutch into English. This book was wrote by a staff who suffering gout about 14 years. Also some TMC terminology such as acupuncture and moxibustion were spread into western countries and still in use nowadays. There are many translators participating in translation and most of them are European, Dutch and Chinese missionary. At that time, the translation involved in acupuncture, medicine history, pharmacy and sphygmology and did not rel ated to Chinese classics directly. What’s more, some classics in Latin were published in London.2.2 The second developing stageThis stage was ended in 1949. At this stage, TMC develop more profoundly in the western countries. The scholars in China and western countries exchanged a lot. Because of this, some translations were spread into European countries. Many scholars, especially doctors,joined in or undertook the work directly. Such as History of Chinese Medicine which was written by Wang Jiming and Wu Liande is still read and studied by a lot of scholars (Lan Fengli, 2008, 29). Some scholars tried to translate some Chinese classics,such as Huang Di’s Classic of Internal Medicine and Compendium of Materia Medica. At the same time, this stage was a symbol of the ending about the medicine work in Latin.2.3 The third developing stageDuring this period, the exchange between China and western was influenced by political factors. However the translation work was not be interrupted and developed into a new level. China government set up 20 medical schools in 5 years from the year of 1956. It was the first time that translation work was under the official organization and avoided some translation problems. Translations about Chinese classics were referred to agenda.Also at that time, the translation of Chinese medicine was spread in the standardized mode of transmission. In the year of 1954, Joseph Needham devoted himself to Chinese technology and medicine. Then his achievement, Science and Civilisation in China Series, was published by London, Cambridge University Press. This book shows the science technology and medicine achievement of the ancient China. (Lan Fengli, 2008, 29)It also was a time that ended the use of Latin and conformed to the language development.2.4 The fourth developing stageThis stage was started in 1972 and ended in 1991. During this stage, the translation of TCM had a rapid development. There were two reasons to explain this phenomenon. First, it owned to the China government’s refor m and opening-up policy and the discovery of anti-AIDS medicine. Second, U.S. president Richard Nixon valued the acupuncture anesthesia drug during his Chinese visiting. Moreover, his visiting led to the Chinese medicine and acupuncture treatments entering into the United States again.Chinese translators became the main power in the translation of TCM. What’s more, the translation work was summarized by the practice into theory. For example, according to Min ling (2006:07), Professor Xu Xiangcai published the English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine. He also alone translated Complete Collections of Therapies of Treating outside with Traditional Chinese Herbs.In addition, translation in the western developed in a fast speed. Lan Fengli (2008, 29) pointed out that the U.S. Publication published The American Journal of China Medicine and American Journal of Acupuncture in the year of 1973, theGermany professor of Manfred Porket published The Theoretical Foundation of Chinese Medicine and Systems of Correspondence in England in the year of 1974 and so on.2.5 The fifth developing stageIn this stage, scholars felt that the situation of different views can not meet the new needs of the times as the translation work’s research and s tudy went on. In addition, the problems about lacking of translated words and the deviation of understanding must be solved in time. Therefore, a lot of academic organizations were set up to coordinate the translation work. This time, the translation of TCM had five features. Fist, the research developed into substantive level. Second, the theories of the translation about TCM were acted as research orientations for graduates. Third, the fragmented situation in the translation of TCM was broken. Fourth, some Chinese English medicine book were published and spread. Fifth, the translation work tended to the united.There are a lot of achievements in this period. Nigel Wiseman published A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine in the year of 1992. Paul. U. Unschuld published the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: Nature, Knowledge, Imagery in An Ancient Chinese Medical Text in the year of 2003. What’s more, the WHO published WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region. It built the foundation of traditional medicine.From these five stages, it is easy to conclude that the translation of TCM has a long history. Nevertheless, the history of Chinese people participants is short and the comprehensive translation even shorter. So the translation of TCM has great potential for development.3 The Characteristics of the English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine3.1 Word copingWord coping is a kind of method that transmit the concepts and expressing ways peculiar to traditional Chinese medicine to English through rearranging and combining the words of English. Since TCM has a unique theoretical system, the terminologies’ content is very different from modern medicine. In the areas of anatomy, physiology and pathology, the noun terminologies in TCM and modern medicine are very similar or even identical. However, they are very different in other ways. In this situation, it is very difficult to find these noun terminologies’ equivalents in the English context. The translation of TCM is developed on the basis of TCM. And then, wording coping comes into scholars’ mind.In fact, the early translators use wording coping to translate there noun terminologies. For example,血厥blood syncope血虚blood deficiency活血化瘀activating blood to resolve stasisIn English, there are some words such as liver, blood and deficiency, but has no concept of liver, blood and deficiency. Word coping is a method that use some existing words to expressing specific concepts. These words can not find in English context, but it very important to the translation of TCM.Word coping is reflected not only in the translation of noun terminologies, but also in the sentences. For example,阳常有余,阴常不足。