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She is a teacher.
Order them!
in the dinning room
thirstily this morning. drank
the milk
I drank the milk thirstily in the dinning room this morning.
(careful, carefully)
peacefully(peaceful, peacefully) The girl is sleeping____________ lovely The dog is very__ ______ (love, lovely)
A private conversation Go to the theatre Have a seat Pay attention to It’s none of your
Eg. Don’t be angry with me, I will pay attention next time.
rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地 rude adj. 无礼的,粗鲁的
Don’t be so rude
转身angrily 剧场 rudely loudly 大声地 attention private conversation bear business play theatre angry seat注意 座位
Jackie Chan
This is my private aircraft.
I have a private computer.
This is a private letter.
What about you?
private pri
adj. 私人的
private [‘praivit] adj
Listen to the tape and repeat the sentence.
Finish the text
Last week I went to the _____ . I had a very_____ . The play was very interesting. I did not_____ it. A young man and a young woman were sitting_____me. They were talking_____. I got very angry. I could not hear the _____. I _________. I looked at the man and the woman_______. They did not pay any________. In the end, I could not______ it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said_____. 'It's none of your business,' the young man said _________. 'This is a _________ conversation!'
bear 1. n. 熊 2. v.容忍 I can’t bear you. (bore, born) 2. v.出生(be born) I was born on …
angry adj 生气的 angrily /’æŋgrili/ adv 生气地 get angry
angry with sb 生某人的气
n. 座位 meat heat easy …
v. 坐
Have/take a seat, please. Sit down, please.
attention [ə'tenʃən] n. focus on sth. 注意,重视
pay attention to sth. pay more/some/no/little attention draw/catch the attention of sb. pay more attention to Tom, you should________________ your pronunciation.
5. 主系表
I am a teacher. She is beautiful. We feel tired. …
常见系动词: be keep stay remain seem appear prove turn grow get become make
Lily likes They look flowers. Jimmy is ate lots of tired. He things. My sister hates a boy. handsome. Hannah is I like bananas. smart. They made me sad. You are bad.
n. 会话,会谈
have a conversation with sb. have a conversation about sth. 与某人谈话 谈论某事
a conversation with Yoyo about her English test. I’ll have __________________
not for the public
私人的 opposite word:
private company/ secretary/ school private conversation
Privately adv 私下地,秘密地
in private
school. Yoyo studies in a private ____________. in private/ Let me speak to him _______. privately
My story
We had very good seats.
The play was wonderful, but I did not enjoy it.
Two young people were sitting behind me.
They were talking loudly!
business adj.—adv. 句子结构 主谓宾副地时
loudly adv 大声地
quietly adv 安静地
loud adj/adv 大声的/大声地 quite adj 安静的
aloud adv 大声地
Eg. Don’ t speak loudly, this is hospital. Be quite, listen to me
seat [i:] ea
I like apples. She listened to the news. I love you. …
3. 主谓宾宾
She gave him a pen. My father bought me a little dog. Linda lent me a book. …
4. 主谓宾宾补
I find him tired. We must keep our room clean. We make them happy. …
I got very angry!
I looked at them angrily!
It’s none of your business!
Answer the questions: Where did I go? Did I enjoy it? Who were sitting behind me? What were they doing? What did the man say?
Watch the cartoon and answer questions
Where did the writer go last week? Who was sitting behind him? Why did the writer complain to the people behind him? Did he turn round or not? What did he say? What did the young man say?
n. 戏
watch a play v. 玩儿,演奏 play basketball
play the piano
conversation n. 谈话
con ver
sa tion
conversation [,kɔnvə'seiʃən]
Ainns is not tall. That smells She feels cold. good. Grace has a sister. I found the sky Michael gave me a book. I love you. blue. Leo is a naughty Mary is a quiet girl. boy.
简单陈述句(declarative sentence)
I am a teacher.
You are sitting here. He knew.
He gave me one gilt.
句子结构: 1. 主谓
He smiled. I walk. I don’t know. ……
2. 主谓宾
New words and expressions Grammar Text & Key points
New words and expressions
angrily conversation attention theathre bear
seat business play rudely loudly angry
He closed the door_rudely _______ (rude, rudely)
happily (happy, happily) Linda played with her sister________ carefully She did her homework_____________
talk loudly
pay more attention
Theatre /’θiәtә/ n. 剧场,戏院
thing, think
Movie theatre/cinema 电影院
go to the theatre 去看戏 Eg. I met you at the Capital Theatre last time.
business [‘biznis] n. 生意,商业,交易,事情 do business with sb. 与某人做生意 none of one’s business 不关某人的事 on business 出差 Mr. Smith doesn’t like doing business with ________________foreigners. I’m afraid Linda can’t talk to you right now, because she is___________. on business
一般直接+ly, 如quickly,sadly; 以辅音+y结尾的,变y为i加ly, 如lazy-lazily, happy-happily; 以ll结尾的,直接加y,如fully 以辅音+le结尾的,变e为y,如: able-ably, single-singly; 以原音+e结尾的,去e加ly,如true-truly