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Make your conversational contribution such as required at the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.
Four Principles
1.数量原则(maxim of quantity) 2.质量原则(maxim of quality) 3.相关准则(maxim of relation) 4.方式原则(maxim of manner)
A.数量准则(maxim of Quantity) 1) Make your contribution as informative as required. 2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.
Thank you!
Conversational Implicature and Cooperative Principles
20120304201 翁京京 20120304203 马密密 20120304205 王雅莛 20120304206 唐晓雯 20120304221 唐 苑
会话含义理论(the theory of conversational implicature ),由美国哲学家格莱斯(Grice)提出。 上个世纪50年代初期,格莱斯就有了该理论初步 设想。
• A: What on earth has happened to the roast beef? • B: The dog is looking very happy.
故意违反合作原则并不一定会造成语言交 流的障 碍,相反还能产生其独特的会话含 义和语言效果。 在与人的交流中,有时该 遵守合作原则,有时却 违反,至于何时遵 守,何时违反,由具体的语境 决定。总之,只有掌握了说话时的环境,双方的 文化背 景等因素,才能正确解读会话含义,领会 说话人的真正意图,有效进行交流。
2)说没有根据的话 A: Beirut is in Peru, is't it? B: And Rome is in Romania, I suppose.
C. Violation of relation
A: You know? Professor Li's wife looks ugly. B: Oh. What a nice day! Isn't it?
A: People say that he is a good guy. B: He looks handsome.
C. Violation of manner
(1)有意使用晦涩,含糊词语 A: Let’s get the kids something. B:O.K. But I veto I-C-E –C-R-E-A-M-S.
Conversational Implicature
• 话语的隐含意义,即“会话含义” • “会话含义”是语用学的核心内容。格莱斯的会
话含义理论,“本质是关于人们如何运用语言的 理论”。
generalized conversational implicature
• 不需要特殊语境就能推导出来的含义
D.方式准则 (maxim of Manner) 1)Avoid obscruity of expression 2)Avoid ambiguity. 3)Be brief 4)Be orderly
Violation of CP
A. Violation of Quantity
1)提供的信息太少 A: Would you mind telling me your address? B:Somewhere in the city.
• “不定冠词+名词”的例子: • X went into a house yesterday and found a
tortoise inside the front door.
particularized conversational implicature
• 需要依赖特殊语境才能推导出来的含义
2)提供的信息太多 A: When did you come back last night B: Around midnight, we finished the meeting.
B. Violation of quality
1)故意不说真实的话 A:How are you? B: I am dead.
1967年,格莱斯于来自百度文库佛大学 William James 讲座 作了三次演讲
第二讲《逻辑与会话》(Logic and Conversation)
中提出了Conversational Implicature and Cooperative Principles
Cooperative Principles
(2)使用歧义词 With so many carrots, I’ll be a real gem. 有这么多克拉(胡萝卜),我是颗真钻石 (发糕)。 (3)重复,啰嗦 If it’s green, we reject it. If it’s too ripe, we reject it. If
it’s bruised, we reject it. If it’s diseased, we reject it. If it’s a dirty, we reject it. If it’s just right, we squash it. (4)无条理 Here files of pins extend their shining rows; puffs, powders, patches, Bibles, trifles, billet- doux.
B.质量准则 (maxim of Quality) 1)Do not say what you believe to be false. 2) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.
C.关系准则 (maxim of Relevance) Be relevant