case discusion-2 病理生理学双语课件

MODS 病例讨论
(13日)主诉:左上肢断裂,全身多处刀伤,伴流 血疼痛7小时。
现病史:入院前晚全身多处刀伤,左上肢断裂, 大量流血后出现昏迷,在当地医院作伤口处理与 输血、输液治疗。
入院查体:T:37℃,R:22次/分,P:130次/ 分,BP:75/50mmHg。一般情况:神清,烦躁, 脸色苍白,大汗淋漓,左手无感觉,挠动脉搏动 消失。
肾功:Cr:283umol/L, 查体: T: 37.7 ℃,HR:145次/分,BP:
(15日):患者持续镇静,双侧睑结膜充 血水肿,头面部及胸廓肿胀,胸部饱满,皮 下软组织水肿积液。胸腔少量引流液 (100ml/24小时),液面未见明显波动, 胸部抠诊音浊,心音微弱。
实验检查:WBC:12.0 ×109/L, RBC:2.91 ×1012/L, HGB:110g/L, PT:28s,
(13日)主诉:左上肢断裂,全身多处刀伤,伴流 血疼痛7小时。
现病史:入院前晚全身多处刀伤,左上肢断裂, 大量流血后出现昏迷,在当地医院作伤口处理与 输血、输液治疗。
入院查体:T:37℃,R:22次/分,P:130次/ 分,BP:75/50mmHg。一般情况:神清,烦躁, 脸色苍白,大汗淋漓,左手无感觉,挠动脉搏动 消失。
肾功:Cr:283umol/L, 查体: T: 37.7 ℃,HR:145次/分,BP:
(15日):患者持续镇静,双侧睑结膜充 血水肿,头面部及胸廓肿胀,胸部饱满,皮 下软组织水肿积液。胸腔少量引流液 (100ml/24小时),液面未见明显波动, 胸部抠诊音浊,心音微弱。
实验检查:WBC:12.0 ×109/L, RBC:2.91 ×1012/L, HGB:110g/L, PT:28s,

limbic system
Peripheral effector Physical stress response
Emotion stress response
pituitary ACTH↑
Cortex of adrenal gland
(2) Basic effects of stress
Internal factors
Homeostasis, disease, cancer.
Psychological, sociological factors
Work pressure, life rhythm, interpersonal relation
burn operation infection hypoxia Strong light noise necrosis
Definite intensity stimulate
Specific reactions
fester acidosis
non-specific reaction
anxiety dread blood reditribution HR ↑
peri-resistance↑ prolonged
blood redistribition
key organs blood supply
Heart afterload↑ hypertension unfavorable results
3)Respiratory system StressRR faster & deep O2 carrying ↑ tissue O2 supply↑ Respiratory alkalosis tissue lack blood & O2 unfavorable results

l Increase in the size of cells resulting in
increase in the size of the organ l No new cells, just bigger cells l Occurs in cells that cannot divide l Physiologic – weight lifter l Pathologic - cardiac enlargement –
活组织检查(biopsy) 对活体组织采用局部切除、钳取、针吸、
A biopsy is a medical test commonly performed by a surgeon or an interventional radiologist involving sampling of cells or tissues for examination. It is the medical removal of tissue from a living subject to determine the presence or extent of a disease.
1.特点:实质细胞、组织或器官的体积缩小,细胞数 量的减少。
2.类型:(1) 生理性萎缩:老年子宫的萎缩,青春期 的胸腺萎缩
①营养不良性萎缩(inadequate nutrition) 脑缺血→脑萎缩
②压迫性萎缩(pressure) 肾盂积水 → 肾萎缩
③废用性萎缩(decreased workload) 长期卧床 → 肌肉萎缩

1. 低(容三量)性低低钠钠血血症症(—hy—po低n渗at性re脱m水ia) (hypovolemic hyponatremia) (h特y点p:ot失onNaid+大eh于y失dr水a,tio血n清) Na +浓度小于
血浆渗透压小于280mmol/L,伴有细胞外液量的 减少。
交感神经兴奋 凝血功能启动
血管收缩 心功能加强
血液凝固 止血
过 强
严重失血 缺氧 休克 多器官功能衰竭
血管破裂 大出血
CO 交感神经兴奋 BP 儿茶酚胺
小血管收缩 BP
组织 缺氧
BP 血容量 CO
血管麻痹扩张 血管通透性增加 血液外渗
利尿剂 肾脏
功能不全 肾脏疾病
H2O 、 Na+ 减少
消化道失液 第三间隙积液 经皮肤失液
含大量 H2 O、Na +
的液体 丧失
缺氧 细胞坏死、凋亡 器官功能
障碍;②分子机制:如蚕豆病 血红蛋
潜伏期 前驱期 临床症状明显期 转归期
康复 死亡
完全康复:即病因消除,症状消失,受损组、 织细胞的功能、代谢和形态结构完全恢复正常。

Hemorrhage, infection, trauma Sympathetic-adrenal system activation Increase in small blood vessel resistance and redistribution of blood Activation of the sweat glands
Urine output ↓
Sweat vs perspiration
cool and moist skin
Ischemic Anoxia Phase Stagnant Anoxia Phase Irreversible Stage
precapillary resistance < postcapillary resistance Hydrostatic pressure ↑
Angiotension fluid pulled into capillary
Aldosterone ADH Increase blood volume
Blood Pressure Maintained
Mechanisms of Blood pressure maintenance
Clinical Manifestation
Stagnant anoxia stage (decompensatory)
Summary of microcirculation change
⑴ arteriole constriction ↓, but micro-veins still constrict, precapilary resistance < postcapilary. ⑵ tissue perfusion ↑, but flow ↓, perfusion< flow ⑶ true cap. : opened extensively ⑷ nature of hypoxia: stagnant
Urine output ↓
Sweat vs perspiration
cool and moist skin
Ischemic Anoxia Phase Stagnant Anoxia Phase Irreversible Stage
precapillary resistance < postcapillary resistance Hydrostatic pressure ↑
Angiotension fluid pulled into capillary
Aldosterone ADH Increase blood volume
Blood Pressure Maintained
Mechanisms of Blood pressure maintenance
Clinical Manifestation
Stagnant anoxia stage (decompensatory)
Summary of microcirculation change
⑴ arteriole constriction ↓, but micro-veins still constrict, precapilary resistance < postcapilary. ⑵ tissue perfusion ↑, but flow ↓, perfusion< flow ⑶ true cap. : opened extensively ⑷ nature of hypoxia: stagnant

cells and macrophages
General Features of
Local Signs of Inflammation
redness swelling heat pain loss of function
Systemic Manifestations
Fever and leukocytosis
Vascular changes
Increased Vascular Permeability – Mechanism
– Formation of endothelial gaps in venules (endothelial contraction)
– Increased transcytosis
1, Alteration
Degeneration and necrosis
Parenchymal cells – Cellular swelling, fatty
degeneration – Necrosis Interstitial tissues – Edema, mucoid degeneration – fibrinoid necrosis
– Endothelial injury
Increased Vascular Permeability
Exudate and Transudate
Edema denotes an excess of fluid in
the interstitial or serous cavities; it can be either an exudate or transudate
Chapter Four
General Features of
Local Signs of Inflammation
redness swelling heat pain loss of function
Systemic Manifestations
Fever and leukocytosis
Vascular changes
Increased Vascular Permeability – Mechanism
– Formation of endothelial gaps in venules (endothelial contraction)
– Increased transcytosis
1, Alteration
Degeneration and necrosis
Parenchymal cells – Cellular swelling, fatty
degeneration – Necrosis Interstitial tissues – Edema, mucoid degeneration – fibrinoid necrosis
– Endothelial injury
Increased Vascular Permeability
Exudate and Transudate
Edema denotes an excess of fluid in
the interstitial or serous cavities; it can be either an exudate or transudate
Chapter Four
《病理学》英文课件 09 Genital System

Chronic Cervicitis
Chronic Cervicitis
Squamous metaplasia at the transition zone. Mature squamous epithelium is seen to the right of the arrow, and squamous metaplasia is seen to the left. In squamous metaplasia, theቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnuclei may be larger and more immature appearing and the cytoplasm more dense.
CINⅠ: Mild dysplasia CINⅡ: Moderate dysplasia CIN Ⅲ: Severe dysplasia and carcinoma in situ
* begin as lower grade CIN and progress to higher-grade or begin as high-grade CIN * only a fraction of cases progress to invasive carcinoma
The diseases of Genital System
Pathology Department, Basic Medical collage, Fudan University
2015 Jun
Female Genital System
Male Genital System
Normal cervix
Schematic of the development of the cervical transformation zone
病理生理学 pathophysiology 病理生理学是一门研究患病机 …47 优质课件

(1)Etiological factors /Causes of diseases
①A etiological factor causes a disease and determines its characteristics.
② Classification of etiological factors •Biological factors •Physical factors •Chemical factors •Nutritional factors •Immunological factors •Hereditary factors •Congenital factors •Social and psychological factors
Immunological factors
Although the immune response is a normal protective mechanism, it may cause diseases when the response is •inappropriately strong (allergy or hypersensitivity) misdirected (autoimmune disease) deficient (immunodeficiency disease)
Biological factors
Biological agents: microorganisms (such as bacteria, virus, fungi, rickettsia, spirochete, etc.), parasites, and their toxins and metabolic products.
Nutritional imbalance
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of brain e) Breath stop over 15 min under
resuscitation f) Brain ciVegetative state: death of cerebral cortex with alive brain stem.
Health: a normal state in soma,
psyche and social well-being
Chapter 2
1. Etiological factors: the direct cause
1) Biological factor 2) Physiological factor 3) Chemical factor
Chapter 2
3. Precipitating factor
The factor that promote ,intensify the
disease attack.
Chapter 2
三.Development of Disease 1. General rules
1) Damage and Antidamage Responses The fight between etiology and body
60% (±)of body weight Intracellular fluid : 40% Interstitial fluid : 15% Transcellular fluid : 2% Plasma : 5%
defence 2) Interchange of Cause-Effect
The evolution of disease
Chapter 2
2. Basic Mechanisms
1) In systemic level: neurohumoral 2) In cellular level 3) In molecular level
Brain death: the functions of
cerebrum and brain stem stop forever
Chapter 2
a) Irreversible coma and cerebra unresponsiveness
b) Absence of cephalic reflexes c) Dilated and fixed pupil d) Absence of any electrical activity
Chapter 2
Chapter Two Introduction to
Chapter 2
Disease: an abnormal life process
under actions of pathogenic cause with disturbances of"homeostasis".
Chapter 1
Chapter One
General Introduction of Pathophysiology
1. General Concept of Pathophysiology
the causes of disease -- etiology
the mechanism of disease -pathogenesis;
Chapter 2
4) Nutritional imbalance 5) Genetic factor 6) Congenital factor 7) Immunological factor 8) Psychological factor
Chapter 2
2. Predisposing factors
3) Systemic pathophysiology -syndrome
Chapter 1
2. Characteristics & research ways
Of pathophysiology
A bridge between preclinical and clinical medicine
* Animal experiment * Laboratory research (in vitro) * Clinical investigation * Clinical epidemiology
The factors that influences the susceptibility or
resistance to diseases. 1) Genetic constitution 2) Physiological characteristics 3) Psychological characteristics
Chapter 3
Chapter Three
Disorder of Water and Electrolytes Metabolism
Chapter 3
一 Physiology of Water
and Electrolytes Metabolism
(一) Water
Chapter 3
1. Constituent:
the changes within the body that result from diseases and its mechanisms.
Chapter 1
1) Introduction of disease
2) Pathological process: refer to a process in which some common, regular alterations of function, metabolism and structure take place in many difference diseases. e.g. Fever, shock ,edema etc.
Chapter 2
四. Outcome of Disease 1. Recovery: complete, incomplete
Chapter 2
current concept of death: heart
and breath stop forever over intense resuscitation
resuscitation f) Brain ciVegetative state: death of cerebral cortex with alive brain stem.
Health: a normal state in soma,
psyche and social well-being
Chapter 2
1. Etiological factors: the direct cause
1) Biological factor 2) Physiological factor 3) Chemical factor
Chapter 2
3. Precipitating factor
The factor that promote ,intensify the
disease attack.
Chapter 2
三.Development of Disease 1. General rules
1) Damage and Antidamage Responses The fight between etiology and body
60% (±)of body weight Intracellular fluid : 40% Interstitial fluid : 15% Transcellular fluid : 2% Plasma : 5%
defence 2) Interchange of Cause-Effect
The evolution of disease
Chapter 2
2. Basic Mechanisms
1) In systemic level: neurohumoral 2) In cellular level 3) In molecular level
Brain death: the functions of
cerebrum and brain stem stop forever
Chapter 2
a) Irreversible coma and cerebra unresponsiveness
b) Absence of cephalic reflexes c) Dilated and fixed pupil d) Absence of any electrical activity
Chapter 2
Chapter Two Introduction to
Chapter 2
Disease: an abnormal life process
under actions of pathogenic cause with disturbances of"homeostasis".
Chapter 1
Chapter One
General Introduction of Pathophysiology
1. General Concept of Pathophysiology
the causes of disease -- etiology
the mechanism of disease -pathogenesis;
Chapter 2
4) Nutritional imbalance 5) Genetic factor 6) Congenital factor 7) Immunological factor 8) Psychological factor
Chapter 2
2. Predisposing factors
3) Systemic pathophysiology -syndrome
Chapter 1
2. Characteristics & research ways
Of pathophysiology
A bridge between preclinical and clinical medicine
* Animal experiment * Laboratory research (in vitro) * Clinical investigation * Clinical epidemiology
The factors that influences the susceptibility or
resistance to diseases. 1) Genetic constitution 2) Physiological characteristics 3) Psychological characteristics
Chapter 3
Chapter Three
Disorder of Water and Electrolytes Metabolism
Chapter 3
一 Physiology of Water
and Electrolytes Metabolism
(一) Water
Chapter 3
1. Constituent:
the changes within the body that result from diseases and its mechanisms.
Chapter 1
1) Introduction of disease
2) Pathological process: refer to a process in which some common, regular alterations of function, metabolism and structure take place in many difference diseases. e.g. Fever, shock ,edema etc.
Chapter 2
四. Outcome of Disease 1. Recovery: complete, incomplete
Chapter 2
current concept of death: heart
and breath stop forever over intense resuscitation