





与传统机床相比,并联机床具有更高的精度,高刚度的优点,和更高的刚度质量比,所以近些年它得到了行业和机构大量的研究和评估。由美国Giddings & Lewis公司研制的“六足虫”并联机床被认为是21世纪机床领域中的革命性理念。然而这个Stewart平台存在运动耦合的缺点,并且具有复杂的运动学和构件要求十分严格。这类少于六自由度并联机床在行业和机构也因此受到越来越多的关注。意大利Comau研制出了一种命名为Tricept的四条腿的的三自由度并联机床。东北大学已经开发出了一种新型三自由度的三腿平行磨削机床(图1)。与“六足虫”并联机床相比,此三腿平行磨削并联机床具有以下优点:(1)结构简单且具有更大工作空间;(2)动力学方程简单便于控制操作;(3)在工作空间没有运动耦合状态。



2.1 3自由度系统的布局



2.2 运动学和工作空间

移动平台平行于基础平台,一个坐标系统(O- X,Y,Z)选择如图2所示,这种机制的逆向运动学正解方程可以表示为:

123l l l ===其中w=a-b

,2m = ,n=w/2 ,a 和分别表示基础平台的两侧的长度和等边三角形状的移动平台的长度。该机构的位置正解方程可表示为:


222132X l l w Y w Z =








关系。p V (动平台的速度)和l V (腿的延伸率)可以表示为p l V JV = 其中:312




p dl dl dl dX dY dZ V V dt


dt dt



== 该雅克比矩阵计算如下:




]l l J w



如果P ?和 θ?分别代表每分钟位置的变化和动平台的旋转角度,并且K 描述角度对三条腿的线位移,如下方程可以确立:

1kJ P θ?=?

根据上述所提到的,连续的路径控制单元的设计已经完成。三条腿的控制是用C 语言编制的软件程序来实现的。它具有良好的适应性和可移植性。机器人示意图如图4所示。


4. 静力学和动力学分析 4.1 静力学

假设三脚并联机床载荷(如磨削载荷)矩阵是F ,驱动臂力矩阵是1F (图5),则有:



Z F F F F =和11


3[]F F F F =

且根据虚位移理论,正解矩阵为:1T F J F =-,静力学逆解为11()T F J F -=-从上面的静力学分析也可以看出转矩是由平动机构承担的。此外切削力是由三个环节的拉力承担。这个机制在力学结构上是合理的。



根据朗格朗日方程,每条腿的轴驱动力i F 为:

(),1,2,3i i i i

d K K P

F i dt q q q ???=

-+=??? 其中K 是动能,P 的潜在能量,i q 是关节的广义坐标。用于驱动腿如图6所示,忽略关节摩擦力和平移运动机理,可以得出以下的动力学







()(2())()(()sin cos )i i P P P ci ci i ci i

ci ci ci i i ci i i i i m m m m F M X Y Z m l l l l m m l Mg mg l m m θθθθθ===--=+++++--+++∑∑∑

其中ci l 是固定端到质心的距离,m 是连杆i 的质量,m 是较低的联络线振荡环节i 的质量,M 是动平台质量,1θ是连杆i 和底平台夹角。





基于模型的阻抗控制六自由度电液斯图尔平台 摘要—本文详细描述了一个以模型为基础的阻抗控制六自由度电液斯图尔平台,刚体和电液伺服阀模型,包括所用伺服阀模型和一套完整的系统方程,也包括摩擦和泄漏液压原件。所设计的控制器是采用系统动力学和液压模型产生伺服阀电流。控制规则包括反馈和前馈两个单独的部分。根据指定的特性阻抗过滤器会修改所需的轨迹,修改后的轨迹被送入系统模型,以减少非线性液压动力的影响。提出了模拟的典型期望轨迹,并得到了拥有良好性能的控制器。 1.导言 最早的6自由度(DOF)斯图尔特高夫平台是在1954年发明的。在1965年,样机的平行机构被用做一个具有六自由度运动平台的飞行模拟器。此后,许多关于这种机构以及相关研究被发表,该机构可以是电动也可以是液动。许多研究人员已经研究了斯图尔特平台的动力学和运动学。然而驱动力却没有被考虑完全。虽然电动斯图尔平台已被广泛运用,但是很少有研究是关于包括驱动和控制的完整动力学。 阻抗控制被认为是一种积极的兼容的运动控制,主要需要行业应用并于周围环境相互作用,例如数控机床,铣床等。这种控制器同时具有安全性和灵活性,相对而言是首选。 液压科学与控制相结合,得到了新的液压系统的应用。这也是为什么液压系统会被作为一些工业和移动式应用机电驱动的首选。包括它们大批量快速生产的能力,它们的耐久性和刚度,还有他们的响应速度,液压体系不同于机电体系,在液压体系中力或例句输出与执行器的电流是不成真比的,因此,液压执行器不能作为力矩的来源模仿,但是可以作为受控阻抗,所以,要设计出了控制机器人的控制器。驱动力/力矩的虚拟设置在这里始终不可行。 控制技术被用来补偿电动液压伺服系统的非线性。研究人员已经提出了关于液压伺服系统的非线性自适应控制技术的假设、反推以及方式。一个强力的控制器是在非线性定量反馈理论的基础上设计的,已被工业液力执行机构所实现,同时考虑了系统和环境的不确定性。一个电动机械手控制的统一方式适用于任何提案。运动学约束议案,以及机机械臂及其环境之间的动态交互研究已经通过审查。制定所需的机械臂阻抗技术和对一个给定应用程序选择适当的阻抗的技术的最优化理论已经被提出。这里有两种控制机电驱动高夫斯图尔特并行平台机械阻抗的空间几何方法,第一种基于球形位置函数,第二种则是利用指数映射关联有限位移与扭转位移平衡的平台。 一个基于模型的高性能的压接头液压伺服系统前馈反馈阻抗控制器已经被提出,在这里,一个阻抗根据在自由空间或空间接触的行为来调整过滤器所需的轨迹,类似已提交的工作,其中基于位置阻抗控制器工业液压机械手已开发。此外,阻抗控制器研究已在遥控轮式液压伺服系统和重型工程中实施。 在这篇论文中,提及了一种基于模型的六自由度电液伺服斯图尔特关节对称平台阻抗控制器,用于描述刚体斯图尔特平台和液压驱动系统,对比其它方法,这里有伺服模型和摩擦模型。先进的控制方案在分析方案时,应用了刚体、驱动力学和伺服阀的输入电流矢量。控制规律包括两个信号,反馈信号和前馈信号。根据指定的行为阻抗过滤器会修改所需的轨迹。修改后的轨迹被送入系统模型,以减少非线性液压动力的影响。现金控制器的性能说明使用了典型的轨迹。拟议的方法可以扩展到串行或闭链机器人和模拟器。 2系统建模 在本节中,研究了六自由度电液伺服斯图尔特平台的动态模型,这是一个由支架和六个线性驱动器组成的闭环运动体系,该体系的原理如图1所示:


外文资料 The aggregate machine-tool CAD system development and research Abstract aggregate machine-tool CAD is in Window 95/98, Wndows under the NT4.0 environment, designs personnel's special-purpose CAD system with VC5.0 and the AutoCAD R14 ADS/ARX technology development face the aggregate machine-tool.This software technological advance, performance reliable, function strong, convenient practical, has provided the modernized design tool for our country aggregate machine-tool profession. Key word: Aggregate machine-tool CAD jig CAD multi-axle-box CAD 1 uses the aggregate machine-tool CAD technology imperative The aggregate machine-tool is with according to serialized, the standardized design general part and the special purpose machine which composes according to the work piece shape and the processing technological requirement design special-purpose part, belongs to the disposable design, the disposable manufacture piecework product.Therefore, the design quantity is big, the design work is complex.In the


Lathes Lathes are machine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring, Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathes also can do drilling and reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with a single setup of the work piece. Consequently, more lathes of various types are used in manufacturing than any other machine tool. The essential components of a lathe are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, and the leads crew and feed rod. The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides s heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal ways, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets, They are precision-machined to assure accuracy of alignment. On most modern lathes the way are surface-hardened to resist wear and abrasion, but precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The headstock is mounted in a foxed position on the inner ways, usually at the left end of the bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the word at various speeds . Essentially, it consists of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings, and a set of transmission gears-similar to a truck transmission—through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from 8 to 18 speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives. Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types. The spindle has a hole extending through its length, through which long bar stock can be fed. The size of maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through spindle. The tailsticd assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location, An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it, on some type of keyed ways, to permit aligning the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 51 to 76mm(2to 3 inches) in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw. The size of a lathe is designated by two dimensions. The first is known as the swing. This is the maximum diameter of work that can be rotated on a lathe. It is approximately twice the distance between the line connecting the lathe centers and the nearest point on the ways, The second size dimension is the maximum distance between centers. The swing thus indicates the maximum work piece diameter that can be turned in the lathe, while the distance between centers indicates the maximum length of work piece that can be mounted between centers. Engine lathes are the type most frequently used in manufacturing. They are heavy-duty machine tools with all the components described previously and have power drive for all tool movements except on the compound rest. They commonly range in size from 305 to 610 mm(12 to 24 inches)swing and from 610 to 1219 mm(24 to 48 inches) center distances, but swings up to 1270 mm(50 inches) and center distances up


六轴联动机械臂运动学及动力学求解分析 V0.9版 随着版本的不断更新,旧版本文档中的一些笔误得到了修正,同时文档内容更丰富,仿真程序更完善。 作者朱森光 Email zsgsoft@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5210312938.html, 完成时间 2016-02-28

1引言 笔者研究六轴联动机械臂源于当前的机器人产业热,平时比较关注当前热门产业的发展方向。笔者从事的工作是软件开发,工作内容跟机器人无关,但不妨碍研究机器人运动学及动力学,因为机器人运动学及动力学用到的纯粹是数学和计算机编程知识,学过线性代数和计算机编程技术的人都能研究它。利用业余时间翻阅了机器人运动学相关资料后撰写此文,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的作用引发更多的人发表有关机器人技术的原创性技术文章。本文内容的正确性经过笔者编程仿真验证可以信赖。 2机器建模 既然要研究机器人,那么首先要建立一个机械模型,本文将以典型的六轴联动机器臂为例进行介绍,图2-1为笔者使用3D技术建立的一个简单模型。首先建立一个大地坐标系,一般教科书上都是以大地为XY平面,垂直于大地向上方向为Z轴,本文为了跟教科书上有所区别同时不失一般性,将以水平向右方向为X轴,垂直于大地向上方向为Y轴,背离机器人面向人眼的方向为Z轴,移到电脑屏幕上那就是屏幕水平向右方向为X轴,屏幕竖直向上方向为Y轴,垂直于屏幕向外为Z轴,之所以建立这样不合常规的坐标系是希望能够突破常规的思维定势训练在任意空间建立任意坐标系的能力。 图2-1 图2-1中的机械臂,底部灰色立方体示意机械臂底座,定义为关节1,它能绕图中Y轴旋转;青色长方体示意关节2,它能绕图中的Z1轴旋转;蓝色长方体示意关节3,它能绕图中的Z2轴旋转;绿色长方体示意关节4,它能绕图中的X3轴旋转;深灰色长方体示意关节5,它能绕图中的Z4轴旋转;末端浅灰色机构示意关节6即最终要控制的机械手,机器人代替人的工作就是通过这只手完成的,它能绕图中的X5轴旋转。这儿采用关节这个词可能有点不够精确,先这么意会着理解吧。 3运动学分析 3.1齐次变换矩阵 齐次变换矩阵是机器人技术里最重要的数学分析工具之一,关于齐次变换矩阵的原理很多教科书中已经描述在此不再详述,这里仅针对图2-1的机械臂写出齐次变换矩阵的生成过程。首先定义一些变量符号,关节1绕图中Y轴旋转的角度定义为θ0,当θ0=0时,O1点在OXYZ坐标系内的坐标是(x0,y0,0);关节2绕图中的Z1轴旋转的角度定义为θ1,图中的θ1当前位置值为+90度;定义O1O2两点距离为x1,关节3绕图中的Z2轴旋转的角度定义为θ2,图中的θ2当前位置值为-90度;O2O3两点距离为x2,关节4绕图中的X3轴旋转的角度定义为θ3, 图中的θ3当前位置值为0度;O3O4两点距离为x3,关节5绕图中的Z4轴旋转的角度定义为θ4, 图中的θ4当前位置值为-60度;O4O5两点距离为x4,关节6绕图中的X5轴旋转的角度定义为θ5, 图中的θ5当前位置值为0度。以上定义中角度正负值定义符合右手法则,所有角度定义值均为本关节坐标系相对前一关节坐标系的相对旋转角度值(一些资料上将O4O5两点重合在一起即O4O5两点的距离x4退化为零,本文定义x4大于零使得讨论时更加不失一般性)。符号定义好了,接下来描述齐次变换矩阵。 定义R0为关节1绕Y轴的旋转矩阵 =cosθ0 s0 = sinθ0 //c0 R0 =[c0 0 s0 0 0 1 0 0 0 c0 0 -s0 0 0 0 1] 定义T0为坐标系O1X1Y1Z1相对坐标系OXYZ的平移矩阵 T0=[1 0 0 x0 0 1 0 y0 00 1 0 0 0 0 1] 定义R1为关节2绕Z1轴的旋转矩阵 R1=[c1 –s1 0 0 s1 c1 0 0


The Aggregate Machine-tool The Aggregate Machine-tool is based on the workpiece needs, based on a large number of common components, combined with a semi-automatic or automatic machine with a small number of dedicated special components and process according to the workpiece shape and design of special parts and fixtures, composed. Combination machine is generally a combination of the base, slide, fixture, power boxes, multi-axle, tools, etc. From. Combination machine has the following advantages: (1) is mainly used for prism parts and other miscellaneous pieces of perforated surface processing. (2) high productivity. Because the process of concentration, can be multi-faceted, multi-site, multi-axis, multi-tool simultaneous machining. (3) precision and stability. Because the process is fixed, the choice of a mature generic parts, precision fixtures and automatic working cycle to ensure consistent processing accuracy. (4) the development cycle is short, easy to design, manufacture and maintenance, and low cost. Because GM, serialization, high degree of standardization, common parts can be pre-manufactured or mass organizations outsourcing. (5) a high degree of automation, low labor intensity. (6) flexible configuration. Because the structure is a cross-piece, combination. In accordance with the workpiece or process requirements, with plenty of common parts and a few special components consisting of various types of flexible combination of machine tools and automatic lines; tools to facilitate modification: the product or process changes, the general also common components can be reused. Combination of box-type drilling generally used for processing or special shape parts. During machining, the workpiece is generally not rotate, the rotational motion of the tool relative to the workpiece and tool feed movement to achieve drilling, reaming, countersinking, reaming, boring and other processing. Some combination of turning head clamp the workpiece using the machine to make the rotation, the tool for the feed motion, but also on some of the rotating parts (such as the flywheel, the automobile axle shaft, etc.) of cylindrical and face processing. Generally use a combination of multi-axis machine tools, multi-tool, multi-process, multi-faceted or multi-station machining methods simultaneously, productivity increased many times more than generic tools. Since the common components have been standardized and serialized, so can be flexibly configured according to need, you can shorten the design and manufacturing cycle. Multi-axle combination is the core components of general machine tools. It is the choice of generic parts, is designed according to special requirements, in combination machine design process, is one component of a larger workload. It is based on the number and location of the machining process diagram and schematic design combination machine workpiece determined by the hole, cutting the amount of power transmission components and the design of each spindle spindle type movement. Multi-axle power from a common power box, together with the power box installed on the feed slide, to be completed by drilling, reaming and other machining processes. The parts to be processed according to the size of multi-axle box combination machine tool design, based on an original drawing multi-axle diagram, determine the range of design data,


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系部: 专业: 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:English For Electromechanical (用外文写) Engineering 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 此翻译文章简单介绍了各机床的加工原理,并详细介绍了各机床的构造,并对方各机床的加工方法法进行了详细的描述, 翻译用词比较准确,文笔也较为通顺,为在以后工作中接触英 文资料打下了基础。 签名: 年月日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 机床 机床是用于切削金属的机器。工业上使用的机床要数车床、钻床和铣床最为重要。其它类型的金属切削机床在金属切削加工方面不及这三种机床应用广泛。 车床通常被称为所有类型机床的始祖。为了进行车削,当工件旋转经过刀具时,车床用一把单刃刀具切除金属。用车削可以加工各种圆柱型的工件,如:轴、齿轮坯、皮带轮和丝杠轴。镗削加工可以用来扩大和精加工定位精度很高的孔。 钻削是由旋转的钻头完成的。大多数金属的钻削由麻花钻来完成。用来进行钻削加工的机床称为钻床。铰孔和攻螺纹也归类为钻削过程。铰孔是从已经钻好的孔上再切除少量的金属。 攻螺纹是在内孔上加工出螺纹,以使螺钉或螺栓旋进孔内。 铣削由旋转的、多切削刃的铣刀来完成。铣刀有多种类型和尺寸。有些铣刀只有两个切削刃,而有些则有多达三十或更多的切削刃。铣刀根据使用的刀具不同能加工平面、斜面、沟槽、齿轮轮齿和其它外形轮廓。 牛头刨床和龙门刨床用单刃刀具来加工平面。用牛头刨床进行加工时,刀具在机床上往复运动,而工件朝向刀具自动进给。在用龙门刨床进行加工时,工件安装在工作台上,工作台往复经过刀具而切除金属。工作台每完成一个行程刀具自动向工件进给一个小的进给量。 磨削利用磨粒来完成切削工作。根据加工要求,磨削可分为精密磨削和非精密磨削。精密磨削用于公差小和非常光洁的表面,非精密磨削用于在精度要求不高的地方切除多余的金属。 车床 车床是用来从圆形工件表面切除金属的机床,工件安装在车床的两个顶尖之间,并绕顶尖轴线旋转。车削工件时,车刀沿着工件的旋转轴线平行移动或与工件的旋转轴线成一斜角移动,将工件表面的金属切除。车刀的这种位移称为进给。车


大黄蜂机器人六自由度摇摆台 大黄蜂机器人有限公司的六自由度平台系统由采用Stewart机构的六自由度运动平台、计算机控制系统、驱动系统等组成。六自由度运动平台(如下图)的下平台安装在地面上,上 平台为运动平台,它由六只电动缸支承,运动平台与电动缸采用六个虎克铰连接,电动缸与固定基座采用六个虎克铰连接,六只电动缸采用伺服电机驱动的电动缸。计算机控制系统通过协调控制电动缸的行程,实现运动平台的六个自由度的运动,即笛卡尔坐标系内的三个平移运动和绕三个坐标轴的转动。

各主要部分简述如下: 本设备主要由以下部分组成:运动上平台、下平台(基座)、电动缸及伺服 电机、驱动器系统、综合控制及监测系统。 各自功能如下: 上平台:是有效载荷的安装基面,提供六自由度的摇摆运动。 下平台:是六自由度摇摆台的安装基面,需要承受足够大的冲击力。 电动缸及伺服电机:通过控制电动缸活塞杆的行程,实现运动平台台体的六自由度运动,共6套。 驱动器系统:接收用户控制指令,通过控制伺服电机的输入,对伺服电机的输出转速和转角进行控制,达到控制电动缸活塞杆出速度和行程的目的,共6套。 综合控制监测系统:硬件为用户计算机,软件为研制方配合开发;同时,它 还对平台的运动过程进行监测,预防和处理系统的异常情况。

平台总体运动能力指标如上表,具体表述如下: a.平台定位精度及重复定位精度为0.5mm及0.1mm; b.平台转动精度及重复转动精度为0.1°及0.05°; c.行程回差小于0.2mm; d.平台X方向运动速度可从0mm/s到250mm/s连续变化;YZ方向运动 速度可从0mm/s到250mm/s连续变化; e.单支杆可承受轴向力不小于700N; f.单支杆的运动速度可从0m/s到250mm/s连续变化; g.平台中位位置固有频率:不小于40Hz; h.机械组件需具有开放性,可拆卸组装; i.机械设计安全系数不小于 2.0,驱动裕度不小于 3.0; j.额定载荷下,全行程往复工作寿命不小于1×104次,存储寿命不小于48月;


Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2006) 29: 178–183 DOI 10.1007/s00170-004-2493-9
Ferda C. C ? etinkaya
Unit sized transfer batch scheduling in an automated two-machine ?ow-line cell with one transport agent
Received: 26 July 2004 / Accepted: 22 November 2004 / Published online: 16 November 2005 ? Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005 Abstract The process of splitting a job lot comprised of several identical units into transfer batches (some portion of the lot), and permitting the transfer of processed transfer batches to downstream machines, allows the operations of a job lot to be overlapped. The essence of this idea is to increase the movement of work in the manufacturing environment. In this paper, the scheduling of multiple job lots with unit sized transfer batches is studied for a two-machine ?ow-line cell in which a single transport agent picks a completed unit from the ?rst machine, delivers it to the second machine, and returns to the ?rst machine. A completed unit on the ?rst machine blocks the machine if the transport agent is in transit. We examine this problem for both unit dependent and independent setups on each machine, and propose an optimal solution procedure similar to Johnson’s rule for solving the basic two-machine ?owshop scheduling problem. Keywords Automated guided vehicle · Lot streaming · Scheduling · Sequencing · Transfer batches entire lot to ?nish its processing on the current machine, while downstream machines may be idle. It should be obvious that processing the entire lot as a single object can lead to large workin-process inventories between the machines, and to an increase in the maximum completion time (makespan), which is the total elapsed time to complete the processing of all job lots. However, the splitting of an entire lot into transfer batches to be moved to downstream machines permits the overlapping of different operations on the same product while work proceeds, to complete the lot on the upstream machine. There are many ways to split a lot: transfer batches may be equal or unequal, with the number of splits ranging from one to the number of units in the job lot. For instance, consider a job lot consisting of 100 identical items to be processed in a three-stage manufacturing environment in which the ?ow of its operations is unidirectional from stage 1 through stage 3. Assume that the unit processing time at stages 1, 2, and 3 are 1, 3, 2 min, respectively. If we do not allow transfer batches, the throughput time is (100)(1+3+2) = 600 min (see Fig. 1a). However, if we create two equal sized transfer batches through all stages, the throughput time decreases to 450 min, a reduction of 25% (see Fig. 1b). It is clear that the throughput time decreases as the number of transfer batches increases. Flowshop problems have been studied extensively and reported in the literature without explicitly considering transfer batches. Johnson [1], in his pioneering work, proposed a polynomial time algorithm for determining the optimal makespan when several jobs are processed on a two-machine (two-stage) ?owshop with unlimited buffer. With three or more machines, the problem has been proven to be NP-hard (Garey et al. [2]). Besides the extension of this problem to the m -stage ?owshop problem, optimal solutions to some variations of the basic two-stage problem have been suggested. Mitten [3] considered arbitrary time lags, and optimal scheduling with setup times separated from processing was developed by Yoshida and Hitomi [4]. Separation of the setup, processing and removal times for each job on each machine was considered by Sule and Huang [5]. On the other hand, ?owshop scheduling problems with transfer batches have been examined by various researchers. Vickson
1 Introduction
Most classical shop scheduling models disregard the fact that products are often produced in lots, each lot (process batch) consisting of identical parts (items) to be produced. The size of a job lot (i.e., the number of items it consists of) typically ranges from a few items to several hundred. In any case, job lots are assumed to be indivisible single entities, although an entire job lot consists of many identical items. That is, partial transfer of completed items in a lot between machines on the processing routing of the job lot is impossible. But it is quite unreasonable to wait for the
F.C. ?etinkaya (u) Department of Industrial Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa-T.R.N.C., Mersin Turkey E-mail: ferda.cetinkaya@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5210312938.html,.tr Tel.: +90-392-6301052 Fax: +90-392-3654029


机床加工外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 基本加工工序和切削技术 基本加工的操作 机床是从早期的埃及人的脚踏动力车和约翰·威尔金森的镗床发展而来的。它们为工件和刀具提供刚性支撑并可以精确控制它们的相对位置和相对速度。基本上讲,金属切削是指一个磨尖的锲形工具从有韧性的工件表面上去除一条很窄的金属。切屑是被废弃的产品,与其它工件相比切屑较短,但对于未切削部分的厚度有一定的增加。工件表面的几何形状取决于刀具的形状以及加工操作过程中刀具的路径。 大多数加工工序产生不同几何形状的零件。如果一个粗糙的工件在中心轴上转动并且刀具平行于旋转中心切入工件表面,一个旋转表面就产生了,这种操作称为车削。如果一个空心的管子以同样的方式在内表面加工,这种操作称为镗孔。当均匀地改变直径时便产生了一个圆锥形的外表面,这称为锥度车削。如果刀具接触点以改变半径的方式运动,那么一个外轮廓像球的工件便产生了;或者如果工件足够的短并且支撑是十分刚硬的,那么成型刀具相对于旋转轴正常进给的一个外表面便可产生,短锥形或圆柱形的表面也可形成。

平坦的表面是经常需要的,它们可以由刀具接触点相对于旋转轴的径向车削产生。在刨削时对于较大的工件更容易将刀具固定并将工件置于刀具下面。刀具可以往复地进给。成形面可以通过成型刀具加工产生。 多刃刀具也能使用。使用双刃槽钻钻深度是钻孔直径5-10倍的孔。不管是钻头旋转还是工件旋转,切削刃与工件之间的相对运动是一个重要因数。在铣削时一个带有许多切削刃的旋转刀具与工件接触,工件相对刀具慢慢运动。平的或成形面根据刀具的几何形状和进给方式可能产生。可以产生横向或纵向轴旋转并且可以在任何三个坐标方向上进给。 基本机床 机床通过从塑性材料上去除屑片来产生出具有特别几何形状和精确尺寸的零件。后者是废弃物,是由塑性材料如钢的长而不断的带状物变化而来,从处理的角度来看,那是没有用处的。很容易处理不好由铸铁产生的破裂的屑片。机床执行五种基本的去除金属的过程:车削,刨削,钻孔,铣削。所有其他的去除金属的过程都是由这五个基本程序修改而来的,举例来说,镗孔是内部车削;铰孔,攻丝和扩孔是进一步加工钻过的孔;齿轮加工是基于铣削操作的。抛光和打磨是磨削和去除磨料工序的变形。因此,只有四种基本类型的机床,使用特别可控制几何形状的切削工具1.车床,2.钻床,3.铣床,4.磨床。磨削过程形成了屑片,但磨粒的几何形状是不可控制的。 通过各种加工工序去除材料的数量和速度是巨大的,正如在大型车削加工,或者是极小的如研磨和超精密加工中只有面的高点被除掉。一台机床履行三大职能:1.它支撑工件或夹具和刀具2.它为工件和刀具提供相对运动3.在每一种情况下提供一系列的进给量和一般可达4-32种的速度选择。 加工速度和进给 速度,进给量和切削深度是经济加工的三大变量。其他的量数是攻丝和刀具材料,冷却剂和刀具的几何形状,去除金属的速度和所需要的功率依赖于这些变量。 切削深度,进给量和切削速度是任何一个金属加工工序中必须建立的机械参量。它们都影响去除金属的力,功率和速度。切削速度可以定义为在旋转一周时
