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• 例:I was busy last week, otherwise I would have come to see you.
• = I was busy last week. If I had not been busy last week, I would have come to see you.
2 虚拟语气在条件句中的用法
3 虚拟语气在从句中的用法
• 虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,一是用来 表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实,而是一 种假设、猜测、怀疑等(在条件从句中或让步 状语从句中);一是表示说话人的愿望、要求、 命令、建议等 (在宾语从句、表语从句、同位 语从句)。
• ①在suggest,insist,order,demand,request, command,propose,desire等动词后作宾语从句,表示欲 望,建议,命令等时,用虚拟语气。
• 句型 主语+(should)+动词原形 • 例如:
He proposes that we (should) work out a plan first. 他建议我们先定一个计划。
= if I hadn’t given you a present
1.Without the leadership of the Party, there ____no New China.
A. would be B. has been C. should be D. was 1.A
If it rained\should rain\were to rain, we would
call off the match.
1. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there _____ quite such a crowd of people there.(00, 49)
____ so bad now. A. wouldn’t have felt B. don’t feel C. wouldn’t be feeling D. aren’t feeling
5.A 6. C
• 若符合下面条件,可以省略if:
• ①必须是非真实条件句,真实条件句不可省略if。
A.did; set
B. had done; should be set
C. should do; be set D. had done; must be set
16.Had you listened to the doctor, you _____ all right now.
A.are B. were C. would be
1、用with,without, but for, 等介词短语,分词短语 或者独立主格结构来替代条件从句。 例如:we might have died without your help.
=we might have died if you hadn’t helped us. 如果没有你们的帮助,我们早就死了。
• ②只有当非真实条件句中有were, had, should, would等 词时,才可以省略if。
• ③省略if时,主语与were, had, should 的位置必须相互调 换。
• 例:If I should meet her, I would tell her.

=should I meet her, I would tell her.
B. should need
C. would need
D. will need
1.C 2.B
3. If there were no subjunctive mood, English _____ much easier to learn. (09, 52)
A. could have been B. would be
• 注意:suggest 的用法 He suggest that she should leave the house at once. His face suggested that he was angry.
15.The young man insisted that he _____nothing wrong and _____ free.
4. _____ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand ? (04,54)
A. Would you be surprised B. Were you surprised
C. Had you been surprised D. Would you have been surprised
C. will be
D. would have been
4. _____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam. (02, 60)
A. Had it not been B. Hadn’t it been
与现在 事实相 反的假 设
If+主语+动词的过去式 (动词be用were)
主语+should,would, might,could+动词 原形
与过去 相反的 假设
If+主语+had +过去分词
would, might, could +have done
与将来 相反的 假设
1、If+主语+动词过去式 2、If+主语+were to+ 动词原形 3、If+主语+should +动词原形
More practice:
如果我是你,我就会努力学习. If I were you, I would work harder at my lessons.
如果我知道他的电话号码,我就给他打电话了. If I had known his telephone number, I would have called him. 如果明天下雨的话,我们会取消比赛.
eg:I would have given you more money, but I was so poor then.
I would have given you more money , If I were rich then. But I was so poor then.
A. weren’t
B. hasn’t been
C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t be
2. If your car _____ during the first 12 months,take it to an authorized dealer. ( 98, 43)
A. shall need
C. Was it not
D. Were it not
3.B 4.A
5. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he _____ able to advise you much better than I can.
A.would be B. will have been C. was D. were 6.If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you
1.C 2.A
3. Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she _____ much better results now. (08, 52)
A. would be getting
B. could have got
C. must get
D. would get
• 条件句分为两类:
We will succeed if we study hard. 如果我们好好学习, 我们会成功的。
If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky. 我要是只鸟, 我会在空中飞。
3. D 4. D
比较: 主句与从句发生的时间不同
If you had followed the doctor’s advice, you would be all right now. 如果你那时听医生的话,你现在已经好了。 从句:过去时 主句:现在时 主句与从句发生的时间相同
if you had followed the doctor’s advice, you would have been all right then. 如果你那时听医生的话,你那时就好了。 从句:过去时 主句:过去时
主语+should, would might, could+动词
eg:If I had time, I would attend the meeting. If he had hurried ,he could have caught the train. If I were to go abroad ,I would go to America.
3.省略整个条件句 --Such mistakes could have been avoided.
(省略了if we had been more careful). 这样的错误本来是能够避免的。 --I should have caught the train. (省略了
if I had left a little earlier) 我本应该赶上火车的。
• Otherwise否则,不然…
in case 假如
• But that 要不是…
on condition (that)条件是..
• Unless 除非
suppose/supposing (that)假如
• So long as 只要 provide/providing (that)如果..
C. Were I you
D. I had been you
2.____ electronic computers not been used, it would have taken them a long time to solve the complicated problem.
A. Had B. Have C. Has D. Were

If I were in your position, I would do it

=Were I in your position ,I would do it better.

1. ____,I would take an umbrella with me.
A. Had I been you B. I were you
Having known in time, we could have stopped it. =if we had known in time, we could have stopped it.
I had my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.
D. would have been
15.B 16.C
11.The doctor suggested that your brother____ his right hand .
A. avoid to use
B. avoid using
C. has avoid using D. avoided to use.