关于抗菌药物概论 (5)课件
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The brief history of antibacterial drug development
古代: 霉豆腐、霉玉米治疗化脓性感染(疮、痈) In ancient time, people treated the pyogenic infection with mildew tofu and corn
1944:链霉素(氨基糖苷类) Streptomycin (aminoglycosides)
1952:红霉素 (大环内酯类) erythromycin (macrolides)
1962~1979:萘啶酸、诺氟沙星 ( 喹诺酮类)-Nalidixic Acid, norfloxacin (quinolones)
关于抗菌药物概论 (5)
讲授内容 (Contents of the lecture)
一、抗菌药发展简史- The brief history of antibacterial drug development
二、基本概念 (Basic concept) 三、抗菌机制 (Mechanisms of antibacteria) 四、细菌的耐药性 (Drug resistance) 五、合理应用 (Reasonable Medication) 六、药物分类 (Drug classification)
杀菌药(Bacteriocidal drug) :既能抑制细菌的生 长繁殖,又能杀灭细菌的药物 (Drugs are not only capable of inhibiting the growth or reproduction of bacteria but are also able to kill them).
inhibit or destroy bacteria)。
抑菌药(Bacteriostatic drug):仅能抑制细菌的生 长繁殖而无杀灭作用的药物 (Drugs are capable of inhibiting the growth or reproduction of bacteria but are not able to kill them).
Alexander Fleming Howard Florey Ernest Chain
awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1945 for this work.
1. 抗菌药物(antibacterial drugs):是指对病原菌具有抑制或 2. 杀灭作用的药物,属于 化疗药物。 3. Agents that destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria in
concentrations that are safe for the host and can be used as chemotherapeutic agents to prevent or treat bacterial infection
目前: 针对细菌耐药性开发新品种。主攻β-内酰胺类抗生 素和喹诺酮类抗菌药。
Currently, new antibiotic developments are focusing on β- lactam and quinolone groups to reduce the drug resistance.
1929:弗来明 (Alexander Fleming) 发现青霉素。 1929: Alexander Fleming discovered penecillin
1935:(磺胺衍生物)百浪多息(prontosil)治疗抗链球 菌感染,开始了现代抗微生物的药物治疗时代。
1935: prontosil was used for streptococcal infection and it means the modern era of antimicrobial drug began.
1940:弗劳雷 (Florey and Chain) 分离提纯青霉素成 功,开创了抗生素化学治疗的新纪元。
1940: Florey and Chain successfully isolated and puriபைடு நூலகம்ied penicillin, starting the new chemotherapeutical era with antibiotics.
Antimicrobial agents
抗菌药 半合成抗生素(semisynthetic -
微 生 物 药
(antibacterial drugs)
抗病毒药 (synthetic antibacterial
广谱(broad spectrum antibiotic): 对多数细菌有作 用,而且对衣原体、支原体、立克次体、螺旋体及 原虫等也有抑制作用 (An antibiotic against a wide range of microorganisms)。
3、抗菌活性(antibacterial activity):指抗菌药抑 制或杀灭细菌的能力 (The capability of a drug to
antiviral drugs
drugs: Sulfonamides,
Quinolones, Trimethoprim)
2、抗菌谱(antibacterial spectrum):药物的抗菌
范围 (The range of bacteria affected by an antibiotic)
窄谱(narrow spectrum antibiotic): 指仅对单一菌 种或单一菌属有抗菌作用 (An antibiotic effective against a limited number of microorganisms )