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I. Choose the best answer:

1.When someone responds only to the residue of the behavior of another

person ,communication

a. is not effective .

b. is quite effective .

c. also takes place.

d. does not occur.

2.All cultures or institutions are equally valid or fitting ,according to

a. cultural analysis.

b. cultural relativism.

c. cultural absolutism.

d. cultural determinism.

3.Intercultural communication as a field of study is interdisciplinary. Closely related to this field

are the following disciplines except

a. medical studies .

b. sociolinguistics.

c. cultural anthropology.

d. sociology.

4.when you have paid a cashier in the US for your shopping, the cashier will most likely say

a. Thank you

b. Nothing.

c. You’re very rich.

d. You’ve made a great purchas


5.Can I whisper in your ear? I didn’t have a chance to tell you this morning how lovely you look!

A male colleague of an American woman professor walked into the professor’s classroom and

“whispered” in her ear when she was just lecturing to her students. This s hows that

a. Americans make compliments on women’s appearance far more frequently and freely than

Chinese people.

b. Chinese speakers make compliments on women’s appearance as frequently and freely as


c. Americans make compliments on women’s app earance only when the complimented are of

low social status.

d. Chinese speakers make compliments on women’s appearance only when the complimented

are of low social status.

6.When you want to know whether an American is married or single or divorced, you can ask


a. Do you have any children?

b. Are you married?

c. Have you solved your personal problem?

d. Do you have a large family?

7.Your written work has really improved, but you still have a bit of a problem with your

spelling.This is criticism by English standards.

a. direct

b. indirect

c. weak

d. strong

8.When an American expresses thanks for a favor you have done him, you should

a. say It’s my duty.

b. say that’s what I should do .

c. say It’s a pleasure .

d. say That’s the least I can do .

9.When an English woman tells you her real age, you can say

a. That’s what I guess.

b. No, no, you really are much younger than your age.

c. That’s impossible

d. Oh , dear me !You don’t expect that I believe you .

10.By tradition westerners have much stronger sense of privacy than Chinese, because they lay

greater emphasis on

a. collectivism.

b. individualism.

c. relativism.

d. imperialism.

11.When an English tennis champion says well, I’m very keen on tennis,he is employing

speech called

a. irony.

b. understatement.

c. simile.

d. exaggeration.

12.This is x x x’s residence. We are not here at this moment. Please leave your name and

telephone number. W e’ll call you back as soon as we can. when you hear this on the phone, you should know that this comes from

a. a gentleman’s family.

b. an advanced telephone.

c. an answering machine.

d. a lady’s family.

13.The nonverbal elements of the voice is called

a. kinesics.

b. oculesics.

c. proxemics.

d. paralanguag


14.A: When can I come back for my ticket?

B: Don’t worry. It is being taken care of.

B’s response would be regarded by Americans as

a. a polite response.

b. a rude remark..

c. a little information.

d. insufficient information.

15.When a newly-arrived American professor has just conducted his first class with Chinese
